void medPacsSelector::readSettings( void ) { QList<QVariant> nodes; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup("medBrowserPacsNodesToolBox"); nodes = settings.value("nodes").toList(); settings.endGroup(); fillWidget(nodes); }
void medBrowserPacsNodesToolBox::readSettings(void) { QList<QVariant> nodes; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup("medBrowserPacsHostToolBox"); d->hostTitle = settings.value("title").toString(); d->hostAddress = settings.value("address").toString(); d->hostPort = settings.value("port").toString(); settings.endGroup(); settings.beginGroup("medBrowserPacsNodesToolBox"); nodes = settings.value("nodes").toList(); settings.endGroup(); fillWidget(nodes); }
ReorderDialog::ReorderDialog(QWidget *parent, SoundFileList *list) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::ReorderDialog) { qDebug("Entering ReorderDialog::ReorderDialog()..."); ui->setupUi(this); this->list = list; fillWidget(0); connect(list, SIGNAL(moved(int)), this, SLOT(fillWidget(int))); connect(ui->bottom, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moveBottom())); connect(ui->down, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moveDown())); connect(ui->down10, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moveTenDown())); connect(ui->up10, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moveTenUp())); connect(ui->up, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moveUp())); connect(ui->top, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(moveTop())); }
StatisticsDialog::StatisticsDialog(KileProject *project, KileDocument::TextInfo* docinfo, QWidget* parent, KTextEditor::View *view, const char* name, const QString &caption) : KPageDialog(parent), m_project(project), m_docinfo(docinfo), m_view(view) { setObjectName(name); setFaceType(Tabbed); setCaption(caption); setModal(true); setButtons(Help | Close | User1 | User2); setDefaultButton(Close); showButtonSeparator(false); setButtonText(User1, i18n("Copy")); setButtonText(User2, i18n("Copy as LaTeX")); setHelp("statistics"); m_summarystats = new long[SIZE_STAT_ARRAY]; m_summarystats[0] = m_summarystats[1] = m_summarystats[2] = m_summarystats[3] = m_summarystats[4] = m_summarystats[5] = 0; const long* stats; QString tempName; KileWidget::StatisticsWidget* tempWidget; KileWidget::StatisticsWidget* summary; KileDocument::TextInfo* tempDocinfo; m_hasSelection = false; // class variable, if the user has selected text, summary = new KileWidget::StatisticsWidget(mainWidget()); KPageWidgetItem *itemSummary = new KPageWidgetItem(summary, i18n("Summary")); addPage(itemSummary); summary->m_commentAboutHelp->setText(i18n("For information about the accuracy see the Help.")); // we have in every case a summary tab m_pagetowidget[itemSummary] = summary; m_pagetoname[itemSummary] = i18n("Summary"); if (m_docinfo->getDoc()->activeView()->selection()) { // the user should really have that doc as active in which the selection is m_hasSelection = true; } if (!m_project) { // the active doc doesn't belong to a project setCaption(i18n("Statistics for %1", m_docinfo->getDoc()->url().fileName())); stats = m_docinfo->getStatistics(m_view); fillWidget(stats, summary); } else { // active doc belongs to a project setCaption(i18n("Statistics for the Project %1", m_project->name())); KILE_DEBUG() << "Project file is " << project->baseURL() << endl; QList<KileProjectItem*> items = project->items(); if (m_hasSelection) { // if the active doc has a selection stats = m_docinfo->getStatistics(m_view); fillWidget(stats, summary); // if yes we fill the summary widget and are finished } else { for(QList<KileProjectItem*>::iterator i = items.begin(); i != items.end(); ++i) { KileProjectItem *item = *i; if (item->type() == KileProjectItem::ProjectFile) { // ignore project files continue; } tempDocinfo = item->getInfo(); if(tempDocinfo && tempDocinfo->getDoc()) { // closed items don't have a doc tempName = tempDocinfo->getDoc()->url().fileName(); stats = tempDocinfo->getStatistics(m_view); for (uint j = 0; j < SIZE_STAT_ARRAY; j++) { m_summarystats[j] += stats[j]; } tempWidget = new KileWidget::StatisticsWidget(); KPageWidgetItem *itemTemp = new KPageWidgetItem(tempWidget, tempName); addPage(itemTemp); KILE_DEBUG() << "TempName is " << tempName << endl; m_pagetowidget[itemTemp] = tempWidget; m_pagetoname[itemTemp] = tempName; fillWidget(stats, tempWidget); } else { m_notAllFilesOpenWarning = true; // print warning } } fillWidget(m_summarystats, summary); if (m_notAllFilesOpenWarning) { summary->m_warning->setText(i18n("To get statistics for all project files, you have to open them all.")); } KILE_DEBUG() << "All keys in name " << m_pagetoname.keys() << " Nr. of keys " << m_pagetowidget.count() << endl; KILE_DEBUG() << "All keys in widget " << m_pagetowidget.keys() << " Nr. of keys " << m_pagetowidget.count() << endl; } } // setInitialSize( QSize(550,560), true); }