Exemplo n.º 1
void Database_Config_Bible::setValue (string bible, const char * key, string value)
  if (bible.empty ()) return;
  string filename = file (bible, key);
  string dirname = filter_url_dirname (filename);
  if (!file_or_dir_exists (dirname)) filter_url_mkdir (dirname);
  filter_url_file_put_contents (filename, value);
Exemplo n.º 2
// Deliver the created CSS.
// $path: If given, it saves the CSS to $path.
// The function returns the CSS as a string.
string Styles_Css::css (string path)
  string css = filter_string_implode (code, "\n");
  if (path != "") {
    filter_url_file_put_contents (path, css);
  return css;
Exemplo n.º 3
void client_logic_usfm_resources_update ()
  // The Cloud stores the list of USFM resources.
  // It is stored in the client files area.
  // Clients can access it from there.
  string path = client_logic_usfm_resources_path ();
  Database_UsfmResources database_usfmresources;
  vector <string> resources = database_usfmresources.getResources ();
  filter_url_file_put_contents (path, filter_string_implode (resources, "\n"));
Exemplo n.º 4
// Queue task $command to run later, with $parameters for that task.
void tasks_logic_queue (string command, vector <string> parameters)
  // The file on disk will contain the command on the first line,
  // and any parameters on the following lines, one parameters per line.
  vector <string> lines;
  lines.push_back (command);
  lines.insert (lines.end(), parameters.begin(), parameters.end());
  // The filename to write to contains seconds and microseconds.
  string seconds = convert_to_string (filter_date_seconds_since_epoch ());
  string time = seconds + filter_string_fill (convert_to_string (filter_date_numerical_microseconds ()), 8, '0');
  string file = filter_url_create_path (tasks_logic_folder (), time);
  // On Windows the microtime is not fine enough.
  // This leads to one task overwriting a previous one in case it is queued immediately after.
  // Deal with that problem here: Ensure the filename is unique.
  file = filter_url_unique_path (file);
  // Save it.
  command = filter_string_implode (lines, "\n");
  filter_url_file_put_contents (file, command);
Exemplo n.º 5
void database_privileges_client_create (const string & user, bool force)
  // The path to the file with privileges for the $user.
  string path = database_privileges_client_path (user);
  // Without $force, if the file exists, we're done.
  if (!force) {
    if (file_or_dir_exists (path)) return;
  // If needed, create the folder.
  string folder = filter_url_dirname (path);
  if (!file_or_dir_exists (folder)) filter_url_mkdir (folder);
  // The bits of privileges in human-readable form.
  string privileges = Database_Privileges::save (user);
  // Write the privileges to disk.
  filter_url_file_put_contents (path, privileges);
Exemplo n.º 6
void Database_NoteAssignment::assignees (string user, vector <string> assignees)
  filter_url_file_put_contents (path (user), filter_string_implode (assignees, "\n"));
Exemplo n.º 7
void Database_Config_General::setValue (const char * key, string value)
  string filename = file (key);
  filter_url_file_put_contents (filename, value);
Exemplo n.º 8
void export_bibledropbox (string user, string bible)
  Webserver_Request request;
  Database_Bibles database_bibles;
  Database_Users database_users;
  Database_Mail database_mail = Database_Mail (&request);

  string tag = translate ("Submit to the Bible Drop Box") + ": ";
  Database_Logs::log (tag + bible, Filter_Roles::translator ());

  // Temporal USFM directory.
  string directory = filter_url_tempfile ();
  filter_url_mkdir (directory);

  // Take the USFM from the Bible database.
  // Generate one USFM file per book.
  vector <int> books = database_bibles.getBooks (bible);
  for (auto book : books) {
    // The USFM data of the current book.
    string bookdata;
    // Collect the USFM for all chapters in this book.
    vector <int> chapters = database_bibles.getChapters (bible, book);
    for (auto chapter : chapters) {
      // Get the USFM code for the current chapter.
      string usfm = database_bibles.getChapter (bible, book, chapter);
      usfm = filter_string_trim (usfm);
      // Add the chapter USFM code to the book's USFM code.
      bookdata.append (usfm);
      bookdata.append ("\n");
    // The filename for the USFM for this book.
    string filename = Export_Logic::baseBookFileName (book);
    string path = filter_url_create_path (directory, filename + ".usfm");
    // Save.
    filter_url_file_put_contents (path, bookdata);
  // Compress USFM files into one zip file.
  string zipfile = filter_url_create_path (directory, Export_Logic::baseBookFileName (0) + ".zip");
  string archive = filter_archive_zip_folder (directory);
  filter_url_rename (archive, zipfile);
  <form action="SubmitAction.phtml" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  <p>Your name: <input type="text" name="nameLine" size="40" /> </p>
  <p>Your email address: <input type="text" name="emailLine" size="50" /></p>
  <p>Language/Project name: <input type="text" name="projectLine" size="35" /></p>
  <p>I have the authority to submit this data: <input type="checkbox" name="permission" value="Yes">
  What is your main goal here (optional): <input type="text" name="goalLine" size="80" />
  <input type="checkbox" name="photoBible" value="Yes">
  OpenDocument <input type="checkbox" name="odfs" value="Yes">
  PDF <input type="checkbox" name="pdfs" value="Yes">
  Zip file containing your Bible file(s) <input type="file" name="uploadedZipFile" size="50" />
  <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="5000000" />
  <input type="file" name="uploadedMetadataFile" size="50" />
  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />
  // Bible Drop Box submission URL.
  string url = "http://freely-given.org/Software/BibleDropBox/SubmitAction.phtml";
  // Form values to POST.
  map <string, string> post;
  post ["nameLine"] = user;
  post ["emailLine"] = database_users.getUserToEmail (user);
  post ["projectLine"] = bible;
  post ["permission"] = "Yes";
  post ["goalLine"] = "Bible translation through Bibledit";
  // Just one request: Is it possible to make the Bibledit submission system default to turning off the three check-boxes for the tasks that take heavy processing on The Bible Drop Box: PhotoBible, ODFs using the Python interface to LibreOffice (which is slow compared to the Pathway method of creating the XML files directly), and PDF exports (via TeX). If the user is only after, say a Sword module, it's quite a heavy cost to wastefully produce these other exports.
  //post ["photoBible"] = "Yes";
  //post ["odfs"] = "Yes";
  //post ["pdfs"] = "Yes";
  post ["submit"] = "Submit";
  // Submission and response.
  string error;
  string response = filter_url_http_upload (url, post, zipfile, error);
  if (!error.empty ()) {
    Database_Logs::log (tag + error, Filter_Roles::translator ());
    database_mail.send (user, "Error submitting to the Bible Drop Box", error);
  size_t pos = response.find ("<head>");
  if (pos != string::npos) {
    response.insert (pos + 6, "<base href=\"http://freely-given.org/Software/BibleDropBox/\">");
  database_mail.send (user, "Result of your submission to the Bible Drop Box", response);

  // Done.
  Database_Logs::log (tag + translate("Ready"), Filter_Roles::translator ());
Exemplo n.º 9
string manage_index (void * webserver_request)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;

  string page;

  Assets_Header header = Assets_Header (translate("Manage"), webserver_request);
  header.addBreadCrumb (menu_logic_settings_menu (), menu_logic_settings_text ());
  page = header.run ();

  Assets_View view;
  string success;
  string error;
  // Force re-index Bibles.
  if (request->query ["reindex"] == "bibles") {
    Database_Config_General::setIndexBibles (true);
    tasks_logic_queue (REINDEXBIBLES, {"1"});
    redirect_browser (request, journal_index_url ());
    return "";
  // Re-index consultation notes.
  if (request->query ["reindex"] == "notes") {
    Database_Config_General::setIndexNotes (true);
    tasks_logic_queue (REINDEXNOTES);
    redirect_browser (request, journal_index_url ());
    return "";

  // Delete a font.
  string deletefont = request->query ["deletefont"];
  if (!deletefont.empty ()) {
    string font = filter_url_basename (deletefont);
    bool font_in_use = false;
    vector <string> bibles = request->database_bibles ()->getBibles ();
    for (auto & bible : bibles) {
      if (font == Fonts_Logic::getTextFont (bible)) font_in_use = true;
    if (!font_in_use) {
      // Only delete a font when it is not in use.
      Fonts_Logic::erase (font);
    } else {
      error = translate("The font could not be deleted because it is in use");
  // Upload a font.
  if (request->post.count ("uploadfont")) {
    string filename = request->post ["filename"];
    string path = filter_url_create_root_path ("fonts", filename);
    string fontdata = request->post ["fontdata"];
    filter_url_file_put_contents (path, fontdata);
    success = translate("The font has been uploaded.");

  // Assemble the font block html.
  vector <string> fonts = Fonts_Logic::getFonts ();
  vector <string> fontsblock;
  for (auto & font : fonts) {
    fontsblock.push_back ("<p>");
    fontsblock.push_back ("<a href=\"?deletefont=" + font+ "\" title=\"" + translate("Delete font") + "\"> ✗ </a>");
    fontsblock.push_back (font);
    fontsblock.push_back ("</p>");
  view.set_variable ("fontsblock", filter_string_implode (fontsblock, "\n"));

  view.enable_zone ("client");
  view.set_variable ("cloudlink", client_logic_link_to_cloud (manage_index_url (), ""));
  view.enable_zone ("server");
  view.set_variable ("success", success);
  view.set_variable ("error", error);
  page += view.render ("manage", "index");

  page += Assets_Page::footer ();
  return page;
Exemplo n.º 10
// Indexes a $bible $book $chapter for searching.
void search_logic_index_chapter (string bible, int book, int chapter)
  Database_Bibles database_bibles;
  string usfm = database_bibles.getChapter (bible, book, chapter);
  string stylesheet = Database_Config_Bible::getExportStylesheet (bible);

  vector <string> index;
  set <string> already_processed;
  vector <int> verses = usfm_get_verse_numbers (usfm);
  for (auto verse : verses) {

    string raw_usfm = filter_string_trim (usfm_get_verse_text (usfm, verse));

    // In case of combined verses, the bit of USFM may have been indexed already.
    // Skip it in that case.
    if (already_processed.find (raw_usfm) != already_processed.end ()) continue;
    already_processed.insert (raw_usfm);

    index.push_back (search_logic_verse_separator ());
    index.push_back (convert_to_string (verse));
    index.push_back (search_logic_index_separator ());

    index.push_back (raw_usfm);
    string usfm_lower = unicode_string_casefold (raw_usfm);

    index.push_back (search_logic_index_separator ());

    index.push_back (usfm_lower);
    // Text filter for getting the plain text.
    Filter_Text filter_text = Filter_Text (bible);
    filter_text.text_text = new Text_Text ();
    filter_text.initializeHeadingsAndTextPerVerse (true);
    filter_text.addUsfmCode (raw_usfm);
    filter_text.run (stylesheet);

    string raw_plain;
    // Add the clean verse texts.
    map <int, string> texts = filter_text.getVersesText ();
    for (auto & element : texts) {
      raw_plain.append (element.second + "\n");
    // Add any clean headings.
    map <int, string> headings = filter_text.verses_headings;
    for (auto & element : headings) {
      raw_plain.append (element.second + "\n");
    // Add any footnotes.
    raw_plain.append (filter_text.text_text->getnote ());
    // Clean up.
    raw_plain = filter_string_trim (raw_plain);
    index.push_back (search_logic_index_separator ());

    index.push_back (raw_plain);
    string plain_lower = unicode_string_casefold (raw_plain);

    index.push_back (search_logic_index_separator ());

    index.push_back (plain_lower);
  index.push_back (search_logic_index_separator ());
  // Store everything.
  string path = search_logic_chapter_file (bible, book, chapter);
  filter_url_file_put_contents (path, filter_string_implode (index, "\n"));
Exemplo n.º 11
string bible_import_usfm (void * webserver_request)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;
  string page;
  page = Assets_Page::header (translate ("Import USFM"), webserver_request, "");
  Assets_View view = Assets_View ();
  string success_message;
  string error_message;
  // The name of the Bible.
  string bible = access_bible_clamp (request, request->query["bible"]);
  view.set_variable ("bible", filter_string_sanitize_html (bible));
  // Whether the user has write access to this Bible.
  bool write_access = access_bible_write (request, bible);
  if (write_access) view.enable_zone ("write_access");

  // USFM data submission.
  if (request->post.count ("submit")) {
    // Submission may take long if there's a lot of data or the network is slow.
    string data = request->post ["data"];
    data = filter_url_tag_to_plus (data);
    data = filter_string_trim (data);
    if (data != "") {
      if (unicode_string_is_valid (data)) {
        string datafile = filter_url_tempfile ();
        filter_url_file_put_contents (datafile, data);
        success_message = translate("Import has started. See Journal for progress.");
        tasks_logic_queue (IMPORTUSFM, { datafile, bible });
      } else {
        error_message = translate("Please supply valid Unicode UTF-8 text.");
    } else {
      success_message = translate("Nothing was imported.");

  // File upload.
  if (request->post.count ("upload")) {
    string datafile = filter_url_tempfile () + request->post ["filename"];
    string data = request->post ["data"];
    if (!data.empty ()) {
      filter_url_file_put_contents (datafile, data);
      success_message = translate("Import has started. See Journal for progress.");
      tasks_logic_queue (IMPORTUSFM, { datafile, bible });
    } else {
      error_message = translate ("Nothing was uploaded");
  view.set_variable ("success_message", success_message);
  view.set_variable ("error_message", error_message);
  page += view.render ("bible", "import_usfm");
  page += Assets_Page::footer ();
  return page;
Exemplo n.º 12
void export_quickbible (string bible, bool log)
  string directory = filter_url_create_path (Export_Logic::bibleDirectory (bible), "quickbible");
  if (!file_or_dir_exists (directory)) filter_url_mkdir (directory);

  Database_Bibles database_bibles;
  string stylesheet = Database_Config_Bible::getExportStylesheet (bible);

  string yet_contents;
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "shortName", bible));
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "longName", bible));
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "description", bible));
  yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("info", "locale", "en"));
  vector <int> books = database_bibles.getBooks (bible);

  for (auto book : books) {
    string bookname = Database_Books::getEnglishFromId (book);
    yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("book_name", convert_to_string (book), bookname, ""));
  for (auto book : books) {
    // The .yet to .yes converter only handles books > 0.
    if (book) {
      vector <int> chapters = database_bibles.getChapters (bible, book);
      for (auto chapter : chapters) {
        // The .yet to .yes converter only handles chapters > 0.
        if (chapter) {
          Filter_Text filter_text = Filter_Text (bible);
          filter_text.initializeHeadingsAndTextPerVerse (true);
          string usfm = database_bibles.getChapter (bible, book, chapter);
          filter_text.addUsfmCode (usfm);
          filter_text.run (stylesheet);
          map <int, string> text = filter_text.getVersesText ();
          for (auto & element : text) {
            int verse = element.first;
            // The .yet to .yes converter only handles verses > 0.
            if (verse) {
              string bk = convert_to_string (book);
              string ch = convert_to_string (chapter);
              string vs = convert_to_string (element.first);
              string tx = element.second;
              if (tx.empty ()) tx = "empty";
              yet_contents.append (export_quickbible_tabify ("verse", bk, ch, vs, tx));
  string bible_yet = filter_url_create_path (directory, "bible.yet");
  filter_url_file_put_contents (bible_yet, yet_contents);
  string yet2yes_jar = filter_url_create_root_path ("export", "YetToYes2.jar");
  string bible_yes = filter_url_create_path (directory, "bible.yes");
  filter_shell_run ("", "java", { "-jar", yet2yes_jar, bible_yet, bible_yes }, NULL, NULL);
  string quickbible_html_source = filter_url_create_root_path ("export", "quickbible.html");
  string quickbible_html_destination = filter_url_create_path (directory, "quickbible.html");
  filter_url_file_cp (quickbible_html_source, quickbible_html_destination);
  Database_State::clearExport (bible, 0, Export_Logic::export_quick_bible);
  if (log) Database_Logs::log (translate("Exported to Quick Bible") + " " + bible, Filter_Roles::translator ());
Exemplo n.º 13
void Text_Text::save (string name)
  filter_url_file_put_contents (name, get ());
Exemplo n.º 14
string bible_import (void * webserver_request)
  Webserver_Request * request = (Webserver_Request *) webserver_request;
  string page;
  Assets_Header header = Assets_Header (translate("Import"), webserver_request);
  header.setNavigator ();
  header.addBreadCrumb (menu_logic_settings_menu (), menu_logic_settings_text ());
  header.addBreadCrumb (bible_manage_url (), menu_logic_bible_manage_text ());
  page = header.run ();
  Assets_View view;
  string success_message;
  string error_message;
  // The name of the Bible.
  string bible = access_bible_clamp (request, request->query["bible"]);
  view.set_variable ("bible", filter_string_sanitize_html (bible));
  int book = Ipc_Focus::getBook (webserver_request);
  int chapter = Ipc_Focus::getChapter (webserver_request);

  // Whether the user has write access to this Bible.
  bool write_access = access_bible_write (request, bible);
  if (write_access) view.enable_zone ("write_access");

  // USFM data submission.
  if (request->post.count ("submit")) {
    // Submission may take long if there's a lot of data or the network is slow.
    string data = request->post ["data"];
    data = filter_url_tag_to_plus (data);
    data = filter_string_trim (data);
    if (data != "") {
      if (unicode_string_is_valid (data)) {
        string datafile = filter_url_tempfile ();
        filter_url_file_put_contents (datafile, data);
        success_message = translate("Import has started. See Journal for progress.");
        tasks_logic_queue (IMPORTBIBLE, { datafile, bible, convert_to_string (book), convert_to_string (chapter) });
      } else {
        error_message = translate("Please supply valid Unicode UTF-8 text.");
    } else {
      success_message = translate("Nothing was imported.");
    // User imported something into this Bible: Set it as the default Bible.
    request->database_config_user()->setBible (bible);

  // File upload.
  if (request->post.count ("upload")) {
    string datafile = filter_url_tempfile () + request->post ["filename"];
    string data = request->post ["data"];
    if (!data.empty ()) {
      filter_url_file_put_contents (datafile, data);
      success_message = translate("Import has started. See Journal for progress.");
      tasks_logic_queue (IMPORTBIBLE, { datafile, bible, convert_to_string (book), convert_to_string (chapter) });
    } else {
      error_message = translate ("Nothing was uploaded");
    // User imported something into this Bible: Set it as the default Bible.
    request->database_config_user()->setBible (bible);
  view.enable_zone ("enable_upload");
  view.enable_zone ("disable_upload");
  view.set_variable ("success_message", success_message);
  view.set_variable ("error_message", error_message);
  page += view.render ("bible", "import");
  page += Assets_Page::footer ();
  return page;
Exemplo n.º 15
void sword_logic_refresh_module_list ()
  Database_Logs::log ("Refreshing list of SWORD modules");
  string out_err;
  // Initialize SWORD directory structure and configuration.
  string sword_path = sword_logic_get_path ();
  filter_url_mkdir (sword_path);
  string swordconf = "[Install]\n"
                     "DataPath=" + sword_path + "/\n";
  filter_url_file_put_contents (filter_url_create_path (sword_path, "sword.conf"), swordconf);
  string config_files_path = filter_url_create_root_path ("sword");
  filter_shell_run ("cp -r " + config_files_path + "/locales.d " + sword_path, out_err);
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
  filter_shell_run ("cp -r " + config_files_path + "/mods.d " + sword_path, out_err);
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
  // Initialize basic user configuration.
  sword_logic_installmgr_initialize ();
  filter_shell_run ("echo yes | installmgr -init", out_err);
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
  // Sync the configuration with the online known remote repository list.
  if (!sword_logic_installmgr_synchronize_configuration_with_master ()) {
    Database_Logs::log ("Failed to synchronize SWORD configuration with the master remote source list");
    // Since this could be a network failure, exit from the entire update routine.
    // The advantage of existing already at this stage is that the list of known SWORD resources
    // will be left untouched in case of a network error.
  filter_shell_run ("echo yes | installmgr -sc", out_err);
  filter_string_replace_between (out_err, "WARNING", "enable? [no]", "");
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
  // List the remote sources.
  vector <string> remote_sources;
  sword_logic_installmgr_list_remote_sources (remote_sources);
  filter_shell_run ("installmgr -s", out_err);
  sword_logic_log (out_err);
  vector <string> lines = filter_string_explode (out_err, '\n');
  for (auto line : lines) {
    line = filter_string_trim (line);
    if (line.find ("[") != string::npos) {
      line.erase (0, 1);
      if (line.find ("]") != string::npos) {
        line.erase (line.length () - 1, 1);
        remote_sources.push_back (line);
        Database_Logs::log (line);
  vector <string> sword_modules;
  for (auto remote_source : remote_sources) {
    if (!sword_logic_installmgr_refresh_remote_source (remote_source)) {
      Database_Logs::log ("Error refreshing remote source " + remote_source);
    filter_shell_run ("echo yes | installmgr -r \"" + remote_source + "\"", out_err);
    filter_string_replace_between (out_err, "WARNING", "type yes at the prompt", "");
    sword_logic_log (out_err);

    vector <string> modules;
    sword_logic_installmgr_list_remote_modules (remote_source, modules);
    for (auto & module : modules) {
      sword_modules.push_back ("[" + remote_source + "]" + " " + module);
    filter_shell_run ("installmgr -rl \"" + remote_source + "\"", out_err);
    lines = filter_string_explode (out_err, '\n');
    for (auto line : lines) {
      line = filter_string_trim (line);
      if (line.empty ()) continue;
      if (line.find ("[") == string::npos) continue;
      if (line.find ("]") == string::npos) continue;
      modules.push_back ("[" + remote_source + "]" + " " + line);
    for (auto module : modules) {
      sword_modules.push_back (module);
    Database_Logs::log (remote_source + ": " + convert_to_string (modules.size ()) + " modules");
  // Store the list of remote sources and their modules.
  // It is stored in the client files area.
  // Clients can access it from there too.
  string path = sword_logic_module_list_path ();
  filter_url_file_put_contents (path, filter_string_implode (sword_modules, "\n"));
  Database_Logs::log ("Ready refreshing SWORD module list");
Exemplo n.º 16
// This saves the data to file $name: the name of the file to save to.
void OnlineBible_Text::save (string name)
    storeData ();
    string data = filter_string_implode (output, "\n");
    filter_url_file_put_contents (name, data);