bool Databases::buildMap(const dBase &db, Common::StringMap &map) const { int fLanguage = findField(db, "Langage", dBase::kTypeString); int fGroup = findField(db, "Nom" , dBase::kTypeString); int fSection = findField(db, "Section", dBase::kTypeString); int fKeyword = findField(db, "Motcle" , dBase::kTypeString); int fText = findField(db, "Texte" , dBase::kTypeString); if ((fLanguage < 0) || (fGroup < 0) || (fSection < 0) || (fKeyword < 0) || (fText < 0)) return false; const Common::Array<dBase::Record> &records = db.getRecords(); Common::Array<dBase::Record>::const_iterator record; for (record = records.begin(); record != records.end(); ++record) { Common::String key; key += db.getString(*record, fLanguage) + ":"; key += db.getString(*record, fGroup ) + ":"; key += db.getString(*record, fSection ) + ":"; key += db.getString(*record, fKeyword ); map.setVal(key, db.getString(*record, fText)); } return true; }
void initialiseString() { FieldBlock *count = NULL, *value, *offset; string_class = findSystemClass0(SYMBOL(java_lang_String)); registerStaticClassRef(&string_class); if(string_class != NULL) { count = findField(string_class, SYMBOL(count), SYMBOL(I)); value = findField(string_class, SYMBOL(value), SYMBOL(array_C)); offset = findField(string_class, SYMBOL(offset), SYMBOL(I)); } /* findField doesn't throw an exception... */ if((count == NULL) || (value == NULL) || (offset == NULL)) { jam_fprintf(stderr, "Error initialising VM (initialiseString)\n"); exitVM(1); } count_offset = count->offset; value_offset = value->offset; offset_offset = offset->offset; /* Init hash table and create lock */ initHashTable(hash_table, HASHTABSZE, TRUE); }
Object *classlibThreadPreInit(Class *thread_class, Class *thrdGrp_class) { MethodBlock *system_init_mb, *main_init_mb; FieldBlock *thread_status_fb, *eetop_fb; Object *system, *main, *main_name; init_mb_with_name = findMethod(thread_class, SYMBOL(object_init), SYMBOL(_java_lang_ThreadGroup_java_lang_String__V)); init_mb_no_name = findMethod(thread_class, SYMBOL(object_init), SYMBOL(_java_lang_ThreadGroup_java_lang_Runnable__V)); thread_status_fb = findField(thread_class, SYMBOL(threadStatus), SYMBOL(I)); eetop_fb = findField(thread_class, SYMBOL(eetop), SYMBOL(J)); system_init_mb = findMethod(thrdGrp_class, SYMBOL(object_init), SYMBOL(___V)); main_init_mb = findMethod(thrdGrp_class, SYMBOL(object_init), SYMBOL(_java_lang_ThreadGroup_java_lang_String__V)); if(init_mb_with_name == NULL || init_mb_no_name == NULL || system_init_mb == NULL || main_init_mb == NULL || thread_status_fb == NULL || eetop_fb == NULL) return NULL; CLASS_CB(thread_class)->flags |= JTHREAD; thread_status_offset = thread_status_fb->u.offset; eetop_offset = eetop_fb->u.offset; if((system = allocObject(thrdGrp_class)) == NULL) return NULL; executeMethod(system, system_init_mb); if(exceptionOccurred()) return NULL; if((main = allocObject(thrdGrp_class)) == NULL || (main_name = Cstr2String("main")) == NULL) return NULL; executeMethod(main, main_init_mb, system, main_name); if(exceptionOccurred()) return NULL; return main; }
int classlibInitialiseNatives() { Class *field_accessor; FieldBlock *base_fb = NULL; char *dll_path = getBootDllPath(); char *dll_name = getDllName("java"); char path[strlen(dll_path) + strlen(dll_name) + 2]; strcat(strcat(strcpy(path, dll_path), "/"), dll_name); sysFree(dll_name); if(!resolveDll(path, NULL)) { jam_fprintf(stderr, "Error initialising natives: couldn't open " " use -verbose:jni for more " "information\n"); return FALSE; } field_accessor = findSystemClass0(SYMBOL( sun_reflect_UnsafeStaticFieldAccessorImpl)); if(field_accessor != NULL) base_fb = findField(field_accessor, SYMBOL(base), SYMBOL(sig_java_lang_Object)); if(base_fb == NULL) { jam_fprintf(stderr, "Error initialising natives: %s " "missing or malformed\n", SYMBOL(sun_reflect_UnsafeStaticFieldAccessorImpl)); return FALSE; } hideFieldFromGC(base_fb); return initialiseJVMInterface(); }
void InputFileText::readData(std::vector<T> &buff, int ncol, long frow, long lrow) { if(!isOpened()) throw IOException("Error in InputFileText::readData() ", 0); int buff_sz = lrow - frow + 1; int buff_off = 0; fileStream.clear(); fileStream.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); buff.resize(buff_sz); for(int i = frow; i < lrow+1; i++) { std::string line; if(getline(fileStream, line)) { int first = 0; int last = 0; int colCounter = 0; while(colCounter <= ncol && colCounter <= ncols) { findField(line,first,last,last); colCounter++; } if(colCounter == ncol+1) { std::istringstream ist(std::string(line,first,last-first)); ist >> buff[buff_off++]; } } else throw IOException("InputFileText::readData()", 0);
void mainThreadSetContextClassLoader(Object *loader) { FieldBlock *fb = findField(thread_class, SYMBOL(contextClassLoader), SYMBOL(sig_java_lang_ClassLoader)); if(fb != NULL) //INST_DATA(main_ee.thread)[fb->offset] = (uintptr_t)loader; INST_DATA(main_thread.thread)[fb->offset] = (uintptr_t)loader; }
static void buildResultFieldMap(struct genePredReader* gpr) /* determine indices of fields for current result and fill in the mapping * table. */ { int iCol = 0, iFld; char *fname; /* initialize to not used */ for (iFld = 0; iFld < GENEPREDX_NUM_COLS+1; iFld++) gpr->queryToFldMap[iFld] = -1; /* build sparse field map */ while ((fname = sqlFieldName(gpr->sr)) != NULL) { if (sameString(fname, "bin")) { if (iCol != 0) errAbort("bin column not first column in %s", gpr->table); gpr->rowOffset = 1; } else { struct field* field = findField(fname); if (field != NULL) { gpr->queryToFldMap[iCol] = field->fldIdx; gpr->optFields |= field->optFlag; } } gpr->queryCols++; iCol++; } gpr->numFields = optFieldsToNumFields(gpr->optFields); }
IFile& IFile::scanField(const std::string&name,std::string&str){ if(!inMiddleOfField) advanceField(); if(!*this) return *this; unsigned i=findField(name); str=fields[i].value; fields[i].read=true; return *this; }
void classlibCacheClassLoaderFields(Class *loader_class) { FieldBlock *classes_fb = findField(loader_class, SYMBOL(classes), SYMBOL(sig_java_util_vector)); FieldBlock *parent_fb = findField(loader_class, SYMBOL(parent), SYMBOL(sig_java_lang_ClassLoader)); if(classes_fb == NULL || parent_fb == NULL) { jam_fprintf(stderr, "Expected \"classes\" and/or \"parent\" field " "missing in java.lang.ClassLoader\n"); exitVM(1); } hideFieldFromGC(classes_fb); ldr_classes_offset = classes_fb->u.offset; ldr_parent_offset = parent_fb->u.offset; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void PdmObject::addFieldNoDefault(PdmFieldHandle* field, const QString& keyword, PdmUiItemInfo * fieldDescription) { field->setUiItemInfo(fieldDescription); field->setKeyword(keyword); field->setOwnerObject(this); assert(findField(keyword) == NULL); m_fields.push_back(field); }
/** * Найти описание поля * * Если поля нет, то оно создается */ TagHelper AdHocCommand::lookupField(const char *name) { TagHelper field = findField(name); if ( field ) return field; field = new XmlTag("field"); field->setAttribute("var", name); (*this)["command"]["x"] += (XmlTag*)field; return field; }
shared_ptr <T> findFieldValue(const string& fieldName) const { shared_ptr <headerField> field = findField(fieldName); if (field) return dynamicCast <T>(field->getValue()); else return null; }
bool Table::removeField(const QString& sFieldName) { int index = findField(sFieldName); if( index != -1) { m_fields.remove(index); return true; } return false; }
/** * Вернуть значение поля */ std::string AdHocCommand::getFieldValue(const char *name, const char *default_value) { TagHelper field = findField(name); if ( field ) { TagHelper value = field->firstChild("value"); if ( value ) return value; } return default_value; }
//FIXME void printStringObject(O obj) { int offset; O char_obj; FieldBlock_t *fb = (FieldBlock_t *) findField(java_lang_String, "value", "[C"); offset = fb->offset; char_obj = *(((O *) obj->data) + offset - 1); printf("String:%s\n", (char *) char_obj->data); }
void SolvedElectrostaticSystem::saveFieldGNUPlot(std::string fileName) { if(!fieldFound) findField(); std::ofstream outputFile;; for(int i=iMin; i<=iMax; i++) { for(int j=jMin; j<=jMax; j++) { outputFile << i << " " << j << " " << field(i-iMin, j-jMin) << "\n"; } outputFile << "\n"; } outputFile.close(); }
void initString() { if (java_lang_String == NULL) java_lang_String = loadClass("java/lang/String"); FieldBlock_t *count; FieldBlock_t *value; FieldBlock_t *offset; count = (FieldBlock_t *) findField(java_lang_String, "count", "I"); value = (FieldBlock_t *) findField(java_lang_String, "value", "[C"); offset = (FieldBlock_t *) findField(java_lang_String, "offset", "I"); if ((count == NULL) || (value == NULL) || (offset == NULL)) throwException("initString error"); count_offset = count->offset; value_offset = value->offset; offset_offset = offset->offset; inited = TRUE; }
int classlibInitialiseJNI() { FieldBlock *buffCap_fb, *buffAddr_fb, *rawdata_fb; Class *buffer_class; /* Cache class and method/fields for JNI 1.4 NIO support */ buffer_class = findSystemClass0(SYMBOL(java_nio_Buffer)); buffImpl_class = findSystemClass0( SYMBOL(java_nio_DirectByteBufferImpl_ReadWrite)); rawdata_class = findSystemClass0(sizeof(uintptr_t) == 4 ? SYMBOL(gnu_classpath_Pointer32) : SYMBOL(gnu_classpath_Pointer64)); if(buffer_class == NULL || buffImpl_class == NULL || rawdata_class == NULL) return FALSE; buffImpl_init_mb = findMethod(buffImpl_class, SYMBOL(object_init), SYMBOL(_java_lang_Object_gnu_classpath_Pointer_III__V)); buffCap_fb = findField(buffer_class, SYMBOL(cap), SYMBOL(I)); rawdata_fb = findField(rawdata_class, SYMBOL(data), sizeof(uintptr_t) == 4 ? SYMBOL(I) : SYMBOL(J)); buffAddr_fb = findField(buffer_class, SYMBOL(address), SYMBOL(sig_gnu_classpath_Pointer)); if(buffImpl_init_mb == NULL || buffCap_fb == NULL || rawdata_fb == NULL || buffAddr_fb == NULL) return FALSE; registerStaticClassRef(&buffImpl_class); registerStaticClassRef(&rawdata_class); buffCap_offset = buffCap_fb->u.offset; buffAddr_offset = buffAddr_fb->u.offset; rawdata_offset = rawdata_fb->u.offset; return TRUE; }
int classlibInitialiseNatives() { // printf("classlib\n"); FieldBlock *pd = findField(java_lang_Class, SYMBOL(pd), SYMBOL(sig_java_security_ProtectionDomain)); // printf("%p\n",pd); if(pd == NULL) { jam_fprintf(stderr, "Expected \"pd\" field missing in " "java.lang.Class\n"); return FALSE; } pd_offset = pd->u.offset; return TRUE; }
int DBTable::findRow( const char* fieldName, const char* val ) { if (fieldName && fieldName[0] && val && val[0]) { int fieldIndex = findField( fieldName ); if (fieldIndex != -1) { for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < m_kRowVector.size(); rowIndex++) { const char* cellStr = getCell_S( rowIndex, fieldIndex ); if (stricmp( cellStr, val ) == 0) return rowIndex; } } } return -1; }
T fieldValue(const Fields& fields, const std::string& name, const T& defaultVal) { Fields::const_iterator pos = findField(fields, name); if (pos != fields.end()) { try { return boost::lexical_cast<T>(pos->second); } catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { return defaultVal; } } else // not found, return default { return defaultVal; } }
bool fieldValue(const Fields& fields, const std::string& name, const Predicate& validator, T* pValue) { Fields::const_iterator pos = findField(fields, name); if (pos != fields.end()) { try { *pValue = boost::lexical_cast<T>(pos->second); return validator(*pValue); } catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast&) { return false; } } else { return false; } }
void initialiseException() { FieldBlock *bcktrce; int i; ste_class = findSystemClass0(SYMBOL(java_lang_StackTraceElement)); ste_array_class = findArrayClass(SYMBOL(array_java_lang_StackTraceElement)); vmthrow_class = findSystemClass0(SYMBOL(java_lang_VMThrowable)); throw_class = findSystemClass0(SYMBOL(java_lang_Throwable)); bcktrce = findField(vmthrow_class, SYMBOL(backtrace), SYMBOL(sig_java_lang_Object)); vmthrow_init_mb = findMethod(ste_class, SYMBOL(object_init), SYMBOL(_java_lang_String_I_java_lang_String_java_lang_String_Z__V)); if((bcktrce == NULL) || (vmthrow_init_mb == NULL)) { jam_fprintf(stderr, "Error initialising VM (initialiseException)\n"); exitVM(1); } CLASS_CB(vmthrow_class)->flags |= VMTHROWABLE; backtrace_offset = bcktrce->offset; registerStaticClassRef(&ste_class); registerStaticClassRef(&ste_array_class); registerStaticClassRef(&vmthrow_class); registerStaticClassRef(&throw_class); /* Load and register the exceptions used within the VM. These are preloaded to speed up access. The VM will abort if any can't be loaded */ for(i = 0; i < MAX_EXCEPTION_ENUM; i++) { exceptions[i] = findSystemClass0(symbol_values[exception_symbols[i]]); registerStaticClassRef(&exceptions[i]); } inited = TRUE; }
void AnyType::getItem(double *item, string field){ int ind=findField(field); *item=doubleItem[ind]; }
void detachThread(Thread *thread) { Object *group, *excep; //ExecEnv *ee = thread->ee; //Object *jThread = ee->thread; Object *jThread = thread->thread; Object *vmthread = (Object*)INST_DATA(jThread)[vmthread_offset]; /* Get the thread's group */ group = (Object *)INST_DATA(jThread)[group_offset]; /* If there's an uncaught exception, call uncaughtException on the thread's exception handler, or the thread's group if this is unset */ if((excep = exceptionOccurred())) { FieldBlock *fb = findField(thread_class, SYMBOL(exceptionHandler), SYMBOL(sig_java_lang_Thread_UncaughtExceptionHandler)); Object *thread_handler = fb == NULL ? NULL : (Object *)INST_DATA(jThread)[fb->offset]; Object *handler = thread_handler == NULL ? group : thread_handler; MethodBlock *uncaught_exp = lookupMethod(handler->classobj, SYMBOL(uncaughtException), SYMBOL(_java_lang_Thread_java_lang_Throwable__V)); if(uncaught_exp) { clearException(); DummyFrame dummy; executeMethod(&dummy, handler, uncaught_exp, jThread, excep); } else printException(); } /* remove thread from thread group */ DummyFrame dummy; executeMethod(&dummy, group, (CLASS_CB(group->classobj))->method_table[rmveThrd_mtbl_idx], jThread); /* set VMThread ref in Thread object to null - operations after this point will result in an IllegalThreadStateException */ INST_DATA(jThread)[vmthread_offset] = 0; /* Remove thread from the ID map hash table */ deleteThreadFromHash(thread); /* Disable suspend to protect lock operation */ disableSuspend(thread); /* Grab global lock, and update thread structures protected by it (thread list, thread ID and number of daemon threads) */ pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); /* remove from thread list... */ if((thread->prev->next = thread->next)) thread->next->prev = thread->prev; /* One less live thread */ threads_count--; /* Recycle the thread's thread ID */ freeThreadID(thread->id); /* Handle daemon thread status */ if(!INST_DATA(jThread)[daemon_offset]) non_daemon_thrds--; pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); /* notify any threads waiting on VMThread object - these are joining this thread */ objectLock(vmthread); objectNotifyAll(vmthread); objectUnlock(vmthread); /* It is safe to free the thread's ExecEnv and stack now as these are only used within the thread. It is _not_ safe to free the native thread structure as another thread may be concurrently accessing it. However, they must have a reference to the VMThread -- therefore, it is safe to free during GC when the VMThread is determined to be no longer reachable. */ // sysFree(ee->stack); //sysFree(ee); /* If no more daemon threads notify the main thread (which may be waiting to exit VM). Note, this is not protected by lock, but main thread checks again */ if(non_daemon_thrds == 0) { /* No need to bother with disabling suspension * around lock, as we're no longer on thread list */ pthread_mutex_lock(&exit_lock); pthread_cond_signal(&exit_cv); pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_lock); } TRACE("Thread 0x%x id: %d detached from VM\n", thread, thread->id); }
void initialiseThreadStage2(InitArgs *args) { Object *java_thread; Class *thrdGrp_class; MethodBlock *run, *remove_thread; FieldBlock *group, *priority, *root, *threadId; FieldBlock *vmThread = NULL, *thread = NULL; FieldBlock *vmData, *daemon, *name; /* Load thread class and register reference for compaction threading */ thread_class = findSystemClass0(SYMBOL(java_lang_Thread)); registerStaticClassRef(&thread_class); if(thread_class != NULL) { vmThread = findField(thread_class, SYMBOL(vmThread), SYMBOL(sig_java_lang_VMThread)); daemon = findField(thread_class, SYMBOL(daemon), SYMBOL(Z)); name = findField(thread_class, SYMBOL(name), SYMBOL(sig_java_lang_String)); group = findField(thread_class, SYMBOL(group), SYMBOL(sig_java_lang_ThreadGroup)); priority = findField(thread_class, SYMBOL(priority), SYMBOL(I)); threadId = findField(thread_class, SYMBOL(threadId), SYMBOL(J)); init_mb = findMethod(thread_class, SYMBOL(object_init), SYMBOL(_java_lang_VMThread_java_lang_String_I_Z__V)); run = findMethod(thread_class, SYMBOL(run), SYMBOL(___V)); vmthread_class = findSystemClass0(SYMBOL(java_lang_VMThread)); CLASS_CB(vmthread_class)->flags |= VMTHREAD; /* Register class reference for compaction threading */ registerStaticClassRef(&vmthread_class); if(vmthread_class != NULL) { thread = findField(vmthread_class, SYMBOL(thread), SYMBOL(sig_java_lang_Thread)); vmData = findField(vmthread_class, SYMBOL(vmData), SYMBOL(I)); } } /* findField and findMethod do not throw an exception... */ if((init_mb == NULL) || (vmData == NULL) || (run == NULL) || (daemon == NULL) || (name == NULL) || (group == NULL) || (priority == NULL) || (vmThread == NULL) || (thread == NULL) || (threadId == NULL)) goto error; vmthread_offset = vmThread->offset; thread_offset = thread->offset; vmData_offset = vmData->offset; daemon_offset = daemon->offset; group_offset = group->offset; priority_offset = priority->offset; threadId_offset = threadId->offset; name_offset = name->offset; run_mtbl_idx = run->method_table_index; /* Initialise the Java-level thread objects for the main thread */ java_thread = initJavaThread(&main_thread, FALSE, "main"); /* Main thread is now sufficiently setup to be able to run the thread group initialiser. This is essential to create the root thread group */ thrdGrp_class = findSystemClass(SYMBOL(java_lang_ThreadGroup)); root = findField(thrdGrp_class, SYMBOL(root), SYMBOL(sig_java_lang_ThreadGroup)); addThread_mb = findMethod(thrdGrp_class, SYMBOL(addThread), SYMBOL(_java_lang_Thread_args__void)); remove_thread = findMethod(thrdGrp_class, SYMBOL(removeThread), SYMBOL(_java_lang_Thread_args__void)); /* findField and findMethod do not throw an exception... */ if((root == NULL) || (addThread_mb == NULL) || (remove_thread == NULL)) goto error; rmveThrd_mtbl_idx = remove_thread->method_table_index; /* Add the main thread to the root thread group */ INST_DATA(java_thread)[group_offset] = root->static_value; { DummyFrame dummy; executeMethod(&dummy, ((Object*)root->static_value), addThread_mb, java_thread); } // dyn INST_DATA(java_thread)[vmthread_offset] = 0; /* Setup signal handling. This will be inherited by all threads created within Java */ initialiseSignals(); /* Create the signal handler thread. It is responsible for catching and handling SIGQUIT (thread dump) and SIGINT (user-termination of the VM, e.g. via Ctrl-C). Note it must be a valid Java-level thread as it needs to run the shutdown hooks in the event of user-termination */ createVMThread("Signal Handler", dumpThreadsLoop); return; error: jam_fprintf(stderr, "Error initialising VM (initialiseMainThread)\nCheck " "the README for compatible versions of GNU Classpath\n"); printException(); exitVM(1); }
/* After loading XML building, following operations should be done: - refresh IDPool - refresh connections between primitives */ void globalContainer::refreshPrimitives() { LBFloor *helpFloor; LField *helpField; LBWindow *helpWindow; lbpassage *helpPassage; if(floorsTree->hasChild()) helpFloor = (LBFloor*)floorsTree -> child; else return; while(1) { reserveID(helpFloor -> giveID()); //if helpFlor has any child, search children to find field's window with ID if(helpFloor->hasChild()) { helpField = (LField*)helpFloor->child; while(1) { reserveID(helpField->giveID()); //check if any wall has window with ID for(int cntW = 0; cntW < 4; cntW++) { if(helpField->windowTree[cntW]->hasChild()) { helpWindow = (LBWindow*)helpField->windowTree[cntW]->child; while(1) { reserveID(helpWindow->giveID()); if(!helpWindow -> isLast()) helpWindow = (LBWindow*)(helpWindow -> next); else break; } } if(helpField->passageTree[cntW]->hasChild()) { helpPassage = (lbpassage*)helpField->passageTree[cntW]->child; while(1) { reserveID(helpPassage->giveID()); /* check with what primitive passage has connecion and set adequate *destObject */ { LBStairs *destStairs = findStairs(helpPassage->destObjectID); LField *destField = findField(helpPassage->destObjectID); if(destStairs != NULL) helpPassage -> destObject = (LObject*)destStairs; else helpPassage -> destObject = (LObject*)destField; } if(!helpPassage -> isLast()) helpPassage = (lbpassage*)(helpPassage -> next); else break; } } }//for cntW if(! helpField -> isLast()) helpField = (LField*)(helpField -> next); else break;//floor searched } } if(! helpFloor -> isLast()) helpFloor = (LBFloor*)(helpFloor -> next); else break; } LBStairs *helpStairs; if(stairsTree->hasChild()) { helpStairs = (LBStairs*)stairsTree->child; while(1) { reserveID(helpStairs->giveID()); {//connections helpStairs->connBottom = findField(helpStairs->connBottomID); helpStairs->connTop = findField(helpStairs->connTopID); } if(! helpStairs -> isLast()) helpStairs = (LBStairs*)(helpStairs -> next); else break; } } }
void FlatFileExecStreamImpl::open(bool restart) { if (restart) { releaseResources(); } SingleOutputExecStream::open(restart); if (!restart) { bufferLock.allocatePage(); uint cbPageSize = bufferLock.getPage().getCache().getPageSize(); pBufferStorage = bufferLock.getPage().getWritableData(); pBuffer->setStorage((char*)pBufferStorage, cbPageSize); } pBuffer->open(); pBuffer->read(); next = pBuffer->getReadPtr(); isRowPending = false; nRowsOutput = nRowErrors = 0; lastResult.reset(); if (header) { FlatFileRowDescriptor headerDesc; for (uint i = 0; i < rowDesc.size(); i++) { headerDesc.push_back( FlatFileColumnDescriptor( FLAT_FILE_MAX_COLUMN_NAME_LEN)); } headerDesc.setLenient(lenient); if (mapped) { headerDesc.setUnbounded(); } pParser->scanRow( pBuffer->getReadPtr(), pBuffer->getSize(), headerDesc, lastResult); pBuffer->setReadPtr(; if (lastResult.status != FlatFileRowParseResult::NO_STATUS) { logError(lastResult); try { checkRowDelimiter(); } catch (FennelExcn e) { reason = e.getMessage(); } throw FennelExcn( FennelResource::instance().flatfileNoHeader( dataFilePath, reason)); } // Generate mapping from text file columns to output columns. // Match names in the header with output field names. Names in // the header are always trimmed. if (mapped) { if (! lenient) { throw FennelExcn( FennelResource::instance() .flatfileMappedRequiresLenient()); } pParser->stripQuoting(lastResult, true); uint nFields = lastResult.getReadCount(); int found = 0; VectorOfUint columnMap; columnMap.resize(nFields); for (uint i = 0; i < nFields; i++) { char *n = lastResult.getColumn(i); if (n == NULL) { columnMap[i] = MAXU; } else { std::string name( n, lastResult.getColumnSize(i)); columnMap[i] = findField(name); if (!isMAXU(columnMap[i])) { found++; } } } if (found == 0) { throw FennelExcn( FennelResource::instance().flatfileNoMappedColumns( std::string(" "), std::string(" "))); } rowDesc.setMap(columnMap); } } done = false; }
void AnyType::getItem(long long *item, string field){ int ind=findField(field); *item=longLongItem[ind]; }
void AnyType::getItem(bool *item, string field){ int ind=findField(field); *item=boolItem[ind]; }