Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: zip.c Projeto: Liam1206/jamvm
char *findArchiveDirEntry(char *pathname, ZipFile *zip) {
    char *found;

    /* Do not add if absent, no scavenge, not locked */
    findHashEntry((*zip->dir_hash), pathname, found, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);

    return found;
Exemplo n.º 2
CodeBlockHeader *findCodeBlock(CodeBlockHeader *block) {
    CodeBlockHeader *hashed_block;

    /* Search hash table.  Add if absent, scavenge and locked */
    findHashEntry(code_hash_table, block, hashed_block, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);

    return hashed_block;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: utf8.c Projeto: webos21/xi
char *findHashedUtf8(char *string, int add_if_absent) {
    char *interned;

    /* Add if absent, no scavenge, locked */
    findHashEntry(hash_table, string, interned, add_if_absent, FALSE, TRUE);

    return interned;
Exemplo n.º 4
char *findHashedNativeMethodUtf8(char *string, int add_if_absent) {
    char *interned = NULL;
    findHashEntry(native_hash_table, string, interned, add_if_absent, FALSE, TRUE, native_name, TRUE);
      OPC *ph_values = get_opc_ptr();
      ph_values->utf8_native_hash_count = get_utf8_native_HC();
   	return interned;
Exemplo n.º 5
Monitor *findMonitor(Object *obj) {
    uintptr_t lockword = LOCKWORD_READ(&obj->lock);

    if(lockword & SHAPE_BIT)
        return (Monitor*) (lockword & ~SHAPE_BIT);
    else {
        Monitor *mon;
        /* Add if absent, scavenge, locked */
        findHashEntry(mon_cache, obj, mon, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
        return mon;
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: zip.c Projeto: Liam1206/jamvm
ZipFile *processArchive(char *path) {
    unsigned char magic[SIG_LEN];
    unsigned char *data, *pntr;
    int entries, fd, len;

    HashTable *hash_table;
    ZipFile *zip;

    if((fd = open(path, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
        return NULL;

    /* First 4 bytes must be the signature for the first local file header */
    if(read(fd, &magic[0], SIG_LEN) != SIG_LEN ||
                    READ_LE_INT(magic) != LOC_FILE_HEADER_SIG)
        goto error;

    /* Get the length */
    len = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);

    /* Mmap the file into memory */
    if((data = (unsigned char*)mmap(0, len, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE |
                                            MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0)) == MAP_FAILED)
        goto error;

    /* Locate the end of central directory record by searching backwards for
       the record signature. */

    if(len < END_CEN_LEN)
        goto error2;
    for(pntr = data + len - END_CEN_LEN; pntr >= data; )
        if(*pntr == (END_CEN_SIG & 0xff))
            if(READ_LE_INT(pntr) == END_CEN_SIG)
                pntr -= SIG_LEN;

    /* Check that we found it */
    if(pntr < data)
        goto error2;

    /* Get the number of entries in the central directory */

    /* Create and initialise hash table to hold the directory.
       Do not create lock -- we're single threaded (bootstrapping)
       and once entries are added, table is read-only */

    hash_table = sysMalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
    initHashTable((*hash_table), HASHTABSZE, FALSE);

    /* Get the offset from the start of the file of the first directory entry */
    pntr = data + READ_LE_INT(pntr + END_CEN_DIR_START_OFFSET);

    /* Scan the directory list and add the entries to the hash table */

    while(entries--) {
        char *found, *pathname;
        int path_len, comment_len, extra_len;

        /* Make sure we're not reading outside the file */
        if((pntr + CEN_FILE_HEADER_LEN) > (data + len))
            goto error2;

        /* Check directory entry signature is present */
        if(READ_LE_INT(pntr) != CEN_FILE_HEADER_SIG)
            goto error2;

        /* Get the length of the pathname */
        path_len = READ_LE_SHORT(pntr + CEN_FILE_PATHLEN_OFFSET);

        /* Not interested in these fields but need length to skip */
        extra_len = READ_LE_SHORT(pntr + CEN_FILE_EXTRALEN_OFFSET);
        comment_len = READ_LE_SHORT(pntr + CEN_FILE_COMMENTLEN_OFFSET);

        /* The pathname starts after the fixed part of the dir entry */
        pathname = (char*)(pntr += CEN_FILE_HEADER_LEN);

        /* Skip variable fields, to point to next sig */
        pntr += path_len + extra_len + comment_len;

        /* Add if absent, no scavenge, not locked */
        findHashEntry((*hash_table), pathname, found, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);

    zip = sysMalloc(sizeof(ZipFile));

    zip->data = data;
    zip->length = len;
    zip->dir_hash = hash_table;

    return zip;

    munmap(data, len);

    return NULL;