Plane * findPBP(Point * a, Point *b){
	Vector * n = findUnitDirVector(a, b);
	Point * mid = findMidPoint(a, b);
	Plane * pbp = malloc(sizeof(Plane));

	pbp->d = mid->x*n->x + mid->y*n->y + mid->z*n->z;
	pbp->a = n->x;
	pbp->b = n->y;
	pbp->c = n->z;

	return pbp;
LMPacket LMHandler::handle( 
	cv::Point2f 	borderPoints[ 3 ] 	,
	MazeData 	mazeData 		, 
	bool debugMode

	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << std::endl						;
		std::cout << "<!---------------------------------------------"	;

		std::cout << std::endl						;

		std::cout << "LMHandler.handle() called. handling..."		;
		std::cout << std::endl						;


	if ( IsNull( mazeData ) )

		std::cerr << "LMHandler: mazeData of type MazeData is Null"	;
		std::cerr << std::endl						;

		return LMPacketNull						;


	if ( ! )

		std::cerr << "LMHandler: No mazeImage data!" 			;
		std::cerr << std::endl 						;

		return LMPacketNull						;


	// Declare local variables
	cv::Mat 	annotatedImage				;
	cv::Mat 	processingImage				;
	cv::Point2f	startLocation				;
	cv::Point2f	endLocation				;
	cv::Point2f	ballLocation				;
	cv::Point2f	centerLocation				;
	cv::Point2f	criticalPoints[ 6 ]			;
	float		criticalAngles[ 6 ]			;
	float 		zeroAngle				;
	float		ballAngle				;
	int		sextantIndex				;
	float		scalingArray[ 5 ]			;
	float		normalizedBallAngle			; // our guy!

	std::vector< std::vector< cv::Point > > contours	;
	std::vector< std::vector< cv::Point > > approxContours	;
	std::vector< cv::Vec4i > hierarchy			;

	//std::vector< cv::Point > boundingTriangleVertices 	;
	int boundingTriangleIndex ;

	// Initialize local variables
	annotatedImage	= mazeData.image.clone( )		;
	startLocation	= mazeData.mazePoints[ 0 ] 		;
	endLocation	= mazeData.mazePoints[ 1 ] 		;
	ballLocation	= mazeData.mazePoints[ 2 ] 		;

	centerLocation = startLocation ;
	criticalPoints[ 0 ] = borderPoints[ 0 ] ; // one end of upos
	criticalPoints[ 2 ] = borderPoints[ 1 ] ; // one end of vpos
	criticalPoints[ 4 ] = borderPoints[ 2 ] ; // one end of wpos
	criticalPoints[ 1 ] = findMidPoint( criticalPoints[ 0 ] , criticalPoints[ 2 ] ); // one end of wneg
	criticalPoints[ 3 ] = findMidPoint( criticalPoints[ 2 ] , criticalPoints[ 4 ] ); // one end of uneg
	criticalPoints[ 5 ] = findMidPoint( criticalPoints[ 0 ] , criticalPoints[ 4 ] ); // one end of vneg

 	for ( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )

 		std::stringstream ss;
		ss << std::to_string( i ) << std::fixed << std::setprecision( 0 ) << "(";
		ss <<  criticalPoints[ i ].x << "," << criticalPoints[ i ].y << ")";
		std::string label = ss.str();

		std::string label	;

	 	label.assign( std::to_string( i ) );
	 	label += "- ( ";
	 	label += std::to_string( criticalPoints[ i ].x ); 
	 	label += " ,  ";
	 	label += std::to_string( criticalPoints[ i ].y ); 
	 	label += " )";

 		setLabel( annotatedImage , label , criticalPoints[ i ]	)	; // start


	setLabel( annotatedImage , "0" , criticalPoints[ 0 ]	)	; // start
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "1" , criticalPoints[ 1 ]	)	; // start
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "2" , criticalPoints[ 2 ]	)	; // start
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "3" , criticalPoints[ 3 ]	)	; // start
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "4" , criticalPoints[ 4 ]	)	; // start
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "5" , criticalPoints[ 5 ]	)	; // start

	// Draw a line in between S & B
	cv::line( annotatedImage , centerLocation , criticalPoints[ 0 ] , CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,  1 ) ;
	cv::line( annotatedImage , centerLocation , criticalPoints[ 1 ] , CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,  1 ) ;
	cv::line( annotatedImage , centerLocation , criticalPoints[ 2 ] , CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,  1 ) ;
	cv::line( annotatedImage , centerLocation , criticalPoints[ 3 ] , CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,  1 ) ;
	cv::line( annotatedImage , centerLocation , criticalPoints[ 4 ] , CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,  1 ) ;
	cv::line( annotatedImage , centerLocation , criticalPoints[ 5 ] , CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,  1 ) ;

	ballAngle = findRelativeAngle( centerLocation, ballLocation);
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Critical points importing complete. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;

		std::cout << "Critical points:";
		std::cout << std::endl;
		for( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )
			std::cout << "[ " << i << " ] : ";
			std::cout << criticalPoints[ i ];
			std::cout << std::endl;

		std::cout << "Ball angle:";
		std::cout << ballAngle << std::endl;
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Calculating critical angles. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
	criticalAngles[ 0 ] = findRelativeAngle( centerLocation, criticalPoints[ 0 ]); // upos
	criticalAngles[ 1 ] = findRelativeAngle( centerLocation, criticalPoints[ 1 ]); // wneg
	criticalAngles[ 2 ] = findRelativeAngle( centerLocation, criticalPoints[ 2 ]); // vpos
	criticalAngles[ 3 ] = findRelativeAngle( centerLocation, criticalPoints[ 3 ]); // uneg
	criticalAngles[ 4 ] = findRelativeAngle( centerLocation, criticalPoints[ 4 ]); // wpos
	criticalAngles[ 5 ] = findRelativeAngle( centerLocation, criticalPoints[ 5 ]); // vneg
	zeroAngle = criticalAngles[ 0 ]; // uneg is our zero
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Calculating critical angles complete. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Critical angles:";
		std::cout << std::endl;
		for( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )
			std::cout << "[ " << i << " ] : ";
			std::cout << criticalAngles[ i ];
			std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Zero angle: ";
		std::cout << zeroAngle;
		std::cout << std::endl;

	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Finding sextant index. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
	sextantIndex = -1 ;

	for( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )

		if( ballAngle >= criticalAngles[ i ] )

			sextantIndex = i ;



	if( sextantIndex == -1 )

		std::cerr << "LMHandler: sextantIndex estimation failed" ;	
		std::cerr << std::endl ;

		return LMPacketNull ;


	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Finding sextant index complete. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Sextant index: ";
		std::cout << sextantIndex;
		std::cout << std::endl;
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Updating critical angles. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
	for( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++)

		criticalAngles[ i ] -= zeroAngle ;

		criticalAngles[ i ] = ( criticalAngles[ i ] >= 0 ? 0 : 360 ) + criticalAngles[ i ];


	ballAngle -= zeroAngle ;

	ballAngle = ( ballAngle >= 0 ? 0 : 360 ) + ballAngle;
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Updating critical angles complete. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Updated critical angles:";
		std::cout << std::endl;
		for( int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )
			std::cout << "[ " << i << " ] : ";
			std::cout << criticalAngles[ i ];
			std::cout << std::endl;
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Finding scaling parameters. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
	for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )

		scalingArray[ i ] = 60 / ( criticalAngles[ (i + 1) % 6 ] - criticalAngles[ i ] ) ;

	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Finding scaling parameters complete. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Scaling parameters:";
		std::cout << std::endl;
		for( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
			std::cout << "[ " << i << " ] : ";
			std::cout << scalingArray[ i ];
			std::cout << std::endl;
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Finding normalized ball angle. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
	normalizedBallAngle = sextantIndex * 60 + ( ballAngle - criticalAngles[ sextantIndex ] ) * scalingArray[ sextantIndex ];
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Finding normalized ball angle complete. " ;
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Ball angle: ";
		std::cout << ballAngle;
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Normalized ball angle: ";
		std::cout << normalizedBallAngle;
		std::cout << std::endl;
	if( normalizedBallAngle < 0 || normalizedBallAngle > 360 )

		std::cerr << "LMHandler: normalizedBallAngle is out of bounds!" ;	
		std::cerr << std::endl ;

		return LMPacketNull ;


	extractContours( mazeData.image , processingImage , contours, approxContours, hierarchy );
	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Contour extraction complete. Number of approx. contours found: " ;
		std::cout << approxContours.size() ;
		std::cout << std::endl;


	boundingTriangleIndex = findBoundingTriangle( approxContours ) ;

	if( boundingTriangleIndex == -1 )

		return LMPacketNull;


	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "The bounding triangle found at index: " ;
		std::cout << std::to_string( boundingTriangleIndex ) ;
		std::cout << std::endl;

		std::cout << "The related hierarchy record: " ;
		std::cout << hierarchy[ boundingTriangleIndex ] ;
		std::cout << std::endl;

		std::cout << "The child record: " ;
		std::cout << hierarchy[ boundingTriangleIndex ][ 2 ] ;
		std::cout << std::endl;


	// Annote all vertices of the approximation curve vector and extract the vertices
	for( std::vector< cv::Point >::size_type i = 0 ; i != 3 ; i++ ) 

		setLabel( annotatedImage , "V" , approxContours[ boundingTriangleIndex ] );




	// Annote all vertices of the approximation curve vector and extract the vertices
	// hierarchy[i][2] -> first child
	int mazeBoundIndex = hierarchy[ boundingTriangleIndex ][ 2 ];
	for( std::vector< cv::Point >::size_type i = 0 ; i != 3 ; i++ ) 

		setLabel( annotatedImage , "M" , 
			approxContours[ mazeBoundIndex ] );


	cv::Mat dummyImage	;

	// Delete everything outside the triangle
	cv::Mat mask = cv::Mat::zeros( processingImage.size( ) , CV_8UC1 );

	//std::vector< std::vector< cv::Point > > dummyContours ;
	//dummyContours.push_back( contours );

	//cv::drawContours( mask , contours , -1 ,  cv::Scalar( 255 ) , CV_FILLED );
	cv::drawContours( mask , contours , -1 ,  cv::Scalar( 255 ) , CV_FILLED );

	if( debugMode )
		std::cout << "Search for contours is complete. Displaying the results:" ;
		std::cout << std::endl;

		showImage( "LM-mask" , mask );


	processingImage.copyTo( dummyImage , mask ) ;
	processingImage = dummyImage.clone( ) ;
	//processingImage.copyTo( processingImage , mask ) ;

	//annotatedImage.copyTo( dummyImage , mask ) ;
	//annotatedImage 	= dummyImage.clone( ) ;

	//setLabel( annotatedImage , "0" , contours[ 0 ] ) ;

	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Masking complete. Displaying the results:" ;
		std::cout << std::endl;

		showImage( "LM-maskedProcessingImage" , processingImage );


//ballLocation centerocation

	if( debugMode )

		//std::cout << "Search for contours is complete. Displaying the results:" ;
		//std::cout << std::endl;

			"LM-Contours on processingImage" , 
			processingImage.clone() , contours , hierarchy , // approxContours
			false , true ); 
			// true ); // for enumeration , for contour only mode

			"LM-Contours on mazeImage" , 
			mazeData.image.clone() , contours , hierarchy , // approxContours
			false , false ); 
			"LM-approxContours on processingImage" , 
			processingImage.clone() , approxContours , hierarchy , // approxContours
			false , true ); 
			// true ); // for enumeration , for contour only mode

			"LM-approxContours on mazeImage" , 
			mazeData.image.clone() , approxContours , hierarchy , // approxContours
			false , false ); */


	//slope = startLocation.y - ballLocation

	//Point2f a(0.3f, 0.f), b(0.f, 0.4f);
	//Point pt = (a + b)*10.f;

	// Label the annotatedImage
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "S" , centerLocation	)	; // start
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "E" , endLocation	)	; // end
	setLabel( annotatedImage , "B" , ballLocation	)	; // ball

	// Draw a line in between S & B
	cv::line( annotatedImage , centerLocation , ballLocation , CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 255 ) ,  1 ) ;

	//double radius = cv::norm( startLocation - ballLocation ) ;//Euclidian distance
	//cv::circle( annotatedImage, startLocation, radius, CV_RGB ( 0 , 255 , 0 ) ,  1 ) ;

	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "Annotating feature points and drawing line complete." ;
		std::cout << std::endl;


	/////////////////////// EXPORTING //////////////////////

	// Export private variables
	this -> annotatedImage = annotatedImage.clone( )		;

	// Exporting state variables
	state.ballLocationData.wayBlocked[ 0 ]	= false			;
	state.ballLocationData.wayBlocked[ 1 ]	= false			;
	state.ballLocationData.wayBlocked[ 2 ]	= false			;
	state.ballLocationData.wayBlocked[ 3 ]	= false			;

	state.ballLocationData.currentPathNo	= 5			;

	state.ballPositionAngle			= normalizedBallAngle	;
	////////////////// EXPORTING COMPLETE //////////////////

	if( debugMode )

		std::cout << "State exporting complete." ;
		std::cout << std::endl;

		std::cout << "---------------------------------------------->";
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << std::endl;


	return state;
