Exemplo n.º 1
IntRect RenderSVGInlineText::computeAbsoluteRectForRange(int startPos, int endPos)
    IntRect rect;

    RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock();
    if (!cb || !cb->container())
        return rect;

    RenderSVGRoot* root = findSVGRootObject(parent());
    if (!root)
        return rect;

    for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox())
        rect.unite(box->selectionRect(0, 0, startPos, endPos));

    // Mimic RenderBox::computeAbsoluteRepaintRect() functionality. But only the subset needed for SVG and respecting SVG transformations.
    int x, y;
    cb->container()->absolutePosition(x, y);

    // Remove HTML parent translation offsets here! These need to be retrieved from the RenderSVGRoot object.
    // But do take the containingBlocks's container position into account, ie. SVG text in scrollable <div>.
    AffineTransform htmlParentCtm = root->RenderContainer::absoluteTransform();

    FloatRect fixedRect(narrowPrecisionToFloat(rect.x() + x - xPos() - htmlParentCtm.e()), narrowPrecisionToFloat(rect.y() + y - yPos() - htmlParentCtm.f()), rect.width(), rect.height());
    return enclosingIntRect(absoluteTransform().mapRect(fixedRect));
FloatQuad RenderSVGInlineText::computeRepaintQuadForRange(RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer, int startPos, int endPos)
    RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock();
    if (!cb || !cb->container())
        return FloatQuad();

    RenderSVGRoot* root = findSVGRootObject(parent());
    if (!root)
        return FloatQuad();

    IntRect rect;
    for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox())
        rect.unite(box->selectionRect(0, 0, startPos, endPos));

    return localToContainerQuad(FloatQuad(rect), repaintContainer);
Exemplo n.º 3
void RenderSVGText::absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>& quads)
    RenderSVGRoot* root = findSVGRootObject(parent());
    if (!root)
    // Don't use objectBoundingBox here, as it's unites the selection rects. Makes it hard
    // to spot errors, if there are any using WebInspector. Individually feed them into 'rects'.
    for (InlineFlowBox* flow = firstLineBox(); flow; flow = flow->nextLineBox()) {
        for (InlineBox* box = flow->firstChild(); box; box = box->nextOnLine()) {
            FloatRect boxRect(box->x(), box->y(), box->width(), box->height());
            // FIXME: crawling up the parent chain to map each quad is very inefficient
            // we should compute the absoluteTransform outside this loop first.
Exemplo n.º 4
void RenderSVGText::absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>& rects, int, int)
    RenderSVGRoot* root = findSVGRootObject(parent());
    if (!root)
    // Don't use objectBoundingBox here, as it's unites the selection rects. Makes it hard
    // to spot errors, if there are any using WebInspector. Individually feed them into 'rects'.
    for (InlineRunBox* runBox = firstLineBox(); runBox; runBox = runBox->nextLineBox()) {

        InlineFlowBox* flowBox = static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(runBox);
        for (InlineBox* box = flowBox->firstChild(); box; box = box->nextOnLine()) {
            FloatRect boxRect(box->x(), box->y(), box->width(), box->height());
            // FIXME: crawling up the parent chain to map each rect is very inefficient
            // we should compute the absoluteTransform outside this loop first.
Exemplo n.º 5
void RenderSVGText::absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>& rects, int, int, bool)
    RenderSVGRoot* root = findSVGRootObject(parent());
    if (!root)

    int x, y;
    absolutePosition(x, y);

    AffineTransform htmlParentCtm = root->RenderContainer::absoluteTransform();
    // Don't use relativeBBox here, as it's unites the selection rects. Makes it hard
    // to spot errors, if there are any using WebInspector. Individually feed them into 'rects'.
    for (InlineRunBox* runBox = firstLineBox(); runBox; runBox = runBox->nextLineBox()) {

        InlineFlowBox* flowBox = static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(runBox);
        for (InlineBox* box = flowBox->firstChild(); box; box = box->nextOnLine()) {
            FloatRect boxRect(box->xPos(), box->yPos(), box->width(), box->height());
            boxRect.move(narrowPrecisionToFloat(x - htmlParentCtm.e()), narrowPrecisionToFloat(y - htmlParentCtm.f()));