Exemplo n.º 1
static void game_compute_size(const game_params *params, int tilesize,
                              int *x, int *y)
    struct bbox bb = find_bbox(params);

    *x = XSIZE(tilesize, bb, solids[params->solid]);
    *y = YSIZE(tilesize, bb, solids[params->solid]);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void game_set_size(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds,
                          const game_params *params, int tilesize)
    struct bbox bb = find_bbox(params);

    ds->gridscale = (float)tilesize;
    ds->ox = (int)(-(bb.l - solids[params->solid]->border) * ds->gridscale);
    ds->oy = (int)(-(bb.u - solids[params->solid]->border) * ds->gridscale);
Exemplo n.º 3
static void game_redraw(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds,
                        const game_state *oldstate, const game_state *state,
                        int dir, const game_ui *ui,
                        float animtime, float flashtime)
    int i, j;
    struct bbox bb = find_bbox(&state->params);
    struct solid *poly;
    const int *pkey, *gkey;
    float t[3];
    float angle;
    int square;

    draw_rect(dr, 0, 0, XSIZE(GRID_SCALE, bb, state->solid),
	      YSIZE(GRID_SCALE, bb, state->solid), COL_BACKGROUND);

    if (dir < 0) {
        const game_state *t;

         * This is an Undo. So reverse the order of the states, and
         * run the roll timer backwards.

        t = oldstate;
        oldstate = state;
        state = t;

        animtime = ROLLTIME - animtime;

    if (!oldstate) {
        oldstate = state;
        angle = 0.0;
        square = state->current;
        pkey = state->dpkey;
        gkey = state->dgkey;
    } else {
        angle = state->angle * animtime / ROLLTIME;
        square = state->previous;
        pkey = state->spkey;
        gkey = state->sgkey;
    state = oldstate;

    for (i = 0; i < state->grid->nsquares; i++) {
        int coords[8];

        for (j = 0; j < state->grid->squares[i].npoints; j++) {
            coords[2*j] = ((int)(state->grid->squares[i].points[2*j] * GRID_SCALE)
			   + ds->ox);
            coords[2*j+1] = ((int)(state->grid->squares[i].points[2*j+1]*GRID_SCALE)
			     + ds->oy);

        draw_polygon(dr, coords, state->grid->squares[i].npoints,
                     GET_SQUARE(state, i) ? COL_BLUE : COL_BACKGROUND,

     * Now compute and draw the polyhedron.
    poly = transform_poly(state->solid, state->grid->squares[square].flip,
                          pkey[0], pkey[1], angle);

     * Compute the translation required to align the two key points
     * on the polyhedron with the same key points on the current
     * face.
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        float tc = 0.0;

        for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
            float grid_coord;

            if (i < 2) {
                grid_coord =
            } else {
                grid_coord = 0.0;

            tc += (grid_coord - poly->vertices[pkey[j]*3+i]);

        t[i] = tc / 2;
    for (i = 0; i < poly->nvertices; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            poly->vertices[i*3+j] += t[j];

     * Now actually draw each face.
    for (i = 0; i < poly->nfaces; i++) {
        float points[8];
        int coords[8];

        for (j = 0; j < poly->order; j++) {
            int f = poly->faces[i*poly->order + j];
            points[j*2] = (poly->vertices[f*3+0] -
                           poly->vertices[f*3+2] * poly->shear);
            points[j*2+1] = (poly->vertices[f*3+1] -
                             poly->vertices[f*3+2] * poly->shear);

        for (j = 0; j < poly->order; j++) {
            coords[j*2] = (int)floor(points[j*2] * GRID_SCALE) + ds->ox;
            coords[j*2+1] = (int)floor(points[j*2+1] * GRID_SCALE) + ds->oy;

         * Find out whether these points are in a clockwise or
         * anticlockwise arrangement. If the latter, discard the
         * face because it's facing away from the viewer.
         * This would involve fiddly winding-number stuff for a
         * general polygon, but for the simple parallelograms we'll
         * be seeing here, all we have to do is check whether the
         * corners turn right or left. So we'll take the vector
         * from point 0 to point 1, turn it right 90 degrees,
         * and check the sign of the dot product with that and the
         * next vector (point 1 to point 2).
            float v1x = points[2]-points[0];
            float v1y = points[3]-points[1];
            float v2x = points[4]-points[2];
            float v2y = points[5]-points[3];
            float dp = v1x * v2y - v1y * v2x;

            if (dp <= 0)

        draw_polygon(dr, coords, poly->order,
                     state->facecolours[i] ? COL_BLUE : COL_BACKGROUND,

    draw_update(dr, 0, 0, XSIZE(GRID_SCALE, bb, state->solid),
		YSIZE(GRID_SCALE, bb, state->solid));

     * Update the status bar.
	char statusbuf[256];

	if (state->completed) {
		strcpy(statusbuf, _("COMPLETED!"));
		strcpy(statusbuf+strlen(statusbuf), " ");
	} else statusbuf[0] = '\0';
	sprintf(statusbuf+strlen(statusbuf), _("Moves: %d"),
		(state->completed ? state->completed : state->movecount));

	status_bar(dr, statusbuf);
Exemplo n.º 4
main(int argc, char* argv[])
  // the required page number in a multipage tiff, use 0 for first page
  int dir_num;
  dir_num = atoi(argv[2]);
  //time_t start, end;
  double duration;
  TIFF* tif = TIFFOpen(argv[1], "r");
  //get number of pages (Directories) in a tiff file
    int dir_count;
    dir_count = TIFFNumberOfDirectories(tif);
    if(dir_num < 0 || dir_num > (dir_count-1)){
       printf("Error: invalid directory number\n");
       exit -1;
   if (tif) {
    uint32 w, h;
    size_t npixels;
    uint32* raster;
    // set the required page (directory)
    // change to the requested directory and read its contents with TIFFReadDirectory
    TIFFGetField(tif, TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH, &w);
    npixels = w * h;

    int r,v;
    //Foreground and Background pixel values
    int F = 1, B = 0;
    size_t c_h, c_w;
    raster = (uint32*) _TIFFmalloc(npixels * sizeof (uint32));
    // image matrix with added boundary pixels
    int** I = malloc((h+2) * sizeof(int*));    // allocate the rows
    for ( r = 0; r < (h+2); ++r)
       I[r] = malloc((w+2) * sizeof(int));    // allocate the columns
       //for ( cx = 0; cx < COLS; ++cx)
        // I[r][cx] = 0;
     // an array of pixel runs (hashtable of pixel runs)
     // each run is a linked list of pixels
     struct pixel **runs = malloc((h*w/4) * sizeof(struct pixel));
     //initialise arrays and linked list
     for ( v = 0; v < (h*w/4); ++v)
       //C[r] = r;    // initialise labels 
       init_pixel(runs[v], 99,99);
     // arrays to save classes and their mappings
     //uint32* C = malloc((ROWS*COLS/2) * sizeof(uint32*)); 
     uint32* rl_table = malloc((h*w/4) * sizeof(uint32*)); 
     uint32* n_label = malloc((h*w/4) * sizeof(uint32*)); 
     uint32* t_label = malloc((h*w/4) * sizeof(uint32*));
     for ( v = 0; v < (h*w/4); ++v)
       //C[r] = r;    
       // initialise classes
       rl_table[v] = v;  
       n_label[v] = -1;
       t_label[v] = v;      
    // load image into matrix of F and B pixels (1's and 0's)
    if (raster != NULL) {
      if (TIFFReadRGBAImage(tif, w, h, raster, 0)) {          
        for(c_h=0;c_h<h;c_h++) {
           for(c_w=0;c_w<w;c_w++) {
              v = raster[(w*h)-((c_h*w)+(w-c_w))]%256;
              if (v == 0)
                I[c_h+1][c_w+1] = F;
                I[c_h+1][c_w+1] = B;
     c2  c3  c4
     c1  x 

  int i,j,k;
  int NewLabel=5; 

 int c1,c2,c3,c4,uu,vv,ii;
    for(c_w=1;c_w<(w-1);c_w++){ // for COLS
      if (I[c_h][c_w] == F) 
	    c3 = I[c_h-1][c_w] ;
	    if (c3 != B) 
		I[c_h][c_w] = c3;
	    else // else1
	       c4 = I[c_h-1][c_w+1] ;
	       c1 = I[c_h][c_w-1] ;
	      if (c1 != B) 
		 I[c_h][c_w] = c1;
		 if (c4 != B && c4 != c1) 
		  //printf ("(%d,%d);", c1, c4);
		  //(* resolve c2 c4 *)	
		  uu = rl_table[c1]; vv = rl_table[c4];
		        ii = vv;                      
                        while(ii != -1){
                          rl_table[ii] = uu;
                          ii = n_label[ii];
                        n_label[t_label[uu]] = vv;
                        t_label[uu] = t_label[vv];
		        ii = uu;                      
                        while(ii != -1){
                          rl_table[ii] = vv;
                          ii = n_label[ii];
                        n_label[t_label[vv]] = uu;
                        t_label[vv] = t_label[uu];
	      else // else2
		 c2 = I[c_h-1][c_w-1] ;
		  if (c2 != B) 
		     I[c_h][c_w] = c2;
		      if (c4 != B && c4 != c2) 
			 //printf("(%d,%d);\n", c2, c4); 
		  	 //(* resolve c2 c4 *)
		 	 uu = rl_table[c2]; vv = rl_table[c4];
	     	            ii = vv;                      
                            while(ii != -1){
                             rl_table[ii] = uu;
                             ii = n_label[ii];
                            n_label[t_label[uu]] = vv;
                            t_label[uu] = t_label[vv];
		                ii = uu;                      
                                while(ii != -1){
                                   rl_table[ii] = vv;
                                   ii = n_label[ii];
                               n_label[t_label[vv]] = uu;
                               t_label[vv] = t_label[uu];
		    if (c4 != B) 
			I[c_h][c_w] = c4;
			I[c_h][c_w] = NewLabel;
	       }// else2
	    }// else1
  } // end for COLS
    for(c_w=0;c_w<w;c_w++) // for COLS
        if (I[c_h][c_w] != B)
          I[c_h][c_w] = rl_table[I[c_h][c_w]];
//get linked lists of pixels with the same class
//i.e. pixels that belong to the same CC
     if (I[c_h][c_w] != B)
       push(&runs[I[c_h][c_w]], c_w,c_h);

 //now open a file, find coords of each CC and save them
 // char *base = get_basename(argv[1]);// = "filename";  
 char *base = argv[1];
  // find location of last '.' in filename to chop extension
  char *pos = strrchr (base, '.');
  int pos1 = pos ? (pos - base ) : -1;
  if(pos1 != -1){
    base[pos1] = 0; // remove file extension
    //printf("%d, %s\n",pos1, base);

  //I'm assuming length of filename doesn't exceed 50 chars
  //I'll deal with this later
  char filename[256];
  FILE *file;
  //fname1[strlen(fname1) - 4] = 0; // remove file extension
  sprintf(filename, "%s-%d.json", base, dir_num);  
  //printf("%s\n", filename);
  file = fopen(filename,"w+");
  fprintf(file,"  \"SrcImage\": \"\",\n"); 
  fprintf(file,"  \"Page\": %d,\n",dir_num);
  fprintf(file,"  \"PageWidth\": %d,\n", w);
  fprintf(file,"  \"PageHeight\": %d,\n",h);
  fprintf(file,"  \"ClipX\": %d,\n",0);
  fprintf(file,"  \"ClipY\": %d,\n",0);
  fprintf(file,"  \"ClipWidth\": %d,\n", w);
  fprintf(file,"  \"ClipHeight\": %d,\n",h);  
  fprintf(file,"  \"ClipImage\": \"\",\n");
  fprintf(file,"  \"glyphs\": [\n");
  //file = fopen("file.txt","w+");
  int len;
   for ( v = 0; v < (h*w/4); ++v)
       len = length(runs[v]); 
       if (len > 0 ){
         //printf("run ID: %d, run length %d\n", r, len );
         struct bbox* b = find_bbox (runs[v]);
         //printf("bbox: (%d,%d),(%d,%d)\n", b->x1, b->y1, b->x2, b->y2 );   
         fprintf(file,"    { \"x\" : %d, \"y\" : %d, \"w\" : %d, \"h\" : %d }",(b->x1-1),(b->y1-1), (b->x2 - b->x1 + 1), (b->y2 - b->y1 + 1)); 
	 fprintf(file, ",\n");
         free(runs[v]);// = NULL;
    // trick by Volker to remove comma after last glyph	 
   fseek(file, -( 2*(int)sizeof(char) ), SEEK_CUR);
   fprintf(file,"\n  ]\n");
   // close file
   //printf("Generated: %s\n",filename);
   //manually free space allocated to various arrays and matrices
     for (v = 0; v < h; ++v)
       free(I[v]);    // this frees the columns
     free(I);    // this frees the rows
  }//end if tif
  } //end else 