Exemplo n.º 1
int  channel_canjoin(aClient *sptr, char *name)
	ConfigItem_deny_channel *p;
	aTKline *tklban;
	int ishold;
	if (!ValidatePermissionsForPath("channel:restricted",sptr,NULL,NULL,name))
		return 1;
	if (IsULine(sptr))
		return 1;
	if (!conf_deny_channel)
		return 1;
	p = Find_channel_allowed(sptr, name);
	if (p)
		sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_FORBIDDENCHANNEL), me.name, sptr->name, name, p->reason);
		return 0;
	if ((tklban = find_qline(sptr, name, &ishold)))
		sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_FORBIDDENCHANNEL), me.name, sptr->name, name, tklban->reason);
		return 0;
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
** m_nick
**	parv[0] = sender prefix
**	parv[1] = nickname
**  if from new client  -taz
**	parv[2] = nick password
**  if from server:
**      parv[2] = hopcount
**      parv[3] = timestamp
**      parv[4] = username
**      parv[5] = hostname
**      parv[6] = servername
**  if NICK version 1:
**      parv[7] = servicestamp
**	parv[8] = info
**  if NICK version 2:
**	parv[7] = servicestamp
**      parv[8] = umodes
**	parv[9] = virthost, * if none
**	parv[10] = info
**  if NICKIP:
**      parv[10] = ip
**      parv[11] = info
	aTKline *tklban;
	int ishold;
	aClient *acptr, *serv = NULL;
	aClient *acptrs;
	char nick[NICKLEN + 2], *s;
	Membership *mp;
	time_t lastnick = (time_t) 0;
	int  differ = 1, update_watch = 1;
	unsigned char newusr = 0, removemoder = 1;
	 * If the user didn't specify a nickname, complain
	if (parc < 2)
		sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NONICKNAMEGIVEN),
		    me.name, parv[0]);
		return 0;

	strncpyzt(nick, parv[1], NICKLEN + 1);

	if (MyConnect(sptr) && sptr->user && !IsAnOper(sptr))
		if ((sptr->user->flood.nick_c >= NICK_COUNT) && 
		    (TStime() - sptr->user->flood.nick_t < NICK_PERIOD))
			/* Throttle... */
			sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NCHANGETOOFAST), me.name, sptr->name, nick,
				(int)(NICK_PERIOD - (TStime() - sptr->user->flood.nick_t)));
			return 0;

	/* For a local clients, do proper nickname checking via do_nick_name()
	 * and reject the nick if it returns false.
	 * For remote clients, do a quick check by using do_remote_nick_name(),
	 * if this returned false then reject and kill it. -- Syzop
	if ((IsServer(cptr) && !do_remote_nick_name(nick)) ||
	    (!IsServer(cptr) && !do_nick_name(nick)))
		sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME),
		    me.name, parv[0], parv[1], "Illegal characters");

		if (IsServer(cptr))
			sendto_failops("Bad Nick: %s From: %s %s",
			    parv[1], parv[0], get_client_name(cptr, FALSE));
			sendto_one(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (%s <- %s[%s])",
			    me.name, parv[1], me.name, parv[1],
			    nick, cptr->name);
			if (sptr != cptr)
			{	/* bad nick change */
				    ":%s KILL %s :%s (%s <- %s!%s@%s)",
				    me.name, parv[0], me.name,
				    get_client_name(cptr, FALSE),
				    sptr->user ? sptr->username : "",
				    sptr->user ? sptr->user->server :
				sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
				return exit_client(cptr, sptr, &me, "BadNick");
		return 0;

	/* Kill quarantined opers early... */
	if (IsServer(cptr) && (sptr->from->flags & FLAGS_QUARANTINE) &&
	    (parc >= 11) && strchr(parv[8], 'o'))
		/* Send kill to uplink only, hasn't been broadcasted to the rest, anyway */
		sendto_one(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Quarantined: no global oper privileges allowed)",
			me.name, parv[1], me.name);
		sendto_realops("QUARANTINE: Oper %s on server %s killed, due to quarantine",
			parv[1], sptr->name);
		/* (nothing to exit_client or to free, since user was never added) */
		return 0;

	   ** Protocol 4 doesn't send the server as prefix, so it is possible
	   ** the server doesn't exist (a lagged net.burst), in which case
	   ** we simply need to ignore the NICK. Also when we got that server
	   ** name (again) but from another direction. --Run
	   ** We should really only deal with this for msgs from servers.
	   ** -- Aeto
	if (IsServer(cptr) &&
	    (parc > 7
	    && (!(serv = (aClient *)find_server_b64_or_real(parv[6]))
	    || serv->from != cptr->from)))
		sendto_realops("Cannot find server %s (%s)", parv[6],
		return 0;
	   ** Check against nick name collisions.
	   ** Put this 'if' here so that the nesting goes nicely on the screen :)
	   ** We check against server name list before determining if the nickname
	   ** is present in the nicklist (due to the way the below for loop is
	   ** constructed). -avalon
	/* I managed to f**k this up i guess --stskeeps */
	if ((acptr = find_server(nick, NULL)))
		if (MyConnect(sptr))
#ifdef GUEST
			if (IsUnknown(sptr))
				RunHook4(HOOKTYPE_GUEST, cptr, sptr, parc, parv);
				return 0;
			sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE), me.name,
			    BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick);
			return 0;	/* NICK message ignored */

	   ** Check for a Q-lined nickname. If we find it, and it's our
	   ** client, just reject it. -Lefler
	   ** Allow opers to use Q-lined nicknames. -Russell
	if (!stricmp("ircd", nick))
		sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME), me.name,
		    BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick,
		    "Reserved for internal IRCd purposes");
		return 0;
	if (!stricmp("irc", nick))
		sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME), me.name,
		    BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick,
		    "Reserved for internal IRCd purposes");
		return 0;
	if (MyClient(sptr)) /* local client changin nick afterwards.. */
		int xx;
		spamfilter_build_user_string(spamfilter_user, nick, sptr);
		xx = dospamfilter(sptr, spamfilter_user, SPAMF_USER, NULL, 0, NULL);
		if (xx < 0)
			return xx;
	if (!IsULine(sptr) && (tklban = find_qline(sptr, nick, &ishold)))
		if (IsServer(sptr) && !ishold) /* server introducing new client */
			acptrs =
			    (aClient *)find_server_b64_or_real(sptr->user ==
			    NULL ? (char *)parv[6] : (char *)sptr->user->
			/* (NEW: no unregistered q:line msgs anymore during linking) */
			if (!acptrs || (acptrs->serv && acptrs->serv->flags.synced))
				sendto_snomask(SNO_QLINE, "Q:lined nick %s from %s on %s", nick,
				    (*sptr->name != 0
				    && !IsServer(sptr) ? sptr->name : "<unregistered>"),
				    acptrs ? acptrs->name : "unknown server");
		if (IsServer(cptr) && IsPerson(sptr) && !ishold) /* remote user changing nick */
			sendto_snomask(SNO_QLINE, "Q:lined nick %s from %s on %s", nick,
				sptr->name, sptr->srvptr ? sptr->srvptr->name : "<unknown>");

		if (!IsServer(cptr)) /* local */
			if (ishold)
				sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME),
				    me.name, BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0],
				    nick, tklban->reason);
				return 0;
			if (!IsOper(cptr))
				sptr->since += 4; /* lag them up */
				sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_ERRONEUSNICKNAME),
				    me.name, BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0],
				    nick, tklban->reason);
				sendto_snomask(SNO_QLINE, "Forbidding Q-lined nick %s from %s.",
				    nick, get_client_name(cptr, FALSE));
				return 0;	/* NICK message ignored */
	   ** acptr already has result from previous find_server()
	if (acptr)
		   ** We have a nickname trying to use the same name as
		   ** a server. Send out a nick collision KILL to remove
		   ** the nickname. As long as only a KILL is sent out,
		   ** there is no danger of the server being disconnected.
		   ** Ultimate way to jupiter a nick ? >;-). -avalon
		sendto_failops("Nick collision on %s(%s <- %s)",
		    sptr->name, acptr->from->name,
		    get_client_name(cptr, FALSE));
		sendto_one(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (%s <- %s)",
		    me.name, sptr->name, me.name, acptr->from->name,
		    /* NOTE: Cannot use get_client_name
		       ** twice here, it returns static
		       ** string pointer--the other info
		       ** would be lost
		    get_client_name(cptr, FALSE));
		sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
		return exit_client(cptr, sptr, &me, "Nick/Server collision");

	if (MyClient(cptr) && !IsOper(cptr))
		cptr->since += 3;	/* Nick-flood prot. -Donwulff */

	if (!(acptr = find_client(nick, NULL)))
		goto nickkilldone;	/* No collisions, all clear... */
	   ** If the older one is "non-person", the new entry is just
	   ** allowed to overwrite it. Just silently drop non-person,
	   ** and proceed with the nick. This should take care of the
	   ** "dormant nick" way of generating collisions...
	/* Moved before Lost User Field to fix some bugs... -- Barubary */
	if (IsUnknown(acptr) && MyConnect(acptr))
		/* This may help - copying code below */
		if (acptr == cptr)
			return 0;
		acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
		exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me, "Overridden");
		goto nickkilldone;
	/* A sanity check in the user field... */
	if (acptr->user == NULL)
		/* This is a Bad Thing */
		sendto_failops("Lost user field for %s in change from %s",
		    acptr->name, get_client_name(cptr, FALSE));
		sendto_one(acptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Lost user field!)",
		    me.name, acptr->name, me.name);
		acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
		/* Here's the previous versions' desynch.  If the old one is
		   messed up, trash the old one and accept the new one.
		   Remember - at this point there is a new nick coming in!
		   Handle appropriately. -- Barubary */
		exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me, "Lost user field");
		goto nickkilldone;
	   ** If acptr == sptr, then we have a client doing a nick
	   ** change between *equivalent* nicknames as far as server
	   ** is concerned (user is changing the case of his/her
	   ** nickname or somesuch)
	if (acptr == sptr) {
		if (strcmp(acptr->name, nick) != 0)
			/* Allows change of case in his/her nick */
			removemoder = 0; /* don't set the user -r */
			goto nickkilldone;	/* -- go and process change */
		} else
			 ** This is just ':old NICK old' type thing.
			 ** Just forget the whole thing here. There is
			 ** no point forwarding it to anywhere,
			 ** especially since servers prior to this
			 ** version would treat it as nick collision.
			return 0;	/* NICK Message ignored */
	   ** Note: From this point forward it can be assumed that
	   ** acptr != sptr (point to different client structures).
	   ** Decide, we really have a nick collision and deal with it
	if (!IsServer(cptr))
		   ** NICK is coming from local client connection. Just
		   ** send error reply and ignore the command.
#ifdef GUEST
		if (IsUnknown(sptr))
			RunHook4(HOOKTYPE_GUEST, cptr, sptr, parc, parv);
			return 0;
		sendto_one(sptr, err_str(ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE),
		    /* parv[0] is empty when connecting */
		    me.name, BadPtr(parv[0]) ? "*" : parv[0], nick);
		return 0;	/* NICK message ignored */
	   ** NICK was coming from a server connection.
	   ** This means we have a race condition (two users signing on
	   ** at the same time), or two net fragments reconnecting with
	   ** the same nick.
	   ** The latter can happen because two different users connected
	   ** or because one and the same user switched server during a
	   ** net break.
	   ** If we have the old protocol (no TimeStamp and no user@host)
	   ** or if the TimeStamps are equal, we kill both (or only 'new'
	   ** if it was a "NICK new"). Otherwise we kill the youngest
	   ** when user@host differ, or the oldest when they are the same.
	   ** --Run
	if (IsServer(sptr))
		   ** A new NICK being introduced by a neighbouring
		   ** server (e.g. message type "NICK new" received)
		if (parc > 3)
			lastnick = TS2ts(parv[3]);
			if (parc > 5)
				differ = (mycmp(acptr->user->username, parv[4])
				    || mycmp(acptr->user->realhost, parv[5]));
		sendto_failops("Nick collision on %s (%s %ld <- %s %ld)",
		    acptr->name, acptr->from->name, acptr->lastnick,
		    cptr->name, lastnick);
		   **    I'm putting the KILL handling here just to make it easier
		   ** to read, it's hard to follow it the way it used to be.
		   ** Basically, this is what it will do.  It will kill both
		   ** users if no timestamp is given, or they are equal.  It will
		   ** kill the user on our side if the other server is "correct"
		   ** (user@host differ and their user is older, or user@host are
		   ** the same and their user is younger), otherwise just kill the
		   ** user an reintroduce our correct user.
		   **    The old code just sat there and "hoped" the other server
		   ** would kill their user.  Not anymore.
		   **                                               -- binary
		if (!(parc > 3) || (acptr->lastnick == lastnick))
			    ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",
			    me.name, acptr->name, me.name);
			acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
			(void)exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me,
			    "Nick collision with no timestamp/equal timestamps");
			return 0;	/* We killed both users, now stop the process. */

		if ((differ && (acptr->lastnick > lastnick)) ||
		    (!differ && (acptr->lastnick < lastnick)) || acptr->from == cptr)	/* we missed a QUIT somewhere ? */
			    ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",
			    me.name, acptr->name, me.name);
			acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
			(void)exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me, "Nick collision");
			goto nickkilldone;	/* OK, we got rid of the "wrong" user,
						   ** now we're going to add the user the
						   ** other server introduced.

		if ((differ && (acptr->lastnick < lastnick)) ||
		    (!differ && (acptr->lastnick > lastnick)))
			 * Introduce our "correct" user to the other server

			sendto_one(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",
			    me.name, parv[1], me.name);
			send_umode(NULL, acptr, 0, SEND_UMODES, buf);
			sendto_one_nickcmd(cptr, acptr, buf);
			if (acptr->user->away)
				sendto_one(cptr, ":%s AWAY :%s", acptr->name,
			send_user_joins(cptr, acptr);
			return 0;	/* Ignore the NICK */
		return 0;
		   ** A NICK change has collided (e.g. message type ":old NICK new").
		if (parc > 2)
			lastnick = TS2ts(parv[2]);
		differ = (mycmp(acptr->user->username, sptr->user->username) ||
		    mycmp(acptr->user->realhost, sptr->user->realhost));
		    ("Nick change collision from %s to %s (%s %ld <- %s %ld)",
		    sptr->name, acptr->name, acptr->from->name, acptr->lastnick,
		    sptr->from->name, lastnick);
		if (!(parc > 2) || lastnick == acptr->lastnick)
			ircstp->is_kill += 2;
			sendto_serv_butone(NULL,	/* First kill the new nick. */
			    ":%s KILL %s :%s (Self Collision)",
			    me.name, acptr->name, me.name);
			sendto_serv_butone(cptr,	/* Tell my servers to kill the old */
			    ":%s KILL %s :%s (Self Collision)",
			    me.name, sptr->name, me.name);
			sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
			acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
			(void)exit_client(NULL, sptr, &me, "Self Collision");
			(void)exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me, "Self Collision");
			return 0;	/* Now that I killed them both, ignore the NICK */
		if ((differ && (acptr->lastnick > lastnick)) ||
		    (!differ && (acptr->lastnick < lastnick)))
			/* sptr (their user) won, let's kill acptr (our user) */
			    ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick collision: %s <- %s)",
			    me.name, acptr->name, me.name,
			    acptr->from->name, sptr->from->name);
			acptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
			(void)exit_client(NULL, acptr, &me, "Nick collision");
			goto nickkilldone;	/* their user won, introduce new nick */
		if ((differ && (acptr->lastnick < lastnick)) ||
		    (!differ && (acptr->lastnick > lastnick)))
			/* acptr (our user) won, let's kill sptr (their user),
			   ** and reintroduce our "correct" user
			/* Kill the user trying to change their nick. */
			    ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick collision: %s <- %s)",
			    me.name, sptr->name, me.name,
			    sptr->from->name, acptr->from->name);
			sptr->flags |= FLAGS_KILLED;
			(void)exit_client(NULL, sptr, &me, "Nick collision");
			 * Introduce our "correct" user to the other server
			/* Kill their user. */
			sendto_one(cptr, ":%s KILL %s :%s (Nick Collision)",
			    me.name, parv[1], me.name);
			send_umode(NULL, acptr, 0, SEND_UMODES, buf);
			sendto_one_nickcmd(cptr, acptr, buf);
			if (acptr->user->away)
				sendto_one(cptr, ":%s AWAY :%s", acptr->name,

			send_user_joins(cptr, acptr);
			return 0;	/* their user lost, ignore the NICK */

	return 0;		/* just in case */
	if (IsServer(sptr))
		/* A server introducing a new client, change source */

		sptr = make_client(cptr, serv);
		if (parc > 2)
			sptr->hopcount = TS2ts(parv[2]);
		if (parc > 3)
			sptr->lastnick = TS2ts(parv[3]);
		else		/* Little bit better, as long as not all upgraded */
			sptr->lastnick = TStime();
		if (sptr->lastnick < 0)
			    ("Negative timestamp recieved from %s, resetting to TStime (%s)",
			    cptr->name, backupbuf);
			sptr->lastnick = TStime();
		newusr = 1;
	else if (sptr->name[0] && IsPerson(sptr))
		   ** If the client belongs to me, then check to see
		   ** if client is currently on any channels where it
		   ** is currently banned.  If so, do not allow the nick
		   ** change to occur.
		   ** Also set 'lastnick' to current time, if changed.
		if (MyClient(sptr))
			for (mp = sptr->user->channel; mp; mp = mp->next)
				if (!is_skochanop(sptr, mp->chptr) && is_banned(sptr, mp->chptr, BANCHK_NICK))
					    me.name, parv[0],
					return 0;
				if (CHECK_TARGET_NICK_BANS && !is_skochanop(sptr, mp->chptr) && is_banned_with_nick(sptr, mp->chptr, BANCHK_NICK, nick))
					    ":%s 437 %s %s :Cannot change to a nickname banned on channel",
					    me.name, parv[0],
					return 0;
				if (!IsOper(sptr) && !IsULine(sptr)
				    && mp->chptr->mode.mode & MODE_NONICKCHANGE
				    && !is_chanownprotop(sptr, mp->chptr))
					    me.name, parv[0],
					return 0;

			if (TStime() - sptr->user->flood.nick_t >= NICK_PERIOD)
				sptr->user->flood.nick_t = TStime();
				sptr->user->flood.nick_c = 1;
			} else

			sendto_snomask(SNO_NICKCHANGE, "*** Notice -- %s (%s@%s) has changed his/her nickname to %s",
				sptr->name, sptr->user->username, sptr->user->realhost, nick);

			RunHook2(HOOKTYPE_LOCAL_NICKCHANGE, sptr, nick);
		} else {
			if (!IsULine(sptr))
				sendto_snomask(SNO_FNICKCHANGE, "*** Notice -- %s (%s@%s) has changed his/her nickname to %s",
					sptr->name, sptr->user->username, sptr->user->realhost, nick);

			RunHook3(HOOKTYPE_REMOTE_NICKCHANGE, cptr, sptr, nick);
		 * Client just changing his/her nick. If he/she is
		 * on a channel, send note of change to all clients
		 * on that channel. Propagate notice to other servers.
		if (mycmp(parv[0], nick) ||
		    /* Next line can be removed when all upgraded  --Run */
		    (!MyClient(sptr) && parc > 2
		    && TS2ts(parv[2]) < sptr->lastnick))
			sptr->lastnick = (MyClient(sptr)
			    || parc < 3) ? TStime() : TS2ts(parv[2]);
		if (sptr->lastnick < 0)
			sendto_realops("Negative timestamp (%s)", backupbuf);
			sptr->lastnick = TStime();
		add_history(sptr, 1);
		sendto_common_channels(sptr, ":%s NICK :%s", parv[0], nick);
		sendto_serv_butone_token(cptr, parv[0], MSG_NICK, TOK_NICK,
		    "%s %ld", nick, sptr->lastnick);
		if (removemoder)
			sptr->umodes &= ~UMODE_REGNICK;
	else if (!sptr->name[0])
#ifdef NOSPOOF
		 * Client setting NICK the first time.
		 * Generate a random string for them to pong with.
		sptr->nospoof = getrandom32();

			sendto_one(sptr, ":%s NOTICE %s :*** If you are having problems"
			    " connecting due to ping timeouts, please"
			    " type /quote pong %X or /raw pong %X now.",
			    me.name, nick, sptr->nospoof, sptr->nospoof);

		sendto_one(sptr, "PING :%X", sptr->nospoof);
#endif /* NOSPOOF */
		    ":%s NOTICE %s :*** If you need assistance with a"
		    " connection problem, please email " CONTACT_EMAIL
		    " with the name and version of the client you are"
		    " using, and the server you tried to connect to: %s",
		    me.name, nick, me.name);
#endif /* CONTACT_EMAIL */
		    ":%s NOTICE %s :*** If you need assistance with"
		    " connecting to this server, %s, please refer to: "
		    CONTACT_URL, me.name, nick, me.name);
#endif /* CONTACT_URL */

		/* Copy password to the passwd field if it's given after NICK
		 * - originally by taz, modified by Wizzu
		if ((parc > 2) && (strlen(parv[2]) <= PASSWDLEN)
		    && !(sptr->listener->umodes & LISTENER_JAVACLIENT))
			if (sptr->passwd)
			sptr->passwd = MyMalloc(strlen(parv[2]) + 1);
			(void)strcpy(sptr->passwd, parv[2]);
		/* This had to be copied here to avoid problems.. */
		(void)strcpy(sptr->name, nick);
		if (sptr->user && IsNotSpoof(sptr))
			   ** USER already received, now we have NICK.
			   ** *NOTE* For servers "NICK" *must* precede the
			   ** user message (giving USER before NICK is possible
			   ** only for local client connection!). register_user
			   ** may reject the client and call exit_client for it
			   ** --must test this and exit m_nick too!!!
#ifndef NOSPOOF
			if (USE_BAN_VERSION && MyConnect(sptr))
				sendto_one(sptr, ":IRC!IRC@%s PRIVMSG %s :\1VERSION\1",
					me.name, nick);
			sptr->lastnick = TStime();	/* Always local client */
			if (register_user(cptr, sptr, nick,
			    sptr->user->username, NULL, NULL, NULL) == FLUSH_BUFFER)
				return FLUSH_BUFFER;
			strcpy(nick, sptr->name); /* don't ask, but I need this. do not remove! -- Syzop */
			update_watch = 0;
			newusr = 1;
	 *  Finally set new nick name.
	if (update_watch && sptr->name[0])
		(void)del_from_client_hash_table(sptr->name, sptr);
		if (IsPerson(sptr))
			hash_check_watch(sptr, RPL_LOGOFF);
	(void)strcpy(sptr->name, nick);
	(void)add_to_client_hash_table(nick, sptr);
	if (IsServer(cptr) && parc > 7)
		parv[3] = nick;
		do_cmd(cptr, sptr, "USER", parc - 3, &parv[3]);
		if (GotNetInfo(cptr) && !IsULine(sptr))
			sendto_fconnectnotice(sptr->name, sptr->user, sptr, 0, NULL);
	else if (IsPerson(sptr) && update_watch)
		hash_check_watch(sptr, RPL_LOGON);

	if (sptr->user && !newusr && !IsULine(sptr))
		for (mp = sptr->user->channel; mp; mp = mp->next)
			aChannel *chptr = mp->chptr;
			    chptr->mode.floodprot && do_chanflood(chptr->mode.floodprot, FLD_NICK) && MyClient(sptr))
				do_chanflood_action(chptr, FLD_NICK, "nick");
	if (newusr && !MyClient(sptr) && IsPerson(sptr))

	return 0;