Exemplo n.º 1
void GenerateZLUTFittingCurve(const char *lutfile)
	QTrkSettings settings;
	settings.width = settings.height = 80;

	QueuedCPUTracker qt(settings);
	ImageData lut = ReadJPEGFile(lutfile);
	ImageData nlut;
	ResampleLUT(&qt, &lut, lut.h, &nlut);

	CPUTracker trk(settings.width,settings.height);

	ImageData smp = ImageData::alloc(settings.width,settings.height);

	trk.SetRadialZLUT(nlut.data, nlut.h, nlut.w, 1, qt.cfg.zlut_minradius, qt.cfg.zlut_maxradius, false, false);

	int N=8;
	for (int z=0;z<6;z++) {
		vector3f pos(settings.width/2,settings.height/2, nlut.h * (1+z) / (float)N + 0.123f);
		GenerateImageFromLUT(&smp, &nlut, qt.cfg.zlut_minradius, qt.cfg.zlut_maxradius, pos);
		ApplyPoissonNoise(smp, 10000);
		WriteJPEGFile( SPrintf("zlutfitcurve-smpimg-z%d.jpg", z).c_str(), smp);
		std::vector<float> profile(qt.cfg.zlut_radialsteps), cmpProf(nlut.h), fitted(nlut.h);
		trk.ComputeRadialProfile(&profile[0], qt.cfg.zlut_radialsteps, qt.cfg.zlut_angularsteps, qt.cfg.zlut_minradius, qt.cfg.zlut_maxradius, pos.xy(), false);
		trk.LUTProfileCompare(&profile[0], 0, &cmpProf[0], CPUTracker::LUTProfMaxQuadraticFit, &fitted[0]);

		WriteArrayAsCSVRow("zlutfitcurve-profile.txt", &profile[0], profile.size(), z>0);
		WriteArrayAsCSVRow("zlutfitcurve-cmpprof.txt", &cmpProf[0], cmpProf.size(), z>0);
		WriteArrayAsCSVRow("zlutfitcurve-fitted.txt", &fitted[0], fitted.size(), z>0);

Exemplo n.º 2
	TextureRegion TextureRegion::fitted(const Vec2& _size, const bool scaleUp) const
		return fitted(_size.x, _size.y, scaleUp);
Exemplo n.º 3
// Calculate the martingale increments using the row rearrangement
arma::cube AddDual(const arma::cube& path,
                   Rcpp::NumericVector subsim_,
                   const arma::vec& weight,
                   Rcpp::NumericVector value_,
                   Rcpp::Function Scrap_) {
  // R objects to C++
  const std::size_t n_path = path.n_rows;
  const arma::ivec v_dims = value_.attr("dim");
  const std::size_t n_grid = v_dims(0);
  const std::size_t n_dim = v_dims(1);
  const std::size_t n_pos = v_dims(2);
  const std::size_t n_dec = v_dims(3);
  const arma::cube value(value_.begin(), n_grid, n_dim * n_pos, n_dec, false);
  const arma::ivec s_dims = subsim_.attr("dim");
  const std::size_t n_subsim = s_dims(2);
  const arma::cube subsim(subsim_.begin(), n_dim, n_dim * n_subsim * n_path, n_dec - 1, false);
  // Duals
  arma::cube mart(n_path, n_pos, n_dec - 1);
  arma::mat temp_state(n_subsim * n_path, n_dim);
  arma::mat fitted(n_grid, n_dim);
  std::size_t ll;
  Rcpp::Rcout << "Additive duals at dec: ";
  // Find averaged value
  for (std::size_t tt = 0; tt < (n_dec - 2); tt++) {
    Rcpp::Rcout << tt << "...";
    // 1 step subsimulation
#pragma omp parallel for private(ll)
    for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < n_path; ii++) {
      for (std::size_t ss = 0; ss < n_subsim; ss++) {
        ll = n_subsim * ii + ss;
        temp_state.row(ll) = weight(ss) * path.slice(tt).row(ii) *
            arma::trans(subsim.slice(tt).cols(n_dim * ll, n_dim * (ll + 1) - 1));       
    // Averaging
    for (std::size_t pp = 0; pp < n_pos; pp++) {
      fitted = value.slice(tt + 1).cols(n_dim * pp, n_dim * (pp + 1) - 1);
      mart.slice(tt).col(pp) = arma::conv_to<arma::vec>::from(arma::sum(arma::reshape(
          OptimalValue(temp_state, fitted), n_subsim, n_path)));
      // Subtract the path realisation
      mart.slice(tt).col(pp) -= OptimalValue(path.slice(tt + 1), fitted);
  // Scrap value
  Rcpp::Rcout << n_dec - 1 << "...";
  // 1 step subsimulation
#pragma omp parallel for private(ll)
  for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < n_path; ii++) {
    for (std::size_t ss = 0; ss < n_subsim; ss++) {
      ll = n_subsim * ii + ss;
      temp_state.row(n_path * ss + ii) = path.slice(n_dec - 2).row(ii) *
          arma::trans(subsim.slice(n_dec - 2).cols(n_dim * ll, n_dim * (ll + 1) - 1));
  // Averaging
  arma::mat subsim_scrap(n_subsim * n_path, n_pos);
  subsim_scrap = Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(Scrap_(
  arma::mat scrap(n_path, n_pos);
  scrap = Rcpp::as<arma::mat>(Scrap_(
      Rcpp::as<Rcpp::NumericMatrix>(Rcpp::wrap(path.slice(n_dec - 1)))));
  for (std::size_t pp = 0; pp < n_pos; pp++) {
    mart.slice(n_dec - 2).col(pp) =
        arma::reshape(subsim_scrap.col(pp), n_path, n_subsim) * weight;
    // Subtract the path realisation
    mart.slice(n_dec - 2).col(pp) -= scrap.col(pp);
  Rcpp::Rcout << "done\n";
  return mart;
Exemplo n.º 4
void MMEstimator::operator()(const Data& data, double* coef_ptr,
                           double* fitted_ptr, double* resid_ptr,
                           double* scale_ptr) {

  const arma::vec& y = data.y;
  const arma::mat& x = data.x;

  arma::vec coef(p);
  arma::vec fitted(n);
  arma::vec resid(n);
  double scale;

  arma::vec y_wt(n);
  arma::mat x_wt(n, p);
  arma::vec wt(n);

  // S estimation
  double scale_prev;

  lqs_estimator(data, coef.memptr(), fitted.memptr(), resid.memptr(), &scale);

  for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
    // calculate weights
    wt = resid / scale;
    wt = sqrt(wt);

    // apply weights to data
    y_wt = y % wt;
    // TODO: try sparse diagonal matrix multiplication, column-wise dot product
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      x_wt.row(i) = x.row(i) * wt(i);

    // find weighted least squares estimate
    coef = arma::solve(x_wt, y_wt);
    resid = y - x * coef;

    // re-calculate scale
    wt = resid / scale;
    scale_prev = scale;
    scale *= sqrt(sum(wt) / ((n - p) * beta));

    if (fabs(scale / scale_prev - 1) < 1e-5) break;

  // M estimation
  int maxit = 50000;
  arma::vec resid_prev(n);
  double c = 4.685;
  arma::vec conv(1);

  for (int i = 0; i < maxit; i++) {
    resid_prev = resid;

    // calculate weights
    wt = resid / scale;
    wt = sqrt(wt);

    // apply weights to data
    y_wt = y % wt;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      x_wt.row(i) = x.row(i) * wt(i);

    // find weighted least squares estimate
    coef = arma::solve(x_wt, y_wt);
    resid = y - x * coef;

    // check for convergence
    conv = sqrt(sum(pow(resid - resid_prev, 2)) / sum(pow(resid_prev, 2)));
    if (conv(0) < 1e-4) break;

  // output
  arma::vec coef_out(coef_ptr, p, false, true);
  arma::vec fitted_out(fitted_ptr, n, false, true);
  arma::vec resid_out(resid_ptr, n, false, true);
  arma::vec scale_out(scale_ptr, 1, false, true);

  coef_out = coef;
  fitted_out = x * coef;
  resid_out = resid;
  scale_out = scale;