Exemplo n.º 1
static void mf16_divmul_s(mf16 *dest, const mf16 *matrix, fix16_t scalar, uint8_t mul)
    int row, column;
    dest->rows = matrix->rows;
    dest->columns = matrix->columns;
    dest->errors = matrix->errors;
    for (row = 0; row < dest->rows; row++)
        for (column = 0; column < dest->columns; column++)
            fix16_t value = matrix->data[row][column];
            if (mul)
                value = fix16_mul(value, scalar);
                value = fix16_div(value, scalar);
            if (value == fix16_overflow)
                dest->errors |= FIXMATRIX_OVERFLOW;
            dest->data[row][column] = value;
Exemplo n.º 2
fix16_vector3_normalized(const fix16_vector3_t *v0, fix16_vector3_t *result)
        fix16_t inv_length;
        inv_length = fix16_div(F16(1.0f), fix16_vector3_length(v0));

        fix16_vector3_scaled(inv_length, v0, result);
Exemplo n.º 3
fix16_vector3_normalize(fix16_vector3_t *result)
        fix16_t inv_length;
        inv_length = fix16_div(F16(1.0f), fix16_vector3_length(result));

        fix16_vector3_scale(inv_length, result);
Exemplo n.º 4
fix16_t fix16_from_str(const char *buf)
    while (isspace(*buf))
    /* Decode the sign */
    bool negative = (*buf == '-');
    if (*buf == '+' || *buf == '-')

    /* Decode the integer part */
    uint32_t intpart = 0;
    int count = 0;
    while (isdigit(*buf))
        intpart *= 10;
        intpart += *buf++ - '0';
    if (count == 0 || count > 5
        || intpart > 32768 || (!negative && intpart > 32767))
        return fix16_overflow;
    fix16_t value = intpart << 16;
    /* Decode the decimal part */
    if (*buf == '.' || *buf == ',')
        uint32_t fracpart = 0;
        uint32_t scale = 1;
        while (isdigit(*buf) && scale < 100000)
            scale *= 10;
            fracpart *= 10;
            fracpart += *buf++ - '0';
        value += fix16_div(fracpart, scale);
    /* Verify that there is no garbage left over */
    while (*buf != '\0')
        if (!isdigit(*buf) && !isspace(*buf))
            return fix16_overflow;
    return negative ? -value : value;
Exemplo n.º 5
void mf16_solve(mf16 *dest, const mf16 *q, const mf16 *r, const mf16 *matrix)
    int row, column, variable;
    if (r->columns != r->rows || r->columns != q->columns || r == dest)
        dest->errors |= FIXMATRIX_USEERR;
    // Ax=b <=> QRx=b <=> Q'QRx=Q'b <=> Rx=Q'b
    // Q'b is calculated directly and x is then solved row-by-row.
    mf16_mul_at(dest, q, matrix);
    for (column = 0; column < dest->columns; column++)
        for (row = dest->rows - 1; row >= 0; row--)
            fix16_t value = dest->data[row][column];
            // Subtract any already solved variables
            for (variable = row + 1; variable < r->columns; variable++)
                fix16_t multiplier = r->data[row][variable];
                fix16_t known_value = dest->data[variable][column];
                fix16_t product = fix16_mul(multiplier, known_value);
                value = fix16_sub(value, product);
                if (product == fix16_overflow || value == fix16_overflow)
                    dest->errors |= FIXMATRIX_OVERFLOW;
            // Now value = R_ij x_i <=> x_i = value / R_ij
            fix16_t divider = r->data[row][row];
            if (divider == 0)
                dest->errors |= FIXMATRIX_SINGULAR;
                dest->data[row][column] = 0;
            fix16_t result = fix16_div(value, divider);
            dest->data[row][column] = result;
            if (result == fix16_overflow)
                dest->errors |= FIXMATRIX_OVERFLOW;
Exemplo n.º 6
fix16_vector3_angle(const fix16_vector3_t *v0, const fix16_vector3_t *v1)
        fix16_t v0_length;
        v0_length = fix16_vector3_length(v0);

        fix16_t v1_length;
        v1_length = fix16_vector3_length(v1);

        return fix16_acos(fix16_div(fix16_vector3_dot(v0, v1),
                fix16_mul(v0_length, v1_length)));
Exemplo n.º 7
/* A basic single-frequency DFT, useful when you are interested in just a single signal. */
static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL amx_dft(AMX *amx, const cell *params)
    // dft(input{}, Fixed: &real, Fixed: &imag, Fixed: period, count);
    uint8_t *input = (uint8_t*)params[1];
    int count = params[5];
    fix16_t period = params[4];
    fix16_t *realp = (fix16_t*)params[2];
    fix16_t *imagp = (fix16_t*)params[3];

    // Round the count to a multiple of period
    int multiple = fix16_from_int(count) / period;
    count = fix16_to_int(fix16_mul(fix16_from_int(multiple), period));

    fix16_t real = 0;
    fix16_t imag = 0;
    fix16_t step = fix16_div(2 * fix16_pi, period);
    fix16_t angle = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        // We scale by 256 to achieve a good compromise between precision and
        // range.
        fix16_t value = input[INPUT_INDEX(i)] * 256;

        // Calculate value * (cos(angle) - i * sin(angle)) and add to sum.
        real += fix16_mul(value, fix16_cos(angle));
        imag += fix16_mul(value, -fix16_sin(angle));

        angle += step;

    fix16_t scale = count * 256;
    *realp = fix16_div(real, scale);
    *imagp = fix16_div(imag, scale);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
		Fix16 & operator/=(const float rhs)   { value = fix16_div(value, fix16_from_float(rhs)); return *this; }
Exemplo n.º 9
		Fix16 & operator/=(const double rhs)  { value = fix16_div(value, fix16_from_dbl(rhs)); return *this; }
Exemplo n.º 10
		Fix16 & operator/=(const fix16_t rhs) { value = fix16_div(value, rhs); return *this; }
Exemplo n.º 11
		Fix16 & operator/=(const Fix16 &rhs)  { value = fix16_div(value, rhs.value); return *this; }
Exemplo n.º 12
void mf16_cholesky(mf16 *dest, const mf16 *matrix)
    // This is the Cholesky–Banachiewicz algorithm.
    // Refer to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholesky_decomposition#The_Cholesky.E2.80.93Banachiewicz_and_Cholesky.E2.80.93Crout_algorithms
    int row, column, k;
    dest->errors = matrix->errors;
    if (matrix->rows != matrix->columns)
        dest->errors |= FIXMATRIX_DIMERR;
    dest->rows = dest->columns = matrix->rows;
    for (row = 0; row < dest->rows; row++)
        for (column = 0; column < dest->columns; column++)
            if (row == column)
                // Value on the diagonal
                // Ljj = sqrt(Ajj - sum(Ljk^2, k = 1..(j-1))
                fix16_t value = matrix->data[row][column];
                for (k = 0; k < column; k++)
                    fix16_t Ljk = dest->data[row][k];
                    Ljk = fix16_mul(Ljk, Ljk);
                    value = fix16_sub(value, Ljk);
                    if (value == fix16_overflow || Ljk == fix16_overflow)
                        dest->errors |= FIXMATRIX_OVERFLOW;
                if (value < 0)
                    if (value < -65)
                        dest->errors |= FIXMATRIX_NEGATIVE;
                    value = 0;
                dest->data[row][column] = fix16_sqrt(value);
            else if (row < column)
                // Value above diagonal
                dest->data[row][column] = 0;
                // Value below diagonal
                // Lij = 1/Ljj (Aij - sum(Lik Ljk, k = 1..(j-1)))
                fix16_t value = matrix->data[row][column];
                for (k = 0; k < column; k++)
                    fix16_t Lik = dest->data[row][k];
                    fix16_t Ljk = dest->data[column][k];
                    fix16_t product = fix16_mul(Lik, Ljk);
                    value = fix16_sub(value, product);
                    if (value == fix16_overflow || product == fix16_overflow)
                        dest->errors |= FIXMATRIX_OVERFLOW;
                fix16_t Ljj = dest->data[column][column];
                value = fix16_div(value, Ljj);
                dest->data[row][column] = value;
                if (value == fix16_overflow)
                    dest->errors |= FIXMATRIX_OVERFLOW;
Exemplo n.º 13
void mf16_qr_decomposition(mf16 *q, mf16 *r, const mf16 *matrix, int reorthogonalize)
    int i, j, reorth;
    fix16_t dot, norm;
    uint8_t stride = FIXMATRIX_MAX_SIZE;
    uint8_t n = matrix->rows;
    // This uses the modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm.
    // subtract_projection takes advantage of the fact that
    // previous columns have already been normalized.
    // We start with q = matrix
    if (q != matrix)
        *q = *matrix;
    // R is initialized to have square size of cols(A) and zeroed.
    r->columns = matrix->columns;
    r->rows = matrix->columns;
    r->errors = 0;
    mf16_fill(r, 0);
    // Now do the actual Gram-Schmidt for the rows.
    for (j = 0; j < q->columns; j++)
        for (reorth = 0; reorth <= reorthogonalize; reorth++)
            for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
                fix16_t *v = &q->data[0][j];
                fix16_t *u = &q->data[0][i];
                dot = fa16_dot(v, stride, u, stride, n);
                subtract_projection(v, u, dot, n, &q->errors);
                if (dot == fix16_overflow)
                    q->errors |= FIXMATRIX_OVERFLOW;
                r->data[i][j] += dot;
        // Normalize the row in q
        norm = fa16_norm(&q->data[0][j], stride, n);
        r->data[j][j] = norm;
        if (norm == fix16_overflow)
            q->errors |= FIXMATRIX_OVERFLOW;
        if (norm < 5 && norm > -5)
            // Nearly zero norm, which means that the row
            // was linearly dependent.
            q->errors |= FIXMATRIX_SINGULAR;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            // norm >= v[i] for all i, therefore this division
            // doesn't overflow unless norm approaches 0.
            q->data[i][j] = fix16_div(q->data[i][j], norm);
    r->errors = q->errors;
Exemplo n.º 14
int main()
    int i;
    print_value("Timestamp bias", end_timing());
    for (i = 0; i < TESTCASES1_COUNT; i++)
        fix16_t input = testcases1[i].a;
        fix16_t result;
        fix16_t expected = testcases1[i].sqrt;
        MEASURE(sqrt_cycles, result = fix16_sqrt(input));
        if (input > 0 && delta(result, expected) > max_delta)
            print_value("Failed SQRT, i", i);
            print_value("Failed SQRT, input", input);
            print_value("Failed SQRT, output", result);
            print_value("Failed SQRT, expected", expected);
        expected = testcases1[i].exp;
        MEASURE(exp_cycles, result = fix16_exp(input));
        if (delta(result, expected) > 400)
            print_value("Failed EXP, i", i);
            print_value("Failed EXP, input", input);
            print_value("Failed EXP, output", result);
            print_value("Failed EXP, expected", expected);
    PRINT(sqrt_cycles, "fix16_sqrt");
    PRINT(exp_cycles, "fix16_exp");

    for (i = 0; i < TESTCASES2_COUNT; i++)
        fix16_t a = testcases2[i].a;
        fix16_t b = testcases2[i].b;
        volatile fix16_t result;
        fix16_t expected = testcases2[i].add;
        MEASURE(add_cycles, result = fix16_add(a, b));
        if (delta(result, expected) > max_delta)
            print_value("Failed ADD, i", i);
            print_value("Failed ADD, a", a);
            print_value("Failed ADD, b", b);
            print_value("Failed ADD, output", result);
            print_value("Failed ADD, expected", expected);
        expected = testcases2[i].sub;
        MEASURE(sub_cycles, result = fix16_sub(a, b));
        if (delta(result, expected) > max_delta)
            print_value("Failed SUB, i", i);
            print_value("Failed SUB, a", a);
            print_value("Failed SUB, b", b);
            print_value("Failed SUB, output", result);
            print_value("Failed SUB, expected", expected);
        expected = testcases2[i].mul;
        MEASURE(mul_cycles, result = fix16_mul(a, b));
        if (delta(result, expected) > max_delta)
            print_value("Failed MUL, i", i);
            print_value("Failed MUL, a", a);
            print_value("Failed MUL, b", b);
            print_value("Failed MUL, output", result);
            print_value("Failed MUL, expected", expected);
        if (b != 0)
            expected = testcases2[i].div;
            MEASURE(div_cycles, result = fix16_div(a, b));
            if (delta(result, expected) > max_delta)
                print_value("Failed DIV, i", i);
                print_value("Failed DIV, a", a);
                print_value("Failed DIV, b", b);
                print_value("Failed DIV, output", result);
                print_value("Failed DIV, expected", expected);
    PRINT(add_cycles, "fix16_add");
    PRINT(sub_cycles, "fix16_sub");
    PRINT(mul_cycles, "fix16_mul");
    PRINT(div_cycles, "fix16_div");
    /* Compare with floating point performance */
#ifndef NO_FLOAT
    for (i = 0; i < TESTCASES1_COUNT; i++)
        float input = fix16_to_float(testcases1[i].a);
        volatile float result;
        MEASURE(float_sqrtf_cycles, result = sqrtf(input));
    PRINT(float_sqrtf_cycles, "float sqrtf");
    for (i = 0; i < TESTCASES2_COUNT; i++)
        float a = fix16_to_float(testcases2[i].a);
        float b = fix16_to_float(testcases2[i].b);
        volatile float result;
        MEASURE(float_add_cycles, result = a + b);
        MEASURE(float_sub_cycles, result = a - b);
        MEASURE(float_mul_cycles, result = a * b);
        if (b != 0)
            MEASURE(float_div_cycles, result = a / b);
    PRINT(float_add_cycles, "float add");
    PRINT(float_sub_cycles, "float sub");
    PRINT(float_mul_cycles, "float mul");
    PRINT(float_div_cycles, "float div");

    return 0;