Exemplo n.º 1
/* wb_cb : WAD browser callback.  This function is called 
   whenever a user presses an entry in the browser.  */
void wb_cb(FL_OBJECT *a, long l)
  int line;
  Int4 index;
  int RetVal;
  const char *ch;

  line = fl_get_browser(a);  /* get line number in browser */
  if ( line == 1 )           /* first line is the legend */

  index = LinearMap[line];

  /* check appropriate choice-box to see if we should handle 
     this ourself, or spawn an external program */
  switch ( pEntryTag[index] )
    case TAG_SFX  :  ch = fl_get_choice_text( snd_cho ); break;
    case TAG_FLAT :
    case TAG_FULL :
    case TAG_IMG  :  ch = fl_get_choice_text( img_cho ); break;
    case TAG_HIRES:  
      ch = fl_get_choice_text( img_cho );
      if ( !strcmp( ch, INTERNALLY_STR ) )
	Message("Entry type %s cannot be handled internally, "
		"spawning external... \n", TagString(pEntryTag[index]) );
      /* fallthrough */
    case TAG_MUS  :  ch = EXTERNALLY_STR; break;
    default       :  ch = NULL; break;
  if ( !strcmp( ch, EXTERNALLY_STR ) ) {  
    /* handle externally, but we must determine if we have an external
       program */
    switch (pEntryTag[index])
      case TAG_MUS  :  RetVal = (Ext_MUS_Player[0] != '\0') ? 0 : 1;  break;
      case TAG_SFX  :  RetVal = (Ext_WAV_Player[0] != '\0') ? 0 : 1;  break;
      case TAG_FLAT :
      case TAG_FULL :
      case TAG_IMG  :
      case TAG_HIRES:  RetVal = (Ext_PCX_Viewer[0] != '\0') ? 0 : 1;  break;
      default       :  RetVal = 1;  break;
    if (RetVal) {
      Message("No external program defined for type %s\n",
	     TagString(pEntryTag[index]) );
    SpawnExternal( index );
  else    /* handle internally */
    HandleInternal( index );
  /* Dump (flush) all X-events before we return, so e.g. if a user
     keeps the "down"-key pressed, the effect will be as expected.  */

  XSync( fl_get_display(), True );
Exemplo n.º 2
void select_single(FL_OBJECT *ob, long data)
	const char *str;
	str = fl_get_choice_text (ob);
	if (strcmp (str, "dual") == 0)
		single = 0;
	if (strcmp (str, "single") == 0)
		single = 1;
	if (strcmp (str, "interferometer") == 0)
		single = 2;
	if (strcmp (str, "split") == 0)
		single = 3;
	if (strcmp (str, "uhd") == 0)
		single = 4;
Exemplo n.º 3
void NeoWindow::HandleOptionsObject( FL_OBJECT *obj ) { // Handle command from form on options dialog
   FD_options *box = options_box;
   if ( obj == box->ok ) {
      fl_hide_form( box->options );
      fl_free_form( box->options );
      Refresh( true );
      options_box = NULL;
   } else if ( obj == box->initial_pop )
      neo->initial_creatures = fl_get_slider_value( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->initial_plant )
      neo->num_initial_food_locs = fl_get_slider_value( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->initial_flesh )
      neo->num_initial_meat_locs = fl_get_slider_value( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->give_head_start )
      neo->bGiveHeadStart = fl_get_button( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->allow_sex )
      neo->bAllowSexual = fl_get_button( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->allow_asex )
      neo->bAllowAsexual = fl_get_button( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->terrain_size )
      neo->terrain_size = atoi( fl_get_choice_text( obj ) );
   else if ( obj == box->scale ) 
      neo->scale = fl_get_slider_value( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->prob_crossover ) 
      neo->prob_crossover = fl_get_slider_value( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->prob_mutation ) 
      neo->prob_mutation = fl_get_slider_value( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->max_pop ) 
      neo->maximum_creatures = fl_get_slider_value( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->min_pop ) 
      neo->nMinimumPopulation = fl_get_slider_value( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->age_factor ) 
      neo->age_factor = fl_get_slider_value( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->carcass_decay_rate ) 
      neo->nCarcassDecayRate = fl_get_slider_value( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->waste_decay_rate ) 
      neo->nWasteDecayRate = fl_get_slider_value( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->poison_decay_rate ) 
      neo->nPoisonDecayRate = fl_get_slider_value( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->give_head_start ) 
      neo->bGiveHeadStart = fl_get_button( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->allow_sex ) 
      neo->bAllowSexual = fl_get_button( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->allow_asex ) 
      neo->bAllowAsexual = fl_get_button( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->maintain_min_pop ) 
      neo->bKeepMinimumPopulation = fl_get_button( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->use_survivor ) 
      neo->bUseSurvivorForMinimum = fl_get_button( obj );
   else if ( obj == box->save_sim ) 
      if ( fl_get_button( obj ) )
	 neo->saveEveryNsteps = fl_get_slider_value( box->save_every );
	 neo->saveEveryNsteps = -1;
   else if ( obj == box->file_name )
      strcpy( neo->fileName, fl_get_input( obj ) );
Exemplo n.º 4
/*** callbacks and freeobj handles for form receiver_start ***/
void select_bandwidth(FL_OBJECT *ob, long data)
	const char *str;
	double fbw;
	str = fl_get_choice_text (ob);
	fbw = atof (str);
	bandwidth = (int)fbw;
Exemplo n.º 5
set_dec_mode (FL_OBJECT *ob, long data)
	strcpy (dec_mode, fl_get_choice_text (ob));
	if (strcmp (dec_mode, "external") == 0)
		sprintf (dec_mode, "external %s",
			(char *)fl_show_fselector ("Select DEC Control File",".", "*.*","dec_control_file"));
Exemplo n.º 6
/* Callback for the sound-choice.  Only used to hide/show the
   "reverse" button, and only if we have sound */
void snd_cho_cb(FL_OBJECT *a, long l)
  const char *ch;

  ch = fl_get_choice_text( a );
  if ( !strcmp(ch, EXTERNALLY_STR ) ) 
    fl_hide_object( rev_but );
    fl_show_object( rev_but );
Exemplo n.º 7
select_psr_srate (FL_OBJECT *ob, long data)
	char *str;
	char numbuf[128], *np, *p;
	str = (char *)fl_get_choice_text (ob);
	p = str;
	np = numbuf;
	while (isdigit(*p))
		*np = *p;
		*np = '\0';
	psr_srate = atoi(numbuf) * 1000;
Exemplo n.º 8
set_side_choice (FL_OBJECT *ob, long data)
	const char *str;
	if ((str = fl_get_choice_text (ob)) != NULL)
		if (strcmp (str, "A") == 0)
			strcpy (side, "A:0");
		else if (strcmp (str, "B") == 0)
			strcpy (side, "B:0");
		strcpy (side, "A:0");
Exemplo n.º 9
/* callback for palette-change choice */
void pal_ch_cb(FL_OBJECT *a, long l)
  const char *ch;
  char **current_xpm;

  ch = fl_get_choice_text( a );
  /* copy the RGB selected by the user to the "current" RGB. */

  if( !strcmp(ch,PAL_DOOM) )
    CopyRGB( DAC_Reg, doom_rgb);
  else if( !strcmp(ch,PAL_HERETIC) )
    CopyRGB( DAC_Reg, heretic_rgb);

  else if( !strcmp(ch,PAL_E_HERETIC) )
    CopyRGB( DAC_Reg, E_HERETIC_rgb);

  else if( !strcmp(ch,PAL_HEXEN) )
    CopyRGB( DAC_Reg, hexen_rgb);
  else if( !strcmp(ch,PAL_STRIFE) )
    CopyRGB( DAC_Reg, strife_rgb);
  else if( !strcmp(ch, PAL_USER) && USER_rgb )
    CopyRGB( DAC_Reg, USER_rgb);

  else  /* this should not happen */
    Abort("unknown palette type!\n");

  CreateXpmPalette( DAC_Reg, keep_transparent_color );

  /* redraw current image */
  if ( ( current_xpm = CreateXpmImage( 0, 0, 0, 1, NULL)) ) {
    fl_free_pixmap_pixmap( img_pxm );
    fl_set_pixmap_data( img_pxm, current_xpm );
Exemplo n.º 10
adjust_brightness (FL_OBJECT *ob, long data)
    const char *str;

    str = fl_get_choice_text (ob);
    if (strcmp (str, "100") == 0)
        waterfall_brightness = 1.0;
    if (strcmp (str, "75") == 0)
        waterfall_brightness = 0.75;
    if (strcmp (str, "66") == 0)
        waterfall_brightness = 0.66;
    if (strcmp (str, "50") == 0)
        waterfall_brightness = 0.50;
    update_wfall_colormap ();
Exemplo n.º 11
/* export_cb : Export Callback
   Export to file the entry highlighted in the browser. */
void export_cb(FL_OBJECT *a, long l)
  Int4 index;
  int RetVal;
  unsigned char *pImgBuf;
  short Width;
  short Height;
  const char *format;

  RetVal = fl_get_browser(wad_brow);
  if ( RetVal == 1 )           /* first line is the legend */
  index = LinearMap[RetVal];
  switch (pEntryTag[index])
    case TAG_MUS  : 
      GenFileName(pDirEnt[index].name, ".mus", TmpNameStr);
      RetVal = Gen_MUS_File(WADfp, pDirEnt[index], TmpNameStr);
    case TAG_SFX  :
      GenFileName(pDirEnt[index].name, ".wav", TmpNameStr);
      RetVal = Gen_WAV_File(WADfp, pDirEnt[index], TmpNameStr);
    case TAG_FLAT :
    case TAG_FULL :
    case TAG_IMG  :
      pImgBuf = ParseImgBlock(pDirEnt[index], pEntryTag[index], 
			      &Width, &Height, NULL, NULL, WADfp);
      if (pImgBuf == NULL) {
	RetVal = 4;
      format = fl_get_choice_text( exp_img_fmt_cho );
      if ( !strcmp(format, PCX_STR ) ) {           /* pcx */
	GenFileName(pDirEnt[index].name, ".pcx", TmpNameStr);
	RetVal = PCX_WriteImage(pDirEnt[index], WADfp, Width, Height, 
				pImgBuf, 1, TmpNameStr);
      else {  /* xpm */
	char **xpm;
	GenFileName(pDirEnt[index].name, ".xpm", TmpNameStr);
	/* don't just redraw, we don't know what's in the xpm: */
	xpm = CreateXpmImage( pImgBuf, Width, Height, 0, NULL ); 
	if ( xpm && CreateXpmFile( xpm, TmpNameStr ) ) 
	  RetVal = 0;
	  RetVal = 666; /* why not? */
    case TAG_HIRES:
      GenFileName(pDirEnt[index].name, ".pcx", TmpNameStr);
      RetVal = PCX_WriteImage(pDirEnt[index], WADfp, 640, 480, 
			      pBitMap, 4, TmpNameStr);
      RetVal = 1;
  if (RetVal != 0) {
    Message("error generating external file \"%s\" (%d)\n", 
	   TmpNameStr, RetVal);
    Message("External file \"%s\" created OK\n", TmpNameStr); 