Exemplo n.º 1
//	main routine
void main (void) {
  uint8_t   val;    // misc variable

  //	init peripherals
  // disable interrupts

  // copy flash block w/e routines to RAM (if required)
  #if defined(FLASH_BLOCK_OPS) && defined(__CSMC__)
  // switch to 16MHz (default is 2MHz)
  CLK.CKDIVR.byte = 0x00;  
  // set option byte for PD4 as beeper output. On modification trigger SW reset 
  val = 0;
  val += flash_write_option_byte(OPT2,   0x80);   // option byte
  val += flash_write_option_byte(NOPT2,  0x7F);   // complementary option byte
  if (val)  WWDG.CR.byte = 0xBF;                  // on change trigger reset
  // init timer TIM3 for sleep_x()

  // configure beeper pin as output (PD4)
  // enable interrupts
  //	main loop
  val = 1;
  while (1) {
    // beeper control
    beep(val, 8);     // short bleep
    beep(0, 1000);    // 1s pause
    // change frequency [kHz] (supported: 1,2,4)
    if ((val*=2) >4) val=1;
  } // main loop

} // main
Exemplo n.º 2
//	main routine
void main (void) {
  uint8_t     flagWD, i;
  //	init peripherals
  // disable interrupts

  // switch to 16MHz (default is 2MHz)
  CLK_CKDIVR.byte = 0x00;  
  // init LED pin (STM8 Discovery and muBoard) 
#if defined(STM8S105)
  PD.ODR.bit.b0 = 0;   // init output
  PD.DDR.bit.b0 = 1;   // input(=0) or output(=1)
  PD.CR1.bit.b0 = 1;   // input: 0=float, 1=pull-up; output: 0=open-drain, 1=push-pull
  PD.CR2.bit.b0 = 1;   // input: 0=no exint, 1=exint; output: 0=2MHz slope, 1=10MHz slope
#elif defined(STM8S207)
  PH.ODR.bit.b2 = 0;   // init output
  PH.DDR.bit.b2 = 1;   // input(=0) or output(=1)
  PH.CR1.bit.b2 = 1;   // input: 0=float, 1=pull-up; output: 0=open-drain, 1=push-pull
  PH.CR2.bit.b2 = 1;   // input: 0=no exint, 1=exint; output: 0=2MHz slope, 1=10MHz slope

  // check all option bytes and correct if required
  flagWD = 0;
  // read-out protection (=OPT0) and user boot code are (=OPT1) only writable via SWIM 
  // reset alternate GPIO mapping (=OPT2/NOPT2)
  if ((*((uint8_t*) OPT2) != 0x00) || (*((uint8_t*) NOPT2)  != 0xFF)) {
    flash_write_option_byte(OPT2,  0x00);
    flash_write_option_byte(NOPT2, 0xFF);
    flagWD = 1;
  // deactivate watchdog (=OPT3/NOPT3)
  if ((*((uint8_t*) OPT3) != 0x00) || (*((uint8_t*) NOPT3)  != 0xFF)) {
    flash_write_option_byte(OPT3,  0x00);
    flash_write_option_byte(NOPT3, 0xFF);
    flagWD = 1;
  // reset clock options to default (=OPT4/NOPT4)
  if ((*((uint8_t*) OPT4) != 0x00) || (*((uint8_t*) NOPT4)  != 0xFF)) {
    flash_write_option_byte(OPT4,  0x00);
    flash_write_option_byte(NOPT4, 0xFF);
    flagWD = 1;
  // max. HCE clock startup time (=OPT5/NOPT5)
  if ((*((uint8_t*) OPT5) != 0x00) || (*((uint8_t*) NOPT5)  != 0xFF)) {
    flash_write_option_byte(OPT5,  0x00);
    flash_write_option_byte(NOPT5, 0xFF);
    flagWD = 1;
  // OPT6 is reserved/undocumented
  // no flash wait state (required for >16MHz) (=OPT7/NOPT7)
  if ((*((uint8_t*) OPT7) != 0x00) || (*((uint8_t*) NOPT7)  != 0xFF)) {
    flash_write_option_byte(OPT7,  0x00);
    flash_write_option_byte(NOPT7, 0xFF);
    flagWD = 1;
  // OPT8-16 contain temporary memory unprotection key (TMU) -> rather don't touch 

  // activate ROM-bootloader (=OPT17/NOPT17)  
  if ((*((uint8_t*) OPT17) != 0x55) || (*((uint8_t*) NOPT17)  != 0xAA)) {
    flash_write_option_byte(OPT17,  0x55);
    flash_write_option_byte(NOPT17, 0xAA);
    flagWD = 1;
  // if any option byte was changed, indicate via LED and trigger SW reset
  if (flagWD != 0) {
    // flash LED fast 10x to indicate change
    for (i=0; i<10; i++)
    // triger SW reset (clear bit B6)
    WWDG_CR.byte = 0x3F;

  } // if option byte was changed

  //	main loop
  while (1) {
    // blink LED with 1s period 
  } // main loop

} // main