Exemplo n.º 1
/* Root schema `rs` is null for top level parser. */
int fb_init_parser(fb_parser_t *P, fb_options_t *opts, const char *name,
        fb_error_fun error_out, void *error_ctx, fb_root_schema_t *rs)
    int i, n, name_len;
    char *s;

    memset(P, 0, sizeof(*P));

    if (error_out) {
        P->error_out = error_out;
        P->error_ctx = error_ctx;
    } else {
        P->error_out = fb_default_error_out;
    if (opts) {
        memcpy(&P->opts, opts, sizeof(*opts));
    } else {
    P->schema.root_schema = rs ? rs : &P->schema.root_schema_instance;
    switch (P->opts.offset_size) {
    case 2:
    case 4:
    case 8:
        error(P, "invalid offset configured, must be 2, 4 (default), or 8");
        return -1;
    switch (P->opts.voffset_size) {
    case 2:
    case 4:
    case 8:
        error(P, "invalid voffset configured, must be 2 (default), 4, or 8");
        return -1;
    if (!name) {
        /* Mostly for testing, just so we always have a name. */
    if (name == 0) {
        name = "";
    name_len = strlen(name);
    checkmem((P->schema.basename = fb_create_basename(name, name_len, opts->default_schema_ext)));
    n = strlen(P->schema.basename);
    checkmem(s = fb_copy_path(P->schema.basename, n));
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        s[i] = toupper(s[i]);
    P->schema.basenameup = s;
    P->schema.name.name.s.s = s;
    P->schema.name.name.s.len = n;
    checkmem((P->schema.errorname = fb_create_basename(name, name_len, "")));
    if (opts->ns) {
        P->schema.prefix.s = (char *)opts->ns;
        P->schema.prefix.len = strlen(opts->ns);
    P->current_scope = fb_add_scope(P, 0);
    assert(P->current_scope == fb_scope_table_find(&P->schema.root_schema->scope_index, 0, 0));
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main()
    const char *name = "../xyzzy.fbs";

    char input[] =
        "// buffers do not support include statements\n"
        "//include \"foobar.fbs\";\n"
        "// in flatc, only one field can have a key, but we have no issues\n"
        "// as long as the vector is sorted accordingly. The first key gets\n"
        "// gets a shorter find alias method.\n"
        "// (all scalar vectors can also be searched - they have find defined)\n"
        "table point { x : float (key); y: float; z: float (key); }\n"
        "namespace mystic;\n"
        "table island { lattitude : int; longitude : int; }\n"
        "     /// There are two different point tables\n"
        "// we test multi line doc comments here - this line should be ignored.\n"
        " /// - one in each name space.\n"
        "table point { interest: agent; blank: string; geo: mystic.island; }\n"
        "enum agent:int { lot, pirate, vessel, navy, parrot }\n"
        "namespace the;\n"
        "//root_type point;\n"
        "attribute \"foo\";\n"
        "//attribute \"\"; // ensure empty strings are accepted.\n"
        "/// shade is for CG applications\n"
        "struct shade (force_align:2) { x: byte; y: byte; z: byte;\n"
        "/// alpha is unsigned!\n"
        "alpha: ubyte (key); }\n"
        "/// the.ui is a union\n"
        "/// We got one blank comment line above.\n"
        "union u1 { /// Note that the.point is different from mystic.point in other namespace.\n"
        "= /// meaningless doc comment that should be stripped\n"
        "2, foo = 4, mystic.island = 17, } enum e1:short { z = -2, one , two , three = 3, }\n"
        "// key on enum not supported by flatc\n"
        "table foo  { m: u1; e: e1 = z (key); x : int = mystic.agent.vessel; interest: mystic.agent = pirate; strange: mystic.agent = flags2.zulu; }\n"
        "// Unknown attributes can be repeated with varying types since behavior is unspecified.\n"
        "enum flags : short (bit_flags, \n"
        "/// foos are plentiful - here it is an enum of value 42\n"
        "foo: 42, foo, foo: \"hello\") { f1 = 1, f2 = 13, f3 }\n"
        "enum flags2 : uint (bit_flags) { zulu, alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, echo, foxtrot }\n"
        "/// A boolean enum - all enums must be type.\n"
        "enum confirm : bool { no, yes }\n"
        "// enums are not formally permitted in structs, but can be enabled.\n"
        "// This is advanced: boolean enum binary search on struct vector ...\n"
        "struct notify { primary_recipient: confirm (key); secondary_recipient: confirm; flags : flags; }\n"
        "// duplicates are disallowed by default, but can be enabled\n"
        "// enum dupes : byte { large = 2, great = 2, small = 0, other }\n"
        "table goo { hello: string (key, required); confirmations: [confirm];\n"
        "            never_mind: double = 3.1415 (deprecated);\n"
        "            embedded_t: [ubyte] (nested_flatbuffer: \"foo\");\n"
        "            embedded_s: [ubyte] (nested_flatbuffer: \"little.whale.c2\");\n"
        "            shady: shade;\n"
        "struct s1 (force_align:4) { index: int (key); }\n"
        "struct c1 { a: ubyte; x1 : little.whale.c2; x2:uint; x3: short; light: shade (deprecated); }\n"
        "/// not all constructs support doc comments - this one doesn't\n"
        "namespace little.whale;\n"
        "struct c2 { y : c3; }\n"
        "//struct c3 { z : c1; }\n"
        "struct c3 { z : the.s1; }\n"
        "file_identifier \"fbuz\";\n"
        "file_extension \"cgen_test\";\n"
        "root_type little.whale.c2;\n"
        "//root_type c2;\n"
        "//root_type the.goo;\n"
        "table hop { einhorn: c3 (required); jupiter: c2; names: [string] (required); ehlist: [c3]; k2: the.goo; k2vec: [the.goo]; lunar: the.flags2 = bravo; }\n"
        "table TestOrder { x0 : byte; x1: bool = true; x2: short; x3: the.shade; x4: string; x5 : the.u1; x6 : [string]; x7: double; }\n"
        "table TestOrder2 (original_order) { x0 : byte; x1: bool = true; x1a : bool = 1; x2: short; x3: the.shade; x4: string; x5: the.u1; x6 : [string]; x7: double; }\n";

    flatcc_options_t opts;
    flatcc_context_t ctx = 0;
    int ret = -1;

    opts.cgen_common_reader = 1;
    opts.cgen_reader = 1;
    opts.cgen_common_builder = 1;
    opts.cgen_builder = 1;
    opts.gen_stdout = 1;

    /* The basename xyzzy is derived from path. */
    if (!(ctx = flatcc_create_context(&opts, name, 0, 0))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "unexpected: could not initialize context\n");
        return -1;
    if ((ret = flatcc_parse_buffer(ctx, input, sizeof(input)))) {
        fprintf(stderr, "sorry, parse failed\n");
        goto done;
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "schema is valid!\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "now generating code for C ...\n\n");
        if (flatcc_generate_files(ctx)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "failed to generate output for C\n");
            goto done;
                "\n#if 0 /* FlatBuffers Schema Source */\n"
                "#endif /* FlatBuffers Schema Source */\n",
    ret = 0;
    return ret;