Exemplo n.º 1
  int submatrix_determinant(const integer_matrix& matrix, const submatrix_indices& submatrix)
    typedef boost::numeric::ublas::matrix_indirect <const integer_matrix, submatrix_indices::indirect_array_type> indirect_matrix_t;

    assert (submatrix.rows.size() == submatrix.columns.size());

    const indirect_matrix_t indirect_matrix(matrix, submatrix.rows, submatrix.columns);

    boost::numeric::ublas::matrix <float> float_matrix(indirect_matrix);
    boost::numeric::ublas::permutation_matrix <size_t> permutation_matrix(float_matrix.size1());

    /// LU-factorize
    int result = boost::numeric::ublas::lu_factorize(float_matrix, permutation_matrix);
    if (result != 0)
      return 0;

    /// Calculate the determinant as a product of the diagonal entries, taking the permutation matrix into account.
    float det = 1.0f;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < float_matrix.size1(); ++i)
      det *= float_matrix(i, i);
      if (i != permutation_matrix(i))
        det = -det;

    return (int) det;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* Initialize MAX1 maps */
void InitializeMAX1map()
   int img, orient, x, y, here, i, trace[2];  
   /* calculate MAX1 maps and record the shifts */
   pooledMax1map = float_matrix(numOrient, sizexSubsample*sizeySubsample);  
   MAX1map = float_matrix(numImage*numOrient, sizexSubsample*sizeySubsample);  
   trackMap = int_matrix(numImage*numOrient, sizexSubsample*sizeySubsample);   
   startx = floor((halfFilterSize+1)/subsample)+1+locationShiftLimit; 
   endx = floor((sizex-halfFilterSize)/subsample)-1-locationShiftLimit; 
   starty = floor((halfFilterSize+1)/subsample)+1+locationShiftLimit; 
   endy = floor((sizey-halfFilterSize)/subsample)-1-locationShiftLimit; 
   for (x=startx; x<=endx; x++)
      for (y=starty; y<=endy; y++)
        here = px(x, y, sizexSubsample, sizeySubsample); 
        for (orient=0; orient<numOrient; orient++)
             pooledMax1map[orient][here] = 0.; 
             for (img=0; img<numImage; img++)
                i = orient*numImage+img; 
                MAX1map[i][here] = LocalMaximumPooling(img, orient, x*subsample, y*subsample, trace);    
                trackMap[i][here] = trace[0]; 
                pooledMax1map[orient][here] += MAX1map[i][here];     
Exemplo n.º 3
/* Initialize MAX1 maps */
void Initialize()
   int img, orient, x, y, here, i, trace[2];  
   pooledMax1map = float_matrix(numOrient, sizexSubsample*sizeySubsample);  
   startx = floor(((double)halfFilterSize+1)/subsample)+1+locationShiftLimit; 
   endx = floor((double)(sizex-halfFilterSize)/subsample)-1-locationShiftLimit; 
   starty = floor((double)(halfFilterSize+1)/subsample)+1+locationShiftLimit; 
   endy = floor((double)(sizey-halfFilterSize)/subsample)-1-locationShiftLimit; 
   for (x=startx; x<=endx; x++)
      for (y=starty; y<=endy; y++)
        here = px(x, y, sizexSubsample, sizeySubsample); 
        for (orient=0; orient<numOrient; orient++)
             pooledMax1map[orient][here] = 0.; 
             for (img=0; img<numImage; img++)
                pooledMax1map[orient][here] += MAX1map[orient*numImage+img][here];     
Exemplo n.º 4
/* compute sigmoid transformation */
void LocalNormalize()
   int x, y, here, orient, leftx, rightx, upy, lowy, k, startx[8], endx[8], starty[8], endy[8], copyx[8], copyy[8], fx, fy;  
   float maxAverage, averageDivide; 
   /* compute the sum over all the orientations at each pixel */
   SUM1mapAll = float_matrix(sizex, sizey); 
   for (x=0; x<sizex; x++)
       for (y=0; y<sizey; y++)
        SUM1mapAll[x][y] = 0.; 
        here = px(x+1, y+1, sizex, sizey); 
        for (orient=0; orient<numOrient; orient++)
                SUM1mapAll[x][y] += SUM1map[orient][here]; 
    /* compute the integral map */
    integralMap = float_matrix(sizex, sizey); 
    integralMap[0][0] = SUM1mapAll[0][0];
    for (x=1; x<sizex; x++)
        integralMap[x][0] = integralMap[x-1][0]+SUM1mapAll[x][0];
    for (y=1; y<sizey; y++)
        integralMap[0][y] = integralMap[0][y-1]+SUM1mapAll[0][y]; 
    for (x=1; x<sizex; x++)
       for (y=1; y<sizey; y++)
        integralMap[x][y] = integralMap[x][y-1]+integralMap[x-1][y]-integralMap[x-1][y-1]+SUM1mapAll[x][y]; 
    /* compute the local average around each pixel */
    averageMap = float_matrix(sizex, sizey); 
    leftx = halfFilterSize+localHalfx; rightx = sizex-halfFilterSize-localHalfx; 
    upy = halfFilterSize+localHalfy; lowy = sizey-halfFilterSize-localHalfy; 
    maxAverage = NEGMAX; 
    if ((leftx<rightx)&&(upy<lowy))
    for (x=leftx; x<rightx; x++)
       for (y=upy; y<lowy; y++)
            averageMap[x][y] = (integralMap[x+localHalfx][y+localHalfy] 
				- integralMap[x-localHalfx-1][y+localHalfy] - integralMap[x+localHalfx][y-localHalfy-1]
				+ integralMap[x-localHalfx-1][y-localHalfy-1])/(2.*localHalfx+1.)/(2.*localHalfy+1.)/numOrient; 
            if (maxAverage < averageMap[x][y])
                maxAverage = averageMap[x][y]; 
    /* take care of the boundaries */
    k = 0;  
    /* four corners */
    startx[k] = 0; endx[k] = leftx; starty[k] = 0; endy[k] = upy; copyx[k] = leftx; copyy[k] = upy; k++; 
    startx[k] = 0; endx[k] = leftx; starty[k] = lowy; endy[k] = sizey; copyx[k] = leftx; copyy[k] = lowy-1; k++;  
    startx[k] = rightx; endx[k] = sizex; starty[k] = 0; endy[k] = upy; copyx[k] = rightx-1; copyy[k] = upy; k++; 
    startx[k] = rightx; endx[k] = sizex; starty[k] = lowy; endy[k] = sizey; copyx[k] = rightx-1; copyy[k] = lowy-1; k++; 
    /* four sides */
    startx[k] = 0; endx[k] = leftx; starty[k] = upy; endy[k] = lowy; copyx[k] = leftx; copyy[k] = -1; k++; 
    startx[k] = rightx; endx[k] = sizex; starty[k] = upy; endy[k] = lowy; copyx[k] = rightx-1; copyy[k] = -1; k++; 
    startx[k] = leftx; endx[k] = rightx; starty[k] = 0; endy[k] = upy; copyx[k] = -1; copyy[k] = upy; k++; 
    startx[k] = leftx; endx[k] = rightx; starty[k] = lowy; endy[k] = sizey; copyx[k] = -1; copyy[k] = lowy-1; k++; 
    /* propagate the average to the boundaries */
    for (k=0; k<8; k++) 
        for (x=startx[k]; x<endx[k]; x++)
            for (y=starty[k]; y<endy[k]; y++)
                if (copyx[k]<0)
                    fx = x; 
                    fx = copyx[k]; 
                if (copyy[k]<0)
                    fy = y; 
                    fy = copyy[k]; 
                averageMap[x][y] = averageMap[fx][fy]; 
     /* normalize the responses by local averages */
     for (x=0; x<sizex; x++)
       for (y=0; y<sizey; y++)
        here = px(x+1, y+1, sizex, sizey);
        averageDivide = MAX(averageMap[x][y], maxAverage*thresholdFactor); 
        for (orient=0; orient<numOrient; orient++)
                SUM1map[orient][here] /= averageDivide; 
    /* free intermediate matrices */
    free_matrix(SUM1mapAll, sizex, sizey);  
    free_matrix(integralMap, sizex, sizey); 
    free_matrix(averageMap, sizex, sizey); 
Exemplo n.º 5
int closest_vector(IntMatrix &b, const IntVect &int_target, IntVect &sol_coord, int method, int flags)
  // d = lattice dimension (note that it might decrease during preprocessing)
  int d = b.get_rows();
  // n = dimension of the space
  int n = b.get_cols();

  FPLLL_CHECK(d > 0 && n > 0, "closestVector: empty matrix");
  FPLLL_CHECK(d <= n, "closestVector: number of vectors > size of the vectors");

  // Sets the floating-point precision
  // Error bounds on GSO are valid if prec >= minprec
  double rho;
  int min_prec = gso_min_prec(rho, d, LLL_DEF_DELTA, LLL_DEF_ETA);
  int prec     = max(53, min_prec + 10);
  int old_prec = Float::set_prec(prec);

  // Allocates space for vectors and matrices in constructors
  IntMatrix empty_mat;
  MatGSO<Integer, Float> gso(b, empty_mat, empty_mat, GSO_INT_GRAM);
  FloatVect target_coord;
  Float max_dist;
  Integer itmp1;

  // Computes the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization in floating-point
  gen_zero_vect(sol_coord, d);

  /* Applies Babai's algorithm. Because we use fp, it might be necessary to
      do it several times (if ||target|| >> ||b_i||) */
  FloatMatrix float_matrix(d, n);
  FloatVect target(n), babai_sol;
  IntVect int_new_target = int_target;

  for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
      float_matrix(i, j).set_z(b(i, j));

  for (int loop_idx = 0;; loop_idx++)
    if (loop_idx >= 0x100 && ((loop_idx & (loop_idx - 1)) == 0))
      FPLLL_INFO("warning: possible infinite loop in Babai's algorithm");

    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    babai(float_matrix, gso.get_mu_matrix(), gso.get_r_matrix(), target, babai_sol);
    int idx;
    for (idx = 0; idx < d && babai_sol[idx] >= -1 && babai_sol[idx] <= 1; idx++)
    if (idx == d)

    for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
      sol_coord[i].add(sol_coord[i], itmp1);
      for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        int_new_target[j].submul(itmp1, b(i, j));
  // FPLLL_TRACE("BabaiSol=" << sol_coord);
  get_gscoords(float_matrix, gso.get_mu_matrix(), gso.get_r_matrix(), target, target_coord);

  /* Computes a very large bound to make the algorithm work
      until the first solution is found */
  max_dist = 0.0;
  for (int i = 1; i < d; i++)
    // get_r_exp(i, i) = r(i, i) because gso is initialized without GSO_ROW_EXPO
    max_dist.add(max_dist, gso.get_r_exp(i, i));

  vector<int> max_indices;
  if (method & CVPM_PROVED)
    // For Exact CVP, we need to reset enum below depth with maximal r_i
    max_indices = vector<int>(d);
    int cur, max_index, previous_max_index;
    previous_max_index = max_index = d-1;
    Float max_val;

    while (max_index > 0)
      max_val = gso.get_r_exp(max_index, max_index);
      for (cur = previous_max_index - 1 ; cur >= 0  ; --cur)
        if (max_val <= gso.get_r_exp(cur, cur))
          max_val = gso.get_r_exp(cur, cur);
          max_index = cur;
      for (cur = max_index ; cur < previous_max_index ; ++cur)
        max_indices[cur] = max_index;
      max_indices[previous_max_index] = previous_max_index;
      previous_max_index = max_index;
  FPLLL_TRACE("max_indices " << max_indices);

  FastEvaluator<Float> evaluator(n, gso.get_mu_matrix(), gso.get_r_matrix(), EVALMODE_CV);

  // Main loop of the enumeration
  Enumeration<Float> enumobj(gso, evaluator, max_indices);
  enumobj.enumerate(0, d, max_dist, 0, target_coord);

  int result = RED_ENUM_FAILURE;
  if (!evaluator.sol_coord.empty())
    FPLLL_TRACE("evaluator.sol_coord=" << evaluator.sol_coord);
    if (flags & CVP_VERBOSE)
      FPLLL_INFO("max_dist=" << max_dist);
    for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
      sol_coord[i].add(sol_coord[i], itmp1);
    result = RED_SUCCESS;

  return result;