InputParameters validParams<FeatureFloodCount>() { InputParameters params = validParams<GeneralPostprocessor>(); params.addRequiredCoupledVar("variable", "The variable(s) for which to find connected regions of interests, i.e. \"bubbles\"."); params.addParam<Real>("threshold", 0.5, "The threshold value for which a new bubble may be started"); params.addParam<Real>("connecting_threshold", "The threshold for which an existing bubble may be extended (defaults to \"threshold\")"); params.addParam<bool>("use_single_map", true, "Determine whether information is tracked per coupled variable or consolidated into one (default: true)"); params.addParam<bool>("condense_map_info", false, "Determines whether we condense all the node values when in multimap mode (default: false)"); params.addParam<bool>("use_global_numbering", true, "Determine whether or not global numbers are used to label bubbles on multiple maps (default: true)"); params.addParam<bool>("enable_var_coloring", false, "Instruct the UO to populate the variable index map."); params.addParam<bool>("use_less_than_threshold_comparison", true, "Controls whether bubbles are defined to be less than or greater than the threshold value."); params.addParam<FileName>("bubble_volume_file", "An optional file name where bubble volumes can be output."); params.addParam<bool>("compute_boundary_intersecting_volume", false, "If true, also compute the (normalized) volume of bubbles which intersect the boundary"); MooseEnum flood_type("NODAL ELEMENTAL", "NODAL"); params.addParam<MooseEnum>("flood_entity_type", flood_type, "Determines whether the flood algorithm runs on nodes or elements"); return params; }
InputParameters validParams<FeatureFloodCount>() { InputParameters params = validParams<GeneralPostprocessor>(); params.addRequiredCoupledVar("variable", "The variable(s) for which to find connected regions of interests, i.e. \"features\"."); params.addParam<Real>("threshold", 0.5, "The threshold value for which a new feature may be started"); params.addParam<Real>("connecting_threshold", "The threshold for which an existing feature may be extended (defaults to \"threshold\")"); params.addParam<bool>("use_single_map", true, "Determine whether information is tracked per coupled variable or consolidated into one (default: true)"); params.addParam<bool>("condense_map_info", false, "Determines whether we condense all the node values when in multimap mode (default: false)"); params.addParam<bool>("use_global_numbering", true, "Determine whether or not global numbers are used to label features on multiple maps (default: true)"); params.addParam<bool>("enable_var_coloring", false, "Instruct the Postprocessor to populate the variable index map."); params.addParam<bool>("compute_halo_maps", false, "Instruct the Postprocessor to communicate proper halo information to all ranks"); params.addParam<bool>("compute_var_to_feature_map", false, "Instruct the Postprocessor to compute the active vars to features map"); params.addParam<bool>("use_less_than_threshold_comparison", true, "Controls whether features are defined to be less than or greater than the threshold value."); params.set<bool>("use_displaced_mesh") = true; params.addParamNamesToGroup("use_single_map condense_map_info use_global_numbering", "Advanced"); MooseEnum flood_type("NODAL ELEMENTAL", "ELEMENTAL"); params.addParam<MooseEnum>("flood_entity_type", flood_type, "Determines whether the flood algorithm runs on nodes or elements"); return params; }