Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: codec.c Projeto: 29n/beansdb
int dc_size(Codec *dc) {
    int i, s = sizeof(int);
    for (i=1; i<dc->dict_used; i++) {
        s += 1 + fmt_size(dc->dict[i]);
    return s;
Exemplo n.º 2
// ==============================================================
	void dettoss::UpdateValues(void)
// ==============================================================
char buf[300],siz[50];

Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: codec.c Projeto: 29n/beansdb
int dc_dump(Codec *dc, char *buf, int size)
    char *orig = buf;
    int i=0;
    if (size < sizeof(int)) return -1;
    *(int*)buf = dc->dict_used;
    buf += sizeof(int);

    for (i=1; i<dc->dict_used; i++) {
        unsigned char s = fmt_size(dc->dict[i]);
        if (buf + s + 1 - orig > size) return -1;
        *(unsigned char*)buf ++ = s;
        memcpy(buf, dc->dict[i], s);
        buf += s;

    return buf - orig;
Exemplo n.º 4
** Name:	IIgetquery - Get query spec for field and process it.
** Description:
**	Given a field in a form, get the query specification for that
**	field and process it by calling FDrngchk().  If the field
**	is a table field, then process the passed in column for the
**	current row.  The current row is defined by the row that
**	is currently being unloaded in an "unloadtable" loop.
**	DML compatibility level is passed in and we assume that we will
**	be building the query, not just simply doing a validation
**	check.  Fields are assumed to be not display only.  The
**	DB_DATA_VALUE that is passed to FDrngchk() must be READ
**	ONLY to FDrngchk() and FDrngchk() must copy the value
**	if it wants to use it later on.
**	The current code is designed not to work with range query
**	buffers at the moment and only allows ONE qualification
**	per field.  When the switch to use range query
**	buffers is made, the code below (as well as some code in
**	FT) must be changed to call FTgetdisp().  Also, the use
**	of an "unloadtable" loop is invalid at this point and
**	another mechanism must be used to unload the range query
**	buffers for a table field.
**	Yes, the code below is looking at the forms structures
**	but it is only until we go to range query buffers.
** Inputs:
**	form		{char *}  Name of form containing field.
**	field		{char *}  Name of field on which to operate.
**	column		{char *}  Name of column if field is a table field.
**	tblname		{char *}  Name of database table to pass to FDrngchk().
**	dml_level	{nat}  DML compatibility level passed to 'FDrngchk()':
**					UI_DML_QUEL
**					UI_DML_SQL
**	att		{char *}  Name of attribute in database table to pass
**				to FDrngchk().
**	prefix		{char *}  Special information to be passed
**				to FDrngchk().
**	func		{STATUS (*)()}  Function reference to pass
**				to FDrngchk().
**	data		{PTR}  Parameter to be passed to "func" by FDrnghck().
** Returns:
**	{STATUS}  OK	If everything worked.
**		  FAIL	If something went wrong.
** History:
**	06/09/87 (dkh) - Initial version.
**	08/25/88 (jhw) - Fixed Jup bug #3161.  Allow DISPONLY fields to
**				be qualified.
**      3/21/91 (elein)         (b35574) Add FALSE parameter to call to
**                              fmt_multi. TRUE is used internally for boxed
**                              messages only.  They need to have control
**                              characters suppressed.
IIgetquery (char *form, char *field, char *column, char *tblname,
	i4 dml_level, char *attr, char *prefix, STATUS (*func)(), PTR data )
	RUNFRM		*runf;
	FIELD		*fld;
	DB_DATA_VALUE	*dispdbv;
	FLDVAL		*val;
	STATUS		stat;
	bool		nonseq;
	TBLFLD		*tbl;
	FLDCOL		*col;
	ADF_CB		*ladfcb;
	FMT		*cfmt;
	i4		oper;
	char		*opchar;
	i4		qrycnt;
	DB_DATA_VALUE	valdbv;
	i4		rows = 0;
	i4		columns = 0;
	bool		reversed;
	i4		len;
	i4		cursize;
	i4		i;
	u_char		*c;
	u_char		*end;

	**  Do various checks on existence of form, field, etc.
	**  Return FAIL if something is missing.  Assume that
	**  we are being called from 'C', so no need to call
	**  IIstrconv().
	runf = ( form == NULL || *form == EOS ) ? IIstkfrm
			: RTfindfrm(form);
	if ( runf == NULL )
		return FAIL;

	**  Find field in the form, return FAIL if field does not exist.
	**  (Allow DISPONLY fields to be qualified, however.)
	if ( (fld = FDfndfld(runf->fdrunfrm, field, &nonseq)) == NULL )
		IIFDerror( GFFLNF, 1, field );
		return FAIL;

	ladfcb = FEadfcb();

	if ( (stat = FDfmtget(runf->fdrunfrm, field, column, 0, &cfmt)) != OK )
	if ( cfmt == NULL )
	    return FAIL;
	_VOID_ fmt_isreversed(ladfcb, cfmt, &reversed);

	if (qtag == 0)
	    qtag = FEgettag();

	if (fld->fltag == FREGULAR)
		**  Just point to the simple field's display
		**  buffer.  It should be good.
		val = FDgetval(fld);
		dispdbv = val->fvdsdbv;
		if (reversed)
		    **  Find out information for formatting.
		    if (fmt_size(ladfcb, cfmt, val->fvdbv, &rows, &columns)
			!= OK)

		    MEcopy((PTR) val->fvdsdbv, (u_i2) sizeof(DB_DATA_VALUE),
			(PTR) &valdbv);
		    if ((valdbv.db_data = FEreqmem(qtag,
			(u_i4)valdbv.db_length, TRUE, &stat)) == NULL)
		    text = (DB_TEXT_STRING *) valdbv.db_data;
		    otext = (DB_TEXT_STRING *) val->fvdsdbv->db_data;
		    cursize = text->db_t_count = otext->db_t_count;
		    MEcopy((PTR)otext->db_t_text, (u_i2)cursize,

		    c = text->db_t_text;
		    len = rows * columns;

		    if (len > cursize)
			MEfill((u_i2)(len - cursize), (unsigned char)' ',
			    (PTR)(c + cursize));
			text->db_t_count = len;

		    for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
			f_revrsbuf(columns, (bool)TRUE, c);
			c += columns;

		    **  Need to trim trailing blanks at this point.
		    **  Don't need to use CM routines here, since Kanji
		    **  and reverse don't work together.
		    end = text->db_t_text;
		    c = end + text->db_t_count - 1;
		    while ( c >= end && *c-- == ' ' )

		    dispdbv = &valdbv;
	{ /* a table field */
		FMT	scrfmt;		/* for scrolling columns */

		tbl = fld->fld_var.fltblfld;
		**  Need to get value and query operator from
		**  dataset and then convert into a LONG_TEXT
		**  struct for display.  First, check for
		**  existence of column.
		if ((col = FDfndcol(tbl, column)) == NULL)

		**  Allocate local copies of column value and display
		**  buffers.
		val = tbl->tfwins + col->flhdr.fhseq;
			/* + ( 0 * tbl->tfcols ) */
		MEcopy((PTR) val->fvdbv, (u_i2) sizeof(DB_DATA_VALUE),
			(PTR) &valdbv);
		MEcopy((PTR) val->fvdsdbv, (u_i2) sizeof(DB_DATA_VALUE),
			(PTR) &ldbv);
		if ( (valdbv.db_data = FEreqmem(qtag, (u_i4)valdbv.db_length,
				TRUE, &stat)) == NULL ||
			(ldbv.db_data = FEreqmem(qtag, (u_i4)ldbv.db_length,
				TRUE, &stat)) == NULL )
			return FAIL;

		if (IITBcieColIsEmpty(column))
			text = (DB_TEXT_STRING *) ldbv.db_data;
			text->db_t_count = 0;
			**  Get value for column from current row.
			**  Note that this is a direct call to internal routine
			**  and changes made must be done carefully.
			if ( !IItcogetio((i2 *) NULL, TRUE, DB_DBV_TYPE, 0,
				&valdbv, column) )

			**  Now get query operator.
			if ( !IItcogetio((i2 *) NULL, TRUE, DB_INT_TYPE,
				sizeof(oper), &oper, column) )

			**  Format value.
			** If it's a scrolling column, make a format for all the
			** data, not just the fraction that can be displayed 
			** at once.
			if ((col->flhdr.fhd2flags & fdSCRLFD) != 0)
				STRUCT_ASSIGN_MACRO(*cfmt, scrfmt);
				scrfmt.fmt_width = ldbv.db_length - 2;
				cfmt = &scrfmt;

			**  Find out information for formatting.
			if (fmt_size(ladfcb, cfmt, &valdbv, &rows,
				&columns) != OK)

			**  Just format output if single line output.
			if (rows == 1)
		    		if (fmt_format(ladfcb, cfmt, &valdbv, &ldbv,
					TRUE) != OK)
				reg u_char	*dsptr;
				DB_TEXT_STRING	*ftext;
				PTR		buffer;
				DB_DATA_VALUE	wksp;
				i4		length = 0;

				wksp.db_datatype = DB_LTXT_TYPE;
				wksp.db_prec = 0;
				wksp.db_length = DB_CNTSIZE + columns;
				if ( (wksp.db_data = FEreqmem(qtag,
					(u_i4)wksp.db_length, TRUE, &stat))
					== NULL )
				fmt_workspace(ladfcb, cfmt, &valdbv, &length);
				if ( (buffer = FEreqmem(qtag, (u_i4)length,
					TRUE, &stat)) == NULL )

				**  Do multi-line output.

				IIfmt_init(ladfcb, cfmt, &valdbv, buffer);

				text = (DB_TEXT_STRING *) ldbv.db_data;
				text->db_t_count = 0;
				dsptr = text->db_t_text;
				ftext = (DB_TEXT_STRING *) wksp.db_data;
				for (;;)
					reg i4		j;
					reg u_char	*fptr;
					i4		fcount;
					bool		more = FALSE;

					if (fmt_multi(ladfcb, cfmt, &valdbv,
						buffer, &wksp,&more,TRUE, FALSE)
					   != OK)

					if (!more)

					** put into fields display buffer.
					fcount = ftext->db_t_count;
					fptr = ftext->db_t_text;
					for (j = 0; j < fcount; j++)
						*dsptr++ = *fptr++;
					text->db_t_count += fcount;

			text = (DB_TEXT_STRING *) ldbv.db_data;

			if (reversed)
		    		c = text->db_t_text;
		    		cursize = text->db_t_count;
		    		len = rows * columns;

		    		if (len > cursize)
					MEfill((u_i2)(len - cursize),
						(unsigned char)' ',
			    			(PTR)(c + cursize));
					text->db_t_count = len;

		    		for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
					f_revrsbuf(columns, (bool)TRUE, c);
					c += columns;

			**  Need to trim trailing blanks at this point.
			end = text->db_t_text;
			c = end + text->db_t_count - 1;
			while ( c >= end && *c-- == ' ' )

			**  Insert query operators up front.
			if ( oper != fdNOP && oper != fdEQ &&
			    (qrycnt = STlength(opchar = iiugOpRep(oper))) > 0 )
				reg u_char	*dsptr;
				reg u_char	*head;
				reg i4		j;
				reg i4		cnt;

				head = text->db_t_text + text->db_t_count - 1;
				dsptr = head + qrycnt;
				cnt = text->db_t_count;
				for (j = 0; j < cnt; j++)
					*dsptr-- = *head--;
				text->db_t_text[0] = opchar[0];
				if (qrycnt == 2)
					text->db_t_text[1] = opchar[1];
				text->db_t_count += qrycnt;
		dispdbv = &ldbv;

	stat = FDrngchk(runf->fdrunfrm, field, column, dispdbv, (bool) TRUE,
		tblname, attr, (bool) TRUE, dml_level, prefix, func, data);

	if (qtag != 0)
	return stat;