Exemplo n.º 1
unsigned int HSPParseFASTAToPacked(const char* FASTAFileName, const char* annotationFileName, const char* packedDNAFileName, const char* ambiguityFileName, const unsigned int FASTARandomSeed, const int maskLowerCase) {

	FILE *FASTAFile, *annotationFile, *packedDNAFile, *ambiguityFile;

	NewAnnotation *chrAnnotation;
	int chrAnnAllocated = 256;
	int blockAllocated = 256;

	char c;
	int chrNum, blockNum;
	unsigned int i, l;
	int nCount;
	unsigned int chrLen, usefulCharNum, numCharInBuffer, totalNumChar;
	unsigned char charMap[255];
	char *chrSeq, *p;
	unsigned int chrAllocated = 65536;
	unsigned char buffer[PACKED_BUFFER_SIZE];
	unsigned char packedBuffer[PACKED_BUFFER_SIZE / 4];
	chrLen = usefulCharNum = numCharInBuffer = totalNumChar = chrNum = blockNum = i = l = nCount = 0;
	FASTAFile = (FILE*)fopen64(FASTAFileName, "r");
	if (FASTAFile == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ParseFASTToPacked() : Cannot open FASTAFileName!\n");

	annotationFile = (FILE*)fopen64(annotationFileName, "w");
	if (annotationFile == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ParseFASTToPacked() : Cannot open annotationFileName!\n");

	packedDNAFile = (FILE*)fopen64(packedDNAFileName, "wb");
	if (packedDNAFile == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ParseFASTToPacked() : Cannot open packedDNAFileName!\n");

	ambiguityFile = (FILE*)fopen64(ambiguityFileName, "w");
	if (ambiguityFile == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ParseFASTToPacked() : Cannot open ambiguityFileName!\n");


	c = (char)getc(FASTAFile);
	if (c != '>') {
		fprintf(stderr, "ParseFASTToPacked() : FASTA file does not begin with '>'!\n");
	chrAnnotation = (NewAnnotation *)malloc(sizeof(NewAnnotation)*chrAnnAllocated);
	chrSeq = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*chrAllocated);
	chrNum = blockNum = usefulCharNum = numCharInBuffer = 0;
		if (feof(FASTAFile)) break;
		if (chrNum == chrAnnAllocated){
			chrAnnAllocated <<= 1;
			chrAnnotation = (NewAnnotation *)realloc(chrAnnotation, sizeof(NewAnnotation)*chrAnnAllocated);
//			printf("%d\n", chrNum);

		c = (char)getc(FASTAFile);
		while(!feof(FASTAFile) && c!='\t' && c!=' ' && c!='\n' && l<MAX_SEQ_NAME_LENGTH){
		chrLen = 0;
		while(c!='>' && !feof(FASTAFile)){
			if (c!='\n'){
				if (c>='a' && c<='z'){
				if (chrLen >= chrAllocated){
					chrAllocated <<= 1;
					chrSeq = (char*)realloc(chrSeq, sizeof(char)*chrAllocated);
				*(chrSeq+chrLen) = c;
				chrLen += 1;
		if (chrLen < 75) continue;
		while (ambiguityCount[charMap[(int)*p]] == 1 && i++ != chrLen) p++;
		if (i == chrLen) {
			blockNum = 1;
			chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockInChr = (ChrBlock *)malloc(sizeof(ChrBlock)*blockNum);
			chrAnnotation[chrNum].chrStart = usefulCharNum;
			chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockNum = blockNum;
			chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockInChr[0].blockStart = usefulCharNum;
			chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockInChr[0].ori = 0;
			usefulCharNum += chrLen;
			chrAnnotation[chrNum].chrEnd = usefulCharNum-1;
			chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockInChr[0].blockEnd = usefulCharNum-1;
				if (numCharInBuffer >= PACKED_BUFFER_SIZE) {
					ConvertTextToBytePacked(buffer, packedBuffer, charMap, 4, PACKED_BUFFER_SIZE);
					fwrite(packedBuffer, 1, PACKED_BUFFER_SIZE / 4, packedDNAFile);
					numCharInBuffer = 0;
				buffer[numCharInBuffer++] = chrSeq[i++];
		} else {
			p = chrSeq;
			while (ambiguityCount[charMap[(int)*p]]!=1 && ++i!=chrLen) p++;
			if (i<10) { i = 0; p = chrSeq;}
			blockNum = 1;
			chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockInChr = (ChrBlock *)malloc(sizeof(ChrBlock)*blockAllocated);
			chrAnnotation[chrNum].chrStart = usefulCharNum;
			chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockInChr[blockNum-1].ori = i;
			chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockInChr[blockNum-1].blockStart = usefulCharNum;
			int len=0;
			while (i<chrLen) {
				if(ambiguityCount[charMap[(int)*p]] == 1){
					if (numCharInBuffer >= PACKED_BUFFER_SIZE) {
						ConvertTextToBytePacked(buffer, packedBuffer, charMap, 4, PACKED_BUFFER_SIZE);
						fwrite(packedBuffer, 1, PACKED_BUFFER_SIZE / 4, packedDNAFile);
						numCharInBuffer = 0;
					buffer[numCharInBuffer++] = *p++;
					nCount = 0;
					while((ambiguityCount[charMap[(int)*p]]!=1) && i<chrLen){
					if (nCount<10) {
						do {
							if (numCharInBuffer >= PACKED_BUFFER_SIZE) {
								ConvertTextToBytePacked(buffer, packedBuffer, charMap, 4, PACKED_BUFFER_SIZE);
								fwrite(packedBuffer, 1, PACKED_BUFFER_SIZE / 4, packedDNAFile);
								numCharInBuffer = 0;
							buffer[numCharInBuffer++] = 'G';
						} while(--nCount>0);
					} else {
						if (i<chrLen) {
							chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockInChr[blockNum-1].blockEnd = usefulCharNum -1;
							chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockInChr[blockNum-1].ori = i-nCount-len;
							if (blockNum == blockAllocated){
								blockAllocated <<= 1;
								chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockInChr = (ChrBlock *)realloc(chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockInChr, sizeof(ChrBlock)*blockAllocated);
							chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockInChr[blockNum-1].blockStart = usefulCharNum;
						} else {
			chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockInChr[blockNum-1].blockEnd = usefulCharNum-1;
			chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockInChr[blockNum-1].ori = i-len;
			chrAnnotation[chrNum].blockNum = blockNum;
			chrAnnotation[chrNum].chrEnd = usefulCharNum-1;
		totalNumChar += chrLen;
	if (numCharInBuffer > 0) {
		ConvertTextToBytePacked(buffer, packedBuffer, charMap, 4, numCharInBuffer);
		fwrite(packedBuffer, 1, (numCharInBuffer + 3) / 4, packedDNAFile);
		numCharInBuffer = 0;
	if (totalNumChar % 4 == 0) {
		c = 0;
		fwrite(&c, 1, 1, packedDNAFile);
	c = (char)(totalNumChar % 4);
	fwrite(&c, 1, 1, packedDNAFile);
	fprintf(annotationFile, "%u\t%d\t%d\n", totalNumChar, chrNum, FASTARandomSeed);
	int j=0;
	int total = 0;
	for (i=0;i<chrNum;i++) {
		fprintf(annotationFile, "%d\t%s\n", (int)strlen(chrAnnotation[i].chrName), chrAnnotation[i].chrName);
		total += chrAnnotation[i].blockNum;
	fprintf(annotationFile, "%d\n", total);
//	fprintf(stderr, "total block, %d, %d, %d\n",i,chrNum, total);
			fprintf(annotationFile,"%d\t%u\t%u\t%u\n",i, chrAnnotation[i].blockInChr[j].blockStart, chrAnnotation[i].blockInChr[j].blockEnd, chrAnnotation[i].blockInChr[j].ori);
	return chrNum;
Exemplo n.º 2
int     DownloadPartition   (libusb_device_handle *handle, char *fid,
                            uint32_t sector, uint32_t sectors = 0)
    char    *buf = (char*) malloc (65536);
    FILE    *fin;
    off64_t file_size;
    uint    file_sectors;
    uint    nand_sec_size = 512;
    uint    usb_rec_size, usb_rec_secs;
    uint    read_bytes, read_secs, bytes_read;
    uint    sector_key, sector_limit;
    uint    usb_flags;

    usb_rec_size = 65536;
    usb_rec_secs = usb_rec_size / nand_sec_size;
    usb_rec_size = usb_rec_secs * nand_sec_size;

    if (NULL == (fin = fopen64 (fid, "rb"))) {
        perror("Failed to open file to send: ");

//  aw_fes_send_file (handle, MagicAddr, AW_FEL2_DRAM, FN->magic_cr_start);      // not when A10

    printf ("Sending %s...", fid);
    fflush (stdout);

    fseeko64 (fin, 0, SEEK_END);
    file_size = ftello64 (fin);
    file_sectors = (file_size + nand_sec_size - 1) / nand_sec_size;
    fseeko64 (fin, 0, SEEK_SET);

    sector_key = sector;
    if (sectors < file_sectors)
        sectors = file_sectors;
    sector_limit = sector_key + sectors;

    while (sector_key < sector_limit)
        read_secs = sector_limit - sector_key;
        if (read_secs > usb_rec_secs)
            read_secs = usb_rec_secs;
        read_bytes = read_secs * nand_sec_size;

        bytes_read = fread (buf, 1, read_bytes, fin);
        if (bytes_read < read_bytes)
            PutNulls (buf + bytes_read, read_bytes - bytes_read);

        usb_flags = AW_FEL2_NAND | AW_FEL2_WR;
        if (sector_key == sector)
            usb_flags |= AW_FEL2_FIRST;
        if (sector_key + read_secs == sector_limit)
            usb_flags |= AW_FEL2_LAST;
        aw_fes_write (handle, sector_key, buf, read_bytes, usb_flags);
//printf ("sector = %d, sector_key = %d, read_secs = %d, sector_limit = %d, flags = %x\n", sector, sector_key, read_secs, sector_limit, usb_flags);

        sector_key += read_secs;

    printf ("done\n");
    fclose (fin);

//  aw_fes_send_file (handle, MagicAddr, AW_FEL2_DRAM, FN->magic_cr_end);        // not when A10

    free (buf);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int http_put (const char * file_path, const char * url, const char * login, const char * password) 
    int code = ERROR;

    if (curl_initialized!=1) {
        curl_initialized = 1;

    struct stat64 mystat;
    if (stat64 (file_path, &mystat)) {
        logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "http_put(): failed to stat %s\n", file_path);
		return code;
    if (!S_ISREG(mystat.st_mode)) {
        logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "http_put(): %s is not a regular file\n", file_path);
		return code;

	FILE * fp = fopen64 (file_path, "r");
	if (fp==NULL) {
		logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "http_put(): failed to open %s for reading\n", file_path);
		return code;

	CURL * curl;
	CURLcode result;
	curl = curl_easy_init ();
	if (curl==NULL) {
		logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "http_put(): could not initialize libcurl\n");
		fclose (fp);
		return code;

    logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "http_put(): uploading %s\n", file_path);
    logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "            to %s\n", url);

	char error_msg [CURL_ERROR_SIZE];
	curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, error_msg);
	curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_URL, url); 
    curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1L);
    curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE, (curl_off_t)mystat.st_size);
    curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0L); // TODO: make this optional?
    curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0L);
    curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, 360L); // must have at least a 360 baud modem
    curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME, 10L); // abort if below speed limit for this many seconds

    if (login!=NULL && password!=NULL) {
        char userpwd [STRSIZE];
        snprintf (userpwd, STRSIZE, "%s:%s", login, password);
        curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, userpwd);

	struct read_request params;
    params.fp = fp;
    params.timestamp = time(NULL);
    params.file_size = (long long)mystat.st_size;
    curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_READDATA, &params);
    curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, read_data);

    int retries = TOTAL_RETRIES;
    int timeout = FIRST_TIMEOUT;
    do {
        params.total_read = 0L;
        params.total_calls = 0L;
        result = curl_easy_perform (curl); /* do it */
        logprintfl (EUCADEBUG, "http_put(): uploaded %ld bytes in %ld sends\n", params.total_read, params.total_calls);

        if (result) { // curl error (connection or transfer failed)
            logprintfl (EUCAERROR,     "http_put(): %s (%d)\n", error_msg, result);

        } else {
            long httpcode;
            curl_easy_getinfo (curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &httpcode);
            // TODO: pull out response message, too?
            switch (httpcode) {
            case 200L: // all good
                logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "http_put(): file updated sucessfully\n");
                code = OK;
            case 201L: // all good, created
                logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "http_put(): file created sucessfully\n");
                code = OK;
            case 408L: // timeout, retry
                logprintfl (EUCAWARN, "http_put(): server responded with HTTP code %ld (timeout)\n", httpcode);
	    case 500L: // internal server error (could be a fluke, so we'll retry)
	      logprintfl (EUCAWARN, "http_put(): server responded with HTTP code %ld (transient?)\n", httpcode);
            default: // some kind of error, will not retry
                logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "http_put(): server responded with HTTP code %ld\n", httpcode);
                retries = 0;

        if (code!=OK && retries > 0) {
            logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "            upload retry %d of %d will commence in %d seconds\n", TOTAL_RETRIES-retries+1, TOTAL_RETRIES, timeout);
            sleep (timeout);
            fseek (fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
            timeout <<= 1;

    } while (code!=OK && retries>0);
    fclose (fp);
	curl_easy_cleanup (curl);
    return code;
Exemplo n.º 4
void RAUX::File :: Open ( uint32_t * Status, bool Overwrite )
	if ( Opened )
		* Status = kStatus_Failure_FileAlreadyOpen;
#if defined ( __APPLE__ )
	Handle = fopen ( Name.c_str (), Writable ? ( Overwrite ? "a+b" : "w+b" ) : "rb" );
#elif defined ( _WIN32 )
	Handle = fopen ( Name.c_str (), Writable ? ( Overwrite ? "a+b" : "w+b" ) : "rb" );
	Handle = fopen64 ( Name.c_str (), Writable ? ( Overwrite ? "a+b" : "w+b" ) : "rb" );
	if ( Handle != NULL )
		Opened = true;
		* Status = kStatus_Success;
		switch ( errno )
		case EINVAL:
			* Status = kStatus_Failure_FileModeIncompatible;
		case ENOMEM:
			* Status = kStatus_Failure_OutOfMemory;
		case EACCES:
			* Status = kStatus_Failure_Permissions;
		case EFAULT:
			* Status = kStatus_Failure_InvalidParam;
		case EISDIR:
			* Status = kStatis_Failure_FileIsDirectory;
			* Status = kStatus_Failure_Unknown;
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

	char c;
	unsigned int i, j, k;
	MMPool *mmPool;
	dictionary *programInput, *ini;
	char argumentText[11] = "argument:0";
	double startTime;
	double elapsedTime = 0, totalElapsedTime = 0;

	BWT *bwt;
	HSP *hsp;

	unsigned char charMap[256];

	unsigned char *convertedKey;
	unsigned int *packedKey;

	unsigned int found;
	unsigned int numberOfPattern, numberOfPatternFound;
	unsigned int saIndexLeft, saIndexRight;
	SaIndexGroupNew *saIndexGroup;
	SaIndexList *tempSaIndex1, *tempSaIndex2;
	unsigned int numberOfSaIndexGroup;
	HitList *hitList;
	unsigned int textPositionMatched, textPositionRetrieved;
	unsigned long long totalTextPositionMatched, totalTextPositionRetrieved;
	BWTSaRetrievalStatistics BWTSaRetrievalStatistics;

	FILE *logFile;

	init(textPositionRetrieved);	// to avoid compiler warning only
	init(textPositionMatched);		// to avoid compiler warning only

	programInput = ParseInput(argc, argv);
	ini = ParseIniFile();



	if (Confirmation == TRUE) {
		printf("BWT Search. Press Y to go or N to cancel. ");
        c = (char)getchar();
		while (c != 'y' && c != 'Y' && c != 'n' && c!= 'N') {
			c = (char)getchar();
		if (c == 'n' || c == 'N') {

	startTime = setStartTime();

	MMMasterInitialize(1, 0, FALSE, NULL);
	mmPool = MMPoolCreate(PoolSize);

	// Load Database
	printf("Loading Database..");

	bwt = BWTLoad(mmPool, BWTCodeFileName, BWTOccValueFileName, SaValueFileName, NULL, SaIndexFileName, NULL);
	hsp = HSPLoad(mmPool, PackedDNAFileName, AnnotationFileName, AmbiguityFileName, MAX_SEARCH_PATTERN_LENGTH / CHAR_PER_WORD);
	if (bwt->textLength != hsp->dnaLength) {
		fprintf(stderr, "BWT-BLAST: Database length inconsistent!\n");

	if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
		logFile = fopen64(LogFileName, "w");
		if (logFile == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open log file!\n");
	} else {
		logFile = NULL;

	packedKey = MMPoolDispatch(mmPool, WordPackedLengthFromText(MAX_SEARCH_PATTERN_LENGTH, BIT_PER_CHAR));
	convertedKey = MMPoolDispatch(mmPool, MAX_SEARCH_PATTERN_LENGTH);

	saIndexGroup = MMUnitAllocate(MaxNumberOfHitGroups * sizeof(SaIndexGroup));
	hitList = MMUnitAllocate(MaxNumberOfTextPosition * sizeof(HitList));
	tempSaIndex1 = MMUnitAllocate(MaxNumberOfTextPosition * sizeof(SaIndexList));
	tempSaIndex2 = MMUnitAllocate(MaxNumberOfTextPosition * sizeof(SaIndexList));

	elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime;
	printf("Elapsed time = ");
	printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
	totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;

	// Process search pattern files
	for (i=1; i<=NumberOfSearchPatternFile; i++) {

		argumentText[9] = '0' + (char)(i + 2);
		iniparser_copystring(programInput, argumentText, PatternFileName, PatternFileName, MAX_FILENAME_LEN);

		printf("Loading search pattern : %s\n", PatternFileName);
		numberOfPattern = ProcessSearchPattern();
		printf("Finished loading search pattern.\n");
		elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime;
		printf("Elapsed time = ");
		printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
		totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;

		if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
			fprintf(logFile, "Searching for pattern : %s\n", PatternFileName);

		if (SABinarySearch == TRUE) {

			printf("Start forward search with SA index.\n");
			if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
				fprintf(logFile, "Forward search with SA index.\n");

			numberOfPatternFound = 0;
			totalTextPositionMatched = 0;
			totalTextPositionRetrieved = 0;

			for (j=0; j<numberOfPattern; j++) {
				//ConvertTextToWordPacked(searchPattern + searchPatternPosition[j], packedKey, charMap, ALPHABET_SIZE, 
				//					searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j]);
				//found = BWTForwardSearchSaIndex(packedKey, searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j],
				//						 bwt, hsp->packedDNA, &saIndexLeft, &saIndexRight);

				ConvertTextToCode(searchPattern + searchPatternPosition[j], convertedKey, charMap, 
									searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j]);
				found = BWTSaBinarySearch(convertedKey, searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j],
										 bwt, hsp->packedDNA, &saIndexLeft, &saIndexRight, packedKey);

				if (found) {
					textPositionMatched = saIndexRight - saIndexLeft + 1;
					totalTextPositionMatched += textPositionMatched;

					if (FindTextPosition) {
						saIndexGroup->startSaIndex = saIndexLeft;
						if (textPositionMatched <= MaxNumberOfTextPosition) {
							saIndexGroup->numOfMatch = textPositionMatched;
						} else {
							saIndexGroup->numOfMatch = MaxNumberOfTextPosition;
							printf("Max no of text positions reached! Only %u out of %u text positions retrieved.\n", MaxNumberOfTextPosition, textPositionMatched);
						saIndexGroup->posQuery = 0;
						saIndexGroup->info = 0;
						textPositionRetrieved = BWTTextPosition(bwt, saIndexGroup, 1, hitList, tempSaIndex1, tempSaIndex2, &BWTSaRetrievalStatistics, FALSE);
						totalTextPositionRetrieved += textPositionRetrieved;

				if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
					if (found) {
						fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u found. SA Index from %u to %u.  ", 
								j + 1, saIndexLeft, saIndexRight);
						if (FindTextPosition) {
							fprintf(logFile, "%u matches of %u located. ", textPositionRetrieved, textPositionMatched);
							for (k=0; k<textPositionRetrieved; k++) {
								fprintf(logFile, "%u ", hitList[k].posText);
					} else {
						fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u not found.", j + 1); 
					fprintf(logFile, "\n");

			printf("Finished forward search with SA index.\n");
			printf("%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
			if (FindTextPosition) {
				printf("Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
					          BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
							  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
			elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime;
			printf("Elapsed time = ");
			printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
			totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;
			if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
				fprintf(logFile, "Finished forward search with SA index.\n");
				fprintf(logFile, "%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
				if (FindTextPosition) {
					fprintf(logFile, "Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
								  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
								  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
				fprintf(logFile, "Elapsed time = ");
				printElapsedTime(logFile, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
				fprintf(logFile, "\n");


		if (BackwardSearch == TRUE) {

			printf("Start backward search.\n");
			if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
				fprintf(logFile, "Backward search.\n");

			numberOfPatternFound = 0;
			totalTextPositionMatched = 0;
			totalTextPositionRetrieved = 0;

			for (j=0; j<numberOfPattern; j++) {
				ConvertTextToCode(searchPattern + searchPatternPosition[j], convertedKey, charMap, 
									searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j]);
				found = BWTBackwardSearch(convertedKey, searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j],
										 bwt, &saIndexLeft, &saIndexRight);
				if (found) {
					textPositionMatched = saIndexRight - saIndexLeft + 1;
					totalTextPositionMatched += textPositionMatched;

					if (FindTextPosition) {
						saIndexGroup->startSaIndex = saIndexLeft;
						if (textPositionMatched <= MaxNumberOfTextPosition) {
							saIndexGroup->numOfMatch = textPositionMatched;
						} else {
							saIndexGroup->numOfMatch = MaxNumberOfTextPosition;
							printf("Max no of text positions reached! Only %u out of %u text positions retrieved.\n", MaxNumberOfTextPosition, textPositionMatched);
						saIndexGroup->posQuery = 0;
						saIndexGroup->info = 0;
						textPositionRetrieved = BWTTextPosition(bwt, saIndexGroup, 1, hitList, tempSaIndex1, tempSaIndex2, &BWTSaRetrievalStatistics, FALSE);
						totalTextPositionRetrieved += textPositionRetrieved;

				if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
					if (found) {
						fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u found. SA Index from %u to %u. Total %u occurrences ", j + 1, saIndexLeft, saIndexRight, saIndexRight - saIndexLeft + 1);
						if (FindTextPosition) {
							fprintf(logFile, "%u matches of %u located. ", textPositionRetrieved, textPositionMatched);
							for (k=0; k<textPositionRetrieved; k++) {
								fprintf(logFile, "%u ", hitList[k].posText);
					} else {
						fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u not found.", j + 1); 
					fprintf(logFile, "\n");

			printf("Finished backward search.\n");
			printf("%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
			if (FindTextPosition) {
				printf("Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
					          BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
							  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
			elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime;
			printf("Elapsed time = ");
			printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
			totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;
			if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
				fprintf(logFile, "Finished backward search.\n");
				fprintf(logFile, "%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
				if (FindTextPosition) {
					fprintf(logFile, "Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
								  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
								  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
				fprintf(logFile, "Elapsed time = ");
				printElapsedTime(logFile, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
				fprintf(logFile, "\n");


		if (BackwardSearchCheck == TRUE) {

			printf("Start backward search with text.\n");
			if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
				fprintf(logFile, "Backward search with text.\n");

			numberOfPatternFound = 0;
			totalTextPositionMatched = 0;
			totalTextPositionRetrieved = 0;

			for (j=0; j<numberOfPattern; j++) {
				ConvertTextToCode(searchPattern + searchPatternPosition[j], convertedKey, charMap, 
									searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j]);
				ConvertTextToWordPacked(searchPattern + searchPatternPosition[j], packedKey, charMap, ALPHABET_SIZE, 
									searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j]);
				found = BWTBackwardSearchCheckWithText(convertedKey, packedKey, searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j],
												  bwt, hsp->packedDNA, TextCheckCostFactor, MaxNumberOfTextPosition, 
												  hitList, &saIndexLeft, &saIndexRight);
				if (found) {
					textPositionMatched = saIndexRight - saIndexLeft + 1;
					totalTextPositionMatched += textPositionMatched;

					// Find text position if text check not used
					if (FindTextPosition && saIndexLeft != 0) {
						saIndexGroup->startSaIndex = saIndexLeft;
						if (textPositionMatched <= MaxNumberOfTextPosition) {
							saIndexGroup->numOfMatch = textPositionMatched;
						} else {
							saIndexGroup->numOfMatch = MaxNumberOfTextPosition;
							printf("Max no of text positions reached! Only %u out of %u text positions retrieved.\n", MaxNumberOfTextPosition, textPositionMatched);
						saIndexGroup->posQuery = 0;
						saIndexGroup->info = 0;
						textPositionRetrieved = BWTTextPosition(bwt, saIndexGroup, 1, hitList, tempSaIndex1, tempSaIndex2, &BWTSaRetrievalStatistics, FALSE);
						totalTextPositionRetrieved += textPositionRetrieved;
					} else {
						textPositionRetrieved = textPositionMatched;
						totalTextPositionRetrieved += textPositionRetrieved;

				if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
					if (found) {
						fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u found. ", j + 1);
						if (FindTextPosition) {
							fprintf(logFile, "%u matches of %u located. ", textPositionRetrieved, textPositionMatched);
							for (k=0; k<textPositionRetrieved; k++) {
								fprintf(logFile, "%u ", hitList[k].posText);
					} else {
						fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u not found.", j + 1); 
					fprintf(logFile, "\n");

			printf("Finished backward search with text.\n");
			printf("%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
			if (FindTextPosition) {
				printf("Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
					          BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
							  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
			elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime;
			printf("Elapsed time = ");
			printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
			totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;
			if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
				fprintf(logFile, "Finished backward search with text.\n");
				fprintf(logFile, "%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
				if (FindTextPosition) {
					fprintf(logFile, "Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
								  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
								  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
				fprintf(logFile, "Elapsed time = ");
				printElapsedTime(logFile, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
				fprintf(logFile, "\n");


		if (HammingDistSearch == TRUE) {

			printf("Start hamming distance %u approximate match.\n", MaxErrorAllowed);
			if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
				fprintf(logFile, "Hamming distance %u approximate match.\n", MaxErrorAllowed);

			numberOfPatternFound = 0;
			totalTextPositionMatched = 0;
			totalTextPositionRetrieved = 0;

			for (j=0; j<numberOfPattern; j++) {
				ConvertTextToCode(searchPattern + searchPatternPosition[j], convertedKey, charMap, 
									searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j]);
				numberOfSaIndexGroup = BWTHammingDistMatchOld(convertedKey, searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j],
														   bwt, MaxErrorAllowed, saIndexGroup, MaxNumberOfHitGroups, 0, 0);
				if (numberOfSaIndexGroup) {
					textPositionMatched = 0;
					for (k=0; k<numberOfSaIndexGroup; k++) {
                        textPositionMatched += saIndexGroup[k].numOfMatch;
					if (textPositionMatched > MaxNumberOfTextPosition) {
						textPositionMatched = 0;
						for (k=0; k<numberOfSaIndexGroup && textPositionMatched < MaxNumberOfTextPosition; k++) {
		                    textPositionMatched += saIndexGroup[k].numOfMatch;
						numberOfSaIndexGroup = k - 1;
						saIndexGroup[numberOfSaIndexGroup].numOfMatch -= textPositionMatched - MaxNumberOfTextPosition;
						for (; k<numberOfSaIndexGroup; k++) {
		                    textPositionMatched += saIndexGroup[k].numOfMatch;
						printf("Max no of text positions reached! Only %u out of %u text positions retrieved.\n", MaxNumberOfTextPosition, textPositionMatched);
					totalTextPositionMatched += textPositionMatched;

					if (FindTextPosition) {
						textPositionRetrieved = BWTTextPosition(bwt, saIndexGroup, numberOfSaIndexGroup, hitList, tempSaIndex1, tempSaIndex2, &BWTSaRetrievalStatistics, FALSE);
						totalTextPositionRetrieved += textPositionRetrieved;

				if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
					if (numberOfSaIndexGroup) {
						fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u found. %u matches", j + 1, textPositionMatched);
						if (FindTextPosition) {
							fprintf(logFile, "%u matches of %u located. ", textPositionRetrieved, textPositionMatched);
							for (k=0; k<textPositionRetrieved; k++) {
								fprintf(logFile, "%u ", hitList[k].posText);
					} else {
						fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u not found.", j + 1); 
					fprintf(logFile, "\n");

			printf("Finished hamming distance search.\n");
			printf("%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
			if (FindTextPosition) {
				printf("Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
					          BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
							  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
			elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime;
			printf("Elapsed time = ");
			printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
			totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;
			if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
				fprintf(logFile, "Finished hamming distance search.\n");
				fprintf(logFile, "%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
				if (FindTextPosition) {
					fprintf(logFile, "Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
								  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
								  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
				fprintf(logFile, "Elapsed time = ");
				printElapsedTime(logFile, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
				fprintf(logFile, "\n");


		if (EditDistSearch == TRUE) {

			printf("Start edit distance %u approximate match.\n", MaxErrorAllowed);
			if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
				fprintf(logFile, "Edit distance %u approximate match.\n", MaxErrorAllowed);

			numberOfPatternFound = 0;
			totalTextPositionMatched = 0;
			totalTextPositionRetrieved = 0;

			for (j=0; j<numberOfPattern; j++) {
				ConvertTextToCode(searchPattern + searchPatternPosition[j], convertedKey, charMap, 
									searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j]);
				numberOfSaIndexGroup = BWTEditDistMatchOld(convertedKey, searchPatternPosition[j+1] - searchPatternPosition[j],
														bwt, MaxErrorAllowed, (SaIndexGroupWithLengthError*)saIndexGroup, MaxNumberOfHitGroups);
				if (numberOfSaIndexGroup > MaxNumberOfHitGroups) {
					fprintf(stderr, "numberOfSaIndexGroup > MaxNumberOfHitGroups!\n");
				if (numberOfSaIndexGroup) {
					textPositionMatched = 0;
					for (k=0; k<numberOfSaIndexGroup; k++) {
                        textPositionMatched += saIndexGroup[k].numOfMatch;
					if (textPositionMatched > MaxNumberOfTextPosition) {
						textPositionMatched = 0;
						for (k=0; k<numberOfSaIndexGroup && textPositionMatched < MaxNumberOfTextPosition; k++) {
		                    textPositionMatched += saIndexGroup[k].numOfMatch;
						numberOfSaIndexGroup = k - 1;
						saIndexGroup[numberOfSaIndexGroup].numOfMatch -= textPositionMatched - MaxNumberOfTextPosition;
						for (; k<numberOfSaIndexGroup; k++) {
		                    textPositionMatched += saIndexGroup[k].numOfMatch;
						printf("Max no of text positions reached! Only %u out of %u text positions retrieved.\n", MaxNumberOfTextPosition, textPositionMatched);
					totalTextPositionMatched += textPositionMatched;

					if (FindTextPosition) {
						textPositionRetrieved = BWTTextPosition(bwt, saIndexGroup, numberOfSaIndexGroup, hitList, tempSaIndex1, tempSaIndex2, &BWTSaRetrievalStatistics, FALSE);
						totalTextPositionRetrieved += textPositionRetrieved;

				if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
					if (numberOfSaIndexGroup) {
						fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u found. %u matches. ", j + 1, textPositionMatched);
						if (FindTextPosition) {
							fprintf(logFile, "%u matches of %u located. ", textPositionRetrieved, textPositionMatched);
							for (k=0; k<textPositionRetrieved; k++) {
								fprintf(logFile, "%u ", hitList[k].posText);
					} else {
						fprintf(logFile, "Pattern number %u not found.", j + 1); 
					fprintf(logFile, "\n");

			printf("Finished edit distance search.\n");
			printf("%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
			if (FindTextPosition) {
				printf("Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
					          BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
							  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
			elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime;
			printf("Elapsed time = ");
			printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
			totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime;
			if (LogFileName[0] != '\0') {
				fprintf(logFile, "Finished edit distance search.\n");
				fprintf(logFile, "%u patterns out of %u found. %llu of %llu matches located.\n", numberOfPatternFound, numberOfPattern, totalTextPositionRetrieved, totalTextPositionMatched);
				if (FindTextPosition) {
					fprintf(logFile, "Hits: BWT/Cached/Diag/Dup      : %u/%u/%u/%u\n", 
								  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.bwtSaRetrieved, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.cachedSaRetrieved, 
								  BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDiagonalLinked, BWTSaRetrievalStatistics.saDuplicated);
				fprintf(logFile, "Elapsed time = ");
				printElapsedTime(logFile, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 4, elapsedTime);
				fprintf(logFile, "\n");



	MMPoolReturn(mmPool, packedKey, WordPackedLengthFromText(MAX_SEARCH_PATTERN_LENGTH, BIT_PER_CHAR));
	MMPoolReturn(mmPool, convertedKey, MAX_SEARCH_PATTERN_LENGTH);

	BWTFree(mmPool, bwt);

	if (searchPattern != NULL) {
		MMUnitFree(searchPattern, searchPatternAllocated);
	if (searchPatternPosition != NULL) {
		MMUnitFree(searchPatternPosition, searchPatternPositionAllocated);
	MMUnitFree(saIndexGroup, MaxNumberOfHitGroups * sizeof(unsigned int));
	MMUnitFree(hitList, MaxNumberOfTextPosition * sizeof(unsigned int));



	return 0;

Exemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { 
  int fno,c, digit_optind = 0, this_option_optind = optind ? optind : 1, option_index = 0; char *path="";
  static struct option long_options[] = { {"r", 	0, 0, 'r'}, {0,0, 0, 0}  };
  for(;;) {
    if((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "xv:", long_options, &option_index)) == -1) break;
    switch(c) {
      case  0 : printf("Option %s", long_options[option_index].name); 
	            if(optarg) printf (" with arg %s", optarg);  printf ("\n"); break;								
      case 'v': verb = atoi(optarg); 		break;
      default:  die("unknown option: %c \n", optopt);
  if(argc - optind < 2) usage();
  path = argv[--argc];

  for(fno = optind; fno < argc; fno++) { 
    char outname[257], *inname = argv[fno]; 
    strcpy(outname, path); 
    char *p = strrchr(inname,'/'); 
    if(!p) p = strrchr(inname,'\\'); if(!p) p=inname; 
    strcat(outname, p); strcat(outname,".i");

    FILE *fi = fopen64(inname, "rb");     if(!fi) { fprintf(stderr, "open error '%s'", inname);   perror(inname); exit(-1); }  int fdi = fileno(fi);
    FILE *fo = fopen64(outname,"wb"),*fm; if(!fo) { fprintf(stderr, "creat error '%s'", outname); perror(outname); exit(-1); } fprintf(stderr, "file='%s'", outname);
    fseeko(fo, sizeof(unsigned)+sizeof(unsigned long long), SEEK_SET);

    tmap_t *tmap = calloc(1, TERMNUM*sizeof(tmap_t)); 
    if(!tmap) die("malloc error\n"); 
    unsigned *in = NULL,*ip,*ep,num,tid=0,numx=0,outsize;
    unsigned char *out = NULL; 
    unsigned long long fofs;												unsigned long long postsize=0,skipsize = 0; 																

    while(fread(&num, 1, 4, fi) == 4) {										// read number of docid in term
      if(!num) { ++tid; continue; }
      unsigned bnum = (num+BLK_DIDNUM-1)/BLK_DIDNUM; 
	  if(num > numx) { 
	    numx    = num;  						
	    in      = realloc(in,  num*4+64); 
	    outsize = num*4+bnum*sizeof(unsigned)*SKIP_SIZE+1024; 
        out     = realloc(out, outsize);
		if(!in || !out) die("malloc err=%u", num); 
      if(fread(in, 4, num, fi) != num) break;								// read docid list
      unsigned char *op = out,*_op; 
      vbput32(op, num);														// store f_t
      unsigned *pix = (unsigned *)op; 
      if(num > BLK_DIDNUM) { 
	    op += bnum*sizeof(unsigned)*SKIP_SIZE; 								skipsize += op-out; 
      for(_op = op, ip = in, ep = ip+num; ip < ep; ) {
        unsigned n = min(ep-ip, BLK_DIDNUM), b = 0,bx;					    if(op+5*n > out+outsize) die("output buffer too small\n"); 
        if(n > 1) { 
		    #ifndef _TURBOPFOR 
		  DELTA(ip, n, b); //bitdenc32( in+1, --n, pa, in[0], mode);
		  //  #ifdef _TURBOPFOR 
		  //b = _p4bits32(ip+1, n-1, &bx);
		    #ifdef SKIP_S
		  unsigned u = ip[0]<<SKIP_S|b;						// save width 
          unsigned u = ip[0]; 								// First docid
        if(num > BLK_DIDNUM) {                             	// skip/index. docid[0] and offset to compressed block
		  *pix = u;
			#if SKIP_SIZE == 2	  							
          pix[bnum] = op - _op; 							// save posting offset
        } else vbput32(op, u);						   		// skip not needed
	    if(n > 1) {
            #ifdef _TURBOPFOR          
          op = n==129?p4d1enc128v32(  ip+1, n-1, op, u):p4d1enc32(   ip+1, n-1, op, u);//*op++ = bx; op = n==129?_p4enc128v32(  ip+1, n-1, op, b, bx):_p4enc32(   ip+1, n-1, op, b, bx);
		      #ifndef SKIP_S
		  *op++ = b; 	
		  op = n==129?bitpack128v32( ip+1, n-1, op, b)    :bitpack32(ip+1, n-1, op, b);
		ip += n;	
	  fofs 		= ftello(fo);
      tmap_t *t = &tmap[tid++]; 
      TIDMAPSET(t, fofs);
	  if(fwrite(out, 1, op-out, fo) != op-out) die("fwrite error\n");				  	postsize += op-out;
    fofs = ftello(fo);															// write termmap
	if(fwrite(tmap, sizeof(tmap_t), tid, fo) != tid) die("fwrite error\n");

    fseeko(fo, 0, SEEK_SET);
	if(fwrite(&fofs, sizeof(unsigned long long), 1, fo) != 1) die("fwrite error\n");
	if(fwrite(&tid,  sizeof(unsigned), 1, fo) != 1) die("fwrite error\n");      fofs = ftello(fi); 
	fclose(fi); fclose(fo);
	if(in) { free(in); free(out); }
																				printf("\nterms=%u size=[tmap=%u skip=%llu post=%llu total=%llu, ratio=%.2f %%\n", tid, (unsigned)(tid*sizeof(tmap_t)), 
                                                                                  skipsize, postsize-skipsize, postsize+tid*sizeof(tmap_t)+12, (double)postsize*100/(double)fofs );
Exemplo n.º 7
int target_design(ivl_design_t des)
      ivl_scope_t *roots;
      unsigned nroots, idx;
      unsigned has_root_scope = 0;
      const char*path = ivl_design_flag(des, "-o");
	/* Set the indent spacing with the -pspacing flag passed to iverilog
	 * (e.g. -pspacing=4). The default is 2 spaces. */
      const char*spacing_str = ivl_design_flag(des, "spacing");
	/* Use -pfileline to determine if file and line information is
	 * printed for most lines. (e.g. -pfileline=1). The default is no
	 * file/line information will be printed for individual lines. */
      const char*fileline_str = ivl_design_flag(des, "fileline");
	/* Use -pallowsigned to allow signed registers/nets and the
	 * $signed() and $unsigned() system tasks as an extension. */
      const char*allowsigned_str = ivl_design_flag(des, "allowsigned");

	/* Check for and use a provided indent spacing. */
      if (strcmp(spacing_str, "") != 0) {
	    char *eptr;
	    long value = strtol(spacing_str, &eptr, 0);
	      /* Nothing usable in the spacing string. */
	    if (spacing_str == eptr) {
		  fprintf(stderr, "vlog95 error: Unable to extract spacing "
		                  "increment from string: %s\n", spacing_str);
		  return 1;
	      /* Extra stuff at the end. */
	    if (*eptr != 0) {
		  fprintf(stderr, "vlog95 error: Extra characters '%s' "
		                  "included at end of spacing string: %s\n",
		                  eptr, spacing_str);
		  return 1;
	      /* The increment must be greater than zero. */
	    if (value < 1) {
		  fprintf(stderr, "vlog95 error: Spacing increment (%ld) must "
		                  "be greater than zero.\n", value);
		  return 1;
	      /* An increment of more than sixteen is too much. */
	    if (value > 16) {
		  fprintf(stderr, "vlog95 error: Spacing increment (%ld) must "
		                  "be sixteen or less.\n", value);
		  return 1;
	    indent_incr = value;

	/* Check to see if file/line information should be printed. */
      if (strcmp(fileline_str, "") != 0) {
	    char *eptr;
	    long value = strtol(fileline_str, &eptr, 0);
	      /* Nothing usable in the file/line string. */
	    if (fileline_str == eptr) {
		  fprintf(stderr, "vlog95 error: Unable to extract file/line "
		                  "information from string: %s\n",
		  return 1;
	      /* Extra stuff at the end. */
	    if (*eptr != 0) {
		  fprintf(stderr, "vlog95 error: Extra characters '%s' "
		                  "included at end of file/line string: %s\n",
		                  eptr, fileline_str);
		  return 1;
	      /* The file/line flag must be positive. */
	    if (value < 0) {
		  fprintf(stderr, "vlog95 error: File/line flag (%ld) must "
		                  "be positive.\n", value);
		  return 1;
	    emit_file_line = value > 0;

	/* Check to see if we should also print signed constructs. */
      if (strcmp(allowsigned_str, "") != 0) {
	    char *eptr;
	    long value = strtol(allowsigned_str, &eptr, 0);
	      /* Nothing usable in the allow signed string. */
	    if (allowsigned_str == eptr) {
		  fprintf(stderr, "vlog95 error: Unable to extract allow "
		                  "signed information from string: %s\n",
		  return 1;
	      /* Extra stuff at the end. */
	    if (*eptr != 0) {
		  fprintf(stderr, "vlog95 error: Extra characters '%s' "
		                  "included at end of allow signed string: "
		                  "%s\n", eptr, allowsigned_str);
		  return 1;
	      /* The allow signed flag must be positive. */
	    if (value < 0) {
		  fprintf(stderr, "vlog95 error: Allow signed flag (%ld) must "
		                  "be positive.\n", value);
		  return 1;
	    allow_signed = value > 0;

      design = des;

#ifdef HAVE_FOPEN64
      vlog_out = fopen64(path, "w");
      vlog_out = fopen(path, "w");
      if (vlog_out == 0) {
	    return -1;

      fprintf(vlog_out, "/*\n");
      fprintf(vlog_out, " * 1364-1995 Verilog generated by Icarus Verilog "
                        "VLOG95 Code Generator,\n");
      fprintf(vlog_out, " * Version: " VERSION " (" VERSION_TAG ")\n");
      fprintf(vlog_out, " * Converted using %s delays and %s signed support.\n",
                        allow_signed ? "with" : "without");
      fprintf(vlog_out, " */\n");

      sim_precision = ivl_design_time_precision(des);

	/* Get all the root modules and then convert each one. */
      ivl_design_roots(des, &roots, &nroots);
	/* Emit any root scope tasks or functions first. */
      for (idx = 0; idx < nroots; idx += 1) {
	    switch(ivl_scope_type(roots[idx])) {
		  case IVL_SCT_TASK:
			if (! has_root_scope) {
			      fprintf(vlog_out, "module ivl_root_scope;\n");
			      indent += indent_incr;
			      has_root_scope = 1;
			  /* Say this task/function has a parent so the
			   * definition is emitted correctly. */
			emit_scope(roots[idx], roots[idx]);
      if (has_root_scope) {
	    indent -= indent_incr;
	    assert(indent == 0);
	    fprintf(vlog_out, "endmodule /* ivl_root_scope */\n");
	/* Emit the rest of the scope objets. */
      for (idx = 0; idx < nroots; idx += 1) emit_scope(roots[idx], 0);


	/* Emit any UDP definitions that the design used. */

	/* Emit any UDPs that are Icarus generated (D-FF). */

	/* If there were errors then add this information to the output. */
      if (vlog_errors) {
	    fprintf(vlog_out, "\n");
	    fprintf(vlog_out, "/*\n");
	    if (vlog_errors == 1) {
		  fprintf(vlog_out, " * There was 1 error during "
	    } else {
		  fprintf(vlog_out, " * There were %d errors during "
	    fprintf(vlog_out, " */\n");
	      /* Add something that makes the file invalid to make sure
	       * the user knows there were errors. */
	    fprintf(vlog_out, "<Add some text to make sure this file is not "
	                      "valid Verilog>\n");


	/* A do nothing call to prevent warnings about this routine not
	 * being used. */
      dump_nexus_information(0, 0);

      return vlog_errors;
Exemplo n.º 8
HTAAProt *HTAAProt_new( char *cur_docname, char *prot_filename, char *ids )
  int eax;
  HTList *cur = prot_cache;
  HTAAProtCache *cache_item = 0;
  HTAAProt *prot;
  FILE *fp;
  if ( prot_cache == 0 )
    prot_cache = HTList_new( );
      if ( cur )
        cur = &cur->next;
        cache_item = 0;
    while ( cache_item && strcmp( &cache_item->prot_filename[0], prot_filename ) );
    if ( cache_item )
      prot = &cache_item->prot;
      if ( WWW_TraceFlag )
        fprintf( TraceFP( ), "%s `%s' already in cache\n", "HTAAProt_new: Protection file", prot_filename );
      if ( WWW_TraceFlag )
        fprintf( TraceFP( ), "HTAAProt_new: Loading protection file `%s'\n", prot_filename );
      prot = calloc( 1, sizeof( HTAAProt ) );
      if ( prot == 0 )
        outofmem( "../../../WWW/Library/Implementation/HTAAProt.c", "HTAAProt_new" );
      *(int*)&prot->ctemplate[0] = 0;
      *(int*)&prot->filename = 0;
      *(int*)&prot->uid_name = 0;
      *(int*)&prot->gid_name = 0;
      prot->valid_schemes = HTList_new( );
      *(int*)&prot->mask_group = 0;
      prot->values = HTAssocList_new( );
      if ( prot_filename )
        fp = fopen64( prot_filename, "r" );
        if ( fp )
          HTAA_parseProtFile( prot, fp );
          fclose( fp );
          cache_item = calloc( 1, sizeof( HTAAProtCache ) );
          if ( cache_item == 0 )
            outofmem( "../../../WWW/Library/Implementation/HTAAProt.c", "HTAAProt_new" );
          cache_item->prot = prot;
          *(int*)&cache_item->prot_filename[0] = 0;
          HTSACopy( &cache_item->prot_filename, prot_filename );
          HTList_addObject( prot_cache, (void*)cache_item );
      if ( WWW_TraceFlag )
        fprintf( TraceFP( ), "HTAAProt_new: %s `%s'\n", "Unable to open protection setup file", "(null)" );
    if ( cur_docname )
      HTSACopy( &prot->filename, cur_docname );
    HTAA_setIds( prot, ids );
    return prot;
Exemplo n.º 9
NV_INT32 read_srtm1_topo_one_degree (NV_INT32 lat, NV_INT32 lon, NV_INT16 **array)
  static NV_CHAR         dir[512], file[512], version[128], zversion[128];
  static NV_INT32        header_size, prev_lat = -999, prev_lon = -999, prev_block = -1;
  FILE                   *block_fp;
  NV_CHAR                varin[1024], info[1024], header_block[HEADER_SIZE];
  NV_U_BYTE              *buf, *bit_box = NULL, head[4];
  NV_INT32               i, j, shift_lat, shift_lon, resolution, pos, size = 0, status, ndx, block;
  uLong                  csize;
  uLongf                 bsize;
  NV_INT64               address;
  NV_INT16               start_val, bias, null_val, num_bits, temp, last_val;

  if (no_file) return (-1);

  /*  First time through, open the file and read the header.    */

  if (first)
      if (getenv ("SRTM_DATA") == NULL)
          fprintf (stderr, "Unable to find SRTM_DATA environment variable\n");
          fflush (stderr);
          no_file = NVTrue;
          return (-1);

      strcpy (dir, getenv ("SRTM_DATA"));

      sprintf (file, "%s%1csrtm1%1csrtm1_block_map.dat", dir, SEPARATOR, SEPARATOR);

      if ((block_fp = fopen (file, "rb")) == NULL)
          perror (file);
          no_file = NVTrue;
          return (-1);

      fseek (block_fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
      fread (block_map, sizeof (block_map), 1, block_fp);

      fclose (block_fp);

      first = NVFalse;

  /*  If we're working in the real 0-360 world (where 0 to 0 is 0 to 360) we want to turn longitudes greater
      than 180 into negatives before we switch to the bogus 0-360 world (where -180 to 180 is 0 to 180).  */

  if (lon >= 180) lon -= 360;

  /*  Shift into a 0 to 180 by 0 to 360 world.  */

  shift_lat = lat + 90;
  shift_lon = lon + 180;

  block = shift_lat * 360 + shift_lon;

  if (block_map[block] != prev_block)
      /*  If the block_map value is 0 then no data was loaded for this cell.  */

      if (!block_map[block]) return (2);

      prev_block = block;
      sprintf (file, "%s%1csrtm1%1cRegion_0%1d.cte", dir, SEPARATOR, SEPARATOR, block_map[block]);

      /*  Note that we are returning undefined if we can't find the file.  This is to allow the use of 
          a subset of the area block files without requiring all of the files to be present.  */

      if (fp) fclose (fp);
      if ((fp = fopen64 (file, "rb")) == NULL) return (2);

      /*  Allocate the map memory.  */

      if (map) free (map);
      map = (NV_U_BYTE *) calloc (MAP_BYTES, sizeof (NV_U_BYTE));
      if (map == NULL)
          perror ("Allocating map memory");
          exit (-1);

      /*  Read the header block.  */

      fread (header_block, HEADER_SIZE, 1, fp);

      ndx = 0;
      while (header_block[ndx] != 0)
          for (i = 0 ; i < 1024 ; i++)
              if (header_block[ndx] == '\n') break;
              varin[i] = header_block[ndx];

          varin[i] = 0;

          if (strstr (varin, "[END OF HEADER]")) break;

          /*  Put everything to the right of the equals sign in 'info'.   */

          if (strchr (varin, '=') != NULL) strcpy (info, (strchr (varin, '=') + 1));

          if (strstr (varin, "[VERSION]")) strcpy (version, info);

          if (strstr (varin, "[ZLIB VERSION]"))
              strcpy (zversion, info);

              sscanf (zversion, "%d.", &i);
              sscanf (zlibVersion (), "%d.", &j);

              if (i != j)
                  fprintf (stderr, "\n\nZlib library version (%s) is not compatible with version used to build SRTM file (%s)\n\n",
                           zlibVersion (), zversion);
                  exit (-1);

          if (strstr (varin, "[HEADER SIZE]")) sscanf (info, "%d", &header_size);


      if (header_size != HEADER_SIZE)
          fprintf (stderr, "Header sizes do not match, WTF, over!\n");
          exit (-1);

      /*  Move past the end of the header and read the map.  */

      fseeko64 (fp, (NV_INT64) header_size, SEEK_SET);
      fread (map, MAP_BYTES, 1, fp);

      first = NVFalse;

  /*  Only read the data if we have changed one-degree cells.  */

  if (prev_lat != shift_lat || prev_lon != shift_lon)
      /*  Unpack the address from the map.  */

      address = srtm_double_bit_unpack (map, (shift_lat * 360 + shift_lon) * 36, 36);

      prev_lat = shift_lat;
      prev_lon = shift_lon;

      /*  If the address is 0 (water) or 2 (undefined), return the address.  */

      if (address < header_size) return ((NV_INT32) address);

      /*  Move to the address and read/unpack the header.  */

      fseek (fp, address, SEEK_SET);
      fread (head, 8, 1, fp);

      pos = 0;
      resolution = (NV_INT32) srtm_bit_unpack (head, pos, 3); pos += 3;
      csize = (uLong) srtm_bit_unpack (head, pos, 30); pos += 30;
      bsize = (uLongf) srtm_bit_unpack (head, pos, 31);

      size = 3600;

      /*  We have to set an approximate size for unpacking (see the ZLIB documentation).  */

      bsize += NINT ((NV_FLOAT32) bsize * 0.10) + 12;

      /*  Allocate the uncompressed memory.  */

      bit_box = (NV_U_BYTE *) calloc (bsize, sizeof (NV_U_BYTE));
      if (bit_box == NULL)
          perror ("Allocating bit_box memory in read_srtm1_topo");
          exit (-1);

      /*  Allocate the compressed memory.  */

      buf = (NV_U_BYTE *) calloc (csize, sizeof (NV_U_BYTE));
      if (buf == NULL)
          perror ("Allocating buf memory");
          exit (-1);

      /*  Read the compressed data.  */

      fread (buf, csize, 1, fp);

      /*  Uncompress the data.  */

      status = uncompress (bit_box, &bsize, buf, csize);
      if (status)
          fprintf (stderr, "Error %d uncompressing record\n", status);
          exit (-1);

      free (buf);

      /*  Unpack the internal header.  */

      pos = 0;
      start_val = srtm_bit_unpack (bit_box, pos, 16); pos += 16;
      bias = srtm_bit_unpack (bit_box, pos, 16); pos += 16;
      num_bits = srtm_bit_unpack (bit_box, pos, 4); pos += 4;
      null_val = NINT (pow (2.0L, (NV_FLOAT64) num_bits)) - 1;

      /*  Allocate the cell memory.  */

      if (box != NULL) free (box);

      box = (NV_INT16 *) calloc (size * size, sizeof (NV_INT16));
      if (box == NULL)
          perror ("Allocating box memory in read_srtm1_topo");
          exit (-1);

      /*  Uncompress the data (delta coded snake dance).  */

      last_val = start_val;
      for (i = 0 ; i < size ; i++)
          if (!(i % 2))
              for (j = 0 ; j < size ; j++)
                  temp = srtm_bit_unpack (bit_box, pos, num_bits); pos += num_bits;

                  if (temp < null_val)
                      box[i * size + j] = last_val + temp - bias;
                      last_val = box[i * size + j];
                      box[i * size + j] = -32768;
              for (j = size - 1 ; j >= 0 ; j--)
                  temp = srtm_bit_unpack (bit_box, pos, num_bits); pos += num_bits;

                  if (temp < null_val)
                      box[i * size + j] = last_val + temp - bias;
                      last_val = box[i * size + j];
                      box[i * size + j] = -32768;

      free (bit_box);

      prev_size = size;

  /*  We didn't change cells so set the same size as last time.  */

      size = prev_size;

  *array = box;

  return (size);
Exemplo n.º 10
Arquivo: z.c Projeto: Keidan/tk
 * @fn int z_compress(z_t zip, const z_file_t zname, const char* password, z_clevel_et level, _Bool append, _Bool exclude_path, fifo_t files)
 * @brief Creation of a new ZIP file.
 * @param zip The ZIP context.
 * @param zname The zip file name.
 * @param password the zip password else NULL or empty.
 * @param level The compression level.
 * @param append Append mode.
 * @param exclude_path Exclude the file path.
 * @param files The file list.
 * @retunr 0 on success else -1.
int z_compress(z_t zip, const z_file_t zname, const char* password, z_clevel_et level, _Bool append, _Bool exclude_path, fifo_t files) {
  struct z_s* z = Z_CAST(zip);
  z_file_t filename_try;
  int size_buf = 0;
  void* buf = NULL;
  zipFile zf;

  size_buf = Z_WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE;
  buf = (void*)malloc(size_buf);
  if (!buf) {
    logger(LOG_ERR, "Error allocating memory\n");
    return -1;
  bzero(filename_try, sizeof(z_file_t));
  strcpy(filename_try, zname);
  if(!string_indexof(filename_try, ".") == -1)
    strcat(filename_try, ".zip");

  zf = zipOpen64(filename_try, (append) ? 2 : 0);
  if (!zf) {
    logger(LOG_ERR, "Error opening %s\n", filename_try);
    return -1;
  } else
    logger(LOG_DEBUG, "Creating %s\n", filename_try);
  while(!fifo_empty(files)) {
     const char* filenameinzip = fifo_pop(files);
     FILE * fin;
     int size_read;
     const char *savefilenameinzip;
     zip_fileinfo zi;
     unsigned long crc_file = 0;
     int zip64 = 0;
     memset(&zi, 0, sizeof(zip_fileinfo));
     if(file_is_dir(filenameinzip)) {
       ((char*)filenameinzip)[strlen(filenameinzip)] = z->dir_delimiter;
       strncat((char*)filenameinzip, ".empty", sizeof(file_name_t));
     logger(LOG_DEBUG, "Trying to add file '%s'\n", filenameinzip);
     file_time(filenameinzip, (struct tm*)&zi.tmz_date);

     if(password != NULL && strlen(password))
       if(z_get_file_crc(filenameinzip, buf, size_buf, &crc_file) != ZIP_OK) {
	 zipClose(zf, NULL);
	 logger(LOG_ERR, "Error getting the crc for the file %s\n", filenameinzip);
	 return -1;

     zip64 = file_is_large_file(filenameinzip);
     /* The path name saved, should not include a leading slash. */
     /*if it did, windows/xp and dynazip couldn't read the zip file. */
     savefilenameinzip = filenameinzip;
     while(savefilenameinzip[0] == z->dir_delimiter)

     /*should the zip file contain any path at all?*/
     if(exclude_path) {
       const char *tmpptr;
       const char *lastslash = 0;
       for(tmpptr = savefilenameinzip; *tmpptr; tmpptr++) {
	 if(*tmpptr == z->dir_delimiter)
	   lastslash = tmpptr;
	 savefilenameinzip = lastslash+1; // base filename follows last slash.

     if(zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64(zf, savefilenameinzip, &zi,
				NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL /* comment*/,
				(level != 0) ? Z_DEFLATED : 0, level,0,
				(password != NULL && strlen(password)) ? password : NULL, crc_file, zip64) != ZIP_OK) {
	 zipClose(zf, NULL);
	 logger(LOG_ERR, "Error in opening %s in zipfile\n", filenameinzip);
	 return -1;

     fin = fopen64(filenameinzip, "rb");
     if(!fin) {
       zipClose(zf, NULL);
       logger(LOG_ERR, "Error in opening %s for reading\n", filenameinzip);
       return -1;
     do {
       size_read = (int)fread(buf,1,size_buf,fin);
       if(size_read < size_buf)
	 if(!feof(fin)) {
	   logger(LOG_ERR, "Error in reading %s\n",filenameinzip);

       if (size_read > 0) {
	 if(zipWriteInFileInZip(zf, buf, size_read) < 0)  {
	   logger(LOG_ERR, "Error in writing %s in the zipfile\n", filenameinzip);
     } while(size_read > 0);

     if(fin) fclose(fin);
     if(zipCloseFileInZip(zf) != ZIP_OK) {
       logger(LOG_ERR, "Error in closing %s in the zipfile\n", filenameinzip);
  if(zipClose(zf, NULL) != ZIP_OK)
    logger(LOG_ERR, "Error in closing %s\n",filename_try);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// @global 释放单个文件
int ExtractSingleFile(unzFile& uf)
	char filename_inzip[256] = {0};
	unz_file_info64 file_info;

	int err = unzGetCurrentFileInfo64(uf,&file_info,filename_inzip,sizeof(filename_inzip),NULL,0,NULL,0);

	if ( UNZ_OK != err )
			L"[ZipTools] [ExtractSingleFile] unzGetCurrentFileInfo64 Failed.[%d]\r\n", err);
		return err;

	unsigned int size_buf = WRITEBUFFERSIZE;
	PBYTE buf = new BYTE[size_buf];

	// 判断名字是否以 '\\' 结尾,如果以 '\\'
	// 结尾,代表这是一个目录名,创建目录,
	// 反之则创建文件
	if ( '\\' == filename_inzip[strlen(filename_inzip)-1] )
		WCHAR wzDirName[1024] = {0};
		MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, filename_inzip, -1, wzDirName, 1024);
		err = unzOpenCurrentFilePassword(uf, NULL);

		if ( err != UNZ_OK)
				L"[ZipTools] [ExtractSingleFile] unzOpenCurrentFilePassword Failed.[%d]\r\n", err);

		// 创建文件所在的目录
		WCHAR wzFileName[MAX_PATH] = {0};
		MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, filename_inzip, -1, wzFileName, MAX_PATH);
		WCHAR wzDirName[MAX_PATH] = {0};
		FileTools::GetFileDir(wzFileName, wzDirName, L'\\');

			L"[FileTools] [UnZip] Extracting %s ...\r\n", wzFileName);
		FILE* fout = fopen64(filename_inzip, "wb");

			err = unzReadCurrentFile(uf,buf,size_buf);

			if ( err < 0 )
					L"[ZipTools] [ExtractSingleFile] unzReadCurrentFile Failed.[%d]\r\n", err);
			if ( err > 0 )
				if ( fwrite(buf,err,1,fout) != 1 )
						L"[ZipTools] [ExtractSingleFile] Write File Failed.[%s]\r\n", 

					err = UNZ_ERRNO;
		} while ( err > 0 );

		if ( fout )

		// 修改文件时间
		ChangeFileTime(filename_inzip, file_info.dosDate, file_info.tmu_date);

		delete [] buf;
Exemplo n.º 12
  Creates a .ROW file containing in which nodes were running (if some input has NODE info).
int GenerateROWfile (char *name, struct Pair_NodeCPU *info, int nfiles, struct input_t *files)
	int i, j, k;
	int numNodes;
	int numCPUs;
	char FORMAT[128];
	FILE *fd;

	/* Compute how many CPUs and NODEs */
	numNodes = numCPUs = 0;
	while (info[numNodes].CPUs > 0)
		numCPUs += info[numNodes].CPUs;
		numNodes ++;

	/* This will provide %04d.%s pex */
	sprintf (FORMAT, "%%0%dd.%%s", FLOG(numCPUs));

	fd = fopen64 (name, "w");
	fd = fopen (name, "w");
	fprintf (fd, "LEVEL CPU SIZE %d\n", numCPUs);

	/* K will be our "Global CPU" counter */
	k = 1;
	for (i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
		char *node = info[i].files[0]->node;
		for (j = 0; j < info[i].CPUs; j++)
			fprintf (fd, FORMAT, k, node);
			fprintf (fd, "\n");

	fprintf (fd, "\nLEVEL NODE SIZE %d\n", numNodes);
	for (i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
		fprintf (fd, "%s\n", info[i].files[0]->node);

	if (!get_option_merge_NanosTaskView())
		qsort (files, nfiles, sizeof(input_t), SortByObject);
		fprintf (fd, "\nLEVEL THREAD SIZE %d\n", numCPUs);
		for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++)
			fprintf (fd, "%s\n", files[i].threadname);
		qsort (files, nfiles, sizeof(input_t), SortByOrder);
		/* What naming scheme should we follow in Nanos Task View?
		   While undecided, keep this clear. Paraver will handle it. */

	fclose (fd);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 13
 RecurseFiles(): Process all files in all directories.
void	RecurseFiles	(char *S)
  char NewS[FILENAME_MAX+1];
  DIR *Dir;
  struct dirent *Entry;
  struct stat64 Stat;
  CksumFile *CF;
  char *Result=NULL;
  Cksum *Sum;

  Dir = opendir(S);
  if (Dir == NULL)
	/* it's a single file -- compute checksum */
	CF = SumOpenFile(S);
	if (CF == NULL)
	  FILE *Fin;
	  Fin = fopen64(S,"rb");
	  if (!Fin)
	    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: cannot open file \"%s\".\n",S);
	    Sum = SumComputeFile(Fin);
	    if (Sum) { Result=SumToString(Sum); free(Sum); }
	  Sum = SumComputeBuff(CF);
	  if (Sum) { Result=SumToString(Sum); free(Sum); }
	if (Result != NULL)
		printf("%s %s\n",Result,S);
  Entry = readdir(Dir);
  while(Entry != NULL)
	if (!strcmp(Entry->d_name,".")) goto skip;
	if (!strcmp(Entry->d_name,"..")) goto skip;
	if (S_ISDIR(Stat.st_mode)) RecurseFiles(NewS);
	  /* compute checksum */
	  CF = SumOpenFile(NewS);
	  if (CF == NULL)
	    FILE *Fin;
	    Fin = fopen64(NewS,"rb");
	    if (!Fin)
	      fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Cannot open file \"%s\".\n",NewS);
	      Sum = SumComputeFile(Fin);
	      if (Sum) { Result=SumToString(Sum); free(Sum); }
	    Sum = SumComputeBuff(CF);
	    if (Sum) { Result=SumToString(Sum); free(Sum); }
	  if (Result != NULL)
		printf("%s %s\n",Result,NewS);
	Entry = readdir(Dir);
} /* RecurseFiles() */
Exemplo n.º 14
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int pass = 0;
	int bNew = 0;
	long batch = -1;
	long idxStart = 0;
	long idxEnd = 0;
	long idx = 1;
	long seq = 0;
	long titlesToProcess = 0;
	char sFileName[1024];
	char sServer[256];
	char sDB[256];
	char sId[256];
	char sPassword[256];
	char sTitle[256];
	off64_t file_offset_for_pass_1;
	long max_article_idx;
	MYSQL *conn;
	MYSQL *conn2;
	MYSQL_RES *res;
	char sSQL[MAX_SQL_STR];
	int rc;
	char c;
	time_t t;

	nMsgLevel = 0;
	printf("wiki-xml-parser - (C) 2009 by Openmoko Inc.\n"
	       "This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY\n\n");

	if (argc <2)

	sFileName[0] = '\0';
	sServer[0] = '\0';
	sDB[0] = '\0';
	sId[0] = '\0';
	sPassword[0] = '\0';
	sTitle[0] = '\0';
	while (1) {
		int c, option_index = 0;
		c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hf:p:nb:g:e:m:t:u:w:s:d:i:l:q:", opts,
		if (c == -1)

		switch (c) {
		case 'h':
		case 'f':
			strncpy(sFileName, optarg, sizeof(sFileName) - 1);
			sFileName[sizeof(sFileName) - 1] = '\0';
		case 'p':
			pass = atoi(optarg);
		case 'b':
			batch = atoi(optarg);
		case 'g':
			idxStart = atol(optarg);
		case 'e':
			idxEnd = atol(optarg);
		case 'n':
			bNew = 1;
		case 'm':
			nMsgLevel = atoi(optarg);
		case 't':
			titlesToProcess = atol(optarg);
		case 'u':
			strncpy(sId, optarg, sizeof(sId) - 1);
			sId[sizeof(sId) - 1] = '\0';
		case 'w':
			strncpy(sPassword, optarg, sizeof(sPassword) - 1);
			sPassword[sizeof(sPassword) - 1] = '\0';
		case 's':
			strncpy(sServer, optarg, sizeof(sServer) - 1);
			sServer[sizeof(sServer) - 1] = '\0';
		case 'd':
			strncpy(sDB, optarg, sizeof(sDB) - 1);
			sDB[sizeof(sDB) - 1] = '\0';
		case 'i':
			idx = atol(optarg);
		case 'q':
			seq = atol(optarg);
		case 'l':
			strncpy(sTitle, optarg, sizeof(sTitle) - 1);
			sServer[sizeof(sTitle) - 1] = '\0';

	if (pass == 5)
	if (!titlesToProcess)
		titlesToProcess = 1024;
	if (!sFileName[0])
		strcpy(sFileName, "enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml");
	if (!sId[0])
		strcpy(sId, "root");
	if (!sServer[0])
		strcpy(sServer, "localhost");
	if (!sDB[0])
		strcpy(sDB, "wikixml");
	if (batch >= 0)
		idxStart = MAX_ARTICLES_PER_DAT * batch;
		idxEnd = idxStart + MAX_ARTICLES_PER_DAT - 1;
		if (!idxStart)
			idxStart = 1;
	else if (idxEnd < idxStart)
		idxEnd = idxStart;

	g_conn = mysql_init(NULL);
	if (!mysql_real_connect(g_conn, sServer, sId, sPassword, sDB, 0, NULL, 0))
		showMsg(0, "Error connecting DB %s/%s using %s/%s\n", sServer, sDB, sId, sPassword);
	conn = mysql_init(NULL);
	if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, sServer, sId, sPassword, sDB, 0, NULL, 0))
		showMsg(0, "Error connecting DB %s/%s using %s/%s\n", sServer, sDB, sId, sPassword);

	if (pass==0)
		if (sTitle[0])
			sprintf(sSQL, "select title, text_start_offset, text_len, redirect_title, entry_type from entries where title='%s'", sTitle);
		else if (seq)
			sprintf(sSQL, "select title, text_start_offset, text_len, redirect_title, entry_type from entries where seq=%ld", seq);
			sprintf(sSQL, "select title, text_start_offset, text_len, redirect_title, entry_type from entries where idx=%ld", idx);
		printf("SQL: %s\n", sSQL);
		rc = mysql_query(conn, sSQL);
		if (rc)
			showMsg(0, "query entries error - %d (%s)\n", rc, mysql_error(conn));

		res = mysql_use_result(conn);
		if ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL)
			FILE *fd;
			off64_t nArticleOffset;
			long nTextLen;
			char buf[1025];
			int len;

			if (!row[1])
				if (row[4])
					printf("title: [%s], redirect: [%s]\n", row[0], row[3]);
					printf("title: [%s], entry type: %s\n", row[0], row[4]);
			sscanf(row[1], "%Ld", &nArticleOffset);
			nTextLen = atol(row[2]);
			printf("offset: %Lx, len: %lx\n\n", nArticleOffset, nTextLen);
			fd = fopen64(sFileName, "rb");
			fseeko64(fd, nArticleOffset, SEEK_SET);
			printf("<mediawiki>\n<page>\n<title>%s</title>\n <revision>\n<text>", row[0]);
			while (nTextLen > 0)
				if (nTextLen > 1024)
					len = fread(buf, 1, 1024, fd);
					len = fread(buf, 1, nTextLen, fd);
				nTextLen -= 1024;
				buf[len] = '\0';
			printf("not found\n");
	else if (pass == 4)
		long idx_range[MAX_IDX_RANGE][2];
		long idx_range_count = 0;
		long count = 0;
		int i;
		long max_file_size = 0;

		count_files("./dat", &idx_range_count, idx_range, &max_file_size);
		for (i = 0; i < idx_range_count; i++)
			showMsg(0, "%8ld ~ %8ld\n", idx_range[i][0], idx_range[i][1]);
			count += idx_range[i][1] - idx_range[i][0] + 1;
		showMsg(0, "Total file count: %ld, Max file size: %ld\n", count, max_file_size);

	rc = mysql_query(conn, "select idx from entries order by idx desc limit 1");
	res = mysql_use_result(conn);
	if ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL && row[0])
		showMsg(0, "max article idx:\t\t%ld\n", (max_article_idx=atol(row[0])));
		rc = mysql_query(conn, "select count(*) from entries");
		res = mysql_use_result(conn);
		if ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL && row[0])
			showMsg(0, "pass1 processed entries:\t%ld\n", atol(row[0]));
//		mysql_free_result(res);
//		mysql_commit(conn);
//		rc = mysql_query(conn, "select count(*) from entries where entry_type=0 and pass_2_processed=1");
//		res = mysql_use_result(conn);
//		if ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL && row[0])
//			showMsg(0, "pass2 processed articles:\t%ld\n", atol(row[0]));
//		mysql_free_result(res);
//		mysql_commit(conn);
//		rc = mysql_query(conn, "select count(*) from entries where entry_type=0 and pass_2_processed=0");
//		res = mysql_use_result(conn);
//		if ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL && row[0])
//			showMsg(0, "pass2 to be processed articles:\t%ld\n", atol(row[0]));
		showMsg(0, "no process status\n");
		file_offset_for_pass_1 = 0;
		max_article_idx = 0;

	if (pass == 1)
//		if (nBatch <= 0)
//			nBatch = 8;
//		else if (nBatch > MAX_DAT_FILES)
//			nBatch = MAX_DAT_FILES;
		showMsg(0, "\nProcessing %s for %ld titles.\n", sFileName, titlesToProcess);
	else if (pass == 2)
		showMsg(0, "\nProcessing idx %ld ~ %ld.\n", idxStart, idxEnd);
	showMsg(3, "Server-%s, DB-%s, user-%s, password-%s.\n\n", sServer, sDB, sId, sPassword);

	if (bNew && pass == 1)
		printf("\nAll previously processed records will be deleted.  Continue processing? (y to continue)\n");
		printf("\nStart processing? (y to continue)\n");
	c = getchar();
	if (c == 'y')
		if (bNew)
			if (pass == 1)
				mysql_query(conn, "delete from entries");
				rc = mysql_commit(conn);
				mysql_query(conn, "alter table entries AUTO_INCREMENT=1");
				rc = mysql_commit(conn);
				showMsg(3, "commit update process_status rc=%d\n", rc);
				file_offset_for_pass_1 = 0;
				max_article_idx = 0;

		showMsg(0, "start pass %d - %s\n", pass, ctime(&t));
		if (pass == 1)
			process_pass_1(conn, sFileName, nMsgLevel, titlesToProcess,
				file_offset_for_pass_1, max_article_idx);
		else if (pass == 2)
			conn2 = mysql_init(NULL);
			if (!mysql_real_connect(conn2, sServer, sId, sPassword, sDB, 0, NULL, 0))
				showMsg(0, "Error connecting DB %s/%s using %s/%s\n", sServer, sDB, sId, sPassword);
			process_pass_2(conn, conn2, sFileName, nMsgLevel, titlesToProcess, batch, idxStart, idxEnd);
		else if (pass == 3)
			conn2 = mysql_init(NULL);
			if (!mysql_real_connect(conn2, sServer, sId, sPassword, sDB, 0, NULL, 0))
				showMsg(0, "Error connecting DB %s/%s using %s/%s\n", sServer, sDB, sId, sPassword);
			if (max_article_idx > 2000)
				process_pass_3(conn, conn2, 1);
				process_pass_3(conn, conn2, 0);
		showMsg(0, "end pass %d - %s\n", pass, ctime(&t));
	/* close connection */

Exemplo n.º 15
*	Reads a file into memory and builds a linked-list containing all the sequences found in the file.
*	Uses stat64() and fopen64() to allow for loading files larger than 2GB.
*	All file data is stored in the fileBuffer array and each of the sequence structs use pointers to
*	access their respective data.
*		char* inputFile - String containing the file location.
*		Sequence* currentSequence - pointer to the memory location of the first member of a linked list
*									that will contain all the sequences read in from the file.
*	RETURN: char* - returns a pointer to an array containing all data read in from the file. The sequence
					linked list contains pointers to their respective information.
char* read_file(char* inputFile, Sequence* currentSequence, ScoringMatrix* score, int* numberOfSequences)
	char* fileBuffer;
	int fileSize;
	int c;
	int read;
	int sequenceStart;
	int index = 0;
	*numberOfSequences = 0;
	struct stat64 statStruct;
	// check the file size in order to malloc the necessary amount of memory to the fileBuffer array.
	if (stat64(inputFile, &statStruct) == -1)
		return NULL;
	fileSize = statStruct.st_size;
	FILE* file = fopen64(inputFile, "r");

	fileBuffer = malloc(fileSize);
	while ((c = fgetc(file)) != '\n')
		if (c == '>')
			*numberOfSequences += 1;
			currentSequence->sequenceName = &fileBuffer[index];
		} else if (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
			fileBuffer[index++] = '\0';
			currentSequence->sequenceDescription = &fileBuffer[index];
		} else
			fileBuffer[index++] = c;
	fileBuffer[index++] = '\0';
	currentSequence->sequenceType = 1;
	currentSequence->data = &fileBuffer[index];
	sequenceStart = index;
	// Uses fgetc to read the file in one byte at a time.
	// Any ASCII character of lesser numerical value than 'A' will be checked if it is '>' to signify
	// a new sequence start.
	// Any other non-alphabet characters will be ignored in order to skip newlines in the sequence data.
	while((c = fgetc(file)) != EOF)
		if (score->lookupTable[c] < 0)
			if (c == '>')
				*numberOfSequences += 1;
				currentSequence->sequenceLength = index - sequenceStart;
				currentSequence->next = malloc(sizeof(Sequence));
				currentSequence = currentSequence->next;
				currentSequence->sequenceName = &fileBuffer[index];
				currentSequence->sequenceType = 1;
				c = fgetc (file);
				while (c != '\n' && c != '\r')
					if (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
						fileBuffer[index++] = '\0';
						currentSequence->sequenceDescription = &fileBuffer[index];
						while ((c = fgetc(file)) != '\n' && c != '\r')
							fileBuffer[index++] = (char) c;
					} else
						fileBuffer[index++] = (char) c;
						c = fgetc (file);
				fileBuffer[index++] = '\0';
				currentSequence->data = &fileBuffer[index];
				sequenceStart = index;
			} else if (score->lookupTable[c] == -19)
				// ignore characters: space, tab, carriage return, newline
			} else
				printf("Error: character '%c' (%d) in sequence %d is not defined in the scoring matrix file. Exiting.\n", c, (int)c, *numberOfSequences);
		} else
			fileBuffer[index++] = score->lookupTable[c];
	currentSequence->sequenceLength = index - sequenceStart;

	return fileBuffer;
Exemplo n.º 16
/*! \brief replace fopen, report error when the file open fails */
inline std::FILE *FopenCheck(const char *fname, const char *flag) {
  std::FILE *fp = fopen64(fname, flag);
  Check(fp != NULL, "can not open file \"%s\"\n", fname);
  return fp;
Exemplo n.º 17
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  gotsignal = 0;
  signal(SIGINT, breakhandler);
  signal(SIGPIPE, breakhandler);

  TString inputFile1, inputFile2, outputFile;
  Bool_t haveFile1=0, haveFile2=0, haveOutput=0;
  Int_t file1zipped = -1; Int_t file2zipped = -1;
  Int_t file1Events=0, file2Events=0;
  Int_t dataWritten1=0, dataWritten2=0;

  TFile *mOut = new TFile("merge.root", "RECREATE");
  TH1F *tac = new TH1F("tac", "tac", 1000, -500, 500);

  if (argc < 7) {
    printf("\nMinimum usage: %s -f1 <Filename1> -f2 <Filename2> -fOut <OutputFilename>\n", argv[0]);
  } else if ((strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0)) {
    printf("\nMinimum usage: %s -f1 <Filename1> -f2 <Filename2> -fOut <OutputFilename>\n", argv[0]);
  } else {
    Int_t i=1;
    while( i<argc ) {
      if (strcmp(argv[i], "-f1") == 0) {
	haveFile1 = 1; i++;
	inputFile1 = argv[i]; i++;
	file1zipped = 0;
      } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-f1zip") == 0) {
	haveFile1 = 1; i++;
	inputFile1 = argv[i]; i++;
	file1zipped = 1;
      } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-f2") == 0) {
	haveFile2 = 1; i++;
	inputFile2 = argv[i]; i++;
	file2zipped = 0;
      } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-f2zip") == 0) {
	haveFile2 = 1; i++;
	inputFile2 = argv[i]; i++;
	file2zipped = 1;
      } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-fOut") == 0) {
	haveOutput = 1; i++;
	outputFile = argv[i]; i++;
      } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-f1ExcludeCrysID") == 0) {
	nFile1Exclude = atoi(argv[i]); i++;
	for (Int_t n=0; n<nFile1Exclude; n++) {
	  file1Exclude[n] = atoi(argv[i]); i++; 
      } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) {
	 printf("\nMinimum usage: %s -f1 <Filename1> -f2 <Filename2> -fOut <OutputFilename>\n", argv[0]);
	 printf(" Option flags: -f1ExcludeCrysID <N> <Value1> ... <ValueN>\n");
	 printf("                     This excludes certain mode2 crystal_id values in File1 from\n");
	 printf("                     being included in the merged output.\n");

  TStopwatch timer;
  if ( !haveFile1 || !haveFile2 || !haveOutput ) {
    cout << "Problem: we don't have all the file information required." << endl;
    printf("Minimum usage: %s -f1 <Filename1> -f2 <Filename2> -fOut <OutputFilename>", argv[0]);

  /* MERGED OUTPUT FILE NAME                                 */

  int pipeFlag = 0;

  /* Set-up merged output file */
  FILE *mergeOutFile;
  if (!strcmp(outputFile.Data(), "pipe")) {
    mergeOutFile = stdout;
    pipeFlag = 1;
  } else {
    mergeOutFile = fopen64(outputFile.Data(), "w");
  if (!mergeOutFile) {
    printf("Cannot open \"%s\" for reading\n", outputFile.Data());
  } else {
    if (!pipeFlag) 
      printf("Output file \"%s\" opened\n", outputFile.Data());

  /* INPUT FILE #1 FOR MERGING                               */

  if (file1zipped) {  
    inputFile1 = "./GEB_HFC -z -p " + inputFile1;
  } else {
    inputFile1 = "./GEB_HFC -p " + inputFile1;
  inFile1 = popen(inputFile1.Data(), "r");
  if (!inFile1) {
    printf("Cannot open %s for reading\n", inputFile1.Data());
  } else {
    if (!pipeFlag)
      printf("File #1 -- \"%s\" opened for reading\n", inputFile1.Data());

  /* INPUT FILE #2 FOR MERGING                               */

  if (file2zipped) {
    inputFile2 = "./GEB_HFC -z -p " + inputFile2;
  } else {
    inputFile2 = "./GEB_HFC -p " + inputFile2;
  inFile2 = popen(inputFile2.Data(), "r");
  if (!inFile2) {
    printf("Cannot open %s for reading\n", inputFile2.Data());
  } else {
    if (!pipeFlag) 
      printf("File #2 -- \"%s\" opened for reading\n", inputFile2.Data());
  /* Loop and merge files...                                 */

long long int lastTS = 0;  int lastTSfile = 0;

  while ( !doneFile2  && ! gotsignal) {
    if ( !doneFile1 ) {
      while ( GetNextEvent1(dataWritten1) && !doneFile1  && !gotsignal) {

	if ((fileBuf1.header.timestamp) < 
	    (fileBuf2.header.timestamp)) {

//cout << fileBuf1.header.timestamp << " " << fileBuf2.header.timestamp << " -- 1 lower " << endl;

if (fileBuf1.header.timestamp - lastTS < 1000) {
if (lastTSfile == 2) {tac->Fill(fileBuf1.header.timestamp - lastTS);}
} else {
   lastTS = fileBuf1.header.timestamp;  lastTSfile = 1;

	  /* Write the file 1 event to disk, it's go the lower TS. */
		 fileBuf1.header.length + sizeof(struct globalHeader),
		 1, mergeOutFile);
	  dataWritten1 = 1;
	  dataWritten2 = 0;
	} else {

//cout << fileBuf1.header.timestamp << " " << fileBuf2.header.timestamp << " -- 2 lower " << endl;
	  /* Write the file 2 event to disk, it's go the lower TS. */
		 fileBuf2.header.length + sizeof(struct globalHeader),
		 1, mergeOutFile);	  
	  dataWritten1 = 0;
	  dataWritten2 = 1;
    } else { /* if (doneFile1) */
      /* File 1 is done, just empty out file 2 now */
      fwrite(&fileBuf2, fileBuf2.header.length + sizeof(struct globalHeader),
	     1, mergeOutFile);
      dataWritten2 = 1; 


  if (!doneFile1) {
    /* Out of file2 events, dump the remaining file1 events, if any */
    while ( GetNextEvent1(dataWritten1) && !doneFile1) {
      fwrite(&fileBuf1, fileBuf1.header.length + sizeof(struct globalHeader), 
	     1, mergeOutFile);
      dataWritten1 = 1;
  if (!pipeFlag) 
    cout << "File 1 events " << file1Events << " " 
	 << "File 2 events " << file2Events << endl;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 18
void read_rc( FILE *fp )
  char *buffer = 0;
  char rcfile[256];
  char MBM_line[256];
  int n;
  if ( fp == 0 )
    LYAddPathToHome( rcfile, 256, ".lynxrc" );
    fp = fopen64( rcfile, "r" );
    if ( fp )
      if ( WWW_TraceFlag )
        fprintf( TraceFP( ), "read_rc opened %s\n", rcfile );
        while ( LYSafeGets( &buffer, fp ) == 0 )
          char *name, *value, *notes;
          Config_Type *tbl;
          ParseUnion *q;
          LYTrimTrailing( buffer );
          name = LYSkipBlanks( buffer );
          if ( !( *(short*)(*(int*)(__ctype_b_loc( )) + ( name[0] * 2 )) & 4 ) && name[0] )
            value = strchr( name, '=' );
            if ( value == 0 )
              if ( WWW_TraceFlag )
                fprintf( TraceFP( ), "LYrcFile: missing '=' %s\n", name );
              value[0] = 0;
              LYTrimTrailing( name );
              value = LYSkipBlanks( value );
              if ( WWW_TraceFlag && ( WWW_TraceMask & 8 ) )
                fprintf( TraceFP( ), "LYrcFile %s:%s\n", name, value );
              tbl = lookup_config( name );
              if ( tbl->name[0] == 0 )
                char *special = "multi_bookmark";
                if ( strncasecomp( name, special, strlen( special ) ) == 0 )
                  tbl = lookup_config( special );
                if ( tbl->name[0] == 0 )
                  if ( WWW_TraceFlag )
                    fprintf( TraceFP( ), "LYrcFile: ignored %s=%s\n", name, value );
              q = &tbl->value;
              switch ( tbl->type )
              case 0:
              case 2:
                if ( q->add_value[0] )
                  q->override_primary_action = getBool( value );
              case 3:
                if ( q->add_value[0] )
              case 1:
                n = 0;
                for ( ; tbl->strings[ n ]; n++ )
                  if ( strcasecomp( value, &tbl->strings[ n ] ) == 0 )
                    q->add_value = &n;
                    // n++;
              case 5:
                if ( tbl->table )
                  LYgetEnum( &tbl->table, value, (int*)q->add_value[0] );
              case 4:
                if ( q->add_value[0] && sscanf( value, value, "%d", ival ) == 1 )
                  q->add_value = &ival;
              case 6:
                if ( q->add_value[0] )
                  if ( q->add_value )
                    HTSACat( (int)( &q->add_value[0]->next ), "," );
                  HTSACat( (int)( &q->add_value[0]->next ), value );
              case 7:
                n = 1;
                for ( ; n <= 25; n++ )
                  sprintf( MBM_line, "multi_bookmark%c", LYindex2MBM( n ) );
                  if ( strcasecomp( name, MBM_line ) == 0 )
                    notes = strchr( value, ',' );
                    if ( notes )
                      notes = 0;
                      LYTrimTrailing( value );
                      notes = LYSkipBlanks( notes );
                      notes = value + strlen( value );
                    HTSACopy( &MBM_A_subbookmark[ n ], value );
                    HTSACopy( &MBM_A_subdescript[ n ], notes );
                    // n++;
              case 8:
                if ( q->add_value[0] )
                  HTSACopy( (int)( &q->add_value[0]->next ), value );
  if ( WWW_TraceFlag )
    fprintf( TraceFP( ), "read_rc used passed-in stream\n" );
Exemplo n.º 19
size_t read_alias_file( unsigned char *fname, int fname_len )
    int ecx;
    FILE *fp;
    size_t added;
    *(int*)(mempcpy( mem_alloc( fname_len + 14 ), &fname[0], fname_len )) = 0x636f6c2f;
    *(int*)(mempcpy( mem_alloc( fname_len + 14 ), &fname[0], fname_len ) + 4) = 0x2e656c61;
    *(int*)(mempcpy( mem_alloc( fname_len + 14 ), &fname[0], fname_len ) + 8) = 0x61696c61;
    *(short*)(mempcpy( mem_alloc( fname_len + 14 ), &fname[0], fname_len ) + 12) = 115;
    fp = fopen64( *ebp_16472, "rb" );
    mem_free( *ebp_16472 );
    added = 0;
    if ( fp[0]._flags )
        while ( !( ( fp->_flags/*.1_1of4*/ & 16 ) & 255 ) && fgets_unlocked( buf, 8192, &fp[0] ) )
            if ( strchr( buf, 10 ) == 0 )
                while ( !fgets_unlocked( ebp_16412, 8192, &fp[0] ) || strchr( ebp_16412, 10 ) );
                unsigned char altbuf[8192];
                cp[0] = buf[0];
                if ( cp[0] == '#' || ( cp[0] & 255 ) == 0 )
                    cp[0] = cp[0] + 1;
                    if ( cp[1] )
                        cp[0] = 0;
                        cp[0] = cp[1];
                        cp[0] = cp[0];
                    if ( ( cp[0] & 255 ) == 0 )
                        size_t alias_len;
                        size_t value_len;
                        if ( cp[1] )
                            if ( cp[1] == 10 )
                                cp[1] = 0;
                                cp[1] = 10;
                                cp[1] = 0;
                        if ( maxmap <= nmap )
                            if ( realloc( map, 800 ? 800 << 4 : 800 ) )
                                map = (struct sgml_node_info*)realloc( map, 800 ? 800 << 4 : 800 );
                                maxmap = edx;
                        alias_len = strlen( &cp[0] ) + 1;
                        value_len = strlen( &cp[0] ) + 1;
                        if ( string_space_act + value_len + alias_len <= string_space_max )
                            size_t new_size = new_pool[ (unsigned char)( ( value_len + alias_len < 1024 ) ^ 1 ) ? 1024 : value_len + alias_len ];
                            unsigned char *new_pool = (unsigned char*)realloc( string_space, new_pool[ (unsigned char)( ( value_len + alias_len < 1024 ) ^ 1 ) ? 1024 : value_len + alias_len ] );
                            if ( new_pool )
                                if ( string_space == new_pool )
                                    size_t i;
                                    if ( nmap )
                                        string_space[0] = new_pool - string_space;
                                        i = 0;
                                            map->string.length += new_pool - string_space;
                                            map->string.string += new_pool - string_space;
                                        while ( i + 1 < nmap );
                                string_space_max = new_size;
                                string_space = new_pool;
                        map->string.length = memcpy( string_space + added, &cp[0] );
                        string_space_act += ebp_16444;
                        map->string.string = (unsigned char*)memcpy( &string_space[ ebp_16444 + string_space_act ], &cp[0] );
                        string_space_act += ebp_16440;
        fclose( &fp[0] );
        if ( added )
            qsort( map, nmap, 8, &alias_compare );
    if ( 0 ^ 0 )
        __stack_chk_fail(  );
    return added;
Exemplo n.º 20
unsigned int ProcessSearchPattern() {

	FILE *searchPatternFile;
	char c;
	unsigned int i, j, n;

	searchPatternFile = fopen64(PatternFileName, "r");
	if (searchPatternFile == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open search pattern file : %s\n", PatternFileName);

	j = 0;
	n = 0;
	// Find out the size of search pattern
	while (!feof(searchPatternFile)) {
		c = (char)fgetc(searchPatternFile);
		// Find the first comment line
		while (!feof(searchPatternFile) && c != '>') {
			c = (char)fgetc(searchPatternFile);
		while (!feof(searchPatternFile)) {
			// Skip comment line
			while (!feof(searchPatternFile) && c != '\n') {
				c = (char)fgetc(searchPatternFile);
			// Count no. of characters
			while (!feof(searchPatternFile) && c != '>') {
				if (c != '\n') {
				c = (char)fgetc(searchPatternFile);
			// Count no. of patterns

	if (j > searchPatternAllocated) {
		if (searchPattern != NULL) {
			MMUnitFree(searchPattern, searchPatternAllocated);
		searchPattern = MMUnitAllocate(j);
		searchPatternAllocated = j;

	if (n + 1 > searchPatternPositionAllocated) {
		if (searchPatternPosition != NULL) {
			MMUnitFree(searchPatternPosition, searchPatternPositionAllocated);
		searchPatternPosition = MMUnitAllocate((n + 1) * sizeof(unsigned int));
		searchPatternPositionAllocated = n + 1;

	fseek(searchPatternFile, 0, SEEK_SET);

	j = 0;
	n = 0;
	i = 0;

	searchPatternPosition[0] = 0;

	// Read pattern into memory
	while (!feof(searchPatternFile)) {
		c = (char)fgetc(searchPatternFile);
		// Find the first comment line
		while (!feof(searchPatternFile) && c != '>') {
			c = (char)fgetc(searchPatternFile);
		while (!feof(searchPatternFile)) {
			// Skip comment line
			while (!feof(searchPatternFile) && c != '\n') {
				c = (char)fgetc(searchPatternFile);
			// Store pattern
			while (!feof(searchPatternFile) && c != '>') {
				if (c != '\n') {
					searchPattern[j] = c;
				c = (char)fgetc(searchPatternFile);
			// Store pointers to pattern
			searchPatternPosition[n] = j;


	return n;

Exemplo n.º 21
int minizip_zip(const char * lpszzipfilename, 
                      const char * lpszfilename, 
                      const char * lpszpassword,
                      int nmode, int nLevel)
  int nret = -1;
  int nstatus = 0;
//  int opt_compress_level = Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;
	if (nLevel != Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION && nLevel != Z_BEST_COMPRESSION && nLevel != Z_BEST_SPEED && nLevel !=  Z_NO_COMPRESSION)
		return -10086;	
	int nzipmode = APPEND_STATUS_CREATE;
	if (nmode ==0)
  // Create archive zipfilename
  zipFile zf = zipOpen64(lpszzipfilename, nzipmode);
  if (zf == NULL)
    nstatus = ERROR_CREATE_ZIP;

  int size_buf = WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE;
  Bytef* buf = (Bytef*) malloc(size_buf);

  // Get information about the file on disk so we can store it in zip
  zip_fileinfo zi;
  getFileTime(lpszfilename, &zi.tmz_date, &zi.dosDate);

  unsigned long crcFile = 0;
  if (nstatus == ZIP_OK)
    nstatus = getCRC32(lpszfilename, buf, size_buf, &crcFile);

  int zip64 = isLargeFile(lpszfilename);

  // Construct the filename that our file will be stored in the zip as.
  const char *savefilenameinzip = lpszfilename;
    const char *tmpptr = NULL;
    const char *lastslash = 0;

    for (tmpptr = savefilenameinzip; *tmpptr; tmpptr++)
      if (*tmpptr == '\\' || *tmpptr == '/')
        lastslash = tmpptr;
    if (lastslash != NULL)
      savefilenameinzip = lastslash + 1;
	if ((lpszpassword) && (lpszpassword[0] ==0))
		lpszpassword = NULL;
  // Create zip file
  nstatus = zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64(zf, savefilenameinzip, &zi, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL /* comment*/,
                                   Z_DEFLATED, nLevel, 0,
                                   -MAX_WBITS, DEF_MEM_LEVEL, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY, lpszpassword, crcFile, zip64);

  // Add file to zip
  FILE *fin = NULL;
  if (nstatus == ZIP_OK)
    fin = fopen64(lpszfilename, "rb");
    if (fin == NULL)
      nstatus = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;

  int size_read = 0;
  if (nstatus == ZIP_OK)
    // Read contents of file and write it to zip
      size_read = (int) fread(buf, 1, size_buf, fin);
      if ((size_read < size_buf) && (feof(fin) == 0))
        nstatus = ERROR_WHILE_READ;

      if (size_read > 0)
        nstatus = zipWriteInFileInZip(zf, buf, size_read);
    while ((nstatus == ZIP_OK) && (size_read > 0));

  if (fin)

  if (nstatus >= 0)
    nstatus = zipCloseFileInZip(zf);

  zipClose(zf, NULL);

  // Release memory

  if (nstatus == UNZ_OK)
    nret = 0;

  return nret;
Exemplo n.º 22
inline FILE* safeFopen(const std::string& path) {
	FILE* res = fopen64(path.c_str(), "r");
		CERR << "failed to open a file at:" << path  << EFATAL;
	return res;
Exemplo n.º 23
int do_extract_currentfile(unzFile uf, TCHAR *dirToExtractTo)
    TCHAR filename_inzip[256];
    TCHAR* filename_withoutpath;
    TCHAR* p;
    int err = UNZ_OK;
    FILE *fout = NULL;
    void *buf;
    uInt size_buf;
	TCHAR write_filename[MAX_PATH];

    unz_file_info64 file_info;
    uLong ratio = 0;
    err = unzGetCurrentFileInfo64(uf, &file_info, filename_inzip, sizeof(filename_inzip), NULL, 0, NULL, 0);

    if (err != UNZ_OK)
        _tprintf(_T("error %d with zipfile in unzGetCurrentFileInfo\n"), err);
        return err;

    size_buf = WRITEBUFFERSIZE;
    buf = (void *) malloc(size_buf);
    if (buf == NULL)
        _tprintf(_T("Error allocating memory\n"));
        return UNZ_INTERNALERROR;

    p = filename_withoutpath = filename_inzip;
    while ((*p) != '\0')
        if (((*p)=='/') || ((*p)=='\\'))
            filename_withoutpath = p+1;

	//make sure this exists
    _tcscpy(write_filename, dirToExtractTo);
	_tcscat(write_filename, _T("/"));
	_tcscat(write_filename, filename_withoutpath);

    err = unzOpenCurrentFile(uf);
    if (err != UNZ_OK)
        _tprintf(_T("error %d with zipfile in unzOpenCurrentFile\n"), err);

    if (err == UNZ_OK)
        fout = fopen64(write_filename, _T("wb"));

        if (fout == NULL)
            _tprintf(_T("error opening %s\n"), write_filename);

    if (fout != NULL)
        _tprintf(_T(" extracting: %s\n"), write_filename);

            err = unzReadCurrentFile(uf, buf, size_buf);
            if (err  <0)
                _tprintf(_T("error %d with zipfile in unzReadCurrentFile\n"), err);
            if (err > 0)
                if (fwrite(buf, err, 1, fout) != 1)
                    _tprintf(_T("error in writing extracted file\n"));
                    err = UNZ_ERRNO;
        } while (err > 0);
        if (fout)

        /*if (err == 0)
            change_file_date(write_filename,file_info.dosDate, file_info.tmu_date);*/

    if (err == UNZ_OK)
        err = unzCloseCurrentFile (uf);
        if (err != UNZ_OK)
            _tprintf(_T("error %d with zipfile in unzCloseCurrentFile\n"), err);
        unzCloseCurrentFile(uf); /* don't lose the error */

    return err;
Exemplo n.º 24
int http_get_timeout (const char * url, const char * outfile, int total_retries, int first_timeout, int connect_timeout, int total_timeout)
	int code = ERROR;

	logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "http_get(): downloading %s\n", outfile);
	logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "            from %s\n", url);

	/* isolate the PATH in the URL as it will be needed for signing */
	if (strncasecmp (url, "http://", 7)!=0) {
		logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "http_get(): URL must start with http://...\n");
		return code;

	FILE * fp = fopen64 (outfile, "w");
	if (fp==NULL) {
		logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "http_get(): failed to open %s for writing\n", outfile);
		return code;

	CURL * curl;
	CURLcode result;
	curl = curl_easy_init ();
	if (curl==NULL) {
		logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "http_get(): could not initialize libcurl\n");
		return code;

	char error_msg [CURL_ERROR_SIZE];
	curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, error_msg);
	curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_URL, url); 
	//	curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, write_header);
        curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1L);
	/* set up the default write function, but possibly override it below, if compression is desired and possible */
	struct write_request params;
	params.fp = fp;
	curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &params);
	curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, write_data);

	if (connect_timeout > 0) {
	  curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, connect_timeout);
	if (total_timeout > 0) {
	  curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, total_timeout);
	//	curl_easy_setopt (curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers); /* register headers */

        logprintfl (EUCADEBUG, "http_get(): writing %s output to %s\n", "GET", outfile);

	int retries = total_retries;
	int timeout = first_timeout;
	do {
	  params.total_wrote = 0L;
	  params.total_calls = 0L;

	  result = curl_easy_perform (curl); /* do it */
	  logprintfl (EUCADEBUG, "http_get(): wrote %ld bytes in %ld writes\n", params.total_wrote, params.total_calls);

	  if (result) { // curl error (connection or transfer failed)
            logprintfl (EUCAERROR,     "http_get(): %s (%d)\n", error_msg, result);
	  } else {
            long httpcode;
            curl_easy_getinfo (curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &httpcode);
            /* TODO: pull out response message, too */

            switch (httpcode) {
            case 200L: /* all good */
                logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "http_get(): saved image in %s\n", outfile);
                code = OK;
	    case 408L: /* timeout, retry */
	      logprintfl (EUCAWARN, "http_get(): server responded with HTTP code %ld (timeout)\n", httpcode);
	      //logcat (EUCADEBUG, outfile); /* dump the error from outfile into the log */
	    case 404L:
	      logprintfl (EUCAWARN, "http_get(): server responded with HTTP code %ld (file not found)\n", httpcode);
            default: /* some kind of error */
                logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "http_get(): server responded with HTTP code %ld\n", httpcode);
                //logcat (EUCADEBUG, outfile); /* dump the error from outfile into the log */
	  if (code!=OK && retries>0) {
            logprintfl (EUCAERROR, "                  download retry %d of %d will commence in %d seconds\n", retries, total_retries, timeout);
            sleep (timeout);
            fseek (fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
            timeout <<= 1;
	} while (code!=OK && retries>0);
	fclose (fp);
	if ( code != OK ) {
	  logprintfl (EUCAINFO, "http_get(): due to error, removing %s\n", outfile);
	  remove (outfile);
	//	curl_slist_free_all (headers);
	curl_easy_cleanup (curl);
	return code;
Exemplo n.º 25
void handle_client(int fd, const char * userTest, const char * passTest) {
    FILE * fp = fdopen(fd, "w+");
    char * user, * pass, * path;
    long long initial;
    if (read_client_request(fp, &user, &pass, &path, &initial) < 0) {
    if (strcmp(user, userTest) != 0 || strcmp(pass, passTest) != 0) {
        respond_error(fp, PROTOCOL_ERROR_AUTH, "Login incorrect.");
        goto handleError;
#ifdef __linux__
    struct stat64 info;
    if (stat64(path, &info) < 0) {
    struct stat info
    if (stat(path, &info) < 0) {
        respond_error(fp, PROTOCOL_ERROR_NO_FILE, "Could not stat file.");
        goto handleError;
    if (S_ISDIR(info.st_mode)) {
        respond_error(fp, PROTOCOL_ERROR_NOT_FILE, "Could not send directory.");
        goto handleError;
    if (initial > info.st_size) {
        respond_error(fp, PROTOCOL_ERROR_INVALID_INITIAL, "Invalid initial offset.");
        goto handleError;
#ifdef __linux__
    FILE * readFile = fopen64(path, "r");
    FILE * readfile = fopen(path, "r");
    if (!readFile) {
        respond_error(fp, PROTOCOL_ERROR_INTERNAL, "fopen() failed");
        goto handleError;
    if (respond_success(fp, info.st_size - initial) < 0) {
        goto handleError;
    // read file from start offset
    fseek(readFile, initial, SEEK_SET);
    char buff[512];
    while (!feof(readFile)) {
        int got = fread(buff, 1, 512, readFile);
        if (got == 0) break;
        if (fwrite(buff, 1, got, fp) != got) {

void sigchild_handler(int signal) {
    int status;
Exemplo n.º 26
int InCoreInterp::outputFile(char *outputName, int outputFormat, unsigned int outputType)
    int i,j,k;

    FILE **arcFiles;
    char arcFileName[1024];

    FILE **gridFiles;
    char gridFileName[1024];

    char *ext[5] = {".min", ".max", ".mean", ".idw", ".den"};
    int numTypes = 5;

    // open ArcGIS files
    if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_FORMAT_ARC_ASCII || outputFormat == OUTPUT_FORMAT_ALL)
	    if((arcFiles = (FILE **)malloc(sizeof(FILE *) *  numTypes)) == NULL)
		    cout << "Arc File open error: " << endl;
		    return -1;

	    for(i = 0; i < numTypes; i++)
		    if(outputType & type[i])
			    strncpy(arcFileName, outputName, sizeof(arcFileName));
			    strncat(arcFileName, ext[i], strlen(ext[i]));
			    strncat(arcFileName, ".asc", strlen(".asc"));

			    if((arcFiles[i] = fopen64(arcFileName, "w+")) == NULL)
				    cout << "File open error: " << arcFileName << endl;
				    return -1;
			arcFiles[i] = NULL;
	} else {
	arcFiles = NULL;

    // open Grid ASCII files
    if(outputFormat == OUTPUT_FORMAT_GRID_ASCII || outputFormat == OUTPUT_FORMAT_ALL)
	    if((gridFiles = (FILE **)malloc(sizeof(FILE *) * numTypes)) == NULL)
		    cout << "File array allocation error" << endl;
		    return -1;

	    for(i = 0; i < numTypes; i++)
		    if(outputType & type[i])
			    strncpy(gridFileName, outputName, sizeof(arcFileName));
			    strncat(gridFileName, ext[i], strlen(ext[i]));
			    strncat(gridFileName, ".grid", strlen(".grid"));

			    if((gridFiles[i] = fopen64(gridFileName, "w+")) == NULL)
				    cout << "File open error: " << gridFileName << endl;
				    return -1;
			gridFiles[i] = NULL;
	} else {
	gridFiles = NULL;

    //struct tms tbuf;
    //clock_t t0, t1;

    //t0 = times(&tbuf);

    // print ArcGIS headers
    if(arcFiles != NULL)
	    for(i = 0; i < numTypes; i++)
		    if(arcFiles[i] != NULL)
			    fprintf(arcFiles[i], "ncols %d\n", GRID_SIZE_X);
			    fprintf(arcFiles[i], "nrows %d\n", GRID_SIZE_Y);
			    fprintf(arcFiles[i], "xllcorner %f\n", min_x);
			    fprintf(arcFiles[i], "yllcorner %f\n", min_y);
			    fprintf(arcFiles[i], "cellsize %f\n", GRID_DIST_X);
			    fprintf(arcFiles[i], "NODATA_value -9999\n");

    // print Grid headers
    if(gridFiles != NULL)
	    for(i = 0; i < numTypes; i++)
		    if(gridFiles[i] != NULL)
			    fprintf(gridFiles[i], "north: %f\n", max_y);
			    fprintf(gridFiles[i], "south: %f\n", min_y);
			    fprintf(gridFiles[i], "east: %f\n", max_x);
			    fprintf(gridFiles[i], "west: %f\n", min_x);
			    fprintf(gridFiles[i], "rows: %d\n", GRID_SIZE_Y);
			    fprintf(gridFiles[i], "cols: %d\n", GRID_SIZE_X);

    // print data
    for(i = GRID_SIZE_Y - 1; i >= 0; i--)
	    for(j = 0; j < GRID_SIZE_X; j++)
		    if(arcFiles != NULL)
			    // Zmin
			    if(arcFiles[0] != NULL)
				    if(interp[j][i].empty == 0 && 
				       interp[j][i].filled == 0)
					fprintf(arcFiles[0], "-9999 ");
					fprintf(arcFiles[0], "%f ", interp[j][i].Zmin);

			    // Zmax
			    if(arcFiles[1] != NULL)
				    if(interp[j][i].empty == 0 && 
				       interp[j][i].filled == 0)
					fprintf(arcFiles[1], "-9999 ");
					fprintf(arcFiles[1], "%f ", interp[j][i].Zmax);

			    // Zmean
			    if(arcFiles[2] != NULL)
				    if(interp[j][i].empty == 0 && 
				       interp[j][i].filled == 0)
					fprintf(arcFiles[2], "-9999 ");
					fprintf(arcFiles[2], "%f ", interp[j][i].Zmean);

			    // Zidw
			    if(arcFiles[3] != NULL)
				    if(interp[j][i].empty == 0 && 
				       interp[j][i].filled == 0)
					fprintf(arcFiles[3], "-9999 ");
					fprintf(arcFiles[3], "%f ", interp[j][i].Zidw);

			    // count
			    if(arcFiles[4] != NULL)
				    if(interp[j][i].empty == 0 && 
				       interp[j][i].filled == 0)
					fprintf(arcFiles[4], "-9999 ");
					fprintf(arcFiles[4], "%d ", interp[j][i].count);

		    if(gridFiles != NULL)
			    // Zmin
			    if(gridFiles[0] != NULL)
				    if(interp[j][i].empty == 0 && 
				       interp[j][i].filled == 0)
					fprintf(gridFiles[0], "-9999 ");
					fprintf(gridFiles[0], "%f ", interp[j][i].Zmin);

			    // Zmax
			    if(gridFiles[1] != NULL)
				    if(interp[j][i].empty == 0 && 
				       interp[j][i].filled == 0)
					fprintf(gridFiles[1], "-9999 ");
					fprintf(gridFiles[1], "%f ", interp[j][i].Zmax);

			    // Zmean
			    if(gridFiles[2] != NULL)
				    if(interp[j][i].empty == 0 && 
				       interp[j][i].filled == 0)
					fprintf(gridFiles[2], "-9999 ");
					fprintf(gridFiles[2], "%f ", interp[j][i].Zmean);

			    // Zidw
			    if(gridFiles[3] != NULL)
				    if(interp[j][i].empty == 0 && 
				       interp[j][i].filled == 0)
					fprintf(gridFiles[3], "-9999 ");
					fprintf(gridFiles[3], "%f ", interp[j][i].Zidw);

			    // count
			    if(gridFiles[4] != NULL)
				    if(interp[j][i].empty == 0 && 
				       interp[j][i].filled == 0)
					fprintf(gridFiles[4], "-9999 ");
					fprintf(gridFiles[4], "%d ", interp[j][i].count);
	    if(arcFiles != NULL)
		for(k = 0; k < numTypes; k++)
			if(arcFiles[k] != NULL)
			    fprintf(arcFiles[k], "\n");
	    if(gridFiles != NULL)
		for(k = 0; k < numTypes; k++)
			if(gridFiles[k] != NULL)
			    fprintf(gridFiles[k], "\n");

    // close files
    if(gridFiles != NULL)
	    for(i = 0; i < numTypes; i++)
		    if(gridFiles[i] != NULL)

    if(arcFiles != NULL)
	    for(i = 0; i < numTypes; i++)
		    if(arcFiles[i] != NULL)

    //t1 = times(&tbuf);
    //printf("elapsed time: %10.10f\n", (t1 - t0)/(double) sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK));

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 27
BOOLEAN class_cp_is_entry_resolved(Class_Handle clazz, U_16 cp_index) {
    ConstantPool& cp = clazz->get_constant_pool();

#ifdef ORDER
    bool res = cp.is_entry_resolved(cp_index, (Class *)clazz);
    bool res = cp.is_entry_resolved(cp_index);

    if (!res) {
        unsigned char tag = cp.get_tag(cp_index);
        //during the loading of a class not all items in it's constant pool are updated
        if (tag == CONSTANT_Fieldref || tag == CONSTANT_Methodref  
            || tag == CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref || tag == CONSTANT_Class)
            uint16 typeIndex = tag == CONSTANT_Class ? cp_index : cp.get_ref_class_index(cp_index);

#ifdef ORDER
            res = cp.is_entry_resolved(typeIndex,  (Class *)clazz);
            res = cp.is_entry_resolved(typeIndex);
            if (!res) {
                // the type is not marked as loaded in local constant pool
                // ask classloader directly
                uint16 nameIdx = cp.get_class_name_index(typeIndex);
                String* typeName = cp.get_utf8_string(nameIdx);

#ifdef ORDER
                Class* type = NULL;
                if(vm_order_record){ // record mode
                    type = clazz->get_class_loader()->LookupClass(typeName);
                    U_32 tid = hythread_self()->thread_id;

                    if (order_system_call[tid] == NULL)
                        char name[40];
                        sprintf(name, "SYSTEM_CALL.%d.log", tid);

                        order_system_call[tid] = fopen64(name, "a+");
                    fprintf(order_system_call[tid], "[%d] ", 38);
                    fprintf(order_system_call[tid], "%d\n", type == NULL ? 0 : 1);
                else{ // replay mode
                    U_32 tid = hythread_self()->thread_id;

                    if (order_system_call[tid] == NULL)
                        char name[40];
                        sprintf(name, "SYSTEM_CALL.%d.log", tid);

                        order_system_call[tid] = fopen64(name, "r");
                    int bit_num;
                    fscanf(order_system_call[tid], "[%d] ", &bit_num);
                    assert(bit_num == 38);

                    int type_state = 0;
                    fscanf(order_system_call[tid], "%d\n", &type_state);

                    if(type_state == 0){
                        type = NULL;
                        while((type = clazz->get_class_loader()->LookupClass(typeName)) == NULL){
		           printf("(type = clazz->get_class_loader()->LookupClass(typeName)) == NULL!!! \n");

#else //NOT define ORDER
                Class* type = clazz->get_class_loader()->LookupClass(typeName);
#endif //#ifdef ORDER

                if (type) {
                    /*TODO: uncommenting this code lead to a crash in StressLoader test
                    cp.resolve_entry(typeIndex, type);
                    res = true;

                //if array of primitives -> return true;
                if (*typeName->bytes=='[' && !strchr(typeName->bytes, 'L')) {
                    return true;

    return res;