Exemplo n.º 1
** Check to see if the directory named in zPath is the top of a checkout.
** In other words, check to see if directory pPath contains a file named
** "_FOSSIL_" or ".fslckout".  Return true or false.
int vfile_top_of_checkout(const char *zPath){
  char *zFile;
  int fileFound = 0;

  zFile = mprintf("%s/_FOSSIL_", zPath);
  fileFound = file_size(zFile)>=1024;
  if( !fileFound ){
    zFile = mprintf("%s/.fslckout", zPath);
    fileFound = file_size(zFile)>=1024;

  /* Check for ".fos" for legacy support.  But the use of ".fos" as the
  ** per-checkout database name is deprecated.  At some point, all support
  ** for ".fos" will end and this code should be removed.  This comment
  ** added on 2012-02-04.
  if( !fileFound ){
    zFile = mprintf("%s/.fos", zPath);
    fileFound = file_size(zFile)>=1024;
  return fileFound;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* This is a helper routine for test-artifacts.
** Check to see that artifact zUuid exists in the repository.  If it does,
** return 0.  If it does not, generate an error message and return 1.
static int check_exists(
  const char *zUuid,     /* The artifact we are checking for */
  unsigned flags,        /* Flags */
  Manifest *p,           /* The control artifact that references zUuid */
  const char *zRole,     /* Role of zUuid in p */
  const char *zDetail    /* Additional information, such as a filename */
  static Stmt q;
  int rc = 0;

  db_static_prepare(&q, "SELECT size FROM blob WHERE uuid=:uuid");
  if( zUuid==0 || zUuid[0]==0 ) return 0;
  db_bind_text(&q, ":uuid", zUuid);
  if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int size = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    if( size<0 ) rc = 2;
    rc = 1;
  if( rc ){
    const char *zCFType = "control artifact";
    char *zSrc;
    char *zDate;
    char *zErrType = "MISSING";
    if( db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=%Q", zUuid) ){
      if( flags & MISSING_SHUNNED ) return 0;
      zErrType = "SHUNNED";
    switch( p->type ){
      case CFTYPE_MANIFEST:   zCFType = "check-in";    break;
      case CFTYPE_CLUSTER:    zCFType = "cluster";     break;
      case CFTYPE_CONTROL:    zCFType = "tag";         break;
      case CFTYPE_WIKI:       zCFType = "wiki";        break;
      case CFTYPE_TICKET:     zCFType = "ticket";      break;
      case CFTYPE_ATTACHMENT: zCFType = "attachment";  break;
      case CFTYPE_EVENT:      zCFType = "event";       break;
    zSrc = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", p->rid);
    if( p->rDate>0.0 ){
      zDate = db_text(0, "SELECT datetime(%.17g)", p->rDate);
      zDate = db_text(0,
         "SELECT datetime(rcvfrom.mtime)"
         "  FROM blob, rcvfrom"
         " WHERE blob.rcvid=rcvfrom.rcvid"
         "   AND blob.rid=%d", p->rid);
    fossil_print("%s: %s\n         %s %s %S (%d) %s\n",
                  zErrType, zUuid, zRole, zCFType, zSrc, p->rid, zDate);
    if( zDetail && zDetail[0] ){
      fossil_print("         %s\n", zDetail);
    rc = 1; 
  return rc;
Exemplo n.º 3
** Finish constructing the tarball.  Put the content of the tarball
** in Blob pOut.
static void tar_finish(Blob *pOut){
  db_multi_exec("DROP TABLE dir");
  gzip_step(tball.zSpaces, 512);
  gzip_step(tball.zSpaces, 512);
  tball.aHdr = 0;
  tball.zPrevDir = NULL;
  tball.nPrevDirAlloc = 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
** COMMAND: leaves*
** Usage: %fossil leaves ?OPTIONS?
** Find leaves of all branches.  By default show only open leaves.
** The -a|--all flag causes all leaves (closed and open) to be shown.
** The -c|--closed flag shows only closed leaves.
** The --recompute flag causes the content of the "leaf" table in the
** repository database to be recomputed.
** Options:
**   -a|--all     show ALL leaves
**   -c|--closed  show only closed leaves
**   --bybranch   order output by branch name
**   --recompute  recompute the "leaf" table in the repository DB
** See also: descendants, finfo, info, branch
void leaves_cmd(void){
  Stmt q;
  Blob sql;
  int showAll = find_option("all", "a", 0)!=0;
  int showClosed = find_option("closed", "c", 0)!=0;
  int recomputeFlag = find_option("recompute",0,0)!=0;
  int byBranch = find_option("bybranch",0,0)!=0;
  char *zLastBr = 0;
  int n;
  char zLineNo[10];

  if( recomputeFlag ) leaf_rebuild();
  blob_append(&sql, timeline_query_for_tty(), -1);
  blob_appendf(&sql, " AND blob.rid IN leaf");
  if( showClosed ){
    blob_appendf(&sql," AND %z", leaf_is_closed_sql("blob.rid"));
  }else if( !showAll ){
    blob_appendf(&sql," AND NOT %z", leaf_is_closed_sql("blob.rid"));
  if( byBranch ){
    db_prepare(&q, "%s ORDER BY nullif(branch,'trunk') COLLATE nocase,"
                   " event.mtime DESC",
    db_prepare(&q, "%s ORDER BY event.mtime DESC", blob_str(&sql));
  n = 0;
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zId = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    const char *zDate = db_column_text(&q, 2);
    const char *zCom = db_column_text(&q, 3);
    const char *zBr = db_column_text(&q, 7);
    char *z;

    if( byBranch && fossil_strcmp(zBr, zLastBr)!=0 ){
      fossil_print("*** %s ***\n", zBr);
      zLastBr = fossil_strdup(zBr);
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zLineNo), zLineNo, "(%d)", n);
    fossil_print("%6s ", zLineNo);
    z = mprintf("%s [%.10s] %s", zDate, zId, zCom);
    comment_print(z, 7, 79);
Exemplo n.º 5
** Add a single file named zName to the VFILE table with vid.
** Omit any file whose name is pOmit.
static int add_one_file(
  const char *zPath,   /* Tree-name of file to add. */
  int vid,             /* Add to this VFILE */
  int caseSensitive    /* True if filenames are case sensitive */
  const char *zCollate = caseSensitive ? "binary" : "nocase";
  if( !file_is_simple_pathname(zPath) ){
    fossil_fatal("filename contains illegal characters: %s", zPath);
  if( db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM vfile"
                " WHERE pathname=%Q COLLATE %s", zPath, zCollate) ){
    db_multi_exec("UPDATE vfile SET deleted=0"
                  " WHERE pathname=%Q COLLATE %s", zPath, zCollate);
    char *zFullname = mprintf("%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zPath);
      "INSERT INTO vfile(vid,deleted,rid,mrid,pathname,isexe,islink)"
      vid, zPath, file_wd_isexe(zFullname), file_wd_islink(zFullname));
  if( db_changes() ){
    fossil_print("ADDED  %s\n", zPath);
    return 1;
    fossil_print("SKIP   %s\n", zPath);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
** Print information about a particular check-in.
void print_checkin_description(int rid, int indent, const char *zLabel){
  Stmt q;
     "SELECT datetime(mtime%s),"
     "       coalesce(euser,user), coalesce(ecomment,comment),"
     "       (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d),"
     "       (SELECT group_concat(substr(tagname,5), ', ') FROM tag, tagxref"
     "         WHERE tagname GLOB 'sym-*' AND tag.tagid=tagxref.tagid"
     "           AND tagxref.rid=%d AND tagxref.tagtype>0)"
     "  FROM event WHERE objid=%d", timeline_utc(), rid, rid, rid);
  if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zTagList = db_column_text(&q, 4);
    char *zCom;
    if( zTagList && zTagList[0] ){
      zCom = mprintf("%s (%s)", db_column_text(&q, 2), zTagList);
      zCom = mprintf("%s", db_column_text(&q,2));
    fossil_print("%-*s [%S] by %s on %s\n%*s",
       indent-1, zLabel,
       db_column_text(&q, 3),
       db_column_text(&q, 1),
       db_column_text(&q, 0),
       indent, "");
    comment_print(zCom, db_column_text(&q,2), indent, -1, g.comFmtFlags);
Exemplo n.º 7
** Rebuild an entire entry in the TICKET table
void ticket_rebuild_entry(const char *zTktUuid){
  char *zTag = mprintf("tkt-%s", zTktUuid);
  int tagid = tag_findid(zTag, 1);
  Stmt q;
  Manifest *pTicket;
  int tktid;
  int createFlag = 1;

  if( haveTicket==0 ) return;
  tktid = db_int(0, "SELECT tkt_id FROM ticket WHERE tkt_uuid=%Q", zTktUuid);
  if( haveTicketChng ){
    db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM ticketchng WHERE tkt_id=%d;", tktid);
  db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM ticket WHERE tkt_id=%d", tktid);
  tktid = 0;
  db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d ORDER BY mtime",tagid);
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    pTicket = manifest_get(rid, CFTYPE_TICKET, 0);
    if( pTicket ){
      tktid = ticket_insert(pTicket, rid, tktid);
      manifest_ticket_event(rid, pTicket, createFlag, tagid);
    createFlag = 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
Arquivo: file.c Projeto: digsrc/fossil
** Find an unused filename similar to zBase with zSuffix appended.
** Make the name relative to the working directory if relFlag is true.
** Space to hold the new filename is obtained form mprintf() and should
** be freed by the caller.
char *file_newname(const char *zBase, const char *zSuffix, int relFlag){
  char *z = 0;
  int cnt = 0;
  z = mprintf("%s-%s", zBase, zSuffix);
  while( file_size(z)>=0 ){
    z = mprintf("%s-%s-%d", zBase, zSuffix, cnt++);
  if( relFlag ){
    Blob x;
    file_relative_name(z, &x, 0);
    z = blob_str(&x);
  return z;
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: name.c Projeto: digsrc/fossil
** Return the RID that is the "root" of the branch that contains
** check-in "rid" if inBranch==0 or the first check-in in the branch
** if inBranch==1.
int start_of_branch(int rid, int inBranch){
  Stmt q;
  int rc;
  char *zBr;
  zBr = db_text("trunk","SELECT value FROM tagxref"
                        " WHERE rid=%d AND tagid=%d"
                        " AND tagtype>0",
                        rid, TAG_BRANCH);
    "SELECT pid, EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tagxref"
                       " WHERE tagid=%d AND tagtype>0"
                       "   AND value=%Q AND rid=plink.pid)"
    "  FROM plink"
    " WHERE cid=:cid AND isprim",
    db_bind_int(&q, ":cid", rid);
    rc = db_step(&q);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ) break;
    if( inBranch && db_column_int(&q,1)==0 ) break;
    rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
  }while( db_column_int(&q, 1)==1 && rid>0 );
  return rid;
Exemplo n.º 10
** Given a comment string zText, format that string for printing
** on a TTY.  Assume that the output cursors is indent spaces from
** the left margin and that a single line can contain no more than
** lineLength characters.  Indent all subsequent lines by indent.
** Return the number of newlines that are output.
int comment_print(const char *zText, int indent, int lineLength){
  int tlen = lineLength - indent;
  int si, sk, i, k;
  int doIndent = 0;
  char *zBuf;
  char zBuffer[400];
  int lineCnt = 0; 

  if( tlen<=0 ){
    tlen = strlen(zText);
  if( tlen >= (sizeof(zBuffer)) ){
    zBuf = fossil_malloc(tlen+1);
    zBuf = zBuffer;
    while( fossil_isspace(zText[0]) ){ zText++; }
    if( zText[0]==0 ){
      if( doIndent==0 ){
        lineCnt = 1;
      if( zBuf!=zBuffer) fossil_free(zBuf);
      return lineCnt;
    for(sk=si=i=k=0; zText[i] && k<tlen; i++){
      char c = zText[i];
      if( fossil_isspace(c) ){
        si = i;
        sk = k;
        if( k==0 || zBuf[k-1]!=' ' ){
          zBuf[k++] = ' ';
        zBuf[k] = c;
        if( c=='-' && k>0 && fossil_isalpha(zBuf[k-1]) ){
          si = i+1;
          sk = k+1;
    if( doIndent ){
      fossil_print("%*s", indent, "");
    doIndent = 1;
    if( sk>0 && zText[i] ){
      zText += si;
      zBuf[sk] = 0;
      zText += i;
      zBuf[k] = 0;
    fossil_print("%s\n", zBuf);
Exemplo n.º 11
** Create empty directories specified by the empty-dirs setting.
void ensure_empty_dirs_created(void) {
    char *zEmptyDirs = db_get("empty-dirs", 0);
    if( zEmptyDirs!=0 ) {
        int i;
        Blob dirName;
        Blob dirsList;

        zEmptyDirs = fossil_strdup(zEmptyDirs);
        for(i=0; zEmptyDirs[i]; i++) {
            if( zEmptyDirs[i]==',' ) zEmptyDirs[i] = ' ';
        blob_init(&dirsList, zEmptyDirs, -1);
        while( blob_token(&dirsList, &dirName) ) {
            char *zDir = blob_str(&dirName);
            char *zPath = mprintf("%s/%s", g.zLocalRoot, zDir);
            switch( file_wd_isdir(zPath) ) {
            case 0: { /* doesn't exist */
                zPath = mprintf("%s/%s/x", g.zLocalRoot, zDir);
                if( file_mkfolder(zPath, 0, 1)!=0 ) {
                    fossil_warning("couldn't create directory %s as "
                                   "required by empty-dirs setting", zDir);
            case 1: { /* exists, and is a directory */
                /* do nothing - required directory exists already */
            case 2: { /* exists, but isn't a directory */
                fossil_warning("file %s found, but a directory is required "
                               "by empty-dirs setting", zDir);
Exemplo n.º 12
** Get the current working directory.
** On windows, the name is converted from unicode to UTF8 and all '\\'
** characters are converted to '/'.  No conversions are needed on
** unix.
void win32_getcwd(char *zBuf, int nBuf){
  int i;
  char *zUtf8;
  wchar_t *zWide = fossil_malloc( sizeof(wchar_t)*nBuf );
  if( GetCurrentDirectoryW(nBuf, zWide)==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("cannot find current working directory.");
  zUtf8 = fossil_filename_to_utf8(zWide);
  for(i=0; zUtf8[i]; i++) if( zUtf8[i]=='\\' ) zUtf8[i] = '/';
  strncpy(zBuf, zUtf8, nBuf);
Exemplo n.º 13
char *href(const char *zFormat, ...){
  char *zUrl;
  va_list ap;
  va_start(ap, zFormat);
  zUrl = vmprintf(zFormat, ap);
  if( g.perm.Hyperlink && !g.javascriptHyperlink ){
    char *zHUrl = mprintf("<a href=\"%h\">", zUrl);
    return zHUrl;
  if( nHref>=nHrefAlloc ){
    nHrefAlloc = nHrefAlloc*2 + 10;
    aHref = fossil_realloc(aHref, nHrefAlloc*sizeof(aHref[0]));
  aHref[nHref++] = zUrl;
  return mprintf("<a id='a%d' href='%R/honeypot'>", nHref);
Exemplo n.º 14
** Insert an artifact into the BLOB table if it isn't there already.
** If zMark is not zero, create a cross-reference from that mark back
** to the newly inserted artifact.
** If saveUuid is true, then pContent is a commit record.  Record its
** UUID in gg.zPrevCheckin.
static int fast_insert_content(Blob *pContent, const char *zMark, int saveUuid){
  Blob hash;
  Blob cmpr;
  int rid;

  sha1sum_blob(pContent, &hash);
  rid = db_int(0, "SELECT rid FROM blob WHERE uuid=%B", &hash);
  if( rid==0 ){
    static Stmt ins;
        "INSERT INTO blob(uuid, size, content) VALUES(:uuid, :size, :content)"
    db_bind_text(&ins, ":uuid", blob_str(&hash));
    db_bind_int(&ins, ":size", gg.nData);
    blob_compress(pContent, &cmpr);
    db_bind_blob(&ins, ":content", &cmpr);
    rid = db_last_insert_rowid();
  if( zMark ){
        "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO xmark(tname, trid, tuuid)"
        zMark, rid, &hash
        "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO xmark(tname, trid, tuuid)"
        &hash, rid, &hash
  if( saveUuid ){
    gg.zPrevCheckin = fossil_strdup(blob_str(&hash));
  return rid;
Exemplo n.º 15
** Use data accumulated in gg from a "commit" record to add a new
** manifest artifact to the BLOB table.
static void finish_commit(void){
  int i;
  char *zFromBranch;
  char *aTCard[4];                /* Array of T cards for manifest */
  int nTCard = 0;                 /* Entries used in aTCard[] */
  Blob record, cksum;

  qsort(gg.aFile, gg.nFile, sizeof(gg.aFile[0]), mfile_cmp);
  blob_appendf(&record, "C %F\n", gg.zComment);
  blob_appendf(&record, "D %s\n", gg.zDate);
  for(i=0; i<gg.nFile; i++){
    const char *zUuid = gg.aFile[i].zUuid;
    if( zUuid==0 ) continue;
    blob_appendf(&record, "F %F %s", gg.aFile[i].zName, zUuid);
    if( gg.aFile[i].isExe ){
      blob_append(&record, " x\n", 3);
    }else if( gg.aFile[i].isLink ){
      blob_append(&record, " l\n", 3);
      gg.hasLinks = 1;
      blob_append(&record, "\n", 1);
  if( gg.zFrom ){
    blob_appendf(&record, "P %s", gg.zFrom);
    for(i=0; i<gg.nMerge; i++){
      blob_appendf(&record, " %s", gg.azMerge[i]);
    blob_append(&record, "\n", 1);
    zFromBranch = db_text(0, "SELECT brnm FROM xbranch WHERE tname=%Q",
    zFromBranch = 0;

  /* Add the required "T" cards to the manifest. Make sure they are added
  ** in sorted order and without any duplicates. Otherwise, fossil will not
  ** recognize the document as a valid manifest. */
  if( !gg.tagCommit && fossil_strcmp(zFromBranch, gg.zBranch)!=0 ){
    aTCard[nTCard++] = mprintf("T *branch * %F\n", gg.zBranch);
    aTCard[nTCard++] = mprintf("T *sym-%F *\n", gg.zBranch);
    if( zFromBranch ){
      aTCard[nTCard++] = mprintf("T -sym-%F *\n", zFromBranch);
  if( gg.zFrom==0 ){
    aTCard[nTCard++] = mprintf("T *sym-trunk *\n");
  qsort(aTCard, nTCard, sizeof(char *), string_cmp);
  for(i=0; i<nTCard; i++){
    if( i==0 || fossil_strcmp(aTCard[i-1], aTCard[i]) ){
      blob_appendf(&record, "%s", aTCard[i]);
  for(i=0; i<nTCard; i++) free(aTCard[i]);

  db_multi_exec("INSERT INTO xbranch(tname, brnm) VALUES(%Q,%Q)",
                gg.zMark, gg.zBranch);
  blob_appendf(&record, "U %F\n", gg.zUser);
  md5sum_blob(&record, &cksum);
  blob_appendf(&record, "Z %b\n", &cksum);
  fast_insert_content(&record, gg.zMark, 1);

  /* The "git fast-export" command might output multiple "commit" lines
  ** that reference a tag using "refs/tags/TAGNAME".  The tag should only
  ** be applied to the last commit that is output.  The problem is we do not
  ** know at this time if the current commit is the last one to hold this
  ** tag or not.  So make an entry in the XTAG table to record this tag
  ** but overwrite that entry if a later instance of the same tag appears.
  ** This behavior seems like a bug in git-fast-export, but it is easier
  ** to work around the problem than to fix git-fast-export.
  if( gg.tagCommit && gg.zDate && gg.zUser && gg.zFrom ){
    blob_appendf(&record, "D %s\n", gg.zDate);
    blob_appendf(&record, "T +sym-%F %s\n", gg.zBranch, gg.zPrevCheckin);
    blob_appendf(&record, "U %F\n", gg.zUser);
    md5sum_blob(&record, &cksum);
    blob_appendf(&record, "Z %b\n", &cksum);
       "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO xtag(tname, tcontent)"
       " VALUES(%Q,%Q)", gg.zBranch, blob_str(&record)

  gg.zPrevBranch = gg.zBranch;
  gg.zBranch = 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
** COMMAND: all
** Usage: %fossil all (list|ls|pull|push|rebuild|sync)
** The ~/.fossil file records the location of all repositories for a
** user.  This command performs certain operations on all repositories
** that can be useful before or after a period of disconnected operation.
** On Win32 systems, the file is named "_fossil" and is located in
** Available operations are:
**    ignore     Arguments are repositories that should be ignored
**               by subsequent list, pull, push, rebuild, and sync.
**    list | ls  Display the location of all repositories.
**               The --ckout option causes all local checkouts to be
**               list instead.
**    changes    Shows all local checkouts that have uncommitted changes
**    pull       Run a "pull" operation on all repositories
**    push       Run a "push" on all repositories
**    rebuild    Rebuild on all repositories
**    sync       Run a "sync" on all repositories
** Repositories are automatically added to the set of known repositories
** when one of the following commands are run against the repository: clone,
** info, pull, push, or sync.  Even previously ignored repositories are
** added back to the list of repositories by these commands.
void all_cmd(void){
  int n;
  Stmt q;
  const char *zCmd;
  char *zSyscmd;
  char *zFossil;
  char *zQFilename;
  int useCheckouts = 0;
  int quiet = 0;
  int testRun = 0;
  int stopOnError = find_option("dontstop",0,0)==0;
  int rc;
  Bag outOfDate;
  /* The undocumented --test option causes no changes to occur to any
  ** repository, but instead show what would have happened.  Intended for
  ** test and debugging use.
  testRun = find_option("test",0,0)!=0;

  if( g.argc<3 ){
  n = strlen(g.argv[2]);
  zCmd = g.argv[2];
  if( strncmp(zCmd, "list", n)==0 || strncmp(zCmd,"ls",n)==0 ){
    zCmd = "list";
    useCheckouts = find_option("ckout","c",0)!=0;
  }else if( strncmp(zCmd, "push", n)==0 ){
    zCmd = "push -autourl -R";
  }else if( strncmp(zCmd, "pull", n)==0 ){
    zCmd = "pull -autourl -R";
  }else if( strncmp(zCmd, "rebuild", n)==0 ){
    zCmd = "rebuild";
  }else if( strncmp(zCmd, "sync", n)==0 ){
    zCmd = "sync -autourl -R";
  }else if( strncmp(zCmd, "test-integrity", n)==0 ){
    zCmd = "test-integrity";
  }else if( strncmp(zCmd, "changes", n)==0 ){
    zCmd = "changes --quiet --header --chdir";
    useCheckouts = 1;
    stopOnError = 0;
    quiet = 1;
  }else if( strncmp(zCmd, "ignore", n)==0 ){
    int j;
    for(j=3; j<g.argc; j++){
      char *zSql = mprintf("DELETE FROM global_config"
                           " WHERE name GLOB 'repo:%q'", g.argv[j]);
      if( testRun ){
        fossil_print("%s\n", zSql);
        db_multi_exec("%s", zSql);
    fossil_fatal("\"all\" subcommand should be one of: "
                 "changes ignore list ls push pull rebuild sync");
  zFossil = quoteFilename(g.nameOfExe);
  if( useCheckouts ){
       "SELECT substr(name, 7) COLLATE nocase, max(rowid)"
       "  FROM global_config"
       " WHERE substr(name, 1, 6)=='ckout:'"
       " GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1"
       "SELECT substr(name, 6) COLLATE nocase, max(rowid)"
       "  FROM global_config"
       " WHERE substr(name, 1, 5)=='repo:'"
       " GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1"
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zFilename = db_column_text(&q, 0);
    int rowid = db_column_int(&q, 1);
    if( file_access(zFilename, 0) || !file_is_canonical(zFilename) ){
      bag_insert(&outOfDate, rowid);
    if( useCheckouts && file_isdir(zFilename)!=1 ){
      bag_insert(&outOfDate, rowid);
    if( zCmd[0]=='l' ){
      fossil_print("%s\n", zFilename);
    zQFilename = quoteFilename(zFilename);
    zSyscmd = mprintf("%s %s %s", zFossil, zCmd, zQFilename);
    if( !quiet || testRun ){
      fossil_print("%s\n", zSyscmd);
    rc = testRun ? 0 : fossil_system(zSyscmd);
    if( stopOnError && rc ){
  /* If any repositories whose names appear in the ~/.fossil file could not
  ** be found, remove those names from the ~/.fossil file.
  if( bag_count(&outOfDate)>0 ){
    Blob sql;
    char *zSep = "(";
    int rowid;
    blob_appendf(&sql, "DELETE FROM global_config WHERE rowid IN ");
    for(rowid=bag_first(&outOfDate); rowid>0; rowid=bag_next(&outOfDate,rowid)){
      blob_appendf(&sql, "%s%d", zSep, rowid);
      zSep = ",";
    blob_appendf(&sql, ")");
    if( testRun ){
      fossil_print("%s\n", blob_str(&sql));
Exemplo n.º 17
/* dupe ifdef needed for mkindex
** COMMAND: winsrv*
** Usage: fossil winsrv METHOD ?SERVICE-NAME? ?OPTIONS?
** Where METHOD is one of: create delete show start stop.
** The winsrv command manages Fossil as a Windows service.  This allows
** (for example) Fossil to be running in the background when no user
** is logged in.
** In the following description of the methods, "Fossil-DSCM" will be
** used as the default SERVICE-NAME:
**    fossil winsrv create ?SERVICE-NAME? ?OPTIONS?
**         Creates a service. Available options include:
**         -D|--display DISPLAY-NAME
**              Sets the display name of the service. This name is shown
**              by graphical interface programs. By default, the display name
**              equals to the service name.
**         -S|--start TYPE
**              Sets the start type of the service. TYPE can be "manual",
**              which means you need to start the service yourself with the
**              'fossil winsrv start' command or with the "net start" command
**              from the operating system. If TYPE is set to "auto", the service
**              will be started automatically by the system during startup.
**         -U|--username USERNAME
**              Specifies the user account which will be used to run the
**              service. The account needs the "Logon as a service" right
**              enabled in its profile. Specify local accounts as follows:
**              ".\\USERNAME". By default, the "LocalSystem" account will be
**              used.
**         -W|--password PASSWORD
**              Password for the user account.
**         The following options are more or less the same as for the "server"
**         command and influence the behaviour of the http server:
**         -P|--port TCPPORT
**              Specifies the TCP port (default port is 8080) on which the
**              server should listen.
**         -R|--repository REPOSITORY
**              Specifies the name of the repository to be served.
**              The repository option may be omitted if the working directory
**              is within an open checkout.
**              The REPOSITORY can be a directory (aka folder) that contains
**              one or more repositories with names ending in ".fossil".
**              In that case, the first element of the URL is used to select
**              among the various repositories.
**         --notfound URL
**              If REPOSITORY is a directory that contains one or more
**              repositories with names of the form "*.fossil" then the
**              first element of the URL  pathname selects among the various
**              repositories. If the pathname does not select a valid
**              repository and the --notfound option is available,
**              then the server redirects (HTTP code 302) to the URL of
**              --notfound.
**         --localauth
**              Enables automatic login if the --localauth option is present
**              and the "localauth" setting is off and the connection is from
**              localhost.
**    fossil winsrv delete ?SERVICE-NAME?
**         Deletes a service. If the service is currently running, it will be
**         stopped first and then deleted.
**    fossil winsrv show ?SERVICE-NAME?
**         Shows how the service is configured and its current state.
**    fossil winsrv start ?SERVICE-NAME?
**         Start the service.
**    fossil winsrv stop ?SERVICE-NAME?
**         Stop the service.
** NOTE: This command is available on Windows operating systems only and
**       requires administrative rights on the machine executed.
void cmd_win32_service(void){
  int n;
  const char *zMethod;
  const char *zSvcName = "Fossil-DSCM";    /* Default service name */

  if( g.argc<3 ){
    usage("create|delete|show|start|stop ...");
  zMethod = g.argv[2];
  n = strlen(zMethod);

  if( strncmp(zMethod, "create", n)==0 ){
    SC_HANDLE hScm;
    SC_HANDLE hSvc;
      svcDescr = {L"Fossil - Distributed Software Configuration Management"};
    char *zErrFmt = "unable to create service '%s': %s";
    const char *zDisplay    = find_option("display", "D", 1);
    const char *zStart      = find_option("start", "S", 1);
    const char *zUsername   = find_option("username", "U", 1);
    const char *zPassword   = find_option("password", "W", 1);
    const char *zPort       = find_option("port", "P", 1);
    const char *zNotFound   = find_option("notfound", 0, 1);
    const char *zLocalAuth  = find_option("localauth", 0, 0);
    const char *zRepository = find_option("repository", "R", 1);
    Blob binPath;

    if( g.argc==4 ){
      zSvcName = g.argv[3];
    }else if( g.argc>4 ){
      fossil_fatal("to much arguments for create method.");
    /* Process service creation specific options. */
    if( !zDisplay ){
      zDisplay = zSvcName;
    if( zStart ){
      if( strncmp(zStart, "auto", strlen(zStart))==0 ){
        dwStartType = SERVICE_AUTO_START;
      }else if( strncmp(zStart, "manual", strlen(zStart))==0 ){
        dwStartType = SERVICE_DEMAND_START;
        fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName,
                     "specify 'auto' or 'manual' for the '-S|--start' option");
    /* Process options for Fossil running as server. */
    if( zPort && (atoi(zPort)<=0) ){
      fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName,
                   "port number must be in the range 1 - 65535.");
    if( !zRepository ){
    }else if( file_isdir(zRepository)==1 ){
      g.zRepositoryName = mprintf("%s", zRepository);
      file_simplify_name(g.zRepositoryName, -1, 0);
    /* Build the fully-qualified path to the service binary file. */
    blob_appendf(&binPath, "\"%s\" server", g.nameOfExe);
    if( zPort ) blob_appendf(&binPath, " --port %s", zPort);
    if( zNotFound ) blob_appendf(&binPath, " --notfound \"%s\"", zNotFound);
    if( zLocalAuth ) blob_append(&binPath, " --localauth", -1);
    blob_appendf(&binPath, " \"%s\"", g.zRepositoryName);
    /* Create the service. */
    if( !hScm ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    hSvc = CreateServiceW(
             hScm,                                    /* Handle to the SCM */
             fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zSvcName),           /* Name of the service */
             fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zDisplay),           /* Display name */
             SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS,                      /* Desired access */
             SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS,               /* Service type */
             dwStartType,                             /* Start type */
             SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL,                    /* Error control */
             fossil_utf8_to_unicode(blob_str(&binPath)), /* Binary path */
             NULL,                                    /* Load ordering group */
             NULL,                                    /* Tag value */
             NULL,                                    /* Service dependencies */
             fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zUsername),          /* Service account */
             fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zPassword)           /* Account password */
    if( !hSvc ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    /* Set the service description. */
    ChangeServiceConfig2W(hSvc, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, &svcDescr);
    fossil_print("Service '%s' successfully created.\n", zSvcName);
  if( strncmp(zMethod, "delete", n)==0 ){
    SC_HANDLE hScm;
    SC_HANDLE hSvc;
    char *zErrFmt = "unable to delete service '%s': %s";

    if( g.argc==4 ){
      zSvcName = g.argv[3];
    }else if( g.argc>4 ){
      fossil_fatal("to much arguments for delete method.");
    if( !hScm ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    hSvc = OpenServiceW(hScm, fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zSvcName), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
    if( !hSvc ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat);
    if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOPPED ){
      fossil_print("Stopping service '%s'", zSvcName);
      if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOP_PENDING ){
        if( !ControlService(hSvc, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &sstat) ){
          fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
      while( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOPPED ){
        QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat);
      fossil_print("\nService '%s' stopped.\n", zSvcName);
    if( !DeleteService(hSvc) ){
      if( GetLastError()==ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE ){
        fossil_warning("Service '%s' already marked for delete.\n", zSvcName);
        fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
      fossil_print("Service '%s' successfully deleted.\n", zSvcName);
  if( strncmp(zMethod, "show", n)==0 ){
    SC_HANDLE hScm;
    SC_HANDLE hSvc;
    BOOL bStatus;
    DWORD nRequired;
    const char *zErrFmt = "unable to show service '%s': %s";
    static const char *const zSvcTypes[] = {
      "Driver service",
      "File system driver service",
      "Service runs in its own process",
      "Service shares a process with other services",
      "Service can interact with the desktop"
    const char *zSvcType = "";
    static const char *const zSvcStartTypes[] = {
      "Started by the system loader",
      "Started by the IoInitSystem function",
      "Started automatically by the service control manager",
      "Started manually",
      "Service cannot be started"
    const char *zSvcStartType = "";
    static const char *const zSvcStates[] = {
      "Stopped", "Starting", "Stopping", "Running",
      "Continue pending", "Pause pending", "Paused"
    const char *zSvcState = "";

    if( g.argc==4 ){
      zSvcName = g.argv[3];
    }else if( g.argc>4 ){
      fossil_fatal("to much arguments for show method.");
    hScm = OpenSCManagerW(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_READ);
    if( !hScm ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    hSvc = OpenServiceW(hScm, fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zSvcName), GENERIC_READ);
    if( !hSvc ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    /* Get the service configuration */
    bStatus = QueryServiceConfigW(hSvc, NULL, 0, &nRequired);
    if( !bStatus && GetLastError()!=ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ){
      fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    pSvcConfig = fossil_malloc(nRequired);
    bStatus = QueryServiceConfigW(hSvc, pSvcConfig, nRequired, &nRequired);
    if( !bStatus ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    /* Translate the service type */
    switch( pSvcConfig->dwServiceType ){
      case SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER:       zSvcType = zSvcTypes[0]; break;
      case SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER:  zSvcType = zSvcTypes[1]; break;
      case SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS:   zSvcType = zSvcTypes[2]; break;
      case SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS: zSvcType = zSvcTypes[3]; break;
      case SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS: zSvcType = zSvcTypes[4]; break;
    /* Translate the service start type */
    switch( pSvcConfig->dwStartType ){
      case SERVICE_BOOT_START:    zSvcStartType = zSvcStartTypes[0]; break;
      case SERVICE_SYSTEM_START:  zSvcStartType = zSvcStartTypes[1]; break;
      case SERVICE_AUTO_START:    zSvcStartType = zSvcStartTypes[2]; break;
      case SERVICE_DEMAND_START:  zSvcStartType = zSvcStartTypes[3]; break;
      case SERVICE_DISABLED:      zSvcStartType = zSvcStartTypes[4]; break;
    /* Get the service description. */
    bStatus = QueryServiceConfig2W(hSvc, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION,
                                  NULL, 0, &nRequired);
    if( !bStatus && GetLastError()!=ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ){
      fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    pSvcDescr = fossil_malloc(nRequired);
    bStatus = QueryServiceConfig2W(hSvc, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION,
                                  (LPBYTE)pSvcDescr, nRequired, &nRequired);
    if( !bStatus ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    /* Retrieves the current status of the specified service. */
    bStatus = QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat);
    if( !bStatus ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    /* Translate the current state. */
    switch( sstat.dwCurrentState ){
      case SERVICE_STOPPED:          zSvcState = zSvcStates[0]; break;
      case SERVICE_START_PENDING:    zSvcState = zSvcStates[1]; break;
      case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING:     zSvcState = zSvcStates[2]; break;
      case SERVICE_RUNNING:          zSvcState = zSvcStates[3]; break;
      case SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING: zSvcState = zSvcStates[4]; break;
      case SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING:    zSvcState = zSvcStates[5]; break;
      case SERVICE_PAUSED:           zSvcState = zSvcStates[6]; break;
    /* Print service information to terminal */
    fossil_print("Service name .......: %s\n", zSvcName);
    fossil_print("Display name .......: %s\n",
    fossil_print("Service description : %s\n",
    fossil_print("Service type .......: %s.\n", zSvcType);
    fossil_print("Service start type .: %s.\n", zSvcStartType);
    fossil_print("Binary path name ...: %s\n",
    fossil_print("Service username ...: %s\n",
    fossil_print("Current state ......: %s.\n", zSvcState);
    /* Cleanup */
  if( strncmp(zMethod, "start", n)==0 ){
    SC_HANDLE hScm;
    SC_HANDLE hSvc;
    char *zErrFmt = "unable to start service '%s': %s";

    if( g.argc==4 ){
      zSvcName = g.argv[3];
    }else if( g.argc>4 ){
      fossil_fatal("to much arguments for start method.");
    if( !hScm ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    hSvc = OpenServiceW(hScm, fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zSvcName), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
    if( !hSvc ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat);
    if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_RUNNING ){
      fossil_print("Starting service '%s'", zSvcName);
      if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_START_PENDING ){
        if( !StartServiceW(hSvc, 0, NULL) ){
          fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
      while( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_RUNNING ){
        QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat);
      fossil_print("\nService '%s' started.\n", zSvcName);
      fossil_print("Service '%s' is already started.\n", zSvcName);
  if( strncmp(zMethod, "stop", n)==0 ){
    SC_HANDLE hScm;
    SC_HANDLE hSvc;
    char *zErrFmt = "unable to stop service '%s': %s";

    if( g.argc==4 ){
      zSvcName = g.argv[3];
    }else if( g.argc>4 ){
      fossil_fatal("to much arguments for stop method.");
    if( !hScm ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    hSvc = OpenServiceW(hScm, fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zSvcName), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
    if( !hSvc ) fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
    QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat);
    if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOPPED ){
      fossil_print("Stopping service '%s'", zSvcName);
      if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOP_PENDING ){
        if( !ControlService(hSvc, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &sstat) ){
          fossil_fatal(zErrFmt, zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg());
      while( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOPPED ){
        QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat);
      fossil_print("\nService '%s' stopped.\n", zSvcName);
      fossil_print("Service '%s' is already stopped.\n", zSvcName);
    fossil_fatal("METHOD should be one of:"
                 " create delete show start stop");
Exemplo n.º 18
** Update an entry of the TICKET and TICKETCHNG tables according to the
** information in the ticket artifact given in p.  Attempt to create
** the appropriate TICKET table entry if tktid is zero.  If tktid is nonzero
** then it will be the ROWID of an existing TICKET entry.
** Parameter rid is the recordID for the ticket artifact in the BLOB table.
** Return the new rowid of the TICKET table entry.
static int ticket_insert(const Manifest *p, int rid, int tktid){
  Blob sql1, sql2, sql3;
  Stmt q;
  int i, j;
  char *aUsed;

  if( tktid==0 ){
    db_multi_exec("INSERT INTO ticket(tkt_uuid, tkt_mtime) "
                  "VALUES(%Q, 0)", p->zTicketUuid);
    tktid = db_last_insert_rowid();
  blob_appendf(&sql1, "UPDATE OR REPLACE ticket SET tkt_mtime=:mtime");
  if( haveTicketCTime ){
    blob_appendf(&sql1, ", tkt_ctime=coalesce(tkt_ctime,:mtime)");
  aUsed = fossil_malloc( nField );
  memset(aUsed, 0, nField);
  for(i=0; i<p->nField; i++){
    const char *zName = p->aField[i].zName;
    const char *zBaseName = zName[0]=='+' ? zName+1 : zName;
    j = fieldId(zBaseName);
    if( j<0 ) continue;
    aUsed[j] = 1;
    if( aField[j].mUsed & USEDBY_TICKET ){
      if( zName[0]=='+' ){
        blob_appendf(&sql1,", %s=coalesce(%s,'') || %Q",
                     zName, zName, p->aField[i].zValue);
        blob_appendf(&sql1,", %s=%Q", zName, p->aField[i].zValue);
    if( aField[j].mUsed & USEDBY_TICKETCHNG ){
      blob_appendf(&sql2, ",%s", zName);
      blob_appendf(&sql3, ",%Q", p->aField[i].zValue);
    if( rid>0 ){
      wiki_extract_links(p->aField[i].zValue, rid, 1, p->rDate, i==0, 0);
  blob_appendf(&sql1, " WHERE tkt_id=%d", tktid);
  db_prepare(&q, "%s", blob_str(&sql1));
  db_bind_double(&q, ":mtime", p->rDate);
  if( blob_size(&sql2)>0 || haveTicketChngRid ){
    int fromTkt = 0;
    if( haveTicketChngRid ){
      blob_append(&sql2, ",tkt_rid", -1);
      blob_appendf(&sql3, ",%d", rid);
    for(i=0; i<nField; i++){
      if( aUsed[i]==0
       && (aField[i].mUsed & USEDBY_BOTH)==USEDBY_BOTH
        const char *z = aField[i].zName;
        if( z[0]=='+' ) z++;
        fromTkt = 1;
        blob_appendf(&sql2, ",%s", z);
        blob_appendf(&sql3, ",%s", z);
    if( fromTkt ){
      db_prepare(&q, "INSERT INTO ticketchng(tkt_id,tkt_mtime%s)"
                     "SELECT %d,:mtime%s FROM ticket WHERE tkt_id=%d",
                     blob_str(&sql2), tktid, blob_str(&sql3), tktid);
      db_prepare(&q, "INSERT INTO ticketchng(tkt_id,tkt_mtime%s)"
                     blob_str(&sql2), tktid, blob_str(&sql3));
    db_bind_double(&q, ":mtime", p->rDate);
  return tktid;
Exemplo n.º 19
** COMMAND: finfo
** Usage: %fossil finfo ?OPTIONS? FILENAME
** Print the complete change history for a single file going backwards
** in time.  The default mode is -l.
** For the -l|--log mode: If "-b|--brief" is specified one line per revision
** is printed, otherwise the full comment is printed.  The "-n|--limit N"
** and "--offset P" options limits the output to the first N changes
** after skipping P changes.
** In the -s mode prints the status as <status> <revision>.  This is
** a quick status and does not check for up-to-date-ness of the file.
** In the -p mode, there's an optional flag "-r|--revision REVISION".
** The specified version (or the latest checked out version) is printed
** to stdout.  The -p mode is another form of the "cat" command.
** Options:
**   -b|--brief           display a brief (one line / revision) summary
**   --case-sensitive B   Enable or disable case-sensitive filenames.  B is a
**                        boolean: "yes", "no", "true", "false", etc.
**   -l|--log             select log mode (the default)
**   -n|--limit N         Display the first N changes (default unlimited).
**                        N<=0 means no limit.
**   --offset P           skip P changes
**   -p|--print           select print mode
**   -r|--revision R      print the given revision (or ckout, if none is given)
**                        to stdout (only in print mode)
**   -s|--status          select status mode (print a status indicator for FILE)
**   -W|--width <num>     Width of lines (default is to auto-detect). Must be
**                        >22 or 0 (= no limit, resulting in a single line per
**                        entry).
** See also: artifact, cat, descendants, info, leaves
void finfo_cmd(void){
  if( find_option("status","s",0) ){
    Stmt q;
    Blob line;
    Blob fname;
    int vid;

    /* We should be done with options.. */

    if( g.argc!=3 ) usage("-s|--status FILENAME");
    vid = db_lget_int("checkout", 0);
    if( vid==0 ){
      fossil_fatal("no checkout to finfo files in");
    vfile_check_signature(vid, CKSIG_ENOTFILE);
    file_tree_name(g.argv[2], &fname, 0, 1);
        "SELECT pathname, deleted, rid, chnged, coalesce(origname!=pathname,0)"
        "  FROM vfile WHERE vfile.pathname=%B %s",
        &fname, filename_collation());
    if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ) {
      Blob uuid;
      int isDeleted = db_column_int(&q, 1);
      int isNew = db_column_int(&q,2) == 0;
      int chnged = db_column_int(&q,3);
      int renamed = db_column_int(&q,4);

           "SELECT uuid FROM blob, mlink, vfile WHERE "
           "blob.rid = mlink.mid AND mlink.fid = vfile.rid AND "
           "vfile.pathname=%B %s",
           &fname, filename_collation()
      if( isNew ){
        blob_appendf(&line, "new");
      }else if( isDeleted ){
        blob_appendf(&line, "deleted");
      }else if( renamed ){
        blob_appendf(&line, "renamed");
      }else if( chnged ){
        blob_appendf(&line, "edited");
        blob_appendf(&line, "unchanged");
      blob_appendf(&line, " ");
      blob_appendf(&line, " %10.10s", blob_str(&uuid));
      blob_appendf(&line, "unknown 0000000000");
    fossil_print("%s\n", blob_str(&line));
  }else if( find_option("print","p",0) ){
    Blob record;
    Blob fname;
    const char *zRevision = find_option("revision", "r", 1);

    /* We should be done with options.. */

    file_tree_name(g.argv[2], &fname, 0, 1);
    if( zRevision ){
      historical_version_of_file(zRevision, blob_str(&fname), &record, 0,0,0,0);
      int rid = db_int(0, "SELECT rid FROM vfile WHERE pathname=%B %s",
                       &fname, filename_collation());
      if( rid==0 ){
        fossil_fatal("no history for file: %b", &fname);
      content_get(rid, &record);
    blob_write_to_file(&record, "-");
    Blob line;
    Stmt q;
    Blob fname;
    int rid;
    const char *zFilename;
    const char *zLimit;
    const char *zWidth;
    const char *zOffset;
    int iLimit, iOffset, iBrief, iWidth;

    if( find_option("log","l",0) ){
      /* this is the default, no-op */
    zLimit = find_option("limit","n",1);
    zWidth = find_option("width","W",1);
    iLimit = zLimit ? atoi(zLimit) : -1;
    zOffset = find_option("offset",0,1);
    iOffset = zOffset ? atoi(zOffset) : 0;
    iBrief = (find_option("brief","b",0) == 0);
    if( iLimit==0 ){
      iLimit = -1;
    if( zWidth ){
      iWidth = atoi(zWidth);
      if( (iWidth!=0) && (iWidth<=22) ){
        fossil_fatal("-W|--width value must be >22 or 0");
      iWidth = -1;

    /* We should be done with options.. */

    if( g.argc!=3 ){
      usage("?-l|--log? ?-b|--brief? FILENAME");
    file_tree_name(g.argv[2], &fname, 0, 1);
    rid = db_int(0, "SELECT rid FROM vfile WHERE pathname=%B %s",
                 &fname, filename_collation());
    if( rid==0 ){
      fossil_fatal("no history for file: %b", &fname);
    zFilename = blob_str(&fname);
        "SELECT DISTINCT b.uuid, ci.uuid, date(event.mtime%s),"
        "       coalesce(event.ecomment, event.comment),"
        "       coalesce(event.euser, event.user),"
        "       (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND tagtype>0"
                                " AND tagxref.rid=mlink.mid)" /* Tags */
        "  FROM mlink, blob b, event, blob ci, filename"
        " WHERE filename.name=%Q %s"
        "   AND mlink.fnid=filename.fnid"
        "   AND b.rid=mlink.fid"
        "   AND event.objid=mlink.mid"
        "   AND event.objid=ci.rid"
        " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC LIMIT %d OFFSET %d",
        timeline_utc(), TAG_BRANCH, zFilename, filename_collation(),
        iLimit, iOffset
    if( iBrief ){
      fossil_print("History of %s\n", blob_str(&fname));
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      const char *zFileUuid = db_column_text(&q, 0);
      const char *zCiUuid = db_column_text(&q,1);
      const char *zDate = db_column_text(&q, 2);
      const char *zCom = db_column_text(&q, 3);
      const char *zUser = db_column_text(&q, 4);
      const char *zBr = db_column_text(&q, 5);
      char *zOut;
      if( zBr==0 ) zBr = "trunk";
      if( iBrief ){
        fossil_print("%s ", zDate);
        zOut = mprintf(
           "[%S] %s (user: %s, artifact: [%S], branch: %s)",
           zCiUuid, zCom, zUser, zFileUuid, zBr);
        comment_print(zOut, zCom, 11, iWidth, g.comFmtFlags);
        blob_appendf(&line, "%S ", zCiUuid);
        blob_appendf(&line, "%.10s ", zDate);
        blob_appendf(&line, "%8.8s ", zUser);
        blob_appendf(&line, "%8.8s ", zBr);
        blob_appendf(&line,"%-39.39s", zCom );
        comment_print(blob_str(&line), zCom, 0, iWidth, g.comFmtFlags);
Exemplo n.º 20
** COMMAND: merge
** Usage: %fossil merge ?OPTIONS? ?VERSION?
** The argument VERSION is a version that should be merged into the
** current checkout.  All changes from VERSION back to the nearest
** common ancestor are merged.  Except, if either of the --cherrypick or
** --backout options are used only the changes associated with the
** single check-in VERSION are merged.  The --backout option causes
** the changes associated with VERSION to be removed from the current
** checkout rather than added.
** If the VERSION argument is omitted, then Fossil attempts to find
** a recent fork on the current branch to merge.
** Only file content is merged.  The result continues to use the
** file and directory names from the current checkout even if those
** names might have been changed in the branch being merged in.
** Other options:
**   --baseline BASELINE     Use BASELINE as the "pivot" of the merge instead
**                           of the nearest common ancestor.  This allows
**                           a sequence of changes in a branch to be merged
**                           without having to merge the entire branch.
**   --binary GLOBPATTERN    Treat files that match GLOBPATTERN as binary
**                           and do not try to merge parallel changes.  This
**                           option overrides the "binary-glob" setting.
**   --case-sensitive BOOL   Override the case-sensitive setting.  If false,
**                           files whose names differ only in case are taken
**                           to be the same file.
**   -f|--force              Force the merge even if it would be a no-op.
**   --force-missing         Force the merge even if there is missing content.
**   --integrate             Merged branch will be closed when committing.
**   -n|--dry-run            If given, display instead of run actions
**   -v|--verbose            Show additional details of the merge
void merge_cmd(void){
  int vid;              /* Current version "V" */
  int mid;              /* Version we are merging from "M" */
  int pid;              /* The pivot version - most recent common ancestor P */
  int verboseFlag;      /* True if the -v|--verbose option is present */
  int integrateFlag;    /* True if the --integrate option is present */
  int pickFlag;         /* True if the --cherrypick option is present */
  int backoutFlag;      /* True if the --backout option is present */
  int dryRunFlag;       /* True if the --dry-run or -n option is present */
  int forceFlag;        /* True if the --force or -f option is present */
  int forceMissingFlag; /* True if the --force-missing option is present */
  const char *zBinGlob; /* The value of --binary */
  const char *zPivot;   /* The value of --baseline */
  int debugFlag;        /* True if --debug is present */
  int nChng;            /* Number of file name changes */
  int *aChng;           /* An array of file name changes */
  int i;                /* Loop counter */
  int nConflict = 0;    /* Number of conflicts seen */
  int nOverwrite = 0;   /* Number of unmanaged files overwritten */
  Stmt q;

  /* Notation:
  **      V     The current checkout
  **      M     The version being merged in
  **      P     The "pivot" - the most recent common ancestor of V and M.

  verboseFlag = find_option("verbose","v",0)!=0;
  forceMissingFlag = find_option("force-missing",0,0)!=0;
  if( !verboseFlag ){
    verboseFlag = find_option("detail",0,0)!=0; /* deprecated */
  pickFlag = find_option("cherrypick",0,0)!=0;
  integrateFlag = find_option("integrate",0,0)!=0;
  backoutFlag = find_option("backout",0,0)!=0;
  debugFlag = find_option("debug",0,0)!=0;
  zBinGlob = find_option("binary",0,1);
  dryRunFlag = find_option("dry-run","n",0)!=0;
  if( !dryRunFlag ){
    dryRunFlag = find_option("nochange",0,0)!=0; /* deprecated */
  forceFlag = find_option("force","f",0)!=0;
  zPivot = find_option("baseline",0,1);
  if( zBinGlob==0 ) zBinGlob = db_get("binary-glob",0);
  vid = db_lget_int("checkout", 0);
  if( vid==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("nothing is checked out");

  /* Find mid, the artifactID of the version to be merged into the current
  ** check-out */
  if( g.argc==3 ){
    /* Mid is specified as an argument on the command-line */
    mid = name_to_typed_rid(g.argv[2], "ci");
    if( mid==0 || !is_a_version(mid) ){
      fossil_fatal("not a version: %s", g.argv[2]);
  }else if( g.argc==2 ){
    /* No version specified on the command-line so pick the most recent
    ** leaf that is (1) not the version currently checked out and (2)
    ** has not already been merged into the current checkout and (3)
    ** the leaf is not closed and (4) the leaf is in the same branch
    ** as the current checkout.
    Stmt q;
    if( pickFlag || backoutFlag || integrateFlag){
      fossil_fatal("cannot use --backout, --cherrypick or --integrate with a fork merge");
    mid = db_int(0,
      "SELECT leaf.rid"
      "  FROM leaf, event"
      " WHERE leaf.rid=event.objid"
      "   AND leaf.rid!=%d"                                /* Constraint (1) */
      "   AND leaf.rid NOT IN (SELECT merge FROM vmerge)"  /* Constraint (2) */
      "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tagxref"            /* Constraint (3) */
                    "     WHERE rid=leaf.rid"
                    "       AND tagid=%d"
                    "       AND tagtype>0)"
      "   AND (SELECT value FROM tagxref"                  /* Constraint (4) */
            "   WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=%d AND tagtype>0) ="
            " (SELECT value FROM tagxref"
            "   WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=leaf.rid AND tagtype>0)"
      " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC LIMIT 1",
    if( mid==0 ){
      fossil_fatal("no unmerged forks of branch \"%s\"",
        db_text(0, "SELECT value FROM tagxref"
                   " WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=%d AND tagtype>0",
                   TAG_BRANCH, vid)
      "SELECT blob.uuid,"
          "   datetime(event.mtime%s),"
          "   coalesce(ecomment, comment),"
          "   coalesce(euser, user)"
      "  FROM event, blob"
      " WHERE event.objid=%d AND blob.rid=%d",
      timeline_utc(), mid, mid
    if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      char *zCom = mprintf("Merging fork [%S] at %s by %s: \"%s\"",
            db_column_text(&q, 0), db_column_text(&q, 1),
            db_column_text(&q, 3), db_column_text(&q, 2));
      comment_print(zCom, db_column_text(&q,2), 0, -1, g.comFmtFlags);
    usage("?OPTIONS? ?VERSION?");

  if( zPivot ){
    pid = name_to_typed_rid(zPivot, "ci");
    if( pid==0 || !is_a_version(pid) ){
      fossil_fatal("not a version: %s", zPivot);
    if( pickFlag ){
      fossil_fatal("incompatible options: --cherrypick & --baseline");
  }else if( pickFlag || backoutFlag ){
    if( integrateFlag ){
      fossil_fatal("incompatible options: --integrate & --cherrypick or --backout");
    pid = db_int(0, "SELECT pid FROM plink WHERE cid=%d AND isprim", mid);
    if( pid<=0 ){
      fossil_fatal("cannot find an ancestor for %s", g.argv[2]);
    db_prepare(&q, "SELECT merge FROM vmerge WHERE id=0");
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    pid = pivot_find();
    if( pid<=0 ){
      fossil_fatal("cannot find a common ancestor between the current "
                   "checkout and %s", g.argv[2]);
  if( backoutFlag ){
    int t = pid;
    pid = mid;
    mid = t;
  if( !is_a_version(pid) ){
    fossil_fatal("not a version: record #%d", pid);
  if( !forceFlag && mid==pid ){
    fossil_print("Merge skipped because it is a no-op. "
                 " Use --force to override.\n");
  if( integrateFlag && !is_a_leaf(mid)){
    fossil_warning("ignoring --integrate: %s is not a leaf", g.argv[2]);
    integrateFlag = 0;
  if( verboseFlag ){
    print_checkin_description(mid, 12, integrateFlag?"integrate:":"merge-from:");
    print_checkin_description(pid, 12, "baseline:");
  vfile_check_signature(vid, CKSIG_ENOTFILE);
  if( !dryRunFlag ) undo_begin();
  if( load_vfile_from_rid(mid) && !forceMissingFlag ){
    fossil_fatal("missing content, unable to merge");
  if( load_vfile_from_rid(pid) && !forceMissingFlag ){
    fossil_fatal("missing content, unable to merge");
  if( debugFlag ){
    char *z;
    z = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", pid);
    fossil_print("P=%d %z\n", pid, z);
    z = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", mid);
    fossil_print("M=%d %z\n", mid, z);
    z = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", vid);
    fossil_print("V=%d %z\n", vid, z);

  ** The vfile.pathname field is used to match files against each other.  The
  ** FV table contains one row for each each unique filename in
  ** in the current checkout, the pivot, and the version being merged.
    "  fn TEXT PRIMARY KEY %s,"   /* The filename */
    "  idv INTEGER,"              /* VFILE entry for current version */
    "  idp INTEGER,"              /* VFILE entry for the pivot */
    "  idm INTEGER,"              /* VFILE entry for version merging in */
    "  chnged BOOLEAN,"           /* True if current version has been edited */
    "  ridv INTEGER,"             /* Record ID for current version */
    "  ridp INTEGER,"             /* Record ID for pivot */
    "  ridm INTEGER,"             /* Record ID for merge */
    "  isexe BOOLEAN,"            /* Execute permission enabled */
    "  fnp TEXT %s,"              /* The filename in the pivot */
    "  fnm TEXT %s,"              /* the filename in the merged version */
    "  islinkv BOOLEAN,"          /* True if current version is a symlink */
    "  islinkm BOOLEAN"           /* True if merged version in is a symlink */
    filename_collation(), filename_collation(), filename_collation()

  /* Add files found in V
    " INTO fv(fn,fnp,fnm,idv,idp,idm,ridv,ridp,ridm,isexe,chnged)"
    " SELECT pathname, pathname, pathname, id, 0, 0, rid, 0, 0, isexe, chnged "
    " FROM vfile WHERE vid=%d",

  ** Compute name changes from P->V
  find_filename_changes(pid, vid, 0, &nChng, &aChng, debugFlag ? "P->V" : 0);
  if( nChng ){
    for(i=0; i<nChng; i++){
      char *z;
      z = db_text(0, "SELECT name FROM filename WHERE fnid=%d", aChng[i*2]);
        "UPDATE fv SET fnp=%Q, fnm=%Q"
        " WHERE fn=(SELECT name FROM filename WHERE fnid=%d)",
        z, z, aChng[i*2+1]
    db_multi_exec("UPDATE fv SET fnm=fnp WHERE fnp!=fn");

  /* Add files found in P but not in V
    " INTO fv(fn,fnp,fnm,idv,idp,idm,ridv,ridp,ridm,isexe,chnged)"
    " SELECT pathname, pathname, pathname, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, isexe, 0 "
    "   FROM vfile"
    "  WHERE vid=%d AND pathname %s NOT IN (SELECT fnp FROM fv)",
    pid, filename_collation()

  ** Compute name changes from P->M
  find_filename_changes(pid, mid, 0, &nChng, &aChng, debugFlag ? "P->M" : 0);
  if( nChng ){
    if( nChng>4 ) db_multi_exec("CREATE INDEX fv_fnp ON fv(fnp)");
    for(i=0; i<nChng; i++){
        "UPDATE fv SET fnm=(SELECT name FROM filename WHERE fnid=%d)"
        " WHERE fnp=(SELECT name FROM filename WHERE fnid=%d)",
        aChng[i*2+1], aChng[i*2]

  /* Add files found in M but not in P or V.
    " INTO fv(fn,fnp,fnm,idv,idp,idm,ridv,ridp,ridm,isexe,chnged)"
    " SELECT pathname, pathname, pathname, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, isexe, 0 "
    "   FROM vfile"
    "  WHERE vid=%d"
    "    AND pathname %s NOT IN (SELECT fnp FROM fv UNION SELECT fnm FROM fv)",
    mid, filename_collation()

  ** Compute the file version ids for P and M.
    "UPDATE fv SET"
    " idp=coalesce((SELECT id FROM vfile WHERE vid=%d AND fnp=pathname),0),"
    " ridp=coalesce((SELECT rid FROM vfile WHERE vid=%d AND fnp=pathname),0),"
    " idm=coalesce((SELECT id FROM vfile WHERE vid=%d AND fnm=pathname),0),"
    " ridm=coalesce((SELECT rid FROM vfile WHERE vid=%d AND fnm=pathname),0),"
    " islinkv=coalesce((SELECT islink FROM vfile"
                    " WHERE vid=%d AND fnm=pathname),0),"
    " islinkm=coalesce((SELECT islink FROM vfile"
                    " WHERE vid=%d AND fnm=pathname),0)",
    pid, pid, mid, mid, vid, mid

  if( debugFlag ){
       "SELECT rowid, fn, fnp, fnm, chnged, ridv, ridp, ridm, "
       "       isexe, islinkv, islinkm FROM fv"
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
       fossil_print("%3d: ridv=%-4d ridp=%-4d ridm=%-4d chnged=%d isexe=%d "
                    " islinkv=%d islinkm=%d\n",
          db_column_int(&q, 0),
          db_column_int(&q, 5),
          db_column_int(&q, 6),
          db_column_int(&q, 7),
          db_column_int(&q, 4),
          db_column_int(&q, 8),
          db_column_int(&q, 9),
          db_column_int(&q, 10));
       fossil_print("     fn  = [%s]\n", db_column_text(&q, 1));
       fossil_print("     fnp = [%s]\n", db_column_text(&q, 2));
       fossil_print("     fnm = [%s]\n", db_column_text(&q, 3));

  ** Find files in M and V but not in P and report conflicts.
  ** The file in M will be ignored.  It will be treated as if it
  ** does not exist.
    "SELECT idm FROM fv WHERE idp=0 AND idv>0 AND idm>0"
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int idm = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    char *zName = db_text(0, "SELECT pathname FROM vfile WHERE id=%d", idm);
    fossil_warning("WARNING - no common ancestor: %s", zName);
    db_multi_exec("UPDATE fv SET idm=0 WHERE idm=%d", idm);

  ** Add to V files that are not in V or P but are in M
    "SELECT idm, rowid, fnm FROM fv AS x"
    " WHERE idp=0 AND idv=0 AND idm>0"
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int idm = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    int rowid = db_column_int(&q, 1);
    int idv;
    const char *zName;
    char *zFullName;
      "INSERT INTO vfile(vid,chnged,deleted,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname)"
      "  SELECT %d,%d,0,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname FROM vfile WHERE id=%d",
      vid, integrateFlag?5:3, idm
    idv = db_last_insert_rowid();
    db_multi_exec("UPDATE fv SET idv=%d WHERE rowid=%d", idv, rowid);
    zName = db_column_text(&q, 2);
    zFullName = mprintf("%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zName);
    if( file_wd_isfile_or_link(zFullName) ){
      fossil_print("ADDED %s (overwrites an unmanaged file)\n", zName);
      fossil_print("ADDED %s\n", zName);
    if( !dryRunFlag ){
      vfile_to_disk(0, idm, 0, 0);

  ** Find files that have changed from P->M but not P->V.
  ** Copy the M content over into V.
    "SELECT idv, ridm, fn, islinkm FROM fv"
    " WHERE idp>0 AND idv>0 AND idm>0"
    "   AND ridm!=ridp AND ridv=ridp AND NOT chnged"
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int idv = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    int ridm = db_column_int(&q, 1);
    const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 2);
    int islinkm = db_column_int(&q, 3);
    /* Copy content from idm over into idv.  Overwrite idv. */
    fossil_print("UPDATE %s\n", zName);
    if( !dryRunFlag ){
        "UPDATE vfile SET mtime=0, mrid=%d, chnged=%d, islink=%d "
        " WHERE id=%d", ridm, integrateFlag?4:2, islinkm, idv
      vfile_to_disk(0, idv, 0, 0);

  ** Do a three-way merge on files that have changes on both P->M and P->V.
    "SELECT ridm, idv, ridp, ridv, %s, fn, isexe, islinkv, islinkm FROM fv"
    " WHERE idp>0 AND idv>0 AND idm>0"
    "   AND ridm!=ridp AND (ridv!=ridp OR chnged)",
    glob_expr("fv.fn", zBinGlob)
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int ridm = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    int idv = db_column_int(&q, 1);
    int ridp = db_column_int(&q, 2);
    int ridv = db_column_int(&q, 3);
    int isBinary = db_column_int(&q, 4);
    const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 5);
    int isExe = db_column_int(&q, 6);
    int islinkv = db_column_int(&q, 7);
    int islinkm = db_column_int(&q, 8);
    int rc;
    char *zFullPath;
    Blob m, p, r;
    /* Do a 3-way merge of idp->idm into idp->idv.  The results go into idv. */
    if( verboseFlag ){
      fossil_print("MERGE %s  (pivot=%d v1=%d v2=%d)\n",
                   zName, ridp, ridm, ridv);
      fossil_print("MERGE %s\n", zName);
    if( islinkv || islinkm /* || file_wd_islink(zFullPath) */ ){
      fossil_print("***** Cannot merge symlink %s\n", zName);
      zFullPath = mprintf("%s/%s", g.zLocalRoot, zName);
      content_get(ridp, &p);
      content_get(ridm, &m);
      if( isBinary ){
        rc = -1;
        unsigned mergeFlags = dryRunFlag ? MERGE_DRYRUN : 0;
        rc = merge_3way(&p, zFullPath, &m, &r, mergeFlags);
      if( rc>=0 ){
        if( !dryRunFlag ){
          blob_write_to_file(&r, zFullPath);
          file_wd_setexe(zFullPath, isExe);
        db_multi_exec("UPDATE vfile SET mtime=0 WHERE id=%d", idv);
        if( rc>0 ){
          fossil_print("***** %d merge conflicts in %s\n", rc, zName);
        fossil_print("***** Cannot merge binary file %s\n", zName);
    db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO vmerge(id,merge) VALUES(%d,%d)",

  ** Drop files that are in P and V but not in M
    "SELECT idv, fn, chnged FROM fv"
    " WHERE idp>0 AND idv>0 AND idm=0"
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int idv = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    int chnged = db_column_int(&q, 2);
    /* Delete the file idv */
    fossil_print("DELETE %s\n", zName);
    if( chnged ){
      fossil_warning("WARNING: local edits lost for %s\n", zName);
      "UPDATE vfile SET deleted=1 WHERE id=%d", idv
    if( !dryRunFlag ){
      char *zFullPath = mprintf("%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zName);

  ** Rename files that have taken a rename on P->M but which keep the same
  ** name o P->V.   If a file is renamed on P->V only or on both P->V and
  ** P->M then we retain the V name of the file.
    "SELECT idv, fnp, fnm FROM fv"
    " WHERE idv>0 AND idp>0 AND idm>0 AND fnp=fn AND fnm!=fnp"
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int idv = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    const char *zOldName = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    const char *zNewName = db_column_text(&q, 2);
    fossil_print("RENAME %s -> %s\n", zOldName, zNewName);
      "UPDATE vfile SET pathname=%Q, origname=coalesce(origname,pathname)"
      " WHERE id=%d AND vid=%d", zNewName, idv, vid
    if( !dryRunFlag ){
      char *zFullOldPath = mprintf("%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zOldName);
      char *zFullNewPath = mprintf("%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zNewName);
      if( file_wd_islink(zFullOldPath) ){
        symlink_copy(zFullOldPath, zFullNewPath);
        file_copy(zFullOldPath, zFullNewPath);

  /* Report on conflicts
  if( nConflict ){
    fossil_warning("WARNING: %d merge conflicts", nConflict);
  if( nOverwrite ){
    fossil_warning("WARNING: %d unmanaged files were overwritten",
  if( dryRunFlag ){
    fossil_warning("REMINDER: this was a dry run -"
                   " no files were actually changed.");

  ** Clean up the mid and pid VFILE entries.  Then commit the changes.
  db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM vfile WHERE vid!=%d", vid);
  if( pickFlag ){
    db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO vmerge(id,merge) VALUES(-1,%d)",mid);
    /* For a cherry-pick merge, make the default check-in comment the same
    ** as the check-in comment on the check-in that is being merged in. */
       "REPLACE INTO vvar(name,value)"
       " SELECT 'ci-comment', coalesce(ecomment,comment) FROM event"
       "  WHERE type='ci' AND objid=%d",
  }else if( backoutFlag ){
    db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO vmerge(id,merge) VALUES(-2,%d)",pid);
  }else if( integrateFlag ){
    db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO vmerge(id,merge) VALUES(-4,%d)",mid);
    db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO vmerge(id,merge) VALUES(0,%d)", mid);
Exemplo n.º 21
** Resets the given URL object, deallocating any memory
** it uses.
void url_reset(HQuery *p){
  url_initialize(p, p->zBase);
cson_value * json_artifact_file(cson_object * zParent, int rid){
  cson_object * pay = NULL;
  Stmt q = empty_Stmt;
  cson_array * checkin_arr = NULL;
  char contentFormat;
  i64 contentSize = -1;
  char * parentUuid;
  if( ! g.perm.Read ){
                 "Requires 'o' privileges.");
    return NULL;
  pay = zParent;

  contentFormat = json_artifact_get_content_format_flag();
  if( 0 != contentFormat ){
    Blob content = empty_blob;
    const char *zMime;
    char const * zFormat = (contentFormat<1) ? "raw" : "html";
    content_get(rid, &content);
    zMime = mimetype_from_content(&content);
    cson_object_set(zParent, "contentType",
                    json_new_string(zMime ? zMime : "text/plain"));
    if(!zMime){/* text/plain */
      if(0 < blob_size(&content)){
        if( 0 < contentFormat ){/*HTML-size it*/
          Blob html = empty_blob;
          wiki_convert(&content, &html, 0);
          assert( blob_size(&content) < blob_size(&html) );
          blob_swap( &html, &content );
          assert( blob_size(&content) > blob_size(&html) );
          blob_reset( &html );
        }/*else as-is*/
      cson_object_set(zParent, "content",
                                            (unsigned int)blob_size(&content)));
    }/*else binary: ignore*/
    contentSize = blob_size(&content);
    cson_object_set(zParent, "contentSize", json_new_int(contentSize) );
    cson_object_set(zParent, "contentFormat", json_new_string(zFormat) );
  contentSize = db_int64(-1, "SELECT size FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid);
  assert( -1 < contentSize );
  cson_object_set(zParent, "size", json_new_int(contentSize) );

  parentUuid = db_text(NULL,
                       "SELECT DISTINCT p.uuid "
                       "FROM blob p, blob f, mlink m "
                       "WHERE m.pid=p.rid "
                       "AND m.fid=f.rid "
                       "AND f.rid=%d",
    cson_object_set( zParent, "parent", json_new_string(parentUuid) );
  /* Find checkins associated with this file... */
      "SELECT filename.name AS name, "
      "  (mlink.pid==0) AS isNew,"
      "  (mlink.fid==0) AS isDel,"
      "  cast(strftime('%%s',event.mtime) as int) AS timestamp,"
      "  coalesce(event.ecomment,event.comment) as comment,"
      "  coalesce(event.euser,event.user) as user,"
#if 0
      "  a.size AS size," /* same for all checkins. */
      "  b.uuid as checkin, "
#if 0
      "  mlink.mperm as mperm,"
      "  coalesce((SELECT value FROM tagxref"
                      "  WHERE tagid=%d AND tagtype>0 AND "
                      " rid=mlink.mid),'trunk') as branch"
      "  FROM mlink, filename, event, blob a, blob b"
      " WHERE filename.fnid=mlink.fnid"
      "   AND event.objid=mlink.mid"
      "   AND a.rid=mlink.fid"
      "   AND b.rid=mlink.mid"
      "   AND mlink.fid=%d"
      "   ORDER BY filename.name, event.mtime",
      TAG_BRANCH, rid
  /* TODO: add a "state" flag for the file in each checkin,
     e.g. "modified", "new", "deleted".
  checkin_arr = cson_new_array(); 
  cson_object_set(pay, "checkins", cson_array_value(checkin_arr));
  while( (SQLITE_ROW==db_step(&q) ) ){
    cson_object * row = cson_value_get_object(cson_sqlite3_row_to_object(q.pStmt));
    /* FIXME: move this isNew/isDel stuff into an SQL CASE statement. */
    char const isNew = cson_value_get_bool(cson_object_get(row,"isNew"));
    char const isDel = cson_value_get_bool(cson_object_get(row,"isDel"));
    cson_object_set(row, "isNew", NULL);
    cson_object_set(row, "isDel", NULL);
    cson_object_set(row, "state",
                    json_new_string(json_artifact_status_to_string(isNew, isDel)));
    cson_array_append( checkin_arr, cson_object_value(row) );
  return cson_object_value(pay);
Exemplo n.º 23
** Scans the specified base directory for any directories within it, while
** keeping a count of how many files they each contains, either directly or
** indirectly.
** Subdirectories are scanned recursively.
** Omit files named in VFILE.
** Directories whose names begin with "." are omitted unless the SCAN_ALL
** flag is set.
** Any directories that match the glob patterns pIgnore* are excluded from
** the scan.  Name matching occurs after the first nPrefix characters are
** elided from the filename.
** Returns the total number of files found.
int vfile_dir_scan(
  Blob *pPath,           /* Base directory to be scanned */
  int nPrefix,           /* Number of bytes in base directory name */
  unsigned scanFlags,    /* Zero or more SCAN_xxx flags */
  Glob *pIgnore1,        /* Do not add directories that match this GLOB */
  Glob *pIgnore2,        /* Omit directories matching this GLOB too */
  Glob *pIgnore3         /* Omit directories matching this GLOB too */
  int result = 0;
  DIR *d;
  int origSize;
  struct dirent *pEntry;
  int skipAll = 0;
  static Stmt ins;
  static Stmt upd;
  static int depth = 0;
  void *zNative;

  origSize = blob_size(pPath);
  if( pIgnore1 || pIgnore2 || pIgnore3 ){
    blob_appendf(pPath, "/");
    if( glob_match(pIgnore1, &blob_str(pPath)[nPrefix+1]) ) skipAll = 1;
    if( glob_match(pIgnore2, &blob_str(pPath)[nPrefix+1]) ) skipAll = 1;
    if( glob_match(pIgnore3, &blob_str(pPath)[nPrefix+1]) ) skipAll = 1;
    blob_resize(pPath, origSize);
  if( skipAll ) return result;

  if( depth==0 ){
    db_multi_exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dscan_temp;"
                  "CREATE TEMP TABLE dscan_temp("
                  "  x TEXT PRIMARY KEY %s, y INTEGER)",
       "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO dscan_temp(x, y) SELECT :file, :count"
       " pathname GLOB :file || '/*' %s)", filename_collation()
       "UPDATE OR IGNORE dscan_temp SET y = coalesce(y, 0) + 1"
       "  WHERE x=:file %s",

  zNative = fossil_utf8_to_filename(blob_str(pPath));
  d = opendir(zNative);
  if( d ){
    while( (pEntry=readdir(d))!=0 ){
      char *zOrigPath;
      char *zPath;
      char *zUtf8;
      if( pEntry->d_name[0]=='.' ){
        if( (scanFlags & SCAN_ALL)==0 ) continue;
        if( pEntry->d_name[1]==0 ) continue;
        if( pEntry->d_name[1]=='.' && pEntry->d_name[2]==0 ) continue;
      zOrigPath = mprintf("%s", blob_str(pPath));
      zUtf8 = fossil_filename_to_utf8(pEntry->d_name);
      blob_appendf(pPath, "/%s", zUtf8);
      zPath = blob_str(pPath);
      if( glob_match(pIgnore1, &zPath[nPrefix+1]) ||
          glob_match(pIgnore2, &zPath[nPrefix+1]) ||
          glob_match(pIgnore3, &zPath[nPrefix+1]) ){
        /* do nothing */
      }else if( file_wd_isdir(zPath)==1 ){
        if( (scanFlags & SCAN_NESTED) || !vfile_top_of_checkout(zPath) ){
          char *zSavePath = mprintf("%s", zPath);
          int count = vfile_dir_scan(pPath, nPrefix, scanFlags, pIgnore1,
                                     pIgnore2, pIgnore3);
          db_bind_text(&ins, ":file", &zSavePath[nPrefix+1]);
          db_bind_int(&ins, ":count", count);
          result += count; /* found X normal files? */
      }else if( file_wd_isfile_or_link(zPath) ){
        db_bind_text(&upd, ":file", zOrigPath);
        result++; /* found 1 normal file */
      blob_resize(pPath, origSize);

  if( depth==0 ){
  return result;
Exemplo n.º 24
** COMMAND: update
** Usage: %fossil update ?OPTIONS? ?VERSION? ?FILES...?
** Change the version of the current checkout to VERSION.  Any
** uncommitted changes are retained and applied to the new checkout.
** The VERSION argument can be a specific version or tag or branch
** name.  If the VERSION argument is omitted, then the leaf of the
** subtree that begins at the current version is used, if there is
** only a single leaf.  VERSION can also be "current" to select the
** leaf of the current version or "latest" to select the most recent
** check-in.
** If one or more FILES are listed after the VERSION then only the
** named files are candidates to be updated, and any updates to them
** will be treated as edits to the current version. Using a directory
** name for one of the FILES arguments is the same as using every
** subdirectory and file beneath that directory.
** If FILES is omitted, all files in the current checkout are subject
** to being updated and the version of the current checkout is changed
** to VERSION. Any uncommitted changes are retained and applied to the
** new checkout.
** The -n or --dry-run option causes this command to do a "dry run".
** It prints out what would have happened but does not actually make
** any changes to the current checkout or the repository.
** The -v or --verbose option prints status information about
** unchanged files in addition to those file that actually do change.
** Options:
**   --case-sensitive <BOOL> override case-sensitive setting
**   --debug          print debug information on stdout
**   --latest         acceptable in place of VERSION, update to latest version
**   --force-missing  force update if missing content after sync
**   -n|--dry-run     If given, display instead of run actions
**   -v|--verbose     print status information about all files
**   -W|--width <num> Width of lines (default is to auto-detect). Must be >20
**                    or 0 (= no limit, resulting in a single line per entry).
** See also: revert
void update_cmd(void) {
    int vid;              /* Current version */
    int tid=0;            /* Target version - version we are changing to */
    Stmt q;
    int latestFlag;       /* --latest.  Pick the latest version if true */
    int dryRunFlag;       /* -n or --dry-run.  Do a dry run */
    int verboseFlag;      /* -v or --verbose.  Output extra information */
    int forceMissingFlag; /* --force-missing.  Continue if missing content */
    int debugFlag;        /* --debug option */
    int setmtimeFlag;     /* --setmtime.  Set mtimes on files */
    int nChng;            /* Number of file renames */
    int *aChng;           /* Array of file renames */
    int i;                /* Loop counter */
    int nConflict = 0;    /* Number of merge conflicts */
    int nOverwrite = 0;   /* Number of unmanaged files overwritten */
    int nUpdate = 0;      /* Number of changes of any kind */
    int width;            /* Width of printed comment lines */
    Stmt mtimeXfer;       /* Statement to transfer mtimes */
    const char *zWidth;   /* Width option string value */

    if( !internalUpdate ) {
    zWidth = find_option("width","W",1);
    if( zWidth ) {
        width = atoi(zWidth);
        if( (width!=0) && (width<=20) ) {
            fossil_fatal("-W|--width value must be >20 or 0");
    } else {
        width = -1;
    latestFlag = find_option("latest",0, 0)!=0;
    dryRunFlag = find_option("dry-run","n",0)!=0;
    if( !dryRunFlag ) {
        dryRunFlag = find_option("nochange",0,0)!=0; /* deprecated */
    verboseFlag = find_option("verbose","v",0)!=0;
    forceMissingFlag = find_option("force-missing",0,0)!=0;
    debugFlag = find_option("debug",0,0)!=0;
    setmtimeFlag = find_option("setmtime",0,0)!=0;

    /* We should be done with options.. */

    vid = db_lget_int("checkout", 0);
    if( !dryRunFlag && !internalUpdate ) {
        if( autosync_loop(SYNC_PULL + SYNC_VERBOSE*verboseFlag,
                          db_get_int("autosync-tries", 1)) ) {
            fossil_fatal("Cannot proceed with update");

    /* Create any empty directories now, as well as after the update,
    ** so changes in settings are reflected now */
    if( !dryRunFlag ) ensure_empty_dirs_created();

    if( internalUpdate ) {
        tid = internalUpdate;
    } else if( g.argc>=3 ) {
        if( fossil_strcmp(g.argv[2], "current")==0 ) {
            /* If VERSION is "current", then use the same algorithm to find the
            ** target as if VERSION were omitted. */
        } else if( fossil_strcmp(g.argv[2], "latest")==0 ) {
            /* If VERSION is "latest", then use the same algorithm to find the
            ** target as if VERSION were omitted and the --latest flag is present.
            latestFlag = 1;
        } else {
            tid = name_to_typed_rid(g.argv[2],"ci");
            if( tid==0 || !is_a_version(tid) ) {
                fossil_fatal("no such check-in: %s", g.argv[2]);

    /* If no VERSION is specified on the command-line, then look for a
    ** descendent of the current version.  If there are multiple descendants,
    ** look for one from the same branch as the current version.  If there
    ** are still multiple descendants, show them all and refuse to update
    ** until the user selects one.
    if( tid==0 ) {
        int closeCode = 1;
        compute_leaves(vid, closeCode);
        if( !db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM leaves") ) {
            closeCode = 0;
            compute_leaves(vid, closeCode);
        if( !latestFlag && db_int(0, "SELECT count(*) FROM leaves")>1 ) {
                "DELETE FROM leaves WHERE rid NOT IN"
                "   (SELECT leaves.rid FROM leaves, tagxref"
                "     WHERE leaves.rid=tagxref.rid AND tagxref.tagid=%d"
                "       AND tagxref.value==(SELECT value FROM tagxref"
                " WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=%d))",
                TAG_BRANCH, TAG_BRANCH, vid
            if( db_int(0, "SELECT count(*) FROM leaves")>1 ) {
                compute_leaves(vid, closeCode);
                           "%s "
                           "   AND event.objid IN leaves"
                           " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC",
                print_timeline(&q, -100, width, 0);
                fossil_fatal("Multiple descendants");
        tid = db_int(0, "SELECT rid FROM leaves, event"
                     " WHERE event.objid=leaves.rid"
                     " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC");
        if( tid==0 ) tid = vid;

    if( tid==0 ) {

    vfile_check_signature(vid, CKSIG_ENOTFILE);
    if( !dryRunFlag && !internalUpdate ) undo_begin();
    if( load_vfile_from_rid(tid) && !forceMissingFlag ) {
        fossil_fatal("missing content, unable to update");

    ** The record.fn field is used to match files against each other.  The
    ** FV table contains one row for each each unique filename in
    ** in the current checkout, the pivot, and the version being merged.
        "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fv;"
        "CREATE TEMP TABLE fv("
        "  fn TEXT %s PRIMARY KEY,"   /* The filename relative to root */
        "  idv INTEGER,"              /* VFILE entry for current version */
        "  idt INTEGER,"              /* VFILE entry for target version */
        "  chnged BOOLEAN,"           /* True if current version has been edited */
        "  islinkv BOOLEAN,"          /* True if current file is a link */
        "  islinkt BOOLEAN,"          /* True if target file is a link */
        "  ridv INTEGER,"             /* Record ID for current version */
        "  ridt INTEGER,"             /* Record ID for target */
        "  isexe BOOLEAN,"            /* Does target have execute permission? */
        "  deleted BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0,"/* File marked by "rm" to become unmanaged */
        "  fnt TEXT %s"               /* Filename of same file on target version */
        filename_collation(), filename_collation()

    /* Add files found in the current version
        "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO fv(fn,fnt,idv,idt,ridv,ridt,isexe,chnged,deleted)"
        " SELECT pathname, pathname, id, 0, rid, 0, isexe, chnged, deleted"
        "   FROM vfile WHERE vid=%d",

    /* Compute file name changes on V->T.  Record name changes in files that
    ** have changed locally.
    if( vid ) {
        find_filename_changes(vid, tid, 1, &nChng, &aChng, debugFlag ? "V->T": 0);
        if( nChng ) {
            for(i=0; i<nChng; i++) {
                    "UPDATE fv"
                    "   SET fnt=(SELECT name FROM filename WHERE fnid=%d)"
                    " WHERE fn=(SELECT name FROM filename WHERE fnid=%d) AND chnged",
                    aChng[i*2+1], aChng[i*2]

    /* Add files found in the target version T but missing from the current
    ** version V.
        "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO fv(fn,fnt,idv,idt,ridv,ridt,isexe,chnged)"
        " SELECT pathname, pathname, 0, 0, 0, 0, isexe, 0 FROM vfile"
        "  WHERE vid=%d"
        "    AND pathname %s NOT IN (SELECT fnt FROM fv)",
        tid, filename_collation()

    ** Compute the file version ids for T
        "UPDATE fv SET"
        " idt=coalesce((SELECT id FROM vfile WHERE vid=%d AND fnt=pathname),0),"
        " ridt=coalesce((SELECT rid FROM vfile WHERE vid=%d AND fnt=pathname),0)",
        tid, tid

    ** Add islink information
        "UPDATE fv SET"
        " islinkv=coalesce((SELECT islink FROM vfile"
        " WHERE vid=%d AND fnt=pathname),0),"
        " islinkt=coalesce((SELECT islink FROM vfile"
        " WHERE vid=%d AND fnt=pathname),0)",
        vid, tid

    if( debugFlag ) {
                   "SELECT rowid, fn, fnt, chnged, ridv, ridt, isexe,"
                   "       islinkv, islinkt FROM fv"
        while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ) {
            fossil_print("%3d: ridv=%-4d ridt=%-4d chnged=%d isexe=%d"
                         " islinkv=%d  islinkt=%d\n",
                         db_column_int(&q, 0),
                         db_column_int(&q, 4),
                         db_column_int(&q, 5),
                         db_column_int(&q, 3),
                         db_column_int(&q, 6),
                         db_column_int(&q, 7),
                         db_column_int(&q, 8));
            fossil_print("     fnv = [%s]\n", db_column_text(&q, 1));
            fossil_print("     fnt = [%s]\n", db_column_text(&q, 2));

    /* If FILES appear on the command-line, remove from the "fv" table
    ** every entry that is not named on the command-line or which is not
    ** in a directory named on the command-line.
    if( g.argc>=4 ) {
        Blob sql;              /* SQL statement to purge unwanted entries */
        Blob treename;         /* Normalized filename */
        int i;                 /* Loop counter */
        const char *zSep;      /* Term separator */

        blob_append(&sql, "DELETE FROM fv WHERE ", -1);
        zSep = "";
        for(i=3; i<g.argc; i++) {
            file_tree_name(g.argv[i], &treename, 0, 1);
            if( file_wd_isdir(g.argv[i])==1 ) {
                if( blob_size(&treename) != 1 || blob_str(&treename)[0] != '.' ) {
                    blob_append_sql(&sql, "%sfn NOT GLOB '%q/*' ",
                                    zSep /*safe-for-%s*/, blob_str(&treename));
                } else {
            } else {
                blob_append_sql(&sql, "%sfn<>%Q ",
                                zSep /*safe-for-%s*/, blob_str(&treename));
            zSep = "AND ";
        db_multi_exec("%s", blob_sql_text(&sql));

    ** Alter the content of the checkout so that it conforms with the
    ** target
               "SELECT fn, idv, ridv, idt, ridt, chnged, fnt,"
               "       isexe, islinkv, islinkt, deleted FROM fv ORDER BY 1"
               "UPDATE vfile SET mtime=(SELECT mtime FROM vfile WHERE id=:idv)"
               " WHERE id=:idt"
    assert( g.zLocalRoot!=0 );
    assert( strlen(g.zLocalRoot)>0 );
    assert( g.zLocalRoot[strlen(g.zLocalRoot)-1]=='/' );
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ) {
        const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 0);  /* The filename from root */
        int idv = db_column_int(&q, 1);             /* VFILE entry for current */
        int ridv = db_column_int(&q, 2);            /* RecordID for current */
        int idt = db_column_int(&q, 3);             /* VFILE entry for target */
        int ridt = db_column_int(&q, 4);            /* RecordID for target */
        int chnged = db_column_int(&q, 5);          /* Current is edited */
        const char *zNewName = db_column_text(&q,6);/* New filename */
        int isexe = db_column_int(&q, 7);           /* EXE perm for new file */
        int islinkv = db_column_int(&q, 8);         /* Is current file is a link */
        int islinkt = db_column_int(&q, 9);         /* Is target file is a link */
        int deleted = db_column_int(&q, 10);        /* Marked for deletion */
        char *zFullPath;                            /* Full pathname of the file */
        char *zFullNewPath;                         /* Full pathname of dest */
        char nameChng;                              /* True if the name changed */

        zFullPath = mprintf("%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zName);
        zFullNewPath = mprintf("%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zNewName);
        nameChng = fossil_strcmp(zName, zNewName);
        if( deleted ) {
            db_multi_exec("UPDATE vfile SET deleted=1 WHERE id=%d", idt);
        if( idv>0 && ridv==0 && idt>0 && ridt>0 ) {
            /* Conflict.  This file has been added to the current checkout
            ** but also exists in the target checkout.  Use the current version.
            fossil_print("CONFLICT %s\n", zName);
        } else if( idt>0 && idv==0 ) {
            /* File added in the target. */
            if( file_wd_isfile_or_link(zFullPath) ) {
                fossil_print("ADD %s - overwrites an unmanaged file\n", zName);
            } else {
                fossil_print("ADD %s\n", zName);
            if( !dryRunFlag && !internalUpdate ) undo_save(zName);
            if( !dryRunFlag ) vfile_to_disk(0, idt, 0, 0);
        } else if( idt>0 && idv>0 && ridt!=ridv && (chnged==0 || deleted) ) {
            /* The file is unedited.  Change it to the target version */
            if( deleted ) {
                fossil_print("UPDATE %s - change to unmanaged file\n", zName);
            } else {
                fossil_print("UPDATE %s\n", zName);
            if( !dryRunFlag && !internalUpdate ) undo_save(zName);
            if( !dryRunFlag ) vfile_to_disk(0, idt, 0, 0);
        } else if( idt>0 && idv>0 && !deleted && file_wd_size(zFullPath)<0 ) {
            /* The file missing from the local check-out. Restore it to the
            ** version that appears in the target. */
            fossil_print("UPDATE %s\n", zName);
            if( !dryRunFlag && !internalUpdate ) undo_save(zName);
            if( !dryRunFlag ) vfile_to_disk(0, idt, 0, 0);
        } else if( idt==0 && idv>0 ) {
            if( ridv==0 ) {
                /* Added in current checkout.  Continue to hold the file as
                ** as an addition */
                db_multi_exec("UPDATE vfile SET vid=%d WHERE id=%d", tid, idv);
            } else if( chnged ) {
                /* Edited locally but deleted from the target.  Do not track the
                ** file but keep the edited version around. */
                fossil_print("CONFLICT %s - edited locally but deleted by update\n",
            } else {
                fossil_print("REMOVE %s\n", zName);
                if( !dryRunFlag && !internalUpdate ) undo_save(zName);
                if( !dryRunFlag ) file_delete(zFullPath);
        } else if( idt>0 && idv>0 && ridt!=ridv && chnged ) {
            /* Merge the changes in the current tree into the target version */
            Blob r, t, v;
            int rc;
            if( nameChng ) {
                fossil_print("MERGE %s -> %s\n", zName, zNewName);
            } else {
                fossil_print("MERGE %s\n", zName);
            if( islinkv || islinkt /* || file_wd_islink(zFullPath) */ ) {
                fossil_print("***** Cannot merge symlink %s\n", zNewName);
            } else {
                unsigned mergeFlags = dryRunFlag ? MERGE_DRYRUN : 0;
                if( !dryRunFlag && !internalUpdate ) undo_save(zName);
                content_get(ridt, &t);
                content_get(ridv, &v);
                rc = merge_3way(&v, zFullPath, &t, &r, mergeFlags);
                if( rc>=0 ) {
                    if( !dryRunFlag ) {
                        blob_write_to_file(&r, zFullNewPath);
                        file_wd_setexe(zFullNewPath, isexe);
                    if( rc>0 ) {
                        fossil_print("***** %d merge conflicts in %s\n", rc, zNewName);
                } else {
                    if( !dryRunFlag ) {
                        blob_write_to_file(&t, zFullNewPath);
                        file_wd_setexe(zFullNewPath, isexe);
                    fossil_print("***** Cannot merge binary file %s\n", zNewName);
            if( nameChng && !dryRunFlag ) file_delete(zFullPath);
        } else {
            if( chnged ) {
                if( verboseFlag ) fossil_print("EDITED %s\n", zName);
            } else {
                db_bind_int(&mtimeXfer, ":idv", idv);
                db_bind_int(&mtimeXfer, ":idt", idt);
                if( verboseFlag ) fossil_print("UNCHANGED %s\n", zName);
    if( nUpdate==0 ) {
        show_common_info(tid, "checkout:", 1, 0);
        fossil_print("%-13s None. Already up-to-date\n", "changes:");
    } else {
        show_common_info(tid, "updated-to:", 1, 0);
        fossil_print("%-13s %d file%s modified.\n", "changes:",
                     nUpdate, nUpdate>1 ? "s" : "");

    /* Report on conflicts
    if( !dryRunFlag ) {
        Stmt q;
        int nMerge = 0;
        db_prepare(&q, "SELECT uuid, id FROM vmerge JOIN blob ON merge=rid"
                   " WHERE id<=0");
        while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ) {
            const char *zLabel = "merge";
            switch( db_column_int(&q, 1) ) {
            case -1:
                zLabel = "cherrypick merge";
            case -2:
                zLabel = "backout merge";
            fossil_warning("uncommitted %s against %S.",
                           zLabel, db_column_text(&q, 0));
        leaf_ambiguity_warning(tid, tid);

        if( nConflict ) {
            if( internalUpdate ) {
                internalConflictCnt = nConflict;
                nConflict = 0;
            } else {
                fossil_warning("WARNING: %d merge conflicts", nConflict);
        if( nOverwrite ) {
            fossil_warning("WARNING: %d unmanaged files were overwritten",
        if( nMerge ) {
            fossil_warning("WARNING: %d uncommitted prior merges", nMerge);

    ** Clean up the mid and pid VFILE entries.  Then commit the changes.
    if( dryRunFlag ) {
        db_end_transaction(1);  /* With --dry-run, rollback changes */
    } else {
        if( g.argc<=3 ) {
            /* All files updated.  Shift the current checkout to the target. */
            db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM vfile WHERE vid!=%d", tid);
            db_lset_int("checkout", tid);
        } else {
            /* A subset of files have been checked out.  Keep the current
            ** checkout unchanged. */
            db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM vfile WHERE vid!=%d", vid);
        if( !internalUpdate ) undo_finish();
        if( setmtimeFlag ) vfile_check_signature(tid, CKSIG_SETMTIME);
Exemplo n.º 25
** Deallocate the state information.
** The azMerge[] and aFile[] arrays are zeroed by allocated space is
** retained unless the freeAll flag is set.
static void import_reset(int freeAll){
  int i;
  gg.xFinish = 0;
  fossil_free(gg.zTag); gg.zTag = 0;
  fossil_free(gg.zBranch); gg.zBranch = 0;
  fossil_free(gg.aData); gg.aData = 0;
  fossil_free(gg.zMark); gg.zMark = 0;
  fossil_free(gg.zDate); gg.zDate = 0;
  fossil_free(gg.zUser); gg.zUser = 0;
  fossil_free(gg.zComment); gg.zComment = 0;
  fossil_free(gg.zFrom); gg.zFrom = 0;
  fossil_free(gg.zFromMark); gg.zFromMark = 0;
  for(i=0; i<gg.nMerge; i++){
    fossil_free(gg.azMerge[i]); gg.azMerge[i] = 0;
  gg.nMerge = 0;
  for(i=0; i<gg.nFile; i++){
  memset(gg.aFile, 0, gg.nFile*sizeof(gg.aFile[0]));
  gg.nFile = 0;
  if( freeAll ){
    memset(&gg, 0, sizeof(gg));
  gg.xFinish = finish_noop;
Exemplo n.º 26
** Read the git-fast-import format from pIn and insert the corresponding
** content into the database.
static void git_fast_import(FILE *pIn){
  ImportFile *pFile, *pNew;
  int i, mx;
  char *z;
  char *zUuid;
  char *zName;
  char *zPerm;
  char *zFrom;
  char *zTo;
  char zLine[1000];

  gg.xFinish = finish_noop;
  while( fgets(zLine, sizeof(zLine), pIn) ){
    if( zLine[0]=='\n' || zLine[0]=='#' ) continue;
    if( memcmp(zLine, "blob", 4)==0 ){
      gg.xFinish = finish_blob;
    if( memcmp(zLine, "commit ", 7)==0 ){
      gg.xFinish = finish_commit;
      z = &zLine[7];

      /* The argument to the "commit" line might match either of these
      ** patterns:
      **   (A)  refs/heads/BRANCHNAME
      **   (B)  refs/tags/TAGNAME
      ** If pattern A is used, then the branchname used is as shown.
      ** Except, the "master" branch which is the default branch name in
      ** Git is changed to "trunk" which is the default name in Fossil.
      ** If the pattern is B, then the new commit should be on the same
      ** branch as its parent.  And, we might need to add the TAGNAME
      ** tag to the new commit.  However, if there are multiple instances
      ** of pattern B with the same TAGNAME, then only put the tag on the
      ** last commit that holds that tag.
      ** None of the above is explained in the git-fast-export
      ** documentation.  We had to figure it out via trial and error.
      for(i=strlen(z)-1; i>=0 && z[i]!='/'; i--){}
      gg.tagCommit = memcmp(&z[i-4], "tags", 4)==0;  /* True for pattern B */
      if( z[i+1]!=0 ) z += i+1;
      if( fossil_strcmp(z, "master")==0 ) z = "trunk";
      gg.zBranch = fossil_strdup(z);
      gg.fromLoaded = 0;
    if( memcmp(zLine, "tag ", 4)==0 ){
      gg.xFinish = finish_tag;
      gg.zTag = fossil_strdup(&zLine[4]);
    if( memcmp(zLine, "reset ", 4)==0 ){
    if( memcmp(zLine, "checkpoint", 10)==0 ){
    if( memcmp(zLine, "feature", 7)==0 ){
    if( memcmp(zLine, "option", 6)==0 ){
    if( memcmp(zLine, "progress ", 9)==0 ){
      fossil_print("%s\n", &zLine[9]);
    if( memcmp(zLine, "data ", 5)==0 ){
      fossil_free(gg.aData); gg.aData = 0;
      gg.nData = atoi(&zLine[5]);
      if( gg.nData ){
        int got;
        gg.aData = fossil_malloc( gg.nData+1 );
        got = fread(gg.aData, 1, gg.nData, pIn);
        if( got!=gg.nData ){
          fossil_fatal("short read: got %d of %d bytes", got, gg.nData);
        gg.aData[got] = 0;
        if( gg.zComment==0 && gg.xFinish==finish_commit ){
          gg.zComment = gg.aData;
          gg.aData = 0;
          gg.nData = 0;
    if( memcmp(zLine, "author ", 7)==0 ){
      /* No-op */
    if( memcmp(zLine, "mark ", 5)==0 ){
      gg.zMark = fossil_strdup(&zLine[5]);
    if( memcmp(zLine, "tagger ", 7)==0 || memcmp(zLine, "committer ",10)==0 ){
      sqlite3_int64 secSince1970;
      for(i=0; zLine[i] && zLine[i]!='<'; i++){}
      if( zLine[i]==0 ) goto malformed_line;
      z = &zLine[i+1];
      for(i=i+1; zLine[i] && zLine[i]!='>'; i++){}
      if( zLine[i]==0 ) goto malformed_line;
      zLine[i] = 0;
      gg.zUser = fossil_strdup(z);
      secSince1970 = 0;
      for(i=i+2; fossil_isdigit(zLine[i]); i++){
        secSince1970 = secSince1970*10 + zLine[i] - '0';
      gg.zDate = db_text(0, "SELECT datetime(%lld, 'unixepoch')", secSince1970);
      gg.zDate[10] = 'T';
    if( memcmp(zLine, "from ", 5)==0 ){
      gg.zFromMark = fossil_strdup(&zLine[5]);
      gg.zFrom = resolve_committish(&zLine[5]);
    if( memcmp(zLine, "merge ", 6)==0 ){
      if( gg.nMerge>=gg.nMergeAlloc ){
        gg.nMergeAlloc = gg.nMergeAlloc*2 + 10;
        gg.azMerge = fossil_realloc(gg.azMerge, gg.nMergeAlloc*sizeof(char*));
      gg.azMerge[gg.nMerge] = resolve_committish(&zLine[6]);
      if( gg.azMerge[gg.nMerge] ) gg.nMerge++;
    if( memcmp(zLine, "M ", 2)==0 ){
      z = &zLine[2];
      zPerm = next_token(&z);
      zUuid = next_token(&z);
      zName = rest_of_line(&z);
      i = 0;
      pFile = import_find_file(zName, &i, gg.nFile);
      if( pFile==0 ){
        pFile = import_add_file();
        pFile->zName = fossil_strdup(zName);
      pFile->isExe = (fossil_strcmp(zPerm, "100755")==0);
      pFile->isLink = (fossil_strcmp(zPerm, "120000")==0);
      pFile->zUuid = resolve_committish(zUuid);
      pFile->isFrom = 0;
    if( memcmp(zLine, "D ", 2)==0 ){
      z = &zLine[2];
      zName = rest_of_line(&z);
      i = 0;
      while( (pFile = import_find_file(zName, &i, gg.nFile))!=0 ){
        if( pFile->isFrom==0 ) continue;
        *pFile = gg.aFile[--gg.nFile];
    if( memcmp(zLine, "C ", 2)==0 ){
      int nFrom;
      z = &zLine[2];
      zFrom = next_token(&z);
      zTo = rest_of_line(&z);
      i = 0;
      mx = gg.nFile;
      nFrom = strlen(zFrom);
      while( (pFile = import_find_file(zFrom, &i, mx))!=0 ){
        if( pFile->isFrom==0 ) continue;
        pNew = import_add_file();
        pFile = &gg.aFile[i-1];
        if( strlen(pFile->zName)>nFrom ){
          pNew->zName = mprintf("%s%s", zTo, pFile->zName[nFrom]);
          pNew->zName = fossil_strdup(pFile->zName);
        pNew->isExe = pFile->isExe;
        pNew->isLink = pFile->isLink;
        pNew->zUuid = fossil_strdup(pFile->zUuid);
        pNew->isFrom = 0;
    if( memcmp(zLine, "R ", 2)==0 ){
      int nFrom;
      z = &zLine[2];
      zFrom = next_token(&z);
      zTo = rest_of_line(&z);
      i = 0;
      nFrom = strlen(zFrom);
      while( (pFile = import_find_file(zFrom, &i, gg.nFile))!=0 ){
        if( pFile->isFrom==0 ) continue;
        pNew = import_add_file();
        pFile = &gg.aFile[i-1];
        if( strlen(pFile->zName)>nFrom ){
          pNew->zName = mprintf("%s%s", zTo, pFile->zName[nFrom]);
          pNew->zName = fossil_strdup(pFile->zName);
        pNew->zPrior = pFile->zName;
        pNew->isExe = pFile->isExe;
        pNew->isLink = pFile->isLink;
        pNew->zUuid = pFile->zUuid;
        pNew->isFrom = 0;
        *pFile = *pNew;
        memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(*pNew));
      fossil_fatal("cannot handle R records, use --full-tree");
    if( memcmp(zLine, "deleteall", 9)==0 ){
      gg.fromLoaded = 1;
    if( memcmp(zLine, "N ", 2)==0 ){
      /* No-op */

      goto malformed_line;
  if( gg.hasLinks ){
    db_set_int("allow-symlinks", 1, 0);

  fossil_fatal("bad fast-import line: [%s]", zLine);
Exemplo n.º 27
** COMMAND: export
** Usage: %fossil export --git ?OPTIONS? ?REPOSITORY?
** Write an export of all check-ins to standard output.  The export is
** written in the git-fast-export file format assuming the --git option is
** provided.  The git-fast-export format is currently the only VCS 
** interchange format supported, though other formats may be added in
** the future.
** Run this command within a checkout.  Or use the -R or --repository
** option to specify a Fossil repository to be exported.
** Only check-ins are exported using --git.  Git does not support tickets 
** or wiki or events or attachments, so none of those are exported.
** If the "--import-marks FILE" option is used, it contains a list of
** rids to skip.
** If the "--export-marks FILE" option is used, the rid of all commits and
** blobs written on exit for use with "--import-marks" on the next run.
** Options:
**   --export-marks FILE          export rids of exported data to FILE
**   --import-marks FILE          read rids of data to ignore from FILE
**   --repository|-R REPOSITORY   export the given REPOSITORY
** See also: import
void export_cmd(void){
  Stmt q, q2, q3;
  int i;
  Bag blobs, vers;
  const char *markfile_in;
  const char *markfile_out;


  find_option("git", 0, 0);   /* Ignore the --git option for now */
  markfile_in = find_option("import-marks", 0, 1);
  markfile_out = find_option("export-marks", 0, 1);

  db_find_and_open_repository(0, 2);
  if( g.argc!=2 && g.argc!=3 ){ usage("--git ?REPOSITORY?"); }

  db_multi_exec("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE oldblob(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)");
  db_multi_exec("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE oldcommit(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)");
  if( markfile_in!=0 ){
    Stmt qb,qc;
    char line[100];
    FILE *f;

    f = fossil_fopen(markfile_in, "r");
    if( f==0 ){
      fossil_fatal("cannot open %s for reading", markfile_in);
    db_prepare(&qb, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO oldblob VALUES (:rid)");
    db_prepare(&qc, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO oldcommit VALUES (:rid)");
    while( fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)!=0 ){
      if( *line == 'b' ){
        db_bind_text(&qb, ":rid", line + 1);
        bag_insert(&blobs, atoi(line + 1));
      }else if( *line == 'c' ){
        db_bind_text(&qc, ":rid", line + 1);
        bag_insert(&vers, atoi(line + 1));
        fossil_fatal("bad input from %s: %s", markfile_in, line);

  /* Step 1:  Generate "blob" records for every artifact that is part
  ** of a check-in 
  db_multi_exec("CREATE TEMP TABLE newblob(rid INTEGER KEY, srcid INTEGER)");
  db_multi_exec("CREATE INDEX newblob_src ON newblob(srcid)");
    "INSERT INTO newblob"
                       " WHERE rid=fid"
                       "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM oldblob"
                                         " WHERE srcid=fid))"
    "   THEN (SELECT srcid FROM delta WHERE rid=fid)"
    "   ELSE 0"
    "  END"
    " FROM mlink"
    " WHERE fid>0 AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM oldblob WHERE rid=fid)");
    "SELECT DISTINCT fid FROM mlink"
    " WHERE fid>0 AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM oldblob WHERE rid=fid)");
  db_prepare(&q2, "INSERT INTO oldblob VALUES (:rid)");
  db_prepare(&q3, "SELECT rid FROM newblob WHERE srcid= (:srcid)");
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    Blob content;

    while( !bag_find(&blobs, rid) ){
      content_get(rid, &content);
      db_bind_int(&q2, ":rid", rid);
      printf("blob\nmark :%d\ndata %d\n", BLOBMARK(rid), blob_size(&content));
      bag_insert(&blobs, rid);
      fwrite(blob_buffer(&content), 1, blob_size(&content), stdout);

      db_bind_int(&q3, ":srcid", rid);
      if( db_step(&q3) != SQLITE_ROW ){
      rid = db_column_int(&q3, 0);

  /* Output the commit records.
    "SELECT strftime('%%s',mtime), objid, coalesce(comment,ecomment),"
    "       coalesce(user,euser),"
    "       (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE rid=objid AND tagid=%d)"
    "  FROM event"
    " WHERE type='ci' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM oldcommit WHERE objid=rid)"
    " ORDER BY mtime ASC",
  db_prepare(&q2, "INSERT INTO oldcommit VALUES (:rid)");
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    Stmt q4;
    const char *zSecondsSince1970 = db_column_text(&q, 0);
    int ckinId = db_column_int(&q, 1);
    const char *zComment = db_column_text(&q, 2);
    const char *zUser = db_column_text(&q, 3);
    const char *zBranch = db_column_text(&q, 4);
    char *zBr;

    bag_insert(&vers, ckinId);
    db_bind_int(&q2, ":rid", ckinId);
    if( zBranch==0 ) zBranch = "trunk";
    zBr = mprintf("%s", zBranch);
    for(i=0; zBr[i]; i++){
      if( !fossil_isalnum(zBr[i]) ) zBr[i] = '_';
    printf("commit refs/heads/%s\nmark :%d\n", zBr, COMMITMARK(ckinId));
    printf(" %s +0000\n", zSecondsSince1970);
    if( zComment==0 ) zComment = "null comment";
    printf("data %d\n%s\n", (int)strlen(zComment), zComment);
      "SELECT pid FROM plink"
      " WHERE cid=%d AND isprim"
      "   AND pid IN (SELECT objid FROM event)",
    if( db_step(&q3) == SQLITE_ROW ){
      printf("from :%d\n", COMMITMARK(db_column_int(&q3, 0)));
        "SELECT pid FROM plink"
        " WHERE cid=%d AND NOT isprim"
        "   AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom WHERE rid=pid)"
        " ORDER BY pid",
      while( db_step(&q4)==SQLITE_ROW ){
        printf("merge :%d\n", COMMITMARK(db_column_int(&q4,0)));

      "SELECT filename.name, mlink.fid, mlink.mperm FROM mlink"
      " JOIN filename ON filename.fnid=mlink.fnid"
      " WHERE mlink.mid=%d",
    while( db_step(&q4)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      const char *zName = db_column_text(&q4,0);
      int zNew = db_column_int(&q4,1);
      int mPerm = db_column_int(&q4,2);
      if( zNew==0)
        printf("D %s\n", zName);
      else if( bag_find(&blobs, zNew) ) {
        const char *zPerm;
        switch( mPerm ){
          case PERM_LNK:  zPerm = "120000";   break;
          case PERM_EXE:  zPerm = "100755";   break;
          default:        zPerm = "100644";   break;
        printf("M %s :%d %s\n", zPerm, BLOBMARK(zNew), zName);

  /* Output tags */
     "SELECT tagname, rid, strftime('%%s',mtime)"
     "  FROM tagxref JOIN tag USING(tagid)"
     " WHERE tagtype=1 AND tagname GLOB 'sym-*'"
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zTagname = db_column_text(&q, 0);
    char *zEncoded = 0;
    int rid = db_column_int(&q, 1);
    const char *zSecSince1970 = db_column_text(&q, 2);
    int i;
    if( rid==0 || !bag_find(&vers, rid) ) continue;
    zTagname += 4;
    zEncoded = mprintf("%s", zTagname);
    for(i=0; zEncoded[i]; i++){
      if( !fossil_isalnum(zEncoded[i]) ) zEncoded[i] = '_';
    printf("tag %s\n", zEncoded);
    printf("from :%d\n", COMMITMARK(rid));
    printf("tagger <tagger> %s +0000\n", zSecSince1970);
    printf("data 0\n");

  if( markfile_out!=0 ){
    FILE *f;
    f = fossil_fopen(markfile_out, "w");
    if( f == 0 ){
      fossil_fatal("cannot open %s for writing", markfile_out);
    db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid FROM oldblob");
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      fprintf(f, "b%d\n", db_column_int(&q, 0));
    db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid FROM oldcommit");
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      fprintf(f, "c%d\n", db_column_int(&q, 0));
    if( ferror(f)!=0 || fclose(f)!=0 ) {
      fossil_fatal("error while writing %s", markfile_out);
Exemplo n.º 28
** Convert a symbolic name into a RID.  Acceptable forms:
**   *  SHA1 hash
**   *  SHA1 hash prefix of at least 4 characters
**   *  Symbolic Name
**   *  "tag:" + symbolic name
**   *  Date or date-time 
**   *  "date:" + Date or date-time
**   *  symbolic-name ":" date-time
**   *  "tip"
** The following additional forms are available in local checkouts:
**   *  "current"
**   *  "prev" or "previous"
**   *  "next"
** Return the RID of the matching artifact.  Or return 0 if the name does not
** match any known object.  Or return -1 if the name is ambiguous.
** The zType parameter specifies the type of artifact: ci, t, w, e, g. 
** If zType is NULL or "" or "*" then any type of artifact will serve.
** zType is "ci" in most use cases since we are usually searching for
** a check-in.
int symbolic_name_to_rid(const char *zTag, const char *zType){
  int vid;
  int rid = 0;
  int nTag;
  int i;

  if( zType==0 || zType[0]==0 ) zType = "*";
  if( zTag==0 || zTag[0]==0 ) return 0;

  /* special keyword: "tip" */
  if( fossil_strcmp(zTag, "tip")==0 && (zType[0]=='*' || zType[0]=='c') ){
    rid = db_int(0,
      "SELECT objid"
      "  FROM event"
      " WHERE type='ci'"
      " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC"
    if( rid ) return rid;

  /* special keywords: "prev", "previous", "current", and "next" */
  if( g.localOpen && (vid=db_lget_int("checkout",0))!=0 ){
    if( fossil_strcmp(zTag, "current")==0 ){
      rid = vid;
    }else if( fossil_strcmp(zTag, "prev")==0 
              || fossil_strcmp(zTag, "previous")==0 ){
      rid = db_int(0, "SELECT pid FROM plink WHERE cid=%d AND isprim", vid);
    }else if( fossil_strcmp(zTag, "next")==0 ){
      rid = db_int(0, "SELECT cid FROM plink WHERE pid=%d"
                      "  ORDER BY isprim DESC, mtime DESC", vid);
    if( rid ) return rid;

  /* Date and times */
  if( memcmp(zTag, "date:", 5)==0 ){
    rid = db_int(0, 
      "SELECT objid FROM event"
      " WHERE mtime<=julianday(%Q,'utc') AND type GLOB '%q'"
      " ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 1",
      &zTag[5], zType);
    return rid;
  if( fossil_isdate(zTag) ){
    rid = db_int(0, 
      "SELECT objid FROM event"
      " WHERE mtime<=julianday(%Q,'utc') AND type GLOB '%q'"
      " ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 1",
      zTag, zType);
    if( rid) return rid;

  /* Deprecated date & time formats:   "local:" + date-time and
  ** "utc:" + date-time */
  if( memcmp(zTag, "local:", 6)==0 ){
    rid = db_int(0, 
      "SELECT objid FROM event"
      " WHERE mtime<=julianday(%Q) AND type GLOB '%q'"
      " ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 1",
      &zTag[6], zType);
    return rid;
  if( memcmp(zTag, "utc:", 4)==0 ){
    rid = db_int(0, 
      "SELECT objid FROM event"
      " WHERE mtime<=julianday('%qz') AND type GLOB '%q'"
      " ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 1",
      &zTag[4], zType);
    return rid;

  /* "tag:" + symbolic-name */
  if( memcmp(zTag, "tag:", 4)==0 ){
    rid = db_int(0,
       "SELECT event.objid, max(event.mtime)"
       "  FROM tag, tagxref, event"
       " WHERE tag.tagname='sym-%q' "
       "   AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid AND tagxref.tagtype>0 "
       "   AND event.objid=tagxref.rid "
       "   AND event.type GLOB '%q'",
       &zTag[4], zType
    return rid;
  /* root:TAG -> The origin of the branch */
  if( memcmp(zTag, "root:", 5)==0 ){
    Stmt q;
    int rc;
    char *zBr;
    rid = symbolic_name_to_rid(zTag+5, zType);
    zBr = db_text("trunk","SELECT value FROM tagxref"
                          " WHERE rid=%d AND tagid=%d"
                          " AND tagtype>0",
                          rid, TAG_BRANCH);
      "SELECT pid, EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tagxref"
                         " WHERE tagid=%d AND tagtype>0"
                         "   AND value=%Q AND rid=plink.pid)"
      "  FROM plink"
      " WHERE cid=:cid AND isprim",
      TAG_BRANCH, zBr
      db_bind_int(&q, ":cid", rid);
      rc = db_step(&q);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ) break;
      rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    }while( db_column_int(&q, 1)==1 && rid>0 );
    return rid;

  /* symbolic-name ":" date-time */
  nTag = strlen(zTag);
  for(i=0; i<nTag-10 && zTag[i]!=':'; i++){}
  if( zTag[i]==':' && fossil_isdate(&zTag[i+1]) ){
    char *zDate = mprintf("%s", &zTag[i+1]);
    char *zTagBase = mprintf("%.*s", i, zTag);
    int nDate = strlen(zDate);
    if( sqlite3_strnicmp(&zDate[nDate-3],"utc",3)==0 ){
      zDate[nDate-3] = 'z';
      zDate[nDate-2] = 0;
    rid = db_int(0,
      "SELECT event.objid, max(event.mtime)"
      "  FROM tag, tagxref, event"
      " WHERE tag.tagname='sym-%q' "
      "   AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid AND tagxref.tagtype>0 "
      "   AND event.objid=tagxref.rid "
      "   AND event.mtime<=julianday(%Q)"
      "   AND event.type GLOB '%q'",
      zTagBase, zDate, zType
    return rid;

  /* SHA1 hash or prefix */
  if( nTag>=4 && nTag<=UUID_SIZE && validate16(zTag, nTag) ){
    Stmt q;
    char zUuid[UUID_SIZE+1];
    memcpy(zUuid, zTag, nTag+1);
    canonical16(zUuid, nTag);
    rid = 0;
    if( zType[0]=='*' ){
      db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid FROM blob WHERE uuid GLOB '%s*'", zUuid);
        "SELECT blob.rid"
        "  FROM blob, event"
        " WHERE blob.uuid GLOB '%s*'"
        "   AND event.objid=blob.rid"
        "   AND event.type GLOB '%q'",
        zUuid, zType
    if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
      if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ) rid = -1;
    if( rid ) return rid;

  /* Symbolic name */
  rid = db_int(0,
    "SELECT event.objid, max(event.mtime)"
    "  FROM tag, tagxref, event"
    " WHERE tag.tagname='sym-%q' "
    "   AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid AND tagxref.tagtype>0 "
    "   AND event.objid=tagxref.rid "
    "   AND event.type GLOB '%q'",
    zTag, zType
  if( rid>0 ) return rid;

  /* Undocumented:  numeric tags get translated directly into the RID */
  if( memcmp(zTag, "rid:", 4)==0 ){
    zTag += 4;
    for(i=0; fossil_isdigit(zTag[i]); i++){}
    if( zTag[i]==0 ){
      if( strcmp(zType,"*")==0 ){
        rid = atoi(zTag);
        rid = db_int(0, 
          "SELECT event.objid"
          "  FROM event"
          " WHERE event.objid=%s"
          "   AND event.type GLOB '%q'", zTag, zType);
  return rid;