Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: qda.c Projeto: cran/stochmod
// Applies previously trained QDA classifier to new data matrix x
// Inputs:
// 	i_x - N x p data matrix of N samples in p dimensions
//	i_means - K x p matrix of class centroids
// 	i_icovmats - K x p x p array of inverse covariance matrices
//	i_bias - vector of length containing the bias term for each discriminant function
//	i_N - number of samples in x
//	i_p - dimensionality of x
//	i_K - number of classes
// Outputs:
//	o_labels - labels for all samples in i_x
// Memory allocation requirements for the outputs:
//	o_labels must be of length N
void QDAtest(
	     double* i_x, double* i_means, double* i_icovmats, double* i_bias,
	     int* i_N, int* i_p, int* i_K, int* o_labels
  // Create local storage
  int t, k, i, j;
  double temp;
  double* x_c = make1D( *i_p );
  double** x = make2D( *i_N, *i_p );
  double** means = make2D( *i_K, *i_p );
  double*** icovmats = make3D( *i_K, *i_p, *i_p );
  double** delta = make2D( *i_N, *i_K );

  // Copy and reshape the inputs to local storage
  cp_vec_mat( *i_N, *i_p, i_x, x );
  cp_vec_mat( *i_K, *i_p, i_means, means );
  cp_vec_3D( *i_K, *i_p, *i_p, i_icovmats, icovmats );

  // Compute the delta function values
  for( t = 0; t < *i_N; t++ )
    for( k = 0; k < *i_K; k++ )
	add_vec_vec( *i_p, 1.0, -1.0, x[t], means[k], x_c );
	delta[t][k] = 0.0;
	for( i = 0; i < *i_p; i++ )
	  for( j = 0; j < *i_p; j++ )
	    delta[t][k] += icovmats[k][i][j] * x_c[i] * x_c[j];
	delta[t][k] *= -0.5;
	delta[t][k] += i_bias[k];

  // Pick the highest discriminant function value for each point
  for( t = 0; t < *i_N; t++ )
      o_labels[t] = 1;
      temp = delta[t][0];
      for( k = 1; k < *i_K; k++ )
	  if( delta[t][k] > temp )
	      o_labels[t] = k + 1;
	      temp = delta[t][k];

  // Free up memory
  free( x_c );
  free2D( x, *i_N );
  free2D( means, *i_K );
  free3D( icovmats, *i_K, *i_p );
  free2D( delta, *i_N );
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: poisson19.c Projeto: 8l/rose
int main (int nargs, char** args)
  int n;      /* number of points in each direction */
  double h;   /* grid spacing, same in all the directions */
  double ***u_old, ***u_new, ***rhs;
  double factor, factor2, l2_norm;
  int i,j,k;
  int max_iters=100;

  if (nargs>1)
    n = atoi(args[1]);
    n = 256;

  h = 1.0/(n-1);
  u_old = alloc3D(n+2, n+2, n+2);
  u_new = alloc3D(n+2, n+2, n+2);
  rhs = alloc3D(n+2, n+2, n+2);

  /* fill the right-hand side vector */
  factor = (1.0-h*h*M_PI*M_PI/4)*3.0*M_PI*M_PI;  /* use deferred correction */
  for (k=0; k<= n+1; k++)
    for (j=0; j<= n+1; j++)
      for (i=0; i<= n+1; i++)
	rhs[k][j][i] = 6.*h*h*factor*sin(M_PI*i*h)*sin(M_PI*j*h)*sin(M_PI*k*h);

  /* use initial zero guess */
  for (k=0; k<= n+1; k++)
    for (j=0; j<= n+1; j++)
      for (i=0; i<= n+1; i++)
	u_old[k][j][i] = u_new[k][j][i] = 0.;

  /* Jacobi iterations */

  l2_norm = 1e+12;
  factor = 1.0/24; factor2 = 6.0*h*h;

  printf("\n=====Timings (sec) for 19-Point Jacobi, Solving Poisson Eqn ");
  if(sizeof(REAL) == 4)
    printf(" (Single Precision) =====\n");
  if(sizeof(REAL) == 8)
    printf(" (Double Precision) =====\n");

  printf("Kernel\t Time(sec)\tGflops  \tBW-ideal(GB/s)\tBW-algorithm (N=(%d) iters=%d)\n",n, max_iters);

  int nIters=0; 

  double time_elapsed= getTime();
  double Gflops =0.0; 

#pragma mint copy ( u_old,  toDevice, ( n+2 ), n+2, ( n+2 ) )
#pragma mint copy ( u_new,  toDevice, ( n+2 ), n+2, ( n+2 ) )
#pragma mint copy ( rhs, toDevice, ( n+2 ), n+2, ( n+2 ) )

#pragma mint parallel 
    int iters = 0 ; 

  while (iters < max_iters && l2_norm > 1e-9) {

    /* update each interior point */
#pragma mint for  nest(all) tile(16,16,1)
    for (k=1; k<= n; k++){
      for (j=1; j<= n; j++){
	for (i=1; i<= n; i++)
	  u_new[k][j][i] = factor*(rhs[k][j][i]

    /* pointer swap */
  #pragma mint single
      REAL*** tmp;
      tmp = u_old; u_old= u_new; u_new = tmp;

      nIters = iters; 

#pragma mint copy ( u_old,  fromDevice, ( n+2 ), ( n+2 ), ( n+2 ) )
  time_elapsed = getTime() - time_elapsed;

  Gflops = (double)(nIters * (n) * (n) * (n) * 1.0e-9 * FLOPS) / time_elapsed ;

  l2_norm = 0;
  for (k=0; k<= n+1; k++)
    for (j=0; j<= n+1; j++)
      for (i=0; i<= n+1; i++) {
	factor = sin(M_PI*i*h)*sin(M_PI*j*h)*sin(M_PI*k*h);
	l2_norm += (factor-u_old[k][j][i])*(factor-u_old[k][j][i]);

  printf("%s%3.3f \t%5.3f\n", "Poisson19   ", time_elapsed, Gflops);
  printf(":N %d M %d K %d , iteration %d\n", n, n, n , nIters);
  printf(":max: %20.12e, l2norm: %20.12e\n",factor,sqrt(l2_norm*h*h*h));   
  //printf("Total iterations used: %d, l2-norm of error=%e\n",
  //	 nIters,sqrt(l2_norm*h*h*h));

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: qda.c Projeto: cran/stochmod
// Trains a QDA classifier
// Inputs:
// 	i_x - N x p data matrix of N samples in p dimensions
// 	i_y - N x 1 vector of labels
//	i_N - number of samples
//	i_p - data dimensionality
//	i_K - number of classes
//	i_debug_output - level of debug output
// Output:
//	o_priors - K x 1 vector of Bayesian priors, computed as fraction of points from each class
//	o_means - K x p matrix of means approximated from the data
//	o_covmats - K x p x p array of covariance matrices approximated from the data
//	o_icovmats - K x p x p array of inverse covariance matrices
//	o_bias - K x 1 vector of bias terms for discriminant function computations
// Memory allocation requirements for outputs:
//	o_priors must be of length K
//	o_means must be of length K*p
//	o_covmat must be of length K*p*p
//	o_icovmat must be of length K*p*p
//	o_bias must be of lenght K
//	o_status must be of length 1
//	o_info must be of length 1
// Meaning of o_status:
//	0 - Everything is OK
//	1 - The covariance matrix for class *o_info is singular
void QDAtrain( 
	      double* i_x, int* i_y, int* i_N, int* i_p, int* i_K, double* i_cov_reg,
	      int* i_debug_output,
	      double* o_priors, double* o_means, double* o_covmats, double* o_icovmats,
	      double* o_bias, int* o_status, int* o_info
  if( *i_debug_output > 0 )
    printf( "Currently running C version of the QDA.train code\n" );

  // Create local storage
  int i, j, t, k;
  int* Nk = (int*)malloc( *i_K * sizeof(int) );
  double** x = make2D( *i_N, *i_p );
  double** means = make2D( *i_K, *i_p );
  double*** covmats = make3D( *i_K, *i_p, *i_p );
  double*** icovmats = make3D( *i_K, *i_p, *i_p );

  // Copy and reshape the inputs
  cp_vec_mat( *i_N, *i_p, i_x, x );

  // Init the counts and means to 0
  for( k = 0; k < *i_K; k++ )
      Nk[k] = 0;
      for( i = 0; i < *i_p; i++ )
	means[k][i] = 0.0;

  // Init the covariance matrices to 0
  for( k = 0; k < *i_K; k++ )
    for( i = 0; i < *i_p; i++ )
      for( j = 0; j < *i_p; j++ )
	covmats[k][i][j] = 0.0;

  // Traverse one sample at a time to compute mean contributions
  for( t = 0; t < *i_N; t++ )
      k = i_y[t] - 1;		// account for 0-based index

      // Count the sample

      // Add contribution to the mean
      add_vec_vec( *i_p, 1.0, 1.0, means[k], x[t], means[k] );

  // Compute the means and the priors
  for( k = 0; k < *i_K; k++ )
      o_priors[k] = ((double)Nk[k]) / ((double)*i_N);
      mult_const_vec( *i_p, 1.0 / ((double)Nk[k]), means[k] );

  // Subtract the means from the samples and compute the covariance matrices
  for( t = 0; t < *i_N; t++ )
      k = i_y[t] - 1;		// account for 0-based index
      add_vec_vec( *i_p, 1.0, -1.0, x[t], means[k], x[t] );

      for( i = 0; i < *i_p; i++ )
	for( j = 0; j < *i_p; j++ )
	  covmats[k][i][j] += x[t][i] * x[t][j];

  for( k = 0; k < *i_K; k++ )
    for( i = 0; i < *i_p; i++ )
      for( j = 0; j < *i_p; j++ )
	covmats[k][i][j] /= (Nk[k] - 1);

  // Regularize the covariance matrices
  if( *i_cov_reg > 0 )
      for( k = 0; k < *i_K; k++ )
	for( i = 0; i < *i_p; i++ )
	  for( j = 0; j < *i_p; j++ )
	      covmats[k][i][j] *= (1 - *i_cov_reg);
	      if( i == j )
		covmats[k][i][j] += *i_cov_reg;
  // Compute the bias terms
  for( k = 0; k < *i_K; k++ )
    o_bias[k] = log( o_priors[k] ) - 0.5 * covmat_logdet( *i_p, covmats[k] );

  // Compute the covariance matrix inverses
  for( k = 0; k < *i_K; k++ )
      *o_status = covmat_inverse( *i_p, covmats[k], icovmats[k] );
      if( *o_status != 0 )
	  free2D( x, *i_N );
	  free2D( means, *i_K );
	  free3D( covmats, *i_K, *i_p );
	  free3D( icovmats, *i_K, *i_p );
	  *o_info = k;

  // Copy the results from local storage to outputs
  cp_mat_vec( *i_K, *i_p, means, o_means );
  cp_3D_vec( *i_K, *i_p, *i_p, covmats, o_covmats );
  cp_3D_vec( *i_K, *i_p, *i_p, icovmats, o_icovmats );

  // Free memory
  free2D( x, *i_N );
  free2D( means, *i_K );
  free3D( covmats, *i_K, *i_p );
  free3D( icovmats, *i_K, *i_p );