Exemplo n.º 1
/* clear table and rowset */
void Mapix::clearCommonObjects()
	if(m_lpTable || m_lpRows)
		m_lpTable = NULL;
			m_lpRows = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 2
int loadWordList(sqlite3* db, int* longestWord, int* num_N, int* num_V, int* num_v, int* num_A){
    printf("Generating words list...\n");
    int longest = 0;
    char createWordTable[] = "CREATE TABLE 'WORDS' ('word' char(30) PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE NOT NULL, 'type' int(3) NOT NULL, 'typeIndex' int(6) NOT NULL)";
    databaseCommand(createWordTable, db);
    char addToTableFormat[] = "INSERT INTO 'WORDS' ('word', 'type', 'typeIndex') VALUES ('%s' , '%d', '%d')";
    char commandBuffer[1024];
    FILE *ifp;
    char *mode = "r";
    ifp = fopen("dictionary.txt", mode); //
    if (ifp == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Can't open input file in.list!\n");
        return RET_INPUT_ERROR;
    char wordBuffer[128];
    int bigIndex = 0;
    int length;
    int type = 0;
    //N, V, t, i, A, v
    int types[4] = {0,0,0,0};
    while (fscanf(ifp, "%s\r", wordBuffer) != EOF) {
        length = strlen(wordBuffer);
        for (int i = 0; i<length; i++){
            if (wordBuffer[i]==' ' || (wordBuffer[i]>='A' && wordBuffer[i]<='Z') || wordBuffer[i]=='\'' || i>8) break;
            if (wordBuffer[i]=='|'){
                wordBuffer[i] = '\0';
                type = wordBuffer[i];
                int typeIndex = 0;
                bool valid = true;
                if (type=='V' || type=='t' || type=='i') type = 'V';
                if (type=='N') typeIndex = 0;
                else if (type=='V') typeIndex = 1;
                else if (type=='A') typeIndex = 2;
                else if (type=='v') typeIndex = 3;
                    valid = false;
                if (types[typeIndex]>=10000 || (types[typeIndex]>=1000 && type=='v') || (types[typeIndex]>=6480 && type=='V')) valid = false;
                if (valid){
                    sprintf(commandBuffer, addToTableFormat, wordBuffer, type, types[typeIndex]);
                    int sql = databaseCommand(commandBuffer, db);
                    if (sql!=RET_SQL_ERROR){
                    types[typeIndex] = types[typeIndex]+1;
                    int newLen = strlen(wordBuffer);
                    if (newLen > longest) longest = newLen;
    /*    if (bigIndex%4000==0){
            printf("Scanned %d words thus far...\n", bigIndex);
        } */
    printf("Word table generation complete.\a\n");
    char checkTypeFormat[] = "SELECT *, COUNT(*) FROM 'WORDS' WHERE (type = %d)";
    int typeConsts[] = {(int)'v', (int)'A', (int)'N', (int)'V', (int)'t', (int)'i'};
    for (int i = 0; i<4; i++){
        sprintf(commandBuffer, checkTypeFormat, typeConsts[i]);
        struct LinkedList* response = databaseSelect(commandBuffer, db, 1);
        //printf("Ran query %s\n", commandBuffer);
        int count = intColumn(response->value, 3);
        printf("There are %d %c (#%d) words.\n", count, (char) typeConsts[i], (int) typeConsts[i]);
        //sprintf(talkBuf, "say There are %d \"%c\" words.", count, (char) typeConsts[i]);
    *num_N = types[0];
    *num_V = types[1];
    *num_A = types[2];
    *num_v = types[3];
    //system("say There are over 9000 words! You are so 1337.");
    *longestWord = longest;
    bigIndex = 0;
    databaseCommand("CREATE TABLE 'MAPPINGS' ('number' INTEGER(30) PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE NOT NULL, 'adjective' char(50) NOT NULL, 'noun' char(50) NOT NULL, 'adverb' char(50) NOT NULL, 'verb' char(50) NOT NULL)", db);
    //char mapFormat[] = "INSERT INTO 'MAPPINGS' ('number', 'adjective', 'noun', 'adverb', 'verb') VALUES ('%llu' , '%s', '%s', '%s' , '%s')";
    for(uint64_t i = 0; i < 648000035999999; i++){
        struct LinkedList* words = wordsFromNumber(i, db);
        sprintf(commandBuffer, "INSERT INTO 'MAPPINGS' ('number', 'adjective', 'noun', 'adverb', 'verb') VALUES ('%llu' , '%s', '%s', '%s' , '%s')", i, words->value, words->next->value, words->next->next->value, words->next->next->next->value);
        databaseCommand(commandBuffer, db);
        if (i%10 ==0){
            printf("Mapped %llu sentences thus far...\n", i);
    }    This will take years to calculate.
    return RET_NO_ERROR;