Exemplo n.º 1
const char *cpiPython::GetConf(const char *conf, const char *var)
	if (!conf || !var) { log2("PY: GetConf   wrong parameters\n"); return NULL; }
	// first let's check hub's internal config:
	if(!strcmp(conf, "config"))
		static string res, file(server->mDBConf.config_name);
		cConfigItemBase *ci = NULL;
		if(file == server->mDBConf.config_name)
			ci = server->mC[var];
			if (ci)
				log3("PY: GetConf   got result from mDBConf: %s\n", res.c_str());
				return strdup(res.c_str());
		return NULL;
		/*char *s = (char*) calloc(1000, sizeof(char));
		int size = GetConfig((char*)conf, (char*)var, (char*)s, 999);
		if (size < 0) { log("PY: GetConf: error in script_api's GetConfig"); return NULL; }
		if (size > 999)
			s = (char*) calloc(size+1, sizeof(char));
			GetConfig((char*)conf, (char*)var, s, 999);
			return s;

	// let's try searching the database directly:
	if (!lib_begin || !lib_pack || !lib_unpack || !lib_packprint) return NULL;
	log3("PY: GetConf   file != 'config'... calling SQL\n");
	string query = string() + "select val from SetupList where file='" + conf + "' and var='" + var + "'";
	w_Targs *a = lib_pack( "sl", query.c_str(), (long)1 );
	log3("PY: GetConf   calling SQL with params: %s\n", lib_packprint(a));
	w_Targs *ret = SQL (-2, a);
	if (!ret) return NULL;
	long res, rows, cols;
	char **list;
	log3("PY: GetConf   SQL returned %s\n", lib_packprint(ret));
	if (!lib_unpack( ret, "lllp", &res, &rows, &cols, (void**) &list ))
		log3("PY: GetConf   call to SQL function failed\n");
		freee(ret); return NULL;
	if (!res || !rows || !cols || !list || !list[0]) return NULL;
	log3("PY: GetConf   returning value: %s\n", list[0]);
	const char * result = list[0]; free(list); return result;
Exemplo n.º 2
gf_timer_call_cancel (glusterfs_ctx_t *ctx,
		      gf_timer_t *event)
  if (!ctx || !event) {
    gf_log ("timer", GF_LOG_ERROR, "!ctx || !event");
    return 0;

  gf_timer_registry_t *reg = gf_timer_registry_init (ctx);
  if (!reg) {
    gf_log ("timer", GF_LOG_ERROR, "!reg");
    return 0;

  pthread_mutex_lock (&reg->lock);
    event->next->prev = event->prev;
    event->prev->next = event->next;
  pthread_mutex_unlock (&reg->lock);

  freee (event);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool cpiPython::SetConf(const char *conf, const char *var, const char *val)
	if (!conf || !var || !val) { log2("PY: SetConf: wrong parameters\n"); return false; }
	// first let's check hub's internal config:
	if(!strcmp(conf, "config"))
		string file(server->mDBConf.config_name);
		cConfigItemBase *ci = NULL;
		if(file == server->mDBConf.config_name)
			ci = server->mC[var];
			if (ci)
				log3("PY: SetConf   set the value directly in mDBConf to: %s\n", val);
				return true;
		return false;
		/*if (SetConfig((char*)conf, (char*)var, (char*)val)) return true;
		return false;*/
	// let's try searching the database directly:
	if (!lib_begin || !lib_pack || !lib_unpack || !lib_packprint) return false;
	log3("PY: SetConf   file != 'config', file == '%s'\n", conf);
	string query = string() + "delete from SetupList where file='" + conf + "' and var='" + var + "'";
	w_Targs *a = lib_pack( "sl", query.c_str(), (long)1 );
	log3("PY: SetConf   calling SQL with params: %s\n", lib_packprint(a));
	w_Targs *ret = SQL (-2, a);
	if (a) free(a);
	long res, rows, cols;
	char **list;
	log3("PY: SetConf   SQL returned %s\n", lib_packprint(ret));
	if (!lib_unpack( ret, "lllp", &res, &rows, &cols, (void**) &list ))
	{ log3("PY: SetConf   call to SQL function failed\n"); freee(ret); return false; }
	if (!res) { log2("requested config variable ( %s in %s ) does not exist\n", var, conf); };

	query = string("") + "insert into SetupList (file, var, val) values ('" + conf + "', '" + var + "', '" + val + "')";
	a = lib_pack( "sl", query.c_str(), (long)1 );
	log3("PY: SetConf   calling SQL with params: %s\n", lib_packprint(a));
	ret = SQL (-2, a);
	log3("PY: SetConf   SQL returned %s\n", lib_packprint(ret));
	if (!lib_unpack( ret, "lllp", &res, &rows, &cols, (void**) &list ))
	{ log3("PY: SetConf   call to SQL function failed\n"); freee(ret); return false; }
	if (!res) return false;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
transport_t *
transport_load (dict_t *options,
		xlator_t *xl,
		event_notify_fn_t notify)
  struct transport *trans = calloc (1, sizeof (struct transport));
  data_t *type_data;
  char *name = NULL;
  void *handle = NULL;
  char *type = "ERROR";

  if (!options) {
    freee (trans);
    gf_log ("transport", GF_LOG_ERROR, "options is NULL");
    return NULL;
  if (!xl) {
    freee (trans);
    gf_log ("transport", GF_LOG_ERROR, "xl is NULL");
    return NULL;
  if (!notify) {
    freee (trans);
    gf_log ("transport", GF_LOG_ERROR, "notify is NULL");
    return NULL;

  type_data = dict_get (options, "transport-type"); // transport type, e.g., "tcp"
  trans->xl = xl;

  trans->notify = notify;

  if (type_data) {
    type = data_to_str (type_data);
  } else {
    freee (trans);
    gf_log ("transport", GF_LOG_ERROR,
	    "'option transport-type <xxxx/_____>' missing in specification");
    return NULL;

  asprintf (&name, "%s/%s.so", TRANSPORTDIR, type);
  gf_log ("transport", GF_LOG_DEBUG,
	  "attempt to load file %s", name);

  handle = dlopen (name, RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL);

  if (!handle) {
    gf_log ("transport", GF_LOG_ERROR,
	    "dlopen (%s): %s", name, dlerror ());
    freee (name);
    freee (trans);
    return NULL;
  freee (name);

  if (!(trans->ops = dlsym (handle, "transport_ops"))) {
    gf_log ("transport", GF_LOG_ERROR,
	    "dlsym (transport_ops) on %s", dlerror ());
    freee (trans);
    return NULL;

  if (!(trans->init = dlsym (handle, "gf_transport_init"))) {
    gf_log ("transport", GF_LOG_ERROR,
	    "dlsym (gf_transport_init) on %s", dlerror ());
    freee (trans);
    return NULL;

  if (!(trans->fini = dlsym (handle, "gf_transport_fini"))) {
    gf_log ("transport", GF_LOG_ERROR,
	    "dlsym (gf_transport_fini) on %s", dlerror ());
    freee (trans);
    return NULL;

  if (trans->init (trans, options, notify) != 0) {
    gf_log ("transport", GF_LOG_ERROR,
	    "'%s' initialization failed", type);
    freee (trans);
    return NULL;

  pthread_mutex_init (&trans->lock, NULL);

  return trans;
Exemplo n.º 5
bool cpiPython::OnFirstMyINFO(cConnDC *conn, cMessageDC *msg)
	if (!online) return true;
	if((conn != NULL) && (conn->mpUser != NULL) && (msg != NULL))
		int func = W_OnFirstMyINFO;
		const char *original = msg->mStr.c_str();
		const char *origdesc = NULL, *origtag = NULL, *origspeed = NULL, *origmail = NULL, *origsize = NULL;
		const char *n, *desc, *tag, *speed, *mail, *size; // will be assigned by SplitMyINFO (even with NULL values)
		const char *nick = conn->mpUser->mNick.c_str();
		if (!SplitMyINFO(original, &n, &origdesc, &origtag, &origspeed, &origmail, &origsize))
		{ log1("PY: Call OnFirstMyINFO: malformed myinfo message: %s\n", original); return true; }
		w_Targs* args = lib_pack( "ssssss", n, origdesc, origtag, origspeed, origmail, origsize);
		log2("PY: Call %s: parameters %s\n", lib_hookname(func), lib_packprint(args));
		bool ret = true;
		w_Targs *result;
		long l;

			tvPythonInterpreter::iterator it;
			for(it = mPython.begin(); it != mPython.end(); ++it)
				result = (*it)->CallFunction(func, args);
					log3("PY: Call %s: returned NULL\n", lib_hookname(func));
				if(lib_unpack(result, "l", &l))  // default return value is 1L meaning: further processing,
					log3("PY: Call %s: returned l:%ld\n", lib_hookname(func), l);
					if (!l) ret = false;  // 0L means no more processing outside this plugin
				else if (lib_unpack(result, "sssss", &desc, &tag, &speed, &mail, &size))  // script wants to change the contents of myinfo
					log2("PY: modifying message - Call %s: returned %s\n", lib_hookname(func), lib_packprint(result));
					if (desc || tag || speed || mail || size)
						// message chunks need updating to new MyINFO
						// $MyINFO $ALL <nick> <interest>$ $<speed\x01>$<e-mail>$<sharesize>$
						// $MyINFO $ALL nick <++ V:0.668,M:P,H:39/0/0,S:1>$ $DSL$$74894830123$
						string newinfo = "$MyINFO $ALL ";
						newinfo += nick;
						newinfo += " ";
						newinfo += (desc) ? desc : origdesc;
						newinfo += (tag) ? tag : origtag;
						newinfo += "$ $";
						newinfo += (speed) ? speed : origspeed;
						newinfo += "$";
						newinfo += (mail) ? mail : origmail;
						newinfo += "$";
						newinfo += (size) ? size : origsize;
						newinfo += "$";

						log3("myinfo: [ %s ] will become: [ %s ]\n", original, newinfo.c_str());

						msg->mStr = newinfo;
						//msg->mType = eDC_MYINFO;
						if (msg->SplitChunks())
							log1("cpiPython::OnFirstMyINFO: failed to split new MyINFO into chunks\n");
						conn->mpUser->mEmail = msg->ChunkString(eCH_MI_MAIL);

					ret = true;  // we've changed myinfo so we want the hub to store it now
				else   // something unknown was returned... we will let the hub call other plugins
					log1("PY: Call %s: unexpected return value: %s\n", lib_hookname(func), lib_packprint(result));
		freee(n); freee(origdesc); freee(origtag); freee(origspeed); freee(origmail); freee(origsize);
		return ret;
	return true; // true means further processing