void Register::Commit() { int choice(0); if(nameEdit->text().isEmpty()) { choice = QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Not input name"),tr("you havn't input your username.\nDo you want to cancel the process?"),QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No); if(choice == QMessageBox::Yes) whenexit(); } else { QString usrname = nameEdit->text(); if(rmanager->searchuser(usrname)) { choice = QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Same name"),tr("the is already registed\nDo you want to try again"),QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No); if(choice == QMessageBox::No) whenexit(); } else if(keyEdit->text().isEmpty()) QMessageBox::warning(this,tr("Not Finished"),tr("you haven't input your key"),QMessageBox::Ok); else { rmanager->addusr(nameEdit->text(),studentNumberEdit->text(),emailEdit->text(),keyEdit->text()); QMessageBox::information(this,tr("Successful"),tr("Congratulations!"),QMessageBox::Ok); fresh(); whenexit(); } } }
VARIABLE_NAME* fresh_var_name (string prefix) { VARIABLE_NAME* result = new VARIABLE_NAME (fresh (prefix)); result->attrs->set_true ("phc.codegen.st_entry_not_required"); result->attrs->set_true ("phc.codegen.compiler_generated"); return result; }
//$B%3%s%9%H%i%/%?4X?t(B Kprint::Kprint() { charMonitor=(u16_t *)CharMonitorAddr;//$B%b%K%?$N%"%I%l%9$r$$$l$k(B color=0x0f; fleshdata=(color<<8)|0x20; fresh(); }
QVariant FeedItem::data(int role) const { switch(role) { case UidRole: return uid(); case TitleRole: return title(); case ContentRole: return content(); case LinkRole: return link(); case UrlRole: return url(); case IconRole: return icon(); case StreamIdRole: return streamId(); case UnreadRole: return unread(); case ReadRole: return read(); case ReadlaterRole: return readlater(); case FreshRole: return fresh(); default: return QVariant(); } }
Object::Reference Entity::retrieve(const Schema::Key& key){ Object::Reference result; if(!result){ Object::Reference fresh(NULL);// = Object::Factory::Registry.find(&Datum::staticMetaObject)->produce(NULL); setKey(fresh, key); if(Adapter->select(fresh)){ result = fresh; } } return result; }
TEST(SMARTPOINTER, copy) { double remember = 15.2; spointer<double> empty; { double* test = new double[1]; test[0] = remember; spointer<double> fresh(test); EXPECT_EQ(fresh.use_count(), 1); empty = fresh; EXPECT_EQ(fresh.use_count(), 2); } EXPECT_EQ(*empty, remember); }
void startwindowbf::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) { if(portOn&&(pdnshowcountp>0)) fresh(); else if(pdnshowcountp==0) { if(portOn) opi_closeucd_com(&com); portOn=false; *comPortUserp = BFCOMPORTFREE; if(!firsttimer) this->killTimer(timeid); if(!firstfile) fclose(file); firsttimer=true; firstfile=true; ui->checkWriteFileBox->setDisabled(false); } }
WizualizacjaWahadla::WizualizacjaWahadla( QWidget *wRodzic ): QWidget( wRodzic ){ param.q[0] = -90; param.q[1] = -90; param.q[2] = 0; param.q[3] = 0; param.l[0] = 6; param.l[1] = 3; param.m[0] = 5; param.m[1] = 4; S = new Wahadlo( this ); B = new QPushButton( this ); B->resize( 100, 30 ); B->move( 500, 300 ); B->setText("Apply Force"); connect(S, SIGNAL(UpdateAngles(PendulumParameters)), this, SLOT(fresh(PendulumParameters))); connect(B, SIGNAL(pressed()), S, SLOT(ApplyForce())); connect(B, SIGNAL(released()), S, SLOT(ReleaseForce())); setPalette( QPalette(Qt::white) ); setAutoFillBackground( true ); update(); }
size_t operator()() { return fresh(); }
void Kprint::fresh(u8_t nextcolor) { color=nextcolor; fleshdata=(color<<8)|0x20; fresh(); }
CLASS_NAME* fresh_class_name (string prefix) { return new CLASS_NAME (fresh (prefix)); }
int main(int argc,char** argv){ int sockfd; struct sockaddr_in servaddr; char recvBuf[MAXBUF]; char getInput[MAXBUF]; struct recvLine *recvline; struct sendLine sendline; if((sockfd=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0))<0){ perror("failed to create the socket!"); exit(errno); } memset(&servaddr,0,sizeof(servaddr)); servaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; servaddr.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT); servaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); if(connect(sockfd,(struct sockaddr*)&servaddr,sizeof(servaddr))<0){ perror("failed to connet the server!"); exit(errno); } freshCity(); char headSign[2] = {0x01,0x00}; char tailSign = 0x00; int endSign = 0; /*input the city name*/ while(fgets(getInput,MAXBUF,stdin)!=NULL){ getInput[strlen(getInput)-1] = '\0'; trim(getInput); endSign=0; if(getInput[0]==0x63 && strlen(getInput)==1){ //input 'c' to clear freshCity(); } else if(strlen(getInput)==0){ //just enter continue; } else if(getInput[0]==0x23 && strlen(getInput)==1){ //input '#' to end program running break; } else{ sendline = makeSendline(getInput,headSign,tailSign); send(sockfd,(char*)&sendline,sizeof(sendline),0); if(recv(sockfd,recvBuf,MAXBUF,0)==0){ perror("the server terminated prematurely!"); exit(errno); } recvline = (struct recvLine*)recvBuf; display(recvline); if(recvline->lineHead[0]==0x03){ //the city name is correct char dayNum[MAXBUF]; char packHead[2] = {0x02,0x01}; char packTail = 0x01; int backSign = 0; int sendSign = 1; /*input the number to request the weather message*/ while(fgets(dayNum,MAXBUF,stdin)!=NULL){ dayNum[strlen(dayNum)-1] = '\0'; trim(dayNum); backSign = 0; sendSign = 1; if(strlen(dayNum)==0){ continue; } else if(strlen(dayNum)!=1){ printf("%s\n","input error"); sendSign = 0; } else{ switch(dayNum[0]){ case 0x31: packHead[0]=0x02; packHead[1]=0x01; packTail=0x01; break; case 0x32: packHead[0]=0x02; packHead[1]=0x02; packTail=0x03; break; case 0x33: printf("%s","Please enter the day number(below 10, e.g. 1 means today):"); while(fgets(dayNum,MAXBUF,stdin)!=NULL){ dayNum[strlen(dayNum)-1] = '\0'; if(strlen(dayNum)==0){ continue; } else if(strlen(dayNum)!=1){ printf("%s\n","input error"); printf("%s","Please enter the day number(below 10, e.g. 1 means today):"); } else{ packHead[0]=0x02; packHead[1]=0x01; if(dayNum[0]>=0x31 && dayNum[0]<=0x39){ packTail = dayNum[0] - 0x30; break; } else{ printf("%s\n","input error"); printf("%s","Please enter the day number(below 10, e.g. 1 means today):"); } } } break; case 0x72: backSign=1;freshCity(); sendSign = 0; break; //input 'r' to turn back case 0x63: fresh(); sendSign = 0; break; //input 'c' to clear case 0x23: endSign =1; sendSign = 0; break; //input '#' to end the program default: printf("%s\n","input error"); sendSign=0; break; } if(backSign==1 || endSign==1){ break; } if(sendSign==1){ sendline = makeSendline(recvline->city,packHead,packTail); send(sockfd,(char*)&sendline,sizeof(sendline),0); if(recv(sockfd,recvBuf,MAXBUF,0) ==0){ perror("the server terminated prematurely!"); exit(errno); }; recvline = (struct recvLine*)recvBuf; WeathMsgDisp(recvline); //display the weather message! } } } if(endSign==1){ break; } } } memset(recvBuf,0,MAXBUF); } }
LABEL_NAME* fresh_label_name () { return new LABEL_NAME (fresh ("L")); }
HT_ITERATOR* fresh_iter () { return new HT_ITERATOR (fresh ("ht_iterator")); }
METHOD_NAME* fresh_method_name (string prefix) { return new METHOD_NAME (fresh (prefix)); }
INTERFACE_NAME* fresh_interface_name (string prefix) { return new INTERFACE_NAME (fresh (prefix)); }
void Register::whenexit() { emit isexit(); fresh(); close(); }
void startwindow::on_pushButton_2_clicked() { //re open the comport int i; OPIPKT_t opipkttmp; quint8 tempui8arr[512]; if(*comPortUserp==PDCCOMPORTFREE||*comPortUserp==PDCCOMPORTUSER) { if(portOn) opi_closeucd_com(&com); if(!firstfile) fclose(file); firstfile=true; *comPortUserp = PDCCOMPORTFREE; hide_check_pdn(); portOn = false; if(opi_openucd_com(&com)==0) { portOn = true; *comPortUserp = PDCCOMPORTUSER; get_opipkt_total=opiucd_getPDN(); if(!get_opipkt_total) { show_message.setText("there is no pdn devices"); show_message.show(); show_message.exec(); return ; } else show_check_pdn(); } else { portOn = false; *comPortUserp = PDCCOMPORTFREE; show_message.setText("Connect the Device again"); show_message.show(); show_message.exec(); return ; } }//other device doesnt use comport else { show_message.setText("Comport is busy,try again later"); show_message.show(); show_message.exec(); return ; } //re open the comport end if(!(portOn)) { *comPortUserp = PDCCOMPORTFREE; show_message.setText("You have to connect a Device"); show_message.show(); show_message.exec(); return ; } else if(Show_count==0) { show_message.setText("You have to choose Devices"); show_message.show(); show_message.exec(); return ; } else { *comPortUserp = PDCCOMPORTUSER; //if user show the showdatawindow,user can't control whether write file or not ui->checkWriteFileBox->setDisabled(true); if(!firstfile) fclose(file); //regulatefilename = userfilename; opiucd_status(&com, &opipkttmp); // should have opened device successfully before QDateTime stDT = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); regulatefilename = QString("D%1_ALL").arg(stDT.toString("yyyyMMdd_hhmmss")); if(ui->checkWriteFileBox->isChecked()) //if true then write it { firstfile=false; file = fopen(regulatefilename.append(".opi").toLatin1().data(), "wb+"); // write opihdr information fwrite(opipkttmp.payload, 1, OPIUCDSTLEN-1, file); for(i = 0; i < (512-(OPIUCDSTLEN-1)); i++) tempui8arr[i] = 0xFF; fwrite(tempui8arr, 1, (512-(OPIUCDSTLEN-1)), file); } else firstfile=true; //check which the pdn the user what to show for(i=1; i<OPIWANT_MAX+1; i++) { if(pdnOn[i]) //if the user choose the pdn then we open the showdatawindow { if(!sdw[i]->already_open) //if already open we will not open and reset again { firstpdn[i]=false; sdw[i]->setPdnNum(PDN_NUMBER[i]); sdw[i]->show(); } } else //if the user don't choose the pdn then we close the showdatawindow { if(sdw[i]->isVisible()) { sdw[i]->close(); sdw[i]->already_open=false; } } } //to avoid reopening timer if(firsttimer) { timeid=QObject::startTimer(startwindow_fresh_time); firsttimer=false; } fresh(); } }