Exemplo n.º 1
glm::vec3 indirect(const glm::vec3 &c, const glm::vec3 &p, const glm::vec3 &n, const Glass &glass, int iterations)
    float ior = 1.5f;

    // Calcul du rayon réfléchi
    glm::vec3 direction = reflect(c,n);
    glm::vec3 directionNorm = glm::normalize(direction);
    Ray rayReflexion{p+directionNorm*0.1f, directionNorm};

    // Calcul du rayon réfracté
    glm::vec3 vecRefract;
    refract(-c, n, ior, vecRefract);
    Ray rayRefraction{p+vecRefract*0.1f, vecRefract};

    // Calcul du coefficient reflechi/refracte

    float coeff = fresnelR(-c, n, ior);

    float rand = random_u();

    if (rand < coeff)
        return radiance(rayReflexion, iterations-1);
    return radiance(rayRefraction, iterations-1) * glass.color;

    //return radiance(rayReflexion, iterations-1) * coeff + radiance(rayRefraction, iterations-1) * (1- coeff);
Exemplo n.º 2
// Fresnel coeficient of transmission.
// Normal point outside the surface
// ior is n0 / n1 where n0 is inside and n1 is outside
float fresnelR(const glm::vec3 i, const glm::vec3 n, const float ior)
    if(glm::dot(n, i) < 0)
        return fresnelR(i, n * -1.f, 1.f / ior);

    float R0 = (ior - 1.f) / (ior + 1.f);
    R0 *= R0;

    return R0 + (1.f - R0) * std::pow(1.f - glm::dot(i, n), 5.f);
Exemplo n.º 3
glm::vec3 indirect(const Ray &rOrigine, const Ray &rReflect, const glm::vec3 &p,  const glm::vec3 & n, int countdown, const Glass &glass) {

    float fresnel = fresnelR(-rOrigine.direction,n, 1.5);
    glm::vec3 refracted;
    bool canRefract = refract(-rOrigine.direction, n, 1.5, refracted);
    Ray rRefracted{p+refracted*0.1f, refracted};
    if(canRefract) {
        float u = random_u();
        if(u < fresnel)
            return radiance(rReflect, countdown);
            return radiance(rRefracted, countdown);
        //return fresnel*radiance(rReflect, countdown)+(1-fresnel)*radiance(rRefracted, countdown);
        return fresnel*radiance(rReflect, countdown);