Exemplo n.º 1
/* Calculate the bounding rectangle for a string.
 * x and y assumed to be in INCHES.
void textRect(double x, double y, SEXP text, int i,
	      R_GE_gcontext *gc,
	      double xadj, double yadj,
	      double rot, GEDevDesc *dd, LRect *r) 
    /* NOTE that we must work in inches for the angles to be correct
    LLocation bl, br, tr, tl;
    LLocation tbl, tbr, ttr, ttl;
    LTransform thisLocation, thisRotation, thisJustification;
    LTransform tempTransform, transform;
    double w, h;
    if (isExpression(text)) {
	SEXP expr = VECTOR_ELT(text, i % LENGTH(text));
	w = fromDeviceWidth(GEExpressionWidth(expr, gc, dd),
			    GE_INCHES, dd);
	h = fromDeviceHeight(GEExpressionHeight(expr, gc, dd),
			     GE_INCHES, dd);
    } else {
	char* string = CHAR(STRING_ELT(text, i % LENGTH(text)));
	w = fromDeviceWidth(GEStrWidth(string, gc, dd),
			    GE_INCHES, dd);
	h = fromDeviceHeight(GEStrHeight(string, gc, dd),
			     GE_INCHES, dd);
    location(0, 0, bl);
    location(w, 0, br);
    location(w, h, tr);
    location(0, h, tl);
    translation(-xadj*w, -yadj*h, thisJustification);
    translation(x, y, thisLocation);
    if (rot != 0)
	rotation(rot, thisRotation);
    /* Position relative to origin of rotation THEN rotate.
    multiply(thisJustification, thisRotation, tempTransform);
    /* Translate to (x, y)
    multiply(tempTransform, thisLocation, transform);
    trans(bl, transform, tbl);
    trans(br, transform, tbr);
    trans(tr, transform, ttr);
    trans(tl, transform, ttl);
    rect(locationX(tbl), locationX(tbr), locationX(ttr), locationX(ttl),
	 locationY(tbl), locationY(tbr), locationY(ttr), locationY(ttl),
    /* For debugging, the following prints out an R statement to draw the
     * bounding box
    Rprintf("\ngrid.lines(c(%f, %f, %f, %f, %f), c(%f, %f, %f, %f, %f), default.units=\"inches\")\n",
	locationX(tbl), locationX(tbr), locationX(ttr), locationX(ttl),
	 locationY(tbl), locationY(tbr), locationY(ttr), locationY(ttl),
Exemplo n.º 2
static double
step_computing(int k,
	       double *px, double *py,
	       double s1, double s2,
	       double precision,
               pGEDevDesc dd)
  double A_blend[4];
  double xstart, ystart, xend, yend, xmid, ymid, xlength, ylength;
  double start_to_end_dist, devWidth, devHeight, devDiag, number_of_steps;
  double  step, angle_cos, scal_prod, xv1, xv2, yv1, yv2, sides_length_prod;

  /* This function computes the step used to draw the segment (p1, p2)
     (xv1, yv1) : coordinates of the vector from middle to origin
     (xv2, yv2) : coordinates of the vector from middle to extremity */

  if ((s1 == 0) && (s2 == 0))
    return(1.0);              /* only one step in case of linear segment */

  /* compute coordinates of the origin */
  if (s1>0) {
      if (s2<0) {
	  positive_s1_influence(k, 0.0, s1, &A_blend[0], &A_blend[2]);
	  negative_s2_influence(0.0, s2, &A_blend[1], &A_blend[3]);
      } else {
	  positive_s1_influence(k, 0.0, s1, &A_blend[0], &A_blend[2]);
	  positive_s2_influence(k, 0.0, s2, &A_blend[1], &A_blend[3]);
      point_computing(A_blend, px, py, &xstart, &ystart);
  } else {
      xstart = px[1];
      ystart = py[1];

  /* compute coordinates  of the extremity */
  if (s2>0) {
      if (s1<0) {
	  negative_s1_influence(1.0, s1, &A_blend[0], &A_blend[2]);
	  positive_s2_influence(k, 1.0, s2, &A_blend[1], &A_blend[3]);
      } else {
	  positive_s1_influence(k, 1.0, s1, &A_blend[0], &A_blend[2]);
	  positive_s2_influence(k, 1.0, s2, &A_blend[1], &A_blend[3]);
      point_computing(A_blend, px, py, &xend, &yend);
  } else {
      xend = px[2];
      yend = py[2];

  /* compute coordinates  of the middle */
  if (s2>0) {
      if (s1<0) {
	  negative_s1_influence(0.5, s1, &A_blend[0], &A_blend[2]);
	  positive_s2_influence(k, 0.5, s2, &A_blend[1], &A_blend[3]);
      } else {
	  positive_s1_influence(k, 0.5, s1, &A_blend[0], &A_blend[2]);
	  positive_s2_influence(k, 0.5, s2, &A_blend[1], &A_blend[3]);
  } else if (s1<0) {
      negative_s1_influence(0.5, s1, &A_blend[0], &A_blend[2]);
      negative_s2_influence(0.5, s2, &A_blend[1], &A_blend[3]);
  } else {
      positive_s1_influence(k, 0.5, s1, &A_blend[0], &A_blend[2]);
      negative_s2_influence(0.5, s2, &A_blend[1], &A_blend[3]);
  point_computing(A_blend, px, py, &xmid, &ymid);

  xv1 = xstart - xmid;
  yv1 = ystart - ymid;
  xv2 = xend - xmid;
  yv2 = yend - ymid;

  scal_prod = xv1*xv2 + yv1*yv2;

  sides_length_prod = sqrt((xv1*xv1 + yv1*yv1)*(xv2*xv2 + yv2*yv2));

  /* compute cosinus of origin-middle-extremity angle, which approximates the
     curve of the spline segment */
  if (sides_length_prod == 0.0)
    angle_cos = 0.0;
    angle_cos = scal_prod/sides_length_prod;

  xlength = xend - xstart;
  ylength = yend - ystart;

  start_to_end_dist = sqrt(xlength*xlength + ylength*ylength);

  /* Paul 2009-01-25
   * It is possible for origin and extremity to be very remote
   * indeed (if the control points are located WAY off the device).
   * In order to avoid having ridiculously many steps, limit
   * the start_to_end_dist to being the length of the diagonal of the 
   * device.
  devWidth = fromDeviceWidth(toDeviceWidth(1, GE_NDC, dd),
                             GE_INCHES, dd)*1200;
  devHeight = fromDeviceHeight(toDeviceHeight(1, GE_NDC, dd),
                               GE_INCHES, dd)*1200;
  devDiag = sqrt(devWidth* devWidth + devHeight*devHeight);
  if (start_to_end_dist > devDiag)
      start_to_end_dist = devDiag;

  /* more steps if segment's origin and extremity are remote */
  number_of_steps = sqrt(start_to_end_dist)/2;

  /* more steps if the curve is high */
  number_of_steps += (int)((1 + angle_cos)*10);

  if (number_of_steps == 0)
    step = 1;
    step = precision/number_of_steps;

  if ((step > MAX_SPLINE_STEP) || (step == 0))
    step = MAX_SPLINE_STEP;

  return (step);