Exemplo n.º 1
void setup_init_base_vfs_paths()
    //---- tell the vfs to add the basic search paths

    //---- mount all of the default global directories

    // mount the global basicdat directory t the beginning of the list
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat"), Ego::VfsPath("mp_data"), 1 );

    // Create a mount point for the /user/modules directory
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getUserDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("modules"), Ego::VfsPath("mp_modules"), 1 );

    // Create a mount point for the /data/modules directory
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("modules"), Ego::VfsPath("mp_modules"), 1 );

    // Create a mount point for the /user/players directory
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getUserDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("players"), Ego::VfsPath("mp_players"), 1 );

    // Create a mount point for the /data/players directory
    //vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("players"), Ego::VfsPath("mp_players"), 1 );     //ZF> Let's remove the local players folder since it caused so many problems for people

    // Create a mount point for the /user/remote directory
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getUserDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("import"), Ego::VfsPath("mp_import"), 1 );

    // Create a mount point for the /user/remote directory
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getUserDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("remote"), Ego::VfsPath("mp_remote"), 1 );
Exemplo n.º 2
bool setup_init_module_vfs_paths(const char *mod_path)
    const char * path_seperator_1, * path_seperator_2;
    const char * mod_dir_ptr;
    STRING mod_dir_string;

    STRING tmpDir;

    if ( INVALID_CSTR( mod_path ) ) return false;

    // revert to the program's basic mount points

    path_seperator_1 = strrchr( mod_path, SLASH_CHR );
    path_seperator_2 = strrchr( mod_path, NET_SLASH_CHR );
    path_seperator_1 = std::max( path_seperator_1, path_seperator_2 );

    if ( NULL == path_seperator_1 )
        mod_dir_ptr = mod_path;
        mod_dir_ptr = path_seperator_1 + 1;

    strncpy( mod_dir_string, mod_dir_ptr, SDL_arraysize( mod_dir_string ) );

    //==== set the module-dependent mount points

    //---- add the "/modules/*.mod/objects" directories to mp_objects
    snprintf( tmpDir, SDL_arraysize( tmpDir ), "modules" SLASH_STR "%s" SLASH_STR "objects", mod_dir_string );

    // mount the user's module objects directory at the beginning of the mount point list
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath(tmpDir), Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );

    // mount the global module objects directory next in the mount point list
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getUserDirectory(), Ego::FsPath(tmpDir), Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );

    //---- add the "/basicdat/globalobjects/*" directories to mp_objects
    //ZF> TODO: Maybe we should dynamically search for all folders in this directory and add them as valid mount points?
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat" SLASH_STR "globalobjects" SLASH_STR "items"),            Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat" SLASH_STR "globalobjects" SLASH_STR "magic"),            Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat" SLASH_STR "globalobjects" SLASH_STR "magic_item"),       Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat" SLASH_STR "globalobjects" SLASH_STR "misc"),             Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat" SLASH_STR "globalobjects" SLASH_STR "monsters"),         Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat" SLASH_STR "globalobjects" SLASH_STR "players"),          Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat" SLASH_STR "globalobjects" SLASH_STR "potions"),          Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat" SLASH_STR "globalobjects" SLASH_STR "unique"),           Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat" SLASH_STR "globalobjects" SLASH_STR "weapons"),          Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat" SLASH_STR "globalobjects" SLASH_STR "work_in_progress"), Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat" SLASH_STR "globalobjects" SLASH_STR "traps"),            Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat" SLASH_STR "globalobjects" SLASH_STR "pets"),             Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat" SLASH_STR "globalobjects" SLASH_STR "scrolls"),          Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat" SLASH_STR "globalobjects" SLASH_STR "armor"),            Ego::VfsPath("mp_objects"), 1 );

    //---- add the "/modules/*.mod/gamedat" directory to mp_data
    snprintf( tmpDir, SDL_arraysize( tmpDir ), "modules" SLASH_STR "%s" SLASH_STR "gamedat",  mod_dir_string );

    // mount the user's module gamedat directory at the beginning of the mount point list
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getUserDirectory(), Ego::FsPath(tmpDir), Ego::VfsPath("mp_data"), 1 );

    // append the global module gamedat directory
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath(tmpDir), Ego::VfsPath("mp_data"), 1 );

    // put the global globalparticles data after the module gamedat data
    vfs_add_mount_point( fs_getDataDirectory(), Ego::FsPath("basicdat" SLASH_STR "globalparticles"), Ego::VfsPath("mp_data"), 1 );

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
bool_t setup_read_vfs()
    /// @details BB@> read the setup file

    // Read the local setup.txt
    fs_ensureUserFile( "setup.txt", btrue );
    snprintf( _config_filename, SDL_arraysize( _config_filename ), "%s" SLASH_STR "setup.txt", fs_getUserDirectory() );

    // do NOT force the file to open in a read directory if it doesn't exist. this will cause a failure in
    // linux if the directory is read-only
    lConfigSetup = LoadConfigFile( _config_filename, bfalse );

    //Did something go wrong?
    if ( NULL == lConfigSetup )
        log_error( "Could not load setup settings: \"%s\"\n", _config_filename );
        return bfalse;

    log_info( "Loaded setup file - \"%s\".\n", _config_filename );
    return btrue;