static quicklist * get_island(region * root) { quicklist * ql, *result = 0; int qi = 0; fset(root, RF_MARK); ql_push(&result, root); for (ql = result, qi = 0; ql; ql_advance(&ql, &qi, 1)) { int dir; region *r = (region *)ql_get(ql, qi); region * next[MAXDIRECTIONS]; get_neighbours(r, next); for (dir = 0; dir != MAXDIRECTIONS; ++dir) { region *rn = next[dir]; if (rn != NULL && rn->land && !fval(rn, RF_MARK)) { fset(rn, RF_MARK); ql_push(&result, rn); } } } for (ql = result, qi = 0; ql; ql_advance(&ql, &qi, 1)) { region *r = (region *)ql_get(ql, qi); freset(r, RF_MARK); } return result; }
void register_Ray_class() { { //::xfx::Ray typedef bp::class_< xfx::Ray > Ray_exposer_t; Ray_exposer_t Ray_exposer = Ray_exposer_t( "Ray", bp::init< >() ); bp::scope Ray_scope( Ray_exposer ); Ray_exposer.def( bp::init< xfx::Vec3 const &, xfx::Vec3 const & >(( bp::arg("origin"), bp::arg("direction") )) ); { //::xfx::Ray::Point typedef ::xfx::Vec3 ( ::xfx::Ray::*point_function_type )( float ) const; Ray_exposer.def( "point" , point_function_type( &::xfx::Ray::Point ) , ( bp::arg("t") ) ); } { //::xfx::Ray::Transform typedef void ( ::xfx::Ray::*transform_function_type )( ::xfx::Mat4 const & ) ; Ray_exposer.def( "transform" , transform_function_type( &::xfx::Ray::Transform ) , ( bp::arg("m") ) ); } { //property "origin"[fget=::xfx::Ray::Origin, fset=::xfx::Ray::SetOrigin] typedef ::xfx::Vec3 const & ( ::xfx::Ray::*fget )( ) const; typedef void ( ::xfx::Ray::*fset )( ::xfx::Vec3 const & ) ; Ray_exposer.add_property( "origin" , bp::make_function( fget( &::xfx::Ray::Origin ) , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >() ) , fset( &::xfx::Ray::SetOrigin ) , "get\\set property, built on top of \"xfx::Vec3 const & xfx::Ray::Origin() const [member function]\" and \"void xfx::Ray::SetOrigin(xfx::Vec3 const & origin) [member function]\"" ); } { //property "direction"[fget=::xfx::Ray::Direction, fset=::xfx::Ray::SetDirection] typedef ::xfx::Vec3 const & ( ::xfx::Ray::*fget )( ) const; typedef void ( ::xfx::Ray::*fset )( ::xfx::Vec3 const & ) ; Ray_exposer.add_property( "direction" , bp::make_function( fget( &::xfx::Ray::Direction ) , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >() ) , fset( &::xfx::Ray::SetDirection ) , "get\\set property, built on top of \"xfx::Vec3 const & xfx::Ray::Direction() const [member function]\" and \"void xfx::Ray::SetDirection(xfx::Vec3 const & dir) [member function]\"" ); } bp::register_ptr_to_python< boost::shared_ptr< xfx::Ray const > >( ); bp::implicitly_convertible< boost::shared_ptr< xfx::Ray >, boost::shared_ptr< xfx::Ray const > >( ); } }
void setguard(unit * u, bool enabled) { if (!enabled) { freset(u, UFL_GUARD); } else { assert(!fval(u, UFL_MOVED)); assert(u->status < ST_FLEE); fset(u, UFL_GUARD); fset(u->region, RF_GUARDED); } }
void register_V3DPluginArgItem_class(){ { //::V3DPluginArgItem typedef bp::class_< V3DPluginArgItem > V3DPluginArgItem_exposer_t; V3DPluginArgItem_exposer_t V3DPluginArgItem_exposer = V3DPluginArgItem_exposer_t( "V3DPluginArgItem" ); bp::scope V3DPluginArgItem_scope( V3DPluginArgItem_exposer ); { //property "type"[fget=::get_argitem_type, fset=::set_argitem_type] typedef ::std::string ( *fget )( ::V3DPluginArgItem const & ); typedef void ( *fset )( ::V3DPluginArgItem &,::std::string const & ); V3DPluginArgItem_exposer.add_property( "type" , fget( &::get_argitem_type ) , fset( &::set_argitem_type ) ); } V3DPluginArgItem_exposer.add_property("p", bp::make_function(&get_pluginargitem_pointer, bp::return_internal_reference<>()), bp::make_function(&set_pluginargitem_pointer, bp::with_custodian_and_ward<1,2>() )); } }
static void melt_iceberg(region * r) { attrib *a; unit *u; for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) freset(u->faction, FFL_SELECT); for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) if (!fval(u->faction, FFL_SELECT)) { fset(u->faction, FFL_SELECT); ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("iceberg_melt", "region", r)); } /* driftrichtung löschen */ a = a_find(r->attribs, &at_iceberg); if (a) a_remove(&r->attribs, a); /* Gebäude löschen */ while (r->buildings) { remove_building(&r->buildings, r->buildings); } /* in Ozean wandeln */ terraform_region(r, newterrain(T_OCEAN)); /* Einheiten, die nicht schwimmen können oder in Schiffen sind, * ertrinken */ drown(r); }
void set_group(struct unit *u, struct group *g) { attrib *a = NULL; if (fval(u, UFL_GROUP)) { a = a_find(u->attribs, &at_group); } if (a) { group *og = (group *)a->data.v; if (og == g) return; --og->members; } if (g) { if (!a) { a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_group)); fset(u, UFL_GROUP); } a->data.v = g; g->members++; } else if (a) { a_remove(&u->attribs, a); freset(u, UFL_GROUP); } }
/** ** GM: GATE <id> <x> <y> ** requires: permission-key "gmgate" **/ static void gm_gate(const void *tnext, struct unit * u, struct order *ord) { const struct plane *pl = rplane(u->region); int id = getid(); int x = rel_to_abs(pl, u->faction, getint(), 0); int y = rel_to_abs(pl, u->faction, getint(), 1); building *b = findbuilding(id); region *r; pnormalize(&x, &y, pl); r = findregion(x, y); if (b == NULL || r == NULL || pl != rplane(b->region) || pl != rplane(r)) { mistake(u, ord, "the unit cannot transform this building."); return; } else { /* checking permissions */ attrib *permissions = a_find(u->faction->attribs, &at_permissions); if (permissions && has_permission(permissions, atoi36("gmgate"))) { remove_triggers(&b->attribs, "timer", &tt_gate); remove_triggers(&b->attribs, "create", &tt_unguard); if (r != b->region) { add_trigger(&b->attribs, "timer", trigger_gate(b, r)); add_trigger(&b->attribs, "create", trigger_unguard(b)); fset(b, BLD_UNGUARDED); } } } }
void move_unit(unit * u, region * r, unit ** ulist) { assert(u && r); assert(u->faction || !"this unit is dead"); if (u->region == r) return; if (!ulist) ulist = (&r->units); if (u->region) { setguard(u, GUARD_NONE); fset(u, UFL_MOVED); if (u->ship || u->building) { /* can_leave must be checked in travel_i */ #ifndef NDEBUG bool result = leave(u, false); assert(result); #else leave(u, false); #endif } translist(&u->region->units, ulist, u); } else { addlist(ulist, u); } #ifdef SMART_INTERVALS update_interval(u->faction, r); #endif u->region = r; }
unit *addplayer(region * r, faction * f) { unit *u; const char * name; assert(r->land); if (rpeasants(r) < PEASANT_MIN) { rsetpeasants(r, PEASANT_MIN + rng_int() % (PEASANT_MAX - PEASANT_MIN)); } assert(f->units == NULL); faction_setorigin(f, 0, r->x, r->y); u = create_unit(r, f, 1, f->race, 0, NULL, NULL); u->thisorder = default_order(f->locale); unit_addorder(u, copy_order(u->thisorder)); name = config_get("rules.equip_first"); if (!equip_unit(u, name ? name : "first_unit")) { /* give every unit enough money to survive the first turn */ i_change(&u->items, get_resourcetype(R_SILVER)->itype, maintenance_cost(u)); } u->hp = unit_max_hp(u) * u->number; fset(u, UFL_ISNEW); if (f->race == get_race(RC_DAEMON)) { race_t urc; const race *rc; do { urc = (race_t)(rng_int() % MAXRACES); rc = get_race(urc); } while (rc == NULL || urc == RC_DAEMON || !playerrace(rc)); u->irace = rc; } f->lastorders = 0; return u; }
/** ** GM: TELL PLANE <string> ** requires: permission-key "gmmsgr" **/ static void gm_messageplane(const void *tnext, struct unit *gm, struct order *ord) { const struct plane *p = rplane(gm->region); const char *zmsg = getstrtoken(); if (p == NULL) { mistake(gm, ord, "In diese Ebene kann keine Nachricht gesandt werden."); } else { /* checking permissions */ attrib *permissions = a_find(gm->faction->attribs, &at_permissions); if (!permissions || !has_permission(permissions, atoi36("gmmsgr"))) { mistake(gm, ord, "permission denied."); } else { message *msg = msg_message("msg_event", "string", zmsg); faction *f; region *r; for (f = factions; f; f = f->next) { freset(f, FFL_SELECT); } for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { unit *u; if (rplane(r) != p) continue; for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) if (!fval(u->faction, FFL_SELECT)) { f = u->faction; fset(f, FFL_SELECT); add_message(&f->msgs, msg); } } msg_release(msg); } } }
static void recruit_dracoids(unit * dragon, int size) { faction *f = dragon->faction; region *r = dragon->region; const struct item *weapon = NULL; order *new_order = NULL; unit *un = create_unit(r, f, size, get_race(RC_DRACOID), 0, NULL, NULL); fset(un, UFL_ISNEW | UFL_MOVED); name_unit(un); change_money(dragon, -un->number * 50); equip_unit(un, get_equipment("recruited_dracoid")); setstatus(un, ST_FIGHT); for (weapon = un->items; weapon; weapon = weapon->next) { const weapon_type *wtype = weapon->type->rtype->wtype; if (wtype && (wtype->flags & WTF_MISSILE)) { setstatus(un, ST_BEHIND); } new_order = create_order(K_STUDY, f->locale, "'%s'", skillname(weapon->type->rtype->wtype->skill, f->locale)); } if (new_order != NULL) { addlist(&un->orders, new_order); } }
/* Magier weicht dem Kampf aus. Wenn er sich bewegen kann, zieht er in * eine Nachbarregion, wobei ein NACH berücksichtigt wird. Ansonsten * bleibt er stehen und nimmt nicht weiter am Kampf teil. */ int sp_denyattack(struct castorder * co) { fighter * fi = co->magician.fig; int level = co->level; const spell * sp = co->sp; battle *b = fi->side->battle; unit *mage = fi->unit; region *r = b->region; message *m; /* Fliehende Einheiten verlassen auf jeden Fall Gebäude und Schiffe. */ if (!fval(r->terrain, SEA_REGION)) { leave(mage, false); } /* und bewachen nicht */ setguard(mage, GUARD_NONE); /* irgendwie den langen befehl sperren */ /* fset(fi, FIG_ATTACKED); */ /* wir tun so, als wäre die Person geflohen */ fset(fi, FIG_NOLOOT); fi->run.hp = mage->hp; fi->run.number = mage->number; /* fighter leeren */ rmfighter(fi, mage->number); m = msg_message("cast_escape_effect", "mage spell", fi->unit, sp); message_all(b, m); msg_release(m); return level; }
static void test_piracy_cmd_errors(CuTest * tc) { race *r; faction *f; unit *u, *u2; ship_type *st_boat; test_setup(); setup_piracy(); st_boat = st_get_or_create("boat"); r = test_create_race("pirates"); u = test_create_unit(f = test_create_faction(r), test_create_region(0, 0, get_or_create_terrain("ocean"))); f->locale = test_create_locale(); u->thisorder = create_order(K_PIRACY, f->locale, ""); assert(u && u->thisorder); piracy_cmd(u); CuAssertPtrNotNullMsg(tc, "must be on a ship for PIRACY", test_find_messagetype(f->msgs, "error144")); test_clear_messages(f); fset(r, RCF_SWIM); piracy_cmd(u); CuAssertPtrEquals_Msg(tc, "swimmers are pirates", 0, test_find_messagetype(f->msgs, "error144")); CuAssertPtrEquals_Msg(tc, "swimmers are pirates", 0, test_find_messagetype(f->msgs, "error146")); freset(r, RCF_SWIM); fset(r, RCF_FLY); CuAssertPtrEquals_Msg(tc, "flyers are pirates", 0, test_find_messagetype(f->msgs, "error144")); freset(r, RCF_FLY); test_clear_messages(f); u_set_ship(u, test_create_ship(u->region, st_boat)); u2 = test_create_unit(u->faction, u->region); u2->thisorder = create_order(K_PIRACY, f->locale, ""); u_set_ship(u2, u->ship); test_clear_messages(f); piracy_cmd(u2); CuAssertPtrNotNullMsg(tc, "must be owner for PIRACY", test_find_messagetype(f->msgs, "error146")); test_clear_messages(f); piracy_cmd(u); CuAssertPtrNotNullMsg(tc, "must specify target for PIRACY", test_find_messagetype(f->msgs, "piratenovictim")); CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, u->thisorder); test_teardown(); }
void AGAST::detect( FeatureSet& features, const Image& img ) { if( img.format() != IFormat::GRAY_UINT8 ) throw CVTException( "Input Image format must be GRAY_UINT8" ); FeatureSetWrapper fset( features ); _astDetector->detect( img, _threshold, fset, _border ); }
static void move_icebergs(void) { region *r; for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { if (r->terrain == newterrain(T_ICEBERG) && !fval(r, RF_SELECT)) { int select = rng_int() % 10; if (select < 4) { /* 4% chance */ fset(r, RF_SELECT); melt_iceberg(r); } else if (select < 64) { /* 60% chance */ fset(r, RF_SELECT); move_iceberg(r); } } } }
static int enter_arena(unit * u, const item_type * itype, int amount, order * ord) { skill_t sk; region *r = u->region; unit *u2; int fee = u->faction->score / 5; unused(ord); unused(amount); unused(itype); if (fee > 2000) fee = 2000; if (getplane(r) == arena) return -1; if (u->number != 1 && enter_fail(u)) return -1; if (get_pooled(u, oldresourcetype[R_SILVER], GET_DEFAULT, fee) < fee && enter_fail(u)) return -1; for (sk = 0; sk != MAXSKILLS; ++sk) { if (get_level(u, sk) > 1 && enter_fail(u)) return -1; } for (u2 = r->units; u2; u2 = u2->next) if (u2->faction == u->faction) break; assert(!"not implemented"); /* for (res=0;res!=MAXRESOURCES;++res) if (res!=R_SILVER && res!=R_ARENA_GATE && (is_item(res) || is_herb(res) || is_potion(res))) { int x = get_resource(u, res); if (x) { if (u2) { change_resource(u2, res, x); change_resource(u, res, -x); } else if (enter_fail(u)) return -1; } } */ if (get_money(u) > fee) { if (u2) change_money(u2, get_money(u) - fee); else if (enter_fail(u)) return -1; } ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("arena_enter_fail", "region unit", u->region, u)); use_pooled(u, itype->rtype, GET_SLACK | GET_RESERVE, 1); use_pooled(u, oldresourcetype[R_SILVER], GET_DEFAULT, fee); set_money(u, 109); fset(u, UFL_ANON_FACTION); move_unit(u, start_region[rng_int() % 6], NULL); return 0; }
static void get_island_info(region * root, int *size_p, int *inhabited_p, int *maxage_p) { int qi, size = 0, maxage = 0, inhabited = 0; quicklist *ql, *island = NULL; ql_push(&island, root); fset(root, RF_MARK); for (ql = island, qi = 0; ql; ql_advance(&ql, &qi, 1)) { int d; region *r = (region *)ql_get(ql, qi); if (r->units) { unit *u; for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (!fval(u->faction, FFL_NOIDLEOUT) && u->faction->age > maxage) { maxage = u->faction->age; } } ++inhabited; } ++size; for (d = 0; d != MAXDIRECTIONS; ++d) { region *rn = rconnect(r, d); if (rn && !fval(rn, RF_MARK) && rn->land) { ql_push(&island, rn); fset(rn, RF_MARK); } } } for (ql = island, qi = 0; ql; ql_advance(&ql, &qi, 1)) { region *r = (region *)ql_get(ql, qi); freset(r, RF_MARK); } ql_free(island); if (size_p) *size_p = size; if (inhabited_p) *inhabited_p = inhabited; if (maxage_p) *maxage_p = maxage; }
FontFileLister::CollectionResult FontConfigFontFileLister::GetFontPaths(std::string const& facename, int bold, bool italic, std::set<wxUniChar> const& characters) { CollectionResult ret; std::string family(facename); if (family[0] == '@') family.erase(0, 1); boost::to_lower(family); int weight = bold == 0 ? 80 : bold == 1 ? 200 : bold; int slant = italic ? 110 : 0; // Create a fontconfig pattern to match the desired weight/slant agi::scoped_holder<FcPattern*> pat(FcPatternCreate(), FcPatternDestroy); if (!pat) return ret; FcPatternAddBool(pat, FC_OUTLINE, true); FcPatternAddInteger(pat, FC_SLANT, slant); FcPatternAddInteger(pat, FC_WEIGHT, weight); FcDefaultSubstitute(pat); if (!FcConfigSubstitute(config, pat, FcMatchPattern)) return ret; // Create a font set with only correctly named fonts // This is needed because the patterns returned by font matching only // include the first family and fullname, so we can't always verify that // we got the actual font we were asking for after the fact agi::scoped_holder<FcFontSet*> fset(FcFontSetCreate(), FcFontSetDestroy); find_font(FcConfigGetFonts(config, FcSetApplication), fset, family); find_font(FcConfigGetFonts(config, FcSetSystem), fset, family); // Get the best match from fontconfig FcResult result; FcFontSet *sets[] = { (FcFontSet*)fset }; agi::scoped_holder<FcPattern*> match(FcFontSetMatch(config, sets, 1, pat, &result), FcPatternDestroy); if (!match) return ret; FcChar8 *file; if(FcPatternGetString(match, FC_FILE, 0, &file) != FcResultMatch) return ret; FcCharSet *charset; if (FcPatternGetCharSet(match, FC_CHARSET, 0, &charset) == FcResultMatch) { for (wxUniChar chr : characters) { if (!FcCharSetHasChar(charset, chr)) ret.missing += chr; } } ret.paths.emplace_back((const char *)file); return ret; }
static int do_potion(unit * u, region *r, const potion_type * ptype, int amount) { if (ptype == oldpotiontype[P_LIFE]) { int holz = 0; static int tree_type = -1; static int tree_count = -1; if (tree_type < 0) { tree_type = get_param_int(global.parameters, "rules.magic.wol_type", 1); tree_count = get_param_int(global.parameters, "rules.magic.wol_effect", 10); } /* mallorn is required to make mallorn forests, wood for regular ones */ if (fval(r, RF_MALLORN)) { holz = use_pooled(u, rt_find("mallorn"), GET_SLACK | GET_RESERVE | GET_POOLED_SLACK, tree_count * amount); } else { holz = use_pooled(u, rt_find("log"), GET_SLACK | GET_RESERVE | GET_POOLED_SLACK, tree_count * amount); } if (r->land == 0) holz = 0; if (holz < tree_count * amount) { int x = holz / tree_count; if (holz % tree_count) ++x; if (x < amount) amount = x; } rsettrees(r, tree_type, rtrees(r, tree_type) + holz); ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("growtree_effect", "mage amount", u, holz)); } else if (ptype == oldpotiontype[P_HEILWASSER]) { u->hp = _min(unit_max_hp(u) * u->number, u->hp + 400 * amount); } else if (ptype == oldpotiontype[P_PEOPLE]) { attrib *a = (attrib *) a_find(r->attribs, &at_peasantluck); if (!a) a = a_add(&r->attribs, a_new(&at_peasantluck)); a->data.i += amount; } else if (ptype == oldpotiontype[P_HORSE]) { attrib *a = (attrib *) a_find(r->attribs, &at_horseluck); if (!a) a = a_add(&r->attribs, a_new(&at_horseluck)); a->data.i += amount; } else if (ptype == oldpotiontype[P_WAHRHEIT]) { fset(u, UFL_DISBELIEVES); amount = 1; } else if (ptype == oldpotiontype[P_MACHT]) { /* Verfünffacht die HP von max. 10 Personen in der Einheit */ u->hp += _min(u->number, 10 * amount) * unit_max_hp(u) * 4; } else { change_effect(u, ptype, 10 * amount); } return amount; }
static void test_monsters_waiting(CuTest * tc) { faction *f, *f2; unit *u, *m; create_monsters(&f, &f2, &u, &m); setguard(m, true); fset(m, UFL_ISNEW); monster_attacks(m, false, false); CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, 0, find_order("attack 1", m)); test_cleanup(); }
static void test_give_new_unit(CuTest * tc) { struct give env = { 0 }; test_setup_ex(tc); env.f1 = test_create_faction(NULL); env.f2 = test_create_faction(NULL); setup_give(&env); env.dst->number = 0; fset(env.dst, UFL_ISNEW); CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, NULL, check_give(env.src, env.dst, NULL)); test_teardown(); }
faction *get_or_create_monsters(void) { faction *f = findfaction(MONSTER_ID); if (!f) { const race *rc = rc_get_or_create("dragon"); const char *email = get_param(global.parameters, ""); f = addfaction(email ? email : "*****@*****.**", NULL, rc, default_locale, 0); renumber_faction(f, MONSTER_ID); faction_setname(f, "Monster"); fset(f, FFL_NPC | FFL_NOIDLEOUT); } return f; }
static void test_monsters_waiting(CuTest * tc) { faction *f, *f2; region *r; unit *u, *m; create_monsters(&f, &f2, &r, &u, &m); guard(m, GUARD_TAX); fset(m, UFL_ISNEW); monster_attacks(m, false, false); CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, 0, find_order("ATTACKIERE 1", m)); test_cleanup(); }
/** Drachen und Seeschlangen können entstehen */ void spawn_dragons(void) { region *r; faction *monsters = get_or_create_monsters(); for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { unit *u; if (fval(r->terrain, SEA_REGION) && rng_int() % 10000 < 1) { u = create_unit(r, monsters, 1, get_race(RC_SEASERPENT), 0, NULL, NULL); fset(u, UFL_ISNEW | UFL_MOVED); equip_unit(u, get_equipment("monster_seaserpent")); } if ((r->terrain == newterrain(T_GLACIER) || r->terrain == newterrain(T_SWAMP) || r->terrain == newterrain(T_DESERT)) && rng_int() % 10000 < (5 + 100 * chaosfactor(r))) { if (chance(0.80)) { u = create_unit(r, monsters, nrand(60, 20) + 1, get_race(RC_FIREDRAGON), 0, NULL, NULL); } else { u = create_unit(r, monsters, nrand(30, 20) + 1, get_race(RC_DRAGON), 0, NULL, NULL); } fset(u, UFL_ISNEW | UFL_MOVED); equip_unit(u, get_equipment("monster_dragon")); log_debug("spawning %d %s in %s.\n", u->number, LOC(default_locale, rc_name_s(u_race(u), (u->number == 1) ? NAME_SINGULAR : NAME_PLURAL)), regionname(r, NULL)); name_unit(u); /* add message to the region */ ADDMSG(&r->msgs, msg_message("sighting", "region race number", r, u_race(u), u->number)); } } }
void create_icebergs(void) { region *r; for (r = regions; r; r = r->next) { if (r->terrain == newterrain(T_ICEBERG_SLEEP) && chance(0.05)) { bool has_ocean_neighbour = false; direction_t dir; region *rc; unit *u; freset(r, RF_SELECT); for (dir = 0; dir < MAXDIRECTIONS; dir++) { rc = rconnect(r, dir); if (rc && fval(rc->terrain, SEA_REGION)) { has_ocean_neighbour = true; break; } } if (!has_ocean_neighbour) continue; rsetterrain(r, T_ICEBERG); fset(r, RF_SELECT); move_iceberg(r); for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { freset(u->faction, FFL_SELECT); } for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next) { if (!fval(u->faction, FFL_SELECT)) { fset(u->faction, FFL_SELECT); ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("iceberg_create", "region", r)); } } } } }
faction *get_or_create_monsters(void) { faction *f = findfaction(MONSTER_ID); if (!f) { const race *rc = rc_get_or_create("dragon"); const char *email = config_get(""); f = addfaction(email, NULL, rc, default_locale); renumber_faction(f, MONSTER_ID); faction_setname(f, "Monster"); fset(f, FFL_NPC | FFL_NOIDLEOUT); } return f; }
static void setup_pirate(unit **pirate, int p_r_flags, int p_rc_flags, const char *p_shiptype, unit **victim, int v_r_flags, const char *v_shiptype) { terrain_type *vterrain; ship_type *st_boat = NULL; race *rc; faction *f; setup_piracy(); vterrain = get_or_create_terrain("terrain1"); fset(vterrain, v_r_flags); *victim = test_create_unit(test_create_faction(NULL), test_create_region(1, 0, vterrain)); assert(*victim); if (v_shiptype) { st_boat = st_get_or_create(v_shiptype); u_set_ship(*victim, test_create_ship((*victim)->region, st_boat)); free(st_boat->coasts); st_boat->coasts = (struct terrain_type **)calloc(2, sizeof(struct terrain_type *)); st_boat->coasts[0] = vterrain; st_boat->coasts[1] = 0; } *pirate = create_unit(test_create_region(0, 0, get_or_create_terrain("terrain2")), f = test_create_faction(NULL), 1, rc = rc_get_or_create("pirate"), 0, 0, 0); fset(rc, p_rc_flags); assert(f && *pirate); if (p_shiptype) { st_boat = st_get_or_create(p_shiptype); u_set_ship(*pirate, test_create_ship((*pirate)->region, st_boat)); free(st_boat->coasts); st_boat->coasts = (struct terrain_type **)calloc(2, sizeof(struct terrain_type *)); st_boat->coasts[0] = vterrain; st_boat->coasts[1] = 0; } f->locale = get_or_create_locale("de"); (*pirate)->thisorder = create_order(K_PIRACY, f->locale, "%s", itoa36((*victim)->faction->no)); }
static int unguard_handle(trigger * t, void *data) { building *b = (building *)t->data.v; if (b) { fset(b, BLD_UNGUARDED); } else { log_error("could not perform unguard::handle()\n"); return -1; } unused_arg(data); return 0; }
static void test_buildingtype_exists(CuTest * tc) { region *r; building *b; building_type *btype, *btype2; test_setup(); btype2 = test_create_buildingtype("castle"); assert(btype2); btype = test_create_buildingtype("lighhouse"); btype->maxsize = 10; r = test_create_plain(0, 0); b = test_create_building(r, btype); CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, b); b->size = 10; CuAssertTrue(tc, !buildingtype_exists(r, NULL, false)); CuAssertTrue(tc, !buildingtype_exists(r, btype2, false)); CuAssertTrue(tc, buildingtype_exists(r, btype, false)); b->size = 9; fset(b, BLD_MAINTAINED); CuAssertTrue(tc, !buildingtype_exists(r, btype, false)); btype->maxsize = 0; freset(b, BLD_MAINTAINED); CuAssertTrue(tc, buildingtype_exists(r, btype, false)); btype->maxsize = 10; b->size = 10; fset(b, BLD_MAINTAINED); CuAssertTrue(tc, buildingtype_exists(r, btype, true)); freset(b, BLD_MAINTAINED); CuAssertTrue(tc, !buildingtype_exists(r, btype, true)); test_teardown(); }
static void volcano_destruction(region * volcano, region * r, region * rn, const char *damage) { attrib *a; unit **up; int percent = 25, time = 6 + rng_int() % 12; rsettrees(r, 2, 0); rsettrees(r, 1, 0); rsettrees(r, 0, 0); a = a_find(r->attribs, &at_reduceproduction); if (!a) { a = make_reduceproduction(percent, time); } else { /* Produktion vierteln ... */ a->[0] = (short)percent; /* Für 6-17 Runden */ a->[1] = (short)(a->[1] + time); } /* Personen bekommen 4W10 Punkte Schaden. */ for (up = &r->units; *up;) { unit *u = *up; if (u->number) { int dead = damage_unit(u, damage, true, false); if (dead) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("volcano_dead", "unit region dead", u, volcano, dead)); } if (r == volcano && !fval(u->faction, FFL_SELECT)) { fset(u->faction, FFL_SELECT); if (rn) { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("volcanooutbreak", "regionv regionn", r, rn)); } else { ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("volcanooutbreaknn", "region", r)); } } } if (u == *up) up = &u->next; } remove_empty_units_in_region(r); }