String c_AsyncFunctionWaitHandle::getName() { switch (getState()) { case STATE_BLOCKED: case STATE_READY: case STATE_RUNNING: { auto func = actRec()->func(); if (!func->cls() || func->cls()->attrs() & AttrNoOverride || actRec()->localsDecRefd()) { auto name = func->fullName(); if (func->isClosureBody()) { const char* p = strchr(name->data(), ':'); if (p) { return concat(String(name->data(), p + 1 - name->data(), CopyString), s__closure_); } else { return s__closure_; } } return String{const_cast<StringData*>(name)}; } auto const cls = actRec()->hasThis() ? actRec()->getThis()->getVMClass() : actRec()->getClass(); if (cls == func->cls() && !func->isClosureBody()) { return String{const_cast<StringData*>(func->fullName())}; } StrNR funcName(func->isClosureBody() ? s__closure_.get() : func->name()); return concat3(cls->nameStr(), "::", funcName); } default: raise_fatal_error( "Invariant violation: encountered unexpected state"); } }
Variant invoke(const char *function, const Variant& params, strhash_t hash /* = -1 */, bool tryInterp /* = true */, bool fatal /* = true */) { String funcName(function, CopyString); return invoke(funcName, params, hash, tryInterp, fatal); }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { CUdevice main_device = 0; CUcontext main_context = nullptr; CUmodule mod_vectorAdd = nullptr; CUfunction fun_vectorAdd = nullptr; std::string path_vectorAdd( "D:/devel/vectoradd-cuda-driverAPI/" ); std::string ptx_vectorAdd ( "D:/devel/vectoradd-cuda-driverAPI/vectorAdd.ptx" ); CUdeviceptr input_data = 0u; CUdeviceptr output_data = 0u; std::size_t problem_size = 1024; try { //Initialize the driver API check_error( cuInit( 0u ) ); { int device_count = 0u; check_error( cuDeviceGetCount( &device_count ) ); if( ! device_count ) { std::cerr << "No CUDA devices available" << std::endl; throw CUDA_ERROR_NO_DEVICE; } } check_error( cuDeviceGet( &main_device, 0 ) ); check_error( cuCtxCreate( &main_context, 0, main_device ) ); //Try to manually compile the source file { std::stringstream build_command; build_command << "nvcc " "-ptx " "-o " << ptx_vectorAdd << " " << path_vectorAdd; if( int build_status = system( build_command.str( ).c_str( ) ) ) { std::cerr << "Failed to compile source cuda file into a ptx assembly" << std::endl; throw CUDA_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } //Find module entry with assembly std::string str_assembly; { std::ifstream fassembly( ptx_vectorAdd ); if( !fassembly.is_open( ) ) { std::cerr << "'Vector Add' assembly unavailable" << std::endl; throw CUDA_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } fassembly.seekg (0, std::ios::end); str_assembly.resize( std::string::size_type( fassembly.tellg() ) ); fassembly.seekg (0, std::ios::beg); &str_assembly[0], str_assembly.size( ) ); fassembly.close( ); } auto entry_pos = str_assembly.find( ".entry" ); if( entry_pos == std::string::npos ) { std::cerr << "No entry point in 'Vector Add'" << std::endl; throw CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_SOURCE; } entry_pos += 6u; //".entry".size( ) auto search_limit = str_assembly.find_first_of( " (", entry_pos ); if( search_limit == std::string::npos ) { std::cerr << "No entry point in 'Vector Add'" << std::endl; throw CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_SOURCE; } std::string funcName( str_assembly.substr( entry_pos, search_limit ) ); check_error( cuModuleLoad ( &mod_vectorAdd, ptx_vectorAdd.c_str( ) ) ); check_error( cuModuleGetFunction ( &fun_vectorAdd, mod_vectorAdd, funcName.c_str( ) ) ); } //Play with buffer cuMemAlloc( &input_data, problem_size * sizeof( float ) ); cuMemAlloc( &output_data, problem_size * sizeof( float ) ); { int threadsPerBlock = 256; int blocksPerGrid = (problem_size + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock; void* args[] = { &input_data, &output_data, &problem_size }; cuLaunchKernel( fun_vectorAdd, blocksPerGrid, 1, 1, threadsPerBlock, 1, 1, 0, 0, args, nullptr); } float* result = new float[problem_size]; cuMemcpyDtoH( result, output_data, problem_size * sizeof( float ) ); std::copy( result, result + problem_size, std::ostream_iterator<float>(std::cout, ", ") ); delete[] result; if( output_data ) cuMemFree ( output_data ); if( input_data ) cuMemFree ( input_data ); if( mod_vectorAdd ) cuModuleUnload ( mod_vectorAdd ); if( main_context ) cuCtxDestroy ( main_context ); } catch( int return_code ) { if( output_data ) cuMemFree ( output_data ); if( input_data ) cuMemFree ( input_data ); if( mod_vectorAdd ) cuModuleUnload ( mod_vectorAdd ); if( main_context ) cuCtxDestroy ( main_context ); system("PAUSE"); return return_code;
//============================================================================== void MaterialProgramCreator::parseOperationTag( const XmlElement& operationTag, GLenum glshader, GLbitfield glshaderbit, MPString& out) { static const char OUT[] = {"out"}; // <id></id> I id = operationTag.getChildElement("id").getInt(); // <returnType></returnType> XmlElement retTypeEl = operationTag.getChildElement("returnType"); MPString retType(retTypeEl.getText(), m_alloc); MPString operationOut(m_alloc); if(retType != "void") { MPString tmp(MPString::toString(id, m_alloc)); operationOut = ANKI_STRL(OUT) + tmp; } // <function>functionName</function> MPString funcName( operationTag.getChildElement("function").getText(), m_alloc); // <arguments></arguments> XmlElement argsEl = operationTag.getChildElementOptional("arguments"); MPStringList argsList(m_alloc); if(argsEl) { // Get all arguments XmlElement argEl = argsEl.getChildElement("argument"); do { MPString arg(argEl.getText(), m_alloc); // Search for all the inputs and mark the appropriate Input* input = nullptr; for(Input& in : m_inputs) { // Check that the first part of the string is equal to the // variable and the following char is '[' if(in.m_name == arg) { input = ∈ in.m_shaderReferencedMask = glshaderbit; break; } } // The argument should be an input variable or an outXX if(!(input != nullptr || std::strncmp(&arg[0], OUT, sizeof(OUT) - 1) == 0)) { throw ANKI_EXCEPTION("Incorrect argument: %s", &arg[0]); } // Add to a list and do something special if instanced if(input && input->m_instanced) { if(glshader == GL_VERTEX_SHADER) { argsList.push_back(ANKI_STRL(argEl.getText()) + "[gl_InstanceID]"); m_instanceIdMask |= glshaderbit; } else if(glshader == GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER) { argsList.push_back(ANKI_STRL(argEl.getText()) + "[vInstanceId[0]]"); m_instanceIdMask |= glshaderbit; } else if(glshader == GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER) { argsList.push_back(ANKI_STRL(argEl.getText()) + "[commonPatch.instanceId]"); m_instanceIdMask |= glshaderbit; } else if(glshader == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER) { argsList.push_back(ANKI_STRL(argEl.getText()) + "[vInstanceId]"); m_instanceIdMask |= glshaderbit; } else { throw ANKI_EXCEPTION( "Cannot access the instance ID in all shaders"); } } else { argsList.push_back(MPString(argEl.getText(), m_alloc)); } // Advance argEl = argEl.getNextSiblingElement("argument"); } while(argEl); } // Now write everything MPString lines(m_alloc); lines.reserve(256); lines += "#if defined(" + funcName + "_DEFINED)"; // Write the defines for the operationOuts for(const MPString& arg : argsList) { if(arg.find(OUT) == 0) { lines += " && defined(" + arg + "_DEFINED)"; } } lines += "\n"; if(retType != "void") { lines += "#\tdefine " + operationOut + "_DEFINED\n\t" + retTypeEl.getText() + " " + operationOut + " = "; } else { lines += "\t"; } // write the blah = func(args...) lines += funcName + "("; lines += argsList.join(", "); lines += ");\n"; lines += "#endif"; // Done out = std::move(lines); }