Doub rtnewt(T &funcd, const Doub x1, const Doub x2, const Doub xacc) {
    cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(10);
    cout << "k|\t\tx(k)\t\t\td(k)\t\t\t\td/d" << endl;
    cout << "--------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
	const Int JMAX=20;
	Doub rtn=0.5*(x1+x2);
    Doub oldrtn;
    Doub oldd, d;
	for (Int j=0;j<JMAX;j++) {
		Doub f=funcd(rtn);
		Doub df=funcd.df(rtn);
		Doub dx=f/df;
		rtn -= dx;
        cout << j << "|\t\t" << rtn;
        if (j > 0) {
            d = rtn - oldrtn;
            cout << "\t" << d;
        if (j > 1) {
            cout << "\t\t" << d / oldd;
        cout << endl;
        oldrtn = rtn;
        oldd = d;
		if ((x1-rtn)*(rtn-x2) < 0.0)
			throw("Jumped out of brackets in rtnewt");
		if (abs(dx) < xacc) return rtn;
	throw("Maximum number of iterations exceeded in rtnewt");
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: Projeto: cran/gld
void gl_rs_distfunc( double *pa,double *pb,double *pc,double *pd, 
double  *px1,double *px2,double *pxacc, int *max_it,
double *ecks, double *u, int *pl)

/* pa to pd: 	pointers to the values of the parameters of the gld (rs param)
 * px1:		minimum value of u, should be zero
 * px2:		maximum value of u, should be 1
 * pxacc:	desired accuracy of the calculation
 * max_it: 	maximum iterations for N-R root finder 
 * ecks:	the quantiles of the gld given
 * u:		array to put the calculated depths
 * pl:		length of the data
	double  x1, x2, xacc; 		
	double  a, b, c, d;
	int l;

	int i,j;
	double df,dx,dxold,f,fh,fl;
	double temp,xh,xl,rts;
	void funcd();

	x1 = *px1; x2 = *px2; xacc = *pxacc;
	a = *pa; b = *pb; c = *pc; d = *pd;
	l = *pl;

	la = a; lb = b; lc = c; ld = d;

/* The C version has something here to force the limits to be xacc and 1-xacc
	rather than 0 and 1 if lambda3 and lambda4 are negative.  I can't 
	see why, so I'm leaving it out.*/

for (i=0;i<l;i++)
        x = ecks[i];
	u[i] = 0.0;
	if (fl*fh >= 0.0) {
		error("gld package C code numerical failure (this should not happen - please report to maintainer)\n Program aborted during calculation of F(x)\n at parameter values %f, %f, %f, %f\n The x value was index: %d, value %f\n",*pa, *pb, *pc, *pd, i, x);
	if (fl < 0.0) {
		xl = x1;
		xh = x2;
	else {
		xh = x1;
		xl = x2;
	rts = 0.5*(x1+x2);
	dxold = fabs(x2-x1);
	dx = dxold;
	for (j=1;j<= *max_it;j++) {
		if ((((rts - xh)*df - f)* ( (rts-xl)*df - f) >= 0.0 ) ||
( fabs(2.0*f) > fabs (dxold*df))) {
			dxold = dx;
			dx = .5* (xh - xl);
			rts = xl +dx;
			if (xl == rts ) { u[i] = rts; break; }
		else {
			dxold = dx;
			dx = f/df;
			temp = rts;
			rts -= dx;
			if (temp == rts) { u[i] = rts; break; }
		if (fabs(dx) < xacc) { u[i] = rts; break; }
		if (f < 0.0)
			xl =rts;
			xh =rts;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: GLDEX.c Projeto: cran/GLDEX
void gl_rs_distfunc_p( double *pa,double *pb,double *pc,double *pd, 
double  *px1,double *px2,double *pxacc, int *max_it,
double **ecks, double *u, int *pl,double *tolR)
/* pa to pd: 	pointers to the values of the parameters of the gld (rs param)
 * px1:		minimum value of u, should be zero
 * px2:		maximum value of u, should be 1
 * pxacc:	desired accuracy of the calculation
 * max_it: 	maximum iterations for N-R root finder 
 * ecks:	the quantiles of the gld given
 * u:		array to put the calculated depths
 * pl:		length of the data

	double  x1, x2, xacc; 		
	double  a, b, c, d;
	int l;

	int i,j;
	double df,dx,dxold,f,fh,fl;
	double temp,xh,xl,rts;

	x1 = *px1; x2 = *px2; xacc = *pxacc;
	a = *pa; b = *pb; c = *pc; d = *pd;
	l = *pl, tol = *tolR;

	la = a; lb = b; lc = c; ld = d;

/* Robert King's comment: The C version force the limits to be xacc and 1-xacc
rather than 0 and 1 if lambda3 and lambda4 are negative. */

for (i=0;i<l;i++)
        x = *ecks[i];
	u[i] = 0.0;

	if (fl*fh >= 0.0) {
error("C code numerical failure");

/* 	fprintf(stderr,"Program aborted during calculation of F(x)");
		fprintf(stderr,"at parameter values %e, %e, %e, %e\n", *pa, *pb, *pc, *pd);
		fprintf(stderr,"The x value being investigated was index: %d",i);
		fprintf(stderr," value: %f\n",x);

	if (fl < 0.0) {
		xl = x1;
		xh = x2;
	else {
		xh = x1;
		xl = x2;
	rts = 0.5*(x1+x2);
	dxold = fabs(x2-x1);
	dx = dxold;
	for (j=1;j<= *max_it;j++) {
		if ((((rts - xh)*df - f)* ( (rts-xl)*df - f) >= 0.0 ) ||
( fabs(2.0*f) > fabs (dxold*df))) {
			dxold = dx;
			dx = .5* (xh - xl);
			rts = xl +dx;
			if (xl == rts ) { u[i] = rts; break; }
		else {
			dxold = dx;
			dx = f/df;
			temp = rts;
			rts -= dx;
			if (temp == rts) { u[i] = rts; break; }
		if (fabs(dx) < xacc) { u[i] = rts; break; }
		if (f < 0.0)
			xl =rts;
			xh =rts;