void PhysXMeshCollider::setGeometry(const PxGeometry& geometry)
		PxShape* shape = getInternal()->_getShape();
		if (shape->getGeometryType() != geometry.getType())
			PxShape* newShape = gPhysX().getPhysX()->createShape(geometry, *gPhysX().getDefaultMaterial(), true);
Exemplo n.º 2
	void PhysXD6Joint::setLimitLinear(const LimitLinear& limit)
		PxJointLinearLimit pxLimit(gPhysX().getScale(), limit.extent, limit.contactDist);
		pxLimit.stiffness = limit.spring.stiffness;
		pxLimit.damping = limit.spring.damping;
		pxLimit.restitution = limit.restitution;

	PhysXMeshCollider::PhysXMeshCollider(PxPhysics* physx, const Vector3& position, const Quaternion& rotation)
		PxSphereGeometry geometry(0.01f); // Dummy

		PxShape* shape = physx->createShape(geometry, *gPhysX().getDefaultMaterial(), true);
		shape->setLocalPose(toPxTransform(position, rotation));
		shape->userData = this;

		mInternal = bs_new<FPhysXCollider>(shape);
	PhysXCharacterController::PhysXCharacterController(PxControllerManager* manager, const CHAR_CONTROLLER_DESC& desc)
		PxCapsuleControllerDesc pxDesc = toPxDesc(desc);
		pxDesc.reportCallback = this;
		pxDesc.material = gPhysX().getDefaultMaterial();

		mController = static_cast<PxCapsuleController*>(manager->createController(pxDesc));
	PhysXSphereCollider::PhysXSphereCollider(PxPhysics* physx, const Vector3& position, const Quaternion& rotation,
		float radius)
		PxSphereGeometry geometry(radius);

		PxShape* shape = physx->createShape(geometry, *gPhysX().getDefaultMaterial(), true);
		shape->setLocalPose(toPxTransform(position, rotation));
		shape->userData = this;

		mInternal = bs_new<FPhysXCollider>(shape);
Exemplo n.º 6
	void FPhysXMesh::initialize()
		if (mCookedData != nullptr && mCookedDataSize > 0)
			PxPhysics* physx = gPhysX().getPhysX();

			PxDefaultMemoryInputData input(mCookedData, mCookedDataSize);
			if (mType == PhysicsMeshType::Convex)
				mConvexMesh = physx->createConvexMesh(input);
				mTriangleMesh = physx->createTriangleMesh(input);
Exemplo n.º 7
	PhysXBoxCollider::PhysXBoxCollider(PxPhysics* physx, const Vector3& position, const Quaternion& rotation, 
		const Vector3& extents)
		PxBoxGeometry geometry(extents.x, extents.y, extents.z);

		PxShape* shape = physx->createShape(geometry, *gPhysX().getDefaultMaterial(), true);
		shape->setLocalPose(toPxTransform(position, rotation));
		shape->userData = this;

		mInternal = bs_new<FPhysXCollider>(shape);
Exemplo n.º 8
	 * Attempts to cook a triangle or convex mesh from the provided mesh data. Will log a warning and return false if it is
	 * unable to cook the mesh. If the method returns true the resulting convex mesh will be output in the @p data buffer,
	 * and its size in @p size. The data buffer will be allocated used the generic allocator and is up to the caller to 
	 * free it.
	bool cookMesh(const SPtr<MeshData>& meshData, PhysicsMeshType type, UINT8** data, UINT32& size)
		if (meshData == nullptr)
			return false;

		PxCooking* cooking = gPhysX().getCooking();
		if (cooking == nullptr)
			LOGWRN("Attempting to cook a physics mesh but cooking is not enabled globally.");
			return false;

		SPtr<VertexDataDesc> vertexDesc = meshData->getVertexDesc();
		if (!vertexDesc->hasElement(VES_POSITION))
			LOGWRN("Provided PhysicsMesh mesh data has no vertex positions.");
			return false;

		if (type == PhysicsMeshType::Convex)
			if(!cookConvex(cooking, meshData, data, size))
				LOGWRN("Failed cooking a convex mesh. Perpahs it is too complex? Maximum number of convex vertices is 256.");
				return false;
			PxTriangleMeshDesc meshDesc;
			meshDesc.points.count = meshData->getNumVertices();
			meshDesc.points.stride = vertexDesc->getVertexStride();
			meshDesc.points.data = meshData->getElementData(VES_POSITION);

			meshDesc.triangles.count = meshData->getNumIndices() / 3;
			meshDesc.flags |= PxMeshFlag::eFLIPNORMALS;

			IndexType indexType = meshData->getIndexType();
			if (indexType == IT_32BIT)
				meshDesc.triangles.stride = 3 * sizeof(PxU32);
				meshDesc.triangles.data = meshData->getIndices32();
				meshDesc.triangles.stride = 3 * sizeof(PxU16);
				meshDesc.triangles.data = meshData->getIndices16();
				meshDesc.flags |= PxMeshFlag::e16_BIT_INDICES;

			PxDefaultMemoryOutputStream output;
			if (!cooking->cookTriangleMesh(meshDesc, output))
				return false;

			size = output.getSize();
			*data = (UINT8*)bs_alloc(size);

			memcpy(*data, output.getData(), size);

		return true;