Exemplo n.º 1
 * g_mime_part_is_attachment:
 * @mime_part: a #GMimePart object
 * Determines whether or not the part is an attachment based on the
 * value of the Content-Disposition header.
 * Returns: %TRUE if the part is an attachment, otherwise %FALSE.
 * Since: 2.6.21
g_mime_part_is_attachment (GMimePart *mime_part)
	GMimeContentDisposition *disposition;
	g_return_val_if_fail (GMIME_IS_PART (mime_part), FALSE);
	disposition = g_mime_object_get_content_disposition ((GMimeObject *) mime_part);
	return disposition != NULL && g_mime_content_disposition_is_attachment (disposition);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void
test_disposition_sync (void)
	GMimeContentDisposition *disposition;
	const char *raw_value, *value;
	GMimeHeaderList *headers;
	GMimeParamList *params;
	GMimeObject *object;
	GMimeHeader *header;
	GMimePart *part;
	object = (GMimeObject *) (part = g_mime_part_new ());
	headers = g_mime_object_get_header_list (object);
	testsuite_check ("content-disposition synchronization");
	try {
		g_mime_object_set_disposition (object, "attachment");
		/* first, check that the current Content-Disposition header
		 * value is "application/octet-stream" as expected */
		if (!(value = g_mime_object_get_header (object, "Content-Disposition")))
			throw (exception_new ("initial content-disposition header was unexpectedly null"));
		if (strcmp ("attachment", value) != 0)
			throw (exception_new ("initial content-disposition header had unexpected value: %s", value));
		header = g_mime_header_list_get_header (headers, "Content-Disposition");
		if (!(raw_value = g_mime_header_get_raw_value (header)))
			throw (exception_new ("initial content-disposition raw_value was unexpectedly null"));
		if (strcmp (" attachment\n", raw_value) != 0)
			throw (exception_new ("initial content-disposition raw_value had unexpected value: %s", raw_value));
		/* now change the content-disposition's disposition */
		disposition = g_mime_object_get_content_disposition (object);
		g_mime_content_disposition_set_disposition (disposition, "inline");
		if (!(value = g_mime_object_get_header (object, "Content-Disposition")))
			throw (exception_new ("content-disposition header was unexpectedly null after changing type"));
		if (strcmp ("inline", value) != 0)
			throw (exception_new ("content-disposition header had unexpected value after changing type"));
		header = g_mime_header_list_get_header (headers, "Content-Disposition");
		if (!(raw_value = g_mime_header_get_raw_value (header)))
			throw (exception_new ("content-disposition raw_value was unexpectedly null after changing type"));
		if (strcmp (" inline\n", raw_value) != 0)
			throw (exception_new ("content-disposition raw_value had unexpected value after changing type: %s", raw_value));
		/* now change the content-disposition's parameters by setting a param */
		g_mime_content_disposition_set_parameter (disposition, "filename", "hello.txt");
		if (!(value = g_mime_object_get_header (object, "Content-Disposition")))
			throw (exception_new ("content-disposition header was unexpectedly null after setting a param"));
		if (strcmp ("inline; filename=hello.txt", value) != 0)
			throw (exception_new ("content-disposition header had unexpected value after setting a param"));
		header = g_mime_header_list_get_header (headers, "Content-Disposition");
		if (!(raw_value = g_mime_header_get_raw_value (header)))
			throw (exception_new ("content-disposition raw_value was unexpectedly null after setting a param"));
		if (strcmp (" inline; filename=hello.txt\n", raw_value) != 0)
			throw (exception_new ("content-disposition raw_value had unexpected value after setting a param: %s", raw_value));
		/* now change the content-disposition's parameters by clearing the params */
		params = g_mime_content_disposition_get_parameters (disposition);
		g_mime_param_list_clear (params);
		if (!(value = g_mime_object_get_header (object, "Content-Disposition")))
			throw (exception_new ("content-disposition header was unexpectedly null after clearing params"));
		if (strcmp ("inline", value) != 0)
			throw (exception_new ("content-disposition header had unexpected value after clearing params"));
		header = g_mime_header_list_get_header (headers, "Content-Disposition");
		if (!(raw_value = g_mime_header_get_raw_value (header)))
			throw (exception_new ("content-disposition raw_value was unexpectedly null after clearing params"));
		if (strcmp (" inline\n", raw_value) != 0)
			throw (exception_new ("content-disposition raw_value had unexpected value after clearing params: %s", raw_value));
		/* let's try this in reverse... set the header value and make sure GMimeContentDisposition gets updated */
		header = g_mime_header_list_get_header_at (headers, 1);
		g_mime_header_set_value (header, NULL, "attachment; filename=xyz", NULL);
		disposition = g_mime_object_get_content_disposition (object);
		if (!g_mime_content_disposition_is_attachment (disposition))
			throw (exception_new ("GMimeContentDisposition object was not updated"));
		header = g_mime_header_list_get_header (headers, "Content-Disposition");
		if (!(raw_value = g_mime_header_get_raw_value (header)))
			throw (exception_new ("content-disposition raw_value was unexpectedly null after setting value"));
		if (strcmp (" attachment; filename=xyz\n", raw_value) != 0)
			throw (exception_new ("content-disposition raw_value had unexpected value after setting value: %s", raw_value));
		testsuite_check_passed ();
	} catch (ex) {
		testsuite_check_failed ("content-disposition header not synchronized: %s", ex->message);
	} finally;
	g_object_unref (part);