Exemplo n.º 1
static void
do_rehash (GHashTable *hash)
	int current_size, i;
	Slot **table;

	/* printf ("Resizing diff=%d slots=%d\n", hash->in_use - hash->last_rehash, hash->table_size); */
	hash->last_rehash = hash->table_size;
	current_size = hash->table_size;
	hash->table_size = g_spaced_primes_closest (hash->in_use);
	/* printf ("New size: %d\n", hash->table_size); */
	table = hash->table;
	hash->table = g_new0 (Slot *, hash->table_size);
	for (i = 0; i < current_size; i++){
		Slot *s, *next;

		for (s = table [i]; s != NULL; s = next){
			guint hashcode = ((*hash->hash_func) (s->key)) % hash->table_size;
			next = s->next;

			s->next = hash->table [hashcode];
			hash->table [hashcode] = s;
	g_free (table);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void
rehash (SgenHashTable *hash_table)
	SgenHashTableEntry **old_hash = hash_table->table;
	guint old_hash_size = hash_table->size;
	guint i, hash, new_size;
	SgenHashTableEntry **new_hash;
	SgenHashTableEntry *entry, *next;

	if (!old_hash) {
		sgen_register_fixed_internal_mem_type (hash_table->entry_mem_type,
				sizeof (SgenHashTableEntry*) + sizeof (gpointer) + hash_table->data_size);
		new_size = 13;
	} else {
		new_size = g_spaced_primes_closest (hash_table->num_entries);

	new_hash = sgen_alloc_internal_dynamic (new_size * sizeof (SgenHashTableEntry*), hash_table->table_mem_type);
	for (i = 0; i < old_hash_size; ++i) {
		for (entry = old_hash [i]; entry; entry = next) {
			hash = hash_table->hash_func (entry->key) % new_size;
			next = entry->next;
			entry->next = new_hash [hash];
			new_hash [hash] = entry;
	sgen_free_internal_dynamic (old_hash, old_hash_size * sizeof (SgenHashTableEntry*), hash_table->table_mem_type);
	hash_table->table = new_hash;
	hash_table->size = new_size;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * g_hash_table_resize:
 * @hash_table: our #GHashTable
 * Resizes the hash table to the optimal size based on the number of
 * nodes currently held.  If you call this function then a resize will
 * occur, even if one does not need to occur.  Use
 * g_hash_table_maybe_resize() instead.
static void
g_hash_table_resize (GHashTable *hash_table)
  GHashNode **new_nodes;
  GHashNode *node;
  GHashNode *next;
  guint hash_val;
  gint new_size;
  gint i;

  new_size = g_spaced_primes_closest (hash_table->nnodes);

  new_nodes = g_new0 (GHashNode*, new_size);

  for (i = 0; i < hash_table->size; i++)
    for (node = hash_table->nodes[i]; node; node = next)
	next = node->next;

	hash_val = node->key_hash % new_size;

	node->next = new_nodes[hash_val];
	new_nodes[hash_val] = node;

  g_free (hash_table->nodes);
  hash_table->nodes = new_nodes;
  hash_table->size = new_size;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void
rehash (MonoGHashTable *hash)
	MONO_REQ_GC_UNSAFE_MODE; //we must run in unsafe mode to make rehash safe

	int diff = ABS (hash->last_rehash - hash->in_use);
	RehashData data;
	void *old_table G_GNUC_UNUSED; /* unused on Boehm */

	/* These are the factors to play with to change the rehashing strategy */
	/* I played with them with a large range, and could not really get */
	/* something that was too good, maybe the tests are not that great */
	if (!(diff * 0.75 > hash->table_size * 2))

	data.hash = hash;
	data.new_size = g_spaced_primes_closest (hash->in_use);
	data.table = mg_new0 (Slot *, data.new_size);

	if (!mono_threads_is_coop_enabled ()) {
		old_table = mono_gc_invoke_with_gc_lock (do_rehash, &data);
	} else {
		/* We cannot be preempted */
		old_table = do_rehash (&data);

	mg_free (old_table);
Exemplo n.º 5
/* LOCKING: assumes the GC lock is held */
static void
rehash_dislink (DisappearingLinkHashTable *hash_table)
	DisappearingLink **disappearing_link_hash = hash_table->table;
	int disappearing_link_hash_size = hash_table->size;
	int i;
	unsigned int hash;
	DisappearingLink **new_hash;
	DisappearingLink *entry, *next;
	int new_size = g_spaced_primes_closest (hash_table->num_links);

	new_hash = mono_sgen_alloc_internal_dynamic (new_size * sizeof (DisappearingLink*), INTERNAL_MEM_DISLINK_TABLE);
	for (i = 0; i < disappearing_link_hash_size; ++i) {
		for (entry = disappearing_link_hash [i]; entry; entry = next) {
			hash = mono_aligned_addr_hash (entry->link) % new_size;
			next = entry->next;
			entry->next = new_hash [hash];
			new_hash [hash] = entry;
	mono_sgen_free_internal_dynamic (disappearing_link_hash,
			disappearing_link_hash_size * sizeof (DisappearingLink*), INTERNAL_MEM_DISLINK_TABLE);
	hash_table->table = new_hash;
	hash_table->size = new_size;
Exemplo n.º 6
MonoGHashTable *
mono_g_hash_table_new_type (GHashFunc hash_func, GEqualFunc key_equal_func, MonoGHashGCType type, MonoGCRootSource source, void *key, const char *msg)
	MonoGHashTable *hash;

	if (!hash_func)
		hash_func = g_direct_hash;

	hash = g_new0 (MonoGHashTable, 1);

	hash->hash_func = hash_func;
	hash->key_equal_func = key_equal_func;

	hash->table_size = g_spaced_primes_closest (1);
	hash->keys = g_new0 (MonoObject*, hash->table_size);
	hash->values = g_new0 (MonoObject*, hash->table_size);

	hash->gc_type = type;
	hash->source = source;
	hash->key = key;
	hash->msg = msg;

		g_error ("wrong type for gc hashtable");

	if (hash->gc_type & MONO_HASH_KEY_GC)
		mono_gc_register_root_wbarrier ((char*)hash->keys, sizeof (MonoObject*) * hash->table_size, mono_gc_make_vector_descr (), hash->source, hash->key, hash->msg);
	if (hash->gc_type & MONO_HASH_VALUE_GC)
		mono_gc_register_root_wbarrier ((char*)hash->values, sizeof (MonoObject*) * hash->table_size, mono_gc_make_vector_descr (), hash->source, hash->key, hash->msg);

	return hash;
Exemplo n.º 7
GHashTable *
g_hash_table_new (GHashFunc hash_func, GEqualFunc key_equal_func)
	GHashTable *hash;

	if (hash_func == NULL)
		hash_func = g_direct_hash;
	if (key_equal_func == NULL)
		key_equal_func = g_direct_equal;
	hash = g_new0 (GHashTable, 1);

	hash->hash_func = hash_func;
	hash->key_equal_func = key_equal_func;

	hash->table_size = g_spaced_primes_closest (1);
	hash->table = g_new0 (Slot *, hash->table_size);
	hash->last_rehash = hash->table_size;
	return hash;
Exemplo n.º 8
static void
rehash (MonoGHashTable *hash)
	int diff = ABS (hash->last_rehash - hash->in_use);
	RehashData data;
	void *old_table;

	/* These are the factors to play with to change the rehashing strategy */
	/* I played with them with a large range, and could not really get */
	/* something that was too good, maybe the tests are not that great */
	if (!(diff * 0.75 > hash->table_size * 2))

	data.hash = hash;
	data.new_size = g_spaced_primes_closest (hash->in_use);
	data.table = mg_new0 (Slot *, data.new_size);

	old_table = mono_gc_invoke_with_gc_lock (do_rehash, &data);
	mg_free (old_table);
Exemplo n.º 9
static void
rehash (MonoGHashTable *hash)
	MONO_REQ_GC_UNSAFE_MODE; //we must run in unsafe mode to make rehash safe

	RehashData data;
	void *old_keys = hash->keys;
	void *old_values = hash->values;

	data.hash = hash;
	 * Rehash to a size that can fit the current elements. Rehash relative to in_use
	 * to allow also for compaction.
	data.new_size = g_spaced_primes_closest (hash->in_use / HASH_TABLE_MAX_LOAD_FACTOR * HASH_TABLE_RESIZE_RATIO);
	data.keys = g_new0 (MonoObject*, data.new_size);
	data.values = g_new0 (MonoObject*, data.new_size);

	if (hash->gc_type & MONO_HASH_KEY_GC)
		mono_gc_register_root_wbarrier ((char*)data.keys, sizeof (MonoObject*) * data.new_size, mono_gc_make_vector_descr (), hash->source, hash->key, hash->msg);
	if (hash->gc_type & MONO_HASH_VALUE_GC)
		mono_gc_register_root_wbarrier ((char*)data.values, sizeof (MonoObject*) * data.new_size, mono_gc_make_vector_descr (), hash->source, hash->key, hash->msg);

	if (!mono_threads_are_safepoints_enabled ()) {
		mono_gc_invoke_with_gc_lock (do_rehash, &data);
	} else {
		/* We cannot be preempted */
		do_rehash (&data);

	if (hash->gc_type & MONO_HASH_KEY_GC)
		mono_gc_deregister_root ((char*)old_keys);
	if (hash->gc_type & MONO_HASH_VALUE_GC)
		mono_gc_deregister_root ((char*)old_values);

	g_free (old_keys);
	g_free (old_values);
Exemplo n.º 10
static void
g_hash_table_resize (MonoGHashTable *hash_table)
  MonoGHashNode **new_nodes;
  MonoGHashNode *node;
  MonoGHashNode *next;
  guint hash_val;
  gint new_size;
  gint i;

  new_size = g_spaced_primes_closest (hash_table->nnodes);
  new_nodes              = GC_MALLOC (sizeof (MonoGHashNode*) * new_size);
  new_nodes              = g_new0 (MonoGHashNode*, new_size);
  for (i = 0; i < hash_table->size; i++)
    for (node = hash_table->nodes[i]; node; node = next)
	next = node->next;

	hash_val = (* hash_table->hash_func) (node->key) % new_size;

	node->next = new_nodes[hash_val];
	new_nodes[hash_val] = node;
  g_free (hash_table->nodes);
  hash_table->nodes = new_nodes;
  hash_table->size = new_size;
Exemplo n.º 11
/* LOCKING: requires that the GC lock is held */
static void
rehash_fin_table (FinalizeEntryHashTable *hash_table)
	FinalizeEntry **finalizable_hash = hash_table->table;
	mword finalizable_hash_size = hash_table->size;
	int i;
	unsigned int hash;
	FinalizeEntry **new_hash;
	FinalizeEntry *entry, *next;
	int new_size = g_spaced_primes_closest (hash_table->num_registered);

	new_hash = mono_sgen_alloc_internal_dynamic (new_size * sizeof (FinalizeEntry*), INTERNAL_MEM_FIN_TABLE);
	for (i = 0; i < finalizable_hash_size; ++i) {
		for (entry = finalizable_hash [i]; entry; entry = next) {
			hash = mono_object_hash (entry->object) % new_size;
			next = entry->next;
			entry->next = new_hash [hash];
			new_hash [hash] = entry;
	mono_sgen_free_internal_dynamic (finalizable_hash, finalizable_hash_size * sizeof (FinalizeEntry*), INTERNAL_MEM_FIN_TABLE);
	hash_table->table = new_hash;
	hash_table->size = new_size;
Exemplo n.º 12
static VALUE
rg_s_spaced_primes_closest(G_GNUC_UNUSED VALUE self, VALUE num)
    return UINT2NUM(g_spaced_primes_closest(NUM2UINT(num)));