Exemplo n.º 1
_tenFiberProbe(tenFiberContext *tfx, double wPos[3]) {
  double iPos[3];
  gageShapeWtoI(tfx->gtx->shape, iPos, wPos);
  return gageProbe(tfx->gtx,
                   AIR_CAST(gage_t, iPos[0]),
                   AIR_CAST(gage_t, iPos[1]),
                   AIR_CAST(gage_t, iPos[2]));
Exemplo n.º 2
void *
_hooverThreadBody(void *_arg) {
  _hooverThreadArg *arg;
  void *thread;
  int ret,               /* to catch return values from callbacks */
    sampleI,             /* which sample we're on */
    inside,              /* we're inside the volume */
    vI, uI;              /* integral coords in image */
  double tmp,
    mm,                  /* lowest position in index space, for all axes */
    Mx, My, Mz,          /* highest position in index space on each axis */
    u, v,                /* floating-point coords in image */
    uvScale,             /* how to scale (u,v) to go from image to 
                            near plane, according to ortho or perspective */
    lx, ly, lz,          /* half edge-lengths of volume */
    rayLen=0,            /* length of segment formed by ray line intersecting
                            the near and far clipping planes */
    rayT,                /* current position along ray (world-space) */
    rayDirW[3],          /* unit-length ray direction (world-space) */
    rayDirI[3],          /* rayDirW transformed into index space;
                            not unit length, but a unit change in
                            world space along rayDirW translates to
                            this change in index space along rayDirI */
    rayPosW[3],          /* current ray location (world-space) */
    rayPosI[3],          /* current ray location (index-space) */
    rayStartW[3],        /* ray start on near plane (world-space) */
    rayStartI[3],        /* ray start on near plane (index-space) */
    rayStep,             /* distance between samples (world-space) */
    vOff[3], uOff[3];    /* offsets in arg->ec->wU and arg->ec->wV
                            directions towards start of ray */

  arg = (_hooverThreadArg *)_arg;
  if ( (ret = (arg->ctx->threadBegin)(&thread, 
                                      arg->whichThread)) ) {
    arg->errCode = ret;
    arg->whichErr = hooverErrThreadBegin;
    return arg;
  if (arg->ctx->shape) {
    lx = ly = lz = AIR_NAN;
    if (nrrdCenterNode == arg->ctx->shape->center) {
      mm = 0;
      Mx = arg->ctx->shape->size[0]-1;
      My = arg->ctx->shape->size[1]-1;
      Mz = arg->ctx->shape->size[2]-1;
    } else {
      mm = -0.5;
      Mx = arg->ctx->shape->size[0]-0.5;
      My = arg->ctx->shape->size[1]-0.5;
      Mz = arg->ctx->shape->size[2]-0.5;
  } else {
    lx = arg->ec->volHLen[0];
    ly = arg->ec->volHLen[1];
    lz = arg->ec->volHLen[2];
    if (nrrdCenterNode == arg->ctx->volCentering) {
      mm = 0;
      Mx = arg->ctx->volSize[0]-1;
      My = arg->ctx->volSize[1]-1;
      Mz = arg->ctx->volSize[2]-1;
    } else {
      mm = -0.5;
      Mx = arg->ctx->volSize[0]-0.5;
      My = arg->ctx->volSize[1]-0.5;
      Mz = arg->ctx->volSize[2]-0.5;
  if (arg->ctx->cam->orthographic) {
    ELL_3V_COPY(rayDirW, arg->ctx->cam->N);
    if (arg->ctx->shape) {
      double zeroW[3], zeroI[3];
      ELL_3V_SET(zeroW, 0, 0, 0);
      gageShapeWtoI(arg->ctx->shape, zeroI, zeroW);
      gageShapeWtoI(arg->ctx->shape, rayDirI, rayDirW);
      ELL_3V_SUB(rayDirI, rayDirI, zeroI);
    } else {
      rayDirI[0] = AIR_DELTA(-lx, rayDirW[0], lx, mm, Mx);
      rayDirI[1] = AIR_DELTA(-ly, rayDirW[1], ly, mm, My);
      rayDirI[2] = AIR_DELTA(-lz, rayDirW[2], lz, mm, Mz);
    rayLen = arg->ctx->cam->vspFaar - arg->ctx->cam->vspNeer;
    uvScale = 1.0;
  } else {
    uvScale = arg->ctx->cam->vspNeer/arg->ctx->cam->vspDist;

  while (1) {
    /* the work assignment is simply the next scanline to be rendered:
       the result of all this is setting vI */
    if (arg->ctx->workMutex) {
    vI = arg->ctx->workIdx;
    if (arg->ctx->workIdx < arg->ctx->imgSize[1]) {
      arg->ctx->workIdx += 1;
    if (arg->ctx->workMutex) {
    if (vI == arg->ctx->imgSize[1]) {
      /* we're done! */

    if (nrrdCenterCell == arg->ctx->imgCentering) {
      v = uvScale*AIR_AFFINE(-0.5, vI, arg->ctx->imgSize[1]-0.5,
    } else {
      v = uvScale*AIR_AFFINE(0.0, vI, arg->ctx->imgSize[1]-1.0,
    ELL_3V_SCALE(vOff, v, arg->ctx->cam->V);
    for (uI=0; uI<arg->ctx->imgSize[0]; uI++) {
      if (nrrdCenterCell == arg->ctx->imgCentering) {
        u = uvScale*AIR_AFFINE(-0.5, uI, arg->ctx->imgSize[0]-0.5,
      } else {
        u = uvScale*AIR_AFFINE(0.0, uI, arg->ctx->imgSize[0]-1.0,
      ELL_3V_SCALE(uOff, u, arg->ctx->cam->U);
      ELL_3V_ADD3(rayStartW, uOff, vOff, arg->ec->rayZero);
      if (arg->ctx->shape) {
        gageShapeWtoI(arg->ctx->shape, rayStartI, rayStartW);
      } else {
        rayStartI[0] = AIR_AFFINE(-lx, rayStartW[0], lx, mm, Mx);
        rayStartI[1] = AIR_AFFINE(-ly, rayStartW[1], ly, mm, My);
        rayStartI[2] = AIR_AFFINE(-lz, rayStartW[2], lz, mm, Mz);
      if (!arg->ctx->cam->orthographic) {
        ELL_3V_SUB(rayDirW, rayStartW, arg->ctx->cam->from);
        ELL_3V_NORM(rayDirW, rayDirW, tmp);
        if (arg->ctx->shape) {
          double zeroW[3], zeroI[3];
          ELL_3V_SET(zeroW, 0, 0, 0);
          gageShapeWtoI(arg->ctx->shape, zeroI, zeroW);
          gageShapeWtoI(arg->ctx->shape, rayDirI, rayDirW);
          ELL_3V_SUB(rayDirI, rayDirI, zeroI);
        } else {
          rayDirI[0] = AIR_DELTA(-lx, rayDirW[0], lx, mm, Mx);
          rayDirI[1] = AIR_DELTA(-ly, rayDirW[1], ly, mm, My);
          rayDirI[2] = AIR_DELTA(-lz, rayDirW[2], lz, mm, Mz);
        rayLen = ((arg->ctx->cam->vspFaar - arg->ctx->cam->vspNeer)/
                  ELL_3V_DOT(rayDirW, arg->ctx->cam->N));
      if ( (ret = (arg->ctx->rayBegin)(thread,
                                       uI, vI, rayLen,
                                       rayStartW, rayStartI,
                                       rayDirW, rayDirI)) ) {
        arg->errCode = ret;
        arg->whichErr = hooverErrRayBegin;
        return arg;
      sampleI = 0;
      rayT = 0;
      while (1) {
        ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD2(rayPosW, 1.0, rayStartW, rayT, rayDirW);
        if (arg->ctx->shape) {
          gageShapeWtoI(arg->ctx->shape, rayPosI, rayPosW);
        } else {
          ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD2(rayPosI, 1.0, rayStartI, rayT, rayDirI);
        inside = (AIR_IN_CL(mm, rayPosI[0], Mx) &&
                  AIR_IN_CL(mm, rayPosI[1], My) &&
                  AIR_IN_CL(mm, rayPosI[2], Mz));
        rayStep = (arg->ctx->sample)(thread,
                                     sampleI, rayT,
                                     rayPosW, rayPosI);
        if (!AIR_EXISTS(rayStep)) {
          /* sampling failed */
          arg->errCode = 0;
          arg->whichErr = hooverErrSample;
          return arg;
        if (!rayStep) {
          /* ray decided to finish itself */
        /* else we moved to a new location along the ray */
        rayT += rayStep;
        if (!AIR_IN_CL(0, rayT, rayLen)) {
          /* ray stepped outside near-far clipping region, its done. */
      if ( (ret = (arg->ctx->rayEnd)(thread,
                                     arg->ctx->user)) ) {
        arg->errCode = ret;
        arg->whichErr = hooverErrRayEnd;
        return arg;
    }  /* end this scanline */
  } /* end while(1) assignment of scanlines */

  if ( (ret = (arg->ctx->threadEnd)(thread,
                                    arg->ctx->user)) ) {
    arg->errCode = ret;
    arg->whichErr = hooverErrThreadEnd;
    return arg;
  /* returning NULL actually indicates that there was NOT an error */
  return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 3
******** tenFiberTraceSet
** slightly more flexible API for fiber tracking than tenFiberTrace
** EITHER: pass a non-NULL nfiber, and NULL, 0, NULL, NULL for 
** the following arguments, and things are the same as with tenFiberTrace:
** data inside the nfiber is allocated, and the tract vertices are copied
** into it, having been stored in dynamically allocated airArrays
** OR: pass a NULL nfiber, and a buff allocated for 3*(2*halfBuffLen + 1)
** (note the "+ 1" !!!) doubles.  The fiber tracking on each half will stop
** at halfBuffLen points. The given seedpoint will be stored in
** buff[0,1,2 + 3*halfBuffLen].  The indices for the end of the first
** tract half, and the end of the second tract half, will be set in
** *startIdxP and *endIdxP respectively.
tenFiberTraceSet(tenFiberContext *tfx, Nrrd *nfiber,
                 double *buff, unsigned int halfBuffLen,
                 unsigned int *startIdxP, unsigned int *endIdxP,
                 double seed[3]) {
  char me[]="tenFiberTraceSet", err[BIFF_STRLEN];
  airArray *fptsArr[2];      /* airArrays of backward (0) and forward (1)
                                fiber points */
  double *fpts[2];           /* arrays storing forward and backward
                                fiber points */
    *fiber;                  /* array of both forward and backward points, 
                                when finished */
  int ret, whyStop, buffIdx, fptsIdx, outIdx, oldStop;
  unsigned int i;
  airArray *mop;

  if (!(tfx)) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: got NULL pointer", me);
    biffAdd(TEN, err); return 1;
  /* HEY: a hack to preserve the state inside tenFiberContext so that
     we have fewer side effects (tfx->maxNumSteps may still be set) */
  oldStop = tfx->stop;
  if (!nfiber) {
    if (!( buff && halfBuffLen > 0 && startIdxP && startIdxP )) {
      sprintf(err, "%s: need either non-NULL nfiber or fpts buffer info", me);
      biffAdd(TEN, err); return 1;
    if (tenFiberStopSet(tfx, tenFiberStopNumSteps, halfBuffLen)) {
      sprintf(err, "%s: error setting new fiber stop", me);
      biffAdd(TEN, err); return 1;

  /* initialize the quantities which describe the fiber halves */
  tfx->halfLen[0] = tfx->halfLen[1] = 0.0;
  tfx->numSteps[0] = tfx->numSteps[1] = 0;
  tfx->whyStop[0] = tfx->whyStop[1] = tenFiberStopUnknown;

  /* try probing once */
  if (tfx->useIndexSpace) {
    ret = gageProbe(tfx->gtx,
                    AIR_CAST(gage_t, seed[0]),
                    AIR_CAST(gage_t, seed[1]),
                    AIR_CAST(gage_t, seed[2]));
  } else {
    gageShapeWtoI(tfx->gtx->shape, tmp, seed);
    ret = gageProbe(tfx->gtx,
                    AIR_CAST(gage_t, tmp[0]),
                    AIR_CAST(gage_t, tmp[1]),
                    AIR_CAST(gage_t, tmp[2]));
  if (ret) {
    sprintf(err, "%s: first gageProbe failed: %s (%d)", 
            me, tfx->gtx->errStr, tfx->gtx->errNum);
    biffAdd(TEN, err); return 1;

  /* see if we're doomed */
  if ((whyStop = _tenFiberStopCheck(tfx))) {
    /* stopped immediately at seed point, but that's not an error */
    tfx->whyNowhere = whyStop;
    if (nfiber) {
    } else {
      *startIdxP = *endIdxP = 0;
    return 0;
  } else {
    /* did not immediately halt */
    tfx->whyNowhere = tenFiberStopUnknown;

  /* record the principal eigenvector at the seed point, which
     is needed to align the 4 intermediate steps of RK4 for the
     FIRST step of each half of the tract */
  ELL_3V_COPY(tfx->firstEvec, tfx->evec + 3*0);

  /* airMop{Error,Okay}() can safely be called on NULL */
  mop = nfiber ? airMopNew() : NULL;

  for (tfx->dir=0; tfx->dir<=1; tfx->dir++) {
    if (nfiber) {
      fptsArr[tfx->dir] = airArrayNew((void**)&(fpts[tfx->dir]), NULL, 
                                      3*sizeof(double), TEN_FIBER_INCR);
      airMopAdd(mop, fptsArr[tfx->dir], (airMopper)airArrayNuke, airMopAlways);
      buffIdx = -1;
    } else {
      fptsArr[tfx->dir] = NULL;
      fpts[tfx->dir] = NULL;
      buffIdx = halfBuffLen;
      fptsIdx = -1;
    tfx->halfLen[tfx->dir] = 0;
    if (tfx->useIndexSpace) {
      ELL_3V_COPY(iPos, seed);
      gageShapeItoW(tfx->gtx->shape, tfx->wPos, iPos);
    } else {
      gageShapeWtoI(tfx->gtx->shape, iPos, seed);
      ELL_3V_COPY(tfx->wPos, seed);
    ELL_3V_SET(tfx->lastDir, 0, 0, 0);
    tfx->lastDirSet = AIR_FALSE;
    for (tfx->numSteps[tfx->dir] = 0; AIR_TRUE; tfx->numSteps[tfx->dir]++) {
      if (_tenFiberProbe(tfx, tfx->wPos)) {
        /* even if gageProbe had an error OTHER than going out of bounds,
           we're not going to report it any differently here, alas */
        tfx->whyStop[tfx->dir] = tenFiberStopBounds;
      if ((whyStop = _tenFiberStopCheck(tfx))) {
        if (tenFiberStopNumSteps == whyStop) {
          /* we stopped along this direction because tfx->numSteps[tfx->dir]
             exceeded tfx->maxNumSteps.  Okay.  But tfx->numSteps[tfx->dir]
             is supposed to be a record of how steps were (successfully)
             taken.  So we need to decrementing before moving on ... */
        tfx->whyStop[tfx->dir] = whyStop;
      if (tfx->useIndexSpace) {
        gageShapeWtoI(tfx->gtx->shape, iPos, tfx->wPos);
        ELL_3V_COPY(currPoint, iPos);
      } else {
        ELL_3V_COPY(currPoint, tfx->wPos);
      if (nfiber) {
        fptsIdx = airArrayLenIncr(fptsArr[tfx->dir], 1);
        ELL_3V_COPY(fpts[tfx->dir] + 3*fptsIdx, currPoint);
      } else {
        ELL_3V_COPY(buff + 3*buffIdx, currPoint);
        fprintf(stderr, "!%s: (dir %d) saving to %d pnt %g %g %g\n", me,
                tfx->dir, buffIdx,
                currPoint[0], currPoint[1], currPoint[2]);
        buffIdx += !tfx->dir ? -1 : 1;
      /* forwDir is set by this to point to the next fiber point */
      if (_tenFiberIntegrate[tfx->intg](tfx, forwDir)) {
        tfx->whyStop[tfx->dir] = tenFiberStopBounds;
      ELL_3V_COPY(tfx->lastDir, forwDir);
      tfx->lastDirSet = AIR_TRUE;
      ELL_3V_ADD2(tfx->wPos, tfx->wPos, forwDir);
      tfx->halfLen[tfx->dir] += ELL_3V_LEN(forwDir);

  if (nfiber) {
    if (nrrdMaybeAlloc_va(nfiber, nrrdTypeDouble, 2,
                          AIR_CAST(size_t, 3),
                          AIR_CAST(size_t, (fptsArr[0]->len 
                                            + fptsArr[1]->len - 1)))) {
      sprintf(err, "%s: couldn't allocate fiber nrrd", me);
      biffMove(TEN, err, NRRD); airMopError(mop); return 1;
    fiber = (double*)(nfiber->data);
    outIdx = 0;
    for (i=fptsArr[0]->len-1; i>=1; i--) {
      ELL_3V_COPY(fiber + 3*outIdx, fpts[0] + 3*i);
    for (i=0; i<=fptsArr[1]->len-1; i++) {
      ELL_3V_COPY(fiber + 3*outIdx, fpts[1] + 3*i);
  } else {
    *startIdxP = halfBuffLen - tfx->numSteps[0];
    *endIdxP = halfBuffLen + tfx->numSteps[1];

  tfx->stop = oldStop;
  return 0;