void multiPlayer() { int myMove; int oppMove = 0; int connect = 0; // Find other players while(!connect) { connect = findPlayer(); } // NOTE: Need to build something to determine who goes first // Compare Xbee ID's perhaps? // Begin game while(!game.gameOver && connect) { if(game.turn) { // Pick Move myMove = pickMove(); // Send Move sendMove(myMove); // Receive new score after opponent takes damage game.oppScore = recieveScore(); } else { // Receive player move and take damage game.myScore = attack(recieveMove(), game.myScore); // Send new score sendScore(game.myScore); } // Check game status game.gameOver = gameStatus(); !game.turn; } if (!connect) { printBSOD(); } else { printResults(); } }
void singlePlayer(gameData game) { // Setup new game setup(); game.turn = rand() % 2; // Begin game with computer while(!game.gameOver) { // Situation depends on game.turn if(game.turn) { game.myMove = pickMove(globalData); game.oppScore = attack(game.myMove, game.oppScore); } else { // Computer randomly picks an attack with damage b/w 0 and 50 game.oppMove = rand() % 50 + 1; game.myScore = attack(game.oppMove, game.myScore); } // Check game status game.gameOver = gameStatus(); !game.turn; } // Display results once there is a lost printResults(); }
void singlePlayer(GlobalState* globalData) { static int tempScore = 0; static int transition = 0; static int movedone = 0; // First time playing? // Read first time from SRAM if (globalData->firstTime == TRUE) { if (globalData->newKeyboard) { printKeyboard(globalData, "NAME?", 5); } else { processKeyboard(globalData, game.name, 5); } } if (globalData->doneKeyboard) { globalData->firstTime = FALSE; if (globalData->newGame) { globalData->newGame = 0; // Setup new game setupGame(); tempScore = 0; transition = 0; game.turn = rand() % 2; printGame(globalData); getCards(); // Assume cards already read by interrupts on switches (?) } // Wait till someone presses D to continue if (globalData->keyPress == 0x0D) { transition = 1; } // Begin game with computer if (transition) { if (!game.gameOver) { // Situation depends on game.turn if (game.turn) { if (game.moveSel == 0) { pickMove(globalData); } if (game.moveSel == 1) { tempScore = game.oppScore; game.oppScore = attack(game.myMove, game.myMonster, game.oppScore); if (game.oppScore == tempScore) { prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, " ", 1); prints(0, 18, RED, BLACK, " ", 1); prints(0, 26, RED, BLACK, " ", 1); prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, "Missed!", 1); } else { prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, " ", 1); prints(0, 18, RED, BLACK, " ", 1); prints(0, 26, RED, BLACK, " ", 1); prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, "Your", 1); printrs(30, 10, RED, BLACK, game.myMonster->monsterName, 1); prints(84, 10, RED, BLACK, "used", 1); printrs(0, 18, RED, BLACK, game.myMove->moveName, 1); prints(0, 26, RED, BLACK, "- ", 1); integerprint(6, 26, RED, BLACK, tempScore - game.oppScore, 1); } game.moveSel = 0; movedone = 1; } } else { // Computer randomly picks a monster and attack game.oppMonster = &myMonsterList[rand() % 3 ]; game.oppMove = &game.oppMonster->movelist[rand() % 3]; tempScore = game.myScore; game.myScore = attack(game.oppMove, game.oppMonster, game.myScore); if (game.myScore == tempScore) { prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, " ", 1); prints(0, 18, RED, BLACK, " ", 1); prints(0, 26, RED, BLACK, " ", 1); prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, "Enmy Missed!", 1); } else { prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, " ", 1); prints(0, 18, RED, BLACK, " ", 1); prints(0, 26, RED, BLACK, " ", 1); prints(0, 10, RED, BLACK, "Enmy", 1); printrs(30, 10, RED, BLACK, game.oppMonster->monsterName, 1); prints(84, 10, RED, BLACK, "used", 1); printrs(0, 18, RED, BLACK, game.oppMove->moveName, 1); prints(0, 26, RED, BLACK, "- ", 1); integerprint(6, 26, RED, BLACK, tempScore - game.myScore, 1); } movedone = 1; } if (movedone == 1) { prints(0, 40, YELLOW, BLACK, "Your Score: ", 1); prints(0, 55, YELLOW, BLACK, " ", 1); integerprint(0, 55, YELLOW, BLACK, game.myScore, 1); prints(0, 70, WHITE, BLACK, "Opponent Score: ", 1); prints(0, 85, WHITE, BLACK, " ", 1); integerprint(0, 85, WHITE, BLACK, game.oppScore, 1); // Check game status game.gameOver = gameStatus(); game.turn = !game.turn; transition = 0; movedone = 0; } // if (game.gameOver == 1) { // if (globalData->newGame == 0) { // printResults(); // } // } } else { if (globalData->newGame == 0) { printResults(); } } } // Display results once there is a lost } }
vector<StringGameStatePtr>& TicTacToe::getPossibleMoves(GameStatePtr state) { static vector<StringGameStatePtr> posMoves; // for(int i = 0; i < posMoves.size(); i++) { // delete posMoves[i]; // posMoves[i] = NULL; // } posMoves.clear(); posMoves.reserve(100); /* if(gameStatus(state)==Game::status::ONGOING) { string& str = state->toString(); char activePlayer = str.back(); //char activePlayer = state.toString().charAt(state.toString().length() - 1); for(int i = 0; i < str.length() - 1; i++) { if(str.at(i) == '_') { string temp = str.substr(0,i); temp += activePlayer; temp += str.substr(i+1, str.length() - i); if(activePlayer == 'X') { temp += 'O'; } else { temp += 'X'; } posMoves.push_back(new StringGameState(temp)); } } //cout<<"possible moves: "<<posMoves.size()<<endl; } */ if(gameStatus(state)==Game::status::ONGOING) { char activePlayer = state->toString().at(state->toString().length()-1); //char activePlayer = state.toString().charAt(state.toString().length() - 1); for(int i = 0; i < state -> toString().length() - 1; i++) { if(state->toString().at(i) == '_') { string temp = state->toString().substr(0,i); temp += activePlayer; temp += state->toString().substr(i+1, state->toString().length() - (i+1)-1); if(activePlayer == 'X') { temp += 'O'; } else { temp += 'X'; } posMoves.push_back(StringGameStatePtr(new StringGameState(temp))); } } //cout<<"possible moves: "<<posMoves.size()<<endl; } return posMoves; }