static void print_move_path(const struct game *original_game, const move *m, enum move_notation_type mn) { char str[MOVE_STR_BUFFER_LENGTH]; bool first = true; struct game *g = game_copy(original_game); if (g == NULL) INTERNAL_ERROR(); for (; *m != 0; ++m) { if (!is_uci) { if (game_turn(g) == white || first) printf("%u. ", game_full_move_count(g)); if (first && game_turn(g) == black) printf("... "); } first = false; (void) print_move(game_current_position(g), *m, str, mn, game_turn(g)); printf("%s ", str); if (game_append(g, *m) != 0) INTERNAL_ERROR(); } game_destroy(g); }
static void mess() { // clear state variables State->resign_nb = 0; State->exp_move = MoveNone; my_timer_reset(State->timer); // abort a possible search stop_search(); // calculate the new state if (false) { } else if (!active()) { State->state = WAIT; my_log("POLYGLOT WAIT\n"); } else if (XB->analyse) { State->state = ANALYSE; my_log("POLYGLOT ANALYSE\n"); } else if (State->computer[game_turn(Game)]) { State->state = THINK; my_log("POLYGLOT THINK\n"); } else { State->state = WAIT; my_log("POLYGLOT WAIT\n"); } search_update(); }
static enum player turn(void) { return game_turn(game); }
static void no_mess(int move) { ASSERT(move_is_ok(move)); // just received a move, calculate the new state if (false) { } else if (!active()) { stop_search(); // abort a possible search State->state = WAIT; State->exp_move = MoveNone; my_log("POLYGLOT WAIT\n"); } else if (State->state == WAIT) { ASSERT(State->computer[game_turn(Game)]); ASSERT(!State->computer[colour_opp(game_turn(Game))]); ASSERT(!XB->analyse); my_log("POLYGLOT WAIT -> THINK\n"); State->state = THINK; State->exp_move = MoveNone; } else if (State->state == THINK) { ASSERT(!State->computer[game_turn(Game)]); ASSERT(State->computer[colour_opp(game_turn(Game))]); ASSERT(!XB->analyse); if (ponder() && ponder_move_is_ok(Uci->ponder_move)) { my_log("POLYGLOT THINK -> PONDER\n"); State->state = PONDER; State->exp_move = Uci->ponder_move; } else { my_log("POLYGLOT THINK -> WAIT\n"); State->state = WAIT; State->exp_move = MoveNone; } } else if (State->state == PONDER) { ASSERT(State->computer[game_turn(Game)]); ASSERT(!State->computer[colour_opp(game_turn(Game))]); ASSERT(!XB->analyse); if (move == State->exp_move && Uci->searching) { ASSERT(Uci->searching); ASSERT(Uci->pending_nb>=1); my_timer_reset(State->timer); my_timer_start(State->timer); my_log("POLYGLOT PONDER -> THINK (*** HIT ***)\n"); engine_send(Engine,"ponderhit"); State->state = THINK; State->exp_move = MoveNone; send_pv(); // update display return; // do not launch a new search } else { my_log("POLYGLOT PONDER -> THINK (miss)\n"); stop_search(); State->state = THINK; State->exp_move = MoveNone; } } else if (State->state == ANALYSE) { ASSERT(XB->analyse); my_log("POLYGLOT ANALYSE -> ANALYSE\n"); stop_search(); } else { ASSERT(false); } search_update(); }
static void xboard_step() { char string[StringSize]; int move; char move_string[256]; board_t board[1]; xboard_get(XBoard,string,StringSize); if (false) { } else if (match(string,"accepted *")) { // ignore } else if (match(string,"analyze")) { State->computer[White] = false; State->computer[Black] = false; XB->analyse = true; XB->new_hack = false; ASSERT(!XB->result); XB->result = false; mess(); } else if (match(string,"bk")) { if (option_get_bool("Book")) { game_get_board(Game,board); book_disp(board); } } else if (match(string,"black")) { if (colour_is_black(game_turn(Game))) { State->computer[White] = true; State->computer[Black] = false; XB->new_hack = true; XB->result = false; mess(); } } else if (match(string,"computer")) { XB->computer = true; } else if (match(string,"draw")) { // ignore } else if (match(string,"easy")) { XB->ponder = false; mess(); } else if (match(string,"edit")) { // refuse xboard_send(XBoard,"Error (unknown command): %s",string); } else if (match(string,"exit")) { State->computer[White] = false; State->computer[Black] = false; XB->analyse = false; mess(); } else if (match(string,"force")) { State->computer[White] = false; State->computer[Black] = false; mess(); } else if (match(string,"go")) { State->computer[game_turn(Game)] = true; State->computer[colour_opp(game_turn(Game))] = false; XB->new_hack = false; ASSERT(!XB->result); XB->result = false; mess(); } else if (match(string,"hard")) { XB->ponder = true; mess(); } else if (match(string,"hint")) { if (option_get_bool("Book")) { game_get_board(Game,board); move = book_move(board,false); if (move != MoveNone && move_is_legal(move,board)) { move_to_san(move,board,move_string,256); xboard_send(XBoard,"Hint: %s",move_string); } } } else if (match(string,"ics *")) { XB->ics = true; } else if (match(string,"level * *:* *")) { XB->mps = atoi(Star[0]); XB->base = double(atoi(Star[1])) * 60.0 + double(atoi(Star[2])); XB->inc = double(atoi(Star[3])); } else if (match(string,"level * * *")) { XB->mps = atoi(Star[0]); XB->base = double(atoi(Star[1])) * 60.0; XB->inc = double(atoi(Star[2])); } else if (match(string,"name *")) { my_string_set(&XB->name,Star[0]); } else if (match(string,"new")) { my_log("POLYGLOT NEW GAME\n"); option_set("Chess960","false"); game_clear(Game); if (XB->analyse) { State->computer[White] = false; State->computer[Black] = false; } else { State->computer[White] = false; State->computer[Black] = true; } XB->new_hack = true; XB->result = false; XB->depth_limit = false; XB->computer = false; my_string_set(&XB->name,"<empty>"); board_update(); mess(); uci_send_ucinewgame(Uci); } else if (match(string,"nopost")) { XB->post = false; } else if (match(string,"otim *")) { XB->opp_time = double(atoi(Star[0])) / 100.0; if (XB->opp_time < 0.0) XB->opp_time = 0.0; } else if (match(string,"pause")) { // refuse xboard_send(XBoard,"Error (unknown command): %s",string); } else if (match(string,"ping *")) { // HACK; TODO: answer only after an engine move if (DelayPong) { if (XB->ping >= 0) xboard_send(XBoard,"pong %d",XB->ping); // HACK: get rid of old ping XB->ping = atoi(Star[0]); uci_send_isready(Uci); } else { ASSERT(XB->ping==-1); xboard_send(XBoard,"pong %s",Star[0]); } } else if (match(string,"playother")) { State->computer[game_turn(Game)] = false; State->computer[colour_opp(game_turn(Game))] = true; XB->new_hack = false; ASSERT(!XB->result); XB->result = false; mess(); } else if (match(string,"post")) { XB->post = true; } else if (match(string,"protover *")) { XB->proto_ver = atoi(Star[0]); ASSERT(XB->proto_ver>=2); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature done=0"); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature analyze=1"); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature colors=0"); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature draw=1"); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature ics=1"); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature myname=\"%s\"",option_get_string("EngineName")); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature name=1"); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature pause=0"); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature ping=1"); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature playother=1"); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature reuse=1"); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature san=0"); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature setboard=1"); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature sigint=0"); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature sigterm=0"); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature time=1"); xboard_send(XBoard,"feature usermove=1"); if (uci_option_exist(Uci,"UCI_Chess960")) { xboard_send(XBoard,"feature variants=\"normal,fischerandom\""); } else { xboard_send(XBoard,"feature variants=\"normal\""); } if (Uci->ready) xboard_send(XBoard,"feature done=1"); // otherwise "feature done=1" will be sent when the engine is ready } else if (match(string,"quit")) { my_log("POLYGLOT *** \"quit\" from XBoard ***\n"); quit(); } else if (match(string,"random")) { // ignore } else if (match(string,"rating * *")) { // ignore } else if (match(string,"remove")) { if (game_pos(Game) >= 2) { game_goto(Game,game_pos(Game)-2); ASSERT(!XB->new_hack); XB->new_hack = false; // HACK? XB->result = false; board_update(); mess(); } } else if (match(string,"rejected *")) { // ignore } else if (match(string,"reset")) { // protover 3? // refuse xboard_send(XBoard,"Error (unknown command): %s",string); } else if (false || match(string,"result * {*}") || match(string,"result * {* }") || match(string,"result * { *}") || match(string,"result * { * }")) { my_log("POLYGLOT GAME END\n"); XB->result = true; mess(); // book learning if (option_get_bool("Book") && option_get_bool("BookLearn")) { if (false) { } else if (my_string_equal(Star[0],"1-0")) { learn(+1); } else if (my_string_equal(Star[0],"0-1")) { learn(-1); } else if (my_string_equal(Star[0],"1/2-1/2")) { learn(0); } } } else if (match(string,"resume")) { // refuse xboard_send(XBoard,"Error (unknown command): %s",string); } else if (match(string,"sd *")) { XB->depth_limit = true; XB->depth_max = atoi(Star[0]); } else if (match(string,"setboard *")) { my_log("POLYGLOT FEN %s\n",Star[0]); if (!game_init(Game,Star[0])) my_fatal("xboard_step(): bad FEN \"%s\"\n",Star[0]); State->computer[White] = false; State->computer[Black] = false; XB->new_hack = true; // HACK? XB->result = false; board_update(); mess(); } else if (match(string,"st *")) { XB->time_limit = true; XB->time_max = double(atoi(Star[0])); } else if (match(string,"time *")) { XB->my_time = double(atoi(Star[0])) / 100.0; if (XB->my_time < 0.0) XB->my_time = 0.0; } else if (match(string,"undo")) { if (game_pos(Game) >= 1) { game_goto(Game,game_pos(Game)-1); ASSERT(!XB->new_hack); XB->new_hack = false; // HACK? XB->result = false; board_update(); mess(); } } else if (match(string,"usermove *")) { game_get_board(Game,board); move = move_from_san(Star[0],board); if (move != MoveNone && move_is_legal(move,board)) { XB->new_hack = false; ASSERT(!XB->result); XB->result = false; move_step(move); no_mess(move); } else { xboard_send(XBoard,"Illegal move: %s",Star[0]); } } else if (match(string,"variant *")) { if (my_string_equal(Star[0],"fischerandom")) { option_set("Chess960","true"); } else { option_set("Chess960","false"); } } else if (match(string,"white")) { if (colour_is_white(game_turn(Game))) { State->computer[White] = false; State->computer[Black] = true; XB->new_hack = true; XB->result = false; mess(); } } else if (match(string,"xboard")) { // ignore } else if (match(string,".")) { // analyse info if (State->state == ANALYSE) { ASSERT(Uci->searching); ASSERT(Uci->pending_nb>=1); if (Uci->root_move != MoveNone && move_is_legal(Uci->root_move,Uci->board)) { move_to_san(Uci->root_move,Uci->board,move_string,256); xboard_send(XBoard,"stat01: %.0f %lld %d %d %d %s",Uci->time*100.0,Uci->node_nb,Uci->depth,Uci->root_move_nb-(Uci->root_move_pos+1),Uci->root_move_nb,move_string); } else { xboard_send(XBoard,"stat01: %.0f %lld %d %d %d",Uci->time*100.0,Uci->node_nb,Uci->depth,0,0); // HACK } } } else if (match(string,"?")) { // move now if (State->state == THINK) { ASSERT(Uci->searching); ASSERT(Uci->pending_nb>=1); // HACK: just send "stop" to the engine if (Uci->searching) { my_log("POLYGLOT STOP SEARCH\n"); engine_send(Engine,"stop"); } } } else { // unknown command, maybe a move? game_get_board(Game,board); move = move_from_san(string,board); if (move != MoveNone && move_is_legal(move,board)) { XB->new_hack = false; ASSERT(!XB->result); XB->result = false; move_step(move); no_mess(move); } else if (move != MoveNone) { xboard_send(XBoard,"Illegal move: %s",string); } else { xboard_send(XBoard,"Error (unknown command): %s",string); } } }
void xboard2uci_gui_step(char string[]) { int move; char move_string[256]; board_t board[1]; if (FALSE) { } else if (match(string,"accepted *")) { // ignore } else if (match(string,"analyze")) { State->computer[White] = FALSE; State->computer[Black] = FALSE; XB->analyse = TRUE; XB->new_hack = FALSE; ASSERT(!XB->result); XB->result = FALSE; mess(); } else if (match(string,"bk")) { if (option_get_bool(Option,"Book")) { game_get_board(Game,board); book_disp(board); } } else if (match(string,"black")) { if (colour_is_black(game_turn(Game))) { State->computer[White] = TRUE; State->computer[Black] = FALSE; XB->new_hack = TRUE; XB->result = FALSE; mess(); } } else if (match(string,"computer")) { XB->computer = TRUE; } else if (match(string,"draw")) { if(option_find(Uci->option,"UCI_DrawOffers")){ my_log("POLYGLOT draw from XB received"); uci_send_option(Uci,"DrawOffer","%s","draw");} } else if (match(string,"easy")) { XB->ponder = FALSE; mess(); } else if (match(string,"edit")) { // refuse gui_send(GUI,"Error (unknown command): %s",string); } else if (match(string,"exit")) { State->computer[White] = FALSE; State->computer[Black] = FALSE; XB->analyse = FALSE; mess(); } else if (match(string,"force")) { State->computer[White] = FALSE; State->computer[Black] = FALSE; mess(); } else if (match(string,"go")) { State->computer[game_turn(Game)] = TRUE; State->computer[colour_opp(game_turn(Game))] = FALSE; XB->new_hack = FALSE; ASSERT(!XB->result); XB->result = FALSE; mess(); } else if (match(string,"hard")) { XB->ponder = TRUE; mess(); } else if (match(string,"hint")) { move=MoveNone; game_get_board(Game,board); if (option_get_bool(Option,"Book")) { move = book_move(board,FALSE); } if(move==MoveNone && State->hint_move!=MoveNone){ move=State->hint_move; } if (move != MoveNone && move_is_legal(move,board)) { move_to_san(move,board,move_string,256); gui_send(GUI,"Hint: %s",move_string); } } else if (match(string,"ics *")) { XB->ics = TRUE; } else if (match(string,"level * *:* *")) { XB->mps = atoi(Star[0]); XB->base = ((double)atoi(Star[1])) * 60.0 + ((double)atoi(Star[2])); XB->inc = ((double)atoi(Star[3])); } else if (match(string,"level * * *")) { XB->mps = atoi(Star[0]); XB->base = ((double)atoi(Star[1])) * 60.0; XB->inc = ((double)atoi(Star[2])); } else if (match(string,"name *")) { my_string_set(&XB->name,Star[0]); } else if (match(string,"new")) { uci_send_isready_sync(Uci); my_log("POLYGLOT NEW GAME\n"); option_set(Option,"3Check","false"); option_set(Option,"Chess960","false"); option_set(Option,"Atomic","false"); option_set(Option,"Horde","false"); game_clear(Game); if (XB->analyse) { State->computer[White] = FALSE; State->computer[Black] = FALSE; } else { State->computer[White] = FALSE; State->computer[Black] = TRUE; } XB->new_hack = TRUE; XB->result = FALSE; XB->depth_limit = FALSE; XB->node_rate=-1; XB->computer = FALSE; my_string_set(&XB->name,"<empty>"); board_update(); mess(); uci_send_ucinewgame(Uci); } else if (match(string,"nopost")) { XB->post = FALSE; } else if (match(string,"otim *")) { XB->opp_time = ((double)atoi(Star[0])) / 100.0; if (XB->opp_time < 0.0) XB->opp_time = 0.0; } else if (match(string,"pause")) { // refuse gui_send(GUI,"Error (unknown command): %s",string); } else if (match(string,"ping *")) { // HACK; TODO: answer only after an engine move if (DelayPong) { if (XB->ping >= 0) gui_send(GUI,"pong %d",XB->ping); // HACK: get rid of old ping XB->ping = atoi(Star[0]); uci_send_isready_sync(Uci); } else { ASSERT(XB->ping==-1); gui_send(GUI,"pong %s",Star[0]); } } else if (match(string,"nps *")) { // fake WB play-by-nodes mode XB->node_rate = atoi(Star[0]); } else if (match(string,"playother")) { State->computer[game_turn(Game)] = FALSE; State->computer[colour_opp(game_turn(Game))] = TRUE; XB->new_hack = FALSE; ASSERT(!XB->result); XB->result = FALSE; mess(); } else if (match(string,"post")) { XB->post = TRUE; } else if (match(string,"protover *")) { XB->proto_ver = atoi(Star[0]); ASSERT(XB->proto_ver>=2); send_xboard_options(); } else if (match(string,"quit")) { my_log("POLYGLOT *** \"quit\" from GUI ***\n"); quit(); } else if (match(string,"random")) { // ignore } else if (match(string,"rating * *")) { // ignore } else if (match(string,"remove")) { if (game_pos(Game) >= 2) { game_goto(Game,game_pos(Game)-2); ASSERT(!XB->new_hack); XB->new_hack = FALSE; // HACK? XB->result = FALSE; board_update(); mess(); } } else if (match(string,"rejected *")) { // ignore } else if (match(string,"reset")) { // protover 3? // refuse gui_send(GUI,"Error (unknown command): %s",string); } else if (FALSE || match(string,"result * {*}") || match(string,"result * {* }") || match(string,"result * { *}") || match(string,"result * { * }")) { my_log("POLYGLOT GAME END\n"); XB->result = TRUE; mess(); // book learning if (FALSE && option_get_bool(Option,"Book") && option_get_bool(Option,"BookLearn")) { if (FALSE) { } else if (my_string_equal(Star[0],"1-0")) { learn(+1); } else if (my_string_equal(Star[0],"0-1")) { learn(-1); } else if (my_string_equal(Star[0],"1/2-1/2")) { learn(0); } } } else if (match(string,"resume")) { // refuse gui_send(GUI,"Error (unknown command): %s",string); } else if (match(string,"option *=*") || match(string,"option * =*") || match(string,"option *= *") || match(string,"option * = *") ){ char *name=Star[0]; char *value=Star[1]; if(match(name, "Polyglot *")){ char *pg_name=Star[0]; polyglot_set_option(pg_name,value); }else{ option_t *opt=option_find(Uci->option,name); if(opt){ if(my_string_case_equal(opt->type,"check")){ value=my_string_equal(value,"1")?"true":"false"; } start_protected_command(); uci_send_option(Uci, name, "%s", value); end_protected_command(); }else{ gui_send(GUI,"Error (unknown option): %s",name); } } } else if (match(string,"option *")){ char *name=Star[0]; if(match(name, "Polyglot *")){ char *pg_name=Star[0]; polyglot_set_option(pg_name,"<empty>"); }else{ start_protected_command(); // value is ignored if(!uci_send_option(Uci, name, "%s", "<empty>")){ gui_send(GUI,"Error (unknown option): %s",name); }; end_protected_command(); } } else if (XB->has_feature_smp && match(string,"cores *")){ int cores=atoi(Star[0]); if(cores>=1){ // updating the number of cores my_log("POLYGLOT setting the number of cores to %d\n",cores); start_protected_command(); uci_set_threads(Uci,cores); end_protected_command(); } else{ // refuse gui_send(GUI,"Error (unknown command): %s",string); } } else if (match(string,"egtpath * *")){ char *type=Star[0]; char *path=Star[1]; if(my_string_empty(path)){ // refuse gui_send(GUI,"Error (unknown command): %s",string); }else{ if(my_string_case_equal(type,"nalimov") && XB->has_feature_egt_nalimov){ // updating NalimovPath my_log("POLYGLOT setting the Nalimov path to %s\n",path); start_protected_command(); uci_send_option(Uci,"NalimovPath","%s",path); end_protected_command(); }else if(my_string_case_equal(type,"gaviota") && XB->has_feature_egt_gaviota){ // updating GaviotaPath my_log("POLYGLOT setting the Gaviota path to %s\n",path); start_protected_command(); uci_send_option(Uci,"GaviotaTbPath","%s",path); end_protected_command(); }else{ // refuse gui_send(GUI,"Error (unsupported table base format): %s",string); } } } else if (XB->has_feature_memory && match(string,"memory *")){ int memory = atoi(Star[0]); int egt_cache; int real_memory; if(memory>=1){ // updating the available memory option_t *opt; my_log("POLYGLOT setting the amount of memory to %dMb\n",memory); if(XB->has_feature_egt_nalimov && (opt=option_find(Uci->option,"NalimovCache"))){ egt_cache=atoi(opt->value); }else if(XB->has_feature_egt_gaviota && (opt=option_find(Uci->option,"GaviotaTbCache"))){ egt_cache=atoi(opt->value); }else{ egt_cache=0; } my_log("POLYGLOT EGTB Cache is %dMb\n",egt_cache); real_memory=memory-egt_cache; if(real_memory>0){ start_protected_command(); uci_send_option(Uci,"Hash", "%d", real_memory); end_protected_command(); } }else{ // refuse gui_send(GUI,"Error (unknown command): %s",string); } } else if (match(string,"sd *")) { XB->depth_limit = TRUE; XB->depth_max = atoi(Star[0]); } else if (match(string,"setboard *")) { my_log("POLYGLOT FEN %s\n",Star[0]); if (!game_init(Game,Star[0])) my_fatal("xboard_step(): bad FEN \"%s\"\n",Star[0]); State->computer[White] = FALSE; State->computer[Black] = FALSE; XB->new_hack = TRUE; // HACK? XB->result = FALSE; board_update(); mess(); } else if (match(string,"st *")) { XB->time_limit = TRUE; XB->time_max = ((double)atoi(Star[0])); } else if (match(string,"time *")) { XB->my_time = ((double)atoi(Star[0])) / 100.0; if (XB->my_time < 0.0) XB->my_time = 0.0; } else if (match(string,"undo")) { if (game_pos(Game) >= 1) { game_goto(Game,game_pos(Game)-1); ASSERT(!XB->new_hack); XB->new_hack = FALSE; // HACK? XB->result = FALSE; board_update(); mess(); } } else if (match(string,"usermove *")) { game_get_board(Game,board); move = move_from_san(Star[0],board); if (move != MoveNone && move_is_legal(move,board)) { XB->new_hack = FALSE; ASSERT(!XB->result); XB->result = FALSE; move_step(move); no_mess(move); } else { gui_send(GUI,"Illegal move: %s",Star[0]); } } else if (match(string,"variant *")) { if (my_string_equal(Star[0],"3check")) { option_set(Option,"3Check","true"); } else { option_set(Option,"3Check","false"); } if (my_string_equal(Star[0],"fischerandom")) { option_set(Option,"Chess960","true"); } else { option_set(Option,"Chess960","false"); } if (my_string_equal(Star[0],"atomic")) { option_set(Option,"Atomic","true"); } else { option_set(Option,"Atomic","false"); } if (my_string_equal(Star[0],"horde")) { option_set(Option,"Horde","true"); game_init(Game,StartFenHorde); //gui_send(GUI,"setup %s",StartFenHorde); } else { option_set(Option,"Horde","false"); } } else if (match(string,"white")) { if (colour_is_white(game_turn(Game))) { State->computer[White] = FALSE; State->computer[Black] = TRUE; XB->new_hack = TRUE; XB->result = FALSE; mess(); } } else if (match(string,"xboard")) { // ignore } else if (match(string,".")) { // analyse info if (State->state == ANALYSE) { int depth=Uci->best_depth;//HACK: don't clear engine-output window... ASSERT(Uci->searching); ASSERT(Uci->pending_nb>=1); if (Uci->root_move != MoveNone && move_is_legal(Uci->root_move,Uci->board)) { move_to_san(Uci->root_move,Uci->board,move_string,256); gui_send(GUI,"stat01: %.0f "S64_FORMAT" %d %d %d %s",Uci->time*100.0,Uci->node_nb,/*Uci->*/depth,Uci->root_move_nb-(Uci->root_move_pos+1),Uci->root_move_nb,move_string); } else { gui_send(GUI,"stat01: %.0f "S64_FORMAT" %d %d %d",Uci->time*100.0,Uci->node_nb,/*Uci->*/depth,0,0); // HACK } } } else if (match(string,"?")) { // move now if (State->state == THINK) { ASSERT(Uci->searching); ASSERT(Uci->pending_nb>=1); // HACK: just send "stop" to the engine if (Uci->searching) { my_log("POLYGLOT STOP SEARCH\n"); engine_send(Engine,"stop"); } } } else { // unknown command, maybe a move? game_get_board(Game,board); move = move_from_san(string,board); if (move != MoveNone && move_is_legal(move,board)) { XB->new_hack = FALSE; ASSERT(!XB->result); XB->result = FALSE; move_step(move); no_mess(move); } else if (move != MoveNone) { gui_send(GUI,"Illegal move: %s",string); } else { gui_send(GUI,"Error (unknown command): %s",string); } } return; }