Exemplo n.º 1
void tear_down_hook() {
    gc_unregister_root(gc, (void **)&value);
    gc_unregister_root(gc, (void **)&key1);
    gc_unregister_root(gc, &hash);
    /* Shutdown the GC */
Exemplo n.º 2
/* create a hashtable using the given function and 
   comparator */
void hash_create(gc_type *gc, hash_fn fn,
                 hash_cmp cmp, hashtable_type **ret) {
    hash_internal_type *table = 0;
    /* register the hashtable type with the gc */
    if(!hashtable_type_def) {
        hashtable_type_def = register_hashtable(gc);
        key_value_type_def = register_key_value(gc);
    gc_register_root(gc, (void**)&table);

    gc_alloc_type(gc, 0, hashtable_type_def, (void **)&table);

    table->gc = gc;
    table->calc_hash = fn;
    table->compare = cmp;
    table->copy_on_write = false;
    /* resize the hashtable */
    hash_resize(table, HASH_SIZE);

    table->key_value = key_value_type_def;

    *ret = (hashtable_type *)table;

    gc_unregister_root(gc, (void**)&table);
Exemplo n.º 3
/* assemble a string on the stack into a proc */
void op_asm(vm_internal_type *vm) {
    object_type *obj = 0;
    object_type *closure =0;
    env_type *env = 0;

    uint8_t *code_ref = 0;
    size_t written = 0;

    gc_register_root(vm->gc, (void **)&obj);
    gc_register_root(vm->gc, (void **)&closure);
    gc_register_root(vm->gc, (void **)&code_ref);
    gc_register_root(vm->gc, (void **)&env);

    obj = vm_pop(vm);

    if(!obj || obj->type != STRING) {
        throw(vm, "Attempt to assemble non-string", 1, obj);

    } else {
        /* assemble the string */
        written = asm_string(vm->gc, obj->value.string.bytes, &code_ref);

        /* clone the current environment in a
           closure */
        clone_env(vm, (env_type **)&env, vm->env, false);

        /* point to the entry point of our
           assembled code_ref */
        env->code_ref = code_ref;
        env->ip = 0;
        env->length = written;

        closure = vm_alloc(vm, CLOSURE);
        /* save the new closure onto our stack */
        closure->value.closure = env;

        vm_push(vm, closure);

    gc_unregister_root(vm->gc, (void **)&env);
    gc_unregister_root(vm->gc, (void **)&code_ref);
    gc_unregister_root(vm->gc, (void **)&closure);
    gc_unregister_root(vm->gc, (void **)&obj);

Exemplo n.º 4
/* call a function off a given library */
void op_call_ext(vm_internal_type *vm) {
    object_type *obj = 0;
    object_type *lib = 0;
    ext_call_type func_ptr = 0;

    vm_int func = 0;
    vm_int depth = 0;

    gc_register_root(vm->gc, (void **)&obj);
    gc_register_root(vm->gc, (void **)&lib);

    obj = vm_pop(vm);
    lib = vm_pop(vm);

    depth = vm->depth; /* Save depth before call */

    if(!obj || !lib || obj->type != FIXNUM || lib->type != LIBRARY) {
        throw(vm, "Invalid arguments to call_ext", 2, obj, lib);
    } else {

        func = obj->value.integer;

        if(func > lib->value.library.func_count) {
            throw(vm, "Invalid function number", 2, obj, lib);
        } else {

            /* call the function */
            func_ptr = ((binding_type *)lib->value.library.functions)[func].func;
            (*func_ptr)(vm, vm->gc);

    /* Make sure that something was returned */
    if (vm->depth != depth) {
      throw(vm, "Stack uneven after call_ext", 0 );

    gc_unregister_root(vm->gc, (void **)&lib);
    gc_unregister_root(vm->gc, (void **)&obj);
Exemplo n.º 5
/* Save this label and its location in memory for latter
 lookup */
void asm_label(gc_type *gc, buffer_type *buf, 
               hashtable_type *labels, char *str) {
    vm_int *addr = 0;
    char *key = 0;

    gc_register_root(gc, (void**)&key);
    gc_register_root(gc, (void**)&addr);

    /* defensively copy the label name */
    gc_alloc(gc, 0, strlen(str)+1, (void **)&key);
    strcpy(key, str);

    /* save location */
    gc_alloc(gc, 0, sizeof(vm_int), (void **)&addr);
    *addr = buffer_size(buf);

    hash_set(labels, key, addr);

    gc_unregister_root(gc, (void**)&key);
    gc_unregister_root(gc, (void**)&addr);

Exemplo n.º 6
void asm_jump(gc_type *gc, buffer_type *buf,
              yyscan_t *scanner, jump_type **jump_list) {

    static int init = 0;
    static gc_type_def jump_def = 0;
    jump_type *jump = 0;
    char *label = 0;

    /* TODO: This is a hack */
    if(!init) {
        init = 1;
        jump_def = gc_register_type(gc, sizeof(jump_type));
        gc_register_pointer(gc, jump_def, offsetof(jump_type, label));
        gc_register_pointer(gc, jump_def, offsetof(jump_type, next)); 

    gc_register_root(gc, (void **)&jump);

    /* allocate a new jump */
    gc_alloc_type(gc, 0, jump_def, (void **)&jump);

    /* save location of jump addr field */
    jump->addr = buffer_size(buf);

    /* save the line number for this jump */
    jump->lineno = yyget_lineno(scanner);

    /* make sure we have a label */
    if(yylex(scanner) != LABEL_TOKEN) {

    /* save a copy of the label */
    label = get_text(scanner);
    gc_alloc(gc, 0, strlen(label)+1, (void **)&(jump->label));
    strcpy(jump->label, label);
    /* put this jump at the head of the
       list */
    jump->next = *jump_list;
    *jump_list = jump;
    gc_unregister_root(gc, (void **)&jump);

    /* Make sure we have space to write target */
    EMIT(buf, INT_64(0),8);

Exemplo n.º 7
/* resize/allocagte hashtable array */
void hash_resize(hash_internal_type *table, size_t size) {
    key_value_type **old_table = 0;
    key_value_type *kv = 0;
    size_t old_size = 0;

    gc_register_root(table->gc, (void **)&old_table);

    old_table = table->table;
    old_size = table->size;

			   (void **)&(table->table));
    table->size = size;
    table->entries = 0;

    /* do we need to copy old entries into 
       the new table */
    if(old_table) {
        /* enumerate all old entries and add them to the
           new table */

        for(int i=0; i < old_size; i++) {
            kv = old_table[i];
            while(kv) {
                /* save the previous value in the new
                   table */
                hash_find(table, kv->key, CREATE)
                    ->value = kv->value;

                kv = kv->next;
    gc_unregister_root(table->gc, (void **)&old_table);
Exemplo n.º 8
/* Use our buffer library to slurp a file into a string */
size_t buffer_load_string(gc_type *gc, char *file, char **str) {
    size_t count = 0;
    buffer_type *buf = 0;

    gc_register_root(gc, &buf);
    buffer_create(gc, (void **)&buf);

    /* Convert to a single string */
    count = buffer_load(buf, file);

    /* Make sure we could read the file */
    if (count == -1 ) {
        printf("Unable to load file: %s\n", file);

    gc_alloc(gc, 0, count+1, (void **)str);

    buffer_read(buf, (uint8_t *)*str, count);

    gc_unregister_root(gc, &buf);
    return count;
Exemplo n.º 9
/* Create an instance of the compiler */
void compiler_create(gc_type *gc, compiler_type **comp_void, char *compiler_home) {
  compiler_core_type *compiler = 0;
  static gc_type_def stream_gc_type = 0;
  static gc_type_def node_literal_gc_type = 0;
  static gc_type_def node_single_gc_type = 0;
  static gc_type_def node_double_gc_type = 0;
  static gc_type_def compiler_gc_type = 0;

  // setup gc types
  if (!compiler_gc_type) {
    compiler_gc_type = register_compiler_type(gc);
    stream_gc_type = register_stream_type(gc);
    node_literal_gc_type = register_node_literal_type(gc);
    node_single_gc_type = register_node_single_type(gc);
    node_double_gc_type = register_node_double_type(gc);

  gc_register_root(gc, (void **)&compiler);

  /* create a compiler instance */
  gc_alloc_type(gc, 0, compiler_gc_type, (void **)&compiler);

  compiler->gc = gc;
  compiler->label_index = 0;
  /*compiler->preamble = "lib/preamble.asm";
  compiler->postamble = "lib/postamble.asm";*/
  strcpy(compiler->home, compiler_home);

  /* setup gc types */
  compiler->stream_gc_type = stream_gc_type;

  compiler->node_types[STREAM_LITERAL] = node_literal_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_SYMBOL] = node_literal_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_STRING] = node_literal_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_OP] = node_literal_gc_type;

  compiler->node_types[STREAM_QUOTED] = node_single_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_LOAD] = node_single_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_ASM] = node_single_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_ASM_STREAM] = node_single_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_COND] = node_single_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_AND] = node_single_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_OR] = node_single_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_RECORD_TYPE] = node_single_gc_type;

  compiler->node_types[STREAM_BIND] = node_double_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_STORE] = node_double_gc_type;

  compiler->node_types[STREAM_LET_STAR] = node_double_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_TWO_ARG] = node_double_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_IF] = node_double_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_MATH] = node_double_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_LAMBDA] = node_double_gc_type;
  compiler->node_types[STREAM_CALL] = node_double_gc_type;

  *comp_void = compiler;

  /* Add a stream route to the compiler object */
  stream_create(compiler, &(compiler->stream));

  /* Add the include stack array */
  // TODO: Look at statically allocating this 
  compiler->include_depth = -1;
  gc_alloc_pointer_array(gc, 0, MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH, (void **)&(compiler->include_stack));

  gc_unregister_root(gc, (void **)&compiler);
Exemplo n.º 10
/* Entry point for the assembler. code_ref is assumed to be attached
   to the gc. */
size_t asm_string(gc_type *gc, char *str, uint8_t **code_ref) {
    yyscan_t scanner = 0;
    op_type token = 0;
    buffer_type *buf = 0;
    hashtable_type *labels = 0;
    jump_type *jump_list = 0;
    size_t length = 0;
    gc_register_root(gc, &buf);
    gc_register_root(gc, &labels);
    gc_register_root(gc, (void **)&jump_list);

    /* create an output buffer */
    buffer_create(gc, &buf);
    hash_create_string(gc, &labels);

    /* yyset_debug(1, scanner); */

    /* set the scanners input */
    yy_scan_string(str, scanner);

    /* match until there is nothing left to match */
    while((token = yylex(scanner)) != END_OF_FILE) {

        /* Handle individual tokens */
        switch((int)token) {
        case OP_LIT_FIXNUM:
            asm_lit_fixnum(buf, scanner);

        case OP_LIT_CHAR:
            asm_lit_char(buf, scanner);

        case STRING_START_TOKEN:
            EMIT(buf, OP_LIT_STRING, 1);
            asm_lit_string(buf, scanner);

        case SYMBOL_START_TOKEN:
            EMIT(buf, OP_LIT_SYMBOL, 1);
            asm_lit_string(buf, scanner);

        case OP_JMP:            
        case OP_JNF:
        case OP_CALL:
        case OP_PROC:
        case OP_CONTINUE:
            EMIT(buf, token, 1); /* emit the jump operation */
            asm_jump(gc, buf, scanner, &jump_list);

        case LABEL_TOKEN:
            asm_label(gc, buf, labels, get_text(scanner));

            /* All otherwise not defined tokens are
               their opcode */
            EMIT(buf, token, 1);



    /* build a code_ref */
    length = buffer_size(buf);
    /* *code_ref = gc_alloc(gc, 0, length); */
    gc_alloc(gc, 0, length, (void **)code_ref);
    length = buffer_read(buf, *code_ref, length);

    /* replace jump address fields */
    rewrite_jumps(*code_ref, jump_list, labels);

    gc_unregister_root(gc, &buf);
    gc_unregister_root(gc, &labels);
    gc_unregister_root(gc, (void **)&jump_list);

    return length;
Exemplo n.º 11
/* do a dlopen on a dll */
void op_import(vm_internal_type *vm) {
    object_type *obj = 0;
    object_type *obj2 = 0;
    object_type *lib = 0;
    object_type *binding_alist = 0;
    char *path = 0;
    vm_int length = 0;
    void *handle = 0;
    binding_type **export_list = 0;
    char *symbol = 0;
    vm_int func_count = 0;
    char *msg = 0;

    gc_register_root(vm->gc, (void **)&obj);
    gc_register_root(vm->gc, (void **)&obj2);
    gc_register_root(vm->gc, (void **)&lib);
    gc_register_root(vm->gc, (void **)&binding_alist);
    gc_register_root(vm->gc, (void **)&path);

    obj = vm_pop(vm);

    if(!obj || obj->type != STRING) {
        throw(vm, "Attempt to import with non-string filename", 1, obj);
    } else {

        /* allocate a string long enough to include the either .so or .dylib */
        length = obj->value.string.length + LIB_EXT_LEN + 1;
        gc_alloc(vm->gc, 0, length, (void **)&path);

        strncpy(path, obj->value.string.bytes, length);
        strncat(path, LIB_EXT, length);

        /* if we have already imported this library,
           return the existing library object */
        if(hash_get(vm->import_table, path, (void**)&lib)) {
            vm_push(vm, lib);
        } else {
            /* check if the library has been loaded */
            handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_NOLOAD);

            /* load the library if it has not been loaded */
            if(!handle) {
                /* handle = dlopen(obj->value.string.bytes, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_DEEPBIND); */
                /* RTLD_DEEPBIND is not defined on osx ... */
                handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL);

            /* check to make sure we did not run into an error */
            if(!handle) {
                throw(vm, dlerror(), 1, obj);
            } else {
                lib = vm_alloc(vm, LIBRARY);

                dlerror(); /* Clear error states */
                export_list = (binding_type **)dlsym(handle, "export_list");

                if((msg = dlerror())) {
                    throw(vm, msg, 1, obj);
                } else {

                    func_count = 0;

                    while(((binding_type *)export_list)[func_count].func) {

                    lib->value.library.handle = handle;
                    lib->value.library.functions = export_list;
                    lib->value.library.func_count = func_count;

                    /* save this library off into the import table. */
                    hash_set(vm->import_table, path, lib);

                    vm_push(vm, lib);

        /* if lib is still 0, we couldn't load it. */
        if (lib != 0) {
            /* setup a binding alist so we can bind the exported
             * symbols to function call values

            binding_alist = vm->empty;
            export_list = lib->value.library.functions;
            func_count = 0;

            /* count the number of functions */
            while(((binding_type *)export_list)[func_count].func) {

                symbol = ((binding_type *)export_list)[func_count].symbol;
                /* create string object */
                obj = vm_make_string(vm,

                /* make our string into a symbol */
                make_symbol(vm, &obj);

                /* convert the func_counter into a number */
                obj2 = vm_alloc(vm, FIXNUM);
                obj2->value.integer = func_count;

                cons(vm, obj, obj2, &(vm->reg1));
                cons(vm, vm->reg1, binding_alist, &(vm->reg2));

                binding_alist = vm->reg2;

                /* increment function count */
            vm_push(vm, binding_alist);

    gc_unregister_root(vm->gc, (void **)&path);
    gc_unregister_root(vm->gc, (void **)&binding_alist);
    gc_unregister_root(vm->gc, (void **)&lib);
    gc_unregister_root(vm->gc, (void **)&obj2);
    gc_unregister_root(vm->gc, (void **)&obj);
Exemplo n.º 12
/* locate or create a key_value_object the given key */
key_value_type *hash_find(hash_internal_type *table,
                          void *key, hash_action_type action) {
    hash_type hash = (*table->calc_hash)(key);
    hash_type index = hash % table->size; /* calculate the search table index */
    key_value_type *kv = 0;
    key_value_type *prev_kv = 0;
    /* Check for "write" operations and a COW hash */
    if (table->copy_on_write && (action == CREATE || action == DELETE)) {
        /* resize implicitly copies everything */
        hash_resize(table, table->size);

        table->copy_on_write = false;

    /* is there anything at the given index? */
    if((kv = table->table[index])) {
        /* search through the list of key value pairs */
        while(kv) {
            if((*table->compare)(key, kv->key) == EQ) {

                /* do the delete if needed */
                if(action == DELETE) {
                    /* Do we have a chain? */
                    if(prev_kv) {
                        /* Remove node from chain */
                        prev_kv->next = kv->next;
                    } else {
                        /* This node is either the head of a chain
                           or there is no chain.  */
                        table->table[index] = kv->next;
                return kv;
            prev_kv = kv;
            kv = kv->next;
    /* we did not find the key, should we create it? */
    if(action == CREATE) {
        gc_register_root(table->gc, (void**)&kv);

        gc_alloc_type(table->gc, 0, table->key_value, (void **)&kv);

        kv->key = key;

        /* attach kv to table */
        kv->next = table->table[index];
        table->table[index] = kv;


        gc_unregister_root(table->gc, (void**)&kv);

        return kv;

    return 0;