Exemplo n.º 1
_gdGetColors (gdIOCtx * in, gdImagePtr im, int gd2xFlag)
	int i;
	if (gd2xFlag) {
		int trueColorFlag;
		if (!gdGetByte (&trueColorFlag, in)) {
			goto fail1;
		/* 2.0.12: detect bad truecolor .gd files created by pre-2.0.12.
		   Beginning in 2.0.12 truecolor is indicated by the initial 2-byte
		   signature. */
		if (trueColorFlag != im->trueColor) {
			goto fail1;
		/* This should have been a word all along */
		if (!im->trueColor) {
			if (!gdGetWord (&im->colorsTotal, in)) {
				goto fail1;
			if (im->colorsTotal > gdMaxColors) {
				goto fail1;
		/* Int to accommodate truecolor single-color transparency */
		if (!gdGetInt (&im->transparent, in)) {
			goto fail1;
	} else {
		if (!gdGetByte (&im->colorsTotal, in)) {
			goto fail1;
		if (!gdGetWord (&im->transparent, in)) {
			goto fail1;
		if (im->transparent == 257) {
			im->transparent = (-1);
	GD2_DBG (printf
	         ("Palette had %d colours (T=%d)\n", im->colorsTotal,
	if (im->trueColor) {
		return TRUE;
	for (i = 0; (i < gdMaxColors); i++) {
		if (!gdGetByte (&im->red[i], in)) {
			goto fail1;
		if (!gdGetByte (&im->green[i], in)) {
			goto fail1;
		if (!gdGetByte (&im->blue[i], in)) {
			goto fail1;
		if (gd2xFlag) {
			if (!gdGetByte (&im->alpha[i], in)) {
				goto fail1;

	for (i = 0; (i < im->colorsTotal); i++) {
		im->open[i] = 0;

	return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 2
BGD_DECLARE(gdImagePtr) gdImageCreateFromGd2Ctx (gdIOCtxPtr in)
  int sx, sy;
  int i;
  int ncx, ncy, nc, cs, cx, cy;
  int x, y, ylo, yhi, xlo, xhi;
  int vers, fmt;
  t_chunk_info *chunkIdx = NULL;	/* So we can gdFree it with impunity. */
  unsigned char *chunkBuf = NULL;	/* So we can gdFree it with impunity. */
  int chunkNum = 0;
  int chunkMax = 0;
  uLongf chunkLen;
  int chunkPos = 0;
  int compMax = 0;
  int bytesPerPixel;
  char *compBuf = NULL;		/* So we can gdFree it with impunity. */

  gdImagePtr im;

  /* Get the header */
  im =
    _gd2CreateFromFile (in, &sx, &sy, &cs, &vers, &fmt, &ncx, &ncy,

  if (im == NULL)
      return 0;

  bytesPerPixel = im->trueColor ? 4 : 1;
  nc = ncx * ncy;

  if (gd2_compressed (fmt))
      /* Find the maximum compressed chunk size. */
      compMax = 0;
      for (i = 0; (i < nc); i++)
	  if (chunkIdx[i].size > compMax)
	      compMax = chunkIdx[i].size;

      /* Allocate buffers */
      chunkMax = cs * bytesPerPixel * cs;
      chunkBuf = gdCalloc (chunkMax, 1);
			if (!chunkBuf) {
				goto fail;
      compBuf = gdCalloc (compMax, 1);
			if (!compBuf) {
				goto fail;

      GD2_DBG (printf ("Largest compressed chunk is %d bytes\n", compMax));

/*      if ( (ncx != sx / cs) || (ncy != sy / cs)) { */
/*              goto fail2; */
/*      }; */

  /* Read the data... */
  for (cy = 0; (cy < ncy); cy++)
      for (cx = 0; (cx < ncx); cx++)

	  ylo = cy * cs;
	  yhi = ylo + cs;
	  if (yhi > im->sy)
	      yhi = im->sy;

	  GD2_DBG (printf
		   ("Processing Chunk %d (%d, %d), y from %d to %d\n",
		    chunkNum, cx, cy, ylo, yhi));

	  if (gd2_compressed (fmt))

	      chunkLen = chunkMax;

	      if (!_gd2ReadChunk (chunkIdx[chunkNum].offset,
				  (char *) chunkBuf, &chunkLen, in))
		  GD2_DBG (printf ("Error reading comproessed chunk\n"));
		  goto fail;

	      chunkPos = 0;

	  for (y = ylo; (y < yhi); y++)

	      xlo = cx * cs;
	      xhi = xlo + cs;
	      if (xhi > im->sx)
		  xhi = im->sx;
	      /*GD2_DBG(printf("y=%d: ",y)); */
	      if (!gd2_compressed (fmt))
		  for (x = xlo; x < xhi; x++)

		      if (im->trueColor)
			  if (!gdGetInt (&im->tpixels[y][x], in))
			      /*printf("EOF while reading\n"); */
			      /*gdImageDestroy(im); */
			      /*return 0; */
			      im->tpixels[y][x] = 0;
			  int ch;
			  if (!gdGetByte (&ch, in))
			      /*printf("EOF while reading\n"); */
			      /*gdImageDestroy(im); */
			      /*return 0; */
			      ch = 0;
			  im->pixels[y][x] = ch;
		  for (x = xlo; x < xhi; x++)
		      if (im->trueColor)
			  /* 2.0.1: work around a gcc bug by being verbose.
			     TBB */
			  int a = chunkBuf[chunkPos++] << 24;
			  int r = chunkBuf[chunkPos++] << 16;
			  int g = chunkBuf[chunkPos++] << 8;
			  int b = chunkBuf[chunkPos++];
			  /* 2.0.11: tpixels */
			  im->tpixels[y][x] = a + r + g + b;
			  im->pixels[y][x] = chunkBuf[chunkPos++];
	      /*GD2_DBG(printf("\n")); */

  GD2_DBG (printf ("Freeing memory\n"));

  gdFree (chunkBuf);
  gdFree (compBuf);
  gdFree (chunkIdx);

  GD2_DBG (printf ("Done\n"));

  return im;

  gdImageDestroy (im);
	if (chunkBuf) {
		gdFree (chunkBuf);
	if (compBuf) {
		gdFree (compBuf);
	if (chunkIdx) {
		gdFree (chunkIdx);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
_gdGetColors (gdIOCtx * in, gdImagePtr im, int gd2xFlag)
  int i;
  if (gd2xFlag)
      if (!gdGetByte (&im->trueColor, in))
	  goto fail1;
      /* This should have been a word all along */
      if (!im->trueColor)
	  if (!gdGetWord (&im->colorsTotal, in))
	      goto fail1;
      /* Int to accommodate truecolor single-color transparency */
      if (!gdGetInt (&im->transparent, in))
	  goto fail1;
      if (!gdGetByte (&im->colorsTotal, in))
	  goto fail1;
      if (!gdGetWord (&im->transparent, in))
	  goto fail1;
      if (im->transparent == 257)
	  im->transparent = (-1);
  GD2_DBG (printf ("Pallette had %d colours (T=%d)\n", im->colorsTotal, im->transparent));

  for (i = 0; (i < gdMaxColors); i++)
      if (!gdGetByte (&im->red[i], in))
	  goto fail1;
      if (!gdGetByte (&im->green[i], in))
	  goto fail1;
      if (!gdGetByte (&im->blue[i], in))
	  goto fail1;
      if (gd2xFlag)
	  if (!gdGetByte (&im->alpha[i], in))
	      goto fail1;

  for (i = 0; (i < im->colorsTotal); i++)
      im->open[i] = 0;

  return TRUE;
  return FALSE;