Exemplo n.º 1
/*! \brief Copy a box to a list.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  The function #geda_box_object_copy() creates a verbatim copy of the object
 *  pointed by <B>o_current</B> describing a box.
 *  \param [in]      toplevel  The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]      o_current  BOX OBJECT to copy.
 *  \return The new OBJECT
geda_box_object_copy(TOPLEVEL *toplevel, OBJECT *o_current)
  OBJECT *new_obj;

  /* A new box object is created with #geda_box_object_new().
   * Values for its fields are default and need to be modified. */
  new_obj = geda_box_object_new (toplevel, OBJ_BOX, o_current->color, 0, 0, 0, 0);

   * The dimensions of the new box are set with the ones of the original box.
   * The two boxes have the same line type and the same filling options.

  new_obj->box->upper_x = o_current->box->upper_x;
  new_obj->box->upper_y = o_current->box->upper_y;
  new_obj->box->lower_x = o_current->box->lower_x;
  new_obj->box->lower_y = o_current->box->lower_y;

  o_set_line_options(toplevel, new_obj, o_current->line_end,
		     o_current->line_type, o_current->line_width,
		     o_current->line_length, o_current->line_space);
  o_set_fill_options(toplevel, new_obj,
		     o_current->fill_type, o_current->fill_width,
		     o_current->fill_pitch1, o_current->fill_angle1,
		     o_current->fill_pitch2, o_current->fill_angle2);

  new_obj->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;

  /* new_obj->attribute = 0;*/

  return new_obj;
Exemplo n.º 2
/*! \brief End the input of a box.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function ends the input of the second corner of a box.
 *  The (<B>w_x</B>,<B>w_y</B>) point is set to be this second corner. The box is
 *  then defined by (<B>w_current->first_wx</B>,<B>w_current->first_wy</B> and
 *  (<B>w_current->second_wx</B>,<B>w_current->second_wy</B>.
 *  <B>w_x</B> and <B>w_y</B> are in screen unit.
 *  The temporary box is erased ; a new box object is allocated, initialized
 *  and linked to the object list ; The object is finally drawn on the
 *  current sheet.
 *  \param [in] w_current  The GschemToplevel object.
 *  \param [in] w_x        Current x coordinate of pointer in world units.
 *  \param [in] w_y        Current y coordinate of pointer in world units.
void o_box_end(GschemToplevel *w_current, int w_x, int w_y)
  OBJECT *new_obj;

  GschemPageView *page_view = gschem_toplevel_get_current_page_view (w_current);
  g_return_if_fail (page_view != NULL);

  g_assert( w_current->inside_action != 0 );

  PAGE *page = gschem_page_view_get_page (page_view);
  g_return_if_fail (page != NULL);

  TOPLEVEL *toplevel = page->toplevel;
  g_return_if_fail (toplevel != NULL);

  int box_width, box_height;
  int box_left, box_top;

  /* get the last coords of the pointer */
  w_current->second_wx = w_x;
  w_current->second_wy = w_y;

  /* erase the temporary box */
  /* o_box_invalidate_rubber (w_current); */
  w_current->rubber_visible = 0;

  box_width  = GET_BOX_WIDTH (w_current);
  box_height = GET_BOX_HEIGHT(w_current);
  box_left   = GET_BOX_LEFT  (w_current);
  box_top    = GET_BOX_TOP   (w_current);

  /* boxes with null width or height are not allowed */
  if ((box_width == 0) || (box_height == 0)) {
	  /* cancel the object creation */
	  w_current->first_wx = (-1);
	  w_current->first_wy = (-1);
	  w_current->second_wx  = (-1);
	  w_current->second_wy  = (-1);

  } else {

    /* create the object */
    new_obj = geda_box_object_new (toplevel, OBJ_BOX, GRAPHIC_COLOR,
                                   box_left, box_top,
                                   box_left + box_width, box_top - box_height);
    s_page_append (toplevel, page, new_obj);

  printf("coords: %d %d %d %d\n", box_left, box_top, box_width, box_height);

    w_current->first_wx = (-1);
    w_current->first_wy = (-1);
    w_current->second_wx  = (-1);
    w_current->second_wy  = (-1);

    /* Call add-objects-hook */
    g_run_hook_object (w_current, "%add-objects-hook", new_obj);

    gschem_toplevel_page_content_changed (w_current, page);
    o_undo_savestate(w_current, page, UNDO_ALL);

  i_action_stop (w_current);
Exemplo n.º 3
/*! \brief Create a box from a character string.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function gets the description of a box from the <B>*buf</B> character
 *  string.
 *  Depending on <B>*version</B>, the correct file format is considered.
 *  Currently two file format revisions are supported :
 *  <DL>
 *    <DT>*</DT><DD>the file format used until 20000704 release
 *    <DT>*</DT><DD>the file format used for the releases after 2000704.
 *  </DL>
 *  \param [in]     toplevel       The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     buf             Character string with box description.
 *  \param [in]     release_ver     libgeda release version number.
 *  \param [in]     fileformat_ver  libgeda file format version number.
 *  \return The BOX OBJECT that was created, or NULL on error.
OBJECT *o_box_read (TOPLEVEL *toplevel, const char buf[],
                    unsigned int release_ver, unsigned int fileformat_ver, GError **err)
  OBJECT *new_obj;
  char type;
  int x1, y1;
  int width, height;
  int d_x1, d_y1;
  int d_x2, d_y2;
  int color;
  int box_width, box_space, box_length;
  int fill_width, angle1, pitch1, angle2, pitch2;
  int box_end;
  int box_type;
  int box_filling;

  if (release_ver <= VERSION_20000704) {

  /*! \note
   *  The old geda file format, i.e. releases 20000704 and older, does not
   *  handle the line type and the filling of the box object. They are set
   *  to default.

    if (sscanf (buf, "%c %d %d %d %d %d\n",
		&type, &x1, &y1, &width, &height, &color) != 6) {
      g_set_error(err, EDA_ERROR, EDA_ERROR_PARSE, _("Failed to parse box object"));
      return NULL;

    box_width   = 0;
    box_end     = END_NONE;
    box_type    = TYPE_SOLID;
    box_length  = -1;
    box_space   = -1;

    box_filling = FILLING_HOLLOW;
    fill_width  = 0;
    angle1      = -1;
    pitch1      = -1;
    angle2      = -1;
    pitch2      = -1;

  } else {

    /*! \note
     *  The current line format to describe a box is a space separated list of
     *  characters and numbers in plain ASCII on a single line. The meaning of
     *  each item is described in the file format documentation.
    if (sscanf (buf, "%c %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",
		&type, &x1, &y1, &width, &height, &color,
		&box_width, &box_end, &box_type, &box_length,
		&box_space, &box_filling,
		&fill_width, &angle1, &pitch1, &angle2, &pitch2) != 17) {
      g_set_error(err, EDA_ERROR, EDA_ERROR_PARSE, _("Failed to parse box object"));
      return NULL;

  if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
    s_log_message (_("Found a zero width/height box [ %c %d %d %d %d %d ]\n"),
                   type, x1, y1, width, height, color);

  if (color < 0 || color > MAX_COLORS) {
    s_log_message (_("Found an invalid color [ %s ]\n"), buf);
    s_log_message (_("Setting color to default color\n"));
    color = DEFAULT_COLOR;

  /*! \note
   *  A box is internally described by its lower right and upper left corner
   *  whereas the line describe it with the lower left corner and the width
   *  and height.
   *  A new object is allocated, initialized and added to the object list.
   *  Its filling and line type are set according to the values of the field
   *  on the line.

  /* upper left corner of the box */
  d_x1 = x1;
  d_y1 = y1 + height; /* move box origin to top left */

  /* lower right corner of the box */
  d_x2 = x1 + width;  /* end points of the box */
  d_y2 = y1;

  /* create a new box */
  new_obj = geda_box_object_new (toplevel, type, color, d_x1, d_y1, d_x2, d_y2);
  /* set its line options */
  o_set_line_options (toplevel, new_obj,
                      box_end, box_type, box_width,
                      box_length, box_space);
  /* set its fill options */
  o_set_fill_options (toplevel, new_obj,
                      box_filling, fill_width,
                      pitch1, angle1, pitch2, angle2);

  return new_obj;