Exemplo n.º 1
void generateCodes(const iNode *node, const HuffCode &prefix, HuffCodeMap &outCodes){
	if (const leafNode *lf = dynamic_cast<const leafNode*>(node))
		outCodes[lf->c] = prefix;
	else if (const intNode *in = dynamic_cast<const intNode*>(node)){
		HuffCode leftPrefix = prefix; 
		generateCodes(in->left, leftPrefix, outCodes);

		HuffCode rightPrefix = prefix;
		generateCodes(in->right, rightPrefix, outCodes);
Exemplo n.º 2
void generateCodes(Node* root,
        std::map<char, std::pair<char, std::uint16_t>>& codes,
        char size = 0, std::uint16_t value = 0) {
    if (!root->left && !root->right) { // it is a leaf
        assert(root->symbol != 'n');
        assert(root->symbol != 'e');
        codes[root->symbol] = {size, value};
    } else {
        value <<= 1;
        if (root->left) {
            generateCodes(root->left, codes, size, value);
        if (root->right) {
            generateCodes(root->right, codes, size, value + 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
  Recurse through the tree in depth first order, and collect the list of bits
  as a path from the root (where 0 means left branch, and 1 means right). 
  Whenever a leaf is hit, store the path of bits as its code.  
void Huffman::generateCodes(const ByteData* node, std::string prefix) const
	if(root->getValue().getData() != NIL)

	if(node->getLeftNode() != 0)
		generateCodes(node->getLeftNode(), prefix + "0");


	if(node->getValue().getData() != NIL)

	if(node->getRightNode() != 0)
		generateCodes(node->getRightNode(), prefix + "1");
void HuffmanStringProcessor::generateCodes(BitStream& rBS, S32 index, S32 depth)
   if (index < 0) {
      // leaf node, copy the code in, and back out...
      HuffLeaf& rLeaf = mHuffLeaves[-(index + 1)];

      memcpy(&rLeaf.code, rBS.getBuffer(), sizeof(rLeaf.code));
      rLeaf.numBits = depth;
   } else {
      HuffNode& rNode = mHuffNodes[index];

      S32 pos = rBS.getBitPosition();

      generateCodes(rBS, rNode.index0, depth + 1);

      generateCodes(rBS, rNode.index1, depth + 1);

Exemplo n.º 5
int main() {
    std::string input((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(std::cin)),
    std::map<char, unsigned> data;
    for (char c : input) {

    Node* root = createTree(data);
    std::map<char, std::pair<char, std::uint16_t>> codes;
    generateCodes(root, codes);
    std::string tree = mapToString(codes);
    std::cout << tree;
Exemplo n.º 6
int main(){
	int frequencies[UniqueSymbols] = {0};
	const char *ptr = SampleString;
	while (*ptr != '\0')

	iNode *root = buildTree(frequencies);

	HuffCodeMap codes;
	generateCodes(root, HuffCode(), codes);
	delete root;

	for (HuffCodeMap::const_iterator it = codes.begin(); it != codes.end(); it++){
		std::cout << it->first << " ";
		std::copy(it->second.begin(), it->second().end(), std::ostream_iterator<bool>(std::cout));
		std::cout << std::endl;
	return 0;
void HuffmanStringProcessor::buildTables()
   TNLAssert(mTablesBuilt == false, "Cannot build tables twice!");
   mTablesBuilt = true;

   S32 i;

   // First, construct the array of wraps...
   mHuffNodes.resize(mHuffNodes.size() + 1);
   for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
      HuffLeaf& rLeaf = mHuffLeaves[i];

      rLeaf.pop    = mCharFreqs[i] + 1;
      rLeaf.symbol = U8(i);

      memset(&rLeaf.code, 0, sizeof(rLeaf.code));
      rLeaf.numBits = 0;

   S32 currWraps = 256;
   HuffWrap* pWrap = new HuffWrap[256];
   for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {

   while (currWraps != 1) {
      U32 min1 = 0xfffffffe, min2 = 0xffffffff;
      S32 index1 = -1, index2 = -1;

      for (i = 0; i < currWraps; i++) {
         if (pWrap[i].getPop() < min1) {
            min2   = min1;
            index2 = index1;

            min1   = pWrap[i].getPop();
            index1 = i;
         } else if (pWrap[i].getPop() < min2) {
            min2   = pWrap[i].getPop();
            index2 = i;
      TNLAssert(index1 != -1 && index2 != -1 && index1 != index2, "hrph");

      // Create a node for this...
      mHuffNodes.resize(mHuffNodes.size() + 1);
      HuffNode& rNode = mHuffNodes.last();
      rNode.pop    = pWrap[index1].getPop() + pWrap[index2].getPop();
      rNode.index0 = determineIndex(pWrap[index1]);
      rNode.index1 = determineIndex(pWrap[index2]);

      S32 mergeIndex = index1 > index2 ? index2 : index1;
      S32 nukeIndex  = index1 > index2 ? index1 : index2;

      if (index2 != (currWraps - 1)) {
         pWrap[nukeIndex] = pWrap[currWraps - 1];
   TNLAssert(currWraps == 1, "wrong wraps?");
   TNLAssert(pWrap[0].pNode != NULL && pWrap[0].pLeaf == NULL, "Wrong wrap type!");

   // Ok, now we have one wrap, which is a node.  we need to make sure that this
   //  is the first node in the node list.
   mHuffNodes[0] = *(pWrap[0].pNode);
   delete [] pWrap;

   U32 code = 0;
   BitStream bs((U8 *) &code, 4);

   generateCodes(bs, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Constructs a huffmanTree object for input frequencies vector
  * @param _input Input vector of frequencies to be encoded
  * @throws std::exception in case of a member initialisztion or tree building failed
 explicit huffmanTree_t(const std::vector<std::size_t> &_input): m_tree(_input.size()) {
     std::shared_ptr<node_t> tree;
     buildTree(_input, tree);
     generateCodes(tree, huffmanCode_t(), huffmanPoint_t());