Exemplo n.º 1
/// Calculate the number of primes below x using the
/// Lagarias-Miller-Odlyzko algorithm.
/// Run time: O(x^(2/3) / log x) operations, O(x^(1/3) * (log x)^2) space.
int64_t pi_lmo_parallel3(int64_t x, int threads)
  if (x < 2)
    return 0;

  double alpha = get_alpha_lmo(x);
  int64_t x13 = iroot<3>(x);
  int64_t y = (int64_t) (x13 * alpha);
  int64_t z = x / y;
  int64_t c = PhiTiny::get_c(y);

  print("=== pi_lmo_parallel3(x) ===");
  print("pi(x) = S1 + S2 + pi(y) - 1 - P2");
  print(x, y, z, c, alpha, threads);

  int64_t p2 = P2(x, y, threads);
  vector<int32_t> mu = generate_moebius(y);
  vector<int32_t> lpf = generate_least_prime_factors(y);
  vector<int32_t> primes = generate_primes(y);

  int64_t pi_y = primes.size() - 1;
  int64_t s1 = S1(x, y, c, threads);
  int64_t s2_approx = S2_approx(x, pi_y, p2, s1);
  int64_t s2 = S2(x, y, c, s2_approx, primes, lpf, mu, threads);
  int64_t phi = s1 + s2;
  int64_t sum = phi + pi_y - 1 - p2;

  return sum;
Exemplo n.º 2
/// Calculate the number of primes below x using the
/// Deleglise-Rivat algorithm.
/// Run time: O(x^(2/3) / (log x)^2) operations, O(x^(1/3) * (log x)^3) space.
int64_t pi_deleglise_rivat1(int64_t x)
  if (x < 2)
    return 0;

  double alpha = get_alpha_deleglise_rivat(x);
  int64_t x13 = iroot<3>(x);
  int64_t y = (int64_t) (x13 * alpha);
  int64_t z = x / y;
  int64_t c = PhiTiny::get_c(y);
  int64_t p2 = P2(x, y, 1);

  vector<int32_t> mu = generate_moebius(y);
  vector<int32_t> lpf = generate_least_prime_factors(y);  

  int64_t pi_y = pi_legendre(y, 1);
  int64_t s1 = S1(x, y, c, 1);
  int64_t s2 = S2(x, y, z, c, lpf, mu);
  int64_t phi = s1 + s2;
  int64_t sum = phi + pi_y - 1 - p2;

  return sum;
Exemplo n.º 3
/// Calculate the number of primes below x using the
/// Lagarias-Miller-Odlyzko algorithm.
/// Run time: O(x^(2/3)) operations, O(x^(1/3) * (log x)^2) space.
int64_t pi_lmo3(int64_t x)
  if (x < 2)
    return 0;

  double alpha = get_alpha_lmo(x);
  int64_t x13 = iroot<3>(x);
  int64_t y = (int64_t) (x13 * alpha);
  int64_t c = PhiTiny::get_c(y);
  int64_t p2 = P2(x, y, 1);

  vector<int32_t> mu = generate_moebius(y);
  vector<int32_t> lpf = generate_least_prime_factors(y);
  vector<int32_t> primes = generate_primes(y);

  int64_t pi_y = primes.size() - 1;
  int64_t s1 = S1(x, y, c, 1);
  int64_t s2 = S2(x, y, c, primes, lpf, mu);
  int64_t phi = s1 + s2;
  int64_t sum = phi + pi_y - 1 - p2;

  return sum;
/// Calculate the number of primes below x using the
/// Deleglise-Rivat algorithm.
/// Run time: O(x^(2/3) / (log x)^2) operations, O(x^(1/3) * (log x)^3) space.
int64_t pi_deleglise_rivat_parallel1(int64_t x, int threads)
  if (x < 2)
    return 0;

  double alpha = get_alpha(x, 0.0017154, -0.0508992, 0.483613, 0.0672202);
  int64_t x13 = iroot<3>(x);
  int64_t y = (int64_t) (x13 * alpha);
  int64_t z = x / y;
  int64_t p2 = P2(x, y, threads);

  vector<int32_t> mu = generate_moebius(y);
  vector<int32_t> lpf = generate_least_prime_factors(y);
  vector<int32_t> primes = generate_primes(y);

  int64_t pi_y = pi_bsearch(primes, y);
  int64_t c = PhiTiny::get_c(y);
  int64_t s1 = S1(x, y, c, threads);
  int64_t s2 = S2(x, y, z, c, primes, lpf, mu, threads);
  int64_t phi = s1 + s2;
  int64_t sum = phi + pi_y - 1 - p2;

  return sum;