GraphicsViewPolylineInput_non_templated_base::mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
  if( event->modifiers() ){
    return false;
  if( event->button() != ::Qt::RightButton
      && event->button() != ::Qt::LeftButton ){
    return false;
    delete path_item;
    path_item = NULL;
  if( (event->button() == ::Qt::RightButton) || (polygon.size() == n_) ){
    // call the virtual function generate_polygon(), that emit a
    // CGAL::Object containing a list of points
      delete b;
      b = NULL;
      delete e;
      e = NULL;
    return true;
  if(event->button() == ::Qt::LeftButton){
    QPainterPath qpp;
    path_item = new QGraphicsPathItem(qpp);
    path_item->setPen(QPen(::Qt::red, 0, ::Qt::SolidLine, ::Qt::RoundCap, ::Qt::RoundJoin));
    return true;
  return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
bool GUI::on_display_area_button_press_handler(GdkEventButton *event_button, Controller &controller) {

  if (button_zoom_pointer.get_active() ) { // This is in relationship with the button setting for mouse selection of zoom center.

    if ( controller.mouse_into_image && controller.mouse_curser_changed == 1 && event_button->button == 1 ) {

      // Settings the zoom center coordinates by mutiplying the coordinates from inside the image per factors:
      controller.mouse_zoom_center_x =  static_cast<float>(controller.mouse_inside_image_x) *  controller.factor_width   ;
      controller.mouse_zoom_center_y =  static_cast<float>(controller.mouse_inside_image_y) *  controller.factor_height   ;

      controller.process_after_applying() ;  // We register current frame in vector<cv::Mat> for undo-redo.

      // It convert current_image_to_process as src to RGB(A) in dst current_image_to_display.
      set_img(controller.current_image_to_process, controller.current_image_to_display, controller) ;  // It auto process conversion to RGB(A).

      // Reset cursor.
      main_window_gdk_window->set_cursor() ;

      // Reset control variables:
      controller.mouse_curser_changed = -1 ;
      controller.draw_offset = 0.0 ;

      if ( button_zoom_pointer.get_active() ) {
        // If button pressed, raise it.
        button_zoom_pointer.set_active(false) ;

    else if (event_button->button != 1) {

      // Reset cursor.
      main_window_gdk_window->set_cursor() ;

      controller.reset_zoom_center(controller.current_image_to_process) ;

      controller.mouse_curser_changed = -1 ;

      if ( button_zoom_pointer.get_active() ) {
        // If button pressed, raise it.
        button_zoom_pointer.set_active(false) ;


  else if ( button_draw_rect.get_active() || button_draw_line.get_active() || button_draw_circle.get_active() || button_draw_ellipse.get_active() || button_draw_polygon.get_active() || button_draw_star.get_active() || button_draw_text.get_active() ) {

    if ( controller.mouse_into_image && controller.mouse_curser_changed == 1 && event_button->button == 1 ) {

      if ( (controller.drawning_status == -1) || (controller.drawning_status == 1) ) {

        // Getting the drawning coordinates onto the real (not resized) image by multiplying per factors:
        controller.mouse_draw_x1 =  static_cast<float>(controller.mouse_inside_image_x) *  controller.factor_width   ;
        controller.mouse_draw_y1 =  static_cast<float>(controller.mouse_inside_image_y) *  controller.factor_height   ;

        controller.drawning_status = 0 ;

        controller.saved_frame = controller.current_image_to_process.clone() ;

        if ( button_draw_line.get_active() ) {
          goto fake_mouse_1_button_press  ;
        if ( button_draw_text.get_active() ) {
          goto fake_mouse_1_button_press ;

        return false ;

      else if (controller.drawning_status == 0) {

        fake_mouse_1_button_press :

        // Getting the drawning coordinates onto the real (not resized) image by multiplying per factors:
        controller.mouse_draw_x2 =  static_cast<float>(controller.mouse_inside_image_x) *  controller.factor_width   ;
        controller.mouse_draw_y2 =  static_cast<float>(controller.mouse_inside_image_y) *  controller.factor_height   ;

        controller.drawning_status = 1 ;

        cv::Scalar color(draw_color.get_blue_u() >> 8, draw_color.get_green_u() >> 8, draw_color.get_red_u() >> 8, draw_color.get_alpha_u() >> 8) ;

        cv::Mat frame = controller.current_image_to_process.clone() ;

        if (button_draw_line.get_active() ) {

           if ( controller.polylines_points_nb == 0) {

             controller.polylines_start_rect = cv::Rect( cv::Point(controller.mouse_draw_x1-7, controller.mouse_draw_y1-7), cv::Size(15, 15) ) ;


           controller.polylines.push_back( cv::Point(controller.mouse_draw_x1, controller.mouse_draw_y1)) ;

           controller.polylines_points_nb++ ;

           if ( controller.polylines_points_nb > 1) {

             if ( controller.polylines_start_rect.contains(cv::Point(controller.mouse_draw_x1,   controller.mouse_draw_y1)) ) {

              draw_polylines(frame , controller.polylines, true, (draw_thickness < 0),  color, (draw_thickness < 0) ? 0 : draw_thickness , draw_line_type) ;
              controller.polylines_points_nb = 0 ;

              controller.polylines.clear() ;
              controller.polylines.shrink_to_fit() ;
            else {
              draw_polylines(frame , controller.polylines, false, false,  color, (draw_thickness < 0) ? 0 : draw_thickness, draw_line_type) ;


        else if (button_draw_rect.get_active()) {

          cv::Rect rect( cv::Point(controller.mouse_draw_x1, controller.mouse_draw_y1), cv::Point(controller.mouse_draw_x2, controller.mouse_draw_y2) ) ;

          draw_rect(frame, rect, color, draw_thickness, draw_line_type) ;

        else if (button_draw_circle.get_active() ) {

          const int radius = static_cast<int>(roundf( sqrtf(powf(static_cast<float>(controller.mouse_draw_x2)-static_cast<float>(controller.mouse_draw_x1), 2) + powf(static_cast<float>(controller.mouse_draw_y2)-static_cast<float>(controller.mouse_draw_y1), 2))) ) ;

          draw_circle(frame, cv::Point(controller.mouse_draw_x1, controller.mouse_draw_y1), radius, color, draw_thickness, draw_line_type) ;

        else if (button_draw_ellipse.get_active() ) {

          const int distance_x = abs(controller.mouse_draw_x1-controller.mouse_draw_x2) ;
          const int distance_y = abs(controller.mouse_draw_y1-controller.mouse_draw_y2) ;

          const cv::RotatedRect rot_rect(cv::Point2f( static_cast<float>(controller.mouse_draw_x1), static_cast<float>(controller.mouse_draw_y1) ), cv::Size(abs( distance_x * 2 ), abs( distance_y * 2 ) ), 0.0  ) ;

          draw_ellipse(frame, rot_rect, color, draw_thickness, draw_line_type) ;

        else if (button_draw_polygon.get_active() && controller.config_draw_success == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) {

            const double radius = round( sqrt (pow(static_cast<double>(controller.mouse_draw_x2)-static_cast<double>(controller.mouse_draw_x1), 2) + pow(static_cast<double>(controller.mouse_draw_y2)-static_cast<double>(controller.mouse_draw_y1), 2)) ) ;

            vector<cv::Point> polygon ;

            double offset_correct = 0.0 ;

            if ((controller.polygon_edges > 4) && (controller.polygon_edges % 2 == 1)) {
              offset_correct = 360.0 / controller.polygon_edges / 2.0 / 2.0  ;

            bool fill = false ;

            if ( ! controller.polygon_strikethrough && draw_thickness < 0 ) { fill = true ; }

            generate_polygon(controller.polygon_edges, radius, cv::Point(controller.mouse_draw_x1, controller.mouse_draw_y1),  polygon, controller.polygon_strikethrough, false,  controller.polygon_offset + controller.draw_offset + offset_correct) ;

            draw_polylines(frame, polygon, true, fill, color, ((draw_thickness < 0) ? 0 : draw_thickness) , draw_line_type) ;

         else if (button_draw_text.get_active() && controller.config_draw_success == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) {

            int italic_flags = (controller.put_text_is_italic) ? cv::FONT_ITALIC : 0 ;

            draw_text(frame, controller.put_text_string, cv::Point(controller.mouse_draw_x1, controller.mouse_draw_y1), controller.put_text_font_face | italic_flags, controller.put_text_font_scale, color, ((draw_thickness < 0) ? 0 : draw_thickness), draw_line_type) ;

            controller.drawning_status = 1 ;

         else if (button_draw_star.get_active() && controller.config_draw_success == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK ) {

            const double radius = round( sqrt (pow(static_cast<double>(controller.mouse_draw_x2)-static_cast<double>(controller.mouse_draw_x1), 2) + pow(static_cast<double>(controller.mouse_draw_y2)-static_cast<double>(controller.mouse_draw_y1), 2)) ) ;

            vector<cv::Point> star ;

            bool join_stroke = true ;

            bool fill = false ;

            if ( controller.star_correcting && (! controller.star_strokes) && (controller.star_pikes == 5 ||  controller.star_pikes == 6) ) {

              if ( ! controller.star_flower && ! controller.star_strikethrough && draw_thickness < 0 ) { fill = true ; }

              switch (controller.star_pikes) {

                case 5 :

                  generate_pentagram(radius, cv::Point(controller.mouse_draw_x1, controller.mouse_draw_y1), star, controller.star_strikethrough, controller.star_flower, (360.0 / 5.0 / 2.0 / 2.0) + controller.star_offset + controller.draw_offset ) ;
                  break ;

                case 6 :

                  generate_hexagram(radius, cv::Point(controller.mouse_draw_x1, controller.mouse_draw_y1), star, controller.star_strikethrough, controller.star_flower, controller.star_offset + controller.draw_offset ) ;
                  break ;
            else if ( ! controller.star_strokes)  {

              if ( ! controller.star_flower && ! controller.star_strikethrough &&  ! controller.star_strokes && draw_thickness < 0 ) { fill = true ; }

              generate_star(controller.star_pikes , radius , cv::Point(controller.mouse_draw_x1, controller.mouse_draw_y1), star, controller.star_strikethrough, controller.star_flower, controller.star_offset + controller.draw_offset  + ((controller.star_pikes == 5) ? (360.0 / 5.0 / 2.0 / 2.0) : 0) ) ;

            else {
              generate_polygon(controller.star_pikes, radius, cv::Point(controller.mouse_draw_x1, controller.mouse_draw_y1), star, false, true, controller.star_offset + controller.draw_offset ) ;

              join_stroke = false ;

            draw_polylines(frame, star, join_stroke, fill, color, ((draw_thickness < 0) ? 0 : draw_thickness), draw_line_type) ;


        // We register current frame in vector<cv::Mat> for undo-redo.
        controller.process_after_applying(frame) ;

        // It convert current_image_to_process as src to RGB(A) in dst current_image_to_display.
        set_img(frame, controller.current_image_to_display, controller) ;  // It auto process conversion to RGB(A).

        frame.release() ;

        controller.saved_frame.release() ;

        controller.mouse_curser_changed = -1 ;

        return false ;


    else if (event_button->button == 3) {