Exemplo n.º 1
static gboolean
openssl_make_dummy_cert (const gchar *key_file,
                         const gchar *out_file,
                         GError **error)
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  gint exit_status;
  gchar *stderr_str = NULL;
  gchar *command_line = NULL;
  gchar *subject = generate_subject ();

  const gchar *argv[] = {
    "req", "-x509",
    "-days", "36500",
    "-newkey", "rsa:2048",
    "-keyout", key_file,
    "-keyform", "PEM",
    "-out", out_file,
    "-outform", "PEM",
    "-subj", subject,

  command_line = g_strjoinv (" ", (gchar **)argv);
  g_info ("Generating temporary certificate using: %s", command_line);

  if (!g_spawn_sync (NULL, (gchar **)argv, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL,
                     NULL, &stderr_str, &exit_status, error) ||
      !g_spawn_check_exit_status (exit_status, error))
      g_warning ("%s", stderr_str);
      g_prefix_error (error, "Error generating temporary self-signed dummy cert using openssl: ");
      goto out;

  ret = TRUE;

  g_free (stderr_str);
  g_free (command_line);
  g_free (subject);
  return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
static gboolean
openssl_make_dummy_cert (const gchar *key_file,
                         const gchar *out_file,
                         GError **error)
  gboolean ret = FALSE;
  gint exit_status;
  gchar *stderr_str = NULL;
  gchar *command_line = NULL;
  gchar *ssl_config = NULL;
  gchar *subject = generate_subject ();

  /* make config file with subjectAltName for localhost and our tests */
  ssl_config = create_temp_file (g_get_tmp_dir (), "ssl.conf.XXXXXX", error);
  if (!ssl_config)
      return FALSE;
  if (!g_file_set_contents (ssl_config,
              "[ req ]\n"
              "req_extensions = v3_req\n"
              "extensions = v3_req\n"
              "distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name\n"
              "[ req_distinguished_name ]\n"
              "[ v3_req ]\n"
              -1, error))
      return FALSE;

  const gchar *argv[] = {
    "req", "-x509",
    "-days", "36500",
    "-newkey", "rsa:2048",
    "-keyout", key_file,
    "-keyform", "PEM",
    "-out", out_file,
    "-outform", "PEM",
    "-subj", subject,
    "-config", ssl_config,
    "-extensions", "v3_req",

  command_line = g_strjoinv (" ", (gchar **)argv);
  g_info ("Generating temporary certificate using: %s", command_line);

  if (!g_spawn_sync (NULL, (gchar **)argv, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL,
                     NULL, &stderr_str, &exit_status, error) ||
      !g_spawn_check_exit_status (exit_status, error))
      g_warning ("%s", stderr_str);
      g_prefix_error (error, "Error generating temporary self-signed dummy cert using openssl: ");
      goto out;

  ret = TRUE;

  if (ssl_config)
    g_unlink (ssl_config);
  g_free (ssl_config);
  g_free (stderr_str);
  g_free (command_line);
  g_free (subject);
  return ret;