Exemplo n.º 1
void kore::Camera::updateFrustumPlanes() {
    // If the camera's projection matrix is an orthogonal projection,
    // the frustum planes have to be derived
    // from the general projection matrix
    if (_bIsOrtho) {
    glm::mat4 projT = glm::transpose(_matProjection);

    _v4FrustumPlanesVS[ PLANE_NEAR ]       = projT[3] + projT[2];
    _v4FrustumPlanesVS[ PLANE_FAR ]        = projT[3] - projT[2];
    _v4FrustumPlanesVS[ PLANE_LEFT ]       = projT[3] + projT[0];
    _v4FrustumPlanesVS[ PLANE_RIGHT ]      = projT[3] - projT[0];
    _v4FrustumPlanesVS[ PLANE_BOTTOM ]     = projT[3] + projT[1];
    _v4FrustumPlanesVS[ PLANE_TOP ]        = projT[3] - projT[1];

    // The normals in the plane-vectors (N.x, N.y, N.z, D) have to be normalized
    glm::vec3 v3N;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
        v3N = glm::normalize(glm::vec3(_v4FrustumPlanesVS[i]));
        _v4FrustumPlanesVS[ i ].x = v3N.x;
        _v4FrustumPlanesVS[ i ].y = v3N.y;
        _v4FrustumPlanesVS[ i ].z = v3N.z;
} else {
    // If the camera's projection matrix is a perspective projection,
    // the view-space frustum planes can be
    // determined by the proj-parameters of the camera
    // (more efficient this way)
        float fe1 = glm::sqrt(_fFocalLength * _fFocalLength + 1);
        float fea = glm::sqrt(_fFocalLength * _fFocalLength +
            getAspectRatio() * getAspectRatio());

        _v4FrustumPlanesVS[PLANE_NEAR] =
            glm::vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, -_fNear);

        _v4FrustumPlanesVS[PLANE_FAR] =
            glm::vec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, _fFar);

        _v4FrustumPlanesVS[PLANE_LEFT] =
            glm::vec4(_fFocalLength / fe1, 0.0f, -1.0f / fe1, 0.0f);

        _v4FrustumPlanesVS[PLANE_RIGHT] =
            glm::vec4(-_fFocalLength / fe1, 0.0f, -1.0f / fe1, 0.0f);

        _v4FrustumPlanesVS[PLANE_BOTTOM] =
            glm::vec4(0.0f, _fFocalLength / fea,
                      -getAspectRatio() / fea, 0.0f);

        _v4FrustumPlanesVS[PLANE_TOP] =
            glm::vec4(0.0f, -_fFocalLength / fea,
            -getAspectRatio() / fea, 0.0f);
Exemplo n.º 2
int VideoFormat::dump(DumpContext& dc) { // throws IOException
    int retVal= 0;
    // write horizontalLine
    // write verticalline
    // write frameRate
    // write bf1
        dc.getPs().print("aspectRatio: ");
        dc.getPs().print("progInterType: ");
        dc.getPs().print("reserved: ");
    return retVal;
std::tuple<int, int> QS::RealTimeVisualization::getWindowDimensions()
  const float scaleFactor = 0.9;
  const GLFWvidmode *mode = glfwGetVideoMode(glfwGetPrimaryMonitor());
  float maxHeight = mode->height * scaleFactor;
  float maxWidth = mode->width * scaleFactor;

  // This finds the window size that best fits into the maximums above while
  // still maintaining the aspect ratio of the world. There are probably more
  // efficient ways to do this, but I can't think of one and the loop shouldn't
  // ever be more than a few thousand iterations, which isn't bad at all.
  float aspectRatio = getAspectRatio();
  float width = aspectRatio;
  float height = 1.0;
  while (width < maxWidth && height < maxHeight)
    width = height * aspectRatio;

  myWindowWidth = static_cast<int>(width);
  myWindowHeight = static_cast<int>(height);

  return std::make_tuple(myWindowWidth, myWindowHeight);
Exemplo n.º 4
void TCompCamera::renderInMenu() {
	float fov_in_rad = getFov();
	float znear = getZNear();
	float zfar = getZFar();
	float ar = getAspectRatio();

	bool changed = false;
	//float fov_in_deg = rad2deg(fov_in_rad);
	//if (ImGui::SliderFloat("Fov", &fov_in_deg, 30.f, 110.f)) {
	//	changed = true;
	//	fov_in_rad = deg2rad(fov_in_deg);
	if (!isOrtho()) {
		float fov_in_deg = rad2deg(fov_in_rad);
		if (ImGui::DragFloat("Fov", &fov_in_deg, 0.1f, 1.f, 120.f)) {
			changed = true;
			fov_in_rad = deg2rad(clamp(fov_in_deg, 1.f, 120.f));
	changed |= ImGui::DragFloat("ZNear", &znear, 0.01f, 0.01f);
	changed |= ImGui::DragFloat("ZFar", &zfar, 0.01f, 1.f, 1000.f);
	if (changed)
		setProjection(fov_in_rad, znear, zfar);

	if (ImGui::SliderFloat("a/r", &ar, 0.f, 10.f)) {
Exemplo n.º 5
	void Camera::computeProjectionMatrix()
		switch (m_type)
		case CameraType::PERSPECTIVE:
										const float f = 1.0 / tan(m_fieldOfView / 2.0);
										m_projectionMatrix(0, 0) = f / getAspectRatio();
										m_projectionMatrix(1, 1) = f;
										m_projectionMatrix(2, 2) = (m_nearPlane + m_farPlane) / (m_nearPlane - m_farPlane);
										m_projectionMatrix(3, 2) = -1.0;
										m_projectionMatrix(2, 3) = 2.0 * m_nearPlane * m_farPlane / (m_nearPlane - m_farPlane);
										m_projectionMatrix(3, 3) = 0.0;
										// same as gluPerspective( 180.0*fieldOfView()/M_PI, aspectRatio(), zNear(), zFar() );
		case CameraType::ORTHOGRAPHIC:
										 m_projectionMatrix(0, 0) = 1.0 / static_cast<float>(m_screenWidth);
										 m_projectionMatrix(1, 1) = 1.0 / static_cast<float>(m_screenHeight);
										 m_projectionMatrix(2, 2) = -2.0 / (m_farPlane - m_nearPlane);
										 m_projectionMatrix(3, 2) = 0.0;
										 m_projectionMatrix(2, 3) = (m_farPlane + m_nearPlane) / (m_nearPlane - m_farPlane);
										 m_projectionMatrix(3, 3) = 1.0;
										 // same as glOrtho( -w, w, -h, h, zNear(), zFar() );
Exemplo n.º 6
void MeshGame::initialize()
    // Display the gameplay splash screen for at least 1 second.
    displayScreen(this, &MeshGame::drawSplash, NULL, 1000L);

    // Load the font
    _font = Font::create("res/ui/arial.gpb");

    // Load the scene from file
    _scene = Scene::load("res/mesh.scene");

    // Get the duck node
	_modelNode = _scene->findNode("duck");

	_scene = Scene::load("res/room1.scene");

    // Find the light node
    Node* lightNode = _scene->findNode("directionalLight1");

    // Bind the light node's direction into duck's material.
    _modelNode->getModel()->getMaterial()->getParameter("u_directionalLightDirection[0]")->bindValue(lightNode, &Node::getForwardVectorView);

    // Update the aspect ratio for our scene's camera to match the current device resolution

    // Create the grid and add it to the scene.
    Model *model = createGridModel();
Exemplo n.º 7
bool Utils::isPad()
    return IOSUtils::isIPad();
    return getAspectRatio() < 1.4f;
Exemplo n.º 8
void Frustum::setNearFarDist( F32 nearDist, F32 farDist )
   if( mNearDist == nearDist && mFarDist == farDist )

   // Recalculate the frustum.
   MatrixF xfm( mTransform ); 
   set( mIsOrtho, getFov(), getAspectRatio(), nearDist, farDist, xfm );
Exemplo n.º 9
static void getGenusAndRatio(std::vector<MElement *> &elements, int & genus, int &AR, int &NB)
  std::vector<std::vector<MEdge> > boundaries;
  genus = getGenus(elements, boundaries);
  NB = boundaries.size();
  AR = getAspectRatio(elements, boundaries);

Exemplo n.º 10
CameraFrustum *
Camera::getCameraFrustum() const
    static const glm::vec4 DIR(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);
    static const glm::vec4 RIGHT(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
    static const glm::vec4 UP(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    const glm::vec3 cameraPos(getPosition());

    const glm::vec3& dir = glm::vec3(Rinv_ * DIR);
    const glm::vec3& right = glm::vec3(Rinv_ * RIGHT);
    const glm::vec3& up = glm::vec3(Rinv_ * UP);

    const glm::vec2& nearSize = computePlaneSize(FOVY, NEAR_PLANE, getAspectRatio());
    const glm::vec3 nc = cameraPos + dir * NEAR_PLANE;
    const glm::vec3& a = up * nearSize.y;
    const glm::vec3& b = right * nearSize.x;
    const glm::vec3 ntl = nc + (a / 2.0f) - (b / 2.0f);
    const glm::vec3 ntr = ntl + b;
    const glm::vec3 nbl = ntl - a;
    const glm::vec3 nbr = nbl + b;

    const glm::vec2& farSize = computePlaneSize(FOVY, FAR_PLANE, getAspectRatio());
    const glm::vec3 fc = cameraPos + dir * FAR_PLANE;
    const glm::vec3& c = up * farSize.y;
    const glm::vec3& d = right * farSize.x;
    const glm::vec3 ftl = fc + (c / 2.0f) - (d / 2.0f);
    const glm::vec3 ftr = ftl + d;
    const glm::vec3 fbl = ftl - c;
    const glm::vec3 fbr = fbl + d;

    // Order may seem strange, but I use the most distant vectors
    // to define planes.  This way I believe the greatest accuracy
    // possible is achieved.
    CameraFrustum *const frustum = new CameraFrustum();
    frustum->planes_[0] = Plane(ftr, fbr, ntr);  // Right plane
    frustum->planes_[1] = Plane(fbl, ftl, nbl);  // Left plane
    frustum->planes_[2] = Plane(ftl, ftr, ntl);  // Top plane
    frustum->planes_[3] = Plane(fbr, fbl, nbr);  // Bottom plane
    frustum->planes_[4] = Plane(nbr, nbl, ntr);  // Near plane
    frustum->planes_[5] = Plane(fbr, ftr, fbl);  // Far plane
    return frustum;
Exemplo n.º 11
void PostProcessSample::initialize()
    _font = Font::create("res/ui/arial.gpb");

    // Load game scene from file
    _scene = Scene::load("res/common/duck.gpb");

    // Initialize box model
    _modelNode = _scene->findNode("duck");
    Model* model = dynamic_cast<Model*>(_modelNode->getDrawable());
    Material* material = model->setMaterial("res/common/duck.material");
    // Get light node
    Node* lightNode = _scene->findNode("directionalLight1");
    Light* light = lightNode->getLight();

    // Create one frame buffer for the full screen compositerss.
    _frameBuffer = FrameBuffer::create("PostProcessSample", FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH, FRAMEBUFFER_HEIGHT);
    DepthStencilTarget* dst = DepthStencilTarget::create("PostProcessSample", DepthStencilTarget::DEPTH_STENCIL, FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH, FRAMEBUFFER_HEIGHT);

    // Create our compositors that all output to the default framebuffer.
    Compositor* compositor = NULL;

    compositor = Compositor::create(_frameBuffer, NULL, "res/common/postprocess/postprocess.material", "Passthrough");

    compositor = Compositor::create(_frameBuffer, NULL, "res/common/postprocess/postprocess.material", "Grayscale");

    compositor = Compositor::create(_frameBuffer, NULL, "res/common/postprocess/postprocess.material", "Sepia");

    compositor = Compositor::create(_frameBuffer, NULL, "res/common/postprocess/postprocess.material", "Pixelate");

    compositor = Compositor::create(_frameBuffer, NULL, "res/common/postprocess/postprocess.material", "Sobel Edge");
    compositor->getMaterial()->getParameter("u_width")->setValue((float)FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH / 2.0f);
    compositor->getMaterial()->getParameter("u_height")->setValue((float)FRAMEBUFFER_HEIGHT / 2.0f);

    compositor = Compositor::create(_frameBuffer, NULL, "res/common/postprocess/postprocess.material", "Gaussian Blur");
    compositor->getMaterial()->getParameter("u_length")->setValue(1.0f / ((float)FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH / 2.0f));

    compositor = Compositor::create(_frameBuffer, NULL, "res/common/postprocess/postprocess.material", "Old Film");
Exemplo n.º 12
void App::onResize( void )

    // Update the aspect ratio and recompute the projection matrix.
    DirectX::XMMATRIX P = DirectX::XMMatrixPerspectiveFovLH( 0.25f * MathHelper::Pi,
                                           1000.f );
    XMStoreFloat4x4( &mProj, P );
Exemplo n.º 13
  void CameraComponent::recalculateFrustumPlanes()
    //If the camera's projection matrix is an orthogonal projection, the frustum planes have to be derived 
    //from the general projection matrix
    if( m_bIsOrtho )
      glm::mat4 projT = glm::transpose( m_matProjection );

      m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[(uint) EFrustumPlane::PLANE_NEAR]	= projT[ 3 ] + projT[ 2 ];
      m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[(uint) EFrustumPlane::PLANE_FAR] = projT[ 3 ] - projT[ 2 ];
      m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[(uint) EFrustumPlane::PLANE_LEFT]	= projT[ 3 ] + projT[ 0 ];
      m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[(uint) EFrustumPlane::PLANE_RIGHT] = projT[ 3 ] - projT[ 0 ];
      m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[(uint) EFrustumPlane::PLANE_BOTTOM]	= projT[ 3 ] + projT[ 1 ]; 
      m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[(uint) EFrustumPlane::PLANE_TOP]	= projT[ 3 ] - projT[ 1 ];

      //The normals in the plane-vectors (N.x, N.y, N.z, D) have to be normalized
      glm::vec3 v3N;
      for( uint i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
        v3N = glm::normalize( glm::vec3( m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[ i ] ) );
        m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[ i ].x = v3N.x;
        m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[ i ].y = v3N.y;
        m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[ i ].z = v3N.z;

    //If the camera's projection matrix is a perpsective projection, the view-space frustum planes can be
    //determined by the proj-parameters of the camera (more efficient this way)
      float fe1 = glm::sqrt( m_fFocalLength * m_fFocalLength + 1 );
      float fea = glm::sqrt( m_fFocalLength * m_fFocalLength + getAspectRatio() * getAspectRatio() );

      m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[(uint) EFrustumPlane::PLANE_NEAR ]		= glm::vec4( 0.0f,						        0.0f,									-1.0f,				 -m_fNear );
      m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[(uint) EFrustumPlane::PLANE_FAR ]		  = glm::vec4( 0.0f,						        0.0f,									 1.0f,				  m_fFar  );
      m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[(uint) EFrustumPlane::PLANE_LEFT ]		= glm::vec4( m_fFocalLength / fe1,		0.0f,   							-1.0f / fe1,			  0.0f    );
      m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[(uint) EFrustumPlane::PLANE_RIGHT ]		= glm::vec4( -m_fFocalLength / fe1,		0.0f,								  -1.0f / fe1,			  0.0f	  );
      m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[(uint) EFrustumPlane::PLANE_BOTTOM ]	= glm::vec4( 0.0f,						m_fFocalLength / fea,	-getAspectRatio() / fea,		0.0f	  );
      m_v4FrustumPlanesVS[(uint) EFrustumPlane::PLANE_TOP ]		  = glm::vec4( 0.0f,						-m_fFocalLength / fea,	-getAspectRatio() / fea,	0.0f	  );
Exemplo n.º 14
void TemplateGame::initialize()
    // Load game scene from file
    _scene = Scene::load("res/demo.scene");

    // Get the box model and initialize its material parameter values and bindings
    Node* boxNode = _scene->findNode("box");
    Model* boxModel = dynamic_cast<Model*>(boxNode->getDrawable());
    Material* boxMaterial = boxModel->getMaterial();

    // Set the aspect ratio for the scene's camera to match the current resolution
Exemplo n.º 15
    iaVector3f iView::unProject(const iaVector3f& screenpos, const iaMatrixf& modelMatrix)
        iaMatrixf viewMatrix;
        viewMatrix.lookAt(modelMatrix._pos, modelMatrix._pos - modelMatrix._depth, modelMatrix._top);

        iaMatrixf modelViewMatrix = viewMatrix;
        modelViewMatrix *= modelMatrix;

        iaMatrixf projectionMatrix;
        projectionMatrix.perspective(_viewAngel, getAspectRatio(), _nearPlaneDistance, _farPlaneDistance);

        return iRenderer::getInstance().unProject(screenpos, modelViewMatrix, projectionMatrix, _resultingRectangle);
Exemplo n.º 16
void SceneViewer::initialize()
   // Load game scene from file
   _scene = Scene::load("res/scene.gpb");

   _shift_key = false;
   _control_key = false;
   _rotate_active = true;
   _pan_active = false;
   _zoom_active = false;
   _touch_x = 0;
   _touch_y = 0;
   _grid_on = 1;

   Camera * cam = _scene->getActiveCamera();
   if (cam) {
      // Set the aspect ratio for the scene's camera to match the current resolution

   // Try to use any significant light source for the scene light vector.
   // This is just a temporary hack until I manage to tap into the
   // material file from the python addon.
   Node * light = _scene->findNode("Spot") ? _scene->findNode("Spot") :
                                             _scene->findNode("Area") ? _scene->findNode("Area") :
                                                                        _scene->findNode("Sun") ? _scene->findNode("Sun") : 0;
   if (light) _directionalLightVector = light->getForwardVector();

   // Setup the form and callbacks
   _form = Form::create("res/editor.form");
   _sliderLightVectorX = (Slider *)_form->getControl("lvx");
   _sliderLightVectorY = (Slider *)_form->getControl("lvy");
   _sliderLightVectorZ = (Slider *)_form->getControl("lvz");
   _sliderClearColorRed = (Slider *)_form->getControl("ccRed");
   _sliderClearColorGreen = (Slider *)_form->getControl("ccGreen");
   _sliderClearColorBlue = (Slider *)_form->getControl("ccBlue");
   _bPlayAll = (Button *)_form->getControl("playAll");
   _bPlaySelected = (Button *)_form->getControl("playSelected");

   _gridCheckBox = static_cast<CheckBox*>(_form->getControl("gridCheckBox"));

   Slider * sliders[] = { _sliderLightVectorX, _sliderLightVectorY, _sliderLightVectorZ,
                        _sliderClearColorRed, _sliderClearColorGreen, _sliderClearColorBlue }, *s;
   FOREACH(s, sliders) {
      s->addListener(this, Listener::VALUE_CHANGED);
Exemplo n.º 17
bool dskOptions::cmpVideoModes(const VideoMode& left, const VideoMode& right)
    if(left == right)
        return false;
    VideoMode leftRatio = getAspectRatio(left);
    VideoMode rightRatio = getAspectRatio(right);
    // Cmp ratios descending (so 16:9 is above 4:3 as wider ones are more commonly used)
    if(leftRatio.width > rightRatio.width)
        return true;
    else if(leftRatio.width < rightRatio.width)
        return false;
    else if(leftRatio.height > rightRatio.height)
        return true;
    else if(leftRatio.height < rightRatio.height)
        return false;
    // Same ratios -> cmp width/height
    if(left.width < right.width)
        return true;
    else if(left.width > right.width)
        return false;
        return left.height < right.height;
Exemplo n.º 18
void SceneLoadSample::initialize()
    // Create the font for drawing the framerate.
    _font = Font::create("res/ui/arial.gpb");

    _scene = Scene::load("res/common/sample.scene");

    // Update the aspect ratio for our scene's camera to match the current device resolution

    // Visit all the nodes in the scene, drawing the models/mesh.
    _scene->visit(this, &SceneLoadSample::initializeMaterials);

Exemplo n.º 19
AffineTransform RenderSVGContainer::viewportTransform() const
    // FIXME: The method name is confusing, since it does not
    // do viewport translating anymore. Look into this while
    //  fixing bug 12207.
    if (!viewBox().isEmpty()) {
        FloatRect viewportRect = viewport();
        if (!parent()->isSVGContainer())
            viewportRect = FloatRect(viewport().x(), viewport().y(), width(), height());

        return getAspectRatio(viewBox(), viewportRect);

    return AffineTransform();
Exemplo n.º 20
  void CameraComponent::setProjectionPersp( float yFov_deg, float fWidth, float fHeight, float fNear, float fFar )
    m_matProjection = MathUtil::perspectiveFov( yFov_deg, fWidth, fHeight, fNear, fFar );
    m_fNear = fNear;
    m_fFar = fFar;
    m_fFovDeg = yFov_deg;
    m_bIsOrtho = false;
    m_fWidth = fWidth;
    m_fHeight = fHeight;

    //Calculate focal length
    float fFovHor2 = glm::atan( getAspectRatio() * glm::tan( getFovRad() / 2.0f ) );
    m_fFocalLength = 1.0f / glm::tan( fFovHor2 );

Exemplo n.º 21
void kore::Camera::setProjectionPersp(float yFov_deg, float fWidth,
                                float fHeight, float fNear, float fFar) {
    _matProjection = glm::perspectiveFov(yFov_deg, fWidth,
                                            fHeight, fNear, fFar);
    _fNear = fNear;
    _fFar = fFar;
    _fFovDeg = yFov_deg;
    _bIsOrtho = false;
    _fWidth = fWidth;
    _fHeight = fHeight;

    // Calculate focal length
    float fFovHor2 = glm::atan(
        getAspectRatio() * glm::tan(getFovRad() / 2.0f));

    _fFocalLength = 1.0f / glm::tan(fFovHor2);
Exemplo n.º 22
// Big thanks to http://schabby.de/picking-opengl-ray-tracing/
glm::vec3 Camera::getMouseRay(const int x, const int y) const
    // 3D
    const glm::vec2& half = computePlaneSize(glm::radians(FOVY), NEAR_PLANE, getAspectRatio()) / 2.0f;

    // 2D
    const float windowHalfWidth = static_cast<float>(viewportSize_.x) / 2.0f;
    const float windowHalfHeight = static_cast<float>(viewportSize_.y) / 2.0f;
    const float xp =  x / windowHalfWidth  - 1.0f;
    const float yp = -y / windowHalfHeight + 1.0f;

    // const glm::vec4 directionInCameraSpace(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f);
    const glm::vec4 directionInCameraSpace(xp * half.x, yp * half.y, -NEAR_PLANE, 0);
    const glm::vec4 directionInWorldSpace = Rinv_ * directionInCameraSpace;
    const glm::vec3 v3 = glm::vec3(directionInWorldSpace);
    // return glm::fastNormalize(v3);
    return glm::normalize(v3);
Exemplo n.º 23
    void iView::draw()
        iRenderer::getInstance().setViewport(_resultingRectangle.getX(), _resultingRectangle.getY(), _resultingRectangle.getWidth(), _resultingRectangle.getHeight());


        if (_clearColorActive)

        if (_clearDepthActive)

        if (_perspective)
            iRenderer::getInstance().setPerspective(_viewAngel, getAspectRatio(), _nearPlaneDistance, _farPlaneDistance);
            iRenderer::getInstance().setOrtho(_left, _right, _bottom, _top, _nearPlaneDistance, _farPlaneDistance);

        if (_scene != nullptr)

        if (_scene != nullptr)
Exemplo n.º 24
void SpaceshipGame::initialize()
    // TODO: Not working on iOS
    // Display the gameplay splash screen for at least 1 second.
    displayScreen(this, &SpaceshipGame::drawSplash, NULL, 1000L);

    // Create our render state block that will be reused across all materials
    _stateBlock = RenderState::StateBlock::create();

    // Load our scene from file
    _scene = Scene::load("res/spaceship.gpb");

    // Update the aspect ratio for our scene's camera to match the current device resolution

    // Initialize scene data

    // Create a background audio track
    _backgroundSound = AudioSource::create("res/background.ogg");
    if (_backgroundSound)

    // Create font
    _font = Font::create("res/airstrip.gpb");

    // Store camera node
    _cameraNode = _scene->findNode("camera1");

    // Store initial ship and camera positions
    _initialShipPos = _shipGroupNode->getTranslation();
    _initialShipRot = _shipGroupNode->getRotation();
    _initialCameraPos = _cameraNode->getTranslation();
Exemplo n.º 25
RotoShapeRenderNode::isIdentity(TimeValue time,
                                const RenderScale & scale,
                                const RectI & roi,
                                ViewIdx view,
                                const ImagePlaneDesc& /*plane*/,
                                TimeValue* inputTime,
                                ViewIdx* inputView,
                                int* inputNb,
                                ImagePlaneDesc* /*inputPlane*/)
    *inputView = view;
    NodePtr node = getNode();

    *inputNb = -1;
    RotoDrawableItemPtr rotoItem = getAttachedRotoItem();
    if (!rotoItem) {
        return eActionStatusFailed;
    Bezier* isBezier = dynamic_cast<Bezier*>(rotoItem.get());
    if (!rotoItem || !rotoItem->isActivated(time, view) || (isBezier && ((!isBezier->isCurveFinished(view) && !isBezier->isOpenBezier()) || isBezier->getControlPointsCount(view) <= 1))) {
        *inputTime = time;
        *inputNb = 0;

        return eActionStatusOK;

    bool isPainting = isDuringPaintStrokeCreation();
    RectD maskRod;
    getRoDFromItem(rotoItem, time, view, isPainting, &maskRod);

    RectI maskPixelRod;
    maskRod.toPixelEnclosing(scale, getAspectRatio(-1), &maskPixelRod);
    if ( !maskPixelRod.intersects(roi) ) {
        *inputTime = time;
        *inputNb = 0;
    return eActionStatusOK;
} // isIdentity
Exemplo n.º 26
void Geoms::initialize()
    // Load game scene from file
    _scene = Scene::load("res/box.gpb");

    // Set the aspect ratio for the scene's camera to match the current resolution
    // Get light node
    Node* lightNode = _scene->findNode("directionalLight");
    Light* light = lightNode->getLight();

    // Initialize box model
    Node* boxNode = _scene->findNode("box");
    Model* boxModel = boxNode->getModel();
    Material* boxMaterial = boxModel->setMaterial("res/box.material");
Exemplo n.º 27
void TemplateGame::initialize()
    // Load game scene from file
    _scene = Scene::load("res/box.gpb");

    // Set the aspect ratio for the scene's camera to match the current resolution
    // Get light node
    Node* lightNode = _scene->findNode("directionalLight");
    Light* light = lightNode->getLight();

    // Initialize box model
    Node* boxNode = _scene->findNode("box");
    Model* boxModel = boxNode->getModel();
    Material* boxMaterial = boxModel->setMaterial("res/box.material");
    Platform::displayAdMobAds(true, "ca-app-pub-4039489503962745/7205385230");
Exemplo n.º 28
 * patchVbios - call the vendor specific function to patch the VESA tables
 *   x & y are horizontal and vertical dimensions respectively, in pixels
 *   for GMA and ATI, only first mode in Table is patched
 * each vendor specific function have the same form :
 *   bool vendorSetMode_type(sModeTable * table, uint8_t index, uint32_t * x, uint32_t * y);
 * where 'table' is the VESA table to patch, 'index' is the index of the mode in table,
 *       'x' & 'y' are pointer to the target resolution and return the next resolution in table.
void patchVbios(vBiosMap * map, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t bp, uint32_t hTotal, uint32_t vTotal)
	uint32_t i = 0;
	sModeTable * table = map->modeTables;
	// save the target resolution for future use
	map->currentX = x;
	map->currentY = y;
	// Get the aspect ratio for the requested mode
	getAspectRatio(&map->aspectRatio, x, y);
	i = 0;
	// Call the vendor specific function for each available VESA Table
	table = map->modeTables;
	while (table != NULL)
		//reset resolution value before treating a new table
		x = map->currentX;
		y = map->currentY;
		PRINT("Patching Table #%d: \n", table->id);
		map->setMode(table, i, &x, &y);

		table = table->next;
Exemplo n.º 29
void CubeTest::initialize()
    _scene = Scene::load( "res/world.scene" );
    if( !_scene ) {
        printf("Couldn't load scene!");

    // Set the aspect ratio for the scene's camera to match the current resolution
    _camera = _scene->getActiveCamera();
    Node * sun = _scene->findNode("sun");
    Node * box = _scene->findNode("box");
    Node * monkey = _scene->findNode("X");
    Node * spot = _scene->findNode("spot");
    _camera->getNode()->rotateY( MATH_DEG_TO_RAD(270.0f) );
    Node * camNode = _camera->getNode();
    //camNode->setTranslation(0, 0, 0);
    //camNode->setRotation(1, 0, 0, 0);
    //camNode->translate(0, -10, 10);
    //camNode->rotateX( MATH_DEG_TO_RAD(225.0f) );
    //camNode->rotateX( MATH_DEG_TO_RAD(-10.0f));
    Vector3 f = camNode->getForwardVector();
    bindSpotLight( box->getModel()->getMaterial(0), spot );
    bindDirectionalLight( box->getModel()->getMaterial(0), sun );
    bindDirectionalLight( monkey->getModel()->getMaterial(0), sun );
    //printf("<%.3f, %.3f, %.3f>\n", f.x, f.y, f.z );
    //dumpModel( box );
Exemplo n.º 30
void CreateSceneSample::initialize()
    // Create the font for drawing the framerate.
    _font = Font::create("res/ui/arial.gpb");

    // Create a new empty scene.
    _scene = Scene::create();

    // Create the camera.
    Camera* camera = Camera::createPerspective(45.0f, getAspectRatio(), 1.0f, 10.0f);
    Node* cameraNode = _scene->addNode("camera");

    // Attach the camera to a node. This determines the position of the camera.

    // Make this the active camera of the scene.

    // Move the camera to look at the origin.
    cameraNode->translate(0, 1, 5);

    // Create a white light.
    Light* light = Light::createDirectional(0.75f, 0.75f, 0.75f);
    Node* lightNode = _scene->addNode("light");
    // Release the light because the node now holds a reference to it.

    // Create the cube mesh and model.
    Mesh* cubeMesh = createCubeMesh();
    Model* cubeModel = Model::create(cubeMesh);
    // Release the mesh because the model now holds a reference to it.

    // Create the material for the cube model and assign it to the first mesh part.
    Material* material = cubeModel->setMaterial("res/shaders/textured.vert", "res/shaders/textured.frag", "DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT_COUNT 1");

    // These parameters are normally set in a .material file but this example sets them programmatically.
    // Bind the uniform "u_worldViewProjectionMatrix" to use the WORLD_VIEW_PROJECTION_MATRIX from the scene's active camera and the node that the model belongs to.
    material->setParameterAutoBinding("u_worldViewProjectionMatrix", "WORLD_VIEW_PROJECTION_MATRIX");
    material->setParameterAutoBinding("u_inverseTransposeWorldViewMatrix", "INVERSE_TRANSPOSE_WORLD_VIEW_MATRIX");
    // Set the ambient color of the material.
    material->getParameter("u_ambientColor")->setValue(Vector3(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f));

    // Bind the light's color and direction to the material.
    material->getParameter("u_directionalLightDirection[0]")->bindValue(lightNode, &Node::getForwardVectorWorld);

    // Load the texture from file.
    Texture::Sampler* sampler = material->getParameter("u_diffuseTexture")->setValue("res/png/crate.png", true);
    sampler->setFilterMode(Texture::LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, Texture::LINEAR);

    _cubeNode = _scene->addNode("cube");