Exemplo n.º 1
void udpBarcode_t :: onBarcode( void )
   unsigned len = strlen( getBarcode() );
//   printf( "barcode <%s>, len %u\n", getBarcode(), len );

   if( sick_e == scannerType_ )
      if( '\x03' == barcode_[--len] ) 
         barcode_[--len] = '\0' ; // trim symbology

   if( 0 != strcmp( "OK", barcode_ ) )
      unsigned long const now = tickMs();
      if( ( 0 != strcmp( barcode_, prevBarcode_ ) )
          ( 1000 < now-prevTick_ ) )
         char data[sizeof(udpHeader_t)+sizeof(barcode_)];
         udpHeader_t &header = *(udpHeader_t *)data ;
         header.type_   = header.barcode ;
         header.length_ = len + 1 ; // include trailing NULL
         strcpy( data+sizeof(header), getBarcode() );
         unsigned numToSend = sizeof(udpHeader_t)+header.length_ ;
         int numSent = sendto( udpSock_, data, numToSend, 0, 
                               (struct sockaddr *)&remote_, sizeof( remote_ ) );
         if( numSent != numToSend )
            perror( "barcode sendto" );
         strcpy( prevBarcode_, barcode_ );
         prevTick_ = now ;
         if( ( 0 != beepData_ ) && ( 0 != beepBytes_ ) )
            ::write( audioFd_, beepData_, beepBytes_ );
         } // play beep sound
         printf( "duplicate barcode %s ignored\n", barcode_ );

   if( keyence_e == scannerType_ )
      ::write( fd_, "LON\r", 4 );

Exemplo n.º 2
bool LCDbWorkEntry::createRecord( LQuery cQuery, const String & reason )
	cQuery.setSQL( "Insert into c_buddy_worklist"
			" (machine_cid, barcode, test_cid, group_id, category_id, sample_id, range_set,"
			"  min_value, max_value, project_cid, profile_id, profile_name, buddy_read,"
			"  time_stamp, in_date, trigger_id, lower_trigger_limit, upper_trigger_limit,"
			"  buddy_result_id, private_result, status, diluent)"
			" values ( :mid, :bar, :tid, :grp, :cat, :sid, :rs, :mnv, :mxv, :proj, :pfid,"
					" :pnm, 'N', 'now', :ind, :trid, :ltl, :utl, :rid, :prv, 'Q', :dil)" );

	cQuery.setParam( "bar", getBarcode() );
	cQuery.setParam( "grp", getGroupID() );
	cQuery.setParam( "cat", getCategoryID() );
	cQuery.setParam( "pfid", getProfileID() );
	cQuery.setParam( "pnm", reason );
	cQuery.setParam( "dil", diluent );
	cQuery.setParam( "ind", getInDate() );
	cQuery.setParam( "rid", getResultID() );

	std::pair< int, int > specimen = getSpecimen();
	cQuery.setParam( "proj", specimen.first );
	cQuery.setParam( "sid", specimen.second );
	cQuery.setParam( "tid", limits.getID() );
	cQuery.setParam( "mid", limits.getAnalyserID() );

	std::pair< double, double > range = limits.getRange().asDoubles();
	if( range.first == 0 && range.second == 0 )
		cQuery.setParam( "rs", 'N' );
		cQuery.setParam( "rs", 'Y' );
	cQuery.setParam( "mnv", range.first );
	cQuery.setParam( "mxv", range.second );

	range = limits.getTriggerLimits().asDoubles();
	cQuery.setParam( "trid", limits.getTriggerProfile() );
	cQuery.setParam( "ltl", range.first );
	cQuery.setParam( "utl", range.second );
	cQuery.setParam( "prv", limits.isPrivate() ? 'Y' : 'N' );
	return cQuery.execSQL() == 1;

	// don't add to cache - Marty's RFPs add record_no and ts_sequence
Exemplo n.º 3
bool LBDbWorkEntry::updateRecord( LQuery cluster, LDbWorkEntry::Stage result )
	LBDbWorkEntry * cached = LBDbWorkList::records().find( *this );
	TDateTime when = Now();

	String update = "set status = :sts, time_stamp = :ts";
	if( !isQC() && getCategoryID() != 0 )
		update = update + ", category_id = " + getCategoryID();
	if( resultID != 0 && resultID != duplicate )
		update = update + ", duplicate = " + resultID;

	String condition = "test_id = :tid and duplicate = :did and barcode = :bar";
	if( duplicate == 0 ) {
		int analyser = limits.getAnalyserID();
		if( analyser == 0 )
			condition += " and machine_cid in (" + listMachineIDs() + ")";
			condition += " and machine_cid = " + String( analyser );

	cluster.setSQL( "update buddy_worklist " + update + " where " + condition );
	cluster.setParam( "bar", getBarcode() );
	cluster.setParam( "did", duplicate );
	cluster.setParam( "tid", limits.getID() );
	cluster.setParam( "sts", makeStatus( result ) );
	cluster.setParam( "ts", when );
	if( cluster.execSQL() != 1 ) {
		return false;
	setStage( result );
	setTimeStamp( when );
	if( resultID != 0 )
		duplicate = resultID;
	if( cached != NULL )
		*cached = *this;
		LBDbWorkList::records().insert( *this );
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool LBDbWorkEntry::createRecord( LQuery cluster, String reason )
	int machine = limits.getAnalyserID();
	if( machine == 0 )
		// QCs should stay on the same analyser; others on cluster
		machine = LCDbAnalysers::getCurrentID();
		const LCDbAnalyser * an = LCDbAnalysers::records().findByID( machine );
		if( an != NULL && !isQC() )
			std::set< int > machineIDs = an -> getClusterIDs();
			if( !machineIDs.empty() )
				machine = *(machineIDs.begin());
		limits.setAnalyserID( machine );

	if( reason.IsEmpty() && getProfileID() != 0 )
		const LPDbProfiles & profiles = LPDbProfiles::records( getProjectID() );
		const LPDbProfile * pp = profiles.findByID( getProfileID() );
		if( pp != NULL )
			reason = pp -> getName();

	setTimeStamp( Now() );
	char fromCentral = LCDbWorkEntry::NEW_RECORD;
	switch( getStage() )
		case NEW_ENTRY:

		case RE_RUN:
			resultID = nextRerun --;

			resultID = TRIGGER_ID;

			fromCentral = LCDbWorkEntry::COPIED;

	cluster.setSQL( "Insert into buddy_worklist (machine_cid, barcode, duplicate, test_name, test_id,"
					" sample_id, range_set, min_value, max_value, status, project_cid, profile_name,"
					" buddy_read, in_date, time_stamp, lower_warning, upper_warning, trigger_id,"
					" trigger_lower_limit, trigger_upper_limit, private_result, delete_status, category_id)"
				   " values ( :mid, :bar, :dup, :tnm, :tid, :aid, :rs, :min, :max, :sts, :prj,"
							" :prn, :brd, :ind, :dts, :wlo, :wup, :trd, :tlo, :tup, :prv, 0, :cat )" );
	cluster.setParam( "mid", machine );
	cluster.setParam( "bar", getBarcode() );
	cluster.setParam( "dup", resultID );

	std::pair< int, int > specimen = getSpecimen();
	cluster.setParam( "prj", specimen.first );
	cluster.setParam( "aid", specimen.second );

	const LCDbTest & test = LCDbTests::records().get( limits.getID() );
	cluster.setParam( "tid", test.getID() );
	cluster.setParam( "tnm", test.getName() );
	cluster.setParam( "prn", reason );

	std::pair< double, double > range = limits.getRange().asDoubles();
	cluster.setParam( "min", range.first );
	cluster.setParam( "max", range.second );
	cluster.setParam( "rs", (range.first == 0 && range.second == 0) ? 'N' : 'Y' );

	cluster.setParam( "sts", makeStatus( getStage() ) );
	cluster.setParam( "brd", fromCentral );
	cluster.setParam( "ind", getInDate() );
	cluster.setParam( "dts", getTimeStamp() );

	cluster.setParam( "trd", limits.getTriggerProfile() );
	if( limits.getTriggerProfile() == 0 )
		cluster.setParam( "tup", "0" );
		cluster.setParam( "tlo", "0" );
	{	range = limits.getTriggerLimits().asDoubles();
		cluster.setParam( "tlo", range.first );
		cluster.setParam( "tup", range.second );

	range = limits.getWarnLevels().asDoubles();
	cluster.setParam( "wlo", range.first );
	cluster.setParam( "wup", range.second );
	cluster.setParam( "prv", limits.isPrivate() ? 'Y' : 'N' );
	cluster.setParam( "cat", getCategoryID() );

	if( cluster.execSQL() != 1 ) {
		return false;
	duplicate = resultID;
	LBDbWorkList::records().insert( *this );
	return true;