Exemplo n.º 1
void VisualOdometry::RGBDCallback(
  const ImageMsg::ConstPtr& rgb_msg,
  const ImageMsg::ConstPtr& depth_msg,
  const CameraInfoMsg::ConstPtr& info_msg)
  ros::WallTime start = ros::WallTime::now();

  // **** initialize ***************************************************

  if (!initialized_)
    initialized_ = getBaseToCameraTf(rgb_msg->header);
    init_time_ = rgb_msg->header.stamp;
    if (!initialized_) return;


  // **** create frame *************************************************

  ros::WallTime start_frame = ros::WallTime::now();
  rgbdtools::RGBDFrame frame;
  createRGBDFrameFromROSMessages(rgb_msg, depth_msg, info_msg, frame); 
  ros::WallTime end_frame = ros::WallTime::now();

  // **** find features ************************************************

  ros::WallTime start_features = ros::WallTime::now();
  ros::WallTime end_features = ros::WallTime::now();

  // **** registration *************************************************
  ros::WallTime start_reg = ros::WallTime::now();
  AffineTransform m = motion_estimation_.getMotionEstimation(frame);
  tf::Transform motion = tfFromEigenAffine(m);
  f2b_ = motion * f2b_;
  ros::WallTime end_reg = ros::WallTime::now();

  // **** publish outputs **********************************************
  if (publish_tf_)    publishTf(rgb_msg->header);
  if (publish_odom_)  publishOdom(rgb_msg->header);
  if (publish_path_)  publishPath(rgb_msg->header);
  if (publish_pose_)  publishPoseStamped(rgb_msg->header);
  if (publish_feature_cloud_) publishFeatureCloud(frame);
  if (publish_feature_cov_) publishFeatureCovariances(frame);
  if (publish_model_cloud_) publishModelCloud();
  if (publish_model_cov_)   publishModelCovariances();

  // **** print diagnostics *******************************************

  ros::WallTime end = ros::WallTime::now();

  int n_features = frame.keypoints.size();
  int n_valid_features = frame.n_valid_keypoints;
  int n_model_pts = motion_estimation_.getModelSize();

  double d_frame    = 1000.0 * (end_frame    - start_frame   ).toSec();
  double d_features = 1000.0 * (end_features - start_features).toSec();
  double d_reg      = 1000.0 * (end_reg      - start_reg     ).toSec();
  double d_total    = 1000.0 * (end          - start         ).toSec();

  diagnostics(n_features, n_valid_features, n_model_pts,
              d_frame, d_features, d_reg, d_total);
Exemplo n.º 2
void SparseTrackerAM::pointCloudCallback(const PointCloudT::ConstPtr& cloud_in_ptr)

  struct timeval start_callback, end_callback;
  struct timeval start_features, end_features;
  struct timeval start_model, end_model;
  struct timeval start_icp, end_icp;

  gettimeofday(&start_callback, NULL);

  // **** initialize ***********************************************************

  if (!initialized_)
    initialized_ = getBaseToCameraTf(cloud_in_ptr);
    if (!initialized_) return;

  // **** extract features *****************************************************

  gettimeofday(&start_features, NULL);

  // **** ab prediction

  ros::Time cur_time = cloud_in_ptr->header.stamp;
  double dt = (cur_time  - prev_time_).toSec();
  prev_time_ = cur_time;

  tf::Transform predicted_f2b;

  double pr_x, pr_y, pr_z, pr_roll, pr_pitch, pr_yaw;

  if (use_alpha_beta_)
    double cx, cy, cz, croll, cpitch, cyaw;
    getXYZRPY(f2b_, cx, cy, cz, croll, cpitch, cyaw);

    pr_x     = cx     + v_x_     * dt;
    pr_y     = cy     + v_y_     * dt;
    pr_z     = cz     + v_z_     * dt;
    pr_roll  = croll  + v_roll_  * dt;
    pr_pitch = cpitch + v_pitch_ * dt;
    pr_yaw   = cyaw   + v_yaw_   * dt;

    btVector3 pr_pos(pr_x, pr_y, pr_z);
    btQuaternion pr_q;
    pr_q.setRPY(pr_roll, pr_pitch, pr_yaw);

    predicted_f2b = f2b_;

  PointCloudOrb::Ptr orb_features_ptr = boost::make_shared<PointCloudOrb>();
  bool orb_extract_result = extractOrbFeatures(cloud_in_ptr, orb_features_ptr);
  pcl::transformPointCloud (*orb_features_ptr , *orb_features_ptr, eigenFromTf(predicted_f2b * b2c_));
  orb_features_ptr->header.frame_id = fixed_frame_;

  // FIXME - removed canny

  PointCloudCanny::Ptr canny_features_ptr = boost::make_shared<PointCloudCanny>();
  bool canny_extract_result;// = extractCannyFeatures(cloud_in_ptr, canny_features_ptr);
  pcl::transformPointCloud (*canny_features_ptr , *canny_features_ptr, eigenFromTf(predicted_f2b * b2c_));
  canny_features_ptr->header.frame_id = fixed_frame_;

  gettimeofday(&end_features, NULL);

  // **** ICP ******************************

  gettimeofday(&start_icp, NULL);

  bool orb_icp_result = false;
  bool canny_icp_result = false;

  if (orb_extract_result)
    orb_icp_result = OrbICP(orb_features_ptr);

    double eps_roll_  = 0.3;
    double eps_pitch_ = 0.3;
    double eps_yaw_   = 0.3;
    double eps_x_     = 0.3;
    double eps_y_     = 0.3;
    double eps_z_     = 0.3;

    if (orb_icp_result)
      tf::Transform corr = tfFromEigen(orb_reg_.getFinalTransformation());

      // particles add error to motion
      double c_x, c_y, c_z, c_roll, c_pitch, c_yaw;
      double e_x, e_y, e_z, e_roll, e_pitch, e_yaw;
      getXYZRPY(corr, c_x, c_y, c_z, c_roll, c_pitch, c_yaw);

      for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
        e_roll  = getUrand() * eps_roll_  * c_roll;
        e_pitch = getUrand() * eps_pitch_ * c_pitch;
        e_yaw   = getUrand() * eps_yaw_   * c_yaw;
        e_x = getUrand() * eps_x_  * c_x;
        e_y = getUrand() * eps_y_  * c_y;
        e_z = getUrand() * eps_z_  * c_z;

        btVector3 e_pos(c_x + e_x, c_y + e_y, c_z + e_z);
        btQuaternion e_q;
        e_q.setRPY(c_roll + e_roll, c_pitch + e_pitch, c_yaw + e_yaw);

        tf::Transform e_corr;


        pf2b_[i] = e_corr * pf2b_[i];

      // end particles

      tf::Transform measured_f2b = corr * predicted_f2b;

      // **** ab estmation
      if (use_alpha_beta_)
        double m_x, m_y, m_z, m_roll, m_pitch, m_yaw;
        getXYZRPY(measured_f2b, m_x, m_y, m_z, m_roll, m_pitch, m_yaw);

        // residuals

        double r_x     = m_x     - pr_x;
        double r_y     = m_y     - pr_y;
        double r_z     = m_z     - pr_z;
        double r_roll  = m_roll  - pr_roll;
        double r_pitch = m_pitch - pr_pitch;
        double r_yaw   = m_yaw   - pr_yaw;


        // final position

        double f_x     = pr_x     + alpha_ * r_x;
        double f_y     = pr_y     + alpha_ * r_y;
        double f_z     = pr_z     + alpha_ * r_z;
        double f_roll  = pr_roll  + alpha_ * r_roll;
        double f_pitch = pr_pitch + alpha_ * r_pitch;
        double f_yaw   = pr_yaw   + alpha_ * r_yaw;

        btVector3 f_pos(f_x, f_y, f_z);
        btQuaternion f_q;
        f_q.setRPY(f_roll, f_pitch, f_yaw);


        // final velocity

        v_x_     = v_x_     + beta_ * r_x     / dt;
        v_y_     = v_y_     + beta_ * r_y     / dt;
        v_z_     = v_z_     + beta_ * r_z     / dt;
        v_roll_  = v_roll_  + beta_ * r_roll  / dt;
        v_pitch_ = v_pitch_ + beta_ * r_pitch / dt;
        v_yaw_   = v_yaw_   + beta_ * r_yaw   / dt;

        //printf("VEL: %f, %f, %f\n", v_x_, v_y_, v_z_);
        f2b_ = measured_f2b;

  if (!orb_icp_result)

  gettimeofday(&end_icp, NULL);

  // **** ADD features to model

  gettimeofday(&start_model, NULL);

  if (model_->points.size() == 0)
    *model_ += *orb_features_ptr;
    pcl::KdTreeFLANN<PointOrb> tree_model;

    std::vector<int> indices;
    std::vector<float> distances;


    for (int i = 0; i < orb_features_ptr->points.size(); ++i)
      PointOrb& p = orb_features_ptr->points[i];

      int n_found = tree_model.nearestKSearch(p, 1, indices, distances);

      if (n_found == 0)
        if ( distances[0] > 0.01)
          //found far away, insert new one

          // found near, modify old one

          //PointOrb& q = model_->points[indices[0]];
          //q.x = 0.5*(p.x + q.x);
          //q.y = 0.5*(p.y + q.y);
          //q.z = 0.5*(p.z + q.z);

  gettimeofday(&end_model, NULL);

  // *** broadcast tf **********************************************************


  // *** counter  **************************************************************


  // **** print diagnostics ****************************************************

  gettimeofday(&end_callback, NULL);

  double features_dur  = msDuration(start_features, end_features);
  double model_dur     = msDuration(start_model,    end_model);
  double icp_dur       = msDuration(start_icp,      end_icp);
  double callback_dur  = msDuration(start_callback, end_callback);

  //int model_frames = orb_history_.getSize();
  int icp_iterations = orb_reg_.getFinalIterations();
  int orb_features_count = orb_features_ptr->points.size();
  int canny_features_count =canny_features_ptr->points.size();
  int model_size = model_->points.size();

  printf("F[%d][%d] %.1f \t M[%d] %.1f \t ICP[%d] %.1f \t TOTAL %.1f\n",
      orb_features_count, canny_features_count, features_dur,
      model_size, model_dur,
      icp_dur, callback_dur);
