Exemplo n.º 1
 * Create a new vector of peaks in results.  m/z value of peaks will
 * now be a bin number, not an actual m/z value.  Intensities of
 * multiple peaks in one bin are summed.
 * \returns The sum of the intensties of all raw peaks.
double PeakProcessor::binPeaks(vector<PEAK_T>& peaks, 
                               vector<PEAK_T>& results )
    // start with an empty vector

    // if no peaks, return 
    if( peaks.empty() ){
        return 0;

    double totalIntensity = 0;

    //initialize results to the first peak
    PEAK_T tmpPeak;
    tmpPeak.mz = getBin( peaks.at(0).mz );  
    tmpPeak.intensity = peaks.at(0).intensity;
    results.push_back( tmpPeak );
    totalIntensity = tmpPeak.intensity;
    for(int i=1; i<(int)peaks.size(); i++) {
        tmpPeak.mz = getBin( peaks.at(i).mz );
        tmpPeak.intensity = peaks.at(i).intensity;
        totalIntensity += peaks.at(i).intensity;
        if( tmpPeak.mz == results.back().mz )
            results.back().intensity += peaks.at(i).intensity;
    return totalIntensity;
Exemplo n.º 2
void Ring::getPoints(){
    double x1 = cellRange[0];
    double y1 = circle(x1);
    int yyy = 1;
    for(int i=1; i<=vecDim; i++){
        double x2 = cellRange[i];
        double y2 = circle(x2);
        if(getBin(y1) != getBin(y2)){
            x2 = circle(cellRange[vecDim-yyy]);
            y2 = cellRange[vecDim-yyy];
            x2 = m_maxX;
            y2 = circle(m_maxX);
            x2 = cellRange[i];
            y2 = circle(x2);
        x1 = x2;
        y1 = y2;
Exemplo n.º 3
void Ring::length(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2){
    double L = arclen(x1,x2,y1,y2);
    int x = getBin(x2);
    int y = getBin(y1);
    probMap[make_pair(x,y)]+= L;
    probMap[make_pair(y,x)]+= L;
Exemplo n.º 4
bool SpacePartition::getBinsInBox( int i, int j, int N, std::vector< SpaceBin* >* bins_in_box )
	int left = i - N;
	int right = i + N;
	int top = j - N;
	int bottom = j + N;
	if( left >= num_horizontal_bins || right < 0 || top >= num_vertical_bins || bottom < 0 )
		return false;

	for( int p=left; p <= right; p++ )
		for( int q=top; q <= bottom; q++ )
			SpaceBin* bin = getBin( p, q );
			if( bin )
				bins_in_box->push_back( bin );
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
void TileHolder::makeTile(const GridPt &tilePt, ImgFetcher &fetch, Mat &out, Mat &bg) {
	Point2f tileTl(tl.x + tilePt[0] * tileSz.width, tl.y + tilePt[1] * tileSz.height);

	const set<ImData> &bin = getBin(tilePt);
	out = Mat::zeros(tileSz, CV_32FC1);//gather the tile data in out
	Mat weightIm = Mat::zeros(tileSz, CV_32FC1) + FLT_MIN;//+ 1e-90;	// avoid divide by zero, maybe static this?

	Mat curIm;
	for (const ImData &dat : bin) {
		fetch.getMat(dat.file, curIm);
		if (curIm.type() == CV_8U) {
			curIm.convertTo(curIm, CV_32F, 1. / 255);
		} else if (curIm.type() != CV_32F) {
			fprintf(stderr, "err: bad image type\n");

		if (bg.data)
			assert(bg.size() == curIm.size());
			curIm -= bg;

		std::cout << dat.file << std::endl;
		//saveFloatIm("testsomewhere.tif", weightMat);
		blit(curIm.mul(weightMat), out, dat.pos - tileTl);
		blit(weightMat, weightIm, dat.pos - tileTl);
	out /= weightIm;
Exemplo n.º 6
static void
processAlloc(const AllocInfo& info, uint64_t finalizeTime)
    uint64_t lifetime = finalizeTime - info.serial;
    unsigned timeslice = info.serial / timesliceSize;

    unsigned lifetimeBin = getBin(lifetime);
    assert(lifetimeBin < lifetimeBins);


    if (info.kind <= LastObjectAllocKind) {
        const TypeInfo& typeInfo = types[info.typeId];
        const ClassInfo& classInfo = classes[typeInfo.classId];
        if (info.initialHeap == TenuredHeap) {
            FinalizerKind f = classes[classInfo.id].hasFinalizer;
            if (f == HasFinalizer)

    uint64_t size = thingSizes[info.kind];
    gcBytesAllocatedInSlice[timeslice] += size;
    gcBytesFreedInSlice[finalizeTime / timesliceSize] += size;
Exemplo n.º 7
void SpacePartition::clearBin( int i, int j )
	SpaceBin* bin = getBin( i, j );

	if( bin )
Exemplo n.º 8
void SpacePartition::clearAllBins()
	for( int i=0; i < num_horizontal_bins; i++ )
		for( int j=0; j < num_vertical_bins; j++ )
			SpaceBin* bin = getBin( i, j );
Exemplo n.º 9
static void
    assert(getBin(0) == 0);
    assert(getBin(FirstBinSize - 1) == 0);
    assert(getBin(FirstBinSize) == 1);
    assert(getBin(2 * FirstBinSize - 1) == 1);
    assert(getBin(2 * FirstBinSize) == 2);
    assert(getBin(4 * FirstBinSize - 1) == 2);
    assert(getBin(4 * FirstBinSize) == 3);
    assert(binLimit(0) == FirstBinSize);
    assert(binLimit(1) == 2 * FirstBinSize);
    assert(binLimit(2) == 4 * FirstBinSize);
    assert(binLimit(3) == 8 * FirstBinSize);
Exemplo n.º 10
// Write out the R-Type instruction
void rtype_instruction(char *instruction, char *rs, char *rt, char *rd, int shamt, FILE *Out) {

	// Set the instruction bits
	char *opcode = "000000";

	char *rdBin = "00000";
	if (strcmp(rd, "00000") != 0)
		rdBin = register_address(rd);

	char *rsBin = "00000";
	if (strcmp(rs, "00000") != 0)
		rsBin = register_address(rs);

	char *rtBin = "00000";
	if (strcmp(rt, "00000") != 0)
		rtBin = register_address(rt);

	char *func = NULL;
	char shamtBin[6];

	// Convert shamt to binary and put in shamtBin as a char*
	getBin(shamt, shamtBin, 5);

	size_t i;
	for (i = 0; rMap[i].name != NULL; i++) {
		if (strcmp(instruction, rMap[i].name) == 0) {
			func = rMap[i].function;

	if(RADIX == 16)
		char buf[40];
		sprintf(buf,"%s%s%s%s%s%s", opcode, rsBin, rtBin, rdBin, shamtBin, func);
		int hex = getDec(buf);
		// Print out the instruction to the file
		fprintf(Out, "%08X,\n",hex);
		fprintf(Out, "%s%s%s%s%s%s,\n", opcode, rsBin, rtBin, rdBin, shamtBin, func);
Exemplo n.º 11
bool SpacePartition::getNthRing( int i, int j , int N, std::vector< SpaceBin* >* nth_ring )
	if( i < 0 || i >= num_horizontal_bins || j < 0 || j >= num_vertical_bins )
		return false;
	if( ( i-N ) < 0 && ( i+N ) >= num_horizontal_bins && ( j-N ) < 0 && ( j+N ) >= num_vertical_bins )
		return false;
	if( N < 0 )
		return false;

	if( N == 0 )
		SpaceBin* bin_center = getBin( i, j );
		nth_ring->push_back( bin_center );
		return true;

	// N >= 1
	SpaceBin* bin_left_top = getBin( i-N, j-N );
	SpaceBin* bin_right_top = getBin( i+N, j-N );
	SpaceBin* bin_right_bottom = getBin( i+N, j+N );
	SpaceBin* bin_left_bottom = getBin( i-N, j+N );

	int p, q;

	if( bin_left_top && !bin_left_top->isEmpty() )
		nth_ring->push_back( bin_left_top );
	for( p=i-N+1, q=j-N; p <= i+N-1; p++ )
		SpaceBin* bin_top = getBin( p, q );
		if( bin_top && !bin_top->isEmpty() )
			nth_ring->push_back( bin_top );

	if( bin_right_top && !bin_right_top->isEmpty() )
		nth_ring->push_back( bin_right_top );
	for( p=i+N, q=j-N+1; q <= j+N-1; q++ )
		SpaceBin* bin_right = getBin( p, q );
		if( bin_right && !bin_right->isEmpty() )
			nth_ring->push_back( bin_right );

	if( bin_right_bottom && !bin_right_bottom->isEmpty() )
		nth_ring->push_back( bin_right_bottom );
	for( p=i+N-1, q=j+N; p >= i-N+1; p-- )
		SpaceBin* bin_bottom = getBin( p, q );
		if( bin_bottom && !bin_bottom->isEmpty() )
			nth_ring->push_back( bin_bottom );

	if( bin_left_bottom && !bin_left_bottom->isEmpty() )
		nth_ring->push_back( bin_left_bottom );
	for( p=i-N, q=j+N-1; q >= j-N+1; q-- )
		SpaceBin* bin_left = getBin( p, q );
		if( bin_left && !bin_left->isEmpty() )
			nth_ring->push_back( bin_left );

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
SpaceBin* SpacePartition::getBin( double x, double z )
	int i, j;
	calcGridCoords( x, z, &i, &j );
	return getBin( i, j );
Exemplo n.º 13
void Histogram::addAngle(double theta, double length)
  _bins[getBin(theta)] += length;
Exemplo n.º 14
void itype_parse(char *token, char *tok_ptr, hash_table_t *hash_table, int32_t instruction_count, FILE *Out)
	int i;
	// la is pseudo instruction for lui and ori
	// Convert to lui and ori and pass those instructions
	if (strcmp(token, "la") == 0) 

		// Parse the instruction - get register & immediate
		char *inst_ptr = tok_ptr;
		char *reg = NULL;

		// Create an array of char* that stores rd, rs and shamt
		char **reg_store;
		reg_store = (char**)malloc(2 * sizeof(char*));
		if (reg_store == NULL) 
			fprintf(Out, "Out of memory\n");

		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) 
			reg_store[i] = (char*)malloc(20 * sizeof(char));
			if (reg_store[i] == NULL) 
				fprintf(Out, "Out of memory\n");

		// Keeps a reference to which register has been parsed for storage
		int count = 0;
		while (1) 
			reg = parse_token(inst_ptr, " $,\n\t", &inst_ptr, NULL);
			if (reg == NULL || *reg == '#') 
			strcpy(reg_store[count], reg);

		// Interpret la instruction.
		// The register is at reg_store[0] and the variable is at reg_store[1]

		// Find address of label in hash table
		int *address = (int*)hash_find(hash_table, reg_store[1], strlen(reg_store[1])+1);

		// Convert address to binary in char*
		char addressBinary[33];
		getBin(*address, addressBinary, 32);

		// Get upper and lower bits of address
		char upperBits[16];
		char lowerBits[16];

		for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
			if (i < 16)
				lowerBits[i] = addressBinary[i];
				upperBits[i-16] = addressBinary[i];

		// Call the lui instruction with: lui $reg, upperBits
		// Convert upperBits binary to int
		int immediate = getDec(upperBits);
		itype_instruction("lui", "00000", reg_store[0], immediate, Out);

		// Call the ori instruction with: ori $reg, $reg, lowerBits
		// Convert lowerBits binary to int
		immediate = getDec(lowerBits);
		itype_instruction("ori", reg_store[0], reg_store[0], immediate, Out);

		// Dealloc reg_store
		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) 

	// I-Type $rt, i($rs)
	else if (strcmp(token, "lw") == 0 || strcmp(token, "sw") == 0
		||	 strcmp(token, "lb") == 0 || strcmp(token, "lbu") == 0
		||	 strcmp(token, "lh") == 0 || strcmp(token, "lhu") == 0
		||	 strcmp(token, "sb") == 0 || strcmp(token, "sh") == 0

		// Parse the instructio - rt, immediate and rs
		char *inst_ptr = tok_ptr;
		char *reg = NULL;
		// Create an array of char* that stores rd, rs, rt respectively
		char **reg_store;
		reg_store =(char**) malloc(3 * sizeof(char*));
		if (reg_store == NULL) 
			fprintf(Out, "Out of memory\n");

		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) 
			reg_store[i] =(char*) malloc(20 * sizeof(char));
			if (reg_store[i] == NULL) 
				fprintf(Out, "Out of memory\n");

		// Keeps a reference to which register has been parsed for storage
		int count = 0;
		while (1) 

			reg = parse_token(inst_ptr, " $,\n\t()", &inst_ptr, NULL);

			if (reg == NULL || *reg == '#') {

			strcpy(reg_store[count], reg);

		// rt in position 0, immediate in position 1 and rs in position2
		int immediate = atoi(reg_store[1]);
		itype_instruction(token, reg_store[2], reg_store[0], immediate, Out);

		// Dealloc reg_store
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) 

	// I-Type rt, rs, im
	else if (strcmp(token, "andi") == 0 || strcmp( token, "ori") == 0
		||	 strcmp(token, "xori") == 0 || strcmp(token, "sltiu") == 0
		|| strcmp(token, "slti") == 0 || strcmp(token, "addi") == 0
		||	 strcmp(token, "addiu") == 0 

			// Parse the instruction - rt, rs, immediate
			char *inst_ptr = tok_ptr;
			char *reg = NULL;

			// Create an array of char* that stores rt, rs
			char **reg_store;
			reg_store =(char**) malloc(3 * sizeof(char*));
			if (reg_store == NULL) 
				fprintf(Out, "Out of memory\n");

			for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) 
				reg_store[i] =(char*) malloc(20 * sizeof(char));
				if (reg_store[i] == NULL)
					fprintf(Out, "Out of memory\n");

			// Keeps a reference to which register has been parsed for storage
			int count = 0;
			while (1) 

				reg = parse_token(inst_ptr, " $,\n\t", &inst_ptr, NULL);

				if (reg == NULL || *reg == '#') 

				strcpy(reg_store[count], reg);

			// rt in position 0, rs in position 1 and immediate in position 2
			int immediate = atoi(reg_store[2]);
			itype_instruction(token, reg_store[1], reg_store[0], immediate, Out);

			// Dealloc reg_store
			for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++)
	// I-Type $rt, immediate
	else if (strcmp(token, "lui") == 0) 

		// Parse the insturction,  rt - immediate
		char *inst_ptr = tok_ptr;
		char *reg = NULL;

		// Create an array of char* that stores rs, rt
		char **reg_store;
		reg_store =(char**) malloc(2 * sizeof(char*));
		if (reg_store == NULL)
			fprintf(Out, "Out of memory\n");

		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) 
			reg_store[i] =(char*) malloc(20 * sizeof(char));
			if (reg_store[i] == NULL) 
				fprintf(Out, "Out of memory\n");

		// Keeps a reference to which register has been parsed for storage
		int count = 0;
		while (1) 

			reg = parse_token(inst_ptr, " $,\n\t", &inst_ptr, NULL);

			if (reg == NULL || *reg == '#') 

			strcpy(reg_store[count], reg);

		// rt in position 0, immediate in position 1
		int immediate = atoi(reg_store[1]);
		itype_instruction(token, "00000", reg_store[0], immediate, Out);

		// Dealloc reg_store
		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) 
	// I-Type $rs, $rt, label
	else if (strcmp(token, "beq") == 0 || strcmp(token, "bne") == 0)

		// Parse the instruction - rs, rt
		char *inst_ptr = tok_ptr;
		char *reg = NULL;

		// Create an array of char* that stores rs, rt
		char **reg_store;
		reg_store =(char**) malloc(2 * sizeof(char*));
		if (reg_store == NULL) 
			fprintf(Out, "Out of memory\n");

		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) 
			reg_store[i] =(char*) malloc(20 * sizeof(char));
			if (reg_store[i] == NULL) 
				fprintf(Out, "Out of memory\n");

		// Keeps a reference to which register has been parsed for storage
		int count = 0;
		while (1) 

			reg = parse_token(inst_ptr, " $,\n\t", &inst_ptr, NULL);

			if (reg == NULL || *reg == '#')

			strcpy(reg_store[count], reg);

			if (count == 2)

		reg = parse_token(inst_ptr, " $,\n\t", &inst_ptr, NULL);

		// Find hash address for a register and put in an immediate
		int *address =(int*) hash_find(hash_table, reg, strlen(reg)+1);

		// beq跳转地址有问题
		int immediate = (*address - instruction_count) >> 2;

		// Send instruction to itype function
		itype_instruction(token, reg_store[0], reg_store[1], immediate, Out);

		// Dealloc reg_store
		for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
Exemplo n.º 15
void generateTensorHistogram(const Handle<float> inputTensor,
                             Handle<float> existingHistogram, float &min,
                             float &max) {
  auto minMaxPos = inputTensor.minMaxArg();
  float minInput = inputTensor.raw(minMaxPos.first);
  float maxInput = inputTensor.raw(minMaxPos.second);

  if (existingHistogram.isZero()) {
    min = minInput;
    max = maxInput;

  size_t nBins = existingHistogram.size();

  // Check if we need to rescale histogram.
  if (minInput < min || maxInput > max) {
    float newMin = std::min(minInput, min);
    float newMax = std::max(maxInput, max);

    float destBinWidth = (newMax - newMin) / nBins;
    float srcBinWidth = (max - min) / nBins;

    std::vector<float> scaledHistogram(nBins);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < nBins; ++i) {
      if (existingHistogram.raw(i) == 0)

      float srcBinBegin = min + srcBinWidth * i;
      size_t destBin = (srcBinBegin - newMin) / destBinWidth;
      float destBinEnd = newMin + destBinWidth * (destBin + 1);

      float srcBinEnd = srcBinBegin + srcBinWidth;
      size_t destBinToVerify = (srcBinEnd - newMin) / destBinWidth;
      // Make sure that destination bin is mapped at most to 2 final bins, based
      // on that redistribute percentage is calculated.
      assert(destBinToVerify <= destBin + 2);

      // Calculate how much we need to redistribute.
      uint64_t dstBinCnt = static_cast<uint64_t>(std::min(
          static_cast<float>(round((destBinEnd - srcBinBegin) / srcBinWidth *

      size_t newBin = getBin(nBins, destBinWidth, newMin, srcBinBegin);
      scaledHistogram[newBin] += dstBinCnt;

      if (dstBinCnt < existingHistogram.raw(i)) {
        size_t newBin =
            getBin(nBins, destBinWidth, newMin, srcBinBegin + destBinWidth);
        scaledHistogram[newBin] += existingHistogram.raw(i) - dstBinCnt;

    // Copy scaled histogram back to the existing histogram.
    for (size_t i = 0, e = scaledHistogram.size(); i < e; ++i) {
      existingHistogram.raw(i) = scaledHistogram[i];

    // Update global min and max.
    min = newMin;
    max = newMax;

  float binWidth = (max - min) / nBins;
  for (size_t i = 0, e = inputTensor.size(); i < e; ++i) {
    size_t newBin = getBin(nBins, binWidth, min, inputTensor.raw(i));