Exemplo n.º 1
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AlignSections::dataCheck()
  DataArrayPath tempPath;

  ImageGeom::Pointer image = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqGeometryFromDataContainer<ImageGeom, AbstractFilter>(this, getDataContainerName());
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  if (image->getXPoints() <= 1 || image->getYPoints() <= 1 || image->getZPoints() <= 1)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The Image Geometry is not 3D and cannot be run through this filter. The dimensions are (%1,%2,%3)").arg(image->getXPoints()).arg(image->getYPoints()).arg(image->getZPoints());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellAttributeMatrixName(), "");
  getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqAttributeMatrixFromPath<AbstractFilter>(this, tempPath, -301);

  if (true == m_WriteAlignmentShifts && m_AlignmentShiftFileName.isEmpty() == true)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The alignment shift file name is empty");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RegularGridSampleSurfaceMesh::dataCheck()
  DataArrayPath tempPath;

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqDataContainer<AbstractFilter>(this, getDataContainerName());
  if (getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  ImageGeom::Pointer image = ImageGeom::CreateGeometry(DREAM3D::Geometry::ImageGeometry);

  // Set the Dimensions, Resolution and Origin of the output data container
  m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setDimensions(m_XPoints, m_YPoints, m_ZPoints);
  m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setResolution(m_Resolution.x, m_Resolution.y, m_Resolution.z);
  m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setOrigin(m_Origin.x, m_Origin.y, m_Origin.z);

  QVector<size_t> tDims(3, 0);
  tDims[0] = m_XPoints;
  tDims[1] = m_YPoints;
  tDims[2] = m_ZPoints;
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer cellAttrMat = m->createNonPrereqAttributeMatrix<AbstractFilter>(this, getCellAttributeMatrixName(), tDims, DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::Cell);
  if (getErrorCondition() < 0 || NULL == cellAttrMat.get()) { return; }

  QVector<size_t> cDims(1, 1);
  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellAttributeMatrixName(), getFeatureIdsArrayName() );
  m_FeatureIdsPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<int32_t>, AbstractFilter, int32_t>(this, tempPath, 0, cDims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if( NULL != m_FeatureIdsPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
  { m_FeatureIds = m_FeatureIdsPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
int testCase1_Execute(const QString& name, int scalarType)
  int err = 0;
  int dataArraySize = ARRAY_SIZE * N;
  int junkArraySize = 0;
  int skipHeaderBytes = 0;
  qDebug() << "Testing case 1: " << name << " with num comps " << N;

  // Allocate an array, and get the dataArray from that array
  boost::shared_array<T> array(new T[dataArraySize]); // This makes sure our allocated array is deleted when we leave
  T* dataArray = array.get();

  // Write some data into the data array
  for(size_t i = 0; i < dataArraySize; ++i)
    dataArray[i] = static_cast<T>(i);

  // Create junkArray and set it to NULL because there is no junk in this test case
  T* junkArray = NULL;

  // Create the file and write to it.  If any of the information is wrong, the result will be false
  bool result = createAndWriteToFile(dataArray, dataArraySize, junkArray, junkArraySize, Detail::None);

  // Test to make sure that the file was created and written to successfully
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(result, == , true)

  // Create the data container
  VolumeDataContainer::Pointer m = VolumeDataContainer::New();
  DataContainerArray::Pointer dca = DataContainerArray::New();

  // Create the filter, passing in the skipHeaderBytes
  RawBinaryReader::Pointer filt = createRawBinaryReaderFilter(scalarType, N, skipHeaderBytes);

  // Preflight, get the error condition, and check that there are no errors
  err = filt->getErrorCondition();
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(err, >= , 0)

  // Execute the filter, check that there are no errors, and compare the data
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(err, >= , 0)

  IDataArray::Pointer iData = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName())->getAttributeArray("Test_Array");
  T* data = reinterpret_cast<T*>(iData->getVoidPointer(0));
  T d, p;
  for(size_t i = 0; i < dataArraySize; ++i)
    d = data[i];
    p = dataArray[i];
  return err;
Exemplo n.º 4
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ReadImage::readFilterParameters(AbstractFilterParametersReader* reader, int index)
  reader->openFilterGroup(this, index);
  setInputFileName( reader->readString( "InputFileName", getInputFileName() ) );
  setDataContainerName( reader->readString( "DataContainerName", getDataContainerName() ) );
  setCellAttributeMatrixName( reader->readString( "CellAttributeMatrixName", getCellAttributeMatrixName() ) );
  setImageDataArrayName( reader->readString( "ImageDataArrayName", getImageDataArrayName() ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void VtkStructuredPointsReader::readFilterParameters(AbstractFilterParametersReader* reader, int index)
  reader->openFilterGroup(this, index);
  setVertexDataContainerName(reader->readString("VertexDataContainerName", getVertexDataContainerName()));
  setVolumeDataContainerName(reader->readString("VolumeDataContainerName", getVolumeDataContainerName() ) );
  setCellAttributeMatrixName(reader->readString("CellAttributeMatrixName", getCellAttributeMatrixName() ) );
  setVertexAttributeMatrixName(reader->readString("VertexAttributeMatrixName", getVertexAttributeMatrixName() ) );
  setInputFile( reader->readString( "InputFile", getInputFile() ) );
  setReadPointData(reader->readValue("ReadPointData", getReadPointData()));
  setReadCellData(reader->readValue("ReadCellData", getReadCellData()));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RegularGridSampleSurfaceMesh::readFilterParameters(AbstractFilterParametersReader* reader, int index)
  SampleSurfaceMesh::readFilterParameters(reader, index);
  reader->openFilterGroup(this, index);
  setXPoints(reader->readValue("XPoints", getXPoints()));
  setYPoints(reader->readValue("YPoints", getYPoints()));
  setZPoints(reader->readValue("ZPoints", getZPoints()));
  setResolution(reader->readFloatVec3("Resolution", getResolution()));
  setOrigin(reader->readFloatVec3("Origin", getOrigin()));
  setDataContainerName(reader->readString("DataContainerName", getDataContainerName()));
  setCellAttributeMatrixName(reader->readString("CellAttributeMatrixName", getCellAttributeMatrixName() ) );
  setFeatureIdsArrayName(reader->readString("FeatureIdsArrayName", getFeatureIdsArrayName() ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitializeSyntheticVolume::readFilterParameters(AbstractFilterParametersReader* reader, int index)
  reader->openFilterGroup(this, index);
  setDataContainerName(reader->readString("DataContainerName", getDataContainerName() ) );
  setCellAttributeMatrixName(reader->readString("CellAttributeMatrixName", getCellAttributeMatrixName() ) );
  setDimensions( reader->readIntVec3("Dimensions", getDimensions() ) );
  setResolution( reader->readFloatVec3("Resolution", getResolution() ) );
  setOrigin( reader->readFloatVec3("Origin", getOrigin() ) );
  setInputStatsArrayPath(reader->readDataArrayPath("InputStatsArrayPath", getInputStatsArrayPath() ) );
  setInputPhaseTypesArrayPath(reader->readDataArrayPath("InputPhaseTypesArrayPath", getInputPhaseTypesArrayPath() ) );
  setInputStatsFile(reader->readString("InputStatsFile", getInputStatsFile() ) );
  setEstimateNumberOfFeatures(reader->readValue("EstimateNumberOfFeatures", getEstimateNumberOfFeatures() ) );
Exemplo n.º 8
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FeatureInfoReader::readFilterParameters(AbstractFilterParametersReader* reader, int index)
  reader->openFilterGroup(this, index);
  setCellAttributeMatrixName(reader->readDataArrayPath("CellAttributeMatrixName", getCellAttributeMatrixName() ) );
  setCellFeatureAttributeMatrixName(reader->readString("CellFeatureAttributeMatrixName", getCellFeatureAttributeMatrixName() ) );
  setFeatureEulerAnglesArrayName(reader->readString("FeatureEulerAnglesArrayName", getFeatureEulerAnglesArrayName() ) );
  setFeaturePhasesArrayName(reader->readString("FeaturePhasesArrayName", getFeaturePhasesArrayName() ) );
  setCellEulerAnglesArrayName(reader->readString("CellEulerAnglesArrayName", getCellEulerAnglesArrayName() ) );
  setCellPhasesArrayName(reader->readString("CellPhasesArrayName", getCellPhasesArrayName() ) );
  setFeatureIdsArrayPath(reader->readDataArrayPath("FeatureIdsArrayPath", getFeatureIdsArrayPath() ) );
  setInputFile( reader->readString( "InputFile", getInputFile() ) );
  setCreateCellLevelArrays( reader->readValue("CreateCellLevelArrays", getCreateCellLevelArrays()) );
  setRenumberFeatures( reader->readValue("RenumberFeatures", getRenumberFeatures()) );
Exemplo n.º 9
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void YSChoiAbaqusReader::readFilterParameters(AbstractFilterParametersReader* reader, int index)
  reader->openFilterGroup(this, index);
  setDataContainerName(reader->readString("DataContainerName", getDataContainerName() ) );
  setCellAttributeMatrixName(reader->readString("CellAttributeMatrixName", getCellAttributeMatrixName() ) );
  setCellFeatureAttributeMatrixName(reader->readString("CellFeatureAttributeMatrixName", getCellFeatureAttributeMatrixName() ) );
  setCellEnsembleAttributeMatrixName(reader->readString("CellEnsembleAttributeMatrixName", getCellEnsembleAttributeMatrixName() ) );
  setCrystalStructuresArrayName(reader->readString("CrystalStructuresArrayName", getCrystalStructuresArrayName() ) );
  setFeatureIdsArrayName(reader->readString("FeatureIdsArrayName", getFeatureIdsArrayName() ) );
  setSurfaceFeaturesArrayName(reader->readString("SurfaceFeaturesArrayName", getSurfaceFeaturesArrayName() ) );
  setCellPhasesArrayName(reader->readString("CellPhasesArrayName", getCellPhasesArrayName() ) );
  setAvgQuatsArrayName(reader->readString("AvgQuatsArrayName", getAvgQuatsArrayName() ) );
  setQuatsArrayName(reader->readString("QuatsArrayName", getQuatsArrayName() ) );
  setCellEulerAnglesArrayName(reader->readString("CellEulerAnglesArrayName", getCellEulerAnglesArrayName() ) );
  setInputFile( reader->readString( "InputFile", getInputFile() ) );
  setInputFeatureInfoFile( reader->readString( "InputFeatureInfoFile", getInputFeatureInfoFile() ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void GenerateNodeTriangleConnectivity::dataCheck()

  SurfaceMeshDataContainer* sm = getSurfaceMeshDataContainer();
  if(NULL == sm)
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "SurfaceMeshDataContainer is missing", getErrorCondition());
    // We MUST have Nodes
    if(sm->getVertices().get() == NULL)
      notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "SurfaceMesh DataContainer missing Nodes", getErrorCondition());

    // We MUST have Triangles defined also.
    if(sm->getFaces().get() == NULL)
      notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "SurfaceMesh DataContainer missing Triangles", getErrorCondition());
      // This depends on the triangles array already being created
      int size = sm->getFaces()->GetNumberOfTuples();
      m_SurfaceMeshTriangleEdgesPtr = sattrMat->createNonPrereqArray<DataArray<int32_t>, AbstractFilter, int32_t>(this, m_CellAttributeMatrixName,  m_SurfaceMeshTriangleEdgesArrayName, 0, size, 3); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
      if( NULL != m_SurfaceMeshTriangleEdgesPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
      { m_SurfaceMeshTriangleEdges = m_SurfaceMeshTriangleEdgesPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */

    // We do not know the size of the array so we can not use the macro so we just manually call
    // the needed methods that will propagate these array additions to the pipeline
    DataArray<int>::Pointer uniqueEdgesArray = DataArray<int>::CreateArray(1, 2, SIMPL::CellData::SurfaceMeshUniqueEdges);
    sm->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName())->addAttributeArray(SIMPL::CellData::SurfaceMeshUniqueEdges, uniqueEdgesArray);

    // This is just for tracking what Arrays are being created by this filter. Normally the macro
    // would do this for us.
Exemplo n.º 11
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitializeSyntheticVolume::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getDataContainerName());
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer cellAttrMat = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName());

  // Resize the Cell AttributeMatrix to have the correct Tuple Dimensions.
  QVector<size_t> tDims(3, 0);
  tDims[0] = m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->getXPoints();
  tDims[1] = m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->getYPoints();
  tDims[2] = m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->getZPoints();

  // If there is an error set this to something negative and also set a message
  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
Exemplo n.º 12
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitializeSyntheticVolume::dataCheck()

  // Create the output Data Container
  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqDataContainer<AbstractFilter>(this, getDataContainerName());
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  ImageGeom::Pointer image = ImageGeom::CreateGeometry(DREAM3D::Geometry::ImageGeometry);

  // Sanity Check the Dimensions and Resolution
  INIT_SYNTH_VOLUME_CHECK(Dimensions.x, -5000);
  INIT_SYNTH_VOLUME_CHECK(Dimensions.y, -5001);
  INIT_SYNTH_VOLUME_CHECK(Dimensions.z, -5002);
  INIT_SYNTH_VOLUME_CHECK(Resolution.x, -5003);
  INIT_SYNTH_VOLUME_CHECK(Resolution.y, -5004);
  INIT_SYNTH_VOLUME_CHECK(Resolution.z, -5005);

  // Set the Dimensions, Resolution and Origin of the output data container
  m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setDimensions(m_Dimensions.x, m_Dimensions.y, m_Dimensions.z);
  m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setResolution(m_Resolution.x, m_Resolution.y, m_Resolution.z);
  m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setOrigin(m_Origin.x, m_Origin.y, m_Origin.z);

  // Create our output Cell and Ensemble Attribute Matrix objects
  QVector<size_t> tDims(3, 0);
  tDims[0] = m_Dimensions.x;
  tDims[1] = m_Dimensions.y;
  tDims[2] = m_Dimensions.z;
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer cellAttrMat = m->createNonPrereqAttributeMatrix<AbstractFilter>(this, getCellAttributeMatrixName(), tDims, DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::Cell);
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0 && cellAttrMat.get() == NULL) { return; }

  QVector<size_t> cDims(1, 1); // This states that we are looking for an array with a single component
  UInt32ArrayType::Pointer phaseType = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqArrayFromPath<UInt32ArrayType, AbstractFilter>(this, getInputPhaseTypesArrayPath(), cDims);
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0 && phaseType.get() == NULL) { return; }

  QVector<size_t> statsDims(1, 1);
  StatsDataArray::Pointer statsPtr = getDataContainerArray()->getPrereqArrayFromPath<StatsDataArray, AbstractFilter>(this, getInputStatsArrayPath(), statsDims);
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0 && statsPtr.get() == NULL) { return; }

    m_EstimatedPrimaryFeatures = estimateNumFeatures(m_Dimensions, m_Resolution);
Exemplo n.º 13
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void FeatureInfoReader::setupFilterParameters()
  FilterParameterVector parameters;
  parameters.push_back(InputFileFilterParameter::New("Input Feature Info File", "InputFile", getInputFile(), FilterParameter::Parameter, "*.txt"));
  QStringList linkedProps;
  linkedProps << "CellPhasesArrayName" << "CellEulerAnglesArrayName";
  parameters.push_back(LinkedBooleanFilterParameter::New("Create Element Level Arrays", "CreateCellLevelArrays", getCreateCellLevelArrays(), linkedProps, FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(BooleanFilterParameter::New("Renumber Features", "RenumberFeatures", getRenumberFeatures(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(SeparatorFilterParameter::New("Element Data", FilterParameter::RequiredArray));
    AttributeMatrixSelectionFilterParameter::RequirementType req;
    QVector<unsigned int> amTypes;
    parameters.push_back(AttributeMatrixSelectionFilterParameter::New("Element Attribute Matrix", "CellAttributeMatrixName", getCellAttributeMatrixName(), FilterParameter::RequiredArray, req));
    DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::RequirementType req = DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::CreateCategoryRequirement(DREAM3D::TypeNames::Int32, 1, DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixObjectType::Element);
    parameters.push_back(DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::New("Feature Ids", "FeatureIdsArrayPath", getFeatureIdsArrayPath(), FilterParameter::RequiredArray, req));
  parameters.push_back(SeparatorFilterParameter::New("Element Data", FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Phases", "CellPhasesArrayName", getCellPhasesArrayName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Euler Angles", "CellEulerAnglesArrayName", getCellEulerAnglesArrayName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(SeparatorFilterParameter::New("Feature Data", FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Feature Attribute Matrix", "CellFeatureAttributeMatrixName", getCellFeatureAttributeMatrixName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Phases", "FeaturePhasesArrayName", getFeaturePhasesArrayName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Euler Angles", "FeatureEulerAnglesArrayName", getFeatureEulerAnglesArrayName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
Exemplo n.º 14
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void InitializeSyntheticVolume::setupFilterParameters()
  FilterParameterVector parameters;
  QStringList linkedProps("EstimatedPrimaryFeatures");
  linkedProps << "InputStatsFile";
  parameters.push_back(LinkedBooleanFilterParameter::New("Estimate Number of Features", "EstimateNumberOfFeatures", getEstimateNumberOfFeatures(), linkedProps, FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(InputFileFilterParameter::New("Input Statistics File", "InputStatsFile", getInputStatsFile(), FilterParameter::Parameter, "*.dream3d"));
  PreflightUpdatedValueFilterParameter::Pointer param = PreflightUpdatedValueFilterParameter::New("Estimated Primary Features", "EstimatedPrimaryFeatures", getEstimatedPrimaryFeatures(), FilterParameter::Parameter);

  parameters.push_back(SeparatorFilterParameter::New("Cell Ensemble Data", FilterParameter::RequiredArray));
    DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::RequirementType req = DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::CreateRequirement(DREAM3D::TypeNames::StatsDataArray, 1, DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::CellEnsemble, DREAM3D::Defaults::AnyGeometry);
    QVector<uint32_t> geomTypes;
    req.dcGeometryTypes = geomTypes;
    parameters.push_back(DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::New("Statistics", "InputStatsArrayPath", getInputStatsArrayPath(), FilterParameter::RequiredArray, req));
    DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::RequirementType req = DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::CreateRequirement(DREAM3D::TypeNames::UInt32, 1, DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::CellEnsemble, DREAM3D::Defaults::AnyGeometry);
    QVector<uint32_t> geomTypes;
    req.dcGeometryTypes = geomTypes;
    parameters.push_back(DataArraySelectionFilterParameter::New("Phase Types", "InputPhaseTypesArrayPath", getInputPhaseTypesArrayPath(), FilterParameter::RequiredArray, req));

  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Synthetic Volume Data Container", "DataContainerName", getDataContainerName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(SeparatorFilterParameter::New("Cell Data", FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Cell Attribute Matrix", "CellAttributeMatrixName", getCellAttributeMatrixName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(IntVec3FilterParameter::New("Dimensions", "Dimensions", getDimensions(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(FloatVec3FilterParameter::New("Resolution", "Resolution", getResolution(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(FloatVec3FilterParameter::New("Origin", "Origin", getOrigin(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AlignSectionsMutualInformation::find_shifts(std::vector<int64_t>& xshifts, std::vector<int64_t>& yshifts)
  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getDataContainerName());

  int64_t totalPoints = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName())->getNumTuples();
  Int32ArrayType::Pointer p = Int32ArrayType::CreateArray((totalPoints * 1), "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_MIFeatureIds");
  m_FeatureIds = p->getPointer(0);

  std::ofstream outFile;
  if (getWriteAlignmentShifts() == true)

  size_t udims[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
#if (CMP_SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 4)
  typedef int32_t DimType;
  typedef int64_t DimType;
  DimType dims[3] =

  float disorientation = 0.0f;
  float mindisorientation = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
  float** mutualinfo12 = NULL;
  float* mutualinfo1 = NULL;
  float* mutualinfo2 = NULL;
  int32_t featurecount1 = 0, featurecount2 = 0;
  int64_t newxshift = 0;
  int64_t newyshift = 0;
  int64_t oldxshift = 0;
  int64_t oldyshift = 0;
  float count = 0.0f;
  DimType slice = 0;

  int32_t refgnum = 0, curgnum = 0;
  DimType refposition = 0;
  DimType curposition = 0;


  std::vector<std::vector<float> >  misorients;
  for (DimType a = 0; a < dims[0]; a++)
    misorients[a].assign(dims[1], 0.0f);

  for (DimType iter = 1; iter < dims[2]; iter++)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Aligning Sections || Determining Shifts || %1% Complete").arg(((float)iter / dims[2]) * 100);
    notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);
    mindisorientation = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
    slice = (dims[2] - 1) - iter;
    featurecount1 = featurecounts[slice];
    featurecount2 = featurecounts[slice + 1];
    mutualinfo12 = new float *[featurecount1];
    mutualinfo1 = new float[featurecount1];
    mutualinfo2 = new float[featurecount2];

    for (int32_t a = 0; a < featurecount1; a++)
      mutualinfo1[a] = 0.0f;
      mutualinfo12[a] = new float[featurecount2];
      for (int32_t b = 0; b < featurecount2; b++)
        mutualinfo12[a][b] = 0.0f;
        mutualinfo2[b] = 0.0f;
    oldxshift = -1;
    oldyshift = -1;
    newxshift = 0;
    newyshift = 0;
    for (DimType a = 0; a < dims[0]; a++)
      for (DimType b = 0; b < dims[1]; b++)
        misorients[a][b] = 0;
    while (newxshift != oldxshift || newyshift != oldyshift)
      oldxshift = newxshift;
      oldyshift = newyshift;
      for (int32_t j = -3; j < 4; j++)
        for (int32_t k = -3; k < 4; k++)
          disorientation = 0;
          count = 0;
          if (misorients[k + oldxshift + dims[0] / 2][j + oldyshift + dims[1] / 2] == 0 && abs(k + oldxshift) < (dims[0] / 2)
              && (j + oldyshift) < (dims[1] / 2))
            for (DimType l = 0; l < dims[1]; l = l + 4)
              for (DimType n = 0; n < dims[0]; n = n + 4)
                if ((l + j + oldyshift) >= 0 && (l + j + oldyshift) < dims[1] && (n + k + oldxshift) >= 0 && (n + k + oldxshift) < dims[0])
                  refposition = ((slice + 1) * dims[0] * dims[1]) + (l * dims[0]) + n;
                  curposition = (slice * dims[0] * dims[1]) + ((l + j + oldyshift) * dims[0]) + (n + k + oldxshift);
                  refgnum = m_FeatureIds[refposition];
                  curgnum = m_FeatureIds[curposition];
                  if (curgnum >= 0 && refgnum >= 0)
            float ha = 0.0f;
            float hb = 0.0f;
            float hab = 0.0f;
            for (int32_t b = 0; b < featurecount1; b++)
              mutualinfo1[b] = mutualinfo1[b] / count;
              if (mutualinfo1[b] != 0) { ha = ha + mutualinfo1[b] * logf(mutualinfo1[b]); }
            for (int32_t c = 0; c < featurecount2; c++)
              mutualinfo2[c] = mutualinfo2[c] / float(count);
              if (mutualinfo2[c] != 0) { hb = hb + mutualinfo2[c] * logf(mutualinfo2[c]); }
            for (int32_t b = 0; b < featurecount1; b++)
              for (int32_t c = 0; c < featurecount2; c++)
                mutualinfo12[b][c] = mutualinfo12[b][c] / count;
                if (mutualinfo12[b][c] != 0) { hab = hab + mutualinfo12[b][c] * logf(mutualinfo12[b][c]); }
                float value = 0.0f;
                if (mutualinfo1[b] > 0 && mutualinfo2[c] > 0) { value = (mutualinfo12[b][c] / (mutualinfo1[b] * mutualinfo2[c])); }
                if (value != 0) { disorientation = disorientation + (mutualinfo12[b][c] * logf(value)); }
            for (int32_t b = 0; b < featurecount1; b++)
              for (int32_t c = 0; c < featurecount2; c++)
                mutualinfo12[b][c] = 0.0f;
                mutualinfo1[b] = 0.0f;
                mutualinfo2[c] = 0.0f;
            disorientation = 1.0f / disorientation;
            misorients[k + oldxshift + dims[0] / 2][j + oldyshift + dims[1] / 2] = disorientation;
            if (disorientation < mindisorientation)
              newxshift = k + oldxshift;
              newyshift = j + oldyshift;
              mindisorientation = disorientation;
    xshifts[iter] = xshifts[iter - 1] + newxshift;
    yshifts[iter] = yshifts[iter - 1] + newyshift;
    if (getWriteAlignmentShifts() == true)
      outFile << slice << "	" << slice + 1 << "	" << newxshift << "	" << newyshift << "	" << xshifts[iter] << "	" << yshifts[iter] << "\n";
    delete[] mutualinfo1;
    delete[] mutualinfo2;
    for (int32_t i = 0; i < featurecount1; i++)
      delete mutualinfo12[i];
    delete[] mutualinfo12;
    mutualinfo1 = NULL;
    mutualinfo2 = NULL;
    mutualinfo12 = NULL;


  if (getWriteAlignmentShifts() == true)
Exemplo n.º 16
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ReadImage::dataCheck()

  //check file name exists
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "The input file name must be set before executing this filter.", getErrorCondition());

  //read image metadata
  itk::ImageIOBase::Pointer imageIO = itk::ImageIOFactory::CreateImageIO(getInputFileName().toLocal8Bit().constData(), itk::ImageIOFactory::ReadMode);
  if(NULL == imageIO)
    QString message = QObject::tr("Unable to read image '%1'").arg(getInputFileName());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), message, getErrorCondition());

  //get size of image
  const size_t numDimensions = imageIO->GetNumberOfDimensions();
  int xdim = imageIO->GetDimensions(0);
  int ydim = imageIO->GetDimensions(1);
  int zdim = 1;
  if(3 != numDimensions)
    if(2 == numDimensions)
      //allow 2 dimensional images (as 3d image with size 1 in the z direction)
      QString message = QObject::tr("3 dimensional image required (slected image dimensions: %1)").arg(numDimensions);
      notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), message, getErrorCondition());
    zdim = imageIO->GetDimensions(2);

  //determine if container/attribute matrix already exist. if so check size compatibility
  DataArrayPath createdPath;
  DataContainer::Pointer m;
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer cellAttrMat;
  createdPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellAttributeMatrixName(), getImageDataArrayName() );

  m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getDataContainerName());
  bool createAttributeMatrix = false;

  if(NULL == m.get()) //datacontainer doesn't exist->create
    m = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqDataContainer<AbstractFilter>(this, getDataContainerName());
    ImageGeom::Pointer image = ImageGeom::CreateGeometry(DREAM3D::Geometry::ImageGeometry);
    m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setDimensions(xdim, ydim, zdim);
    double zRes = 1;
    double zOrigin = 0;
    if(3 == numDimensions)
      zRes = imageIO->GetSpacing(2);
      zOrigin = imageIO->GetOrigin(2);
    m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setResolution(imageIO->GetSpacing(0), imageIO->GetSpacing(0), zRes);
    m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setOrigin(imageIO->GetOrigin(0), imageIO->GetOrigin(1), zOrigin);
    createAttributeMatrix = true;
    if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }
  else   //datacontainer exists, check if attribute matrix exists
    bool dcExists = m->doesAttributeMatrixExist(getCellAttributeMatrixName());
    ImageGeom::Pointer image = m->getPrereqGeometry<ImageGeom, AbstractFilter>(this);
    if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

    size_t iDims[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
    float iRes[3] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
    float iOrigin[4] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };

    if(dcExists &&  NULL != image.get())//attribute matrix exists, check compatibility
      //get matrix
      cellAttrMat = m->getPrereqAttributeMatrix<AbstractFilter>(this, getCellAttributeMatrixName(), false);
      if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

      //check dimension compatibility
      QVector<size_t> tDims = cellAttrMat->getTupleDimensions();
      if(tDims[0] != xdim || iDims[0] != xdim)
        QString message = QObject::tr("The x size of '%1' (%2) does not match the x size of '%3' (%4)").arg(getInputFileName()).arg(xdim).arg(getDataContainerName() + "/" + getCellAttributeMatrixName()).arg(tDims[0]);
        notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), message, getErrorCondition());
      if(tDims[1] != ydim || iDims[1] != ydim)
        QString message = QObject::tr("The y size of '%1' (%2) does not match the x size of '%3' (%4)").arg(getInputFileName()).arg(ydim).arg(getDataContainerName() + "/" + getCellAttributeMatrixName()).arg(tDims[1]);
        notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), message, getErrorCondition());
      if(3 == numDimensions)
        if(tDims[2] != zdim || iDims[2] != zdim)
          QString message = QObject::tr("The z size of '%1' (%2) does not match the x size of '%3' (%4)").arg(getInputFileName()).arg(zdim).arg(getDataContainerName() + "/" + getCellAttributeMatrixName()).arg(tDims[2]);
          notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), message, getErrorCondition());
        if(tDims[2] != 1 || iDims[2] != 1)
          QString message = QObject::tr("The z size of '%1' (%2) does not match the x size of '%3' (1)").arg(getInputFileName()).arg(zdim).arg(getDataContainerName() + "/" + getCellAttributeMatrixName());
          notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), message, getErrorCondition());
    else //attribute matrix doesn't exist, create
      createAttributeMatrix = true;

  //image/attribute matrix dimensions
  QVector<size_t> tDims(3, 0);
  tDims[0] = xdim;
  tDims[1] = ydim;
  tDims[2] = zdim;

  //create attribute matrix if needed
    //create attribute matrix
    cellAttrMat = m->createNonPrereqAttributeMatrix<AbstractFilter>(this, getCellAttributeMatrixName(), tDims, DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::Cell);
    if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  //check pixel type (scalar, vector, etc) for support
  QVector<size_t> componentDims(1, 0);
  itk::ImageIOBase::IOPixelType pixelType = imageIO->GetPixelType();


    case itk::ImageIOBase::SCALAR:
      componentDims[0] = 1;
    case itk::ImageIOBase::RGB:
      componentDims[0] = 3;
    case itk::ImageIOBase::RGBA:
      componentDims[0] = 4;
      notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "The Pixel Type of the image is not supported with DREAM3D.", getErrorCondition());

  // Check to make sure everything is OK with reading the image
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0)
    std::string pixelTypeName = itk::ImageIOBase::GetPixelTypeAsString(pixelType);
    QString message = QObject::tr("The pixel type of '%1' (%2) is unsupported").arg(getInputFileName()).arg(QString::fromStdString(pixelTypeName));
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), message, getErrorCondition());

  //Now get how the actual image data is stored.
  IDataArray::Pointer data;
  itk::ImageIOBase::IOComponentType componentType = imageIO->GetComponentType();
  if(itk::ImageIOBase::CHAR == componentType)
    data = Int8ArrayType::CreateArray(0, "Temp", false);
  else if(itk::ImageIOBase::UCHAR == componentType)
    data = UInt8ArrayType::CreateArray(0, "Temp", false);
  else if(itk::ImageIOBase::SHORT == componentType)
    data = Int16ArrayType::CreateArray(0, "Temp", false);
  else if(itk::ImageIOBase::USHORT == componentType)
    data = UInt16ArrayType::CreateArray(0, "Temp", false);
  else if(itk::ImageIOBase::INT == componentType)
    data = Int32ArrayType::CreateArray(0, "Temp", false);
  else if(itk::ImageIOBase::UINT == componentType)
    data = UInt32ArrayType::CreateArray(0, "Temp", false);
  else if(itk::ImageIOBase::LONG == componentType)
    data = Int64ArrayType::CreateArray(0, "Temp", false);
  else if(itk::ImageIOBase::ULONG == componentType)
    data = UInt64ArrayType::CreateArray(0, "Temp", false);
  else if(itk::ImageIOBase::FLOAT == componentType)
    data = FloatArrayType::CreateArray(0, "Temp", false);
  else if(itk::ImageIOBase::DOUBLE == componentType)
    data = DoubleArrayType::CreateArray(0, "Temp", false);
    std::string componentTypeName = itk::ImageIOBase::GetComponentTypeAsString(componentType);
    QString message = QObject::tr("The component type type of '%1' (%2) is unsupported").arg(getInputFileName()).arg(QString::fromStdString(componentTypeName));
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), message, getErrorCondition());

  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  m_ImageDataPtr = TemplateHelpers::CreateNonPrereqArrayFromArrayType()(this, createdPath, componentDims, data);
  if( NULL != m_ImageDataPtr.lock().get() )
    m_ImageData = m_ImageDataPtr.lock()->getVoidPointer(0);
Exemplo n.º 17
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void YSChoiAbaqusReader::setupFilterParameters()
  FilterParameterVector parameters;

  parameters.push_back(InputFileFilterParameter::New("Input File", "InputFile", getInputFile(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(InputFileFilterParameter::New("Input Feature Orientation File", "InputFeatureInfoFile", getInputFeatureInfoFile(), FilterParameter::Parameter));

  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Data Container Name", "CellEulerAnglesArrayName", getCellEulerAnglesArrayName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Cell Attribute Matrix Name", "CellAttributeMatrixName", getCellAttributeMatrixName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Cell Feature Attribute Matrix Name", "CellFeatureAttributeMatrixName", getCellFeatureAttributeMatrixName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Cell Ensemble Attribute Matrix Name", "CellEnsembleAttributeMatrixName", getCellEnsembleAttributeMatrixName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Quats", "QuatsArrayName", getQuatsArrayName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("AvgQuats", "AvgQuatsArrayName", getAvgQuatsArrayName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Cell Phases", "CellPhasesArrayName", getCellPhasesArrayName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("SurfaceFeatures", "SurfaceFeaturesArrayName", getSurfaceFeaturesArrayName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("FeatureIds", "FeatureIdsArrayName", getFeatureIdsArrayName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Crystal Structures", "CrystalStructuresArrayName", getCrystalStructuresArrayName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));

Exemplo n.º 18
void testCase4_Execute(const QString& name, int scalarType)
  int dataArraySize = ARRAY_SIZE * N;
  int junkArraySize = 5;
  int skipHeaderBytes = junkArraySize * sizeof(T);
  int err = 0;
  qDebug() << "Testing case 4: " << name << " with num comps " << N;

  // Allocate an array, and get the dataArray from that array
  boost::shared_array<T> array(new T[dataArraySize]); // This makes sure our allocated array is deleted when we leave
  T* dataArray = array.get();

  // Write some data into the data array
  for(size_t i = 0; i < dataArraySize; ++i)
    dataArray[i] = static_cast<T>(i);

  // Create junkArray
  T* junkArray = new T[junkArraySize];

  // Write a pattern into junkArray
  for(size_t i = 0; i < junkArraySize; ++i)
    junkArray[i] = (unsigned)0xAB;

  // Create the file and write to it.  If any of the information is wrong, the result will be false
  bool result = createAndWriteToFile(dataArray, dataArraySize, junkArray, junkArraySize, Detail::Start);

  // Test to make sure that the file was created and written to successfully
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(result, == , true)

  // Create the data container
  VolumeDataContainer::Pointer m = VolumeDataContainer::New();
  DataContainerArray::Pointer dca = DataContainerArray::New();

  // Create the filter, passing in the skipHeaderBytes
  RawBinaryReader::Pointer filt = createRawBinaryReaderFilter(scalarType, N, skipHeaderBytes);

  // Preflight, get error condition, and check that there are no errors
  err = filt->getErrorCondition();
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(err, >= , 0)

  // Execute, get error condition, check that there are no errors, and compare the data
  err = filt->getErrorCondition();
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(err, >= , 0)

  IDataArray::Pointer iData = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName())->getAttributeArray("Test_Array");
  T* data = reinterpret_cast<T*>(iData->getVoidPointer(0));
  T d, p;
  for(size_t i = 0; i < dataArraySize; ++i)
    d = data[i];
    p = dataArray[i];

   * SUBTEST: Test when skipHeaderBytes is larger than expected

  // Create another data container
  VolumeDataContainer::Pointer m2 = VolumeDataContainer::New();
  DataContainerArray::Pointer dca2 = DataContainerArray::New();

  // Create another filter, passing in the skipHeaderBytes + 1
  RawBinaryReader::Pointer filt2 = createRawBinaryReaderFilter(scalarType, N, skipHeaderBytes + 1);

  // Preflight, get error condition, and check that there are errors
  err = filt2->getErrorCondition();
  DREAM3D_REQUIRED(err, < , 0)

  // Execute, get error condition, and check that the "file too small" error occurred
  err = filt2->getErrorCondition();
Exemplo n.º 19
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ReadImage::setupFilterParameters()
  FilterParameterVector parameters;
  parameters.push_back(FileSystemFilterParameter::New("Input File", "InputFileName", FilterParameterWidgetType::InputFileWidget, getInputFileName(), false, "", "*.tif *.jpeg *.png *.bmp", "Image"));
  parameters.push_back(FilterParameter::New("Created Information", "", FilterParameterWidgetType::SeparatorWidget, "", true));
  parameters.push_back(FilterParameter::New("Data Container Name", "DataContainerName", FilterParameterWidgetType::StringWidget, getDataContainerName(), true, ""));
  parameters.push_back(FilterParameter::New("Cell Attribute Matrix Name", "CellAttributeMatrixName", FilterParameterWidgetType::StringWidget, getCellAttributeMatrixName(), true, ""));
  parameters.push_back(FilterParameter::New("ImageData", "ImageDataArrayName", FilterParameterWidgetType::StringWidget, getImageDataArrayName(), true, ""));
Exemplo n.º 20
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void YSChoiAbaqusReader::dataCheck()
  DataArrayPath tempPath;

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqDataContainer<AbstractFilter>(this, getDataContainerName());
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  ImageGeom::Pointer image = ImageGeom::CreateGeometry(DREAM3D::Geometry::ImageGeometry);

  QVector<size_t> tDims(3, 0);
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer cellAttrMat = m->createNonPrereqAttributeMatrix<AbstractFilter>(this, getCellAttributeMatrixName(), tDims, DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::Cell);
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0 || NULL == cellAttrMat.get()) { return; }
  tDims[0] = 0;

  AttributeMatrix::Pointer cellFeatureAttrMat = m->createNonPrereqAttributeMatrix<AbstractFilter>(this, getCellFeatureAttributeMatrixName(), tDims, DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::CellFeature);
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0 || NULL == cellFeatureAttrMat.get()) { return; }

  AttributeMatrix::Pointer cellEnsembleAttrMat = m->createNonPrereqAttributeMatrix<AbstractFilter>(this, getCellEnsembleAttributeMatrixName(), tDims, DREAM3D::AttributeMatrixType::CellEnsemble);
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0 || NULL == cellEnsembleAttrMat.get()) { return; }

  QFileInfo fi(getInputFile());
  if (getInputFile().isEmpty() == true)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("%1 needs the Input File Set and it was not.").arg(ClassName());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
  else if (fi.exists() == false)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The input file does not exist");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
    bool ok = false;
    //const unsigned int size(1024);
    // Read header from data file to figure out how many points there are
    QFile in(getInputFile());
    if (!in.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
      QString msg = QObject::tr("Abaqus file could not be opened: %1").arg(getInputFile());
      notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "", getErrorCondition());
    QString word;
    bool headerdone = false;
    int xpoints, ypoints, zpoints;
    float resx, resy, resz;
    while (headerdone == false)
      QByteArray buf = in.readLine();

      if (buf.startsWith(DIMS))
        QList<QByteArray> tokens = buf.split(' ');
        xpoints = tokens[1].toInt(&ok, 10);
        ypoints = tokens[2].toInt(&ok, 10);
        zpoints = tokens[3].toInt(&ok, 10);
        size_t dims[3] = { static_cast<size_t>(xpoints), static_cast<size_t>(ypoints), static_cast<size_t>(zpoints) };
        m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setOrigin(0, 0, 0);
      if (RES == word)
        QList<QByteArray> tokens = buf.split(' ');
        resx = tokens[1].toInt(&ok, 10);
        resy = tokens[2].toInt(&ok, 10);
        resz = tokens[3].toInt(&ok, 10);
        float res[3] = {resx, resy, resz};

  QVector<size_t> dims(1, 3);
  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellAttributeMatrixName(), getCellEulerAnglesArrayName() );
  m_CellEulerAnglesPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<float>, AbstractFilter, float>(this,  tempPath, 0, dims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if( NULL != m_CellEulerAnglesPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
  { m_CellEulerAngles = m_CellEulerAnglesPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
  dims[0] = 4;
  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellAttributeMatrixName(), getQuatsArrayName() );
  m_QuatsPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<float>, AbstractFilter, float>(this,  tempPath, 0, dims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if( NULL != m_QuatsPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
  { m_Quats = m_QuatsPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellFeatureAttributeMatrixName(), getAvgQuatsArrayName() );
  m_AvgQuatsPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<float>, AbstractFilter, float>(this,  tempPath, 0, dims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if( NULL != m_AvgQuatsPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
  { m_AvgQuats = m_AvgQuatsPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
  dims[0] = 1;
  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellAttributeMatrixName(), getCellPhasesArrayName() );
  m_CellPhasesPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<int32_t>, AbstractFilter, int32_t>(this,  tempPath, 1, dims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if( NULL != m_CellPhasesPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
  { m_CellPhases = m_CellPhasesPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellFeatureAttributeMatrixName(), getSurfaceFeaturesArrayName() );
  m_SurfaceFeaturesPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<bool>, AbstractFilter, bool>(this,  tempPath, false, dims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if( NULL != m_SurfaceFeaturesPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
  { m_SurfaceFeatures = m_SurfaceFeaturesPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellAttributeMatrixName(), getFeatureIdsArrayName() );
  m_FeatureIdsPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<int32_t>, AbstractFilter, int32_t>(this,  tempPath, 0, dims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if( NULL != m_FeatureIdsPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
  { m_FeatureIds = m_FeatureIdsPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */

  //typedef DataArray<unsigned int> XTalStructArrayType;
  tempPath.update(getDataContainerName(), getCellEnsembleAttributeMatrixName(), getCrystalStructuresArrayName() );
  m_CrystalStructuresPtr = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqArrayFromPath<DataArray<uint32_t>, AbstractFilter, uint32_t>(this,  tempPath, Ebsd::CrystalStructure::Cubic_High, dims); /* Assigns the shared_ptr<> to an instance variable that is a weak_ptr<> */
  if( NULL != m_CrystalStructuresPtr.lock().get() ) /* Validate the Weak Pointer wraps a non-NULL pointer to a DataArray<T> object */
  { m_CrystalStructures = m_CrystalStructuresPtr.lock()->getPointer(0); } /* Now assign the raw pointer to data from the DataArray<T> object */
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int32_t VtkStructuredPointsReader::readDataTypeSection(std::istream& in, int32_t numValues, const std::string& nextKeyWord)
  QByteArray buf(kBufferSize, '\0');
  char* line = buf.data();

  // Read keywords until end-of-file
  while (this->readString(in, line, kBufferSize))
    // read scalar data
    if ( ! strncmp(lowerCase(line, kBufferSize), "scalars", 7) )
      if ( this->readScalarData(in, numValues) <= 0 )
        return 0;
    // read vector data
    else if ( ! strncmp(line, "vectors", 7) )
      if ( this->readVectorData(in, numValues) <= 0 )
        return 0;
#if 0
    // read 3x3 tensor data
    else if ( ! strncmp(line, "tensors", 7) )
      if ( ! this->ReadTensorData(a, numPts) )
        return 0;
    // read normals data
    else if ( ! strncmp(line, "normals", 7) )

      if ( ! this->ReadNormalData(a, numPts) )
        return 0;
    // read texture coordinates data
    else if ( ! strncmp(line, "texture_coordinates", 19) )
      if ( ! this->ReadTCoordsData(a, numPts) )
        return 0;
    // read the global id data
    else if ( ! strncmp(line, "global_ids", 10) )
      if ( ! this->ReadGlobalIds(a, numPts) )
        return 0;
    // read the pedigree id data
    else if ( ! strncmp(line, "pedigree_ids", 10) )
      if ( ! this->ReadPedigreeIds(a, numPts) )
        return 0;
    // read color scalars data
    else if ( ! strncmp(line, "color_scalars", 13) )
      if ( ! this->ReadCoScalarData(a, numPts) )
        return 0;
    // read lookup table. Associate with scalar data.
    else if ( ! strncmp(line, "lookup_table", 12) )
      if ( ! this->ReadLutData(a) )
        return 0;
    // read field of data
    else if ( ! strncmp(line, "field", 5) )
      vtkFieldData* f;
      if ( ! (f = this->ReadFieldData()) )
        return 0;
      for(int i = 0; i < f->GetNumberOfArrays(); i++)

    // maybe bumped into cell data
    else if ( ! strncmp(line, nextKeyWord.c_str(), 9) )
      bool ok = false;
      if (readString(in, line, 256))
        if (nextKeyWord.compare("cell_data") == 0)
          DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getVolumeDataContainerName());
          m_CurrentAttrMat = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName());
          int32_t ncells = QString(line).toInt(&ok);
          this->readDataTypeSection(in, ncells, "point_data");
        else if (nextKeyWord.compare("point_data") == 0)
          DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getVertexDataContainerName());
          m_CurrentAttrMat = m->getAttributeMatrix(getVertexAttributeMatrixName());
          int32_t npts = QString(line).toInt(&ok);
          this->readDataTypeSection(in, npts, "cell_data");
      //vtkErrorMacro(<< "Unsupported point attribute type: " << line
      //<< " for file: " << (this->FileName?this->FileName:"(Null FileName)"));
      return 0;
  return 1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int32_t VtkStructuredPointsReader:: readFile()
  int32_t err = 0;

  DataContainer::Pointer volDc = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getVolumeDataContainerName());
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer volAm = volDc->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName());

  DataContainer::Pointer vertDc = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getVertexDataContainerName());
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer vertAm = vertDc->getAttributeMatrix(getVertexAttributeMatrixName());

  std::ifstream in(getInputFile().toLatin1().constData(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary);

  if (!in.is_open())
    QString msg = QObject::tr("Error opening output file '%1'").arg(getInputFile());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), msg, getErrorCondition());
    return -100;

  QByteArray buf(kBufferSize, '\0');
  char* buffer = buf.data();

  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize); // Read Line 1 - VTK Version Info
  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize); // Read Line 2 - User Comment
  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize); // Read Line 3 - BINARY or ASCII
  QString fileType(buf);
  if (fileType.startsWith("BINARY") == true)
  else if (fileType.startsWith("ASCII") == true)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The file type of the VTK legacy file could not be determined. It should be 'ASCII' or 'BINARY' and should appear on line 3 of the file");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
    return getErrorCondition();

  // Read Line 4 - Type of Dataset
  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize);
  QList<QByteArray> words = buf.split(' ');
  if (words.size() != 2)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("Error reading the type of data set. Was expecting 2 words but got %1").arg(QString(buf));
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
    return getErrorCondition();
  QString dataset(words.at(1));
  dataset = dataset.trimmed();
  setDatasetType(dataset); // Should be STRUCTURED_POINTS

  bool ok = false;
  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize);  // Read Line 5 which is the Dimension values
  // But we need the 'extents' which is one less in all directions (unless dim=1)
  QVector<size_t> dims(3, 0);
  QList<QByteArray> tokens = buf.split(' ');
  dims[0] = tokens[1].toInt(&ok, 10);
  dims[1] = tokens[2].toInt(&ok, 10);
  dims[2] = tokens[3].toInt(&ok, 10);
  QVector<size_t> tDims(3, 0);
  tDims[0] = dims[0];
  tDims[1] = dims[1];
  tDims[2] = dims[2];

  tDims[0] = dims[0] - 1;
  tDims[1] = dims[1] - 1;
  tDims[2] = dims[2] - 1;

  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize); // Read Line 7 which is the Scaling values
  tokens = buf.split(' ');
  float resolution[3];
  resolution[0] = tokens[1].toFloat(&ok);
  resolution[1] = tokens[2].toFloat(&ok);
  resolution[2] = tokens[3].toFloat(&ok);


  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize); // Read Line 6 which is the Origin values
  tokens = buf.split(' ');
  float origin[3];
  origin[0] = tokens[1].toFloat(&ok);
  origin[1] = tokens[2].toFloat(&ok);
  origin[2] = tokens[3].toFloat(&ok);


  // Read the first key word which should be POINT_DATA or CELL_DATA
  err = readLine(in, buffer, kBufferSize); // Read Line 6 which is the first type of data we are going to read

  tokens = buf.split(' ');
  QString word = QString(tokens[0]);
  int32_t npts = 0, ncells = 0;
  int32_t numPts = 0;

  if ( word.startsWith("CELL_DATA") )
    DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getVolumeDataContainerName());
    m_CurrentAttrMat = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName());
    ncells = tokens[1].toInt(&ok);
    if (m_CurrentAttrMat->getNumTuples() != ncells)
      notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), QString("Number of cells does not match number of tuples in the Attribute Matrix"), getErrorCondition());
      return getErrorCondition();
    this->readDataTypeSection(in, ncells, "point_data");
  else if ( word.startsWith("POINT_DATA") )
    DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getVertexDataContainerName());
    m_CurrentAttrMat = m->getAttributeMatrix(getVertexAttributeMatrixName());
    npts = tokens[1].toInt(&ok);
    if (m_CurrentAttrMat->getNumTuples() != npts)
      notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), QString("Number of points does not match number of tuples in the Attribute Matrix"), getErrorCondition());
      return getErrorCondition();
    this->readDataTypeSection(in, numPts, "cell_data");

  // Close the file since we are done with it.

  return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void VtkStructuredPointsReader::dataCheck()

  QFileInfo fi(getInputFile());
  if (getInputFile().isEmpty() == true)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The input file must be set");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());
  else if (fi.exists() == false)
    QString ss = QObject::tr("The input file does not exist");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  // First shot Sanity Checks.
  if(!getReadCellData() && !getReadPointData())
    QString ss = QObject::tr("At least one of Read Point Data or Read Cell Data must be checked");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  // Last chance sanity check
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  // Create a Vertex Data Container even though we may remove it later. We need it later
  // on in order to set the proper AttributeMatrix
  DataContainer::Pointer pointData_DataContainer = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqDataContainer<AbstractFilter>(this, getVertexDataContainerName());
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0 && NULL == pointData_DataContainer) { return; }

  ImageGeom::Pointer pointDataGeom = ImageGeom::CreateGeometry(getVertexDataContainerName());

  QVector<size_t> tDims(1, 0);
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer pointAttrMat = pointData_DataContainer->createNonPrereqAttributeMatrix<AbstractFilter>(this, getVertexAttributeMatrixName(), tDims, SIMPL::AttributeMatrixType::Cell);
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  // Create a Volume Data Container even though we may remove it later. We need it later
  // on in order to set the proper AttributeMatrix
  DataContainer::Pointer cellData_DataContainer = getDataContainerArray()->createNonPrereqDataContainer<AbstractFilter>(this, getVolumeDataContainerName());
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0 && NULL == cellData_DataContainer) { return; }

  ImageGeom::Pointer cellDataGeom = ImageGeom::CreateGeometry(getVolumeDataContainerName());

  tDims[0] = 0;
  tDims[1] = 0;
  tDims[2] = 0;
  AttributeMatrix::Pointer cellAttrMat = cellData_DataContainer->createNonPrereqAttributeMatrix<AbstractFilter>(this, getCellAttributeMatrixName(), tDims, SIMPL::AttributeMatrixType::Cell);
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  // Scan through the file

  // now check to see what the user wanted
  if (!getReadPointData())
  if (!getReadCellData())

  // If there was no Cell Data, remove that dataContainer
  if (cellAttrMat->getNumAttributeArrays() == 0)

  // If there were no Point Arrays then remove that dataContainer
  if (pointAttrMat->getNumAttributeArrays() == 0)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RegularGridSampleSurfaceMesh::setupFilterParameters()
  FilterParameterVector parameters = getFilterParameters();
  parameters.push_back(IntFilterParameter::New("X Points", "XPoints", getXPoints(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(IntFilterParameter::New("Y Points", "YPoints", getYPoints(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(IntFilterParameter::New("Z Points", "ZPoints", getZPoints(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(FloatVec3FilterParameter::New("Resolution", "Resolution", getResolution(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(FloatVec3FilterParameter::New("Origin", "Origin", getOrigin(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Data Container", "DataContainerName", getDataContainerName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(SeparatorFilterParameter::New("Cell Data", FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Cell Attribute Matrix", "CellAttributeMatrixName", getCellAttributeMatrixName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Feature Ids", "FeatureIdsArrayName", getFeatureIdsArrayName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
Exemplo n.º 25
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AlignSections::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getDataContainerName());

  size_t dims[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };

  int64_t xspot = 0, yspot = 0;
  int64_t newPosition = 0;
  int64_t currentPosition = 0;

  std::vector<int64_t> xshifts(dims[2], 0);
  std::vector<int64_t> yshifts(dims[2], 0);

  find_shifts(xshifts, yshifts);

  QList<QString> voxelArrayNames = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName())->getAttributeArrayNames();
  size_t progIncrement = dims[2] / 100;
  size_t prog = 1;
  size_t progressInt = 0;
  size_t slice = 0;

  for (size_t i = 1; i < dims[2]; i++)
    if (i > prog)

      progressInt = ((float)i / dims[2]) * 100.0f;
      QString ss = QObject::tr("Transferring Cell Data || %1% Complete").arg(progressInt);
      notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);
      prog = prog + progIncrement;
    if (getCancel() == true)
    slice = (dims[2] - 1) - i;
    for (size_t l = 0; l < dims[1]; l++)
      for (size_t n = 0; n < dims[0]; n++)
        if (yshifts[i] >= 0) { yspot = l; }
        else if (yshifts[i] < 0) { yspot = dims[1] - 1 - l; }
        if (xshifts[i] >= 0) { xspot = n; }
        else if (xshifts[i] < 0) { xspot = dims[0] - 1 - n; }
        newPosition = (slice * dims[0] * dims[1]) + (yspot * dims[0]) + xspot;
        currentPosition = (slice * dims[0] * dims[1]) + ((yspot + yshifts[i]) * dims[0]) + (xspot + xshifts[i]);
        if ((yspot + yshifts[i]) >= 0 && (yspot + yshifts[i]) <= static_cast<int64_t>(dims[1]) - 1 && (xspot + xshifts[i]) >= 0
            && (xspot + xshifts[i]) <= static_cast<int64_t>(dims[0]) - 1)
          for (QList<QString>::iterator iter = voxelArrayNames.begin(); iter != voxelArrayNames.end(); ++iter)
            IDataArray::Pointer p = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName())->getAttributeArray(*iter);
            p->copyTuple( static_cast<size_t>(currentPosition), static_cast<size_t>(newPosition));
        if ((yspot + yshifts[i]) < 0 || (yspot + yshifts[i]) > static_cast<int64_t>(dims[1] - 1) || (xspot + xshifts[i]) < 0
            || (xspot + xshifts[i]) > static_cast<int64_t>(dims[0]) - 1)
          for (QList<QString>::iterator iter = voxelArrayNames.begin(); iter != voxelArrayNames.end(); ++iter)
            IDataArray::Pointer p = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName())->getAttributeArray(*iter);
            EXECUTE_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE(this, initializeArrayValues, p, p, newPosition)

  // If there is an error set this to something negative and also set a message
  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AdaptiveAlignmentMutualInformation::find_shifts(std::vector<int64_t>& xshifts, std::vector<int64_t>& yshifts, std::vector<float>& xneedshifts, std::vector<float>& yneedshifts)
	DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getDataContainerName());

	int64_t totalPoints = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName())->getNumTuples();
	m_MIFeaturesPtr = Int32ArrayType::CreateArray((totalPoints * 1), "_INTERNAL_USE_ONLY_MIFeatureIds");
	int32_t* miFeatureIds = m_MIFeaturesPtr->getPointer(0);

	size_t udims[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };

	uint64_t dims[3] =

	uint64_t maxstoredshifts = 1;
	if (xneedshifts.size() > 0) maxstoredshifts = 20;

	float disorientation = 0.0f;

	std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>  newxshift(dims[2]);
	std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>>  newyshift(dims[2]);
	std::vector<std::vector<float>>  mindisorientation(dims[2]);
	for (uint64_t a = 1; a < dims[2]; a++)
		newxshift[a].resize(maxstoredshifts, 0);
		newyshift[a].resize(maxstoredshifts, 0);
		mindisorientation[a].resize(maxstoredshifts, std::numeric_limits<float>::max());

	float** mutualinfo12 = NULL;
	float* mutualinfo1 = NULL;
	float* mutualinfo2 = NULL;
	int32_t featurecount1 = 0, featurecount2 = 0;
	int64_t oldxshift = 0;
	int64_t oldyshift = 0;
	float count = 0.0f;
	uint64_t slice = 0;

	int32_t refgnum = 0, curgnum = 0;
	uint64_t refposition = 0;
	uint64_t curposition = 0;


	// Allocate a 2D Array which will be reused from slice to slice
	// second dimension is assigned in each cycle separately
	std::vector<std::vector<bool> >  misorients(dims[0]);

	const uint64_t halfDim0 = static_cast<uint64_t>(dims[0] * 0.5f);
	const uint64_t halfDim1 = static_cast<uint64_t>(dims[1] * 0.5f);
	uint64_t progInt = 0;

	for (uint64_t iter = 1; iter < dims[2]; iter++)
		progInt = static_cast<uint64_t>(iter * 100 / static_cast<float>(dims[2]));
		QString ss = QObject::tr("Aligning Anisotropic Sections || Determining Shifts || %1% Complete").arg(progInt);
		notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);

		slice = (dims[2] - 1) - iter;
		featurecount1 = featurecounts[slice];
		featurecount2 = featurecounts[slice + 1];
		mutualinfo12 = new float *[featurecount1];
		mutualinfo1 = new float[featurecount1];
		mutualinfo2 = new float[featurecount2];

		for (int32_t a = 0; a < featurecount1; a++)
			mutualinfo1[a] = 0.0f;
			mutualinfo12[a] = new float[featurecount2];
			for (int32_t b = 0; b < featurecount2; b++)
				mutualinfo12[a][b] = 0.0f;
				mutualinfo2[b] = 0.0f;
		oldxshift = -1;
		oldyshift = -1;

		for (uint64_t i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++)
			misorients[i].assign(dims[1], false);

		while (newxshift[iter][0] != oldxshift || newyshift[iter][0] != oldyshift)
			oldxshift = newxshift[iter][0];
			oldyshift = newyshift[iter][0];

			for (int32_t j = -3; j < 4; j++)
				for (int32_t k = -3; k < 4; k++)
					disorientation = 0;
					count = 0;
					if (llabs(k + oldxshift) < halfDim0 && llabs(j + oldyshift) < halfDim1 && misorients[k + oldxshift + halfDim0][j + oldyshift + halfDim1] == false)
						for (uint64_t l = 0; l < dims[1]; l = l + 4)
							for (uint64_t n = 0; n < dims[0]; n = n + 4)
								if ((l + j + oldyshift) >= 0 && (l + j + oldyshift) < dims[1] && (n + k + oldxshift) >= 0 && (n + k + oldxshift) < dims[0])
									refposition = ((slice + 1) * dims[0] * dims[1]) + (l * dims[0]) + n;
									curposition = (slice * dims[0] * dims[1]) + ((l + j + oldyshift) * dims[0]) + (n + k + oldxshift);
									refgnum = miFeatureIds[refposition];
									curgnum = miFeatureIds[curposition];
									if (curgnum >= 0 && refgnum >= 0)
						float ha = 0.0f;
						float hb = 0.0f;
						float hab = 0.0f;
						for (int32_t b = 0; b < featurecount1; b++)
							mutualinfo1[b] = mutualinfo1[b] / count;
							if (mutualinfo1[b] != 0) { ha = ha + mutualinfo1[b] * logf(mutualinfo1[b]); }
						for (int32_t c = 0; c < featurecount2; c++)
							mutualinfo2[c] = mutualinfo2[c] / float(count);
							if (mutualinfo2[c] != 0) { hb = hb + mutualinfo2[c] * logf(mutualinfo2[c]); }
						for (int32_t b = 0; b < featurecount1; b++)
							for (int32_t c = 0; c < featurecount2; c++)
								mutualinfo12[b][c] = mutualinfo12[b][c] / count;
								if (mutualinfo12[b][c] != 0) { hab = hab + mutualinfo12[b][c] * logf(mutualinfo12[b][c]); }
								float value = 0.0f;
								if (mutualinfo1[b] > 0 && mutualinfo2[c] > 0) { value = (mutualinfo12[b][c] / (mutualinfo1[b] * mutualinfo2[c])); }
								if (value != 0) { disorientation = disorientation + (mutualinfo12[b][c] * logf(value)); }
						for (int32_t b = 0; b < featurecount1; b++)
							for (int32_t c = 0; c < featurecount2; c++)
								mutualinfo12[b][c] = 0.0f;
								mutualinfo1[b] = 0.0f;
								mutualinfo2[c] = 0.0f;
						disorientation = 1.0f / disorientation;
						misorients[k + oldxshift + halfDim0][j + oldyshift + halfDim1] = true;

						// compare the new shift with currently stored ones
						int64_t s = maxstoredshifts;
						while (s - 1 >= 0 && disorientation < mindisorientation[iter][s - 1])

						// new shift is stored with index 's' in the arrays
						if (s < maxstoredshifts)
							// lag the shifts already stored
							for (int64_t t = maxstoredshifts - 1; t > s; t--)
								newxshift[iter][t] = newxshift[iter][t - 1];
								newyshift[iter][t] = newyshift[iter][t - 1];
								mindisorientation[iter][t] = mindisorientation[iter][t - 1];
							// store the new shift
							newxshift[iter][s] = k + oldxshift;
							newyshift[iter][s] = j + oldyshift;
							mindisorientation[iter][s] = disorientation;
		xshifts[iter] = xshifts[iter - 1] + newxshift[iter][0];
		yshifts[iter] = yshifts[iter - 1] + newyshift[iter][0];

		delete[] mutualinfo1;
		delete[] mutualinfo2;
		for (int32_t i = 0; i < featurecount1; i++)
			delete mutualinfo12[i];
		delete[] mutualinfo12;
		mutualinfo1 = NULL;
		mutualinfo2 = NULL;
		mutualinfo12 = NULL;

	std::vector<uint64_t> curindex(dims[2], 0);

	// find corrected shifts
	if (xneedshifts.size() > 0)
		QString ss = QObject::tr("Aligning Anisotropic Sections || Correcting shifts");
		notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);

		std::vector<float> changedisorientation(dims[2], 0);
		std::vector<uint64_t> changeindex(dims[2], 0);
		std::vector<float> changeerror(dims[2], 0);

		std::vector<float> xshiftsest;	// cumulative x-shifts estimated from SEM images
		std::vector<float> yshiftsest;	// cumulative y-shifts estimated from SEM images

		float curerror = 0;
		float tolerance = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(dims[2]);

		// evaluate error between current shifts and desired shifts
		if (xneedshifts.size() == 1)      // error is computed as misagreement between slopes
			curerror = compute_error1(dims[2], 0, xneedshifts[0], yneedshifts[0], newxshift, newyshift, curindex);
		else if (xneedshifts.size() > 1)  // error is computed as misagreement with shifts estimated from SEM images
			xshiftsest.resize(dims[2], 0);
			yshiftsest.resize(dims[2], 0);
			for (uint64_t iter = 1; iter < dims[2]; iter++)
				xshiftsest[iter] = xshiftsest[iter - 1] + xneedshifts[iter - 1];
				yshiftsest[iter] = yshiftsest[iter - 1] + yneedshifts[iter - 1];
			curerror = compute_error2(dims[2], 0, xshiftsest, yshiftsest, newxshift, newyshift, curindex);

		// iterative selection of a candidate shift, recomputing of current candidates, evaluation of error
		if (curerror > tolerance)
			float minchangedisorientation = 0;
			float minchangeerror = 0;
			int64_t minchangeindex = 0;
			int64_t minchangeiter = 0;
			float olderror = 0;
			float newerror = 0;
			uint64_t progInt = 0;

				QString ss = QObject::tr("Aligning Anisotropic Sections || Correcting Shifts || Iteration %1").arg(++progInt);;
				notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);
				if (getCancel() == true)

				olderror = curerror;
				for (uint64_t iter = 1; iter < dims[2]; iter++)
					float newminerror = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
					float newmindisorientation = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
					uint64_t newminindex = 0;
					for (uint64_t index = curindex[iter] + 1; index < maxstoredshifts; index++)
						// recompute error for the configuration with this candidate changed
						if (xneedshifts.size() == 1)
							newerror = compute_error1(iter, index, xneedshifts[0], yneedshifts[0], newxshift, newyshift, curindex);
						else if (xneedshifts.size() > 1)
							newerror = compute_error2(iter, index, xshiftsest, yshiftsest, newxshift, newyshift, curindex);

						// compare the new error with the best current error
						if (newerror < curerror &&
							mindisorientation[iter][index] / mindisorientation[iter][0] < newmindisorientation)
							newminerror = newerror;
							newminindex = index;
							newmindisorientation = mindisorientation[iter][index] / mindisorientation[iter][0];
					// assign best error, corresponding index and disorientation value for this slice
					changeerror[iter] = newminerror;
					changeindex[iter] = newminindex;
					changedisorientation[iter] = newmindisorientation;

				// among all slices, find the best candidate (with minimum disorientation change)
				minchangedisorientation = std::numeric_limits<float>::max() - 1;
				minchangeerror = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
				minchangeindex = 0;
				minchangeiter = 0;
				for (uint64_t iter = 1; iter < dims[2]; iter++)
					if (changeerror[iter] < curerror &&
						(changedisorientation[iter] < minchangedisorientation ||
						(changedisorientation[iter] == minchangedisorientation &&
						llabs(newxshift[iter][changeindex[iter]]) + llabs(newyshift[iter][changeindex[iter]]) < llabs(newxshift[iter][minchangeindex]) + llabs(newyshift[iter][minchangeindex]))))
						minchangeiter = iter;
						minchangeindex = changeindex[iter];
						minchangedisorientation = changedisorientation[iter];
						minchangeerror = changeerror[iter];

				if (minchangeerror < curerror && minchangeerror >= tolerance)
					// assign the best candidate
					changedisorientation[minchangeiter] = minchangedisorientation;
					curindex[minchangeiter] = minchangeindex;
					// reassign current error
					curerror = minchangeerror;

			} while (minchangedisorientation < std::numeric_limits<float>::max() - 1 && curerror < olderror && curerror > tolerance);

	if (getWriteAlignmentShifts() == true)
		std::ofstream outFile;
		for (uint64_t iter = 1; iter < dims[2]; iter++)
			slice = (dims[2] - 1) - iter;
			xshifts[iter] = xshifts[iter - 1] + newxshift[iter][curindex[iter]];
			yshifts[iter] = yshifts[iter - 1] + newyshift[iter][curindex[iter]];
			outFile << slice << "	" << slice + 1 << "	" << newxshift[iter][curindex[iter]] << "	" << newyshift[iter][curindex[iter]] << "	" << xshifts[iter] << "	" << yshifts[iter] << "\n";


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void VtkStructuredPointsReader::setupFilterParameters()
  FilterParameterVector parameters;
  parameters.push_back(InputFileFilterParameter::New("Input VTK File", "InputFile", getInputFile(), FilterParameter::Parameter));
  QStringList linkedProps;
  linkedProps << "VertexDataContainerName" << "VertexAttributeMatrixName";
  parameters.push_back(LinkedBooleanFilterParameter::New("Read Point Data", "ReadPointData", getReadPointData(), linkedProps, FilterParameter::Parameter));
  linkedProps << "VolumeDataContainerName" << "CellAttributeMatrixName";
  parameters.push_back(LinkedBooleanFilterParameter::New("Read Cell Data", "ReadCellData", getReadCellData(), linkedProps, FilterParameter::Parameter));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Point Data Data Container", "VertexDataContainerName", getVertexDataContainerName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Cell Data Data Container", "VolumeDataContainerName", getVolumeDataContainerName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(SeparatorFilterParameter::New("Cell Data", FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Point Data Attribute Matrix", "VertexAttributeMatrixName", getVertexAttributeMatrixName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
  parameters.push_back(StringFilterParameter::New("Cell Data Attribute Matrix", "CellAttributeMatrixName", getCellAttributeMatrixName(), FilterParameter::CreatedArray));
Exemplo n.º 28
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void ReadImage::execute()
  QString ss;
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0)
    ss = QObject::tr("DataCheck did not pass during execute");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  //get volume container
  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getDataContainerName());

  //get input and output data
  IDataArray::Pointer imageData = m_ImageDataPtr.lock();
  //std::string fileNameString = getInputFileName().toLocal8Bit().constData();
  //const char* fileNameCStr = fileNameString.c_str();

  //execute type dependant portion using a Private Implementation that takes care of figuring out if
  // we can work on the correct type and actually handling the algorithm execution. We pass in "this" so
  // that the private implementation can get access to the current object to pass up status notifications,
  // progress or handle "cancel" if needed.
    ReadImagePrivate<int8_t>::Execute(this, getInputFileName(), imageData, m, getCellAttributeMatrixName());
  else if(ReadImagePrivate<uint8_t>()(imageData) )
    ReadImagePrivate<uint8_t>::Execute(this, getInputFileName(), imageData, m, getCellAttributeMatrixName());
  else if(ReadImagePrivate<int16_t>()(imageData) )
    ReadImagePrivate<int16_t>::Execute(this, getInputFileName(), imageData, m, getCellAttributeMatrixName());
  else if(ReadImagePrivate<uint16_t>()(imageData) )
    ReadImagePrivate<uint16_t>::Execute(this, getInputFileName(), imageData, m, getCellAttributeMatrixName());
  else if(ReadImagePrivate<int32_t>()(imageData) )
    ReadImagePrivate<int32_t>::Execute(this, getInputFileName(), imageData, m, getCellAttributeMatrixName());
  else if(ReadImagePrivate<uint32_t>()(imageData) )
    ReadImagePrivate<uint32_t>::Execute(this, getInputFileName(), imageData, m, getCellAttributeMatrixName());
  else if(ReadImagePrivate<int64_t>()(imageData) )
    ReadImagePrivate<int64_t>::Execute(this, getInputFileName(), imageData, m, getCellAttributeMatrixName());
  else if(ReadImagePrivate<uint64_t>()(imageData) )
    ReadImagePrivate<uint64_t>::Execute(this, getInputFileName(), imageData, m, getCellAttributeMatrixName());
  else if(ReadImagePrivate<float>()(imageData) )
    ReadImagePrivate<float>::Execute(this, getInputFileName(), imageData, m, getCellAttributeMatrixName());
  else if(ReadImagePrivate<double>()(imageData) )
    ReadImagePrivate<double>::Execute(this, getInputFileName(), imageData, m, getCellAttributeMatrixName());
    ss = QObject::tr("A Supported DataArray type was not used for an input array.");
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), ss, getErrorCondition());

  AttributeMatrix::Pointer attrMat = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName());
  attrMat->addAttributeArray(getImageDataArrayName(), imageData);

  /* Let the GUI know we are done with this filter */
  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");
Exemplo n.º 29
void YSChoiAbaqusReader::execute()

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getDataContainerName());

  int xpoints, ypoints, zpoints, totalpoints = 0;
  float resx, resy, resz;
  float** *mat = NULL;
  //const unsigned int size(1024);
  // Read header from data file to figure out how many points there are
  QFile in(getInputFile());
  if (!in.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
    QString msg = QObject::tr("Abaqus file could not be opened: %1").arg(getInputFile());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "", getErrorCondition());

  QString word;
  bool ok = false;
  bool headerdone = false;
  while (headerdone == false)
    QByteArray buf = in.readLine();

    if (buf.startsWith(DIMS))
      QList<QByteArray> tokens = buf.split(' ');
      xpoints = tokens[1].toInt(&ok, 10);
      ypoints = tokens[2].toInt(&ok, 10);
      zpoints = tokens[3].toInt(&ok, 10);
      totalpoints = xpoints * ypoints * zpoints;
      size_t dims[3] = { static_cast<size_t>(xpoints), static_cast<size_t>(ypoints), static_cast<size_t>(zpoints) };
      m->getGeometryAs<ImageGeom>()->setOrigin(0, 0, 0);

    if (buf.startsWith(RES))
      QList<QByteArray> tokens = buf.split(' ');
      resx = tokens[1].toInt(&ok, 10);
      resy = tokens[2].toInt(&ok, 10);
      resz = tokens[3].toInt(&ok, 10);
      float res[3] = {resx, resy, resz};
    if (buf.startsWith(LOOKUP))
      headerdone = true;
      word = QString(buf);
  // Read header from grain info file to figure out how many features there are

  QFile in2(getInputFeatureInfoFile());
  if (!in2.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
    QString msg = QObject::tr("Abaqus Feature Info file could not be opened: %1").arg(getInputFeatureInfoFile());
    notifyErrorMessage(getHumanLabel(), "", getErrorCondition());

  int numfeatures;

  QByteArray buf = in2.readLine();
  numfeatures = buf.toInt(&ok, 10);
  buf = in2.readLine();
  QList<QByteArray> tokens = buf.split(' ');
//  in2 >> word >> word >> word >> word >> word >> word;
  QVector<size_t> tDims(3, 0);
  tDims[0] = xpoints;
  tDims[1] = ypoints;
  tDims[2] = zpoints;
  tDims[0] = numfeatures + 1;
  tDims[0] = 2;
  //Read data file
  int gnum = 0;
  bool onedge = false;
  int col, row, plane;
  float value;
  for (int i = 0; i < totalpoints; i++)
    mat[i] = new float *[3];
    for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      mat[i][j] = new float [3];
    onedge = false;
    gnum = tokens[6].toInt(&ok, 10);
    col = i % xpoints;
    row = (i / xpoints) % ypoints;
    plane = i / (xpoints * ypoints);
    if (col == 0 || col == (xpoints - 1) || row == 0 || row == (ypoints - 1) || plane == 0 || plane == (zpoints - 1)) { onedge = true; }
    m_FeatureIds[i] = gnum;
    m_SurfaceFeatures[gnum] = onedge;
  for (int iter1 = 0; iter1 < 3; iter1++)
    for (int iter2 = 0; iter2 < 3; iter2++)
      headerdone = false;
      while (headerdone == false)
        buf = in2.readLine();

        if (buf.startsWith(LOOKUP))
          headerdone = true;
          //in >> word;
      for (int i = 0; i < totalpoints; i++)
        onedge = 0;
        value = buf.toInt(&ok, 10);
        mat[i][iter1][iter2] = value;
  //Read feature info
  QuatF* avgQuats = reinterpret_cast<QuatF*>(m_AvgQuats);
  avgQuats[0].x = 0.0;
  avgQuats[0].y = 0.0;
  avgQuats[0].z = 0.0;
  avgQuats[0].w = 0.0;

  for (int i = 1; i < numfeatures + 1; i++)
    buf = in2.readLine();
    tokens = buf.split(' ');
    gnum = tokens[0].toInt(&ok, 10);
    avgQuats[i].x = tokens[2].toFloat(&ok);
    avgQuats[i].y = tokens[3].toFloat(&ok);
    avgQuats[i].z = tokens[4].toFloat(&ok);
    avgQuats[i].w = tokens[5].toFloat(&ok);
  QuatF q;
  QuatF* quats = reinterpret_cast<QuatF*>(m_Quats);
  float g[3][3];
  for(int i = 0; i < (xpoints * ypoints * zpoints); i++)
    for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
      for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
        g[j][k] = mat[i][j][k];
    q.w = static_cast<float>( sqrt((1.0 + g[0][0] + g[1][1] + g[2][2])) / 2.0 );
    q.x = static_cast<float>( (g[1][2] - g[2][1]) / (4.0 * q.w) );
    q.y = static_cast<float>( (g[2][0] - g[0][2]) / (4.0 * q.w) );
    q.z = static_cast<float>( (g[0][1] - g[1][0]) / (4.0 * q.w) );
    QuaternionMathF::Copy(q, quats[i]);
    FOrientArrayType eu(m_CellEulerAngles + (3 * i), 3);
    FOrientTransformsType::qu2eu(FOrientArrayType(q), eu);

    delete[] mat[i];
  delete[] mat;
Exemplo n.º 30
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AlignSections::execute()
  if(getErrorCondition() < 0) { return; }

  DataContainer::Pointer m = getDataContainerArray()->getDataContainer(getDataContainerName());

  size_t udims[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };
#if (CMP_SIZEOF_SIZE_T == 4)
  typedef int32_t DimType;
  typedef int64_t DimType;
  DimType dims[3] =

  DimType slice = 0;
  DimType xspot = 0, yspot = 0;
  DimType newPosition = 0;
  DimType currentPosition = 0;

  std::vector<int64_t> xshifts(dims[2], 0);
  std::vector<int64_t> yshifts(dims[2], 0);

  find_shifts(xshifts, yshifts);

  if (getSubtractBackground())
    /**fit x and y shifts to lines
     * y = mx + b
     * m = (n*sum(x_i * y_i) - sum(x_i) * sum(y_i)) / (n*sum(x_i^2)-sum(x_i)^2
     * b = (sum(y_i)-m*sum(x_i))/n

    // same for both
    double sumX = 0.0; // sum(x_i)
    double sumX_2 = 0.0; // sum(x_i^2)

    // x shift line
    double x_sumY = 0.0; // sum(y_i)
    double x_sumXY = 0.0; // sum(x_i * y_i)

    // y shift line
    double y_sumY = 0.0; // sum(y_i)
    double y_sumXY = 0.0; // sum(x_i * y_i)

    for (DimType iter = 0; iter < dims[2]; iter++)
      slice = static_cast<DimType>( (dims[2] - 1) - iter );
      sumX = static_cast<double>(sumX + iter);
      sumX_2 = static_cast<double>(sumX_2 + iter * iter);
      x_sumY = static_cast<double>(x_sumY + xshifts[iter]);
      x_sumXY = static_cast<double>(x_sumXY + iter * xshifts[iter]);
      y_sumY = static_cast<double>(y_sumY + yshifts[iter]);
      y_sumXY = static_cast<double>(y_sumXY + iter * yshifts[iter]);

    double mx = static_cast<double>((dims[2] * x_sumXY - x_sumXY) / (dims[2] * sumX_2 - sumX));
    double my = static_cast<double>((dims[2] * y_sumXY - y_sumXY) / (dims[2] * sumX_2 - sumX));

    // adjust shifts so that fit line has 0 slope (~ends of the sample are fixed)
    for (DimType iter = 1; iter < dims[2]; iter++)
      slice = (dims[2] - 1) - iter;
      xshifts[iter] = static_cast<int64_t>(xshifts[iter] - iter * mx);
      yshifts[iter] = static_cast<int64_t>(yshifts[iter] - iter * my);

  QList<QString> voxelArrayNames = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName())->getAttributeArrayNames();
  DimType progIncrement = dims[2] / 100;
  DimType prog = 1;
  DimType progressInt = 0;

  for (DimType i = 1; i < dims[2]; i++)
    if (i > prog)

      progressInt = ((float)i / dims[2]) * 100.0f;
      QString ss = QObject::tr("Transferring Cell Data || %1% Complete").arg(progressInt);
      notifyStatusMessage(getMessagePrefix(), getHumanLabel(), ss);
      prog = prog + progIncrement;
    if (getCancel() == true)
    slice = (dims[2] - 1) - i;
    for (DimType l = 0; l < dims[1]; l++)
      for (DimType n = 0; n < dims[0]; n++)
        if (yshifts[i] >= 0) { yspot = l; }
        else if (yshifts[i] < 0) { yspot = dims[1] - 1 - l; }
        if (xshifts[i] >= 0) { xspot = n; }
        else if (xshifts[i] < 0) { xspot = dims[0] - 1 - n; }
        newPosition = (slice * dims[0] * dims[1]) + (yspot * dims[0]) + xspot;
        currentPosition = (slice * dims[0] * dims[1]) + ((yspot + yshifts[i]) * dims[0]) + (xspot + xshifts[i]);
        if ((yspot + yshifts[i]) >= 0 && (yspot + yshifts[i]) <= dims[1] - 1 && (xspot + xshifts[i]) >= 0
            && (xspot + xshifts[i]) <= dims[0] - 1)
          for (QList<QString>::iterator iter = voxelArrayNames.begin(); iter != voxelArrayNames.end(); ++iter)
            IDataArray::Pointer p = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName())->getAttributeArray(*iter);
            p->copyTuple(currentPosition, newPosition);
        if ((yspot + yshifts[i]) < 0 || (yspot + yshifts[i]) > dims[1] - 1 || (xspot + xshifts[i]) < 0
            || (xspot + xshifts[i]) > dims[0] - 1)
          for (QList<QString>::iterator iter = voxelArrayNames.begin(); iter != voxelArrayNames.end(); ++iter)
            IDataArray::Pointer p = m->getAttributeMatrix(getCellAttributeMatrixName())->getAttributeArray(*iter);
            p->initializeTuple(newPosition, 0);

  // If there is an error set this to something negative and also set a message
  notifyStatusMessage(getHumanLabel(), "Complete");