ActionBase::ResultE Switch::render(Action *action) { ActionBase::ResultE returnValue = ActionBase::Continue; DrawActionBase *da = dynamic_cast<DrawActionBase *>(action); if((getChoice() >= 0 ) && (UInt32(getChoice()) < action->getNNodes())) { da->useNodeList(); if(da->isVisible(action->getNode(getChoice()))) { da->addNode(action->getNode(getChoice())); } } else if(getChoice() == ALL) { if(da->selectVisibles() == 0) { returnValue = ActionBase::Skip; } } else { returnValue = ActionBase::Skip; } return returnValue; }
void ramPresetTab::guiEvent(ofxUIEventArgs &e) { int choice = getChoice(e, cameraPresetRadio); if(choice != -1) { int indices[] = {0, 1, 5}; int choice = getChoice(cameraPresetRadio); ramCameraManager::instance().rollbackDefaultCameraSetting(indices[choice]); } }
int main(void){ double balance = 0, wager = 0; int choice = 0; printGameRules(); balance = getBankBalance(); //Display game menu and allow user to continually choose options until they quit while(choice != 4){ displayGameMenu(); choice = getChoice(); switch (choice){ case 1: printf("Current bank balance: $%.2lf\n", balance); break; case 2: balance = addMoney(balance); printf("You now have $%.2lf in the bank\n", balance); break; case 3: balance = playRound(balance); break; case 4: break; default: printf("\nMenu choice is invalid, Please choose a number between 1 and 4\n"); //Validates menu choice break; } } return 0; }
// // sets // void Choice::setChoice(int choice) { m_choice = choice; if (m_choice < 0) m_choice = 0; if (m_choice >= (int)m_choices.size()) m_choice = 0; changeCaption(getChoice()); }
int main(){ // create queue int queue[QUEUE_SIZE]={0}; int rear = 0; int front = 0; int choice; while(1){ showInitile(); choice = getChoice(); switch(choice){ case 1: displayQueue(queue); break; case 2: Enqueue(queue, &rear, &front); break; case 3: delqueue(queue, &rear, &front); break; case 4: system("CLS"); break; default: printf("你壞壞\n"); break; } } system("pause"); return 0; }
void deleteAllContacts (int *iLen, int *iCap) { // If no entries are stored, the request is declined and the user is informed. if (*iLen > 0) { // The user chooses whether to confirm the decision to delete all contacts. char cConfirmChoice = '\0'; printf ("\nDo you wish to delete all contacts?"); printf ("\n\t(1) Yes"); printf ("\n\t(2) No\n"); getChoice (&cConfirmChoice, '2'); /* If the user chooses to continue deleting all contacts, the following * procedure is executed: the length and capacity counters of the PhoneBook * are both set to zero. */ if (cConfirmChoice == '1') { *iLen = 0; *iCap = 0; printf ("All contacts have been deleted.\n"); } else printf ("All contacts have been retained.\n"); } else printf ("There are no contacts to delete.\n"); }
/* ---------------------- MAZE MAIN PROGRAM --------------------------------*/ void main() { int x1; int y1; int r,cl; int isX; int choice; progname(); _setcursortype(_NOCURSOR); textmode(64); textbackground(BLUE); for(;;){ choiceID = 1; display_atik_atik_Menu(); choice = getChoice(); switch(choice){ case 1: playMaze(); break; case 2: viewGameDevelopers(); break; case 3: exit(0); break; } } }
int profileManager(int choice){ int fileFlag,option; FILE *pProfiles; fileFlag=checkFileExists("profiles.txt"); switch(choice){ case 1: if(fileFlag){ pProfiles=fopen("profiles.txt","r"); printProfiles(pProfiles); option = getChoice(); if(tolower(option) == 'n'){ addProfile(); }else if(tolower(option) == 'q'){ fclose(pProfiles); return 0; }else if(tolower(option) == 'd'){ }else{ } fclose(pProfiles); return option-'0'; }else{ return makeProfileFile(); } case 2: if(fileFlag){ }else{ } } }
void luProjPanel::OnObjTypeChanged(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxChoice* choice = getChoice(); int sel = choice->GetCurrentSelection(); int type = (int)choice->GetClientData(sel); //gkPrintf("%d %d", sel, type); }
int DIALOG_LAYERS_SETUP::getLayerTypeIndex( LAYER_NUM aLayer ) { wxChoice* ctl = getChoice( aLayer ); int ret = ctl->GetCurrentSelection(); // indices must have same sequence as LAYER_T return ret; }
// // Pour quand on clic dessus, le child saura quoi faire // void Choice::onRightClic() { dksPlaySound(m_sfxClic, -1, 200); // On loop les choix m_choice--; if (m_choice < 0) m_choice = (int)m_choices.size() - 1; changeCaption(getChoice()); }
// // Pour quand on clic dessus, le child saura quoi faire // void Choice::onClic() { dksPlaySound(m_sfxClic, -1, 200); // On loop les choix m_choice++; if (m_choice >= (int)m_choices.size()) m_choice = 0; changeCaption(getChoice()); }
void DIALOG_LAYERS_SETUP::showLayerTypes() { for( LAYER_NUM copperLayer = FIRST_COPPER_LAYER; copperLayer <= LAST_COPPER_LAYER; ++copperLayer ) { wxChoice* ctl = getChoice( copperLayer ); ctl->SetSelection( m_Pcb->GetLayerType( copperLayer ) ); } }
task main() { if(getChoice("What pitch?", "Low", "High") == 0) { PlayImmediateTone(440, 100); }else{ PlayTone(880, 100); } wait1Msec(1000); }
void DIALOG_LAYERS_SETUP::showLayerTypes() { for( LSEQ seq = LSET::AllCuMask().Seq(); seq; ++seq ) { LAYER_ID cu_layer = *seq; wxChoice* ctl = getChoice( cu_layer ); ctl->SetSelection( m_Pcb->GetLayerType( cu_layer ) ); } }
int main(){ int choice = 0; do{ choice = getChoice("Please select an action", menu); printf("You have chose: %c\n", choice); }while(choice != 'q'); exit(0); }
ActionBase::ResultE Switch::intersect(Action *action) { ActionBase::ResultE returnValue = ActionBase::Continue; IntersectAction *ia = dynamic_cast<IntersectAction *>(action); if((getChoice() >= 0 ) && (UInt32(getChoice()) < ia->getNNodes()) ) { ia->useNodeList( ); ia->addNode (ia->getNode(getChoice())); } else if(getChoice() == ALL) { returnValue = ActionBase::Continue; } else { returnValue = ActionBase::Skip; } return returnValue; }
void ramPresetTab::guiEvent(ofxUIEventArgs &e) { // camera int choice = getChoice(e, preset_cam_radio); if(choice != -1) { int indices[] = {0, 1, 5}; int choice = getChoice(preset_cam_radio); ramCameraManager::instance().rollbackDefaultCameraSetting(indices[choice]); } // preset scenes const string name = e.widget->getName(); if (name == "Line") callPreset(0); else if (name == "Hasty Chase") callPreset(1); else if (name == "HC + Stamp") callPreset(2); else if (name == "HC + Stamp + Natto") callPreset(3); else if (name == "HC + Future") callPreset(4); else if (name == "Line + Future") callPreset(5); else if (name == "Particles + Future") callPreset(6); else if (name == "Particles") callPreset(7);}
int main() { try { const string stageFilename = getFilename( stage_ ); const string riderFilename = getFilename( rider_ ); // // Setup the race data analyzer // RaceAnalyzer raceData( stageFilename, riderFilename ); bool done = false; // // Loop until the userwants to quite // while( ! done ) { // // Get a process the user's menu choice // switch( getChoice() ) { case menuDisplaySummary_ : displaySummary( raceData ); break; case menuDisplayRiders_ : displayRiderData( raceData ); break; case menuDisplayTeams_ : displayTeamData( raceData ); break; case menuQuit_ : done = true; break; default : assert(true); } } } catch(...) { system("pause"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/* Main menu interface */ void run(FILE *file) { int choice = 0; while (1) { displayMenu(); choice = getChoice(); if (choice == -2) { exit(0); } else if (choice == -1) { append(file); } else if (choice == 0) { displayAll(file); } else if (choice > 0) { modifyRecord(choice, file); } else { printf("\n%s\n", "Invalid choice, try again!"); } } }
/* ===== process ===== This function presents the user with the menu. Pre hash, list, tree Post nothing */ void process (HASH *hash, D_LIST *list, BST_TREE *tree) { // Local Definitions char choice; CAR car; // Statements do { choice = getChoice (); switch (choice) { case 'P': printHash(hash); printLinkedList(list); printManager(tree); break; case 'R': printIndentedBST(tree); break; case 'E': printData(hash); break; case 'S': searchByHash(hash, list); break; case 'T': searchByDList(list); break; case 'I': car = addNewNode(); insert(hash,car); insertDNode(list, car); insertTree(tree,car); break; case 'D': deleteCar(list, hash, tree); break; case 'W': writeToFile(list); break; case 'Q': break; } // switch } while (choice != 'Q'); return; } // process
main() { Student students[10],s; char sname[10]; int n,i,choice; do { choice = getChoice(); switch(choice) { case 1: cout<<"\n Enter how many students records:"; cin>>n; for(i = 0;i < n;i ++) { cout<<"\n Enter details of student "<<i+1; students[i].getData(); } break; case 2: cout<<"\n Enter which student ditails want to display:"; cin>>sname; cout<<"\n Roll No \tName\tMarks1\tMarks2\tMarks3\n"; s.displayDetails(students,sname,n); break; case 3: cout<<"\n Student information. "; cout<<"\n Roll No \tName\tMarks1\tMarks2\tMarks3\n"; s.displayDetails(students,n); break; } }while(choice != 4); getch(); return 0; }
void loadContactsFromFile (ContactType **pList, int *iLen, int *iCap) { char cConfirmChoice = '1'; /* If there are contacts in memory, the user is asked whether to proceed * with loading from the file, which will overwrite the stored contacts. */ if (*iLen > 0) { printf ("\nCurrently stored contacts will be lost. Continue?"); printf ("\n\t(1) Yes"); printf ("\n\t(2) No\n"); getChoice (&cConfirmChoice, '2'); } /* If there were no contacts stored in memory, or if the user decided * to overwrite them, then the procedure continues. Otherwise, loading * the contacts is aborted and the contacts stored in memory are retained. */ if (cConfirmChoice == '1') { const char *cDefaultFileName = "contacts.dat"; char cFileChoice = '\0'; char cFileName[51] = ""; FILE *pRead = NULL; // The user chooses whether to specify a path or accept the default. printf ("\nWhere are the contacts saved?"); printf ("\n\t(1) Specify file-name path."); printf ("\n\t(2) Use default file-name path.\n"); getChoice (&cFileChoice, '2'); // If the user chose to specify a path: if (cFileChoice == '1') { char *cInputString = NULL; int iMaxLength = 1000; while (cInputString == NULL && iMaxLength > 0) { cInputString = (char *) calloc(iMaxLength + 1, sizeof(char)); iMaxLength -= 10; } if (cInputString != NULL) { // Get the user's path choice and copy it to cFileName. printf ("File-name (and location): "); scanf ("%s", cInputString); strncpy (cFileName, cInputString, 50); } else { // If cInputString was not allocated memory, terminate the program. perror("Out of memory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Allocated memory is freed from cInputString. free(cInputString); } else // If the user chose to accept the default path: strncpy (cFileName, cDefaultFileName, 50); // Open the file for reading. pRead = fopen(cFileName, "r"); /* If the file was opened successfully, begin loading data. Otherwise * issue an error. */ if (pRead != NULL) { /* Read the first field in the data file as an integer. This will be * the number of records which will be stored. Since struct array * may not hold enough space for this many records, this value must * be used to allocate space. */ int iNewCap = 0; fscanf (pRead, "%d", &iNewCap); ContactType *pNewList = NULL; pNewList = (ContactType *) realloc(*pList, iNewCap * sizeof(ContactType)); /* If the allocation was successful, then the struct array is moved to the * the new pointer, and the new capacity is recorded. */ if (pNewList != NULL) { *pList = pNewList; *iCap = iNewCap; } else { // If the allocation was unsuccesful, the program ends. perror ("Out of memory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Now, the data can be read into the array of ContactType. The integer * value at the beginning of the file determined how many entries will be * read. */ int i; for (i = 0; i < *iCap; i++) fscanf (pRead, "%s%s%s", (*pList + i)->cFirstName, (*pList + i)->cLastName, (*pList + i)->cPhoneNumber); /* The length of the list of entries is recorded as *iCap, the number of * entries saved. */ *iLen = *iCap; // Close the file and notify the user that the contacts have been loaded. fclose (pRead); printf ("Contacts loaded from %s.\n", cFileName); } else { // If the file could not be opened, notify the user. printf ("Invalid file-name or location.\n"); printf ("Currently stored contacts are retained.\n"); } } else // If the user chose not to overwrite stored contacts, notify her and continue execution. printf ("Currently stored contacts are retained.\n"); }
User *chooseUser(){ int unumber; showUsers(); unumber = getChoice(); return &users[(unumber - 1)]; }
int main(){ FILE *fp, *ft; char another, choice; /** structure to employee */ struct emp{ char name[50]; int age; float salary; } e; char empname[50]; long int recsize; /** * Opening file if exits or creating new file */ fp = fopen(FILE_NAME,"rb+"); if(fp == NULL) { fp = fopen(FILE_NAME,"wb+"); if(fp == NULL) { printf("Cannot open the file"); exit(1); } } recsize = sizeof(e); while(1) { choice = getChoice(); switch(choice) { case '1': // Add Record system("cls"); fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); another = 'y'; while(another == 'y') { printf("\nEnter name: "); scanf("%s",; printf("\nEnter age: "); scanf("%d", &e.age); printf("\nEnter basic salary: "); scanf("%f", &e.salary); fwrite(&e,recsize,1,fp); printf("\nAdd another record(y/n) "); fflush(stdin); another = getche(); } break; case '2': // List Record system("cls"); rewind(fp); while(fread(&e,recsize,1,fp)==1) { printf("\n%s %d %.2f",,e.age,e.salary); } getch(); break; case '3': // Modify Record system("cls"); another = 'y'; while(another == 'y') { printf("Enter the employee name to modify: "); scanf("%s", empname); rewind(fp); while(fread(&e,recsize,1,fp)==1) { if(strcmp(,empname) == 0) { printf("\nEnter new name,age and basic salary: "); scanf("%s%d%f",,&e.age,&e.salary); fseek(fp,-recsize,SEEK_CUR); fwrite(&e,recsize,1,fp); break; } } printf("\nModify another record(y/n)"); fflush(stdin); another = getche(); } break; case '4': // Delete Record system("cls"); another = 'y'; while(another == 'y') { printf("\nEnter name of employee to delete: "); scanf("%s",empname); ft = fopen(TEMP_FILE_NAME,"wb"); rewind(fp); while(fread(&e,recsize,1,fp) == 1) { if(strcmp(,empname) != 0) { fwrite(&e,recsize,1,ft); } } fclose(fp); fclose(ft); remove(FILE_NAME); rename(TEMP_FILE_NAME,FILE_NAME); fp = fopen(FILE_NAME, "rb+"); printf("Delete another record(y/n)"); fflush(stdin); another = getche(); } break; case '5': // Exit Program system("cls"); moveLocation(0,5); fclose(fp); printf("Bye././. Have a nice day"); moveLocation(0,7); exit(0); } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ List list = LLCreate(); Stack stack = SCreate(); Queue queue = QCreate(); User *usr; setupUsers(); MENU_CHOICE m_choice = MAIN_MENU; int choice, count; menu(); choice = getChoice(); while(choice){ switch(m_choice){ case MAIN_MENU: switch(choice){ case 1: m_choice = LL_MENU; llmenu(); break; case 2: m_choice = QUEUE_MENU; qmenu(); break; case 3: m_choice = STACK_MENU; smenu(); break; case 4: showUsers(); menu(); break; case 0: exit(0); break; default: m_choice = MAIN_MENU; menu(); } break; case LL_MENU: switch(choice){ case 1: printf("\n%s\n", "adding head, choose a user"); usr = chooseUser(); printf("%s %s\n", "You chose ", usr -> name); LLAddHead(usr, list); llmenu(); break; case 2: printf("\n%s\n", "adding tail, choose a user"); usr = chooseUser(); printf("%s %s\n", "You chose", usr -> name); LLAddTail(usr, list); llmenu(); break; case 3: printf("\n%s\n", "removing head"); LLRemoveHead(list); llmenu(); break; case 4: printf("\n%s\n", "removing tail"); LLRemoveTail(list); llmenu(); break; case 5: print(list); llmenu(); break; case 6: m_choice = MAIN_MENU; menu(); break; case 0: exit(0); break; default: m_choice = LL_MENU; } break; case QUEUE_MENU: switch(choice){ case 1: printf("\n%s\n", "enqueueing, choose a user"); usr = chooseUser(); printf("%s %s\n", "You chose ", usr -> name); Qenqueue(usr, queue); qmenu(); break; case 2: printf("\n%s\n", "dequeueing"); Qdequeue(queue); qmenu(); break; case 3: print(queue); qmenu(); break; case 4: m_choice = MAIN_MENU; menu(); break; case 0: exit(0); break; default: m_choice = QUEUE_MENU; } break; case STACK_MENU: switch(choice){ case 1: printf("%s\n", "push"); smenu(); break; case 2: printf("%s\n", "pop"); smenu(); break; case 3: printf("%s\n", "top"); smenu(); break; case 4: printf("%s\n", "print"); smenu(); break; case 5: m_choice = MAIN_MENU; menu(); break; case 0: exit(0); break; default: m_choice = STACK_MENU; } break; } choice = getChoice(); } return 0; }
/* showAllContacts allows the user to sort the contacts by first or last name * (or choose not to sort the contacts) and then displays them all in a list. */ void showAllContacts (ContactType *pList, int *iLen) { int i; /* If the contact list has fewer than two entries, then sorting is trivial. * Therefore the sorting menu is presented only if the length of the list * is larger than 1. */ if (*iLen > 1) { // cSortChoice will store the user's choice from the sorting menu. char cSortChoice = '\0'; /* lContactsSwapped and TempHolder are needed for the sorting algorithm * (bubble-sort). lContactsSwapped is a logical variable that indicates * whether two entries in the list have been exchanged in the previous * pass through the list. TempHolder holds an entry temporarily so that * it does not get unintendedly overwritten while it is being swapped. */ int lContactsSwapped; ContactType TempHolder = {""}; // The sorting menu is displayed and the user's choice obtained. printf ("\nWould you like to sort the entries?"); printf ("\n\t(1) by Last Name"); printf ("\n\t(2) by First Name"); printf ("\n\t(3) Do Not Sort\n"); getChoice (&cSortChoice, '3'); /* The bubble-sort algorithm. On each pass through the array of ContactType * adjacent entries are compared, and swapped if they are out of order. * The process repeats if any two entries had to be swapped in the previous * iteration. Once the array has been passed through without a swap, the * list is known to be sorted. */ do { lContactsSwapped = 0; i = 0; while (i < *iLen - 1) { /* lSwapNeeded indicates whether the entry indexed by i should be * exchanged with the entry in the following position. lSwapNeeded * is a logical integer variable determined according to the user's * choice of sorting criteria. If the user chose not to sort the * list, lSwapNeeded retains its initialized value, 0/false. */ int lSwapNeeded = 0; switch (cSortChoice) { case '1': lSwapNeeded = strcmp((pList + i)->cLastName, (pList + i + 1)->cLastName) > 0; break; case '2': lSwapNeeded = strcmp((pList + i)->cFirstName, (pList + i + 1)->cFirstName) > 0; break; } // If an exchange is necessary, this simple procedure accomplishes it. if (lSwapNeeded) { TempHolder = *(pList + i); *(pList + i) = *(pList + i + 1); *(pList + i + 1) = TempHolder; lContactsSwapped = 1; } i++; } } while (lContactsSwapped); } // Once sorting is complete, or if sorting was not necessary, the list is printed. printf ("\nPhone Book Contacts (%d):", *iLen); for (i = 0; i < *iLen; i++) printf ("\n%s\t%s\t%s", (pList + i)->cFirstName, (pList + i)->cLastName, (pList + i)->cPhoneNumber); printf ("\n"); }
void findContact (ContactType *pList, int *iLen) { /* The user is allowed to search for a contact only if there is at least * one contact stored. */ if (*iLen > 0) { // cInputString is prepared just as above in function getChoice. char *cInputString = NULL; int iMaxLength = 1000; while (cInputString == NULL && iMaxLength > 0) { cInputString = (char *) calloc(iMaxLength + 1, sizeof(char)); iMaxLength -= 10; } /* If cInputString was allocated memory, then the user can proceed * to input field data into cInputString. */ if (cInputString != NULL) { char cSearchChoice = '\0'; int i = 0; int lMatchFound = 0; // The user can choose which field to use as a basis for the search. printf ("\nHow would you like to search?"); printf ("\n\t(1) by Last Name"); printf ("\n\t(2) by First Name"); printf ("\n\t(3) by Phone Number\n"); getChoice (&cSearchChoice, '3'); /* The user enters a field value to search for. If the value * is the same as the corresponding field in a list entry, the * whole entry is printed. Because this procedure uses strcmp() * to compare, the user's search value must match exactly, * including case. * * Depending on the user's choice, she may search for a particular * last name, first name, or phone number. All entries with the * same value for the target field will be displayed. */ switch (cSearchChoice) { case '1': printf ("\nLast Name: "); scanf ("%s", cInputString); while (i < *iLen) { if (!strcmp((pList + i)->cLastName, cInputString)) { printf ("%s\t%s\t%s\n", (pList + i)->cFirstName, (pList + i)->cLastName, (pList + i)->cPhoneNumber); lMatchFound = 1; } i++; } break; case '2': printf ("\nFirst Name: "); scanf ("%s", cInputString); while (i < *iLen) { if (!strcmp((pList + i)->cFirstName, cInputString)) { printf ("%s\t%s\t%s\n", (pList + i)->cFirstName, (pList + i)->cLastName, (pList + i)->cPhoneNumber); lMatchFound = 1; } i++; } break; case '3': printf ("\nPhone Number: "); scanf ("%s", cInputString); while (i < *iLen) { if (!strcmp((pList + i)->cPhoneNumber, cInputString)) { printf ("%s\t%s\t%s\n", (pList + i)->cFirstName, (pList + i)->cLastName, (pList + i)->cPhoneNumber); lMatchFound = 1; } i++; } break; } /* If the logical variable lMatchFound was never set to 1, then no * match was found, and the user is notified. */ if (!lMatchFound) printf ("No matches were found.\n"); } else { // If cInputString was not allocated memory, terminate the program. perror("Out of memory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Free allocated memory. free(cInputString); } else // If (*iLen == 0), printf ("There are no contacts to choose from.\n"); }
// Main function: Program execution begins. main() { /* Phonebook points to (the first element) of an array of structures * of ContactType. Each element of the array contains all the * information for one record: first name, last name, and phone * number. Integer variables iLength and iCapacity each contain * information about the array. iCapacity indicates the number of * entries which can be stored according to current memory allocation; * when iCapacity = 5, then no more than 5 records can be stored. * iLength indicates the number of records that are currently stored. * (Therefore, the last element in the array is indexed by iLength - 1.) */ ContactType *PhoneBook; int iLength = 0; int iCapacity = 0; /* PhoneBook is allocated enough memory to match its current listed * capacity. Of course, here, the listed capacity is 0, so PhoneBook * is not assigned any memory according to the calloc function. This * assignment is included for form's sake, to match the free(PhoneBook) * statement at the end of the main() function. Adhering to the form * of matching memory allocation and memory freeing will ensure careful * programming. */ PhoneBook = (ContactType *) calloc(iCapacity, sizeof(ContactType)); /* cUserChoice will take on the value of the user's main menu choice. * The following loop will continue to execute until the user chooses * to exit. The constant identifier cLastChoice contains the character * representing the last available choice ('Exit'). If the program * is modified to accommodate a larger or smaller menu, this constant * can be changed conveniently. */ char cUserChoice = '\0'; const char cLastChoice = '9'; do { // The menu is displayed and the user enters her choice. printMainMenu (); getChoice (&cUserChoice, cLastChoice); // The appropriate function is called. switch (cUserChoice) { case '1': showAllContacts (PhoneBook, &iLength); break; case '2': addContact (&PhoneBook, &iLength, &iCapacity); break; case '3': findContact (PhoneBook, &iLength); break; case '4': getRandomContact (PhoneBook, &iLength); break; case '5': deleteContact (PhoneBook, &iLength); break; case '6': deleteAllContacts (&iLength, &iCapacity); break; case '7': saveContactsToFile (PhoneBook, &iLength); break; case '8': loadContactsFromFile (&PhoneBook, &iLength, &iCapacity); break; } // The application continues until the user chooses to exit. } while (cUserChoice != cLastChoice); // Freeing allocated memory. free (PhoneBook); printf ("\nGoodbye!\n\n"); }
void saveContactsToFile (ContactType *pList, int *iLen) { // The function will not attempt to save contacts if none are in memory. if (*iLen > 0) { /* The constant string pointer cDefaultName stores the default file location. * cFileChoice stores the user's choice: whether 1) to enter a file location * or 2) accept the default file location. The FILE pointer pWrite will hold * the address of the filestream where the data will be saved. */ const char *cDefaultFileName = "contacts.dat"; char cFileChoice = '\0'; char cFileName[51] = ""; FILE *pWrite = NULL; // The user chooses whether to specify a path or accept the default. printf ("\nWhere do you want to save the contacts?"); printf ("\n\t(1) Specify file-name path."); printf ("\n\t(2) Use default file-name path.\n"); getChoice (&cFileChoice, '2'); /* If the user chose to enter a file location, then she is prompted * for one and the input is saved as cInputString and copied to * cFileName. If she chose to accept the default, then cDefaultFileName * is copied to cFileName. */ if (cFileChoice == '1') { char *cInputString = NULL; int iMaxLength = 1000; while (cInputString == NULL && iMaxLength > 0) { cInputString = (char *) calloc(iMaxLength + 1, sizeof(char)); iMaxLength -= 10; } if (cInputString != NULL) { printf ("File-name (and location): "); scanf ("%s", cInputString); strncpy (cFileName, cInputString, 50); } else { // If cInputString was not allocated memory, terminate the program. perror("Out of memory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // Allocated memory is freed from cInputString. free(cInputString); } else strncpy (cFileName, cDefaultFileName, 50); // The file is opened for writing, and the filestream is saved as pWrite. pWrite = fopen(cFileName, "w"); // If the file was opened successfully, we continue. Otherwise, an error is printed. if (pWrite != NULL) { // The first field of data written to the file is the number of entries. fprintf (pWrite, "%d\n", *iLen); // Now, the entries are written to the file using a for-loop. int i; for (i = 0; i < *iLen; i++) fprintf (pWrite, "%s\t%s\t%s\n", (pList + i)->cFirstName, (pList + i)->cLastName, (pList + i)->cPhoneNumber); // Finally, the file is closed, and a message is printed to the user. fclose (pWrite); printf ("Contacts saved to %s.\n", cFileName); } else printf ("Invalid file-name or location.\n"); } // If no contacts are in memory, then an error is printed to the user and the program continues. else printf ("There are no contacts to save.\n"); }