Exemplo n.º 1
    ChunkManagerPtr DBConfig::shardCollection( const string& ns , ShardKeyPattern fieldsAndOrder , bool unique ) {
        uassert( 8042 , "db doesn't have sharding enabled" , _shardingEnabled );
        uassert( 13648 , str::stream() << "can't shard collection because not all config servers are up" , configServer.allUp() );

            scoped_lock lk( _lock );

            CollectionInfo& ci = _collections[ns];
            uassert( 8043 , "collection already sharded" , ! ci.isSharded() );

            log() << "enable sharding on: " << ns << " with shard key: " << fieldsAndOrder << endl;

            // From this point on, 'ns' is going to be treated as a sharded collection. We assume this is the first
            // time it is seen by the sharded system and thus create the first chunk for the collection. All the remaining
            // chunks will be created as a by-product of splitting.
            ci.shard( ns , fieldsAndOrder , unique );
            ChunkManagerPtr cm = ci.getCM();
            uassert( 13449 , "collections already sharded" , (cm->numChunks() == 0) );
            cm->createFirstChunk( getPrimary() );

        try {
            getChunkManager(ns, true)->maybeChunkCollection();
        catch ( UserException& e ) {
            // failure to chunk is not critical enough to abort the command (and undo the _save()'d configDB state)
            log() << "couldn't chunk recently created collection: " << ns << " " << e << endl;

        return getChunkManager(ns);
Exemplo n.º 2
 *	@param f: 0 for triple being sorted by subject; 1 for triple being sorted by object
 *         flag: indicate whether x is bigger than y;
Status BitmapBuffer::insertTriple(ID predicateId, ID xId, ID yId, bool flag, unsigned char f) {
	unsigned char len;

	len = getLen(xId);
	len += getLen(yId);

	if ( flag == false){
		getChunkManager(predicateId, f)->insertXY(xId, yId, len, 1);
	}else {
		getChunkManager(predicateId, f)->insertXY(xId, yId, len, 2);

//	cout<<getChunkManager(1, 0)->meta->length[0]<<" "<<getChunkManager(1, 0)->meta->tripleCount[0]<<endl;
	return OK;
Exemplo n.º 3
    ChunkManagerPtr DBConfig::getChunkManager( const string& ns , bool shouldReload ) {
        BSONObj key;
        bool unique;

            scoped_lock lk( _lock );
            CollectionInfo& ci = _collections[ns];
            bool earlyReload = ! ci.isSharded() && shouldReload;
            if ( earlyReload ) {
                // this is to catch cases where there this is a new sharded collection
                ci = _collections[ns];
            massert( 10181 ,  (string)"not sharded:" + ns , ci.isSharded() || ci.wasDropped() );
            assert( ci.wasDropped() || ! ci.key().isEmpty() );
            if ( ! shouldReload || earlyReload )
                return ci.getCM();

            key = ci.key().copy();
            unique = ci.unique();
        assert( ! key.isEmpty() );

        // we are not locked now, and want to load a new ChunkManager
        auto_ptr<ChunkManager> temp( new ChunkManager( ns , key , unique ) );
        if ( temp->numChunks() == 0 ) {
            // maybe we're not sharded any more
            reload(); // this is a full reload
            return getChunkManager( ns , false );

        scoped_lock lk( _lock );
        CollectionInfo& ci = _collections[ns];
        massert( 14822 ,  (string)"state changed in the middle: " + ns , ci.isSharded() || ci.wasDropped() );
        ci.resetCM( temp.release() );
        return ci.getCM();
Exemplo n.º 4
Status ClusterAggregate::runAggregate(OperationContext* txn,
                                      const Namespaces& namespaces,
                                      BSONObj cmdObj,
                                      int options,
                                      BSONObjBuilder* result) {
    auto scopedShardDbStatus = ScopedShardDatabase::getExisting(txn, namespaces.executionNss.db());
    if (!scopedShardDbStatus.isOK()) {
            *result, scopedShardDbStatus.getStatus(), namespaces.requestedNss.ns());
        return Status::OK();

    auto request = AggregationRequest::parseFromBSON(namespaces.executionNss, cmdObj);
    if (!request.isOK()) {
        return request.getStatus();

    const auto conf = scopedShardDbStatus.getValue().db();

    // Determine the appropriate collation and 'resolve' involved namespaces to make the
    // ExpressionContext.

    // We won't try to execute anything on a mongos, but we still have to populate this map so that
    // any $lookups, etc. will be able to have a resolved view definition. It's okay that this is
    // incorrect, we will repopulate the real resolved namespace map on the mongod. Note that we
    // need to check if any involved collections are sharded before forwarding an aggregation
    // command on an unsharded collection.
    StringMap<ExpressionContext::ResolvedNamespace> resolvedNamespaces;
    LiteParsedPipeline liteParsedPipeline(request.getValue());
    for (auto&& ns : liteParsedPipeline.getInvolvedNamespaces()) {
        uassert(28769, str::stream() << ns.ns() << " cannot be sharded", !conf->isSharded(ns.ns()));
        resolvedNamespaces[ns.coll()] = {ns, std::vector<BSONObj>{}};

    if (!conf->isSharded(namespaces.executionNss.ns())) {
        return aggPassthrough(txn, namespaces, conf, cmdObj, result, options);

    auto chunkMgr = conf->getChunkManager(txn, namespaces.executionNss.ns());

    std::unique_ptr<CollatorInterface> collation;
    if (!request.getValue().getCollation().isEmpty()) {
        collation = uassertStatusOK(CollatorFactoryInterface::get(txn->getServiceContext())
    } else if (chunkMgr->getDefaultCollator()) {
        collation = chunkMgr->getDefaultCollator()->clone();

    boost::intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> mergeCtx = new ExpressionContext(
        txn, request.getValue(), std::move(collation), std::move(resolvedNamespaces));
    mergeCtx->inRouter = true;
    // explicitly *not* setting mergeCtx->tempDir

    // Parse and optimize the pipeline specification.
    auto pipeline = Pipeline::parse(request.getValue().getPipeline(), mergeCtx);
    if (!pipeline.isOK()) {
        return pipeline.getStatus();


    // If the first $match stage is an exact match on the shard key (with a simple collation or
    // no string matching), we only have to send it to one shard, so send the command to that
    // shard.
    BSONObj firstMatchQuery = pipeline.getValue()->getInitialQuery();
    BSONObj shardKeyMatches;
    shardKeyMatches = uassertStatusOK(
        chunkMgr->getShardKeyPattern().extractShardKeyFromQuery(txn, firstMatchQuery));
    bool singleShard = false;
    if (!shardKeyMatches.isEmpty()) {
        auto chunk = chunkMgr->findIntersectingChunk(
            txn, shardKeyMatches, request.getValue().getCollation());
        if (chunk.isOK()) {
            singleShard = true;

    // Don't need to split pipeline if the first $match is an exact match on shard key, unless
    // there is a stage that needs to be run on the primary shard.
    const bool needPrimaryShardMerger = pipeline.getValue()->needsPrimaryShardMerger();
    const bool needSplit = !singleShard || needPrimaryShardMerger;

    // Split the pipeline into pieces for mongod(s) and this mongos. If needSplit is true,
    // 'pipeline' will become the merger side.
    boost::intrusive_ptr<Pipeline> shardPipeline(needSplit ? pipeline.getValue()->splitForSharded()
                                                           : pipeline.getValue());

    // Create the command for the shards. The 'fromRouter' field means produce output to be
    // merged.
    MutableDocument commandBuilder(request.getValue().serializeToCommandObj());
    commandBuilder[AggregationRequest::kPipelineName] = Value(shardPipeline->serialize());
    if (needSplit) {
        commandBuilder[AggregationRequest::kFromRouterName] = Value(true);
        commandBuilder[AggregationRequest::kCursorName] =
            Value(DOC(AggregationRequest::kBatchSizeName << 0));

    // These fields are not part of the AggregationRequest since they are not handled by the
    // aggregation subsystem, so we serialize them separately.
    const std::initializer_list<StringData> fieldsToPropagateToShards = {
        "$queryOptions", "readConcern", QueryRequest::cmdOptionMaxTimeMS,
    for (auto&& field : fieldsToPropagateToShards) {
        commandBuilder[field] = Value(cmdObj[field]);

    BSONObj shardedCommand = commandBuilder.freeze().toBson();
    BSONObj shardQuery = shardPipeline->getInitialQuery();

    // Run the command on the shards
    // TODO need to make sure cursors are killed if a retry is needed
    std::vector<Strategy::CommandResult> shardResults;

    if (mergeCtx->isExplain) {
        // This must be checked before we start modifying result.

        if (needSplit) {
            *result << "needsPrimaryShardMerger" << needPrimaryShardMerger << "splitPipeline"
                    << DOC("shardsPart" << shardPipeline->writeExplainOps() << "mergerPart"
                                        << pipeline.getValue()->writeExplainOps());
        } else {
            *result << "splitPipeline" << BSONNULL;

        BSONObjBuilder shardExplains(result->subobjStart("shards"));
        for (size_t i = 0; i < shardResults.size(); i++) {
                                 BSON("host" << shardResults[i].target.toString() << "stages"
                                             << shardResults[i].result["stages"]));

        return Status::OK();

    if (!needSplit) {
        invariant(shardResults.size() == 1);
        invariant(shardResults[0].target.getServers().size() == 1);
        auto executorPool = Grid::get(txn)->getExecutorPool();
        const BSONObj reply =
        return getStatusFromCommandResult(reply);

        DocumentSourceMergeCursors::create(parseCursors(shardResults), mergeCtx));

    MutableDocument mergeCmd(request.getValue().serializeToCommandObj());
    mergeCmd["pipeline"] = Value(pipeline.getValue()->serialize());
    mergeCmd["cursor"] = Value(cmdObj["cursor"]);

    if (cmdObj.hasField("$queryOptions")) {
        mergeCmd["$queryOptions"] = Value(cmdObj["$queryOptions"]);

    if (cmdObj.hasField(QueryRequest::cmdOptionMaxTimeMS)) {
        mergeCmd[QueryRequest::cmdOptionMaxTimeMS] =

    mergeCmd.setField("writeConcern", Value(cmdObj["writeConcern"]));
    mergeCmd.setField("readConcern", Value(cmdObj["readConcern"]));

    // If the user didn't specify a collation already, make sure there's a collation attached to
    // the merge command, since the merging shard may not have the collection metadata.
    if (mergeCmd.peek()["collation"].missing()) {
                              ? Value(mergeCtx->getCollator()->getSpec().toBSON())
                              : Value(Document{CollationSpec::kSimpleSpec}));

    std::string outputNsOrEmpty;
    if (DocumentSourceOut* out =
            dynamic_cast<DocumentSourceOut*>(pipeline.getValue()->getSources().back().get())) {
        outputNsOrEmpty = out->getOutputNs().ns();

    // Run merging command on random shard, unless a stage needs the primary shard. Need to use
    // ShardConnection so that the merging mongod is sent the config servers on connection init.
    auto& prng = txn->getClient()->getPrng();
    const auto& mergingShardId =
        (needPrimaryShardMerger || internalQueryAlwaysMergeOnPrimaryShard.load())
        ? conf->getPrimaryId()
        : shardResults[prng.nextInt32(shardResults.size())].shardTargetId;
    const auto mergingShard =
        uassertStatusOK(Grid::get(txn)->shardRegistry()->getShard(txn, mergingShardId));

    ShardConnection conn(mergingShard->getConnString(), outputNsOrEmpty);
    BSONObj mergedResults =
        aggRunCommand(txn, conn.get(), namespaces, mergeCmd.freeze().toBson(), options);

    if (auto wcErrorElem = mergedResults["writeConcernError"]) {
        appendWriteConcernErrorToCmdResponse(mergingShardId, wcErrorElem, *result);

    // Copy output from merging (primary) shard to the output object from our command.
    // Also, propagates errmsg and code if ok == false.

    return getStatusFromCommandResult(result->asTempObj());