Exemplo n.º 1
    void setComponentUnderMouse (Component* const newComponent, const Point<int>& screenPos, const Time& time)
        Component* current = getComponentUnderMouse();

        if (newComponent != current)
            WeakReference<Component> safeNewComp (newComponent);
            const ModifierKeys originalButtonState (buttonState);

            if (current != nullptr)
                WeakReference<Component> safeOldComp (current);
                setButtons (screenPos, time, ModifierKeys());

                if (safeOldComp != nullptr)
                    sendMouseExit (current, screenPos, time);

                buttonState = originalButtonState;

            componentUnderMouse = safeNewComp;
            current = getComponentUnderMouse();

            if (current != nullptr)
                sendMouseEnter (current, screenPos, time);

            revealCursor (false);
            setButtons (screenPos, time, originalButtonState);
Exemplo n.º 2
    // (returns true if the button change caused a modal event loop)
    bool setButtons (const Point<int>& screenPos, const Time& time, const ModifierKeys& newButtonState)
        if (buttonState == newButtonState)
            return false;

        // (avoid sending a spurious mouse-drag when we receive a mouse-up)
        if (! (isDragging() && ! newButtonState.isAnyMouseButtonDown()))
            setScreenPos (screenPos, time, false);

        // (ignore secondary clicks when there's already a button down)
        if (buttonState.isAnyMouseButtonDown() == newButtonState.isAnyMouseButtonDown())
            buttonState = newButtonState;
            return false;

        const int lastCounter = mouseEventCounter;

        if (buttonState.isAnyMouseButtonDown())
            Component* const current = getComponentUnderMouse();

            if (current != nullptr)
                const ModifierKeys oldMods (getCurrentModifiers());
                buttonState = newButtonState; // must change this before calling sendMouseUp, in case it runs a modal loop

                sendMouseUp (current, screenPos + unboundedMouseOffset, time, oldMods);

            enableUnboundedMouseMovement (false, false);

        buttonState = newButtonState;

        if (buttonState.isAnyMouseButtonDown())

            Component* const current = getComponentUnderMouse();

            if (current != nullptr)
                registerMouseDown (screenPos, time, current, buttonState);
                sendMouseDown (current, screenPos, time);

        return lastCounter != mouseEventCounter;
Exemplo n.º 3
    void setScreenPos (Point<float> newScreenPos, Time time, const bool forceUpdate)
        if (! isDragging())
            setComponentUnderMouse (findComponentAt (newScreenPos), newScreenPos, time);

        if (newScreenPos != lastScreenPos || forceUpdate)
            lastScreenPos = newScreenPos;

            if (Component* const current = getComponentUnderMouse())
                if (isDragging())
                    registerMouseDrag (newScreenPos);
                    sendMouseDrag (*current, newScreenPos + unboundedMouseOffset, time);

                    if (isUnboundedMouseModeOn)
                        handleUnboundedDrag (*current);
                    sendMouseMove (*current, newScreenPos, time);

            revealCursor (false);
Exemplo n.º 4
    void revealCursor (bool forcedUpdate)
        MouseCursor mc (MouseCursor::NormalCursor);

        if (Component* current = getComponentUnderMouse())
            mc = current->getLookAndFeel().getMouseCursorFor (*current);

        showMouseCursor (mc, forcedUpdate);
Exemplo n.º 5
void TooltipWindow::timerCallback()
    auto& desktop = Desktop::getInstance();
    auto mouseSource = desktop.getMainMouseSource();
    auto now = Time::getApproximateMillisecondCounter();

    auto* newComp = mouseSource.isTouch() ? nullptr : mouseSource.getComponentUnderMouse();
    auto newTip = newComp != nullptr ? getTipFor (*newComp) : String();
    bool tipChanged = (newTip != lastTipUnderMouse || newComp != lastComponentUnderMouse);
    lastComponentUnderMouse = newComp;
    lastTipUnderMouse = newTip;

    auto clickCount = desktop.getMouseButtonClickCounter();
    auto wheelCount = desktop.getMouseWheelMoveCounter();
    bool mouseWasClicked = (clickCount > mouseClicks || wheelCount > mouseWheelMoves);
    mouseClicks = clickCount;
    mouseWheelMoves = wheelCount;

    auto mousePos = mouseSource.getScreenPosition();
    bool mouseMovedQuickly = mousePos.getDistanceFrom (lastMousePos) > 12;
    lastMousePos = mousePos;

    if (tipChanged || mouseWasClicked || mouseMovedQuickly)
        lastCompChangeTime = now;

    if (isVisible() || now < lastHideTime + 500)
        // if a tip is currently visible (or has just disappeared), update to a new one
        // immediately if needed..
        if (newComp == nullptr || mouseWasClicked || newTip.isEmpty())
            if (isVisible())
                lastHideTime = now;
        else if (tipChanged)
            displayTip (mousePos.roundToInt(), newTip);
        // if there isn't currently a tip, but one is needed, only let it
        // appear after a timeout..
        if (newTip.isNotEmpty()
             && newTip != tipShowing
             && now > lastCompChangeTime + (uint32) millisecondsBeforeTipAppears)
            displayTip (mousePos.roundToInt(), newTip);
Exemplo n.º 6
    Component* getTargetForGesture (ComponentPeer& peer, Point<float> positionWithinPeer,
                                    Time time, Point<float>& screenPos)
        lastTime = time;

        screenPos = peer.localToGlobal (positionWithinPeer);
        setPeer (peer, screenPos, time);
        setScreenPos (screenPos, time, false);

        return isDragging() ? nullptr : getComponentUnderMouse();
Exemplo n.º 7
    Component* getTargetForGesture (ComponentPeer* const peer, const Point<int>& positionWithinPeer,
                                    const Time& time, Point<int>& screenPos)
        jassert (peer != nullptr);
        lastTime = time;

        screenPos = peer->localToGlobal (positionWithinPeer);
        setPeer (peer, screenPos, time);
        setScreenPos (screenPos, time, false);

        return isDragging() ? nullptr : getComponentUnderMouse();
Exemplo n.º 8
    void handleWheel (ComponentPeer* const peer, const Point<int>& positionWithinPeer, const Time& time, float x, float y)
        jassert (peer != nullptr);
        lastTime = time;
        const Point<int> screenPos (peer->localToGlobal (positionWithinPeer));

        setPeer (peer, screenPos, time);
        setScreenPos (screenPos, time, false);

        if (! isDragging())
            Component* current = getComponentUnderMouse();
            if (current != nullptr)
                sendMouseWheel (current, screenPos, time, x, y);
Exemplo n.º 9
    void handleWheel (ComponentPeer* const peer, const Point<int>& positionWithinPeer,
                      const Time& time, const MouseWheelDetails& wheel)
        jassert (peer != nullptr);
        lastTime = time;

        const Point<int> screenPos (peer->localToGlobal (positionWithinPeer));
        setPeer (peer, screenPos, time);
        setScreenPos (screenPos, time, false);

        if (! isDragging())
            Component* current = getComponentUnderMouse();
            if (current != nullptr)
                sendMouseWheel (current, screenPos, time, wheel);
Exemplo n.º 10
    void enableUnboundedMouseMovement (bool enable, bool keepCursorVisibleUntilOffscreen)
        enable = enable && isDragging();
        isCursorVisibleUntilOffscreen = keepCursorVisibleUntilOffscreen;

        if (enable != isUnboundedMouseModeOn)
            if ((! enable) && ((! isCursorVisibleUntilOffscreen) || ! unboundedMouseOffset.isOrigin()))
                // when released, return the mouse to within the component's bounds
                if (Component* current = getComponentUnderMouse())
                    setScreenPosition (current->getScreenBounds().toFloat()
                                          .getConstrainedPoint (ScalingHelpers::unscaledScreenPosToScaled (lastScreenPos)));

            isUnboundedMouseModeOn = enable;
            unboundedMouseOffset = Point<float>();

            revealCursor (true);
Exemplo n.º 11
    void enableUnboundedMouseMovement (bool enable, bool keepCursorVisibleUntilOffscreen)
        enable = enable && isDragging();
        isCursorVisibleUntilOffscreen = keepCursorVisibleUntilOffscreen;

        if (enable != isUnboundedMouseModeOn)
            if ((! enable) && ((! isCursorVisibleUntilOffscreen) || ! unboundedMouseOffset.isOrigin()))
                // when released, return the mouse to within the component's bounds
                Component* current = getComponentUnderMouse();
                if (current != nullptr)
                    Desktop::setMousePosition (current->getScreenBounds()
                                                 .getConstrainedPoint (lastScreenPos));

            isUnboundedMouseModeOn = enable;
            unboundedMouseOffset = Point<int>();

            revealCursor (true);