Exemplo n.º 1
template <typename PointNT> bool
pcl::GridProjection<PointNT>::isIntersected (const std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4f> > &end_pts,
                                             std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector3f> > &vect_at_end_pts,
                                             std::vector <int> &pt_union_indices)
  assert (end_pts.size () == 2);
  assert (vect_at_end_pts.size () == 2);

  double length[2];
  for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
    length[i] = vect_at_end_pts[i].norm ();
    vect_at_end_pts[i].normalize ();
  double dot_prod = vect_at_end_pts[0].dot (vect_at_end_pts[1]);
  if (dot_prod < 0)
    double ratio = length[0] / (length[0] + length[1]);
    Eigen::Vector4f start_pt = 
      end_pts[0] + (end_pts[1] - end_pts[0]) * static_cast<float> (ratio);
    Eigen::Vector4f intersection_pt = Eigen::Vector4f::Zero ();
    findIntersection (0, end_pts, vect_at_end_pts, start_pt, pt_union_indices, intersection_pt);

    Eigen::Vector3f vec;
    getVectorAtPoint (intersection_pt, pt_union_indices, vec);
    vec.normalize ();

    double d2 = getD2AtPoint (intersection_pt, vec, pt_union_indices);
    if (d2 < 0)
      return (true);
  return (false);
Exemplo n.º 2
template <typename PointNT> void
pcl::GridProjection<PointNT>::getProjection (const Eigen::Vector4f &p,
                                             std::vector <int> &pt_union_indices, Eigen::Vector4f &projection)
  const double projection_distance = leaf_size_ * 3;
  std::vector<Eigen::Vector4f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector4f> > end_pt (2);
  std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector3f> > end_pt_vect (2);
  end_pt[0] = p;
  getVectorAtPoint (end_pt[0], pt_union_indices, end_pt_vect[0]);

  double dSecond = getD2AtPoint (end_pt[0], end_pt_vect[0], pt_union_indices);

  // Find another point which is projection_distance away from the p, do a
  // binary search between these two points, to find the projected point on the
  // surface
  if (dSecond > 0)
    end_pt[1] = end_pt[0] + Eigen::Vector4f (end_pt_vect[0][0] * projection_distance,
                                             end_pt_vect[0][1] * projection_distance,
                                             end_pt_vect[0][2] * projection_distance, 0);
    end_pt[1] = end_pt[0] - Eigen::Vector4f (end_pt_vect[0][0] * projection_distance,
                                             end_pt_vect[0][1] * projection_distance,
                                             end_pt_vect[0][2] * projection_distance, 0);
  getVectorAtPoint (end_pt[1], pt_union_indices, end_pt_vect[1]);
  if (end_pt_vect[1].dot (end_pt_vect[0]) < 0)
    Eigen::Vector4f mid_pt = end_pt[0] + (end_pt[1] - end_pt[0]) * 0.5;
    findIntersection (0, end_pt, end_pt_vect, mid_pt, pt_union_indices, projection);
    projection = p;